Chapter 21

Scalable Parallelization of Specification Mining Using Distributed Computing

Shaowei Wang*; David Lo*; Lingxiao Jiang*; Shahar Maoz; Aditya Budi    * School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University, Singapore
School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
School of Information Systems, BINUS University, Jakarta, Indonesia


Mining specifications from logs of execution traces has attracted much research effort in recent years since the mined specifications, such as program invariants, temporal rules, association patterns, or various behavioral models, may be used to improve program documentation, comprehension, and verification. At the same time, a major challenge faced by most specification mining algorithms is related to their scalability, specifically when dealing with many large execution traces.

To address this challenge, we present a general, distributed specification mining algorithm that can parallelize and distribute repetitive specification mining tasks across multiple computers to achieve speedup proportional to the number of machines used. This general algorithm is designed on the basis of our observation that most specification mining algorithms are data and memory intensive while computationally repetitive. To validate the general algorithm, we instantiate it with five existing sequential specification mining algorithms (CLIPPER, Daikon, k-tails, LM, and Perracotta) on a particular distributed computing model (MapReduce) and one of its implementations (Hadoop) to create five parallelized specification mining algorithms, and demonstrate the much improved scalability of the algorithms over many large traces ranging from 41 MB to 157 GB collected from seven DaCapo benchmark programs. Our evaluation shows that our parallelized Perracotta running on four machines (using up to eight CPU cores in total) speeds up the original sequential one by 3-18 times; The other four sequential algorithms are unable to complete analyzing the large traces, while our parallelized versions can complete the analysis and gain performance improvement by using more machines and cores. We believe that our general, distributed algorithm fits many specification mining algorithms well, and can be instantiated with them to gain more performance improvement and scalability improvement.


Dynamic analysis

Execution profiles





Specification mining


 Specification mining algorithms

1. Frequent pattern-based specification miner

2. Value-based invariant miner

3. Finite-state machine specification miner

4. Live sequence chart miner

5. Temporal rule miner

 Distributed computing models

1. Message-passing model

2. MapReduce

3. Hadoop

21.1 Introduction

Specification mining is a family of program analysis techniques that extract likely specifications from code or execution traces. “Specifications” refers to certain patterns or properties that should hold in a program. The specifications can take various forms, such as temporal rules about the order of certain method calls, and invariants that constrain method parameters and return values. The extracted specifications can provide much information about program properties which are not explicitly documented, and can be used to improve program documentation, comprehension, and verification tasks [1].

An important challenge for many specification mining algorithms relates to their scalability, since they need to take many potentially large program behavioral profiles as input to search for common patterns. A common way to collect behavioral profiles is to execute a subject program with many test cases. To exercise the many behaviors of a large program, many test cases would need to be run. Also, the resultant execution traces are likely to be huge. The size of a code base, the number of test cases, and the sizes of traces generated are all hurdles to the scalability of existing specification mining algorithms. For example, our evaluation on four existing specification mining algorithms—(1) CLIPPER [2], a recurring pattern mining algorithm, (2) Daikon [3], a value-based invariant mining algorithm, (3) k-tails [4, 5], a finite-state machine inference algorithm, and (4) LM [6], a sequence diagram mining algorithm—shows that they fail to analyze the large traces ranging from 41 MB to 157 GB generated from seven DaCapo benchmark programs [7]. A fifth algorithm, Perracotta [8], a temporal rule mining algorithm, takes hours to analyze the traces before producing some specifications. To analyze many large traces from a large code base, existing specification mining algorithms need to be made much more scalable.

We observe that most specification mining algorithms are data intensive, on one hand, but computationally relatively repetitive, on the other hand, and many repetitive tasks in those algorithms can be executed concurrently. Even though tasks in different algorithms may require various levels of synchronization, the synchronization needed can be minimized with careful arrangements of the tasks to facilitate speedup when the algorithms are distributed onto multiple computers. This is the main insight that drives this chapter to address the scalability issue of many existing specification mining algorithms. Similar observations and ideas have been proposed to parallelize various algorithms in scientific computing, software engineering, data mining, and many other domains [913]. However, as far as we know, there is little prior study on parallelization of various kinds of specification mining algorithms.

To help address the challenge of making various existing specification mining algorithms more scalable,1 we propose a general specification mining algorithm that can perform repetitive specification mining tasks across multiple computers based on a general distributed computing model. The general algorithm is designed in such a way that it abstracts away specific algorithmic details but captures the essences of many existing specification mining algorithms that mine specifications from program execution traces. We present this algorithm in the context of a message-passing-based distributed computing model, in particular MapReduce. An algorithm designer can transform a sequential specification mining algorithm into a distributed one by following the guided steps in our algorithm and instantiating it with concrete algorithm-specific details.

To evaluate our general algorithm, we instantiate it with five existing sequential specification mining algorithms on top of a popular distributed computing model—MapReduce [14]—and one of its open-source implementations—Hadoop [15]—and evaluate the scalability of the distributed versions of these algorithms. In particular, we show how we follow the guidance of our general algorithm, and use a common input-trace splitting scheme and several algorithm-specific techniques to divide and conquer five specification mining algorithms—(1) CLIPPER [2], (2) Daikon [3], (3) k-tails [4, 5], (4) LM [6], and (5) Perracotta [8]—and transform them into distributed ones. The five algorithms produce different kinds of specifications expressed in different target languages, such as frequent patterns, value invariants, finite-state machines, sequence diagrams, and temporal rules. We evaluate the distributed algorithms on seven Java programs from the DaCapo benchmark [7], whose traces range from 41 MB to 157 GB. The results are encouraging. Perracotta’s distributed version implemented within MapReduce (PerracottaMR) running on four machines (using up to eight CPU cores in total) can speed up the original version by 3-18 times. The other four original algorithms are unable to analyze the large traces, while their distributed versions (CLIPPERMR, DaikonMR, k-tailsMR, and LMMR) can complete the analysis within hours, and gain more performance improvement when more machines are employed.

