
  • Accessibility, 22
  • Accountability
    • for behavior, 176, 178
    • and blame, 119
    • and clarity, 70
    • for following rules, 71
    • for goals, 174
    • in mentoring, 139
    • for ongoing improvements, 56
    • as workplace value, 27, 28
  • Accountability journal, 5
  • Acknowledgment, 99, 125. See also Recognition
  • Action items, 80
  • Action plans, 232
  • Active listening, 32–33, 79, 120
  • Adams, Norm, 114
  • “All Management Is Change Management,” 55
  • Amazon, 225
  • Ambassadorship, 153–158
  • Anxiety, relieving, 34
  • Apologizing, 75, 96, 178, 202
  • Appreciation, 23, 99, 203. See also Recognition
  • Asking for help, 20, 45
    • from employees, 95–96, 205
    • in standardizing practices, 163
  • Asking questions
    • about challenges, 65
    • in investigating generalizations, 82–83
    • in large-group meetings, 229
    • in mentorship, 138
    • of middle managers, 192
    • of Millennials, 151
    • to nurture curiosity, 120
    • about processes, 56
    • about reasons employees might leave, 205
    • in rounding, 94–95
    • in small-group meetings, 230–231
    • in tough conversations, 79
    • to understand the what, 124, 126
    • to understand the why, 15
  • Attention, 42–44, 124
  • Audience, tailoring messages to, 34
  • Authenticity, 23, 99, 151, 155–156
  • Authority, 46–47, 149–150
  • Baby Boomers, 104
  • Bad news, 118–119
  • Baptist Hospital, Pensacola, 173
  • Beginners mind-set, 5
  • Behavioral-based interviewing, 105, 196
  • Behavior standards, 175–182
  • Benchmarking, 38, 234
  • Berwick, Don, 70–71
  • Best practices, 233–236
    • in creating positive culture, 90
    • for engaging employees, 107–109
  • Bezos, Jeff, 225
  • BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals), 172, 173
  • Blame, 65, 119, 203
  • Body language, 33
  • Boss. See also Leaders
    • appreciating, 203
    • checking priorities with, 43
    • knowing the what of, 125–126, 201
  • Boundaries, clarity of, 176
  • Breaks, taking, 45
  • Buddies, for new hires, 200–201
  • Building blocks, see Structural building blocks
  • Built to Last (Collins), 25, 168
  • Candor, 120
  • Caring, 139, 204
  • Celebration
    • in orientation/on-boarding, 201
    • small gestures of, 100
    • of wins, 39, 56–57, 89–90
  • Challenging employees, 106
  • Change
    • middle managers' impact on, 190
    • as requirement, not as suggestion, 236
  • Change management, 55–61
    • in employees' motivations, 124–125
    • psychological states in, 209
  • Changing your mind, 6
  • Character, mentor's focus on, 138
  • Clarity
    • of behavior standards, 176–177
    • of expectations, 75, 162
    • of guidance on rules, 69–71
    • in managing change, 59–60
    • of messages, 34
    • of rules and boundaries, 176
    • from structural foundation, 162
    • for tough conversations, 78
  • Clement, Mark, 172
  • Clients, see Customers and clients
  • Clifton, Jim, 5–6
  • Coachability, 3–6
    • as hiring criterion, 198
    • in small-group meetings, 230
    • striving for, 22
  • Collaboration, 16, 20
    • and fit of employees, 105
    • for Millennials, 149
    • in tough conversations, 79
  • Collins, Jim, 25, 168, 172
  • The Coming Jobs War (Clifton), 5–6
  • Commitment
    • behaviors showing, 177
    • to being a better leader, 99
    • to clarity, 71
    • to clients, 180–181
    • to coworkers, 179
    • through engagement, 219
    • to making changes, 59
  • Communication, 31–36. See also Language; Listening
    • about delegated tasks, 47
    • in avoiding workplace drama, 145
    • behavior-based interview questions about, 196
    • behavior standards for, 181–182
    • connecting to values in, 28–29
    • face-to-face, 120–121
    • of goals, 174
    • by mentees, 140
    • methods of, 35
    • middle managers' impact on, 190
