
ABHP, see Applied Behavioral Health Policy

Aboriginal people, 47–48, 136, 137–138

Academy of Vocal Arts (AVA), 519–520

Accountability, 487, 624, 625, 629, 632

Ackoff, Russell, 326, 670


accelerating, 6

bookends for, 485, 486

call to, 641

catalyzing bold, 333

collaborative, 107, 110

collective, 643

“communicative,” 113

Dialogue and Deliberation processes, 105–106, 111

linking change to, 111

and method mastery, 41–42

Scenario Thinking, 333, 339

shared, 154

sustaining, 114

Technology of Participation, 156

Action Learning, 26, 167, 479–483, 646

Action Period (SimuReal), 278–279

Action Planning Method, 152–154, 321, 328

Action Research, 640

Action Review Cycle (ARC), 26, 484–489, 647–647A

Active adaptation, 620

Activities (interactive), 209

Act phase (Scenario Thinking), 336, 339, 340

Adams, Cynthia A., 447, 704A

Adams, William A., 447, 704A

Adaptable methods, 17, 22–23, 72. See also specific method, e.g.: Appreciative Inquiry (AI)

Adoption agencies, 501–502, 660

Adult learning theory, 98, 460

Advisory team, 81

Advocacy, 115

Affirmative Topic Choice, 78

After Action Reviews (AARs), 484–486

After school care programs, 273

Afterthought, 65

“Agreement for results,” 502, 504

Agreements, 214, 220–221, 504

AI, see Appreciative Inquiry

Aicher, Paul J., 695

Aikido, 241

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, 317

Air traffic control, 317–318, 370–371

Akbar, Na’im, 261

Alban, Billie, 30, 638, 643, 699A

Albrecht, Karl, 9

Alexander, Christopher, 191–192

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Carroll), 17

Alignment, 333

Alignment Model (Wholes Systems Approach), 444

All-Embracing Participatory Architectures™ (APA), 252

Allen, Woody, 707

Alliance for Employee Growth and Development, 320

Alliance for World Class Communities, 320

Allied Signal, 467

Allied Solutions, 154

Allies, enlisting, 624

American Express, 524–525

American Institute of Architects Regional and Urban Design Team (R/UDATS), 312

American Red Cross, 402

American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), 73

AmericaSpeaks, 295, 393, 556, 584

Amerin Consulting, 429

Ancient Wisdom Council, 22, 195–200, 648–648A

Annual International Conference of Organisation Transformation (OT), 50

Anticipatory principle, 84

Antos, John, 494

APA, see All-Embracing Participatory Architectures™

Apple Computer, 701

Applied Behavioral Health Policy (ABHP), 118, 119, 126

“Appreciative democratic blackmail,” 618

Appreciative Inquiry (AI), 73–88, 191

applications of, 78–79

appreciative interview, 75

British Airways case study, 79–80

conditions for success, 82–83

definition of, 74–75

4-D Cycle, 77–79

at GTE/Verizon, 73–74

key phases of process for, 77–78

positive core, 75–76

principles of, 83–84

and problems, 86

problem solving vs., 76

Roadway Express and, 85–86

roles/responsibilities/relationships, 81

SOAR, 377

summary for, 22, 649–649A

sustainability of results, 85–86

World Café, 191

Appreciative Inquiry (Barrett and Fry), 84

Appreciative Inquiry Summit, 22, 201–206, 650

Arab oil embargo, 343

ARC, see Action Review Cycle

Architectural firm, 694

Architecture (technological/social), 552–553

Arendt, Hannah, 283

Aristotle, 573

Armenia, 548

Armstrong Industries, 538

Arrien, Angeles, 136

Arthur, Brian, 44, 126–127

Artifacts, 545

Art of Hosting Meaningful Conversations, 56–57

Arts, 268

Asch, Solomon, 358

Ashkenas, Ron, 540

Assessment-planning-implementation cycle, 121

Associates of the Human Systems Dynamics Institute, 669

ASTD (American Society for Training and Development), 73

