
  1. any time data (ATD) class
    1. CSC see control and scheduling component (CSC)
    2. data transfer
    3. logical channels
    4. performance evaluation
      1. channel delay vs. congestion
      2. data session vs. delay
      3. network utilization
      4. user performance
    5. segregation mechanism
  2. application user interface
    1. app-delay sensitivity settings
    2. bandwidth consumption
    3. budget adjustment
    4. functionality goals
    5. indicator bar
    6. parental control
    7. price information
    8. usage history
    9. usage notifications
  3. approximate-coverage model
  4. asynchronous content delivery and pricing
    1. mobile data traffic
      1. operator profits
      2. variations and peak-time congestion
      3. yield management
    2. time-shifting traffic see time-shifting traffic
    3. user survey
      1. adoption
      2. delay elasticity
      3. delay tolerance
      4. price sensitivity
      5. pricing interface
      6. QoE
      7. setup and goals
  5. atom library
  6. backbone network
    1. aggregate-peak-device
    2. customer liability see customer liability
    3. device-level F-discrepancy see device-level F-discrepancy
    4. network-level F-discrepancy
    5. 95th percentile-customer
    6. peak-customer
    7. TCO discrepancy
    8. traffic metering method see traffic metering method
    9. traffic pattern
    10. volume-customer
  7. Bertrand model
  8. bilateral oligopoly model
  9. Broadband Internet Service BenchMARK (BISMark) router
  10. broadband service provider (BSP)
  11. buyer valuation model
    1. application value
    2. bidding proxy
    3. expected short-term value
    4. machine groups
    5. short-term bid
    6. SLAs
    7. transaction processing
  12. caching factors see congestion points
  13. capital expense (CAPEX) see customer cost
  14. CDN see content delivery network (CDN); content distribution network (CDN)
  15. cellular networks
  16. Cisco's Visual Networking Index (VNI)
  17. client monitoring component (CMC)
  18. cloud resource allocation
    1. Amazon EC2
    2. cloud computing
    3. cost-optimization approach
    4. deadline-dependent pricing
    5. demand and supply
    6. queuing-based models
    7. SLA-based pricing
    8. time-dependent pricing see time-dependent pricing (TDP)
    9. VM-based pricing see VM-based pricing
  19. color coding
  20. combinatorial market mechanism
    1. business value
    2. buyer valuation model see buyer valuation model
    3. efficiency
    4. goods allocation
    5. machine groups
    6. seller cost model
    7. SLA
    8. stochastic optimization problem
    9. winner-determination problem
  21. complete price (CP) differentiation
    1. concave utility function see concave utility function
    2. PP differentiation see partial price (PP) differentiation problem
    3. revenue gain
      1. effective market, users
      2. parameter k
      3. parameter t
      4. total resource
    4. service provider pricing
      1. admission control
      2. effective market threshold
      3. limited total resource
      4. nonconvex optimization problem
      5. properties
      6. resource allocation problem
    5. single pricing problem
      1. effective market
      2. group index threshold
      3. parameters
      4. price differentiation gain
      5. water-filling condition
    6. surplus maximization problem
  22. compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
  23. concave utility function
    1. compound group, clusters
      1. four-group effective market
      2. three-group effective market
    2. inequality condition
    3. inverse function
    4. optimal revenue
    5. resource constraint
    6. Stackelberg model
    7. water-filling problem
  24. congestion alleviation
    1. ad hoc networks
    2. caching content
    3. CDNs
    4. cellular networks
    5. content storage
    6. Internet
    7. IP network
    8. multicast transmission
    9. on-demand content
    10. unicast delivery
    11. video applications
    12. video delivery see video delivery
  25. congestion points
    1. caching remote content
    2. critical price rule
    3. demand-response model
    4. intuitive property
    5. Nash equilibrium
    6. one point
    7. proportion rule
    8. three points
    9. transit prices
  26. Connect America Fund (CAF)
  27. content delivery network (CDN)
    1. approximate-coverage model
    2. bilateral oligopoly model
    3. charging model
    4. dynamic analysis
      1. applications
      2. customer demand
      3. multiple-player analysis