Our main finding is that many specification mining algorithms fit distributed computing models well as they are composed of many repetitive computational tasks dealing with data that may be split into partitions with limited overlapping. Our general algorithm also captures the essence of many specification mining algorithms well, and can be used to help transform sequential algorithms into distributed ones to gain much performance improvement and scalability improvement by implementing them within the MapReduce framework and executing them on clusters of computers. We believe our findings are applicable to many other specification mining algorithms, especially those that mine specifications expressed in one of the five target languages that we have investigated.

The contributions of this chapter are as follows:

1. Similarly to many prior studies on parallelization of other algorithms in various domains, we observe that many specification mining algorithms can be fit into a distributed programming model, and much performance gain and scalability gain can be achieved by parallelizing them within a distributed computing framework, such as MapReduce.

2. We present a general distributed specification mining algorithm that abstracts away particular algorithmic details and represents the essences of many existing specification mining algorithms.

3. We propose an input-trace splitting scheme and several algorithm-specific techniques to instantiate the general algorithm with five existing sequential specification mining algorithms to create five distributed algorithms.

4. We perform an empirical evaluation with seven Java programs from the DaCapo benchmark and show that the five distributed algorithms perform significantly faster than the original algorithms on many large traces.

This chapter is organized as follows. Section 21.2 provides a brief introduction to the five specification mining approaches and the distributed computing model we use in our work. Section 21.3 presents the main technical contribution of the chapter—that is, the general distributed specification mining algorithm and its instantiations with the five existing algorithms. Our implementation and empirical evaluation are described in Section 21.4. Section 21.5 discusses related work. Section 21.6 concludes the chapter with proposals for future work.

21.2 Background

In this section, we first briefly introduce each of the five mining algorithms that we parallelize. Then, we introduce the distributed computing model used in this chapter—the message-passing model and MapReduce.

21.2.1 Specification Mining Algorithms

On the basis of the format of the specifications that a specification mining algorithm produces [1], many algorithms can be grouped into ones that produce (1) frequent patterns, (2) value-based invariants, (3) finite-state machines, (4) sequence diagrams, and (5) temporal rules. We briefly describe these families of algorithms in the following.

We present in Figure 21.1 sample outputs of the five kinds of specification mining algorithms, which can be mined from various kinds of program execution traces.

Figure 21.1 Sample outputs of specification mining algorithms. Mining frequent patterns

Discovering patterns that appear many times in large input datasets is a well-known problem in data mining [16]. Many algorithms, such as frequent itemset mining, sequential pattern mining, and graph pattern mining, aim to capture frequent patterns. A number of algorithms specific to software engineering tasks have been proposed. For example, interaction pattern mining [17] analyzes traces of system-user interactions to discover frequently recurring activities and uses them as parts of functional requirements for reengineering. Iterative pattern mining (CLIPPER) [2] takes in a set of execution profiles containing methods invoked during the executions and then identifies methods that often need to be invoked together or in a particular order as usage specifications for the methods. Mining value-based invariants

A value-based invariant captures the relation (e.g., x==y) among program variables that should be satisfied at a program point (e.g., when a method returns x). Daikon is the pioneer and most well-known system for extracting value-based invariants [3]. It has many invariant templates, such as Equality (e.g., x==y), IntGreaterThan (e.g., iVal1>=iVal2), and IntArraySorted (e.g., isSorted(iArray1)). On the basis of a set of input execution traces, Daikon matches the traces to the templates at various program points of interest (e.g., method entries and exits). Instances of the invariant templates satisfied by all (or most) of the input traces are outputted.

Value-based invariants generated by Daikon can be used independently, or can be used in conjunction with other kinds of specifications,—for example, to enrich finite-state machines [5] or sequence diagrams [18]. Mining finite-state machines

Many of these algorithms extend or make use of techniques from the grammar inference community [5, 19, 20]. One of these algorithms, k-tails [20], builds a prefix tree acceptor from a set of execution traces that capture input-output behaviors; the nodes of the prefix tree acceptor are then merged on the basis of some evaluation criteria—for example, the similarity of the subsequent k-paths, whose lengths are at most k—to form finite-state machines, which are then used as specifications of program behaviors. Mining sequence diagrams

Sequence diagrams are a visual formalism to specify the ordering of events among components in a system. Different algorithms exist for mining various kinds of sequence diagrams, such as UML sequence diagrams [21], message sequence charts [22], message sequence graphs [4], and live sequence charts (LSCs) [6, 23, 24]. Such visual diagrams can help maintainers of a program to better understand how various components in the program interact with each other. Mining temporal rules

Temporal rules can be expressed in various formats, such as association rules [8, 25],and temporal logics [26, 27] (e.g., “Whenever x1,…,xn occur, y1,…,ym also occur”). Such rules help to make it clearer which operations should or should not occur in certain orders so that maintainers of the program may make changes accordingly. Most temporal rule mining algorithms evaluate the validity of a rule on the basis of the likelihood that the x’s are followed by the y’s, and the number of times x is followed by y in the execution traces. They mainly differ in the semantics of the mined rules, the allowable values of n and m, and the metrics used to evaluate rule validity. For example, Perracotta extracts association rules of short length (n and m being 1) [8]; other algorithms extract temporal rules of longer lengths [27].

21.2.2 Distributed Computing

Similarly to what was observed in many prior studies on parallelization of other algorithms in various domains, we observe that many specification mining algorithms can be broken into computational tasks that are repetitively applied to various parts of input data, and thus fit well to a distributed computing model. This section summarizes the concepts we need. Message-passing model

We focus on distributed algorithms in the message-passing model where multiple processes on multiple computing nodes have their own local memory and communicate with each other by message passing, although our general algorithm may be adapted to other distributed computing models as well.

The processes share information by sending/receiving (or dispatching/collecting) data to/from each other. The processes most likely run the same programs, and the whole system should work correctly regardless of the messaging relations among the processes or the structure of the network. A popular standard and message-passing system is the message passing interface (MPI) defined in [13]. Such models themselves do not impose particular restrictions on the mechanism for messaging, and thus give programmers much flexibility in algorithm/system designs. However, this also means that programmers need to deal with actual sending/receiving of messages, failure recovery, managing running processes, etc. MapReduce

MapReduce is a simplified distributed computing model for processing large data in a cluster of computers [14], reducing programmers’ burden of dealing with actual sending/receiving of messages and various system issues so that programmers may focus more on the algorithmic issues. It can be implemented on top of a message-passing system, such as MPI [28]. In this chapter, we base our implementation on Hadoop [15], a free and open-source implementation of MapReduce.