Atlee, Tom, 634

AT&T, 320

Attems, Rudolf, 50

Attention, continual partial, 557

Attitudes, 269, 473, 503, 504, 621

Auditing, 475, 476–477

Australia, 421, 689

Authenticity, 61

Automotive glass plant, 436

Automotive supplier, 375–376

AVA, see Academy of Vocal Arts

Avery Dennison, 450–451, 455, 462

Axelrod, Dick, 100, 211, 639, 653, 657

Axelrod, Emily, 100, 639, 653, 657, 699A

Baggage handling, 80, 490–491

Bakhtin, Mikhail, 112

Balanced Scorecard, 26, 383, 490–495, 651

Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence, 476

Baldwin, Christina, 265, 682

Ball, Geoff, 583

Bamforth, Ken, 431

Banks, 207

Barrett, Frank J., 84, 205, 650

BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit), 300–302, 664A

Bateson, Gregory, 50

Baughman, James, 705

Bay Area Rapid Transit, see BART

BB, see Black Belts

Becker, Valerie, 126

Beckhard, Dick, 167

Before Action Reviews (BARs), 484–486

Behaviors, tracking, 69

Bell, Alexander Graham, 201

Benefits, 11, 321–322, 628

Berkana Institute, 179

Bernstein, Peter L., 370

Berra, Yogi, 519

Berrien County (Michigan), 319–320

Bertelsmann Foundation, 667

Best Friends Animal Society, 703

Beyerlein, Michael, 440, 654A

Beyondananda, Swami, 294

Big-picture thinking, 578

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 149

Bion, Wilfred, 358

Biopharmaceutical manufacturer, 465–467

Black Belts (BB), 62, 63, 468, 472–474

Blame-free environment, 121, 126

Blend Masters, 30

Blend mastery (blending methods), 44–58

lessons in, 55–56

Metalogue Conferences, 50–51

preparation for, 45–54

and self-knowledge, 46, 51–54

skills required for, 44–45

underlying principles for, 49–57

Block, Peter, 98, 496, 497, 507, 652

Blocking, 214, 215

Blogs, 558

Boal, Augusto, 570

Board of Continuing Education Services of New York State (BOCES), 674

BOCES (Board of Continuing Education Services of New York State), 674

Bodner, Sarah, 440, 654A

Body (human), 241

Boeing, 653

Bogatá, Columbia, 142, 677

Bohm, David, 112–113, 219, 661

Bohmian Dialogue, 113

Boldness, 32

Bolster, Cliff, 98

Bookends, 485, 486

Bottoms, 257, 258

Bowling Alone (Putnam), 5

Bowling Green State University (Ohio), 636

Brainstorming, 151, 152, 156, 290, 629, 630

Branding, 126

Brandon (Manitoba, Canada), 244–245, 247

Breakthroughs, 224

Bressen, Tree, 217

Brewster, George, 154

Bridges, William, 119, 123, 131

British Airways, 79–80

Brown, Juanita, 102, 179, 188, 192, 706A

Brown, Lyla, 47–48

Buber, Martin, 112

Buddha, 496

Built to Last (Collins and Porras), 130

Bunker, Barbara, 643

Buzan, Tony, 583

Cady, Steven, 21

Café Etiquette, 191

Café host, 184–186

Cage, John, 593

Calling, sense of, 51

Canadian Tire, 479, 646

Carlson Companies, Inc., 441–442, 704–704A

Carmichael, Doug, 556

Carr, Tony, 545

Carroll, Lewis, 17

Carry the Vision conference, 699–699A

Carter, John, 650

Casarez, Margaret, 499–500

CASE University, 378

Catholic Schools Initiative, 30–31, 33, 34–37

Cedar Valley Diversity Appreciation Team, 661

Centered presence, 240, 241

Center for Applied Policy Research, 667

Centering yourself, 52–53

CES, see Civic Engagement Series

CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research), 676

Champions (project), 138

Champions (Six Sigma), 472, 473

Champion Workshop, 474


and action, 111

dynamics of, 405–406

fundamental, 154

immunity to, 5

impetus for, 341

and intentions, 32

large-scale, 622–623

positive, 76, 77

as process, 12–13

sustainability of, 60–63, 175–176

Change agents, 472, 620

Change leader, 8

Change management, 35–36, 65, 580

