

  1. Absolute change
  2. Absolute prepayment speed
  3. Absolute terms
  4. Access-equals-delivery, implementation
  5. Accounting practices
  6. Accrued coupon interest
  7. Active investment
  8. Active investment ETFs
  9. Additive approach
  10. Adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs)
  11. Adjustable-rate preferreds
  12. Advanced measurement approach (AMA)
  13. African Development Bank (AfDB)
  14. Agency benchmark programs
  15. Agency bonds
  16. Agency debenture FNMA, usage
  17. Agency debt, types
  18. Agency market, debt types
  19. Agency mortgage-backed security collateral
  20. Agency pass-throughs
  21. Agency program
  22. Aggregate bond ETFs
  23. Agricultural commodities
  24. Agricultural Credit Act of 1987
  25. Alt-A mortgages
  26. Alternative ETFs
  27. Alternative minimum tax (AMT)
  28. Alternative trading systems (ATSs)
  29. Alternative trading venues
  30. American call option
  31. American Depositary Receipt (ADR)
  32. American depository receipts (ADRs)
  33. American Securitization Forum (ASF), Project Restart
  34. Amortization
  35. Annuity, present value
  36. A-note
  37. Anticipation failure, persistence
  38. Arab Street, rise
  39. Arbitrage, absence
  40. Arbitrage CLOs
  41. Archipelago (ARCA) exchange
  42. Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
  43. Asian Financial Crisis (1997– 1998)
  44. Asset allocation model, municipal bonds (relationship)
  45. Asset-Backed Alert
  46. Asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP)
  47. Asset-backed securities (ABSs)
  48. Asset-backed speed
  49. Asset-liability management (ALM)
  50. Asset-liability risk
  51. Asset managers
  52. Assets
    1. true sale
  53. Assets under management (AUM)
  54. Asset swap spread
  55. At-the-market (ATM) deliverables
  56. At-the-market (ATM) documentation
  57. At-the-market (ATM) equity financing
  58. At-the-market (ATM) financing, follow-on offering (contrast)
  59. At-the-market (ATM) market
  60. At-the-market (ATM) model
  61. At-the-market (ATM) programs
  62. At-the-market (ATM) sale
  63. At-the-market (ATM) selling strategies
  64. At-the-market (ATM) strategy, disadvantage
  65. At-the-market (ATM) transaction participants/responsibilities
  66. At-the-money forward (ATMF)
  67. At-the-money option
  68. Auction rate securities (ARSs)
  69. Auto ABS issuance
  70. Auto ABS outstanding
  71. Auto ABS structure
  72. Auto loans
  73. Automated trading
  74. Automatic shelf registration
  75. Automobile securitization
  76. Average daily trading volume (ADTV)


  1. Backwardation
  2. Balance sheet CLOs
  3. Balance sheet constraints
  4. Bank Financial Strength Ratings
  5. Bank holding companies (BHCs), CCAR requirements
  6. Banking services
  7. Bank lending, capital market substitute
  8. Bank loan ETFs
  9. Bank of International Settlements (BIS), clearing definition
  10. Bankruptcy-remote entity, creation
  11. Bankruptcy-remote SPV
  12. Banks
  13. Barclays Aggregate Bond ETF
  14. Barclays Index Data
  15. Basel 1
  16. Basel 2
  17. Basel 2.5
  18. Basel 3 (Basel III)
  19. Basel Committee (BCBS 239)
  20. Basis
  21. BATS
  22. Bear-flattening
  23. Benchmark issues
  24. Bermudan call option
  25. Best bid and offer (BBO)
  26. Best-efforts basis
  27. Best-efforts structure, usage
  28. Best execution duties
  29. Bid-ask spread
  30. Bid-offer spreads, impact
  31. Big data
  32. Bilateral repo
  33. Bilateral transactions, implications
  34. Binomial lattice
  35. Black log-normal formulae
  36. Black normal formulae
  37. Blackout dates
  38. Black's Call Formula
  39. Black-Scholes-Merton Formula
  40. Blockchain
  41. B-note
  42. Bond anticipation notes (BANs)
  43. Bond Market Association (BMA)
  44. Bonds
    1. computations
    2. creditworthiness
    3. crossing
    4. forward price (FP)
    5. futures basis
    6. last delivery date, parallel shift (contrast)
    7. markets, IDB (historic/current role)
    8. mathematics
    9. option-adjusted spread
    10. option pricing -period setting (example)
    11. weighted average life (WAL), shortening
  45. Book-entry transfer, occurrence
  46. Bookrunner
  47. Book value, triggers (problem)
  48. Bootstrap method
  49. Bootstrapped discount factor curve, example
  50. Bottom-up approach
  51. Bowie, David (Bowie Bonds)
  52. B-pieces
  53. “Breaking the buck”
  54. Bretton Woods
  55. Bring-downs
  56. Broad-based ETFs
  57. Broker-dealers
  58. Brokered CDs
  59. Bullets
  60. Bullish-tightener
  61. Bull-steepening
  62. Business
  63. Butterfly trade
  64. Buttonwood Agreement
  65. Buyers (corporate bonds)
  66. Buy order, execution
  67. Buy-side
  68. Buy-side institutions
  69. Buy-side trader