The model splits the problem at hand into smaller subproblems as requested, distributes these subproblems among the computers in the cluster, and collects and combines the results that are passed back. Besides the splitting function, the key to using the MapReduce framework is to define two functions: (1) map, which takes one input key/value pair (Kip, Vip), and generates zero or more intermediate key/value pairs (list(Kint, Vint)), and (2) reduce, which composes all intermediate values associated with the same key into a final output. The splitting function, customizable to split input data differently, partitions the whole input dataset into small pieces, and transforms each piece into a set of key/value pairs.

MapReduce works by automatically applying the map function on each of the key/value pairs from the splitting function to produce an intermediate set of key/value pairs. It then automatically groups all intermediate values associated with the same key together; the reduce function is then applied to each group, resulting in a partial output Opart; all partial outputs are concatenated to form the final output. The inputs and outputs of the map and reduce functions are illustrated in Table 21.1. The following sections use the same symbols to represent the inputs and outputs of the functions as well.

Table 21.1

The Map and Reduce Operations


21.3 Distributed Specification Mining

We now present the main contribution of this chapter: a general distributed specification mining algorithm and redefinitions of five concrete algorithms in the MapReduce model.

21.3.1 Principles

We first present our general principles and algorithm for parallelizing specification mining algorithms. Abstracting specification mining algorithms

Even though many specification mining algorithms are not initially designed to be distributed, we can divide and conquer them by exploiting the parallelism in various parts of the algorithms on the basis of our observation that many computational tasks in the algorithms are repetitively applied to various parts of input data. Figure 21.2 illustrates the design idea of our general, distributed specification algorithm.

Figure 21.2 Overview of our distributed specification mining algorithm.

The key is to extract such tasks from existing algorithms that are repetitively applied to different parts of the input traces so that the input traces can be split and dispatched to and processed at different computing nodes. We note that many algorithms contain local mining tasks that can be done completely on a small part of the input data without the need of other parts. For some algorithms, however, there are still global mining tasks that need to operate on all data, and we need to ensure those tasks can run scalably. Fortunately, we note that the mining algorithms rely on various “statistics” that measure the likelihood of a candidate specification being valid. It is rarely necessary for the mining algorithms to really operate on all data at once in memory. Thus, we may also split the data (either the input traces or the intermediate results from other tasks) needed by the global mining tasks so that they operate on smaller data and become more parallelizable and scalable; or we can replace the global mining tasks with certain local ones plus certain specification compositions since many specifications are compositional. Multiple iterations of local and global mining tasks may be interweaved to find specifications mined by the normal sequential algorithms.

The general steps of our approach for parallelizing a given specification mining algorithm that takes a set of execution traces as input are as follows:

(1) Extract “local” operations in the algorithm that can be done in a separate trunk of the traces. The boundaries of trace trunks can be defined on the basis of the operations and can be algorithm specific.

(2) Extract “global” operations in the algorithm that may need to be done with all data and decide how the data needed by the global operations may be split and/or replace the global operations with local ones.

(3) Split the input traces into trunks accordingly, and dispatch them to different computing nodes for either local or global operations.

(4) Collect results from different computing nodes, and combine them to produce final specification outputs.

To produce efficient distributed versions of the sequential specification mining algorithms, one needs to ensure that the extracted local/global operations can be independent and executed concurrently with little or no synchronization. The steps described here are generic, although many details (what the local and global operations are, how to split data, how to dispatch/collect data, how to compose results, etc.) are algorithm specific, and are further explained in Section 21.3.2. Distributed specification mining with MapReduce

MapReduce simplifies the general distributed computing model by providing automated mechanisms for setting up a “master” process that manages work allocated to “worker” processes, dispatching work to a worker, collecting results from a worker, recovering from failures, utilizing data locality, etc. We further describe our general specification mining steps in the context of MapReduce as follows:

(1) Define an appropriate map function that corresponds to a local mining task. Each instance of the map function runs in parallel with respect to other instances; it takes one trace trunk Vip as input to produce a set of intermediate specification mining results (intermediate key/value pairs, list(Kint,Vint), in MapReduce’s terminology). The map function must be designed in such a way that the operation on Vip is independent of the operation on other trace trunks.

(2) Define an appropriate reduce function that corresponds to a global mining task or a composition operation that combines results (i.e., the intermediate key/value pairs, list(Kint,Vint)) from local mining tasks. Many algorithms rarely need global mining tasks, and the composition operations may be as simple as concatenation or filtering or recursive applications of some local mining tasks (see the algorithm-specific steps in Section 21.3.2).

(3) Define an appropriate record reader that splits input traces into trunks suitable for the map function. For example, if the map function from a mining algorithm deals with invariants within a method, a trace may be split at method entry and exit points. Each trace trunk can be identified by a trace identifier Kip and its content Vip.

(4) Let the MapReduce framework automatically handle the actual trace splitting, dispatching, and result collection.

The general steps above provide guidance to make it easier to transform sequential specification mining algorithms into distributed ones, although the strategies and techniques used to identify the local/global tasks in various algorithms might be different from each other, and there can be multiple ways to define the local/global operations, split the data, etc., for a given algorithm.

In the following, we describe our concrete instantiations of the general algorithm on five specification mining algorithms: (1) CLIPPER [2], a recurring pattern mining algorithm, (2) Daikon [3], a value-based invariant mining algorithm, (3) k-tails [4, 5], a finite-state machine inference algorithm, (4) LM [6], a sequence diagram mining algorithm, and (5) Perracotta [8], a temporal rule mining algorithm. We believe our findings can be easily adapted to other specification mining algorithms, especially those that mine specifications in languages similar to one of the five algorithms.

21.3.2 Algorithm-Specific Parallelization Iterative pattern mining with MapReduce

We illustrate how to instantiate our general algorithm with CLIPPER, an iterative pattern mining algorithm [2], to create the distributed version CLIPPERMR.