      4. one-player analysis
    5. features
    6. market structure
      1. content producer
      2. dynamic voluntary game see dynamic voluntary game
      3. equilibrium state
      4. federation
    7. vs. multiple-choice market
    8. n-CDN pricing game
    9. precise-coverage model
    10. predictive analysis
    11. request based model
    12. static analysis
    13. supply chain
    14. two-CDN pricing game
      1. nonpredictive strategy
      2. predictive strategy
      3. price selection
    15. volume-based model
  28. content distribution network (CDN)
  29. content providers (CPs)
  30. control and scheduling component (CSC)
    1. admin component
    2. applications interface
    3. architecture
    4. client-side monitoring
    5. CMC
    6. DTDT protocol
    7. monitoring and data collection
    8. preloading content
    9. scheduling problem
      1. access point
      2. max-flow problem
      3. offline solution
      4. serial scheduling
    10. SMC
  31. cost minimization
    1. economical responsiveness
    2. infinite-horizon
    3. inflexible users
    4. nonconvexity of optimization
    5. proactive downloads
    6. user flexibility
  32. Cournot model
  33. cross-price elasticity
  34. customer cost
    1. backbone network see backbone network
    2. cost-sharing policy
    3. points of presence
    4. quality of service
    5. routers and links
    6. SLA
    7. toy infrastructure
  35. customer liability
    1. aggregate-peak-device
    2. device-level L-discrepancy
    3. network-level L-discrepancy
    4. peak-based cost sharing
    5. QoS constraints
    6. Shapley policy
    7. splitting cost
    8. trigger policy
  36. customer price sensitivity
    1. bill-and-keep system
    2. BSP
    3. CAF
    4. data
    5. econometric estimates
    6. end users conditions
    7. income elasticity
    8. Internet speed tiers
    9. long-distance
      1. carriers
      2. service
    10. model
    11. own- and cross-price elasticity
    12. price elasticity of demand
    13. variable descriptions
      1. percentage of population
      2. service tiers
      3. statistics
    14. voice service
  37. data center resource allocation
    1. application allocation
    2. attributes
    3. buyer and seller value
    4. buyer value function
    5. computational grids
    6. CPU
    7. greedy allocator
    8. hardware ownership
    9. high performance computing
    10. information gathering
    11. market model see combinatorial market mechanism
    12. MIP
    13. power consumption
    14. price of energy
    15. pricing
    16. realistic model of resources
    17. response time model
    18. scalability and complexity
    19. SLA
    20. static allocator
    21. utility computing
  38. data consumption
  39. day-ahead dynamic TDP (DDTDP)
    1. adaptive pricing
    2. application user interface see application user interface
    3. data plans and usage
    4. economic incentives
    5. field trial objectives
    6. granular price offerings
    7. implementation and setup
    8. participants, billing, and timeline
    9. pretrial focus groups
    10. price guarantees
    11. smart devices opinion
    12. usage statistics
    13. user choice empowerment
    14. user feedback mechanism
    15. user interface
  40. day-ahead electricity market
    1. consumers
    2. demand-side management
    3. electricity consumers flexibilities
    4. intermediaries
    5. ISO
    6. Nash equilibrium
    7. optimization and game theoretic techniques
    8. slotted time structure models
    9. smart grid
    10. suppliers
  41. degree of flexibility
  42. delay-elastic traffic
  43. delay-inelastic traffic
  44. device-level F-discrepancy
    1. vs. aggregate-peak-device policy
    2. customer and traffic percentage
    3. monthly cost
    4. time series
  45. device-level L-discrepancy
  46. disruption-tolerant data transfer (DTDT) protocol
  47. Dixit–Stiglitz utility function
  48. dual pricing algorithms
    1. channel gain matrix
    2. myopic and greedy approaches
    3. pareto optimal utility
    4. power and interference temperature
    5. wireless network duality
      1. channel fading matrix
      2. game theory
      3. interference load minimization
      4. interference temperature
      5. max–min weighted SINR problem
      6. nonsmooth special case
      7. Perron right eigenvectors
      8. primary and dual network
      9. smooth and nonsmooth utility functions
      10. software implementation
      11. spectral radius functions
      12. uplink–downlink duality