  1. Calculated loan age (CAGE)
  2. Calculation layer
  3. Callable bonds
  4. Callable CDs, call feature
  5. Callable notes
  6. Callables
  7. Call options
  8. Call risk
  9. Canadian Overnight Repo Rate Average (CORRA)
  10. Capital
    1. notes
    2. reference
    3. structure
  11. Capital adequacy ratio
  12. Capital, assets, management, earnings, and liquidity (CAMEL)
  13. Capitalization ratios, standards (improvement)
  14. Capitalization weighted indices
  15. Capital markets
    1. development
    2. environment
    3. firms, risk buffers
    4. functioning, impacts
    5. growth industry
    6. IT architecture, viewpoints
    7. mission/questions
    8. reinvention, requirement
    9. risk
    10. risk-IT layers
    11. risk management
  16. Capital Markets Union (CMU)
  17. Capital One Credit Card Portfolio
  18. Capital project development
  19. Caplets
  20. Cap rates
  21. Caps
  22. Carry
  23. Cash
  24. Cash and carry
  25. Cash bonds
  26. Cash equities
  27. Cash-flow CDOs, tranches (purchase)
  28. Cash flow CLOs
  29. Cash flows
  30. Cash-flow triggers
  31. Cash flow waterfall
  32. Cash injection
  33. Cash settled
  34. Cash settlement
  35. Cash settlement off the curve
  36. Catastrophe bonds
  37. Central Bank of Russia, ruble defense
  38. Central banks, capital market investors
  39. Central clearing solutions
  40. Central counterparties (CCPs)
  41. Centralized limit order
  42. Central securities depositories (CSDs)
  43. Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service (CDARS)
  44. Certificates of deposit (CDs)
  45. Chapter 7 bankruptcy
  46. Chapter 11 bankruptcy
  47. Character, reference
  48. Charge-offs
  49. Cheapest to deliver (CTD)
  50. Cheapest-To-Deliver (CTD) issue
  51. Cheat sheet
  52. Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT)
  53. Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)
  54. China
  55. Circuit breakers
  56. Clean/Dirty price evolution, example
  57. Clearing
  58. Clearinghouses
  59. Client porting
  60. Closed-ended funds
  61. Closing date
  62. Closing date cash flows
  63. CMBS 2.0
  64. Collateral
    1. assets
    2. availability
    3. certificate
    4. debt
    5. events
    6. first perfected security interest
    7. haircuts
    8. management/lending
    9. manager due diligence
    10. margin holding
    11. pricing
    12. quality tests
    13. reference
    14. squeeze
    15. types
    16. underlying collateral
  65. Collateralization practices, problems
  66. Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)
  67. Collateralized loan obligations (CLOs)
  68. Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs)
  69. Collateral management agreement (CMA)
  70. Collateral manager (CM)
  71. Co-location
  72. Commercially reasonable basis
  73. Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBSs)
  74. Commercial paper (CP)
  75. Commissions
  76. Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures (CUSIP)
  77. Commodities
  78. Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
  79. Commodity ETFs
  80. Commodity pool operator (CPO)
  81. Commodity Research Bureau (CRB) Index
  82. Commodity trading advisors (CTAs)
  83. Common securitization platform (CSP)
  84. Common shareholders
  85. Common stock
  86. Companies, equity issuance (reasons)
  87. Company stockholders
  88. Competitive advantage, sources
  89. Competitive landscape, change
  90. Competitive market
  91. Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR)
  92. Comprehensive liquidity analysis and review (CLAR)
  93. Concentration limitations
  94. Conditional default rate (CDR)
  95. Conditional (effective) prepayment rate
  96. Conditional prepayment rate (CPR)
  97. Conditional steepener
  98. Conditional swap-spread trades
  99. Conditions, reference
  100. Conduct risk
  101. Conforming loans
  102. Consolidated tape
  103. Consolidated Tape Association Plan/Consolidated Quotation Plan (CTA/CQ Plans)
  104. Constant-Daily-Forwards (CDF) method
  105. Constant elasticity of variance (CEV) model
  106. Constant Maturity Swap (CMS), CMS-based payoffs
  107. Constant (par) net asset value
  108. Consumer price index (CPI)
  109. Consumer prices, seasonality
  110. Contango
  111. Content, connectivity, and capital (3Cs)
  112. Contingent-claim pricing
  113. Contingent convertible capital bonds (CoCo bonds)
  114. Contingent curve trades
  115. Contracts for difference (CFDs)
  116. Contract sheets
  117. Contract standardization
  118. Conventional loans
  119. Conversion premium
  120. Conversion price
  121. Conversion ratio
  122. Convertible bonds
  123. Convertible capital instruments (CoCos)
  124. Convertible preferred stock
  125. Convexity
  126. Core equity capital
  127. Corporate access
  128. Corporate board/management oversight
  129. Corporate bonds
  130. Corporate finance, structured finance (relationship)
  131. Corporate governance protocol
  132. Corporations
  133. Cost of Funds Index (COFI)
  134. Counterparties
  135. Counterparty credit risk
  136. Counterparty risk
  137. Coupon, extension
  138. Covenant-lite (cov-lite)
  139. Coverage ratio
  140. Cox-Ross-Rubenstein (CRR)
  141. Crash of 1929, impact
  142. Crash of 1987
  143. Credit
    1. risk
  144. Credit analysis
  145. Credit card ABS
  146. Credit card de-linked structure
  147. Credit card owner trust structural features
  148. Credit card securitization
  149. Credit default swaps (CDSs)
  150. Credit Rating Agency Reform Act of 2006
  151. Credit ratings
  152. Credit-sensitive trading exposures
  153. Credit Support Annex (CSA)
  154. Credit support, impact
  155. Credit Valuation Adjustment (CVA)
  156. Credit Value Adjustment (CVA)
  157. Cross-border settlements, securities safekeeping chains
  158. Crude oil futures contract, standardized terms
  159. Cubes
  160. Cumulative default rates
  161. Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)
  162. Cumulative preferred stock
  163. Currency
  164. Current Exposure
  165. Current report, usage
  166. Curvature trades
  167. Curve build method
  168. Curve interpolation methods
  169. Curve trades
  170. Custodians
  171. Custody


