
Who Should Read This Book?

We created this book for software professionals who have an affinity for data and who want to improve their knowledge and skills in the area of stream processing, and who are already familiar with or want to use Apache Spark for their streaming applications.

We have included a comprehensive introduction to the concepts behind stream processing. These concepts form the foundations to understand the two streaming APIs offered by Apache Spark: Structured Streaming and Spark Streaming.

We offer an in-depth exploration of these APIs and provide insights into their features, application, and practical advice derived from our experience.

Beyond the coverage of the APIs and their practical applications, we also discuss several advanced techniques that belong in the toolbox of every stream-processing practitioner.

Readers of all levels will benefit from the introductory parts of the book, whereas more experienced professionals will draw new insights from the advanced techniques covered and will receive guidance on how to learn more.

We have made no assumptions about your required knowledge of Spark, but readers who are not familiar with Spark’s data-processing capabilities should be aware that in this book, we focus on its streaming capabilities and APIs. For a more general view of the Spark capabilities and ecosystem, we recommend Spark: The Definitive Guide by Bill Chambers and Matei Zaharia (O’Reilly).

The programming language used across the book is Scala. Although Spark provides bindings in Scala, Java, Python, and R, we think that Scala is the language of choice for streaming applications. Even though many of the code samples could be translated into other languages, some areas, such as complex stateful computations, are best approached using the Scala programming language.

Installing Spark

Spark is an Apache open source project hosted officially by the Apache Foundation, but which mostly uses GitHub for its development. You can also download it as a binary, pre-compiled package at the following address:

From there, you can begin running Spark on one or more machines, which we will explain later. Packages exist for all of the major Linux distributions, which should help installation.

For the purposes of this book, we use examples and code compatible with Spark 2.4.0, and except for minor output and formatting details, those examples should stay compatible with future Spark versions.

Note, however, that Spark is a program that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which you should install and make accessible on every machine on which any Spark component will run.

To install a Java Development Kit (JDK), we recommend OpenJDK, which is packaged on many systems and architectures, as well.

You can also install the Oracle JDK.

Spark, as any Scala program, runs on any system on which a JDK version 6 or later is present. The recommended Java runtime for Spark depends on the version:

  • For Spark versions below 2.0, Java 7 is the recommended version.

  • For Spark versions 2.0 and above, Java 8 is the recommended version.

Learning Scala

The examples in this book are in Scala. This is the implementation language of core Spark, but it is by far not the only language in which it can be used; as of this writing, Spark offers APIs in Python, Java, and R.

Scala is one of the most feature-complete programming languages today, in that it offers both functional and object-oriented aspects. Yet, its concision and type inference makes the basic elements of its syntax easy to understand.

Scala as a beginner language has many advantages from a pedagogical viewpoint, its regular syntax and semantics being one of the most important.

Björn Regnell, Lund University

Hence, we hope the examples will stay clear enough for any reader to pick up their meanings. However, for the readers who might want a primer on the language and who are more comfortable learning using a book, we advise Atomic Scala [Eckel2013]. For users looking for a reference book to touch up on their knowledge, we recommend Programming in Scala [Odersky2016].

The Way Ahead

This book is organized in five parts:

  • Part I expands on and deepens the concepts that we’ve been discussing in this preface. We cover the fundamental concepts of stream processing, the general blueprints of the architectures that implement streaming, and study Spark in detail.

  • In Part II, we learn Structured Streaming, its programming model, and how to implement streaming applications, from relatively simple stateless transformations to advanced stateful operations. We also discuss its integration with monitoring tools supporting 24/7 operations and discover the experimental areas currently under development.

  • In Part III, we study Spark Streaming. In a similar organization to Structured Streaming, we learn how to create streaming applications, operate Spark Streaming jobs, and integrate it with other APIs in Spark. We close this part with a brief guide to performance tuning.

  • Part IV introduces advanced streaming techniques. We discuss the use of probabilistic data structures and approximation techniques to address stream-processing challenges and examine the limited space of online machine learning with Spark Streaming.

  • To close, Part V brings us to streaming beyond Apache Spark. We survey other available stream processors and provide a glimpse into further steps to keep learning about Spark and stream processing.

We recommend that you to go through Part I to gain an understanding of the concepts supporting stream processing. This will facilitate the use of a common language and concepts across the rest of the book.

Part II, Structured Streaming, and Part III, Spark Streaming, follow a consistent structure. You can choose to cover one or the other first, to match your interest and most immediate priorities:

  • Maybe you are starting a new project and want to know Structured Streaming? Check! Start in Part II.

  • Or you might be jumping into an existing code base that uses Spark Streaming and you want to understand it better? Start in Part III.

