Chapter 1

Silicon Photonics

Disruptive and Ready for Prime Time


This chapter introduces silicon photonics and addresses its importance. Silicon photonics is not just another optical technology for high-speed communications—it will ultimately benefit both photonics and electronics. It is also a strategically important systems technology, reflected by the spate of vendor acquisitions of silicon photonics startups. This chapter also looks at the status of silicon photonics, whether it has reached its tipping point, and notable market opportunities. Lastly, the question of whether silicon photonics is a disruptive technology is answered.


Silicon photonics; Moore’s law; indium phosphide; vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers; disruptive technology; systems; disaggregated servers

This is the interesting thing about technology, you never really know how successful it will be.

Vladimir Kozlov [1]

There is a difference between a viable technology and the commercial application of it.

Mario Paniccia [2]

1.1 Introduction

In the 1950s the world welcomed the rise of the electronic transistor, which ultimately led to the popularization of the computer. In the 1990s optical technology enabled the exponential growth of data transmission, connecting computers globally, which gave rise to the democratization of the Internet and the World Wide Web. The next step in the journey of the digital economy—the application of optics to electronic processes and vice versa—is silicon photonics.

Optics—the use of light to send signals through a transparent path—is playing an increasingly important role in communications across a vast scale of distances. For two decades or more, it has allowed the networks of the telecommunications operators—the telcos—to cope with huge annual growth in data traffic. Now photonics is also playing a central role in the data center, where Internet data is received, processed, and distributed.

Silicon photonics can be viewed in several ways. From an optical component industry perspective, it is the most recent technology to join several established technologies used to make optical devices. This is a valid but narrow viewpoint, because silicon photonics is much more than that.

Silicon photonics enables optical devices to be made on a silicon substrate and fabricated in a chip facility. The resulting devices are starting to be adopted by the optical industry, but the technology’s commonalities with the much larger semiconductor industry is raising its profile among the chip giants. It is a technology the chip industry recognizes it will need, to tackle input–output bottlenecks in its more complex chips. The adoption of silicon photonics by the semiconductor industry will have far-reaching consequences, as is explained in the book.

This chapter introduces silicon photonics and addresses its significance. The status of silicon photonics and whether it has reached its tipping point are also discussed. Two other points are tackled briefly: its market opportunities, and whether silicon photonics is disruptive. This chapter highlights key issues and themes that are expanded upon in the book.

1.2 Silicon Photonics: An Introduction

Silicon photonics luminary Professor John Bowers of the University of California, Santa Barbara describes silicon photonics as bringing CMOS processing to optics.

CMOS—short for complementary metal-oxide semiconductor—has been the bedrock technology of integrated circuits for decades, and chip-making is one of the most advanced mass volume manufacturing processes ever developed.

Hundreds or thousands of chips, millimeters in size, are processed in parallel on a single silicon wafer measuring 300 mm (12 in.) in diameter. The bigger the wafer, the more devices can be made on it and the better the economics of chip-making. Silicon wafers are processed in chip fabrication plants, known as fabs, that run 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Modern chip fabrication plants are hugely expensive factories, costing billions of dollars.

CMOS transistors made on wafers in these plants now have feature sizes as small as 14 nm, a fraction of the width of a human hair. Feature size refers to a key dimension of a transistor. The continual reduction in feature size by the chip industry has enabled ever more transistors to be crammed onto a chip, the consequences of which are described by Moore’s law. Based on an observation by Gordon E. Moore, the law states that the complexity of integrated circuits doubles every 18 months (later amended to every 24 months).

Silicon photonics aims to piggyback on the huge semiconductor industry—its know-how and the vast investments it has made over decades. Silicon photonics is not the same as the CMOS process used to make chips. Silicon photonics involves creating, processing, and detecting light and, not surprisingly, has its own manufacturing requirements that differ from those used to make electronic chips. These processes include not just the wafer processing to make the photonic circuits but also custom circuit testing equipment and device packaging.