  1. Daily accrued coupon interest
  2. Daily financing interest expense
  3. Dark pools
  4. Data architecture, impact
  5. Data capability, support
  6. Data governance principles
  7. Data management capabilities
  8. Data operations, impact
  9. Data processing technologies, usage
  10. Data profiling
  11. Data providers
  12. Data sourcing
  13. Data strategy, impact
  14. Data transmission, example
  15. Data verification representation
  16. Day, term (usage)
  17. DBRS (credit ratings)
  18. Deal analysis
  19. Dealer market
  20. Dealers, functions
  21. Debenture
  22. Debit Value Adjustment (DVA)
  23. Debt capital markets (DCMs)
  24. Debt-downsizing adjustment
  25. Debt, equity (relationship)
  26. Debt-friendly CLO
  27. Debt obligations
  28. Debt securities, repurchase
  29. Debt service coverage ratio (DSCR)
  30. Debt valuation adjustment (DVA)
  31. Debt yield (DY)
  32. Decimalization
  33. Decision making, enablers
  34. Decoupled discount curves
  35. Deep-in-the-money option
  36. Defaulted loan, effects
  37. Default events
  38. Default fund
  39. Default management, coordination (absence)
  40. Default risk charge (DRC), addition
  41. Defeasance mode
  42. Defined benefit
  43. Defined contribution structure
  44. Delay
  45. Delayed-delivery market
  46. De-linked trusts
  47. Delinquencies
  48. De-listing
  49. Deliverability
  50. Deliverable bonds, basket (forward prices)
  51. Delivery conventions
  52. Delivery versus payment (DVP)
  53. Delivery-versus-payment (DVP)
  54. Delta
  55. Delta-normal parametric framework
  56. Deposit
  57. Depositor, role
  58. Depository receipts
  59. Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC)
  60. Derivatives
  61. Derivatives market infrastructure
  62. Descriptive curve
  63. Deutsche Boerse
  64. Developed-country broad-based ETFs
  65. Digi-calls
  66. Digitals
  67. DirectEdge (Direct Edge)
  68. Directional spreads
  69. Direct market access (DMA)
  70. Direct-pay letter of credit, usage
  71. Disclosed reserves/retained earnings
  72. Discount bond
  73. Discount brokerage firms
  74. Discounted receivables, impact
  75. Discount factors
  76. Discounting, tools
  77. Discount margin (DM)
  78. Discount notes (DNs)
  79. Distress, components
  80. Distressed debt
  81. Distressed debt securities
  82. Diversification properties
  83. Diversity score
  84. Dividend-received deduction (DRD)
  85. Dividends
  86. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
  87. Dollar-carry
  88. Dollar pricing/pricing conventions
  89. Domestic equity
  90. Domestic U.S. equity
  91. Dow Jones AIG Commodities Index (DJ/AIGCI)
  92. Dow Jones Industrial Index, decline
  93. Dual-bootstrap process
  94. Dual curve construction
  95. Due diligence regimen
  96. Duration gap
  97. Dynamic hedging


  1. Early payout
  2. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA)
  3. Economic capital
  4. Economies, funding structure
  5. EDGAR System (SEC)
  6. Effective date
  7. Effective expected exposure (EE), metrics/equations
  8. Effective taxable yield
  9. Election trading, penetration (asset class basis)
  10. Electronic communications networks (ECNs)
  11. Electronic order book (EOB)
  12. Electronic trading
  13. Eligibility criteria
  14. Eligible accounts, bank-issued credit card ABS definition
  15. Eligible receivables, bank-issued credit card ABS definition
  16. Embedded options
  17. Emerging bond markets
  18. Emerging broad-based ETFs
  19. Emerging market (EM)
  20. EMIR
  21. Endowments, funds usage
  22. Energy commodities
  23. Energy funds
  24. Energy/MLP ATM filings
  25. Enhanced equipment trust certificate (EETC)
  26. Equal weighted indices
  27. Equities
    1. offerings
    2. research
    3. trading technology, evolution
    4. U.S. equities trading/issuance volumes
  28. Equity capital markets (ECMs)
  29. Equity REIT filings
  30. Equity REIT market, focus
  31. Equity tranche
  32. Escrowed-to-maturity (ETM) bonds
  33. Essential purpose
  34. Euroclear Bank
  35. Eurodollar (ED) contract, expiration (example)
  36. Eurodollar (ED) deposits
  37. Euro-dollar (ED) futures
  38. Eurodollar (ED) options
  39. Euro Overnight Index Average (EONIA)
  40. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  41. European Banking Authority (EBA)
  42. European call
  43. European Central Bank (ECB)
  44. European CLOs
  45. European Contagion
  46. European Economic Community, currency free float
  47. European put, value derivation
  48. European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)
  49. European style exercise option
  50. European-style options
  51. European-style payoffs
  52. European-style swaptions
  53. European trade repository open OTC derivative positions
  54. Europe, multilateral trading facilities (MTFs)
  55. Evaluation reserves
  56. Excess servicing spread
  57. Excess spread
  58. Exchange Act
  59. Exchange-based trade, example
  60. Exchange markets
  61. Exchanges
  62. Exchange-traded contracts
  63. Exchange-traded derivatives (ETDs)
  64. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
    1. arbitrage
  65. Exchange-traded grantor trusts (ETGTs)
  66. Exchange-traded notes
  67. Exchange-traded securities
  68. Execution
  69. Expected exposure (EE), metrics/equations
  70. Expected loss severity
  71. Expected risk/gain
  72. Expected shortfall (ES)
  73. Export-Import Bank of the United States (Eximbank)
  74. Exposure definitions/measurement
  75. Extension risk
  76. Extract, transform, load (ETL)