    • open, honest, and transparent, 129
    • proactive, 16
    • ratio of positive and negative messages in, 36, 97, 99, 217
    • of rules, 71
    • in stressful times, 51, 52
    • in tough conversations, 75, 77–80
    • of values, 26
  • Communication plan, 227
  • Community, building sense of, 228
  • Compensation, 195, 201
  • Complaints, as gifts, 202
  • Compliments, 99, 102
  • Confidence, 121
  • Conflict
    • avoidance of, 73–74
    • rules of engagement for, 120
    • and workplace drama, 143
  • Conflict management system, 144
  • Conflict resolution, 73–76, 202
  • Conscious competence, 209
  • Conscious incompetence, 209, 221
  • Consensus, 38–39
  • Consent, seeking, 38–39
  • Consistency, 162, 176
  • Core beliefs, see Value(s)
  • Covey, Stephen, 42–43
  • Credibility, 32
  • Cross-training, 194
  • Culture, 85
    • of admitting mistakes, 66
    • of calm, 51
    • and conflict resolution, 73–74
    • of consistency and predictability, 162
    • employees' early impressions of, 203
    • good communication in, 36
    • hiring for, 105
    • making change part of, 55–56
    • managers' control of, 190
    • of ownership, 131–135
    • and performance evaluations, 217
    • positive, 87–91
    • and positive ambassadorship, 154–155
    • and positive recognition, 97, 98
    • for retaining employees, 203–204
    • self-awareness and coachability in, 4
    • setting the tone for, 236
    • training's impact on, 207, 208
    • values in, 25
    • and we/theyism, 127–128
    • where feedback is encourages, 119
    • workplace drama in, 143
  • Curiosity, 106, 120, 121
  • Customers and clients
    • behaviors impacting, 177
    • communicating with, 156, 181–182
    • impact of individual jobs on, 113
    • knowing the what of, 125
  • Customer satisfaction, 114, 202, 219–223
  • Customer service, 196
  • Cynicism, 90–91, 208
  • Dashboards, 42, 184–186
  • Decision making
    • being included in, 225
    • measurements underlying, 185–186
    • from structural foundation, 162
    • values-based, 25, 30
  • Delegation, 45–47
  • Digital distractions, 43–44
  • Directions, for Millennials, 150
  • Discomfort
    • embracing, 63–67
    • getting comfortable with, 58–59
    • of not being true to values, 168
    • when learning new skills, 209
  • Disney, Roy E., 25
  • Disruption, 63–65
  • Distractions, 43–44
  • Drama, reducing, 70, 143–146
  • Drivers, knowing, 39
  • Edmondson, Amy, 117
  • Ego, 19, 21, 185, 234
  • Emails, 43–44, 101
  • Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 63
  • Emotional bank account, 93–96
  • Employees. See also related topics, e.g.: Performance reviews
    • asking for feedback from, 90, 205
    • behavior standards review by, 177
    • building relationships with, 94–96
    • challenging, 106
    • communicating directly with, 33
    • connecting jobs/roles to organizational purpose/mission, 111–114
    • connecting meaning and purpose to, 91, 103–104
    • cultural fit of, 105
    • encouraging ownership in, 132–135
    • encouraging self-disruption in, 66
    • engagement of, 89, 104, 190, 204, 219–224
    • expecting pushback from, 60
    • knowing strengths and weaknesses of, 46
    • knowing the what of, 123–125
    • learning and development resources for, 208
    • managing up the company to, 154
    • optimizing performance of, see Performance optimization skills/behaviors
    • overpaying, 195
    • positive recognition of, 97–102
    • psychological safety of, 89, 117–121
    • referrals from, 194
    • self-awareness and coachability of, 3
    • setting example for, 155
    • teaching delegation to, 47
    • teaching positive ambassadorship to, 155–157
    • in turning around negative culture, 90–91
  • Engagement
    • from being included, 225
    • “best odds” environment for, 107–109
    • connecting meaning, purpose and, 103–109
