Exporting data

Raw data is helpful and is needed either for tables or for presentations, and Tableau provides an option of exporting the data behind the visualizations in an MS Access database format. This allows the user to get data from a different source, aggregate/manipulate the data, and export it to a database for further use.

Getting ready

Let's use the sample file Sample – Superstore Sales (Excel). Open a new worksheet and select Sample – Superstore Sales (Excel) as the data source.

How to do it...

Once the data is loaded on the worksheet, perform the following steps to export a simple visualization in an image format:

  1. Click on the Show Me button to bring the Show Me toolbar on the screen.
  2. While holding the Ctrl key, click on Customer Segment and Category from Dimensions as well as Profit from Measures.
  3. Click on the circle views icon on the Show Me toolbar.
  4. From the main menu toolbar, select Worksheet, expand Export, and select Data as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  5. In the Export Data to Access save file dialog box, select a location to save the Access database and enter a File name value, and hit Save.
  6. In the next Export Data to Access dialog box, keep the default values selected (as shown in the following screenshot) and hit OK:
    How to do it...

How it works...

If all the default options are selected, Tableau will export the underlying data supporting the visualization to an MS Access database. If any filters are applied in the visualization, Tableau will export only the data that was not excluded because of filters, that is, the exact same data that is supporting the current visualization. You can expect the exported table DATA to look similar to the one in the following screenshot:

How it works...
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