
acclimating new employees, 205

Accommodation, a Process for, 35

acknowledgment form, employee handbook, 228-229

Act of 1900, Older workers Benefit Protection , 169, 262

Act of 1964, Title VII of Civil Rights, 33, 139

Act of 1978 (PDA), Pregnancy Discrimination, 33

Act of 1991, Civil Rights, 33

activity, evidence of union, 237-238

adult learners, 193

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), 33, 139, 262

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 33-34, 36, 51, 122, 139, 252

analysis methods, job, 47-49


do a gap, 26-27, 185

job, 47-49

analyze the current workforce, 23-27


rejecting, 86

screening, 73-74


designing and developing, 186-188

performance, 206-208, 211, 216-217

arrangements, flexible work, 120-122

assessing employee development needs, 185-188

assimilation evaluation, 97, 100

assimilation, new employee, 93-102

background checks, 85

behavioral expectations, 45, 211

benefits, employee, 165-182

branding, employment, 70-71

broadbanding, 163

cash incentive plans, establishing, 146

cause, termination for, 260, 266

check-ins, 30-day, 60-day and 90-day, 97


for determining essential job functions, 52

for evaluating a workforce plan, 27

for managers on day one, 97

checklist, executive on-boarding, 98-99

Civil Rights Act of 1991, 33

coach, choosing a, 201

coachable, is the client, 201

coaching as an employee development strategy, 199-203

coaching, the role of HR in, 199-201

COBRA, 168, 261-263

communications, employee, 229-230

Commuting Flexibility Act, Employee, 138-139

compensation philosophy statement, 141-142

compensation, 19, 25, 32, 35, 48, 87-88, 90, 120, 122, 124, 133-149, 156-157, 164, 167, 171, 174-176. 180-182, 209, 230

executive, 148-149

the legal landscape of, 133-140

competencies, job, 152

conflict and

acknowledging it, 240

addressing it, 242-243

assessing it, 240-242

conflict to collaboration, moving from, 239-245

considerations, generational, 215-216

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), 168, 262-263

consultants, contract workers and, 42

Consumer Credit Protection Act, 38

contingent workers, 41-46

definitions of each types of, 43

contract workers and consultants, 42

control of the conversation, maintaining, 223


critical, 219-224

maintaining control of the, 223

Cost of Living Adjustments, 144

cost of turnover, 105-106

creative benefits strategy, 174

criteria, determining hiring, 53-56

critical conversations, 219-224

culture and policies, positive, 227-228

culture, hire for, 53-54

culture, organizational, 21

cybersecurity, 124, 255

decision, making a hiring, 85-86

descriptions, job, 47-52, 152 155


a pay system, 142-145

employees, best approach to, 189-197

objectives, 209-210


needs, assessing employee, 185-188

strategy, coaching as an employee, 199-203


evaluating employee, 196-197

management’s role in employee, 196

dialogue, encourage, 221

discrimination, theories of, 32


impact, 32

treatment, 32

drug abuse policy, 228, 232

drug testing, substance abuse and, 253

Economic Growth and Tax Reconciliation Relief Act, 167

EEO policy, 230-231

EEO staffing issues to consider, 65

email, a word about, 220

emergency preparedness and response, 256-257


and labor relations, 227, 238

assimilation, new, 93-102

assistance programs, 178

benefits, the legal landscape of, 165-172

communications, 229-230

conduct policy, 231-232

development strategy, coaching as an, 199-203

development, evaluating, 196-197

engagement, 113-118

handbooks, 228-229

Polygraph Protection Act, 38-39,

referral program, 64-65

relationship, ending the, 259-269

Retirement Income Security Act, 146, 165, 167-168, 180, 252, 262

rights, 31-40

satisfaction survey questionnaire, 116-117


acclimating new, 205

part-time, 42-43, 57, 62, 120-122, 165, 267, 272

employment at will, 31-32, 230, 259

employment branding, 70-71

engagement and retention, 112

engagement, employee, 113-118

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 36-37, 44, 80-81, 85, 224, 231