But the benefits the semiconductor industry can bring to photonics are unquestionable. The chip-making process can be used to make efficient light pipes—waveguides—that direct the light between optical functions. The precision manufacturing of chip-making improves photonic device optical performance and device yields, and large silicon wafers benefit the economics of component making. The chip industry also brings packaging and testing benefits, as well as a sophisticated design tool environment.

Silicon has a key shortfall, however: it does not lase because it does not give off light—photons—when driven with electrons, a consequence of its electronic structure. Here, optical materials such as indium phosphide and gallium arsenide—known as III-V compounds based on the columns in the periodic table—are needed to provide a silicon photonic circuit’s light source, a topic discussed in Chapter 3, The Long March to a Silicon-Photonics Union.

The same applies to detecting light—converting photons to electrical current using a photodetector circuit. Silicon needs help, and here the element germanium is used. The chipmakers have already been down this path of adding materials to advance CMOS, so it is not a deal-breaker for silicon photonics. But as will be explained in Chapter 3, The Long March to a Silicon-Photonics Union, it is not trivial either, and several approaches are being pursued by the silicon photonics players.

Another distinction of silicon photonics is that, unlike chip-making, it uses much larger feature sizes. The minimum size of silicon photonics waveguides—the optical equivalent of wires—is governed by the light’s transmission wavelength. The light is in the infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum; its wavelength is several orders of magnitude larger than an electron, which means that much larger feature sizes and hence older CMOS processing nodes—at 130, 90, and 65 nm—are sufficient to make the optical waveguides.

Compared to today’s 14-nm CMOS processes, these larger CMOS sizes are archaic. CMOS manufacturing equipment already mothballed has been given a new lease of life, thanks to silicon photonics. And such processes, no longer state of the art, are far cheaper to operate. In turn, the optical masks used to pattern and construct the chips are a lot cheaper to make for these older processes.

In summary, while silicon photonics is driving its own requirements, being able to use a chip fabrication plant brings huge advantages such as precision manufacturing, device yield, and volume manufacturing, which ultimately promises cheaper chips.

Silicon photonics is not about using silicon for everything. That misses the point, says Professor Bowers. The key element is using silicon as a substrate—on 12-in. wafers rather than the smaller 2-,3- and 6-in. wafers used for indium phosphide or gallium arsenide optical devices—and having all the process capability of a modern silicon CMOS facility.

1.2.1 The Application of Silicon Photonics

There are several battle lines between the different technologies when it comes to communicating data. And these battle lines are shifting as data rates continue to grow.

One competitive battle is between optics and copper wire. Optical technology has long secured the role of sending core network traffic over long distances. The amounts of data are too vast and distances too great—hundreds and even thousands of kilometers—for this to be done using copper wire. That is because copper’s capacity-reach product is orders of magnitude lower than that of optical fiber.

The current battleground between copper and optics is over distances of several meters to a few kilometers. Copper wire is still used to deliver data to the home in the form of telephone wires and broadband services, but when it comes to data centers and the higher gigabits-per-second links used to connect equipment, copper starts to run out of steam after a few meters. The underlying trend is that optics continues to advance, slowly pushing copper’s use to ever shorter distances.

There is also competition within optics, between the three main technologies used to implement communications. Indium phosphide has secured the long reach while vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs), made using gallium arsenide, are used for tens of meters to a few hundred meters. And like copper, the reach of VCSELs diminishes as data rates continue to rise.

Silicon photonics is the newest of the three optical technologies. Being silicon-based, the technology suits being used ever closer to electronic chips. Silicon photonics has also been shown to work within an electronic chip, sending and receiving data on and off the chip. Such an application of silicon photonics is still some way off commercially, but it is coming. Fig. 1.1 shows the breadth of silicon photonics’ reach.

Figure 1.1 The reach of silicon photonics and other interconnect technologies. Based on “On-board Optical Interconnect,” CTR III TWG Report #3, MIT Microphotonics Center, April 2013, figure 2.

The issues of bandwidth and reach for the different optical technologies and for copper are discussed in Chapter 2, Layers and the Evolution of Communications Networks. Note that Fig. 1.1 segments distances into layers, a classification we introduce and expand upon in Chapter 2, Layers and the Evolution of Communications Networks.

