
  • Acronyms,
  • Acting methods
  • Action items,
  • Active listening
    • in emotional interactions
    • during job interviews
    • in relationship building
    • when receiving feedback
  • The Actor and the Target (Declan Donnellan)
  • Adams, Douglas
  • Adding value, in networking
  • Agenda, meeting
  • Albee, Edward
  • Alibaba Group
  • Alignment
  • Allen, Irwin
  • Allen, Woody
  • Amazon
  • Amplification
  • Analyzing audience:
    • and flow
    • in persuasion
    • in Pinnacle three-step process
    • when answering difficult questions
  • Anger
  • Answering questions
    • difficult or hostile questions
    • in job interviews
    • practicing
    • reflecting before
  • Appearance, executive presence and
  • Apple
  • Appreciation
  • Aristotle
  • Arland, Gilbert
  • Armstrong, Lance
  • Articulation
  • Ashford, Sue
  • Asking questions
    • effective questions
    • in job interviews
    • in networking
    • to understand feedback
  • Attention span
  • Attractiveness
  • Audience
    • analyzing
    • connecting with
    • saying no to
    • for storytelling
  • Authenticity
  • Autocratic leadership
  • Bacon, Francis
  • Barnum, P.T.
  • Barry, Dave
  • Baum, L. Frank
  • Bee, Samantha
  • Begin, Menachem
  • Believable truth
  • Benefit
    • to audience
    • in business relationships
    • from engagement
    • highlighted in answering questions
    • from meetings
    • in message
    • in networking
    • in personal branding
    • of receptivity
    • of stories
  • Benjulian, Jayne
  • Berger, Thomas
  • Bernstein, Leonard
  • Bettinger, Walter
  • Bettinghaus, Erwin P.
  • Beyoncé
  • Bezos, Jeff
  • Biases
  • Bids for connection
  • Blueprints
  • Body language
    • and engagement in meetings
    • in executive presence
    • in job interviews
    • messages sent by
    • mirroring
    • with strangers
    • when answering difficult questions
    • when exiting conversations
    • when facilitating meetings
  • Bonansinga, Jay
  • Boundary setting
  • BP (British Petroleum)
  • Bradberry, Travis
  • Bradham, Nigel
  • Brainstorming meetings
  • Brand:
    • company
    • personal
  • Branding:
  • Brando, Marlon
  • Branson, Richard
  • Breaking the ice
  • Breathing
  • British Petroleum (BP)
  • Brown, Brené
  • Browne, Brendan
  • Bruneau, Megan
  • Bruner, Jerome
  • Bryant, Adam
  • Buffett, Warren
  • Burnett, Mark
  • Burnout
  • Burton, Richard
  • Bush, George H.W.
  • Byham, Tacy M.
  • Cacioppo, John
  • Caen, Herb
  • Carnegie, Dale
  • Carter, Jimmy
  • Carton, Andrew
  • Caskey, Kristin
  • Catholic Church
  • Catmull, Ed
  • Ceremonial meetings
  • Cerf, Moran
  • Chafee, Lincoln
  • Challenge stories
  • Champagne, Matt
  • Change leadership/management
  • Charisma
  • Childs, Edith
  • Churchill, Winston
    • on criticism
    • at Hamlet performance
    • language used by
    • on oratory
    • powerful speech/story endings of
    • Shakespeare performed by
    • on staying on track
    • on word choice
  • Cialdini, Robert B.
  • Clarity:
    • communicating with
    • in delivering feedback
    • for effective communication
  • Climax, in storytelling
  • Clinton, Bill
  • Clinton, Hillary
  • Clooney, George
  • Closed-ended questions
  • Cody, Michael J.