  1. Factor
  2. Factor-based ETFs
  3. Fail
  4. Fallen angels
  5. Farm Credit Administration (FCA)
  6. Farm Credit Debt Securities
  7. Farm Credit System
  8. Farm Credit System Associations
  9. “Fed Effective” rate (Fed publication)
  10. Federal agencies
  11. Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (FAMC) (Farmer Mac)
  12. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
  13. Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB)
  14. Federal funds (fed funds)
  15. Federal funds effective rate (FFER)
  16. Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB)
  17. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC) (Freddie Mac)
  18. Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
  19. Federal Housing Board (FHB)
  20. Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)
  21. Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) (Fannie Mae)
    1. conservatorship
    2. reduction
    3. reference note programs
    4. retained portfolio, reduction
    5. securitization, future
  22. Federal Open Markets Committee (FOMC)
  23. Federal Reserve Board, weekly data
  24. Federal Reserve System (Fed)
    1. zero-interest-rate policy
  25. Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC)
  26. Financial corporations
  27. Financial crisis (2008)
  28. Financial crisis (2007/2008), impact
  29. Financial crisis, stress events (impact)
  30. Financial era definition, accuracy (impact)
  31. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
  32. Financial institutions
  33. Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA)
  34. Financial intermediaries
  35. Financial Services Authority (FSA)
  36. Financial Stability Board (FSB)
  37. Financial system, safety
  38. Financing Corporation (FICO)
  39. FinTech
  40. Firm commitment
  41. Firm-commitment underwriting
  42. First loss piece
  43. First perfected security interest
  44. Fitch (rating agency)
  45. Fixed/adjustable hybrids (hybrid ARMs)
  46. Fixed income
  47. Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC)
  48. Fixed-income ETFs
  49. Fixed-income securities
  50. Fixed-income trading
  51. Fixed leg
  52. Fixed-rate loans
  53. Flat CDR
  54. Flat yield
  55. Flat Yield assumption
  56. Float for fixed
  57. Float for float
  58. Floating net asset value
  59. Floating-rate ETFs
  60. Floating-rate notes (FRNs)
    1. total issuance percentage
    2. Treasury issuance
  61. Floating-rate preferreds
  62. Floorlets
  63. Floor price
  64. Floor reports
  65. Floors
  66. Foreign exchange (FX)
  67. Foreign exchange (FX) market
  68. Forward-3m rates
  69. Forward-ATM initial sale
  70. Forward cap/floor
  71. Forward curves
  72. Forward price (FP)
  73. Forward purchase agreement
  74. Forward rate agreements (FRAs)
  75. Forward rates
  76. Forwards
  77. Forward sale, cash settlement
  78. Forward sale, physical settlement
  79. Forward swap
  80. Forward transaction
  81. Forward yield
  82. Fractional Brownian motion models
  83. Fraud risk
  84. Free-floating exchange rates, rejection
  85. Free markets, virtues
  86. Full-service broker-dealer
  87. Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB)
  88. Funding Benefit Adjustment (FBA)
  89. Funding Cost Adjustment (FCA)
  90. Funding structure
  91. Funding valuation adjustment (FVA)
  92. Funding Value Adjustment (FVA)
  93. Fund structures, types
  94. Future exposure
  95. Future/forward convexity adjustment
  96. Futures
  97. Futures ETFs
  98. FX risk limit test


  1. G4 10-year interest rates
  2. G20, impact
  3. Galbraith, John Kenneth
  4. Gamma
  5. Gang, Yi
  6. General collateral (GC)
  7. General collateral finance (GCF)
  8. General loan-loss reserves
  9. General obligation bonds (GOs)
  10. Ginnie Mae I/II
  11. Global capital markets
  12. Global custodians
  13. Global depository receipts (GDRs)
  14. Global equity
  15. Global financial asset choice set
  16. Global financial crisis
  17. Global Financial Crisis (2007/2008)
  18. Global financial system
  19. Gold exchange standard
  20. Gold Participation Certificate (PC) program
  21. Government agency securities
  22. Government final consumption expenditure
  23. Government gross capital formation
  24. Government loans
  25. Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) (Ginnie Mae)
  26. Governments
  27. Government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs)
    1. debt, issuance
    2. overview
    3. securities
  28. Government wire
  29. Grand Convergence
  30. Grantor trust
  31. Great Depression
  32. Great Moderation, impact
  33. Great Recession
  34. Great Society program
  35. Great Transition
  36. Great Transition Age
  37. Greece
  38. Greeks
  39. Gross Basis
  40. Gross settlement
  41. Gross simultaneous settlement
  42. Guaranteed investment contracts (GICs)
  43. Guarantees


  1. Haircuts
  2. Headline spreads
  3. Hedge funds
  4. High-frequency trading (HFT)
  5. High-quality liquid assets (HQLA)
  6. High-yield bonds (junk bonds)
  7. High-yield corporate bond ETFs
  8. High-yield market, issuance growth
  9. Historical data, drawback
  10. Historical leveraged loan default
  11. Historical loan repayment rate
  12. Historical rate spread
  13. Historical simulation framework
  14. Holding period, selection
  15. Homebuyer PTI ratio levels
  16. Homerun investment
  17. Home sales turnover
  18. Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)
  19. Household financial assets, investment company share
  20. Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008
  21. Housing GSEs
  22. How-and-when-to-trade decisions
  23. Hybrid ARMs


  1. I bonds, Treasury Department sale
  2. Immediate or cancel (IOC)
  3. Impaired mortgages, presence
  4. Implied Black normal Vols
  5. Implied Repo Rate (IRR)
  6. Income collection
  7. Incurrence covenants
  8. Indenture
  9. Index arbitrage
  10. Indexation
  11. Index funds
  12. Index methodologies
  13. Index ratio (IR)
  14. Individuals, returns generation
  15. Industry structure scenarios
  16. Inflation breakevens
  17. Inflation-linked bonds
  18. Information providers, support
  19. Information technology (IT) architecture
  20. Information technology (IT) infrastructure, impact
  21. Infrastructure framework, strengthening
  22. Infrastructure project development
  23. Infrastructure providers, support
  24. Initial deposit
  25. Initial margin
  26. Initial public offering (IPO)
  27. Insolvency event
  28. Institutional CDs
  29. Institutional client
  30. Institutional investor, internal interactions
  31. Institutional loan outstanding amount
  32. Insurers, premiums collection
  33. Interactive Data Corporation (IDC)
  34. Inter-American Development Bank
  35. Intercontinental Exchange (ICE)
  36. Inter-dealer brokers (IDBs)
  37. Interest cash flow
  38. Interest coverage test
  39. Interest diversion test
  40. Interest-only (IO) classes
  41. Interest only (IO) loans
  42. Interest only (IO) payments
  43. Interest payments
  44. Interest rate hedged ETFs
  45. Interest rate options
  46. Interest rates
    1. ceilings
    2. deterministic characteristic
    3. diversification
    4. limit test
    5. tools
  47. Interest rate strategy ETFs
  48. Interest rate swaps (IRSs)
  49. Interest waterfall
  50. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
  51. Intermediaries, role
  52. Intermediate holding companies (IHCs), CCAR requirements
  53. Internal metrics
  54. Internal rate of return (IRR)
  55. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
  56. International central securities depositories (ICSDs)
  57. International equity
  58. International fixed-income ETFs
  59. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  60. International Money Market (IMM)
  61. International multilateral organizations (MLOs)
  62. International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA)
  63. Intex
  64. In-the-money option
  65. Inverse ETFs
  66. Inverse leveraged ETFs
  67. Investment banks, capital market functions
  68. Investment companies
  69. Investment Company Act of 1940
  70. Investment fund ownership
  71. Investment-grade bonds, impact
  72. Investment-grade corporate bond ETFs
  73. Investment grade liabilities
  74. Investment guidelines
  75. Investment leverage
  76. Investment opportunities, breadth/depth
  77. Investment vehicles
  78. Investors
  79. ISIS/ISIL, rise
  80. Islamic Finance
  81. Issuance notice
  82. Issuance trust, usage
  83. Issuance volumes
  84. Issue date
  85. Issuers
  86. Issuing agencies