1.3 The Significance of Silicon Photonics

The central tenet of silicon photonics is that it has an edge based on its ability to exploit the huge investment made over decades in the mass production of semiconductor chips. This is not something that established optical technologies such as indium phosphide and gallium arsenide can benefit from to the same degree. But while the basic premise is sound, the early reality of silicon photonics has proved more complex.

Silicon photonics uses silicon-on-insulator wafers. These 12-in. wafers are not mainstream silicon wafers but ones developed specifically for high-speed electronic circuits. However, silicon photonics benefits from the wafer’s insulating layer for optical waveguide construction. Optics uses three styles of paths to guide light. One is optical fiber, another is a planar waveguide, and the third is free-space optics. Optical waveguides play a central role in all the main silicon photonic circuit building blocks.

Much investment has been made—and more is needed—for silicon photonics to exploit the manufacturing capabilities of the semiconductor industry. So far, companies have developed their own particular silicon photonic devices that require different manufacturing processes, integration approaches, and schemes to attach the laser to the chip. As mentioned, silicon does not lase.

Another issue is component volumes. The success of the chip industry stems from its huge volumes. In 2015 some 1.4 billion smartphones [3] and 276 million laptops [4] were sold. In contrast, Acacia Communications—an early success story of the silicon photonics industry—announced in 2016 that it had sold 13,000 of its silicon photonics–based coherent optical transceivers, and that was over 2 years [5]. This equates to a few hundred 12-in. wafers a year—a trifling volume for today’s state-of-the-art semiconductor fabs. Such volumes hinder the full weight of the semiconductor industry coming into play and limit the interest of the big chip-making foundries—firms such as TSMC and GlobalFoundries that make the chips for “fabless” semiconductor firms.

So the notion of riding to prominence on the back of the chip industry has caveats, but silicon photonics has already benefited from the chip industry, and it will benefit the chip industry overall as is now explained.

To understand the significance of silicon photonics, several perspectives are used: what the semiconductor industry brings to silicon photonics, how silicon photonics benefits the chip industry, and how silicon photonics benefits systems design.

1.3.1 Silicon Photonics From a Photonics Perspective

From a photonics perspective, silicon photonics gains several inherent advantages by piggybacking on the chip industry.

• Larger wafers: Silicon photonics can exploit the chip industry’s much larger 12-in. silicon wafers. Given that some photonic circuit designs can occupy a relatively large die area, the cost of silicon photonic chip-making is lower than competing technologies due to more devices being made simultaneously on a wafer—a basic premise of the chip industry.

• Manufacturing precision and device yields: The chip industry has invested trillions of dollars in the chip-making process using masks, photoresist materials, and etching to shrink continually the feature sizes of transistors. Using such advanced manufacturing results in device yields that are higher compared to that of traditional photonic integrated circuits made using indium phosphide. Indeed, higher yields are what got Acacia Communications’ Chris Doerr, a veteran in indium phosphide photonic integrated circuit design, hooked on silicon photonics [6].
Doerr was at the famed US research institute, Bell Labs, for 17 years before joining Acacia in 2011. He spent the majority of his time at Bell Labs making indium phosphide–based optical devices and also planar lightwave circuits. Doerr had an opportunity to design a photonic integrated circuit using silicon photonics and chose to make a coherent receiver used for optical transport. What hooked Doerr was the high yield of the silicon photonic devices he made. He could assume each device worked, whereas when making complex indium phosphide designs, he would have to test half a dozen devices before finding a working one. And since yields were high, he could focus on making complex designs—devices with many photonic elements.
Silicon photonic circuits also match closely their simulation results. Indium phosphide is complex, says Doerr, now Acacia’s associate vice president of integrated photonics, and designers have to worry about composition effects and etching not being that precise. With silicon, the dimensions and optical performance are known with precision, meaning a design can also be simulated precisely, enhancing the design process.