  • Cole, Edwin Louis
  • Collaboration
    • lack of
    • leading
  • Collins, Jim
  • Communication:
    • acting methods used in
    • changes in
    • Davison's worst speech ever
    • effective
    • in effective leadership
    • and engagement
    • ineffective
    • intention-based
    • as key to success
    • poor, consequences of
  • Communication skills
  • Company culture:
    • and leadership style
    • stories in defining
  • Confidence:
    • in executive presence
    • during interviews
    • projecting
    • in relationship building
    • when answering difficult questions
    • of women
  • The Confidence Code (Katty Kay and Claire Shipman)
  • Confirmation bias
  • Conflict, handling
  • Congruence
  • Convergent questions
  • Cooper, Anderson
  • Credibility
  • Critical inner voice
  • Criticism
  • Cruise, Tom
  • Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly
  • Cuban, Mark
  • Cuddy, Amy
  • Culture, see Company culture
  • Curiosity
  • Curry, Dell
  • Curry, Stephen
  • Dalai Lama
  • Daniels, William R.
  • D'Antonio, Michael
  • David, Susan
  • Davis, Edward “Tiger Mike,”
  • Day-Lewis, Daniel
  • Decision making:
    • by leaders
    • in meetings
    • for saying yes or no
  • Deepwater Horizon oil spill
  • Delagative leadership
  • Delivery, modifying
  • Deming, W. Edwards
  • Democratic leadership
  • Demosthenes
  • Depression, and saying no
  • Developmental change
  • Dewey, John
  • Diaz, Cameron
  • Difficult conversations
    • asking effective questions
    • blueprint for
    • delivering feedback effectively
    • handling difficult questions
    • managing emotional interactions
    • receiving feedback effectively
  • Diffusion of responsibility
  • Direction giving, in motivational speeches
  • Dispenza, Joe
  • Distractions
  • Distress
  • Divergent questions
  • Donnellan, Declan
  • Dopamine
  • Doubt, about your abilities
  • Dress:
    • and executive presence
    • for job interviews
  • Drucker, Peter
  • Duckworth, Angela
  • Dung, Phap
  • Eagly, Alice
  • Earhart, Amelia
  • Effective questions
  • Eisenhower, Dwight D.
  • E-mail communications
  • Emotions:
    • and engagement
    • experienced during hiring process
    • generated by stories
    • triggered by smiling
  • Emotional Intelligence (Daniel Goleman)
  • Emotional Intelligence 2.0 (Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves)
  • Emotional interactions, managing
  • Emotional wellness
  • Empathic attunement
  • Empathy:
    • in delivering feedback
    • expressing, in motivational speeches
    • from mutuality
    • in relationship building
  • Empowering others
  • Enchiridion (Epictetus)
  • Engagement
    • blueprint for
    • and brain alignment
    • and burnout
    • and communication
    • generational differences in
    • and individuals' motivations
    • in intention-based communication
    • during job interviews
    • manager's influence on
    • maximizing
    • in meetings
    • perfect pep talks for
    • storytelling for
    • of team members
    • through stories
    • through surprise
    • in times of change
    • understanding
    • value of
  • Epictetus
  • Erickson, Tamara
  • Ericsson, Anders
  • Ethos
  • Etiquette
  • Eustress
  • Evans, Robert
  • Executive presence
    • appearance in
    • authenticity in
    • body language in
    • confidence in
    • credibility in
    • defined
    • eye contact in
    • integrity in
    • manners in
    • mindfulness in
    • personal brand and
    • receptivity in
    • smiling in
    • visibility in
    • vocal dynamics in
  • Exiting conversations
  • Expectation setting
  • Expert power
  • Exposition, in storytelling
  • Exposure effect
  • Eye contact:
    • in executive presence
    • in job interviews
    • messages sent by
    • with strangers
    • when exiting conversations
    • when facilitating meetings
  • Facebook
  • Facial expressions:
    • in job interviews
    • messages sent by
    • mirroring
  • Falling action, in storytelling
  • Fallon, Jimmy
  • Familiarity, in relationship building
  • Favreau, Jon
  • Fears, when speaking
  • Feedback:
    • effective delivery of
    • effective receiving of
    • listening to
    • Millennials' preference for
    • on presentations
    • on stories
  • First impressions:
    • and halo effect
    • in job interviews
    • and last impressions
  • Fischer, Martin H.
