Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to notes.

absurd idea 111

affordability 130

after-action reviews (debriefs) 199


as concrete 11617, 134

contrasting 132

creating additional options 10313

evaluating 1447

exploring 94118

interpreting and challenging the results 1524

as logically valid answer to question 113

matrix’s structure, assembling 144

multiple 116, 153

on-balance decision, making 1478

as promising 117

as reasonably mutually exclusive 116

treating difficult trade-offs as opportunities 1501

using options to create 11317

see also how maps

analogical problem solving 121n19


conducting 846

performing sensitivity 152

quality of 152

anchoring 7, 19n12

appearances, avoiding surprise 59

Apple 173, 182

Aristotelian persuasion 171


checking 63

examining 613


emotions of 173

engagement with 1778

recommendations to 179

authority 178

backpack rule 558

bad decisions, making 9, 20n17

Bayesian thinking 2001

Beck, Harry 556

benefit criteria 130

bias-blind spot 7

biomimicry 106

Block, Peter 174

Boklok 160

Box, George 54

Branson, Richard 204

Bueno, Juan Carlos 834

business education 3

Business Model Canvas (BMC) 1656

case study

aligning decisions 160

alternatives 1256

Beck’s map 556

CIDNI problems 5

creating safe environment 154

critical decisions 1278

dealing with baby dragons 39

dissent, promoting 105

effective debriefs, creating 199200

engaging effectively in adverse conditions 1767

framing 25, 27, 64

IMD explores new markets 1334

irreversible decision 203

Jerry’s presentation 57

limiting engagement 1789

Louis XIV 323

MECE thinking 1812

misdiagnosing engine troubles on BD 092 73

procedural fairness, conveying 14850

RWH’s service 65

Stora Enso 834

Torrey Canyon oil spill 1912

trade-offs 1501

Watson rule 623

Cerasoli, C. P. 199


creating shared understanding of 176

network 198

Chekhov, Anton 58

choice problems 122n27

Churchill, Winston 202

CIDNI problems 46 63, 204

comorbidity 86, 90n14

compelling message, developing 1715

compensation 129

complex problems, solving

CIDNI problems 46

Dragon Master™, app to 12

failing to 811

in five minutes 207

improving ability to 204

System 1 thinking 68

System 2 thinking 8


level of 63

quantify 1934

confirmation bias 7

congestion 106

consistency, leverage 175

constraints, relaxing 10911

construal-level theory 153

core stakeholders 43, 45

Crew Resources Management (CRM) literature 1415


exploring 12436

identifying good 1314

insightful 12931

mutually exclusive 1289

prioritising 1356

reasonably collectively exhaustive set of 1278

validating 136

curse of knowledge 28

debiasing technique 1920n16, 136, 196

debriefs (after-action reviews) 199


-making 345, 51n14

bad, making 9, 20n17

criteria, identifying promising alternatives 12436

on-balance 1478

two-way-door 204

see also interdependent decisions

design-thinking approach 745

Dietz, Doug 745

dissent, promoting 105

diverge–converge sequence 36

Dolly-the-sheep rule 60

Dragon Master™ app 12, 41, 66, 146

Elop, Stephen 1734

emotions/pathos 1735

engagement 43, 45

limiting 1789

error prevention 199

ethos/ethics 1723

evidence, supporting/opposing 846

exploitation 112

exploration 112, 122n25


impact of, reducing 199

probability of, reducing 198

Fangio, Juan Manuel 34

feelings, appropriate 1734

Feynman, Richard 196

Fitzgerald, F. Scott 206

five forces framework 132

fixed mindset 177

framing, problem 8, 26

case study 25, 27, 64

checklist 67

creating initial 2648

decision-making 345

defining engagement and logistics 424

improving 5467

poor 27, 73

reworking 66

using stories 28

weak signal detection 324

see also quest

FrED approach, solving problem using 1115

Friedman, Jeff 194

functional diversity 105

Galef, Julia 125

Ginnett, Robert 46

Grant, Adam 198

Grove, Andy 153

growth mindset, adoption of 1767

Haidt, Jonathan 173

halo effect 173

Hero-Treasure-Dragon-Quest (HTDQ) sequence 378, 40, 41, 47, 59, 87

HiPPO (Highest Paid Person’s Opinion) 105

how maps

answering a single question 957

four rules 95103

as insightful 1013

MECE structure 98101

from question to alternatives 978

ICE (independent and collectively exhaustive) 1001


identifying criteria 1314

using logic to promoting 100

ways to generating 10611

identity diversity 105

IKEA 162

ill-defined (ID) problems 4

independent and collectively exhaustive (ICE) 1001

Indiana Bell Telephone Company 203


criteria 12931

how maps 1013

why maps 824

instructed dissent 105

integrative thinking 1501

interdependent decisions

aligning 1607

formulating problem 1623

making decisions across multiple domains of choices 161