      13. utility maximization algorithm
      14. wireless cellular and ad-hoc networks
    6. wireless network utility maximization
      1. interference temperature constraint
      2. optimal value and solution
      3. Perron–Frobenius eigenvalue
      4. power constraint
      5. QoS measurement
      6. SINR assignment
      7. utility function
  49. dumb pipes
    1. nonuniform ordering
      1. consumer surplus
      2. higher profit
      3. quasi-bundling
      4. social surplus
    2. uniform ordering
      1. benefits
      2. consumer surplus
      3. discrimination problem
      4. incentive compatibility
      5. individual rationality
      6. net implication
      7. policy implication
      8. social surplus
      9. type-1 consumer
      10. type-2 consumer
  50. dynamic programming (DP) solutions
  51. dynamic revenue maximization with variable price (DRMVP)
  52. dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS)
  53. dynamic voluntary game
    1. average number
    2. investment strategy
    3. market shocks
    4. market state
    5. Markov perfect equilibrium theory
    6. perfect cartel game
    7. value equation
  54. economics-based pricing
    1. CP differentiation see complete price (CP) differentiation
    2. flat-fee pricing
    3. incomplete price differentiation see incentive-compatible complete price (ICCP) differentiation
    4. logarithmic utility function
    5. price differentiation taxonomy
      1. customer segmentation
      2. perfect price differentiation
      3. quantity-based charging
      4. revenue gain
    6. two-stage Stackelberg model
  55. end users (EUs)
    1. contract design, uncertain demand
    2. network neutrality
    3. NUM
    4. sponsored content
      1. billing cycle
      2. congestion cost
      3. content provider problem
      4. implementation issues
      5. insensitive transition probability
      6. Markov model
      7. per-byte end-user cost
      8. Poisson distribution
      9. sensitive transition probability
      10. service provider problem
      11. Stackelberg game
      12. standard deviation
      13. system profit function
      14. transition rates
      15. two-parameter contract, Pareto analysis
  56. eyeball-ISP provider
  57. fine-grained pricing
  58. first-price auction
  59. fixed prices
  60. flow model
    1. equilibrium problem, congestion cost
    2. factors
    3. graph network
    4. policy decision
  61. generalized second price (GSP) auction
  62. gross domestic product (GDP)
  63. human–computer interaction (HCI)
    1. bandwidth pricing
      1. dynamic forms, TDP
      2. speed-tier pricing
      3. variable pricing
    2. DataWiz screenshots
    3. DDTDP
      1. adaptive pricing
      2. application user interface see application user interface
      3. data plans and usage
      4. economic incentives
      5. field trial objectives
      6. granular price offerings
      7. implementation and setup
      8. participants, billing, and timeline
      9. pretrial focus groups
      10. price guarantees
      11. smart devices opinion
      12. usage statistics
      13. user choice empowerment
      14. user feedback mechanism
      15. user interface
    4. designing systems
    5. different evaluation methods
    6. energy market
    7. expert evaluations
    8. field trial
      1. experimental design
      2. qualitative and quantitative analysis
      3. questionnaires
      4. recruit participants
      5. variables and hypotheses
    9. higher QoS
    10. home networks
      1. data caps
      2. network management and QoS control
      3. throttling implications
    11. information communication
    12. interface design
    13. Internet ecosystem stakeholders
      1. application developer
      2. consumer viewpoints
      3. content providers
      4. operator perspectives
      5. policy evolution
    14. screen navigation
  64. hybrid network
    1. network roles and incentives
    2. P2P network see peer-to-peer (P2P) network model
    3. SBSD protocol
      1. algorithms
      2. flooding-based routing
      3. network provider
      4. network security
      5. query packets
      6. utility function
  65. incentive-compatible complete price (ICCP) differentiation
    1. maximum revenue
    2. partial price differentiation
    3. self-differentiation
    4. self-selection problem
  66. income elasticity
  67. Independent System Operator (ISO)
  68. Internet Demand Experiment (INDEX) project
  69. Internet service providers (ISPs)
    1. congestion points see congestion points