  • Fisher, Helen
  • Fitzgerald, F. Scott
  • Flow
  • Follow up:
    • to job interviews
    • to meetings
  • Fong, Christina
  • Ford, Henry
  • Foreman, George
  • Franklin, Benjamin
  • Freels, William “Andy,”
  • Freytag, Gustav
  • Freytag's Pyramid
  • Fried, Jason
  • Galton, Sir Francis
  • Gandhi, Mahatma
  • Gates, Melinda
  • Gates, Robert
  • Gender differences:
    • among physicians
    • in attractiveness, with storytelling
    • in confidence
    • in leadership
    • in leadership styles
    • in number of executives
    • in saying no
    • in visibility
  • Gender roles
  • Generalizations
  • Generational differences:
    • in communicating face-to-face
    • in engagement
    • in inspiring/motivating others
    • in need for personal development
    • in perception of skills
  • Gestures
    • conveying meaning of messages
    • when facilitating meetings
  • Gibbs, Nancy
  • Gilovich, Thomas
  • Gladwell, Malcolm
  • Glass, Ira
  • Globalization
  • Glossophobia
  • Goal setting
  • Godard, Jean Luc
  • Godin, Seth
  • Goldstein, Noah
  • Goleman, Daniel
  • Goodwin, Doris Kearns
  • Google
  • Gottman, John
  • Gottshall, Jonathan
  • Graham, Martha
  • Gravitas
  • Greaves, Jean
  • Green, David
  • Green, Ja'Mal
  • Greeting, in job interviews
  • Ground rules, for meetings
  • Grove, Andy
  • Guber, Peter
  • Hafez
  • Halo effect
  • Hamon, Benoit
  • Handshakes
  • Hanna, Rob
  • Hansson, David Heinemeier
  • Harrison, Nico
  • Hausenblas, Heather
  • Havel, Vaclav
  • Hayward, Tony
  • Head, Edith
  • Hedging language
  • Heroes, in storytelling
  • Hewlett-Packard (HP)
  • Hicks, Greg
  • Hird, Tim
  • Hiring interviews, See Job interviews
  • Hofmann, Stefan G.
  • Home base position
  • Hoover, Herbert
  • Howard, Ken
  • “How to Run a More Effective Meeting” (Adam Bryant)
  • HP (Hewlett-Packard)
  • Humility:
    • in hiring process
    • in networking
  • Huxley, Aldous
  • Illusion of transparency
  • Image-based words
  • Immelt, Jeff
  • Implementation stories
  • Imposter syndrome
  • Impromptu speaking
  • Incentives
  • Inciting incident, in storytelling
  • Incongruence
  • Inflection
  • Influencing others, see Persuasion
  • Informational meetings
  • Informational power
  • Insecurity
  • Inspiring others. See also Engagement
  • Integrity, in executive presence
  • Intellectual wellness
  • Intention(s)
    • in emotional interactions
    • in intention-based communication
    • for job interviews
    • launching message through
    • of public speakers and actors
    • in storytelling
  • Intention-based communication
    • acting methods used in
    • blueprint for
    • and consequences of poor communication
    • engagement in
    • intention in
    • objective in
    • persuasion equation in
    • The Pinnacle Method process for
  • Intention cues
    • in city environments
    • conveying meaning of messages
    • in delivering feedback
    • from hiring managers
    • in interpersonal interactions
    • in job interviews
    • messages sent by
    • mirroring
    • in relationship building
    • with strangers
    • suited to roles
    • when exiting conversations
  • Interruptions
  • Interviews, see Job interviews
  • Intimacy, in relationship building
  • Introverted employees
  • Isopraxism
  • James, William
  • Jargon
  • Jha, Ashish
  • Job interviews
    • blueprint for
    • common pitfalls in
    • doing research for
    • emotions experienced during
    • exhibiting passion during
    • first impression in
    • follow up to
    • humility in
    • managers' roles in
    • practicing answers for
    • preparing for
    • projecting confidence during
  • Jobs, Steve
    • hardship of
    • language used by
    • meetings conducted by
    • pep talk of
    • on saying no
    • story of
    • on storytellers
    • on suspense
    • as transformational leader
    • word choices of
  • Job satisfaction, meetings and
  • Job search process. See also Job interviews
  • Johnson, Colin
  • Jones, Chris
  • Jordan, Judith V.
