Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page




The Reasoning for the Book and Its Organization



Chapter 1. Silicon Photonics: Disruptive and Ready for Prime Time


1.1 Introduction

1.2 Silicon Photonics: An Introduction

1.3 The Significance of Silicon Photonics

1.4 The Status of Silicon Photonics

1.5 Silicon Photonics: Market Opportunities and Industry Disruption


Chapter 2. Layers and the Evolution of Communications Networks


2.1 Introduction

2.2 The Concept of Layering

2.3 The Telecom Network—Layer 4

2.4 The Data Center—Layer 3

2.5 Platforms—Layer 2

2.6 The Silicon Chip—Layer 1

2.7 Telecom and Datacom Industry Challenges

2.8 Silicon Photonics: Why the Technology Is Important for All the Layers


Chapter 3. The Long March to a Silicon-Photonics Union


3.1 Moore’s Law and 50 Years of the Chip Industry

3.2 How Photonics Can Benefit Semiconductors

3.3 Silicon Photonics: From Building Blocks to Superchips

3.4 The Building Blocks of Silicon Photonics Integrated Circuits


Chapter 4. The Route to Market for Silicon Photonics


4.1 The Technology Adoption Curve

4.2 A Brief History of Silicon Photonics

4.3 Four Commercial Silicon Photonics Product Case Studies

4.4 What Silicon Photonics Needs to Go Mainstream

4.5 100-Gb Market Revenues Are Insufficient for Silicon Photonics

4.6 The Silicon Photonics Ecosystem: A State-of-the-Industry Report


Chapter 5. Metro and Long-Haul Network Growth Demands Exponential Progress


5.1 The Changing Nature of Telecom

5.2 Internet Businesses Have the Fastest Network Traffic Growth

5.3 The Market Should Expect Cost-per-Transmitted-Bit to Rise

5.4 Data Center Interconnect Equipment

5.5 The Role of Silicon Photonics for Data Center Interconnect

5.6 Tackling Continual Traffic Growth

5.7 Pulling It All Together


Chapter 6. The Data Center: A Central Cog in the Digital Economy


6.1 Internet Content Providers Are Driving the New Economy

6.2 Cloud Computing: Another Growth Market

6.3 The Expansive Build-Out of Data Centers

6.4 Energy Consumption Poses the Greatest Data Center Challenge

6.5 Silicon Photonics Can Address Data Center Challenges


Chapter 7. Data Center Architectures and Opportunities for Silicon Photonics


7.1 Introduction

7.2 Internet Content Providers Are the New Drivers of Photonics

7.3 Data Center Networking Architectures and Their Limitations

7.4 Embedding Optics to Benefit Systems

7.5 Data Center Input–Output Challenges

7.6 Adding Photonics to Ultralarge-Scale Chips

7.7 Pulling It All Together


Chapter 8. The Likely Course of Silicon Photonics


8.1 Looking Back to See Ahead

8.2 The Market Opportunities for Silicon Photonics: The Present to 2026

8.3 The Great Cultural Divide

8.4 The Chip Industry Will Own Photonics


Appendix 1. Optical Communications Primer

A1.1 Optical Links

A1.2 Optical Component Technologies

A1.3 Attenuation Characteristics of Fiber

A1.4 Optical Modules


Appendix 2. Optical Transmission Techniques for Layer 4 Networks

A2.1 The Three Classes of Optical Channel

A2.2 Single-Carrier 100-Gb Transmission With Coherent Detection

A2.3 Improving Spectral Efficiency

A2.4 Higher-Order Modulation

A2.5 The Levers Used to Boost Transmission Capacity



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