CLIPPER, similarly to many frequent pattern/sequence mining algorithms, explores the search space of all possible patterns. It starts with small patterns and then grows these patterns to larger ones. Pattern growth is performed repeatedly; each iteration grows a pattern by one unit. The iterations follow the depth-first search procedure. During the traversal of the search space, every pattern that is frequent (i.e., appearing many times in the dataset) is outputted. There have been studies on parallelization of frequent sequence mining algorithms, such as [9]. Their work uses MapReduce too, but our data sources and the subject algorithms are specific to specification mining, which requires different parallelization strategies and techniques. The semantics of the sequential patterns mined by their approaches is also different from that of iterative patterns mined by CLIPPER. Their approach relies on the w-equivalency property, which may hold only for their sequential patterns.

A piece of pseudocode for CLIPPER, as well as many frequent pattern mining algorithms, is shown in Algorithm 1. Intuitively, checking if a pattern is frequent or not could potentially be a parallelizable task. Unfortunately, it is not straightforward to break the pattern mining problem into independent tasks. On one hand, as we grow a pattern one unit at a time, if the pattern is not frequent, the longer pattern is not frequent either. In other words, some tasks can be omitted after the evaluation of other tasks and are thus dependent on other tasks. On the other hand, without the strategy of omitting longer patterns, the number of tasks grows exponentially with respect to the length of the traces.

Algorithm 1

Generic algorithm of frequent patter mining

 1: Procedure MinePatterns:

 2: Let SMALL = Small frequent patterns

 3: for all s in SMALL do

 4: TraverseSSpace(s)

 5: end for


 7: Procedure TraverseSSpace(Pattern s):

 8: Output s

 9: Let NEXT= GrowPattern(s)

 10: for all n in NEXT do

 11: TraverseSSpace(n)

 12: end for


 14: Procedure GrowPattern(Pattern s):

 15: Let BIGGER = s++e, where e is a growth unit and ++ is a grow operation

 16: for all s’ in BIGGER do

 17: if s’ is frequent then

 18: Output s’

 19: end if

 20: end for

Fortunately, we identify a common operation that is shared by these tasks—namely, pattern growth (i.e., the procedure GrowPattern in Algorithm 1). As pattern growth is performed many times, it is the critical operation that the mining algorithm spends many resources on. Thus, rather than trying to parallelize the whole pattern mining algorithm, we parallelize the pattern growth procedure.

The pattern growth procedure considers a pattern P and tries to extend it to patterns P+ +e, where e is a growth unit and + + is a growth operation (e.g., appending an event to an iterative pattern—from 〈m1〉 to 〈m1,m2〉).

For an iterative pattern P and trace T, we store the indices pointing to the various instances of the pattern in T. When we try to grow the pattern P to each pattern P′∈ {P+ +e}, we can update these indices to point to instances of the pattern P′. From the instances of P′, we could then know if P′ is frequent and thus should be in the output. Thus, we break this operation of checking all P′∈ {P+ +e} into parallelizable tasks, each of which is in the following format: check if one pattern P′ is frequent.

We realize GrowPattern(Pattern P) by instantiating the map and reduce functions in our general algorithm as follows. The map function works in parallel on each trace and updates the indices pointing to instances of P to indices of instances of P′∈ {P+ +e}. It creates an intermediate key/value pair (Kint/Vint) where the key corresponds to a P′ and the value corresponds to the indices pointing to instances of P′ in the trace. MapReduce groups all indices corresponding to a P′. Each intermediate key Kint and all of its corresponding intermediate values form a task that is sent to the reduce function. The reduce function computes the support of a pattern P′ and outputs it if the support is more than the minimum support threshold min_sup (i.e., if P′ is frequent). We list the inputs (Kip, Vip), intermediate key/value pairs (Kint, Vint), and outputs (Opart) in column (a) in Figure 21.3 for CLIPPERMR.

Figure 21.3 MapReduce inputs (Kip, Vip), intermediate key/value pairs (Kint, Vint), and outputs (Opart) for GrowPattern(Pattern P) of CLIPPER (column (a)), Daikon (column (b)), and k-tails (column (c)).

Given a large execution trace, the pattern growth operation can be performed in parallel. Each trace is processed in parallel by multiple instances of the map function. Also, the process to check if a pattern P′ is frequent or not could be done in parallel by multiple instances of the reduce function.

Note that we only parallelize the GrowPattern operation, and thus each MapReduce procedure in our implementation performs only one unit of pattern growth operation (i.e., Psi1_eP+ +e). Since many software properties are short and may be specified with only a few operation units (e.g., rules used in Static Driver Verifier [29]), we restrict the size of the patterns mined to be at most three to limit the experimental costs.

Example 4

Given two traces trace1 = 〈a,b,c〉 and trace2 = 〈a,b〉, we want to mine patterns with support values above min_sup= 2 using CLIPPERMR. In the first iteration, CLIPPERMR mines patterns of length 1. We have two instances of the map function, map1 and map2, which take as input trace1 and trace2, respectively. Then map1 creates the following intermediate key/value pairs: {Kint = 〈a〉,Vint = (trace1,{1})}, {Kint = 〈b〉,Vint = (trace1,{2})}, and {Kint = 〈c〉,Vint = (trace1,{3})}. The map function map2 produces {Kint = 〈a〉,Vint = (trace2,{1})}, and {Kint = 〈b〉,Vint = (trace2,{2})}. We have three instances of the reduce function—reduce1, reduce2, and reduce3: reduce1 takes pairs with the key 〈a〉 and checks whether the number of instances is larger than min_sup; similarly, reduce2 and reduce3 collect pairs with the keys 〈b〉 and 〈c〉, respectively. The reduce functions output patterns 〈a〉 and 〈b〉 because they satisfy the threshold min_sup. In the next iteration, CLIPPERMR mines patterns of length 2. The map functions generate the following intermediate key/value pairs: {Kint = 〈a,b〉,Vint = (trace1,{1})}, {Kint = 〈a,c〉,Vint = (trace1,{1})}, {Kint = 〈b,c〉,Vint = (trace1,{2})}, and {Kint = 〈a,b〉,Vint = (trace2,{1})}. The reduce functions group the instances on the basis of the key values, and find that pattern 〈a,b〉 satisfies the min_sup threshold. Finally, CLIPPERMR returns the following frequent patterns: 〈a〉, 〈b〉, and 〈a,b〉. Value-based invariant mining with MapReduce

We parallelize Daikon into a distributed version DaikonMR by instantiating our general algorithm in MapReduce.