  • Jordan, Michael
  • Judgment, in meetings
  • Jung, Carl
  • Kahn, William
  • Kahneman, Daniel
  • Kawasaki, Guy
  • Kay, Katty
  • Kayser, Thomas
  • Kennedy, Caroline
  • Kennedy, John F.
  • Kennedy, Ted
  • Kenyatta, Angela
  • Khosrowshahi, Dara
  • Kim Jong Un
  • Kim Yong-Jin
  • King, Martin Luther, Jr.
  • Klein, Ezra
  • Klein, Joe
  • Knight, Phil
  • Korb, Alex
  • Korda, Michael
  • Korwin-Mikke, Janusz
  • Kroc, Ray
  • Kruger, Justin
  • Language, see Word choice
  • Last impressions
  • Leadership
    • blueprint for
    • definitions of
    • effective communication in
    • by example
    • gender differences in
    • poor
    • and power
    • principles of highly effective leaders
    • purposes of
    • sincerity of
    • styles of
    • traits for
  • Leadership styles
  • LeaderShock (Greg Hicks)
  • Ledger, Heath
  • Le Guin, Ursula K.
  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Levenson, Robert
  • Lewis, Carl
  • Likeability
  • Lincoln, Abraham
  • Listening:
  • Location of meetings
  • Logical pauses
  • Logos
  • Lombardi, Mollie
  • Lombardi, Vince
  • Louis C.K.
  • Lucas, George
  • Luna, Tania
  • Lundgren, Terry
  • Lythcott-Haims, Julie
  • Ma, Jack
  • MacArthur, Douglas
  • McDonald, Bob
  • McDonald's
  • McGonigal, Kelly
  • McKinnon, Mark
  • McNeill, Lee
  • Macy's
  • Maeda, John
  • Manchester, William
  • Mandela, Nelson
  • Manners, in executive presence
  • Martin, Steve J.
  • Materials:
    • for meetings
    • for presentations
  • Mayer, Marissa
  • Mayfield, Jacqueline
  • Mayfield, Milton
  • Meaning making, in motivational speeches
  • Meetings
    • and attention span
    • blueprint for
    • body language when facilitating
    • common complaints about
    • defined
    • different approaches to
    • engaging people in
    • facilitating
    • follow up to
    • preparing for
    • scheduling
    • time spent in
    • types of
  • Meeting assets
  • Melville, Herman
  • Merkel, Angela
  • Merritt, Lynn
  • Message(s):
    • of bad news
    • connecting to your audience with
    • e-mailing
    • framing
    • fresh delivery of
    • in intention-based communication
    • preparing
    • simplicity of
  • Meyer, Danny
  • Meyer, Melissa
  • Micromanagement
  • Mideast peace agreement (1978)
  • Mindfulness:
    • in emotional interactions
    • in executive presence
  • Mirroring
  • Mirror theory
  • Mitchell, Dennis
  • MLT (motivating language theory)
  • Modifying delivery:
    • and flow
    • in meetings
    • in Pinnacle three-step process
    • when answering difficult questions
  • Moreno, Megan
  • Morrell, Margot
  • Mossberg, Walt
  • Motivating language theory (MLT)
  • Motivation(s). See also Engagement
    • of different individuals
    • generational differences in
    • by leaders
    • pep talks for
    • through stories
  • Movement
  • Mudd, Roger
  • Munoz, Oscar
  • Murphy, Mark
  • Musk, Elon
  • Mutuality
  • Names, remembering
  • Narratives, see Storytelling
  • Navarro, Joe
  • Networking
  • Network power
  • Nike
  • No, saying
  • Nonverbal communication. See also specific types, e.g.: Body language
    • in bids for connection
    • of intention cues
    • of interviewers
    • in meetings
    • messages sent by
    • mirroring
    • in receiving feedback
    • showing curiosity
    • verbal communication vs.