using existing frameworks 1657

beyond your personal preferences 1635

intuition, testing 198

irreversible decision 203

isomorphic problems 106

Jobs, Steve 182

Kahneman, Daniel 7, 45

Kaner, Sam 51n14

Karvinen, Jouko 83

Keynes, John Maynard 10

Knudstorp, Jørgen Vig 151

LEAD approach 845

left-to-right and right-to-left approaches, to idea generation 111

logistics, sorting out 44, 45

logos/logic 172

Louis XIV 323

Lovallo, Dan 45

Martin, Roger 116, 151, 211n11

Maslow 166

matrix’s structure, assembling 144

McKee, Robert 37

MECE (mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive) thinking 89n7

for engagement 1812

how maps 98101

why maps 802

mitigation strategies, adopting 176

Newton, Elizabeth 28

nodes, phrasing 789

Nokia 1734

non-immediate but important (NI) problems 4

novel ideas, ways to generating

applying solution of similar problem 106

reframing problem 1089

relaxing constraints 10911

O’Connor, Flannery 66

Odysseus 35

on-balance decision, making 1478

one-way-door decisions 203


creating additional 10313

to creating alternatives 11317

organisational silence 135

Osborn, Alex 103

outcome bias 213n35

overconfidence 1946, 198

pathos/emotions 1735

Pauling, Linus 103

peer power 174

perfection, not aiming for 66

Piccard, Bertrand 122n26

pilot monitoring (PM) 44

piranha solutions 122n26

plan continuation bias (PCE) 191, 192

Porter, Michael 132, 161

Power Distance (PD) 1345

probabilistic mindset, adopting 1939

probability of failures, reducing 198


applying solution of similar 106


defining 2

diagnosing root causes of 7288

formulating 1623

four-step LEAD approach 845

investing in elaborate solution process for 6

reframing 867, 1089

root causes, uncovering 86


complex 411

components 25

criteria to 12436

open-minded during 1835

skills 3, 205

using FrED approach 1115

using existing frameworks for 167

why map 7484

see also complex problems, solving; framing, problem; specific entries

problem solvers, hard to find good 3

procedural fairness, conveying 14850

process, focus on 2067

profitability 867, 181

psychological safety 154, 176

pushback, expecting 1801

qualitative criteria 130

qualitative evaluation approach (alternatives) 145

quantitative evaluation (alternatives) 146


asking for help 456

attentiveness to weak signals 324

backpack rule 558

case study 323

contextualising 378

creating initial frame 2648

deal with multiple dragons 389

decision-making 345

diverge–converge sequence 36

Dolly rule 60

finding 2935

fine-tune 5466

Hero-Treasure-Dragon-Quest sequence 378, 40, 41, 47, 59

identifying stakeholders 43, 45

logistics 44, 45

rabbit rule 59

summarisation 39

updating, reframing the problem 867

using frame to improve thinking 646

Watson rule 613

writing good 30

rabbit rule 59

reciprocation, need for 174

Reisböck, Max 150

requisite decision model 211n12

responsibilities, clarifying 178

return on investment 867

revenues 867, 183

root causes, identifying 7288

Rosenzweig, Phil 173

Rousseau, Denise 20n17

Rumelt, Richard 57, 148, 164

Russell, Bertrand 193

safe space, creating 46

safety, psychological 154, 176

‘satisficing’ 121n23

scarcity, creating 175

Scotus, John Duns 89n7

scout mindset 125

secretary problem 122n25

selling mode 1845

sensitivity analysis, performing 152

shared mental model (SMM) 44

Simon, Herbert 121n23

skills, improving 2045

Sloan, Alfred P. 123n30

social validation 174

soldier mindset 125

solution space, exploring 94118


categorising 174

diverse group of 105

engaging 6, 10, 77, 85, 134, 178

identifying 43, 45

perspectives of 116

Stanovich, Keith 22n28

status-quo bias 7

Stora Enso 834

Strategy Diamond model 165

substance part, framing 378, 40, 41

sympathy, generating 1723

System 1 thinking 68

System 2 thinking 8

Tannenbaum, S. I. 199

team resiliency 176

thinking, updating our 2004

Thomason, Neil 59

Torrey Canyon oil spill 1912

Total Quality Management approach 78

Toyota 78

trade-offs 112, 116, 125, 1501, 181

training 2045

TreeToTextile AB 83

trust-agreement matrix 1745

trustworthiness, creating 172

two-way-door decisions 204

Ulysses 35

unambiguous 129

uncertainty, managing 1967

value-focused thinking 119n3

van Gelder, Tim 200

Vonnegut, Kurt, Sr 203

Walker, Matthew 111

Watson rule 613

weak signal detection, framing complex problems 324

weighing process 136

West, Richard 22n28

why maps 7484

choosing why question 767

four rules 7484

guidelines 7880

as insightful 824

as MECE 802

from question to potential root causes 7780

wins and successes, recognising 176


Xu Huang 135

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