• Silicon as an integration platform: Silicon not only implements optical waveguides and modulators (see Fig. 1.2)—used to encode digital data onto light before transmission—but also makes use of other materials such as germanium for photodetection. But it doesn’t end there. It is also possible to bond III-V materials such as indium phosphide and lithium niobate, a mainstay material for optical modulation, onto silicon and process it to become part of the working photonics circuit. This is the best of both worlds: using III-V and other materials when needed and the larger wafers and the processing of silicon [7]. This topic is discussed further in Chapter 3, The Long March to a Silicon-Photonics Union.

Figure 1.2 Silicon as an optical integration platform. Julien Happich, “CMOS-compatible intra-chip photonics brings new class of sensors”, <>, Courtesy of EETimes, October 15, 2013.

1.3.2 Silicon Photonics From a Semiconductor Perspective

The semiconductor industry has benefited from Moore’s law for over half a century. This has resulted in the continual advancement in the processing power of computer chips and ever denser memory chips, delivered like clockwork with each new generation of integrated circuit while costing about the same. Now the chip industry faces its own challenges as Moore’s law finally comes to an end.

The industry is looking at novel ways to squeeze more life out of Moore’s law but realizes that other strategies are needed if progress is to continue at the rate that Moore’s law has consistently delivered.

One issue is getting data on and off the chip. For more advanced chips such as switch chips that are used to connect the computing resources in a data center, this input–output issue is becoming a pinch point. Optics can be used to tackle chip input–output bottlenecks as well as extend the reach while lowering the power consumption compared to today’s high-speed electronic signaling (Fig. 1.3).

Figure 1.3 Optics to interconnect chips. © 2016 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission, from Levi AFJ. Challenges for photonics in future systems. In: Biophotonics/optical interconnects and VLSI photonics/WBM microcavities, 2004 Digest of the LEOS summer topical meetings; 2004. p. 1–2.

Electronics already plays an important role for optics. It can be used to improve the performance of optics, enabling what some call smart photonics. Examples include the digital signal processing techniques used to compensate optical transmission impairments in fiber over long distances, detailed in Chapter 5, Metro and Long-Haul Network Growth Demands Exponential Progress, as well as circuitry to control the stability of certain optical devices for tasks such as modulation.

Indeed, optics and electronics have even been combined on a single silicon photonics chip. Two companies, Luxtera and IBM, have developed single-chip monolithic designs combining the drive electronics with optics. Luxtera and the industry in general have since chosen to separate the two domains, with each on a separate chip fabricated using an appropriate CMOS process node: an advanced feature node for the electronics and an older CMOS node suited for the larger optical features. The two chips are then co-packaged.

Creating compact single-chip photonic devices and using electronics to improve the performance of optical designs highlight the beneficial relationship between photonics and electronics. But the most significant development is how silicon photonics promises to benefit chip design in terms of greatly enhancing a chip’s input–output capacity. And by doing so, it also benefits systems design, as discussed in Chapter 7, Data Center Architectures and Opportunities for Silicon Photonics.

1.3.3 Silicon Photonics From a System Perspective

When we refer to a system, we mean equipment that combines several technologies—or functional blocks—to perform a task. This task typically involves taking an input and processing it to produce an output. One example is a server, a rack of cards on which sit advanced microprocessors, memory, storage, and networking chips. The systems encountered in this book comprise various technologies to perform such tasks as computing, networking, data storage, and sensing, or combinations of these tasks.

One trend in the data center is the development of disaggregating systems, where the basic elements that make up a system are being rearranged and separated in a nontraditional way to deliver a performance or an operational benefit. But for this to work, what is needed is a high-bandwidth, cheap interconnect to link the disparate parts of the system.

One example is the disaggregated server. Here, the components making up the server—the processors, storage, and memory—are pooled separately but interconnected using high-speed links (Fig. 1.4).

Figure 1.4 Disaggregated server where compute, storage, and memory are each pooled and they share networking. Max Smolaks, “Ericsson to sell Intel’s hyperscale kit to network operators”, <>, March 3, 2015.*

The benefits of a disaggregated architecture are that different units can be upgraded as required—e.g., a processor node—without having to upgrade the complete server, thereby saving expense. Equally, the cooling needed for the equipment can be customized to the particular units generating the most heat.