    • and customer satisfaction, 219–224
    • emotional, 31
    • measuring, 89, 204, 223–224
    • in meetings, 229, 230
    • middle managers' impact on, 190
    • and self-awareness and coachability, 4
    • through challenge, 106
  • EntreCon, 192
  • Entrepreneurship, 150, 163
  • Excuses, 11
  • Execution, 37–40
  • Expectations, 75, 151, 162
  • Fairness, 106, 162
  • Fear, 234
  • Feedback
    • acting on, 95, 120
    • asking for and receiving, 5, 9, 22, 90, 119, 121
    • and coachability, 3–6
    • culture encouraging, 119
    • from employees, 90, 95
    • as hiring criterion, 198
    • in mentorship, 137, 139, 141
    • for and from Millennials, 149–150
    • not taking feedback personally, 7–10
    • openness to, 107, 119–120
    • in performance reviews, 216–217
    • positive vs. good, 118
    • providing, 204–205
    • psychological safety in sharing, 118–121
    • taking ownership of, 10–11
  • Fifth Discipline, The (Senge), 58
  • Financials, sharing, 133
  • Flexibility, 210
  • Focus
    • on employee's first 90 days, 199
    • of humble leaders, 20, 22
    • on intended results, 15
    • of leaders, 18
    • of mentors, 138
    • on solutions, 75
    • in tough conversations, 78
    • on what right looks like, 233–236
    • as workplace value, 27
  • Followership, 13–18
  •, 112
  • Ford Motor Company, 69–70
  • The Four Agreements (Ruiz), 7
  • Freedom, for Millennials, 150
  • Freiberg, Jackie, 222
  • Freiberg, Kevin, 222
  • Functional skills, 210
  • Generalizations, 81–84, 144
  • Generation Xers, 104
  • Genuineness, 151. See also Authenticity
  • Goals
    • impact of individual jobs/roles on, 111–114
    • measurement of, 184
    • for middle managers, 191
    • number of, 173
    • in performance reviews, 213–215
    • setting, 39–40, 171–174
    • for training, 211
    • weighting, 39–40, 173, 215
  • GoDaddy, 167
  • Go Long, 69–70
  • Good feedback, 118
  • Good to Great (Collins), 65
  • Goodwill, 93
  • Google, 117, 166
  • Grace, 145–146
  • Grant, Adam, 9
  • Gratitude, 24, 100
  • Groupthink, 10
  • Growth, as Millennial value, 149
  • H
  • Harris, Harry, 13, 69
  • Harvard Business Review, 105
  • Harvey, Paul, 53
  • Haslam, Alex, 17
  • Health plan, 53
  • Heath, Chip, 70–71, 163, 233
  • Heath, Dan, 70–71, 163, 233
  • High performers, 106, 154–155, 216, 230, 235
  • Hiring, 193–198
    • having staff weigh in on, 134
    • of people smarter than you, 5
    • using behavior standards in, 178
    • for values and culture, 105
    • as vital issue, 199
  • Holy Cross Hospital, Chicago, 220–222, 233–234
  • Honesty. See also Truth and truthfulness
    • in communication, 129
    • of mentees, 140
    • of mentors, 138
    • with Millennials, 149
  • Humility, 3, 19–24
  • “I” statements, 84
  • Ideas
    • action log of, 56
    • choosing and sequencing, 39
    • collecting, 56
    • processing, 37–38
    • psychological safety in sharing, 118
    • rewarding, 56
    • value of, 37
  • IKEA, 166
  • “Imitation is More Valuable Than Innovation” (Shenkar), 38, 234
  • Inclusion, in meetings, 231
  • Influence, 225
  • Information, missing, 44
  • Information management, 31–32, 35
  • Innovation, 20, 26–27, 37, 150
  • Instructions, giving, 46, 150
  • Integrity, 71
  • Interaction, in meetings, 228–229
  • Interviewing
  • James, William, 97
  • Kelleher, Herb, 220, 222
  • Kennedy, John F., 112, 173
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), 184, 186
  • King, Martin Luther, Jr., 173
  • Knowing the what, 123–126. See also Motivation(s)
    • in building relationships, 94, 95
    • of Millennials, 150
    • of your boss, 201
    • of your leaders, 16
    • for yourself, 123, 126
  • Knowledge transfer, 137, 235
  • Language. See also Communication
    • in behavior standards, 176–177
    • changing, 56
