
This book is, first and foremost, an acknowledgment to the collective contributions of professionals, business executives, organizational leaders, and an entire social media industry that has dedicated itself to delivering on the opportunities that the Social Web offers: the opportunity to understand, first-hand, what markets are saying; the opportunity to identify specific influencers and to quantify the impact that social media has as a result on markets and the businesses and organizations that serve them; and the opportunity to learn faster, to adapt more quickly, and to build and bring to market the next generation of globally acceptable, sustainable goods and services.

Following the founding principles of the Web, we’ve built on shared knowledge: There is barely a page that is 100 percent ours. Instead, this book is our point of view based on our insights—shaped by our experiences as customers—in the context of a growing, collective body of knowledge that is itself available to all via the Social Web. For the professionals whose names appear inside we are indebted.

In particular, we’d like to acknowledge the efforts of the professionals working within the firms whose products and services are referenced in this book. We are customers of nearly every one of the brands mentioned, for good reason.

The work by individuals and firms implementing social technology programs that has resulted in superior customer experiences is inherently a part of any book like this. The work they’ve done stands as testament to what can be accomplished when customers and their points of view and willingness to collaborate toward the betterment of the brands they love are fully recognized. As well, it is an acknowledgment to our colleagues at Lithium Technologies, to our customers, and to each of the professional services and consulting firms who support us in the work we do.

Social technology has been, for us, a truly collaborative learning experience. As you read this book you’ll find dozens of references to the people who are helping to take the founding concepts of the Web and bring them to strategically sound, quantitatively expressed tactical implementations that create genuine, long-term competitive advantage. Take the time to explore their work and their points of view as you strengthen your own understanding of how social customer experience and its related concepts can help you build your business. For they are the experts; we are simply the narrators.

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