  1. Japan, currency policies
  2. Jumbo mortgages
  3. Jump diffusion models
  4. Junior AAA tranches


  1. Kerviel, Jerome
  2. Key risk indicators (KRIs)
  3. Kroll Bond Rating Agency, CMBS metrics


  1. Last delivery date, parallel shift (contrast)
  2. Legal events
  3. Legal final maturity date
  4. Legs
  5. Lehman Brothers, failure
  6. Letter of credit, guarantee
  7. Leveraged buyout (LBO)
  8. Leveraged ETFs
  9. Leveraged loans
  10. Leverage, ratio
  11. Li, David
  12. Limited resources, strategy/management (linkage)
  13. Limit frameworks
  14. Liquidity
  15. Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR)
  16. Liquidity risk
  17. Listing
  18. Loan securitizations
  19. Loan-to-collateral value ratio, maintenance
  20. Loan-to-deposit ratio
  21. Loan-to-value (LTV)
  22. Local custodians
  23. Local settlements, securities safekeeping chains
  24. Lockup provision
  25. Log-linear constant forwards
  26. Log-normal distribution
  27. Log-normal dynamics
  28. Lognormal method
  29. London Inter-Bank Offer Rate (LIBOR)
    1. curve
    2. Fix scandal
    3. spread
  30. London Stock Exchange (LSE)
  31. Long exposure, creation
  32. Long-term capital
  33. Long Term Capital Management, failure/bailout
  34. Loss absorption mechanism
  35. Loss allocation
  36. Loss exposure, existence
  37. Loss Given Default (LGD)
  38. Loss-given-default (LGD)
  39. Loss severity rate
  40. Lottery tickets


  1. Maintenance guarantee
  2. Maker-taker fee model
  3. Make-whole call (MWC)
  4. Managed futures funds, types
  5. Margin
  6. Marginal tax rate (MTR)
  7. Margin valuation adjustment (MVA)
  8. Market infrastructure (MI)
  9. Marketing period
  10. Market maker
  11. Market making
  12. Market-neutral environment, SIV operation
  13. Market risk
  14. Market Risk Amendment
  15. Markets
    1. capitalization
    2. data/analytics
    3. discipline, facilitation
    4. environment scenarios
    5. rates, quoting (example)
    6. share, sacrifice (impact)
    7. transparency, insufficiency
    8. types
    9. valuations, manipulation
  16. Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID)
  17. Market structure
  18. Market Wizards (Schwager)
  19. Markit CMBX Indices
  20. Mark-to-market (MTM)
  21. Master agreements
  22. Master limited partnerships (MLPs)
  23. Master owner trust (MOT) structure
  24. Master purchase agreements
  25. Master repurchase agreements (MRAs)
  26. Master servicer
  27. Master trust/owner trust/de-linked structure
  28. Master trusts
  29. Matched-maturity spread
  30. Matched-maturity swap spread
  31. Matching
  32. Material and adverse clause
  33. Material and adverse qualifier
  34. Materiality
  35. Matros, Rick
  36. Maturity date
  37. Maturity profile, measures
  38. Maximum annual debt service (MADS)
  39. Maximum PFE/peak PFE, metrics/equations
  40. May Day
  41. Medium-term notes (MTNs)
  42. Member fees
  43. Mergers and acquisitions (M&As)
  44. Metals, commodities
  45. Metrics, equations
  46. Mezzanine AAA tranches
  47. Mezzanine classes
  48. Mezzanine notes
  49. Mezzanine triple-A Class
  50. Middle-market CLOs
  51. Mid-prime credit quality
  52. MiFID II
  53. Mini-maxi structure, usage
  54. Mining funds
  55. Mixture models
  56. Model risk
  57. Modified duration, example
  58. Modular financial services
  59. Money
  60. Money market funds (MMFs)
  61. Money markets
  62. Montage
  63. Monte Carlo simulation
  64. Moody's
  65. Mortgage Backed Securities Clearing Corporation (MBSCC) process
  66. Mortgage-backed securities ETFs
  67. Mortgage-backed security (MBS)
    1. collateral
    2. OAS analysis, relationship
    3. pools, analysis
  68. Mortgage bonds
  69. Mortgagee
  70. Mortgage loan purchase agreements (MLPAs)
  71. Mortgage loan schedule (MLS)
  72. Mortgage quality types
  73. Mortgages
  74. Mortgagor
  75. Multi-agented programs, problems
  76. Multi-dealer platforms (MDPs)
  77. Multilateral netting, impact
  78. Multilateral organizations (MLOs)
  79. Multilateral trading facilities (MTFs)
  80. Multi-seller ABCP conduits
  81. Multi-seller ABCP programs
  82. Municipal bonds
  83. Municipal notes
  84. Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB)
  85. Mutual funds