    • of we/theyism, 128
  • Leaders
    • with best odds for engaging employees, 107–109
    • change-resistant, 57–60
    • developing, 189–192, 194
    • as followers, 17–18
    • of high-performing companies, 9
    • how employees feel about, 93
    • as learners, 3
    • managers rated by, 191
    • Millennial-friendly, 147–152
    • most important quality of, 13
    • Park Ranger, 134
    • as problem solvers, 87–88, 98
    • real job of, 161
    • rounding by, 94–96
    • safety in telling truth to, 117–121
    • selecting, 17–18
    • thank-you notes from, 102
    • traditional, 14
    • we/theyism used by, 127–128
    • who drive sense of purpose, meaning, and engagement, 104–107
  • Leadership skills/behaviors, 1, 210
    • acting on values, 25–30
    • change management, 55–61
    • clarity, 69–71
    • coachability, 3–6
    • communicating, 31–36
    • conflict resolution, 73–76
    • embracing discomfort, 63–67
    • execution, 37–40
    • followership, 13–18
    • handling generalizations, 81–84
    • humility, 19–24
    • managing tough conversations, 77–80
    • not taking feedback personally, 7–10
    • self-awareness, 3–6
    • stress management, 49–53
    • taking ownership of feedback, 10–11
    • time management, 41–47
  • Learners, leaders as, 3
  • Learning. See also Training and development
    • continuous, 6, 20
    • discomfort when, 209
    • from feedback, 7
    • from leaders with most engaged staff, 224
    • by mentors, 138–139
    • motivating, 207–211
    • by new hires, 200
    • openness to and love of, 20
    • as value for Millennials, 149
  • Life Is Good, 166
  • Listening
    • active, 32–33, 79, 120
    • to Millennials, 150
    • to understand, 23
  • Lombardi, Vince, 171
  • Long-term objectives, 176
  • Low performers, 89, 216
  • Make-A-Wish, 166
  • Managing up, 15
    • in ambassadorship, 154
    • of coworkers, 156
    • emphasizing importance of, 157
    • finding opportunities for, 129, 155
    • by successful employees, 203
    • training for, 157
  • Meaning
    • connecting employees to, 91
    • connecting purpose, engagement and, 103–109
    • of roles/jobs, 111–114
  • Measurement, 184. See also Metrics
    • of customer satisfaction, 223
    • of employee engagement, 89, 204, 223–224
    • of employee satisfaction, 221, 222
    • frequency of, 186
    • of Millennials' strengths/weaknesses, 151
    • need for, 185
    • values revealed in, 183
  • Meetings, 225–232
    • cutting time from, 44
    • large-group, 225–229
    • in managing change, 59
    • with mentors, 140–141
    • to monitor progress, 40
    • progress, 211
    • small-group, 225–227, 229–232
    • for tough conversations, 78–79
  • Mentorship, 137–141
    • mentee qualities in, 140–141
    • mentor qualities in, 138–139
    • for middle managers, 192
    • for new hires, 200–201
    • in small-group meetings, 230
    • “super” mentors, 5–6
  • Metrics, 75. See also Measurement
    • in performance reviews, 213–215
    • power of, 183–187
    • revealing we/theyism, 128
  • Micromanagement, 22, 150
  • Middle managers, 189–192
  • Mid-level performers, 216
  • Milestones, celebrating, 40
  • Millennials
    • articulating purpose to, 165
    • defined, 147
    • on growth and development, 208
    • leadership friendly to, 147–152
    • retention of, 104
    • shared characteristics of, 147, 148, 165
    • values-driven companies preferred by, 102
  • Mind-set
    • beginners, 5
    • about change, 55
    • of followers, 13
    • of ownership, 132, 145
    • of taking responsibility, 11
  • Mission, 165–166. See also Purpose
    • aligning goals with, 173
    • connecting employees to, 109
    • Millennials' interest in, 151
    • understanding jobs' impact on, 111–114
    • vision vs., 166
  • Mission statement, 165–166
  • Mistakes
    • admitting, 3, 23, 66
