Chapter 3

Understand why you want to lead

Before you start out on your leadership journey, take some time to understand why you really want to become a leader

Hopefully you’re with us so far, and starting to get excited about how you can harness change to supercharge your leadership potential. There’s one more step before you can start to begin your leadership journey proper. You need to answer a really important question: why do I want to lead in the first place?

The answer may not be as obvious as it sounds. For while the perks of being a leader are obvious when you think of the earnings, influence and status associated with leadership roles, there are big responsibilities too, to the people around you and the results that you’re in charge of delivering. Becoming a leader does mean a big step up, and there’s no pretending it will be all plain sailing.

We’re not trying to scare you off here! But it’s important to be honest and upfront, because while being a leader can be an awesome, phenomenal, richly rewarding experience, there will be times when the stress and responsibility involved can weigh heavy on even the broadest of shoulders.

Leadership can be demanding – on your energy reserves as well as your time – and this is why purpose is so important if you’re looking to build a sustainable, long-term leadership career. Working out why you really want to be a leader, and what you want to achieve by doing so, will keep you going when the going gets tough. For some, the extrinsic motivations of status and money are enough. Yet we believe that tapping into your intrinsic motivations – the things that you really care about in life and which drive you – will help you forge a stronger and more lasting leadership mission.

You need to work out what’s really at stake for you, before you can start clearing a path towards achieving it. Often that will be a mix of personal and professional motivators. Take a look at the table on page 24 as a starting point.

Which of those factors are most meaningful for you? Are you someone who’s about fulfilling professional potential, or unlocking personal value and meaning? It may well be a combination of the two. There’s no right or wrong here, but the best answer is the honest one. Before you go any further, take a moment to be honest with yourself about what really matters to you. Those fundamental personal values will provide the motivation you need to fall back on when times get tough.

Personal stake Professional stake
To make a difference and have a positive impact To fulfil my leadership potential
To create a better world for my children To reach the top of my profession
To prove others wrong; to right a wrong or injustice! To become an industry expert
To make the people I love proud To build a global reputation
To discover what I’m truly capable of To leave a professional legacy
To achieve financial freedom To achieve a top salary

Words of wisdom: The bigger picture

In business, great things take time and great leaders take time to develop. True leadership is when you think beyond yourself. It is about what you contribute to the bigger picture. In the face of major world problems, it is impressive when young leaders are asking how do I make a difference, what is my role in life? This goes straight to the heart of the matter. Purpose cuts through to what real leadership is all about.


Action: Write yourself a three-sentence answer to the following question: Why do I want to be a leader? When you’re happy with your response, you can use it to shape your leadership mission. If you want to keep your inner motivations front of mind, you could also stick up your response inside your wardrobe or coat cupboard so you’re reminded of why you want to step up as you step out in the morning.

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