Similarly to Daikon, DaikonMR takes as input a set of execution traces and outputs invariants for each method that hold for all execution traces. We parallelize Daikon by splitting the input traces: rather than feeding the whole set of traces to one instance of Daikon, we process the traces for each method separately, and in parallel the trace logs for each method are fed into one instance of Daikon. This allows us to instantiate our general algorithm for Daikon relatively easily without the need for synchronization because the traces of different methods are independent of one another for inferring method-level invariants.

In DaikonMR, the map function processes a set of traces and outputs 〈methodsignature,(metadata,entries,and exits)〉 pairs. The latter part of each pair contains method metadata (e.g., the number of parameters a method has, the types of the parameters, etc.), and parts of the execution traces corresponding to the states of the various variables when entries and exits of the methods are executed. The reduce function runs an instance of Daikon on (metadata,entries,andexits) of the same method and the outputs 〈methodsignature,method invariants〉 pair. We illustrate the inputs, intermediate key/value pairs, and outputs for DaikonMR in MapReduce’s terminology in column (b) in Figure 21.3.

Many instances of Daikon are executed in parallel, each of which runs on a rather small input. Thus, each instance of Daikon requires much less memory and is able to quickly produce a subset of the results. Finite-state machine mining with MapReduce

Many finite-state machine mining algorithms are variants of the k-tails algorithm [20]. The algorithms investigate a set of execution traces and produce a single finite-state machine. However, this finite-state machine may be too large and difficult to comprehend. Many studies propose methods to split the traces and learn a finite-state machine for each subtrace, whose ideas can be instantiated in MapReduce with our general algorithm, and we name it k-tailsMR.

Consider the mapping function EVENTS→GROUP, where EVENTS is the set of events (i.e., method calls) in the execution traces, and GROUP is a group identifier. Events in the same group are related. Many notions of relatedness may be defined (see [30]). In this chapter we consider one such notion: a group of events is composed of invocations of methods appearing in the same class.

The map function slices each trace into a set of subtraces on the basis of the group membership of each event. MapReduce collects the subtraces belonging to the same group. The reduce function produces one finite-state machine for a group of subtraces by invoking an instance of the k-tails algorithm. We illustrate the inputs, intermediate key/value pairs, and outputs for k-tailsMR in column (c) in Figure 21.3.

The slicing could be done in parallel for separate execution traces. In addition, the learning of multiple finite-state machines could be done in parallel. Sequence diagram mining with MapReduce

We illustrate how to transform the LM algorithm [6], which mines LSCs [23, 24], into LMMR.

An LSC contains two parts: a prechart and a main chart. The semantics of LSCs dictates that whenever the prechart is observed, eventually the main chart will also be observed. The goal of the mining task is to find all LSCs that appear frequently (i.e., the support of the LSC is more than min_sup), and for which the proportion of the prechart followed by the main chart in the execution traces is greater than a certain min_conf threshold. LSCs obeying these criteria are considered significant.

The LSC mining algorithm works in two steps:

(1) mine frequent charts,

(2) compose frequent charts into significant LSCs.

For the first step, we employ the same strategy as described in Section For the second step, we consider the special case of min_conf = 100% (i.e., mining of LSCs that are always observed in the execution traces—the prechart is always eventually followed by the main chart).

In LSC mining, Lo and Maoz [31] define positive witnesses of a chart C, denoted by pos(C), as the number of trace segments that obey chart C. They also define weak negative witnesses of C, denoted by w_neg(C), as the number of trace segments that do not obey C because of the end of the trace being reached. The support of an LSC L = pre → main is simply the number of positive witnesses of pre+ +main. The confidence of an LSC L is given by



We first note that LSCs with 100% confidence must be composed of a prechart and a main chart, where |pos(pre+ +main)| + |w_neg(pre+ +main)| equals |pos(pre)|. We could break up the task of constructing all significant LSCs into subtasks: find all significant LSCs of a particular support value.

We name the MapReduce version of LM as LMMR. For LMMR, we use the following map and reduce functions. The map function works on the set of patterns and simply groups pattern C where either pos(C) + w_neg(C) or pos(C) has a particular value into a bucket. If a pattern C has different pos(C) + w_neg(C) and pos(C) values, it is put into two buckets. The reduce function constructs significant LSCs by composing two patterns in each bucket. We list the inputs, intermediate key/value pairs, and outputs involved in column (a) in Figure 21.4.

Figure 21.4 MapReduce inputs (Kip, Vip), intermediate key/value pairs (Kint, Vint), and outputs (Opart) for LM (column (a)) and Perracotta (column (b)).

The composition of charts to form LSCs is done in parallel for separate buckets. If the significant LSCs have many different support values, the speedup in the second stage of LSC mining due to the parallelization could be substantial.

Finally, LMMR applies the MapReduce framework twice, sequentially in a pipeline. The first application computes the frequent charts using the solution presented in Section The output of this application is used as an input for the second application described above. Composition of instances of MapReduce in a pipeline is also common (see, e.g., [32]). Temporal rule mining with MapReduce

We illustrate how to reimplement basic Perracotta [8] by using our general algorithm and MapReduce. Perracotta proposes several extensions and variants to the main algorithm—for example, chaining. We consider only the basic Perracotta, which computes alternating properties. We call the resultant algorithm PerracottaMR.

For n unique methods in the execution traces, Perracotta checks n2 possible temporal specifications of the format “Whenever method m1 is executed, eventually method m2 is executed” (denoted as m1m2) to see if the specification is strongly observed in the execution traces. A measure known as thesatisfaction rate is defined on the basis of the proportion of partitions in the traces that satisfy m1+m2+si3_e (i.e., p) that also satisfy the temporal rule m1m2 (i.e., pAL). It is often the case that n is large, and Perracotta would require a lot of memory to process the traces together. We break up the original task into small subtasks by splitting each long trace into smaller subtraces of size k and process them independently—by default we set k to be 300,000 events for PerracottaMR. As k is relatively large, by the principle of locality (i.e., related events appear close together; see [33]), there will be no or little loss in the mined specifications.