At present such links in disaggregated systems can be made with copper or with VCSELs, but as the system elements continue to improve in performance and speed, this is an obvious application for silicon photonics. We discuss this in Chapter 7, Data Center Architectures and Opportunities for Silicon Photonics.

Another example of how silicon photonics can benefit systems is a microprocessor design that uses optics for its off-chip communications. A group of academics from several US universities have used a standard 45-nm CMOS process from IBM to create an advanced processor having optical input–output on a single chip [8]. Here the bulk of the chip area is digital logic, with the silicon photonics accounting for a small fraction of the die area. Such a design is not yet commercially viable, but it is a key milestone because it already demonstrates a capability that will be needed in future.

These systems examples highlight the beneficial relationship between photonics and electronics, with photonics delivering bandwidth and performance benefits.

Indeed, many argue that for the chip industry to progress, greater thought must be given to system design innovation, especially as Moore’s law, with its guaranteed chip performance benefits delivered on cue every two years, comes to an end. System innovation has always been a design challenge for engineers but promises to be even more so in future because of the demise of Moore’s law.

In recent years it has been the systems vendors—companies such as Cisco Systems, Juniper Networks, Mellanox, Huawei, and Ciena—that have been acquiring silicon photonics startups. They realize they will need silicon photonics expertise for the design of their own systems and for their custom chips.

Silicon photonics can therefore be seen as an important and timely technology adjunct for the chip industry. Andrew Rickman, tackling switch system innovation for the data center with his startup Rockley Photonics, is a firm believer that system design is where silicon photonics promises unique benefits [9].

For Rickman, using silicon photonics to make an optical component is not playing to its strengths. You can look at nanoelectronics in isolation and use silicon photonics for chip-to-chip communications, a good thing to do, he stresses. Or you can address, as Rockley aims to do, Moore’s law and the input–output limitations within a complete system the size of a data center, where hundreds of thousands of computers are interconnected. Clearly the scale of the problem being tackled—data center scaling versus solving an individual problem around a chip—results in a different approach, says Rickman.

Professor Richard Soref, described as the founding father of silicon photonics, holds a similar view. He is already thinking about new emerging applications for silicon photonics such as sensors and microwave photonics [10].

Soref talks about the near-infrared and part of the mid-infrared spectral range: 1.5–5 µm. This is above the spectral range of light used for datacom and telecom applications. VCSELs operate at 0.85 µm typically while long-range optical transport is around 1.5 µm.

The applications in this higher spectral range include system-on-a-chip, lab-on-a-chip, sensor-on-a-chip, and sensor-fusion-on-a-chip for such applications as chemical, biological, medical, and environmental sensing. Such sensor chips could find their way into your future smartphone and play an important role in the emerging Internet of Things, says Soref.

These are different systems from the ones associated with telecom and datacom but systems nonetheless.

1.4 The Status of Silicon Photonics

Silicon photonics has still to reach its tipping point despite being used in commercial products. By tipping point we mean the point when the technology transitions from early specialist applications to become pervasive.

The concept of a tipping point, popularized in the bestseller by Malcolm Gladwell, describes the moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold and spreads like wildfire [11].

Clearly silicon photonics is still in its infancy and cannot be described as pervasive. And technology always advances at a more sedate pace than wildfire. But while it took close to 20 years (1985–2005) for silicon photonics to advance from a core idea to first products, the last decade (2005–15) has seen significant progress in its development. Now, various elements are being put into place such that silicon photonics is entering the final straight, with the tipping point finishing line within sight (see Fig. 1.5).

Figure 1.5 Silicon photonics’ evolution from a core idea in 1985 to approaching its tipping point.

Luminaries that have done much to develop the field of silicon photonics have conflicting views as to whether the technology has reached its tipping point.