Change methods. See also specific method, e.g.: Rapid Results

affect on people/desired outcomes of, 7–8

classification of, 16–20

common elements of, 12–13

ethical/moral case in, 40

financial considerations for, 10–11

and global patterns and trends, 3–6

misconceptions of, 9–10

and multiple intelligences, 20–21

navigating through, 15

reasons people use, 6–7

selecting, 28–42

seven characteristics of, 16–20

summary matrix for, 21–27

Channon, Jim, 583

Chaos, 613

The Character of Organizations (Bridges), 131

“Charrette ready,” 307, 308


common mistakes for, 311–312

definition of, 302, 314

Dynamic Planning process, 303, 304, 309–310

economic/political advantages of, 313

evolution of the, 312

manager, 309–310

multiple-day, 309

and Pleasant Hill BART station, 301–302

Quick Summary, 664–664A

sustainability of results, 313

team, 310

Chemistry, 40, 55

Child Health Initiative, 90

The Child Opportunity Capital, 320

Child Protective Services, 402

Chödrön, Pema, 611

Choice, freedom of, 82–83

Churchill, Winston, 69, 620

Circles, 93, 137–139, 141, 145, 262–264

Civic Engagement Series (CES), 26, 496–500, 652

Civility Center, 413

Civilizations (Durant and Durant), 288

Claassen, Ed, 694

Clanon, Jeff, 647

Clark, Brian, 702

Clearings, 67

Clinton, Bill, 113, 395

Closed projects, 475

Clusters, 151, 156

Coalition, 109

Coast Salish First Nation, 47

Cocreation of information, 12

Cohen, Dan, 524

Coherence, 613, 617

“Co-intelligence” of the group, 213

Colby, Brad, 633

Coleman, Susan, 53–54


in the charrette, 304

Dialogue and Deliberation processes, 109

Dynamic Planning process, 307, 308

Human Systems Dynamics, 669

and laws/principles of agreement, 504

in learning, 333

and meaning, 12

Scenario Thinking, 333, 340

sustainable, 501–506

Technology of Participation, 155

Collaborative Loops, 89–101

basics of, 91–95

conditions for success, 97–98

getting started with, 96

as internal capability, 639

meeting with sponsors, 96

roles/responsibilities for, 96–97

and success, 99–100

summary for, 22, 653

sustainability of results, 99

table of uses for, 95

theoretical basis for, 98–99

Collaborative Work Systems (CWS) Design, 25, 436–440, 654–654A

Collective analysis, 631

Collective assessments, 629

Collective intelligence, 180, 181, 187, 190

College of Visual & Performing Arts (University of South Florida), 131, 671

Collins, Jim, 119, 122, 123, 130, 635

Columbus Regional Hospital, 278–279

Commission on Human Rights (Waterloo, Iowa), 102, 661


Civic Engagement, 498, 499

of employees, 432

individual, 532

internal, 62

from planning group members, 109

Playback Theatre, 570

public, 68

“simple,” 208–209

Values Into Action, 531–532

Committees, 221

Common ground, 3, 63, 319, 321, 323

Common sense, 100

Communal resource sharing, 558


Dynamic Planning process, 307, 308

energizing, 121–124

Integrated Clarity, 126

online, 556, 584

Online Environments, 546

Search Conference, 349–350

Six Sigma, 475

sustainability, 63

Communications Workers of America, 320

“Communicative action,” 113


and citizen engagement, 65

Community Weaving, 410–411

definition of, 18

engagement, 113

enlightened, 610–619

Frankfurt, Germany, 513–515

healthy, 307

involvement, 312

Open Space Technology, 138

Scenario Thinking, 332–333

small, 564

strategic plan for, 245

Study Circles, 283–286

Technology of Participation, 157

Communities of practice (CoP), 41, 56, 548

Community Coordinator, 411, 412

Community dialogue, 102

Community of communities, 635

Community Reference System, 354

Community Summits, 24, 365–369, 655