  3. National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD)
  4. National best bid and offer (NBBO)
  5. National Futures Association (NFA)
  6. National global financial asset returns
  7. Nationally recognized statistical rating organizations (NRSROs)
  8. National Market System (NMS)
  9. National Security Clearing Corporation (NSCC)
  10. Natural order flow
  11. Negative carry
  12. Negative convexity
  13. Negative duration-based ETFs
  14. Negotiated sale
  15. Net asset value (NAV)
    1. floating NAV vehicles
  16. Net obligations, calculation
  17. Net operating income (NOI)
  18. Net outstanding portfolio collateral balance
  19. Net revenue (NR)
  20. Net settlement
  21. Net simultaneous settlement
  22. Net stable funding ratio (NSFR)
  23. Netting provisions, right
  24. Neutral duration-based ETFs
  25. “New Conservative Financial Consensus,” application
  26. New issue securities, window programs
  27. New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
  28. Next-Generation Global Financial System
  29. 1933 Act ETFs
  30. Nixon, Richard M.
  31. Non-agency RMBSs
  32. Non-bank market makers, proliferation
  33. Non-callable bonds
  34. Non-callable T-bills
  35. Non-call period
  36. Non-call provisions
  37. Non-capital expenditure (government final consumption expenditure)
  38. Nonconforming loans
  39. Non-consolidation opinion
  40. Noncumulative preferred stock
  41. Non-financial corporate borrowers
  42. Non-financial institutions
  43. Non-housing GSEs, overview
  44. Non-mortgage asset-backed securities
  45. Non-seasonally adjusted consumer price index (NSA CPI).
  46. Normal distribution
  47. Normative curve
  48. Notary services
  49. Notes, issuance
  50. Notification period
  51. Notional
  52. Novation
  53. Nuclear option


  1. Obligations
  2. Obligors
  3. Odd lots
  4. Offering circulars (OCs)
  5. Offering memoranda (OMs)
  6. Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO)
  7. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
  8. Offset provisions, right
  9. Off-the-run issues
  10. OMX
  11. One-step binomial model
  12. On-the-run (OTR) bonds
  13. Open-ended funds
  14. Open-end ETFs, shares outstanding
  15. Opening auction, on open/on close
  16. Open interest
  17. Open-market operations
  18. Open Markets Trading Desk (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
  19. Operational data stores
  20. Operational processes
  21. Operational risk
  22. Operations, cost (increase)
  23. Option-adjusted spread (OAS)
  24. Options
  25. Order book
  26. Order-driven markets, mechanics
  27. Order handling rules, impact
  28. Order processing system providers
  29. Order types
  30. Ordinary shares
  31. Organized trading facilities (OTFs)
  32. Originator MLPAs
  33. Out-of-the-money option
  34. Out-right trades
  35. Overcollateralization (O/C)
    1. ratio
    2. statement
    3. test
  36. Overnight bought deals
  37. Overnight indexed swaps (OISs)
  38. Overnight repos
  39. Overnight reverse repurchase agreement (ON RRP) facility, usage
  40. Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)
  41. Over-the-counter (OTC)
    1. markets
  42. Over-the-counter derivatives (OTCD)
  43. Owner trust


  1. Panic of 1907, The (Bruner/Carr)
  2. Parallel PV01
  3. Par compression risk
  4. Par coverage test
  5. Par credit
  6. Par-par asset swap
  7. Par swap
  8. Partial call bonds
  9. Partial Libor PV01
  10. Partial PV01
  11. Passive funds, usage
  12. Passive investment ETFs
  13. Pass-through MBSs, metrics
  14. Pass-throughs, combined pools
  15. Pass-through security
  16. Pass-through vintages
  17. Payer swaption
  18. Paying in a swap
  19. Paying in spreads
  20. Pay-in-kind (PIK)
  21. Payment in kind (PIK)
  22. Payment-to-income (PTI) ratio levels
  23. Penny options
  24. Pension funds, retirement savings aggregation
  25. People's Bank of China (PBoC)
  26. Percentage/proportional terms
  27. Percentile threshold, expected shortfall (contrast)
  28. Performance metrics
  29. Perpetual preferred stock
  30. Personal consumption expenditure (PCE)
  31. Phantom income, taxation
  32. Physically backed ETFs
  33. Piece-wise constant forwards
  34. Placement agent
  35. Plain-vanilla fixed-for-floating swaps
  36. Pool factor
  37. Pooling and servicing agreement (PSA)
  38. Portfolio
    1. manager
    2. strategy (charting), financial era definition accuracy (impact)
  39. Portfolio composition file (PCF)
  40. Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, and Spain (PIGS)
  41. Position trader
  42. Position trading
  43. Positive carry
  44. Post-crisis rules/approaches
  45. Post-Great Recession, global capital markets chart
  46. Potential future exposure (PFE)
  47. Preferred shares
  48. Preferred stock
  49. Preferred stockholders
  50. Prepayments
  51. Preprocessing layer
  52. Pre-refunded/escrowed bonds
  53. Presentation layer
  54. Present value (PV), equations
  55. Present value of a basis point (PVBP)
  56. Pre-settlement risk management
  57. Pre-tax earnings
  58. Price carry
  59. Price differential
  60. Price transparency
  61. Price volatility
  62. Price weighted indices
  63. Price-yield formula
  64. Price-yield graph, example
  65. Pricing date
  66. Pricing supplement
  67. Primary dealers
  68. Primary first-lien loan issuance, percentage
  69. Primary markets
  70. Prime credit quality
  71. Prime mortgages
  72. Principal
  73. Principal cash flows
  74. Principal intermediary, role
  75. Principal-to-principal contracts
  76. Principal waterfall
  77. Private equity (PE)
  78. Private Export Funding Corporation (PEFCO)
  79. Private foundations, funds usage
  80. Private-label RMBS, secondary trading
  81. Private placements
  82. Probability
  83. Probability of Default (PD)
  84. Process architecture
  85. Program trading
  86. Project Restart (ASF)
  87. Property
  88. Proportional change
  89. Proprietary trading
  90. Prospectus supplement, filing
  91. Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA)
  92. Publicly held shares, market value
  93. Public Securities Association (PSA) model/convention
  94. Puerto Rico
  95. Pull-to-par dynamic
  96. Purchase price
  97. Putable bonds
  98. Put-call parity
  99. Put feature
  100. PV01


  1. Qualified institutional buyers (QIBs)
  2. Qualified investor
  3. Quality option
  4. Quasi-sovereign multilateral organizations
  5. Quote-driven markets