    2. eyeball-ISP provider
  70. Internet speed tiers
  71. IP network
  72. knapsack problems
    1. finite-horizon Markov decision process
    2. offline multiple-choice
    3. online stochastic process
  73. local measured service (LMS)
  74. local search approximation algorithm
  75. mean response time (MRT)
  76. mixed-integer programming (MIP)
  77. mobile network operators (MNOs)
  78. modular architecture design
    1. bitrate selection
    2. user profiler
    3. video compression
  79. multiple knapsack problem (MKP)
  80. multiple-choice knapsack problem (MCKP)
  81. n-CDN pricing game
  82. network neutrality
    1. applications
    2. CDN
    3. content providers (CPs)
    4. differentiable demand model
    5. interior Nash equilibria
    6. ISPs see Internet service providers (ISPs)
    7. product offers
    8. QoS management
    9. usage-priced access-bandwidth reservation
  83. network utility maximization (NUM)
  84. network-level L-discrepancy
  85. nonlinear Perron–Frobenius theory
  86. nonuniform ordering
    1. pricing problem, solution
    2. smart pipes vs. dumb pipes
      1. consumer surplus
      2. higher profit
      3. quasi-bundling
      4. social surplus
  87. NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem
  88. operational expense (OPEX) see customer cost
  89. optimal content viewing
    1. aggregate quality
    2. Dixit–Stiglitz utility function
    3. infinitesimal effect
    4. marginal quality
    5. utility function
  90. optimal policy
  91. own-price elasticity
  92. Paris metro pricing (PMP)
  93. partial price (PP) differentiation problem
    1. maximum revenue
    2. three-level decomposition
      1. cluster partition
      2. effective market size
      3. effective market threshold
      4. pricing and resource allocation
      5. super group
    3. trade-off
  94. peak-to-average ratio (PAR)
  95. peer-to-peer (P2P) network model
    1. advantages
    2. cellular network capacity
    3. congestion pricing
    4. flow model
      1. equilibrium problem, congestion cost
      2. factors
      3. graph network
      4. policy decision
    5. mobile nodes
    6. multi-hop wireless networks
    7. network congestion
    8. packet routing
    9. participation density
    10. Pigouvian tax model
    11. prioritization model
      1. divisible incentives
      2. indivisible incentives
      3. transportation domain
    12. quality of service
      1. algorithms
      2. distributed accounting
      3. network security
      4. organization
    13. routing performance
    14. static nodes
    15. voluntary participation model
    16. wired networks
    17. wireless networks
  96. Perron right eigenvectors
  97. Pigouvian tax model
  98. PLUTUS system
    1. ATD class see any time data (ATD) class
    2. cell networks
    3. data pricing
    4. PMP
    5. RAN
    6. SD class see surplus data (SD) class
  99. precise-coverage model
  100. predictable traffic conditions
    1. aggregate load
    2. flow deferrals and discount
    3. total delivery time
  101. price estimation
    1. demand curve
    2. DRMVP
    3. optimization problem
    4. revenue estimation
    5. revenue gain
  102. pricing under demand flexibility
    1. closed-loop system
    2. day-ahead electricity market
      1. consumers
      2. demand-side management
      3. electricity consumers flexibilities
      4. intermediaries
      5. ISO
      6. Nash equilibrium
      7. optimization and game theoretic techniques
      8. slotted time structure models
      9. smart grid
      10. suppliers
    3. demand-side characteristics
    4. demand-side dynamics
    5. demand-side flexibilities
    6. hourly and daily fluctuations
    7. numerical experiments
    8. optimal bundle pricing under discreteness
    9. optimal time-dependent pricing under convexity
    10. predictability of consumer activities
    11. and responsiveness
  103. pricing under predictable demand
    1. cost minimization
      1. economical responsiveness
      2. infinite-horizon cost minimization
      3. inflexible users
      4. nonconvexity of optimization
      5. proactive downloads
      6. user flexibility
    2. demand shaping and proactive download
      1. activity patterns
      2. demand profiles
      3. economical responsiveness
      4. interests and preferences
    3. machine learning and statistical modeling tools
    4. peak demand
    5. pricing policies, modified profiles
      1. economical responsiveness
      2. joint proactive download and demand shaping
      3. mapping functions