Community Weaving, 400–418

change dynamics of, 405–406

conditions for success, 413

getting started with, 409–412

outcomes of, 403

principles of, 405

roles/responsibilities/relationships, 412

summary for, 25, 656–656A

sustainability of, 416

table of uses, 407–409

theoretical basis for, 414–416

webs of support, 402–403

workings of, 401–404

Community Weaving (Roberts), 413–414

Comoso (virtual facilitator), 252, 253

Competency, 39

Complaint and criticism phase (Power of Imagination Studio), 268

Conductor, 561, 564, 568

Conference Model, 22, 207–211, 657

Conferences, 207, 320

Conflict, 10, 67–68, 107, 110, 502

Conflict resolution, 53, 54, 592

Connecticut, 322

Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT), 535–536


building, 212

Civil Engagement, 498

Collaborative Loops process, 94

emotional, 9

human, 614

and IC empowerment, 121

inner, 616

personal, 612

and sharing, 127

Consensus, 22, 213

Consensus Decision Making, 212–217, 658–658A

Consensus Workshop method, 151–154, 156, 157

Consistency, 461

Constructionist principle, 83

Consultants, 56, 62–63, 66, 81, 301

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), 676

Containers-Difference-Exchange (CDE) Model, 235–236

Context (Consensus Workshop method), 151

Context Map (Strategic Visioning), 389

Continual partial attention, 557

Continuity, 578

Continuous cycle, 19

Continuous improvement, 63

Contra Costa County, California, 300–302, 664–664A

Contributions (individual), 12

Contributions, encouraging, 187

Control, 9, 55, 142–143, 147

Converge/Diverge, 35, 167

Conversation Café, 22, 218–222, 659–659A


Art of Hosting Meaningful, 56–57

assessment-planning-implementation cycle, 121

developing skills for, 501–502

distance, 636

“flash,” 543

Integrated Clarity process, 120

leveraging source needs, 120

ongoing strategic, 345

Online Environments, 552

and organizational needs, 120

purpose of, 219

that need to take place, 35–37

World Café, 180–183, 191, 192

Cooperrider, David L., 86–87, 184, 190, 380, 649A, 650, 692A

CoP, see Communities of practice

Core team, 81, 171–172, 340

Corporate strategy, 343

Corrigan, Chris, 47–49, 51

“Co-sensings,” 225


of change methods, 10

Community Summits, 367–368

Community Weaving, 416–417

of conflict, 503

misconceptions on, 9

of not doing a method, 11

Online Environments, 557

Open Space Technology, 141

Participative Design Workshop, 425

and practitioner selection, 39

reducing, 201

Search Conferences, 352

Covenant Homecare, 162–164

Covey, Stephen, 660

Crate and Barrel, 603–604

Create Hospitable Space, 184, 187

Creating Organizational Congruence, 275, 276

Creation intelligence, 196, 197

Creativity, 94, 156, 462

Critical listening, 105

Critical mass, 165, 175, 209

Critical uncertainties, 371

Cross-pollination, 181, 187, 190, 191

Culture, 626–628, 632

Curiosity, 94

Cycle, 19

Cycle of Resolution, 26, 501–506, 660

Cycles, 19, 22–27

Cyclone Hardware P&N Tools, 419–420

Dalkey, Norman, 157

Damasio, Antonio R., 292

Dannemiller, Kathie, 36, 52, 98, 162, 165, 638

Dannemiller Tyson Associates, 165

Data-Purpose-Plan-Evaluate project planning model, 167

Davenport, Al, 165

Debate, 103, 104

Decision making, 105, 107, 110, 154, 214, 215, 304. See also Consensus Decision Making

Decisions (high-quality), 212

Decision tree (Scenario Thinking), 341–342

Decisive intelligence, 196, 197

“Deep slice” team, 424

Defects, 467–468

Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, Verify (DMADV), 469

Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC), 466, 468, 469, 471, 472, 476