    • allowing, 46
    • rehashing, 51
    • speaking up about, 15
    • taking responsibility for, 11
  • Modeling, 21, 51
    • of active listening, 120
    • by mentors, 138
    • of ownership, 133
    • of positive behaviors, 144
    • in training, 210
    • of vulnerability, 118
  • Moral inventory, 185
  • Motivation(s)
    • behavior-based interview questions about, 196
    • for change, 60
    • in creating drama, 145
    • of Millennials, 150
    • and self-awareness and coachability, 4
    • in small-group meetings, 230
    • training and development system for, 207–211
    • understanding, 123–126
    • as the what for others, 123–126. See also Knowing the what
  • Mulally, Alan, 69–70
  • NASA, 112–113
  • Negativity
    • about communities, 154
    • ratio of positive and negative messages, 36, 97, 99
    • on social media, 157
    • of “troublemakers” vs. “truth sayers,” 121
    • and workplace culture, 87, 88, 90–91
  • New hires, 199–205
  • New York Times, 196
  • Nuts! (Freiberg and Freiberg), 222
  • Openmindedness, 78
  • Openness, 23, 107, 119–120, 129
  • Opportunities, noticing, 38, 155
  • The Originals (Grant), 9
  • Overpaying employees, 195
  • Ownership
    • creating culture of, 131–135
    • of feedback, 10–11
    • of mentor relationship, 140–141
    • in resolving issues, 145
    • in stamping out we/theyism, 129
    • of unsettling messages, 65
  • Oxfam International, 166
  • Park Ranger leadership, 134
  • Partnership
    • for exchanging/referring talent, 194
    • mentorship as, 137
  • Passion, 114, 197
  • PBS, 207
  • Peale, Norman Vincent, 171
  • Peck, M. Scott, 49, 64
  • Peer interviewing, 64, 105, 195–196
  • Pensacola Blue Wahoos, 113
  • Perfection, 40
  • Performance metrics, 186
  • Performance optimization skills/behaviors, 85
    • connecting meaning, purpose, and engagement, 103–109
    • culture of ownership, 131–135
    • emotional bank account management, 93–96
    • knowing the what, 123–126
    • mentors, 137–141
    • Millennial-friendly leadership, 147–152
    • positive ambassadorship, 153–158
    • positive recognition, 97–102
    • positive workplace culture, 87–91
    • psychological safety, 117–121
    • reducing workplace drama, 143–146
    • understanding meaning of jobs, 111–114
    • we/theyism, 127–129
  • Performance reviews, 39–40, 213–217
  • Personal connections, 94, 123–124, 138
  • Peters, Kim, 17
  • Pivots, 229
  • Poor performers, 216
  • Positive culture, 87–91
  • Positive energy, creating, 16
  • Positive feedback, 118
  • Positive recognition, 97–102
  • Positivity
    • as company ambassador, 154
    • emotional bank account deposits of, 93, 96
    • of mentors, 139
    • in performance reviews, 217
    • ratio of positive and negative messages, 36, 97, 99
    • in workplace culture, 87–91
  • Practices, standardizing and hardwiring, 161–164
  • Preceptors, 200–201
  • Predictability, 162
  • Prioritizing, 42–43, 50
  • Proactivity, as hiring criterion, 197
  • Problems
    • asking for help with, 95–96
    • blaming for, 119
    • dealing with, 84
    • preventing, 45
    • sharing, 133–134
    • of “skill” vs. “will,” 121
    • that cause negativity, 88
  • Problem solvers
    • great followers as, 16
    • leaders as, 87–88, 98
  • Problem solving, interview questions about, 196
  • Processes
    • in meetings, trust in, 227
    • middle managers on front line with, 190
    • questioning, 56
    • standardizing and hardwiring, 161–164
  • Procrastination, 44
  • Professional development, see Training and development
  • Profits, choosing between values and, 168
  • Progress meetings, 211
  • Psychological safety, 89, 117–121
  • Public compliments, 99
  • Purpose. See also Vision
    • connecting employees to, 91
    • connecting meaning, engagement and, 103–109
    • in handling conflict, 74–75