      4. price allocation step
      5. proactive data download without demand shaping
      6. quadratic cost function
    6. proactive data service
    7. proportional cost
  104. prioritization model
    1. divisible incentives
    2. indivisible incentives
    3. transportation domain
  105. proactive service
  106. quality of experience (QoE)
  107. quality of service (QoS)
  108. quota aware video adaptation (QAVA)
    1. availability of video
    2. client-based architectures
    3. content provider-/ISP-based architectures
    4. ecosystem, players incentives
    5. error prediction
    6. experimental setup
    7. heterogeneous data
    8. modular architecture design see modular architecture design
    9. performance variability
    10. stream selection see stream selection
    11. three functional modules
    12. time scale
    13. trade off quality vs. cost vs. volume
    14. user profiler see user profiler
    15. video cost and utility
  109. radio access network (RAN)
  110. scalable video coding (SVC)
  111. self-balancing supply/demand (SBSD) protocol
    1. algorithms
    2. flooding-based routing
    3. network provider
    4. network security
    5. query packets
    6. utility function
  112. server monitoring component (SCC)
  113. service-level agreement (SLA)
  114. Shapley policy
  115. signal-to-interference-and-noise-ratio (SINR)
  116. single pricing (SP) problem
    1. effective market
    2. group index threshold
    3. parameters
    4. price differentiation gain
    5. water-filling condition
  117. SLA-based pricing
    1. Amazon EC2
    2. average response time
    3. heuristic method
    4. IRT
    5. Lagrange composite function
    6. mean revenue
    7. M/M/1 queuing model
    8. MRT
    9. offset factor
    10. optimization problem
    11. Poisson distribution
    12. QoS
    13. queuing theory
    14. service intensity
    15. sojourn time probability distribution
  118. smart pipes
    1. nonuniform ordering
      1. consumer surplus
      2. higher profit
      3. quasi-bundling
      4. social surplus
    2. uniform ordering
      1. benefits
      2. consumer surplus
      3. net implication
      4. nonlinear pricing
      5. policy implication
      6. social surplus
  119. sponsored content
    1. billing cycle
    2. congestion cost
    3. content provider problem
    4. implementation issues
    5. insensitive transition probability
    6. Markov model
    7. per-byte end-user cost
    8. Poisson distribution
    9. sensitive transition probability
    10. service provider problem
    11. Stackelberg game
    12. standard deviation
    13. system profit function
    14. transition rates
    15. two-parameter contract, Pareto analysis
  120. stage game
  121. stream selection
    1. algorithms
    2. average performance
    3. knapsack problems see knapsack problems
    4. single user
    5. video request, utility, and cost model
  122. surplus data (SD) class
    1. CSC see control and scheduling component (CSC)
    2. data transfer
    3. efficiency enhancement
    4. logical channels
    5. maximization problem
    6. peak load
    7. performance evaluation
      1. channel delay vs. congestion
      2. data session vs. delay
      3. network utilization
      4. user performance
    8. premium and nonpremium user
    9. segregation mechanism
    10. sender-pays plans/two-sided pricing
    11. surplus capacity plan
    12. user experience
  123. TCO see total cost of ownership (TCO)
  124. TDP see time-dependent pricing (TDP)
  125. telecom industry, smart pricing
    1. block-pricing plan
    2. Bridger Mitchell, flat rates
      1. AOL
      2. economics community
      3. electronic switching
      4. local measured service
      5. local voice calls rates
      6. logic of bundling
      7. Nixon wage-price freeze
      8. peak-load pricing
      9. usage-sensitive pricing
      10. value of connectivity
    3. capital intensity
    4. caution reasons
    5. challenges
    6. congestion charges
    7. data flat rates
    8. demand growth
    9. fiber networks
    10. fine-grained pricing
    11. high profits
    12. and innovation
    13. low capital investments
    14. mental transaction costs
    15. modern financial puzzles
    16. net neutrality
    17. price per megabyte
    18. research and development (R&D)
      1. cost
      2. directions
    19. revenues
    20. technology trends
    21. telco (r)evolutions
      1. cost structure
      2. GDP
      3. government-sanctioned price discrimination policy
      4. Tier-1 carriers
    22. telecom mistakes