  1. Ramp-up period
  2. Rates, trading
  3. Rating agencies
  4. Rating Agency Act
  5. Rating-based triggers
  6. Ratings agencies
  7. Real estate investment trusts (REITs)
  8. Real estate mortgage investment conduit (REMIC)
  9. Real global financial asset returns
  10. Realized Vol, Implied Vol (contrast)
  11. Real-time gross settlement (RTGS)
  12. Real yields
  13. Receivables allocation
  14. Receiving in a spread
  15. Receiving in a swap
  16. Recovery lag assumptions
  17. Recovery rates
  18. REDI
  19. Refinancing
  20. Regional custodians
  21. Regression-weighted butterfly
  22. Regulated investment companies (RICs)
  23. Regulation M
  24. Regulation NMS
  25. Regulations
  26. Regulatory framework, strengthening
  27. Regulatory landscape, overview
  28. Regulatory reforms, cumulative weight
  29. Rehypothecation
  30. Reinvestment rates
  31. Reinvestment risk
  32. Remarketing agent, impact
  33. Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
  34. Replicating portfolio
  35. Reporting layer
  36. Representations
  37. Repurchase agreements (repo)
    1. additive approach
    2. bond carry
    3. Federal Reserve, relationship
    4. financing
    5. rates
    6. subtractive approach
    7. transactions, risks
    8. tri-party repos
  38. Repurchase date
  39. Request for quote (RFQ) functionality
  40. Resale cash flow
  41. Research analyst
  42. Research sales
  43. Research salesperson
  44. Reserve Accounts
  45. Reserve accounts
  46. Reserve Primary Fund
  47. Reserves
  48. Residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBSs)
    1. fraud risk
    2. market
  49. Residual cash flow
  50. Residual interest
  51. Resolution Funding Corporation (REFCO)
  52. Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC)
  53. Restricted funding mode
  54. Retail CDs
  55. Revenue
  56. Revenue anticipation notes (RANs)
  57. Revenue bonds
  58. Revenue-earning capacity, reduction
  59. Reverse repo
  60. Reverse repurchase agreement (RRP) facility
  61. Reverse-sequential order
  62. Right-to-pay (RTP) swaption
  63. Right-way risk
  64. Rising stars
  65. Risk
    1. allocation
    2. appetite
    3. aversion
    4. factors
    5. information technology (IT) architecture
    6. measurement
    7. risk-adjusted yields (returns)
    8. shift
    9. takers
  66. Risk-adjusted framework, shift
  67. Risk aggregation layer
  68. Risk-based capital
  69. Risk capital ratios
  70. Risk data
  71. Risk-free sovereign
  72. Riskless principal
  73. Risk management
  74. Risk-neutrality
  75. Risk-neutral probabilities
  76. Risk-neutral valuation
  77. Risk retention requirements
  78. Risk-reversals
  79. Risk-weighted asset (RWA)
  80. RNIVs
  81. Roadshow
  82. Roll-down effect
  83. Roosevelt, Franklin D.
  84. Rule 2a-7
  85. Rule 17g-1(i)
  86. Rule 144A
  87. Rule 415
  88. Rural Housing Administration (RHA)


  1. SABR
  2. Safekeeping
  3. Sales Agency Agreement
  4. Sales trader
  5. Sales trading
  6. Schwager, Jack
  7. Scratch-and-dent mortgages
  8. Secondary markets
  9. Secondary offering
  10. Section 15E(a)(3)
  11. Sector-based ETFs
  12. Secured (collateralized) bondholders
  13. Secured bonds
  14. Securities
    1. broker-dealers
    2. financing
    3. gross settlement
    4. opacity/complexity
    5. post-trade process
    6. safekeeping
    7. trustee
  15. Securities Act of 1933
  16. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
    1. Rule 2a-7
    2. Rule 144A
    3. Rule 415
    4. underwriter requirements
  17. Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA), Master Repurchase Agreement
  18. Securities Information Processor (SIP)
  19. Securities market infrastructure
    1. providers, activity overview
  20. Securities Offering Reform of 2005
  21. Securities trade
  22. Securitization
  23. Self-financing
  24. Self-regulatory organization (SRO)
  25. Seller/servicer events
  26. Selling agent
  27. Selling and servicing agreement (SSA)
  28. Selling concession
  29. Selling period
  30. Sell order, execution
  31. Sell-side
  32. Sell-side broker-dealer
  33. Sell-side industry ROE, outlook
  34. Semi-annual coupon bond
  35. Senior AAA tranches
  36. Senior Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement (SPSPA)
  37. Senior-secured first-lien loans
  38. Senior tranches, WAL reduction
  39. Sensitivity measures
  40. Servicer
  41. Settlement
  42. Settlement banks, impact
  43. Shadow banking sector
  45. Short exposure, creation
  46. Short History of Financial Euphoria, A (Galbraith)
  47. Short-term capital
  48. Short-term repo transactions, maturation
  49. SIFMA data
  50. Single-curve world
  51. Single-dealer platforms (SDPs)
  52. Single-factor scenarios
  53. Single monthly mortality (SMM), measurement method
  54. Sinking funds
  55. SIX SIX
  56. Skews
  57. SLM Corporation
  58. Small- and medium enterprise (SME) CLO
  59. Small-to-medium enterprises, struggle
  60. Smart-beta ETFs
  61. Smart order router (SOR)
  62. Smart order routing
  63. Smiles
  64. Sovereign Credit Crisis
  65. Sovereign debt crisis
  66. Sovereigns, capital market usage
  67. Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs)
  68. Soybean futures contract, contract terms
  69. SPDR 500 (SPY)
  70. Special-purpose corporations (SPCs), ABCP program creation
  71. Special-purpose entity (SPE)
  72. Special-purpose vehicle (SPV)
    1. bankruptcy-remote SPV
  73. Special servicer
  74. Specific wrong-way risk
  75. Specified pools (collateral)
  76. Sponsor
  77. Spot rate
  78. Spot trade
  79. Spot transaction
  80. Spread
  81. Spread of spreads
  82. Spread-PV01
  83. Standalone trust structure
  84. Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P500) stock index
  85. Standard & Poor's Goldman Sachs Commodity Index (S&P GSCI)
  86. Standard & Poor's, short-term rating system
  87. State Administration for Foreign Exchange (SAFE)
  88. Stated maturity date
  89. Static CDO
  90. Static deals
  91. Statistical arbitrage
  92. Step-up bonds
  93. Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA)
  94. Stochastic volatility models
  95. Stockholders, equity
  96. Stockholders, equity interest
  97. Stock index futures
  98. Stocks
  99. Storage layer
  100. Stressed Value at Risk (SVar), calculation (model methodology development)
  101. Stress events, impact
  102. Stress testing, process (example)
  103. STRIPS
  104. Structured finance
  105. Structured investment vehicles (SIVs)
  106. Structured Trading Activity Report, summary displays
  107. Structuring agent
  108. Student Loan Marketing Association (Sallie Mae)
  109. Sub-custodians
  110. Subordinated classes
  111. Subordinated debt holders
  112. Subordinate notes
  113. Subordination
  114. Subprime credit quality
  115. Subprime mortgages
  116. Subprime RMBSs, liquidity crisis (impact)
  117. Subtractive approach
  118. Super-senior Aaa/AAA classes
  119. Super senior AAA tranches
  120. Super-senior Class A-1 tranche
  121. Supervision, strength
  122. Supplementary leverage ratio (SLR)
  123. Supply/demand
  124. Surveillance agent (SA)
  125. Swap data repositories (SSDRs)
  126. Swap execution facilities (SEFs)
  127. Swap/Libor curve, construction
  128. Swaps
  129. Swaptions
  130. Swiss finish
  131. Synthetic call option
  132. Synthetic leverage
  133. Systematically important financials institutions (SIFIs)
  134. Systems Compliance and Integrity Rule (Regulation SCI)