Following our general algorithm, we define the following map and reduce functions. The map function is applied to each execution subtrace independently. For each execution subtrace, the map function computes for each potential rule mimj two numbers: the number of partitions in the subtrace (i.e., p) and the number of partitions in the subtrace that satisfy the rule (i.e., pAL). The method pair is the intermediate key, while the two numbers p and pAL are the value in the intermediate key/value pair (Kint and Vint). MapReduce groups the counts for the same rule together. The reduce function simply sums up the p and pAL for the separate execution subtraces and computes a satisfaction rate for the corresponding rule. Rules that satisfy a user-defined threshold of the satisfaction rate (i.e., S) are provided as output. By default, the satisfaction rate is 0.8. We list the inputs, intermediate key/value pairs, and outputs involved in column (b) in Figure 21.4.

Notice that the subtraces can now be processed in parallel using multiple runs of the map and reduce functions on potentially different machines. Also, the computation and checking of the satisfaction rate could be done in parallel. No synchronization is needed among different subtraces.

21.4 Implementation and Empirical Evaluation

We have implemented the algorithms described in the previous sections in Hadoop [15], one of the most popular MapReduce implementations. We describe our datasets, experimental settings, research questions, and experimental results in the following.

21.4.1 Dataset and Experimental Settings

We use seven programs—avrora, batik, fop, luindex, lusearch, xalan, and tomcat—from the DaCapo benchmark [7] as our subjects. We have also implemented a Java instrumentation tool to collect all methods that are executed (referred to as trace databases later) for the experiments with CLIPPER, k-tails, LM, and Perracotta; we use Chicory, a part of Daikon, to collect the traces for Daikon. The sizes of the Daikon traces for these seven programs range from 18 GB to 157 GB, while the sizes of the trace databases range from 41 MB to 533 MB. The experiments are run on four Acer M680G machines, each having an Intel Core i5 quad-core CPU, 4 GB of memory, and a 2 TB hard disk, on which the operating system Ubuntu version 12.04 is installed. One of the machines is used as the master; the three other machines are slaves. We also configure Hadoop (version 2.0.0-alpha) to use up to three cores for distributed map and reduce tasks on each slave machine to reduce the effects of potential resource contentions. We set the maximum memory of each map/reduce task to 1200 MB and leave the other settings at their default values (e.g., the Hadoop file system’s replication factor). Before running the MapReduce versions of the specification mining algorithms, we also copy all traces from the usual ext4 file system under Ubuntu into the Hadoop file system as a one-time cost. To reduce experimental bias, we run each experiment with each version of the various specification mining algorithms two times and report the averages across the two runs.

21.4.2 Research Questions and Results

Our study aims to answer the following research questions:

(1) Could existing specification mining algorithms scale to process large execution traces?

(2) Could MapReduce be used to improve the scalability of existing specification mining algorithms?

(3) How much more scalable would our mining algorithms be if we increased the number of processing cores?

We discuss the answers to these research questions for each of the five specification mining algorithms. Mining frequent patterns

To answer research question 1, we run the original version of CLIPPER on the traces. This version mines patterns recursively, and needs to load the complete trace database into memory. Thus, even for the smallest trace database with a size of 41 MB (from batik), original CLIPPER is unable to run.

To answer research question 2, we examine the performance of CLIPPERMR with up to eight parallel map and reduce tasks. CLIPPERMR(8) (i.e., with eight parallel map and reduce tasks) outputs the invariants for all traces from the seven programs within 1493 min. This shows CLIPPERMR improves the scalability of the original CLIPPER.

To answer research question 3, we compare the time cost for CLIPPERMR as we increase the number of parallel tasks (see Figure 21.5). We find that the performance improves as we increase the number of parallel tasks. By increasing the number of parallel MapReduce tasks from one to four, we gain a speedup ranging from 1.4 to 3.2 times. By increasing the number of parallel MapReduce tasks from one to eight, we gain a speedup ranging from 1.7 to 4.6 times. The reason why CLIPPERMR cannot speed up as much as parallelized versions of the other mining algorithms (see later) is that it needs to process a lot of I/O operations across different nodes in the Hadoop system.

Figure 21.5 Performance improvements for CLIPPER. Mining value-based invariants

To answer research question 1, we run the original Daikon on the traces. Since the traces from the seven programs are all larger than 18 GB, the original Daikon runs out of memory before outputting any invariant.

To answer research question 2, we examine the performance of the original Daikon and that of DaikonMR with up to eight parallel map and reduce tasks. DaikonMR(8) outputs the invariants for all traces from seven programs within 2374 min, and we are unable to infer the invariants of only less than 5% of the methods (since we terminate a Daikon instance if it takes more than 600 s to finish). Obviously, DaikonMR improves the scalability of the original Daikon.

To answer research question 3, we compare the time cost for DaikonMR as we increase the number of parallel tasks (see Figure 21.6). We find that the performance improves when we increase the number of parallel tasks. By increasing the number of parallel MapReduce tasks from one to four, we gain a speedup ranging from 2.7 to 3 times. By increasing the number of parallel MapReduce tasks from one to eight, we gain a speedup ranging from 4.2 to 5.4 times. We notice that the rate of speedup decreases as we increase the number of parallel tasks from four to eight. This is so as there are more resource contentions between the mappers and reducers as the number of parallel tasks is increased in our small four-machine cluster with limited memory.

Figure 21.6 Performance improvements for Daikon. Mining finite-state machines

To answer research questions 1 and 2, we compare the performance of the original k-tails with that of k-tailsMR(8). The original k-tails ran out of memory before outputting any finite-state machines. On the other hand, k-tailsMR(8) is able to output finite-state machines for all programs in 40 min. Similarly to what we did for DaikonMR, we also employ a timeout, and terminate an instance of the k-tails construction process run in one reducer if it does not finish within 120 s. We find that we are unable to run k-tails to completion for only 5% of the classes. Obviously, k-tailsMR improves the scalability of the original k-tails.

