Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page


List of Contributors

Chapter 1: Past, Present, and Future of Analyzing Software Data



1.1 Definitions

1.2 The Past: Origins

1.3 Present Day

1.4 Conclusion

Part 1: Tutorial-Techniques

Chapter 2: Mining Patterns and Violations Using Concept Analysis



2.1 Introduction

2.2 Patterns and Blocks

2.3 Computing All Blocks

2.4 Mining Shopping Carts with Colibri

2.5 Violations

2.6 Finding Violations

2.7 Two Patterns or One Violation?

2.8 Performance

2.9 Encoding Order

2.10 Inlining

2.11 Related Work

2.12 Conclusions

Chapter 3: Analyzing Text in Software Projects


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Textual Software Project Data and Retrieval

3.3 Manual Coding

3.4 Automated Analysis

3.5 Two Industrial Studies

3.6 Summary

Chapter 4: Synthesizing Knowledge from Software Development Artifacts


4.1 Problem Statement

4.2 Artifact Lifecycle Models

4.3 Code Review

4.4 Lifecycle Analysis

4.5 Other Applications

4.6 Conclusion

Chapter 5: A Practical Guide to Analyzing IDE Usage Data



5.1 Introduction

5.2 Usage Data Research Concepts

5.3 How to Collect Data

5.4 How to Analyze Usage Data

5.5 Limits of What You Can Learn from Usage Data

5.6 Conclusion

5.7 Code Listings

Chapter 6: Latent Dirichlet Allocation: Extracting Topics from Software Engineering Data


6.1 Introduction

6.2 Applications of LDA in Software Analysis

6.3 How LDA Works

6.4 LDA Tutorial

6.5 Pitfalls and Threats to Validity

6.6 Conclusions

Chapter 7: Tools and Techniques for Analyzing Product and Process Data


7.1 Introduction

7.2 A Rational Analysis Pipeline

7.3 Source Code Analysis

7.4 Compiled Code Analysis

7.5 Analysis of Configuration Management Data

7.6 Data Visualization

7.7 Concluding Remarks

Part 2: Data/Problem Focussed

Chapter 8: Analyzing Security Data


8.1 Vulnerability

8.2 Security Data “Gotchas”

8.3 Measuring Vulnerability Severity

8.4 Method of Collecting and Analyzing Vulnerability Data

8.5 What Security Data has Told Us Thus Far

8.6 Summary

Chapter 9: A Mixed Methods Approach to Mining Code Review Data: Examples and a Study of Multicommit Reviews and Pull Requests


9.1 Introduction

9.2 Motivation for a Mixed Methods Approach

9.3 Review Process and Data

9.4 Quantitative Replication Study: Code Review on Branches

9.5 Qualitative Approaches

9.6 Triangulation

9.7 Conclusion

Chapter 10: Mining Android Apps for Anomalies



10.1 Introduction

10.2 Clustering Apps by Description

10.3 Identifying Anomalies by APIs

10.4 Evaluation

10.5 Related Work

10.6 Conclusion and Future Work

Chapter 11: Change Coupling Between Software Artifacts: Learning from Past Changes


11.1 Introduction

11.2 Change Coupling

11.3 Change Coupling Identification Approaches

11.4 Challenges in Change Coupling Identification

11.5 Change Coupling Applications

11.6 Conclusion

Part 3: Stories from the Trenches

Chapter 12: Applying Software Data Analysis in Industry Contexts: When Research Meets Reality


12.1 Introduction

12.2 Background

12.3 Six Key Issues when Implementing a Measurement Program in Industry

12.4 Conclusions

Chapter 13: Using Data to Make Decisions in Software Engineering: Providing a Method to our Madness


13.1 Introduction

13.2 Short History of Software Engineering Metrics

13.3 Establishing Clear Goals

13.4 Review of Metrics

13.5 Challenges with Data Analysis on Software Projects

13.6 Example of Changing Product Development Through the Use of Data

13.7 Driving Software Engineering Processes with Data

Chapter 14: Community Data for OSS Adoption Risk Management



14.1 Introduction

14.2 Background

14.3 An Approach to OSS Risk Adoption Management

14.4 OSS Communities Structure and Behavior Analysis: The XWiki Case

14.5 A Risk Assessment Example: The Moodbile Case

14.6 Related Work

14.7 Conclusions

Chapter 15: Assessing the State of Software in a Large Enterprise: A 12-Year Retrospective



15.1 Introduction

15.2 Evolution of the Process and the Assessment

15.3 Impact Summary of the State of Avaya Software Report

15.4 Assessment Approach and Mechanisms

15.5 Data Sources

15.6 Examples of Analyses

15.7 Software Practices

15.8 Assessment Follow-up: Recommendations and Impact

15.9 Impact of the Assessments

15.10 Conclusions

15.11 Appendix

Author Biographies

Chapter 16: Lessons Learned from Software Analytics in Practice


16.1 Introduction

16.2 Problem Selection

16.3 Data Collection

16.4 Descriptive Analytics

16.5 Predictive Analytics

16.6 Road Ahead

Part 4: Advanced Topics

Chapter 17: Code Comment Analysis for Improving Software Quality


17.1 Introduction

17.2 Text Analytics: Techniques, Tools, and Measures

17.3 Studies of Code Comments

17.4 Automated Code Comment Analysis for Specification Mining and Bug Detection

17.5 Studies and Analysis of API Documentation

17.6 Future Directions and Challenges

Chapter 18: Mining Software Logs for Goal-Driven Root Cause Analysis


18.1 Introduction

18.2 Approaches to Root Cause Analysis

18.3 Root Cause Analysis Framework Overview

18.4 Modeling Diagnostics for Root Cause Analysis

18.5 Log Reduction

18.6 Reasoning Techniques

18.7 Root Cause Analysis for Failures Induced by Internal Faults

18.8 Root Cause Analysis for Failures due to External Threats

18.9 Experimental Evaluations

18.10 Conclusions

Chapter 19: Analytical Product Release Planning



19.1 Introduction and Motivation

19.2 Taxonomy of Data-intensive Release Planning Problems

19.3 Information Needs for Software Release Planning

19.4 The Paradigm of Analytical Open Innovation

Analysis phase

Synthesize phase

19.5 Analytical Release Planning—A Case Study

19.6 Summary and Future Research

19.7 Appendix: Feature Dependency Constraints

Part 5: Data Analysis at Scale (Big Data)

Chapter 20: Boa: An Enabling Language and Infrastructure for Ultra-Large-Scale MSR Studies


20.1 Objectives

20.2 Getting Started with Boa

20.3 Boa’s Syntax and Semantics

20.4 Mining Project and Repository Metadata

20.5 Mining Source Code with Visitors

20.6 Guidelines for Replicable Research

20.7 Conclusions

20.8 Practice Problems

Project and Repository Metadata Problems

Source Code Problems

Chapter 21: Scalable Parallelization of Specification Mining Using Distributed Computing


21.1 Introduction

21.2 Background

21.3 Distributed Specification Mining

21.4 Implementation and Empirical Evaluation

21.5 Related Work

21.6 Conclusion and Future Work

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