  • Nordstrom
  • Norm of reciprocity
  • Obama, Barack
  • Objective:
    • in acting
    • in intention-based communication
    • of meetings
  • Occupational wellness
  • Ogilvy, David
  • Olympic Games
  • Open-ended questions
  • Origin stories
  • Orman, Suze
  • Others:
  • Outliers (Malcolm Gladwell)
  • Overconfidence
  • Oxytocin
  • Pace, in speaking
  • Pacifiers
  • Parkinson's law
  • Parks, Anna
  • Passion
    • and flow
    • in job interviews
    • of leaders
    • as leadership tool
    • in storytelling
  • Pathos
  • Pattern interrupt
  • Pauses:
    • in answering difficult questions
    • during speeches
    • types of
    • when answering difficult questions
  • Pep talks
  • Perception
  • Performance
  • Perseverance, of leaders
  • Personal brand
  • Personal branding
    • blueprint for
    • by celebrities/media figures
    • creating personal branding statement
    • defined
    • defining your brand
    • elements of
    • executive presence in
    • maintaining and protecting your brand
    • means of persuasion in
    • origin of concept
    • stories in
    • in Trump's election
    • value of
  • Personal branding statement
  • Persuasion
    • blueprint for
    • choosing words for
    • defined
    • and flow
    • means of
    • in personal branding
    • preparing your message
    • and saying no
  • Persuasion equation
  • Peters, Tom
  • Phatic communication
  • Physical wellness
  • Physicians, gender differences among
  • Physiological pauses
  • The Pinnacle Method
    • and flow
    • in persuasion
    • three-step process of
  • Pitch
  • Player, Gary
  • Positional power
  • Posture
    • awareness of
    • in interviews
  • Power
  • Preparation:
    • to achieve flow
    • for job interviews
    • for meetings
    • of messages
  • Presence. See also Executive presence
    • in meetings
    • in relationship building
  • Problem-solving meetings
  • Proficiency, of leaders
  • Profitability, leadership style and
  • Proximity, in relationship building
  • Psychological pauses
  • Pull strategies
  • Purpose:
    • communicating with
    • empowerment through
  • Push strategies
  • Putin, Vladimir
  • Questions:
  • Ray, Rebeca
  • Reagan, Ronald
  • Reagan's Journey (Margot Morrell)
  • Receptivity, in executive presence
  • Reciprocity
  • Recognition
  • Redgrave, Vanessa
  • Reece, Barry L.
  • Rehearsing presentations
  • Reinecke, Mark
  • Relationship building
    • active listening in
    • bids for connection in
    • blueprint for
    • connecting with others for
    • empathy in
    • through networking
    • valuing employees in
  • Reminders, meeting
  • Renninger, LeeAnn
  • Resolution, in storytelling
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Rework (Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson)
  • Rhetorical questions
  • Rice, Susan
  • Rising action, in storytelling
  • Ritualistic greetings
  • Robbins, Tony
  • Roberts, Julia
  • Robinson, Albert
  • Robinson, Rachel
  • Robinson, Sydney
  • Romney, Mitt
  • Roosevelt, Eleanor
  • Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
  • Roosevelt, Theodore
  • Rowling, J.K.