To answer research question 3, we compare the time cost for k-tailsMR as we increase the number of parallel tasks (see Figure 21.7). We find that the performance improves as we increase the number of parallel tasks. By increasing the number of parallel MapReduce tasks from one to four, we gain a speedup ranging from 2 to 3.7 times. By increasing the number of parallel MapReduce tasks from one to eight, we gain a speedup ranging from 2.3 to 5.6 times.

Figure 21.7 Performance improvements for k-tails. Mining sequence diagrams

To answer research questions 1 and 2, we compare the performance of the original LM with that of LMMR(8). The original LM is unable to run because of memory problems, while LMMR is able to get the sequence diagrams (since LMMR is based on CLIPPERMR). LMMR(8) can output the invariants for all traces from the seven programs within 1508 min. This shows LMMR can improve the scalability of the original LM.

To answer research question 3, we compare the time cost for LMMR as we increase the number of parallel tasks (see Figure 21.8). We find that the performance improves as we increase the number of parallel tasks. By increasing the number of parallel MapReduce tasks from one to four, we gain a speedup ranging from 1.4 to 3 times. By increasing the number of parallel MapReduce tasks from one to eight, we gain a speedup ranging from 1.7 to 4.6 times. The performance improvement of LMMR over LM is similar to that of CLIPPERMR over CLIPPER. This is reasonable as the first of the two steps of LMMR is based on CLIPPERMR (see Section, and the second step for composing frequent charts into significant LSCs takes little time with respect to the time spent in the first step.

Figure 21.8 Performance improvements for LM. Mining temporal rules

To answer research question 1, we mine temporal rules with the original Perracotta, which was able to mine the temporal rules from all of the traces. Perracotta’s memory cost is quadratic to the number of unique events in the traces. In our study, the unique events are the methods that are invoked when the program is run. The number of unique events is not so big, and is no more than 3000.

To answer research question 2, we compare the performance of the original Perracotta with that of PerracottaMR, and we present the results in Figure 21.9. We see that PerracottaMR(8) achieves a speedup ranging from 3.5 to 18.2 times. Note that PerracottaMR(8) may achieve a speedup of more than eight times in comparison with Perracotta on average. This may be related to the fact that Perracotta is a memory-intensive algorithm (with space complexity O(n2) and time complexity O(nL), where n is the number of unique events in the traces and L is the total length of all traces). Its sequential version needs to load all traces into memory sequentially, while the parallelized version may load many split smaller traces into memory simultaneously even when there is only one core available for map/reduce tasks. At the same time, the accuracy of PerracottaMR is 100% with respect to Perracotta: when we compare the output of PerracottaMR with that of Perracotta, there is no temporal rule that is missed.

Figure 21.9 Original Perracotta versus parallelized Perracotta.

To answer research question 3, we compare the time cost for PerracottaMR as we increase the number of parallel tasks (see Figure 21.10). We find that the performance improves as we increase the number of parallel tasks. By increasing the number of parallel MapReduce tasks from one to four, we gain a speedup ranging from 1.6 to 3.8 times. By increasing the number of parallel MapReduce tasks from one to eight, we gain a speedup ranging from 4.1 to 7 times. Figure 21.10 also shows that the rate of speedup decreases as we increase the number of parallel tasks from four to eight. This is so as there are more resource contentions between the mappers and reducers as the number of parallel tasks is increased in our small four-machine cluster.

Figure 21.10 Performance improvements for Perracotta.

21.4.3 Threats to Validity and Current Limitations

In this work, we have considered five families of specification mining algorithms: those mining frequent patterns, value-based invariants, finite-state machines, sequence diagrams, and temporal rules. For each family, we have considered one algorithm. There are other specification mining algorithms that we have not considered in this study—for example, those that analyze program code rather than execution traces [26, 3437]. It is not clear if our approach can be easily extended to all other specification mining algorithms. In this study, we modified and adapted the algorithms to follow a divide-and-conquer strategy; it is not clear if all specification mining algorithms can be modified to follow this strategy. In the future, we would like to investigate even more algorithms and algorithm families and show how they can be modified to follow appropriate divide-and-conquer strategies to leverage the power of MapReduce.

We have evaluated our approach using seven programs from the DaCapo benchmark [7]. This benchmark has been used extensively in many previous studies (e.g., [38, 39]). Still, these programs might not be representative of all open-source and industrial software systems. We plan to reduce this threat to validity further by investigating more programs in addition to those in the DaCapo benchmark. Also, we have experimented with a cluster of four machines running eight cores. We plan to extend our experiment to even more machines and more cores. However, even with four machines, we have shown how the power of MapReduce could be tapped to scale various specification mining algorithms.

One limitation is imposed by the implementation of MapReduce that we use—that is, Hadoop. One of the most important issues for a distributed platform is locality, as network bandwidth is the bottleneck when processing a large amount of data. To solve this problem, Hadoop attempts to replicate the data across the nodes and to always locate the nearest replica of the data. However, a substantial proportion of the time may still be spent on data transmission, typically for algorithms which involve a heavy data transmission load. Our experiments used the default Hadoop file system replication factor 3 (i.e., each block of data is replicated to three machines) to minimize the transmission overheads during computation. The speedup factor of the parallelized versions of the specification mining algorithms may be affected if more machines are used or the replication factor is changed. We plan to perform a more comprehensive investigation of the effect of data transmission load, identify factors that may significantly affect the performance of distributed specification mining algorithms, and design improved algorithms that can reduce such overheads further.

21.5 Related Work

We now discuss closely related studies on specification mining, uses of MapReduce in software engineering, and parallelizing data mining algorithms in general. By no means does this section cover all related work.

21.5.1 Specification Mining and Its Applications

Mined specifications can help developers to understand legacy systems [8], to detect potential bugs [26]. They can also be used as input for model checkers and for the purpose of program verification [40] or can be converted into test cases [41].