      1. content
      2. video streaming
    23. transmission capacity
    24. usage-based pricing
    25. Verizon Wireless
    26. voice to text substitution
    27. wireless communication
    28. wireless voice quality
    29. wireline communication
  126. telecommunication services
    1. monopoly setting
    2. nonuniform ordering see nonuniform ordering
    3. text messages
    4. uniform ordering see uniform ordering
  127. time-dependent pricing (TDP)
    1. deadline-dependent pricing
    2. differentiable function
    3. divisible and indivisible jobs
    4. electricity cost
    5. net profit maximization, job scheduling
    6. NPO problem
    7. NPOD problem
    8. service rate constraint
    9. system model
  128. time-shifting traffic
    1. Delivery-shift
      1. assumptions and definitions
      2. Async flows
      3. Async system
      4. congestion pricing
      5. EDT
      6. input traffic pattern
      7. per-flow options
      8. performance measures
      9. predictable traffic conditions
      10. salient features
      11. simulation setup
    2. PCEF
    3. PCRF
    4. Request-shift
      1. achievable throughput
      2. disadvantages
      3. performance measures
      4. predictable traffic conditions
      5. salient features
      6. simulation setup
      7. TUBE system
    5. usage-based and tiered pricing schemes
  129. total cost of ownership (TCO)
  130. traffic metering method
    1. customer-ingress
    2. customer-per-device
    3. M-discrepancy
  131. two-CDN pricing game
    1. nonpredictive strategy
    2. predictive strategy
    3. price selection
  132. uniform ordering
    1. constant marginal cost
    2. dumb pipes
      1. benefits
      2. consumer surplus
      3. discrimination problem
      4. incentive compatibility
      5. individual rationality
      6. net implication
      7. policy implication
      8. social surplus
      9. type-1 consumer
      10. type-2 consumer
    3. reservation price
    4. smart-pipes
      1. benefits
      2. consumer surplus
      3. net implication
      4. nonlinear pricing
      5. policy implication
      6. social surplus
  133. uplink–downlink duality
  134. usage-based pricing
  135. usage-sensitive pricing (USP)
  136. user interface
    1. key features
    2. participant usage
    3. period types
  137. user profiler (UP)
    1. user device (client)
    2. video computing, probability
    3. viewing pattern
  138. user psychology
    1. bandwidth pricing
      1. dynamic forms, TDP
      2. speed-tier pricing
      3. variable pricing
    2. home networks
      1. data caps
      2. network management and QoS control
        1. Eden system
        2. Home Watcher project
        3. Homework project
        4. resource sharing
      3. throttling implications
  139. user-generated content platforms
    1. content producers
      1. benefits
      2. payoff function
      3. pieces
      4. subsidizing/taxing producers
    2. content quality
    3. content viewers
    4. heterogeneous production costs
    5. intermediary
    6. profit maximization
      1. definition of equilibrium
      2. equilibrium content production
      3. optimal content viewing see optimal content viewing
      4. optimal payment rate
      5. overjustification effects
    7. two-sided market
  140. Verizon Wireless
  141. Vickrey–Clarke–Groves (VCG) mechanism
  142. video adaptation
  143. video consumption
  144. video decoder
  145. video delivery
    1. bandwidth sharing
    2. cable operators
    3. cable TV systems
    4. cellular networks
    5. telephone operators
  146. video streaming protocols
  147. video traffic
  148. VM-based pricing
    1. dynamic scheduling
    2. price estimation see price estimation
  149. willingness to pay (WTP)
  150. wireless network
  1. duality
    1. channel fading matrix
    2. game theory
    3. interference load minimization
    4. interference temperature
    5. max–min weighted SINR problem
    6. nonsmooth special case
    7. Perron right eigenvectors
    8. primary and dual network
    9. smooth and nonsmooth utility functions
    10. software implementation
    11. spectral radius functions
    12. uplink–downlink duality
    13. utility maximization algorithm
    14. wireless cellular and ad-hoc networks
  2. utility maximization
  1. interference temperature constraint
  2. optimal value and solution
  3. Perron–Frobenius eigenvalue
  4. power constraint
  5. QoS measurement
  6. SINR assignment
  7. utility function
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