  • Rumsfeld, Donald
  • Sachs, Jonah
  • Sadat, Anwar
  • Sandberg, Sheryl
  • Sanders, Betsy
  • Sarnoff, Dorothy
  • Satoro, Ryunosuke
  • Satyrus
  • Saying no
  • Scheduling meetings
  • Schmidt, Eric
  • Schreiber, Katherine
  • Schwab, Charles
  • Schwartz, Jim
  • Schwarzkopf, Norman
  • Seating arrangements, for meetings
  • Seidman, Dov
  • Self-awareness
  • Self-disclosure
  • Sensory language
  • Shake Shack
  • Shakespeare, William
  • Shakur, Tupac
  • Shared traits/interests
  • Sharing information
  • Shark Tank,
  • Sharot, Tali
  • Shipman, Claire
  • Silence:
    • during speeches
    • value of
  • Simmons, Annette
  • Simplicity
  • Sinar, Evan
  • Sinek, Simon
  • Smiling:
    • in executive presence
    • in job interviews
  • Smith, Calvin
  • Smith, Will
  • Social anxiety
  • Social awareness
  • Social loafing
  • Social meetings
  • Social wellness
  • Solution stories
  • SpaceX
  • Spatiality
  • Speech anxiety
  • Spinoza, Baruch
  • Spiritual wellness
  • Spolin, Viola
  • Sports stories
  • Spotlight effect
  • Stanislavski, Constantin:
    • on absorbing an audience
    • on adjustments in communication
    • on believable truth
    • on empathy
    • on leaving emotions outside
    • on objectives
    • on pauses
    • on poor speech
    • on remembered feelings
    • on self-admiration and exhibitionism
    • on word choice
  • Stone, Roger
  • Stop-Breathe-Look-Listen process
  • Stoppelman, Jeremy
  • The Story Factor (Annette Simmons)
  • Story map
  • Storytelling
    • analyzing audience for
    • blueprint for
    • in business context
    • in defining culture/promoting values
    • for engagement
    • heroes and villains in
    • impact of
    • sources of ideas for
    • structure for
    • tips for
    • types of stories
    • uses of
  • Strahan, Michael
  • Streep, Meryl
  • Street intimacy
  • Strength
  • Stress
    • in interview process
    • and saying no
    • technology-related
  • Surprises
  • Surprise (Tania Luna and LeeAnn Renninger)
  • Swisher, Kara
  • Tandy, Miles
  • Team members:
    • engaging
    • introverted
    • leader's treatment of
    • meeting invitations for
  • Technology:
    • as stressor
    • used by meeting attendees
  • Teresa, Mother
  • Thatcher, Margaret
  • Thinking, Fast and Slow (Daniel Kahneman)
  • Thrush, Glenn
  • Tiger Oil Company
  • Timeliness of feedback
  • Transactional leadership
  • Transformational change
  • Transformational leadership
  • Transitional change
  • Transparency, illusion of
  • Treadmill verbs
  • Trimble, Michael
  • Trudeau, Justin
  • Trump, Donald
    • generalizations used by
    • Merkel and
    • personal brand of
    • storyline of
    • story of
    • temperament of
  • Trust:
    • and change leadership
    • credibility/believability and
    • from mutuality
    • in relationship building
  • Turner, Jessica
  • Twain, Mark
  • Tyson, Mike
  • Under Armour
  • Understanding reactions:
    • and flow
    • in Pinnacle three-step process
    • when answering difficult questions
  • United Airlines
  • Values:
    • in executive presence
    • promoted in stories
  • Value, adding
  • Value stories
  • Valuing employees
  • Vargas, Tiffanye
  • Verbal viruses
  • Villains, in storytelling
  • Visibility, in executive presence
  • Vision, communicating
  • Vocabulary, executive presence and
  • Vocal dynamics:
    • conveying meaning of messages
    • in executive presence
    • in job interviews
    • when facilitating meetings
  • Von Mises, Ludwig
  • Wadors, Pat
  • Warhol, Andy
  • Warmth
  • Warson, Tracey
  • Weber, Max
  • Weiner, Anthony
  • Welch, Jack
  • Wellness
  • Whitman, Meg
  • Williams, Pharrell
  • Wilson, Woodrow
  • Winfrey, Oprah
  • Winston, Jameis
  • Winston, Joe
  • Winters, Shelley
  • Wirthlin, Dick
  • Woolf, Virginia
  • Word choice:
    • in answering difficult questions
    • generalizations
    • hedging language
    • jargon and acronyms
    • for job interviews
    • for persuasion
    • in storytelling
  • Wozniak, Steve
  • Written messages
  • Yelp
  • Young, Andrew
  • Zak, Paul
  • Zuckerberg, Mark
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