Some families of specification mining algorithms were described in Section 21.2. Here we describe other related recent work. Beschastnikh et al. [42] mined three kinds of temporal invariants from system logs and merged them into a state-based behavioral model. Wu et al. [43] proposed an approach that mines specifications from a variety of application programming interface (API) data, including information from API client programs, library source code, and comments. Lo and Maoz [44] used three concepts—equivalence classes among LSCs, isomorphic embeddings, and delta-discriminative similarity measures—to mine a succinct set of LSCs and improve the readability of mining results. Alrajeh et al. [45] presented a semiautomated approach that detects vacuously satisfiable scenarios by leveraging a model checker and generates new scenarios to avoid the vacuity using machine learning (inductive logic programming). Kumar et al. [4] presented a framework for mining message sequence graphs that can represent concurrent behaviors of a distributed system. Zhong et al. [46] inferred API specifications from documentations expressed in English. Lee at al. [47] implemented the tool jMiner to mine parametric specifications by using the concept of trace slicing. The proposed approach first slices independent interactions from program traces. The independent interactions are then fed into a variant of the k-tails algorithm to produce a probabilistic finite-state machine. The work of Wei et al. [48] builds on Daikon to infer contracts for Eiffel programs.

All five specification mining algorithms that we studied in this chapter (CLIPPER, Daikon, k-tails, LM, and Perracotta) analyze program execution traces. Other approaches to specification mining use program code as input (e.g., [26, 3437]). A technique called DySy mines invariants, similar to those generated by Daikon, by performing symbolic execution to reduce the number of test cases needed to mine the invariants and improve the quality of the mined invariants [49]. There are also algorithms that mine specifications in forms different from the five families described in Section 21.2—for example, algebraic specifications [50] and separation logic invariants [51]. It would be interesting to examine how one can apply our general algorithm and MapReduce to the diverse mining algorithms mentioned above.

Some recent studies propose ways to better understand, extend, and compare existing specification mining algorithms. An approach called InvariMint allows users to construct a model inference algorithm by using a declarative specification [52]. Beschastnikh et al. [52] show that their approach could help users understand, extend, and compare algorithms that mine specifications in the form of finite-state machines. Different from their work, we propose an approach to adapt existing algorithms to the MapReduce framework and make them more scalable and efficient.

Comprehensive surveys of past studies on specification mining are available in a recent article [53] and in a book on specification mining [1].

21.5.2 MapReduce in Software Engineering

Shang et al. [12, 54] have presented experience reports on scaling tools for mining software repositories using MapReduce. They investigated several case studies to analyze the potential of the MapReduce platform to scale up tools for mining software repositories, including (1) J-REX, which mines a CVS repository for calculating changes of software metrics over the history of a software project, (2) CC-Finder, which is a token-based clone detection tool designed to extract code clones from systems developed in several programming languages, and (3) JACK, which is a log analyzer that uses data mining techniques to process system execution logs and automatically identify problems in load tests. Specification mining approaches are not covered in these studies. Recently, Dyer et al. [11] proposed a language and an infrastructure called Boa to ease the analysis of software repositories. Users can specify queries in a domain-specific language, and these queries can be processed by Boa’s processing engine, which uses the MapReduce distributed computing model.

Different from these studies, we specifically focus on specification mining algorithms and investigate the potential of using MapReduce to make them more scalable.

21.5.3 Parallel Data Mining Algorithms

Kang et al. [55] used MapReduce to propagate beliefs on a sparse billion-node graph. Liu et al. [56] used MapReduce to parallelize an algorithm inferring document relevance for a Web search. Ene et al. [10] sped up general clustering algorithms by using MapReduce. Miliaraki et al. [9] recently proposed a parallelization of a frequent sequence mining algorithm that can run on MapReduce. Their approach relies on the w-equivalency property that holds only for sequential patterns, and the semantics of the sequential patterns mined by their approach is different from that of iterative patterns mined by CLIPPER (which is the closest algorithm considered in this chapter to the frequent sequence mining algorithm). Although our approach employs MapReduce too, our data sources and the subject algorithms are specific to specification mining, which requires different parallelization strategies and techniques.

21.6 Conclusion and Future Work

In this chapter, we have addressed the challenge of making specification mining algorithms scalable. We have presented a general algorithm design that helps to transform sequential specification mining algorithms into distributed ones on the basis of the observation that many specification mining algorithms are data intensive but computationally repetitive. In particular, we have shown how five different kinds of algorithms—CLIPPER, Daikon, k-tails, LM, and Perracotta—can be parallelized by following our general algorithm and leveraging the popular distributed computing framework MapReduce. We have evaluated the distributed versions of these algorithms with seven programs from the DaCapo benchmark, and we found that the distributed versions can significantly improve the scalability of the original algorithms for every trace dataset of size ranging from 41 MB to 157 GB. The distributed Perracotta running on four machines (using up to eight CPU cores in total) speeds up the original version by 3-18 times. The original CLIPPER, Daikon, k-tails, and LM are unable to handle the large traces, while our distributed versions can finish in hours and much performance improvement can be gained by using more machines.

We consider the following for future work. First, our distributed algorithms are not necessarily optimal; we plan to investigate whether defining the map and reduce functions differently and/or splitting input data differently would improve the scalability of these algorithms. For example, Daikon has more than 100 invariant templates that are checked against traces when it looks for actual invariants. Checking each kind of template is independent from checking other kinds of templates, and thus could be parallelized as a map function as well. Second, our distributed algorithms are evaluated only with gigabyte traces in a four-machine cluster with many default settings; we would like to evaluate them with terabyte traces in a commercial cluster and see how the performance improves when the number of processors increases and various cluster system settings are used. Third, we consider the application of our general algorithm and MapReduce to additional kinds of specification mining algorithms not covered in this chapter—for example, algorithms leveraging other information besides traces (e.g., text, software repository). Fourth, some variants of the algorithms we have investigated may also deserve special attention—for example, the variants of LSC mining triggers and effects [31], or the combination of scenario-based and value-based invariants [18].


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1 It is not our goal to improve the accuracy of existing specification mining algorithms in inferring correct specifications. Rather, our goal is to improve their scalability. When evaluating the accuracy of the parallelized algorithms, we need only compare it against their sequential versions, instead of human developers’ ground truth.

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