Mario Paniccia, who headed Intel’s silicon photonics program until 2015, defines silicon photonics’ tipping point as when people start believing the technology is viable and are willing to invest [2]. AIM Photonics, the $610 million publicly and privately funded initiative set up in 2015, is one indicator of that willingness [12]; Acacia’s successful initial public offering in May 2016 is another. Not only is silicon photonics being seen as viable, but players are investing significant funds to commercialize the technology. Paniccia also points to the many companies now selling commercialized silicon photonics. In his view, silicon photonics’ tipping point has passed.

Another luminary, Graham Reed, Professor of silicon photonics at the University of Southampton’s Optoelectronics Research Centre, gives an academic perspective. In the 1990s it was a challenge to get funding to research silicon photonics, he says. Now, his group is regularly approached by companies from all over the world that are either active in silicon photonics or plan to enter the market.

Given how some of the largest companies have been investing in silicon photonics for over a decade, Reed is surprised that more products are not available commercially. But he believes it is inconceivable that the firms that have made the investments will not launch products. So, in that sense, the tipping point has already been and gone, argues Reed. All these events are of a technology pointing to mass market, he says.

Reed describes this as an industry “quiet period,” with photonics companies working to commercialize their technologies, and systems vendors developing next-generation products and evaluating various technological options. It is just a question of time before a vendor “jumps” and the market takes off—and he is confident somebody will jump. Once that happens, he expects a period of ferocious activity to follow [13].

Other luminaries do not yet see the tipping point, Richard Soref being one. For silicon photonics to be ubiquitous, it will take much investment and many commercial results, he says, and we are not at that stage.

There are hurdles for silicon photonics to overcome, and some of them are chicken-and-egg ones. Foundries will be interested in offering silicon photonics fabrication services once there are large unit volumes, but that requires a variety of companies—fabless chip players, sensor companies, and systems houses—to have their designs made in volume.

At present companies are developing custom solutions for manufacturing and packaging, as mentioned. This presents a barrier to entry to those interested in using the technology but lacking the resources to develop their own solutions. And while some of the existing silicon photonics companies may consider making their technology available to the industry, they will only make additional investment if there is enough interest—another chicken-and-egg situation.

A key industry focus is to improve the manufacturing of silicon photonics circuits on a commercial scale, a hurdle that must be overcome for widespread use to occur. Silicon photonics players such as Acacia Communications, IBM, Intel, Luxtera, Mellanox Technologies, STMicroelectronics, Macom, Kaiam, Cisco Systems, Oracle, and Juniper Networks are investing and developing silicon photonics circuit design and packaging, but they are using custom approaches based on their own intellectual property. Until there are higher volumes, foundries may not make the investment to take their intellectual property to the next level to offer it commercially to interested parties.

There is a complex interaction between technology advancement, volume demand, and manufacturing progress, as shown in Fig. 1.6. The technical and manufacturing challenges facing the industry are engineering issues rather than show-stoppers. Engineering effort and investment will thus resolve these challenges rather than requiring some fundamental innovation that cannot be scheduled or predicted. This is why we are confident silicon photonics will reach its tipping point.

Figure 1.6 The remaining stages before silicon photonics reaches its tipping point.

Many of the conditions that must be met for silicon photonics to reach its tipping point are now in place. Investment in the technology is healthy and increasing, more companies are embracing it, and a wider base of products is coming to market.

But the technology is not widely adopted, and applications that will deliver significant unit volumes have yet to start.

We expect silicon photonics to break out in the coming years. At some stage around 2021, it will become evident that silicon photonics has reached its tipping point. What is happening now can best be described as entering the era of silicon photonics.

1.5 Silicon Photonics: Market Opportunities and Industry Disruption

For completeness, we end this chapter by touching briefly on two other core issues regarding silicon photonics aside from its significance and status. The first is the market opportunities going forward for the technology. There is also the question of whether silicon photonics is disruptive. These two issues are discussed in Chapter 8, The Likely Course of Silicon Photonics, which brings the book to a close.

1.5.1 The Market Opportunities for Silicon Photonics

Optical transport for telecom and connecting equipment in the data center are applications that are already using silicon photonics commercially, and these will be the main markets driving the technology in the near term—from now till 2021. Chapter 8, The Likely Course of Silicon Photonics, presents silicon photonics market research forecast data supporting this.