Part IV initially goes deep into some mathematical background required to understand the probabilistic structures discussed. We like to think of it as “the road ahead is steep but the scenery is beautiful.”

Part V will put stream processing using Spark in perspective with other available frameworks and libraries out there. It might help you decide to try one or more alternatives before settling on a particular technology.

The online resources of the book complement your learning experience with notebooks and code that you can use and experiment with on your own. Or, you can even take a piece of code to bootstrap your own project. The online resources are located at

We truly hope that you enjoy reading this book as much as we enjoyed compiling all of the information and bundling the experience it contains.


  • [Eckel2013] Eckel, Bruce and Dianne Marsh, Atomic Scala (Mindview LLC, 2013).

  • [Odersky2016] Odersky, Martin, Lex Spoon, and Bill Venners, Programming in Scala, 3rd ed. (Artima Press, 2016).

Conventions Used in This Book

The following typographical conventions are used in this book:


Indicates new terms, URLs, email addresses, filenames, and file extensions.

Constant width

Used for program listings, as well as within paragraphs to refer to program elements such as variable or function names, databases, data types, environment variables, statements, and keywords.

Constant width bold

Shows commands or other text that should be typed literally by the user.

Constant width italic

Shows text that should be replaced with user-supplied values or by values determined by context.


This element signifies a tip or suggestion.


This element signifies a general note.


This element indicates a warning or caution.

Using Code Examples

The online repository for this book contains supplemental material to enhance the learning experience with interactive notebooks, working code samples, and a few projects that let you experiment and gain practical insights on the subjects and techniques covered. It can be found at

The notebooks included run on the Spark Notebook, an open source, web-based, interactive coding environment developed with a specific focus on working with Apache Spark using Scala. Its live widgets are ideal to work with streaming applications as we can visualize the data as it happens to pass through the system.

The Spark Notebook can be found at, and pre-built versions can be downloaded directly from their distribution site at

This book is here to help you get your job done. In general, if example code is offered with this book, you may use it in your programs and documentation. You do not need to contact us for permission unless you’re reproducing a significant portion of the code. For example, writing a program that uses several chunks of code from this book does not require permission. Selling or distributing a CD-ROM of examples from O’Reilly books does require permission. Answering a question by citing this book and quoting example code does not require permission. Incorporating a significant amount of example code from this book into your product’s documentation does require permission.

We appreciate, but do not require, attribution. An attribution usually includes the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: “Stream Processing with Apache Spark by Gerard Maas and François Garillot (O’Reilly). Copyright 2019 François Garillot and Gerard Maas Images, 978-1-491-94424-0.”

If you feel your use of code examples falls outside fair use or the permission given above, feel free to contact us at .

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This book drastically evolved from its original inception as a learning manual for Spark Streaming to become a comprehensive resource on the streaming capabilities of Apache Spark. We would like to thank our reviewers for their invaluable feedback that helped steer this book into its current form. We are especially grateful to Russell Spitzer from Datastax, Serhat Yilmaz from Facebook, and Giselle Van Dongen from Klarrio.

We would like to extend our gratitude to Holden Karau for her help and advice in the early stages of the draft and to Bill Chambers for his continued support as we added coverage of Structured Streaming.

Our editor at O’Reilly, Jeff Bleiel, has been a stronghold of patience, feedback, and advice as we progressed from early ideas and versions of the draft until the completion of the content you have on your hands. We also would like to thank Shannon Cutt, our first editor at O’Reilly for all of her help in getting this project started. Other people at O’Reilly were there to assist us at many stages and help us move forward.

We thank Tathagata Das for the many interactions, in particular during the early days of Spark Streaming, when we were pushing the limits of what the framework could deliver.

From Gerard

I would like to thank my colleagues at Lightbend for their support and understanding while I juggled between book writing and work responsibilities. A very special thank you to Ray Roestenburg for his pep talks in difficult moments; to Dean Wampler for always being supportive of my efforts in this book; and to Ruth Stento for her excellent advice on writing style.

A special mention to Kurt Jonckheer, Patrick Goemaere, and Lieven Gesquière who created the opportunity and gave me the space to deepen my knowledge of Spark; and to Andy Petrella for creating the Spark Notebook, but more importantly, for his contagious passion and enthusiasm that influenced me to keep exploring the intersection of programming and data.

Most of all, I would like to express my infinite gratitude to my wife, Ingrid, my daughters Layla and Juliana, and my mother, Carmen. Without their love, care, and understanding, I wouldn’t have been able to get through this project.

From François

I’m very grateful to my colleagues at Swisscom and Facebook for their support during the writing of this book; to Chris Fregly, Paco Nathan, and Ben Lorica for their advice and support; and to my wife AJung for absolutely everything.

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