  1. Tail risk
  2. TAPS programs
  3. Targeted multifactor scenarios
  4. Target price
  5. Taxable equivalent yield (TEY)
  6. Taxable MMF portfolio composition
  7. Tax and revenue anticipation notes (TRANs)
  8. Tax anticipation notes (TANs)
  9. Tax-exempt bonds, taxables (contrast)
  10. Tax-free yield (TFY)
  11. Tax liens
  12. Tax treatment
  13. Technology capabilities, support
  14. Teeny
  15. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
  16. Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF)
  17. Term repos
  18. Thematic-based ETFs
  19. Theta, gamma (contrast)
  20. Third Plenum, policy shift
  21. Three-lines-of-defense model
  22. Tickertape
  23. Tier 1 capital
  24. Tier 1 programs
  25. Tier 2 capital
  26. To be announced (TBA)
  27. Tokyo Overnight Average Rate (TONAR)
  28. Top-down approach
  29. Total assets
  30. Total Bond ETF
  31. Total rate of return (TRR), maximization
  32. Total real return indexers
  33. Tradeability
  34. Trade date plus zero (T+0)
  35. Traded volumes
  36. Trade flow (example), CCP (impact)
  37. Trade processing system providers
  38. Trader
  39. Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE)
  40. Trade repositories
  41. Trades
  42. Trading activity
  43. Trading fees
  44. Trading floors, maintenance
  45. Trading venue consolidation
  46. Tranches
  47. Transaction-specific factors
  48. Transfer statements
  49. Transitions
  50. Transparency
  51. Treasury auctions
  52. Treasury Automated Auction Processing System (TAAPS), usage
  53. Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee (TBAC)
  54. Treasury-ED (TED) spread
  55. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS)
  56. Treasury securities. See U.S. Treasury securities
  57. Treasury STRIPS
  58. Tri-party flows
  59. Tri-party markets
  60. Tri-party repos
  61. Triple-A credit enhancement
  62. True sale
  63. Trustee
  64. 2a-7 funds


  1. UCITS regulation (Europe)
  2. Uncollateralized obligations
  3. Unconstrained bond ETFs
  4. Underlying collateral
  5. Underlying loans, types
  6. Underwriter
  7. Underwriting
  8. Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)
  9. Unique product identifiers (UPIs)
  10. Unique transaction identifiers (UTIs)
  11. United States
    1. alternative trading systems
    2. fixed-income trading/issuance volumes
    3. Savings and Loan (S&L) crisis
    4. swap execution facilities (SEFs)
  12. Unit investment trusts (UITs)
  13. Unsecured bondholders
  14. Unsecured bonds
  15. Urban Development Act (1965)
  16. U.S. ABS issuance
  17. U.S. ABS outstanding
  18. U.S. Bankruptcy Code
  19. U.S. broadly syndicated loan CLOs, annual issuance
  20. U.S. CMBS issuance
  21. U.S. Dollar (USD) EM debt, growth
  22. U.S. Dollar (USD) SEF/broker screen
  23. U.S. Dollar (USD) swap, simplified cash-flows
  24. U.S. Dollar (USD) swaptions
  25. U.S. government bond ETFs
  26. U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
  27. U.S. Treasury (UST)
    1. bills (T-bills)
    2. bonds
    3. CT2, example
    4. futures
    5. yield curve


  1. Validation
  2. Value at Risk (VaR) (Value-at-Risk)
  3. Variable net asset value
  4. Variable-rate bonds
  5. Variable rate demand notes (VRDNs)
  6. Variation margin
  7. Vega
  8. Venture capital (VC) funds
  9. Veterans Administration (VA)
  10. Volatility cubes
  11. Volatility surface, maintaining/populating
  12. Volcker Rule
  13. Volume-weighted average price (VWAP)
  14. Vulture investors


  1. Warehouse agreements
  2. Warehouse provider
  3. Warranties
  4. Waterfalls
  5. Weighted average coupon (WAC)
  6. Weighted average life (WAL)
  7. Weighted average maturity (WAM)
  8. Weighted average rating factor (WARF)
  9. Weighted average spread (WAS)
  10. Well-known, seasoned issuer (WKSI)
  11. When-Issued (WI) note
  12. Window programs
  13. Withdrawal
  14. World Bank, borrowing requirements
  15. World economic growth (promotion), global financial system (impact)
  16. World Federal of Exchanges (WFE), stock exchanges
  17. World investment structure
  18. World Market/Reuters (WM/R)
  19. Wrong-way risk


  1. XTX Markets, ranking
  2. XVA


  1. Yield
  2. Yield carry
  3. Yield curve
  4. Yield Supplement Account
  5. Yield to maturity (YTM)
  6. Yield-yield swap spread


  1. Zero-cost call/receiver
  2. Zero-coupon swap spreads
  3. Zero rate
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