Mid-term, from 2021 to 2026, the datacom and telecom markets will continue to grow, with silicon photonics being used for shorter-reach links currently served by VCSELs. During this mid-term period, other markets—sensors, devices for microwave photonics, medical devices, Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR, a technology similar to radar that uses laser light to distinguish much finer details of an environment and which can be used in vehicles and robotics), and nontraditional computing—will begin to emerge.

What about pitfalls? If silicon photonics takes too long to develop, companies pursuing the technology could struggle to generate sufficient revenues and it could end up being a niche technology.

We do not believe that will happen. While traditional photonics technologies are proven, silicon photonics has unique advantages. Investment in silicon photonics is growing, as is the number of players pursuing the technology. And the required supply chain needed by companies to exploit the technology is taking shape.

The visible market of optical technologies linking equipment in the data center and across telecom networks may be limited, but system vendors will increasingly use silicon photonics in their equipment. Mid-term, this trend will continue: silicon photonics will be used for more and more interconnect applications, boosting volumes further. And the technology will find its way into systems such as servers and switch architectures to address the scaling of data center networking and the linking of data centers. Overall, market size will thus grow in design variety and in revenues.

And newer markets will also emerge. Their timing and prospects are less clear, and the pace of adoption of silicon photonics in these markets remains speculative. But these markets have requirements that will benefit from silicon photonics and its growing maturity fostered by the telecom and datacom markets. These markets will also drive their own requirements, advancing the technology and refining its manufacturing processes.

1.5.2 Silicon Photonics is a Disruptive Technology

Silicon photonics does not meet the classical definition of a disruptive technology—one that arrives meeting the low end of a market’s product requirements—yet it has the attributes to be disruptive. The technology is improving rapidly. And companies will be able to design a photonic circuit and have it made in a foundry. This “fabless” model is well known in the chip industry but is new to the optical component industry. Thus silicon photonics promises to change the traditional optical vendor supply chain and thereby disrupt the optical marketplace.

We equate the impact of silicon photonics to tectonic shifts and earthquakes. Tectonic shifts occur, but their effect in causing an earthquake is not immediate. Silicon photonics is the tectonic shift of the optical world, but its full impact has yet to be played out.

Finisar, the world’s leading optical component company and expert in indium phosphide and VCSEL technologies, has started working with silicon photonics for good reason. Notwithstanding the company’s earlier statements expressing reservations about silicon photonics [14], it has embraced the technology because it feels the plates shifting.

But perhaps the biggest disruption will result from having the technology embraced by leading chip companies. This clearly has started: Intel is one, STMicroelectronics is another.

When the technology starts to be offered as part of the chip design environment rather than as a photonic technology embraced by the optical industry for their component designs, this will be a tipping-point catalyst and disruptor combined.

Key Takeaways

• The advent of the transistor has given rise to ubiquitous computing, while optical technology has enabled the global transfer of data and the Internet. Silicon photonics brings together the two technologies—electronics and optics—to enable the continuing evolution of the digital economy.

• Silicon photonics involves the making of photonic devices on a silicon substrate fabricated in a chip CMOS fabrication facility.

• Interconnect technologies competing with silicon photonics include copper and established optical technologies such as indium phosphide and gallium arsenide. Silicon photonics can be used across a vast scale of distances for interconnect: within and between chips all the way to wide area networks spanning thousands of kilometers.

• Silicon photonics is more than just an interconnect technology. It will benefit chip design and the input–output bottleneck. It also benefits systems design, especially important with the demise of Moore’s law.

• The tipping point for silicon photonics has not been reached, but the main elements needed for the technology to become pervasive—including volume manufacturing—are being put in place.

• The main market applications for silicon photonics are telecom and datacom in the near term. Newer markets will also emerge such as sensors, LIDAR, medical devices, and microwave photonics.

• The disruptive force of silicon photonics will become evident when the semiconductor industry offers optics as a design element in its toolbox.

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