Equal Pay Act (EPA), 35, 139

errors when interviewing, common rating, 81

essential job functions, 34, 51-52

evaluating employee development, 196-197

evaluation, job, 155-160

evidence of union activity, 237-238

executive assimilation, 97-101

executive coach, reasons for using a, 200

executive compensation, 148-149

exemptions, 134-136

exit interview, 97, 106, 108, 111-112, 236, 265

and outprocessing, 266

exit interviews, follow-up, 110-111

external hire, 58-59

Facebook, 61, 68-69, 107, 234-235, 237

Factor Comparison Method, 158

Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT), 39

fair and legal interviews, 80-81

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 39

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), 42, 49, 122, 133-137, 139, 155

Family Medical Leave Act, 122, 176

first day, manager’s role on, 96-97

flexibility, workplace, 119-125

flexible work arrangements, 120-122

focus groups, 21, 108, 111, 127, 130, 186

follow-up exit interviews, 110-11

format for job descriptions, 50-51

functions, essential job, 51-52

gap analysis, 26-27

generational considerations, 215-216

generations in the workplace, the impact of multiple, 16-18

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA), 35

global environment, compensating employees in a, 18

global staffing challenges, 65-66

globalization, 18-20

gratification, instant, 216

green-circle rates, 162

groups, focus, 21, 108, 111, 127, 130, 186

group-term life insurance, 179


for training time, 139

for travel time, 138

harassment policy, 232-233

health and welfare benefits, 176-177

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, 168-169, 252, 257

hire for culture, 53-54

hire, external, 58-59


criteria, determining, 53-56

decision, making a, 85-86

from inside or the outside the organization, 57-60

process, internal, 60

HR in coaching, the role of, 199-201

impact, evaluate retention strategy, 112

incentive pay, 143, 145-146

income replacement, 176, 179


getting good, 220-221

giving good, 222-223

inside or outside the organization, hiring from, 57-60

instant gratification, 216

insurance, group-term life, 179

interests versus positions, focusing on, 243-244


hiring process, 60

transfer or promotion, 58-59

interview opinions, additional, 79-80

interview, the, 73-82


employee or managerial, 186

fair and legal, 80-81

investigations, conducting, 224

IRS independent contractor test, 44-46

job analysis, 47-49

job candidate selection process, 54

job competencies, 152

job descriptions, 47-52

format for, 50-51

legal implications of, 51

what to include in, 49

job evaluation, 155-160

job offer letter, 87-90, 107

job offer negotiating, 90

job offer, making a, 87-91

job posting tips, 59

job preview, realistic, 110

job rotation, 111, 190, 195

labor relations, 227-238

laws, non-discrimination, 33-35


policy, 236

script, sample, 261

leadership coach, reason for using, 200

learners, adult, 193

leave policy (policies), 235

leave, paid, 166, 179

legal landscape of

compensation, 133-140

employee benefits, 165-172

employee rights, 31-40

flexible work arrangements, 122

safety and health, 248-251

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Play Act, 35, 139-140

LinkedIn, 61, 64, 68-69, 84, 106, 194, 234-235

listener, be an active, 221-222

lump-sum increases or payments, 144, 148, 179


performance, 48, 50, 109, 118, 143, 205-217, 223, 231-236, 266

risk, 124-125, 247-257

succession, 27-30, 48

manager’s role on day 1, 96-97

mandatory benefits, 174-176

market-based or equity increases, 144

meals and breaks, 138

Medicare, 174-175, 263

Mental Health Parity Act, 170

mentoring and what an organization

potentially gains, 195

mentoring, 194-195

methods of job analysis, 47-49

methods, needs assessment, minimum wage, National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), 39-40