    • as job selection criterion, 165
    • understanding each jobs' impact on, 111–114
  • Radical candor, 120
  • Reactivity, 45
  • Recognition. See also Thanking others
    • of big successes, 56–57, 90
    • in building relationships, 96
    • by giving others credit, 22
    • for handling conflict positively, 146
    • of others' importance, 23
    • positive, 97–102
    • for positive ambassadorship, 156–157
    • for progress in training, 211
    • of support personnel, 114
    • for those who stand out, 236
    • of what's going right, 66–67
  • Recruiting, 190, 193–195
  • Reinventing yourself, 163
  • Relationship building
    • avoiding idle chit chat in, 44–45
    • communication in, 32
    • knowing the what in, 94
    • through mentoring, 137
    • through rounding, 94–96
    • skills for, 210
  • Relationships
    • emotional bank account in, 93–96
    • heart and mind equation for, 108
    • knowing the what in, 123, 126
    • mentee's ownership of, 140–141
    • in stressful times, 49
    • and tough conversations, 77, 78
  • Relevancy of training, 209–210
  • Remote workers, 35, 149
  • Reputation, 32
  • Resignations, 203
  • Resiliency, 53, 134
  • Resourcefulness, 27
  • Respect, 149–150, 168
  • Responsibility
    • accepting/volunteering for, 15
    • for actions assigned, 227
    • giving authority with, 46–47
    • for individual goals, 173
  • Responsiveness, 45
  • Retention, 199–205
    • by emphasizing mission and purpose, 104
    • middle managers' impact on, 190
    • paying attention to, 195
    • and positive ambassadorship, 154–155
  • Rewards. See also Recognition
    • in building relationships, 96
    • for handling conflict positively, 146
    • for ideas, 56
    • for positive ambassadorship, 156–157
    • for progress in training, 211
    • tangible, 102
    • for those who stand out, 236
  • Rightness, 233–236
  • Road Less Traveled, The (Peck), 49, 64
  • Rounding, 94–96
  • Ruiz, Don Miguel, 7
  • Rules
    • clarity of, 176
    • of engagement, 120
    • giving clear guidance on, 69–71
    • for large-group meetings, 228
  • Safety, psychological, 89, 117–121
  • Schedule
    • deep work time on, 43
    • for large-group meetings, 228
    • managing, 42
    • for remote workers, 149
  • Self-assessment, 184
  • Self-awareness, 3–6, 8, 19, 141
  • Self-disruption, 64, 66
  • Self-worth, 23–24
  • Senge, Peter, 58
  • 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The (Covey), 42–43
  • Shenkar, Oded, 38, 234
  • Sherman, Clay, 183
  • Simplicity, of messages, 34
  • Simplifying, in stressful times, 50–51
  • “Skill” issues, 121, 236
  • Skills
    • built through mentorship, 137
    • hiring for, 197
    • learning new, 207, 209–211
    • for middle managers, 191
  • Small wins, 39, 56–57, 89–90
  • Social media, 43–44, 157
  • Southwest Airlines, 220–222
  • Specificity
    • in avoiding workplace drama, 144
    • in recognizing employees, 99
    • in thank-you notes, 101
    • in wording behavior standards, 176–177
  • Standardizing processes and practices, 161–164
  • Standards of Behavior contract, 175–182
  • Starting with end in mind, 43
  • Stereotyping, 148
  • Stories, 114, 144–145
  • Stress management, 49–53
  • Structural building blocks, 159
    • best practices, 233–236
    • clarity created by, 70
    • customer satisfaction, 219–223
    • employee engagement, 219–224
    • goals, 171–174
    • leader development system, 189–192
    • meetings, 225–232
    • metrics, 183–187
    • mission, vision, and values, 165–169
    • performance reviews, 213–217
    • recruiting and hiring, 193–198
    • retention, 199–205
    • standardizing and hardwiring, 161–164
    • training and development system, 207–211
    • written behavior standards, 175–182
  • Studer, Belle, 101
  • Studer, L. L., 100–101