needs assessment methods, 186-187

negotiating, job offer, 90

new employees, acclimating, 205

no-cost rewards, 130

non-discrimination laws, 33-35

notifications, termination, 265

offer letter and legal implications, 90

offer, making a job, 87-91

Older Worker’s Benefit Protection Act, 169, 262


pay, 137, 144

workers, 41, 43-44

on-call/standby time, 137

on-the-job training, 195

opinions, additional interview, 79-80

options, creating, 244

orientation do’s and don’ts, new hire, 96

orientation programs, 95-96

OSHA, 122, 248-251

injury and illness reporting, 251

inspections, 249-250

standards, enforcement of, 250-251

outprocessing and exit interviews, 266-267

outside the organization, recruiting from, 61-71

overtime pay, 133-134

paid leave, 166, 179

part-time employees, 42-43, 57, 62, 120-122, 165, 267, 272

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2011, 169-171, 174

pay system, developing a, 141-145

pay, incentive, 143, 145-146

performance appraisals, 143, 186, 190, 206-208, 211, 213, 215-216

performance management, 48, 50, 109, 118, 143, 205-217, 223, 231-236, 266

policy, 231-236


succession, 23-30

workforce, 23-30, 48, 113, 151

plans, establishing cash incentive, 146

Point Factor Method, 158

Point Factor, 158

policies, positive culture and, 227-228

policy harassment,


drug abuse, 228, 232

EEO, 230-231

employee conduct, 231-232

harassment, 232-233

layoff, 236

performance management, 231-236

social media, 69-70, 229, 234-235

termination, 236

workplace violence, 235

Polygraph Protection Act, Employee, 38-39

Portal-to-Portal Act, 137-138

positive culture and policies, 227-228

posting requirements, FLSA, 136-137

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 (PDA), 33

preparatory/concluding activities, 137

preparedness and response, emergency, 256-257

preview, realistic job, 110


employee assistance, 178

orientation, 95-96

promotion, internal transfer or, 58-59

questionnaire, job analysis, 52


green-circle, 162

red-circle, 162

rating errors when interviewing, common, 81

rating errors, 207-208

recognition, rewards and, 127-130

recruit, using social media to, 67-69

recruitment, strategic, 41-46

red-circle rates, 162

referral program, employee, 64-65

rejecting applicants, 86

relations, labor, 227-238

relationship with former employees, maintaining a, 62, 267-268

relationship, ending the employee, 259-269

relocation, 91

re-recruit your great employees, 111

resumes, reviewing, 54-56

retaliation, 33-36, 233, 277

retention and engagement, 112

retention tools, 28, 60, 94, 108, 121-122, 128-130

retention, strategic, 105-112

Retirement Equity Act, 168

retirements plan, 38, 148, 167-168, 170, 180-182

Revenue Act of 1978, 171, 179, 181

reviewing resumes, 54-56

rewards and recognition, 127-130

rewards, no-cost, 130

rights, employee, 31-40

risk management, 124-125, 247-257

rotation, job, 111, 190, 195

salary structure, developing a, 141-145

Salary-Basis Test, 134-135

sales compensation, 147

Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 149, 171, 224, 257

screening applicants, 73-74

security, workplace, 254-256

social media policy, 69-70, 229, 234-235

staffers, temporary, 43

strategic retention, 105-112

substance abuse and drug testing, 253

succession management, 27-30, 48

succession planning, 23-30

superstars, spotting potential, 78-79

survey questionnaire, employee satisfaction, 116-117

surveys and questionnaires, 186-188

Tax Reform Act, 171

telecommuting, 121-125

temporary staffers, 43


notifications, 265

policy, 236

terminations, types of, 259-260

theories of discrimination, 32

training time, 137-138

guidelines, 139

training, 190-193

on-the-job, 195

transfer or promotion, internal, 58

travel time, 138

turnover, cost of, 105-106

Twitter, 68, 234

types of terminations, 259-260

unemployment insurance, 175, 261

Uniformed Service Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, 38

union activity, evidence of, 237-238

violence, workplace, 85, 178, 235, 254-256

waiting time, 137

will, employment at, 31-32, 230, 259

workers, on-call, 41, 43-44

workers’ compensation, 122-124, 174-176, 253

workforce plan,

checklist for evaluating a, 27

step-by-step process for developing a, 25-27

workforce planning, 23-30, 48, 113, 151


flexibility, 119-125

violence policy, 235

workplace, impact of multiple generations in the, 16-18

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