  • Studer Community Institute, 208
  • Supervisors, 209
  • Surveys, 10, 84, 151, 186
  • Switch (Heath and Heath), 70–71, 233
  • Table activities, 228
  • Teachable moments, 71
  • Teams
    • cross-functional, 149
    • developing/promoting others on, 21
    • optimal size of, 225–226
    • psychological safety for, 117, 118
    • for recruiting, 193
    • supporting members of, 16
  • Teamwork, 20
    • and clarity, 70
    • interview questions about, 196
    • and we/theyism, 128
    • as workplace value, 27
  • Technology etiquette, 180
  • Terminal uniqueness, 186, 220, 222, 234
  • Thanking others, 24
    • hardwired thank-you note system, 100–102
    • outside your company, 114
    • for successful delegated tasks, 47
    • tailoring messages when, 100
    • for taking right actions, 100
  • Thank-you notes, 100–102
  • Time management, 41–47, 196
  • Timing, of messages, 33–34
  • To-do lists, 43
  • Tone of voice, 33
  • Tough conversations, 75, 77–80
  • Training and development, 207–211
    • asking for, 15
    • creating system for, 207–211
    • to improve employee satisfaction, 221–222
    • for leaders, 189–192, 194, 204
    • of new hires, 200–201
    • providing, 46
    • scheduling, 108
    • seizing opportunities for, 5
    • for sending messages to customers, 156
  • Transparency, 23
    • to avoid drama in workplace, 144
    • being an example of, 3
    • in communication, 34, 129
    • understanding the why in, 128
    • as workplace value, 26
  • Troublemakers, 121, 145
  • Trust
    • in employees, 205
    • and face-to-face communication, 120–121
    • lack of, 106–107
    • in process of meetings, 227
    • and psychological safety, 121
    • in small-group meetings, 230
    • understanding the why for, 128
  • Trustworthiness, 15
  • Truth and truthfulness, 23, 95. See also Honesty
    • in communication, 129
    • in mentorship, 139
    • psychological safety for speaking, 117–121
  • Turnover
    • before 90 days, 199
    • costs of, 199
    • and knowing customers' whats, 125
    • and mentoring, 137
    • with Millennials, 148–149
    • negative impacts of, 193
    • and positive culture, 87
  • Tylenol, 168
  • Uber, 167
  • Unconscious competence, 209
  • Unconscious incompetence, 209
  • Understanding the why, 15, 65–66, 235
    • asking in, 202
    • behind behavior standards, 177–178
    • in connecting jobs to company mission, 113
    • in creating ownership, 134–135
    • in goal setting, 174
    • guiding principles in, 165–166
    • in learning new skills, 210
    • of positive ambassadorship, 156
    • in promoting trust and transparency, 128
  • Unity, in meetings, 230
  • Value(s), 25–30, 165–169
    • behavior-based interview questions about, 196
    • being asked to go against, 29–30
    • choosing between profit and, 168
    • clarifying, 70
    • hiring for, 105
    • for Millennials, 149
    • questioning of processes as, 56
    • revealed in what is measured, 183
  • Values statement, 165–167
  • Variance, reducing, 162
  • Virtual workers, 35, 149
  • Visibility, 28, 33
  • Vision, 165–166, 173. See also Purpose
  • Vision statement, 165–166
  • Vulnerability, 3, 118, 150
  • Wahoos Stadium, Pensacola, 108
  • Wall Street Journal, 189
  • We/theyism, 127–129
    • blaming “them,” 4
    • and followership, 15
    • teaching employees to avoid, 156
  • What, see Knowing the what
  • Why, see Understanding the why
  • “Will” issues, 121, 236
  • Work environment, 85. See also Culture
    • and behavior standards, 180
    • of engagement, 107
    • managing information flow in, 31–32
    • reducing drama in, 70, 143–146
    • stress in, 49, 50
    • where employees are valued, 111
    • workspace organization, 44
  • Work ethic, 14
  • Workplace benefits, 150
  • Ziglar, Zig, 174
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