“Deliberative democracy,” 113

Deloitte Consulting, 685

Delphi Process, 157

“Demand-resistance cycle,” 122

Deming, W. Edwards, 475, 476


Collaborative Loops, 98–99

deliberative, 113

foundation of, 300

and global trends, 4

and land-use planning, 312

Playback Theatre, 563

principles of, 42

strengthening local, 283–284

and wholeness, 216

Dental school, 673

Department of Transportation (DOT) (Connecticut), 535–536

DePree, Max, 501

Descartes’ Error (Damasio), 292


Collaborative Loops, 100

cross-functional, 308

genotypical organizational principles, 421–422

group-based, 630

models for Rapid Results, 457, 458

and sustainability, 65–69

Design Conference, 153, 158–159, 208

Designers, 323–324

Design phase (AI process), 77, 78

Design team, 184–186, 278

Desired outcomes, 7–8, 11, 31–33, 164

Destiny phase (AI process), 77, 78

Detroit Edison, 657

Devane, Tom, 21, 59–69, 260, 362, 433

Developing and Aligning Leadership, 275, 276

Dewey, John, 300, 400

“Dialogism,” 112

Dialogue and Deliberation processes, 102–117

advocacy vs., 115

basics of, 102–106

conditions for success, 110–112

debate vs., 104

definitions for, 103

ensuring representativeness in, 114–115

getting started in, 108–109

mediation vs., 115–116

negotiation vs., 115–116

roles/responsibilities/relationships, 109–110

steps for, 104–106, 108

summary for, 22, 661–661A

sustainability of results, 114

table of uses, 106–108

theoretical basis for, 112–114

usage of, 103, 104

Dialogue on Race, 113

Dialogues, 295, 296, 308, 339, 579, 605, 631

Dialysis service, 381–382

“Digital divide,” 557

Digital images, 581

Dilbert, 2

Direction, 60, 124

Discontinuous improvement, 521

Discovery phase (AI process), 77

Dispersed Organizing Teams, 544

Distributed leadership, 61–62

Disturbances, 611


annual celebrations for, 102

definition of, 34

Dialogue and Deliberation, 115

Drum Café, 592

and emergence, 615

of experience, 624–625

music and, 595

Online Environments, 676

Open Space Technology, 137–138

South Africa and, 589

Technology of Participation, 160

World Café, 190

DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, Verify), 469

DMAIC, see Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control

DOC (Washington State Department of Corrections), 319

Documentation, 41–42

“Do no harm” principle, 40

DOT, see Connecticut Department of Transportation

Doyle, Michael, 582

Dream phase (AI process), 77

Drum Café, 21, 27, 588–592, 662

Duany, Andres, 302

Dupre, Susan, 49, 533, 699A

Durant, Ariel, 288

Durant, Will, 288

Duration, 18–19, 22–27

D×V×F>R2 model, 167, 168, 176

Dyer, Wayne, 641

Dynamic Facilitation, 22, 223–226, 663

Dynamic Planning process:

charrettes, 301–304, 307–314, 664–664A

conditions for success, 311–312

getting started with, 306–307

roles/responsibilities/relationships, 309–310

strategies for, 308

summary for, 24, 664–664A

sustainability of results, 312–313

table of uses, 305–306

theoretical basis for, 312

three phases of, 303–304

values for, 307

Dynamic tensions, 619

Ebaugh, Sue, 375

e-commerce team, 700

Economic benefits, 321–322

Ecumenical Institute, 157

Edison, Thomas, 288


importance of, 639–640

increasing, 4

and method mastery, 40–41, 42

and multiple intelligences, 37

of others, 42

sex, 325

Visual Recording and Graphic Facilitation, 584

Eickhoff, Petra, 271

Eight intelligences, 196–198

Einstein, Albert, 16, 62, 86, 227

Ektorp sofa, 317

Electronic Government Initiative, 370, 371

Elementary school, 223, 225

“Elephant,” 318, 319

E-mail, 542–543

Embodied Leadership, 241

e/merge 2004, 545–546

Emergent practices, 615–619

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 450

Emery, Fred, 99, 326, 358–359, 362, 421, 431, 681, 689

Emery, Merrelyn, 20, 246, 248, 362, 362, 431, 432, 433, 641, 678A

Emotional engagement, 8, 61

Emotional intelligence, 196, 197

Emotions, 269

Employee Engagement Process, 26, 507–512, 665

Empowerment, 119–121, 123, 175, 625

Ender, Gabriela, 254–255, 679A

Energia intelligence, 196, 197

Energizing core, 626, 627


Appreciative Inquiry Summit, 202

creation/creative, 68, 567

evidence of, 61

“self-organizing,” 224, 225

and sustaining change, 175

as universal organizational need, 124


and choice, 34

Collaborative Loops process, 89, 93–95

Dialogue and Deliberation processes, 108, 109

emotional, 8, 61

experiments in community, 113

meaningful, 67

principles, 639–640

scholarship of, 640

Visual Recording and Graphic Facilitation, 578

Enlightenment, 611–613

“Enterprise Architecture,” 370–371

Environment, 14, 121, 126, 626, 627

Eoyang, Glenda H., 237, 669

Erich, David, 79

Eritrea, 451–452, 455, 538

Ertel, Chris, 345

Estes, Caroline, 212

Estrada, Jorge, 699A

Event Planning Team, 167, 172

Events, 35

Event size, 18, 22–27

Evolutionary biology, 191

Execution, 202

Executive Workshop, 474

Expansion, 461

Experiential Aim, 154

Experts, 532

Exploration, 107, 110

Explore phase (Scenario Thinking), 337, 340

Expression, 124, 126

External environment, 626, 627

External participants, 340

FAA, see Federal Aviation Administration


charrette, 310

Collaborative Loops, 97

Comoso, 252, 253

content-neutral, 159–160

costs of, 10

Dynamic Facilitation, 224–225

Future Search, 322–324

Integrated Clarity, 129

Learning Map Approach, 599

need for, 20

Online Environments, 553–555

Open Space Technology, 143, 144

Participative Design Workshop, 428

Playback Theatre, 567

Rapid Results, 458, 459

Scenario Thinking, 340, 341

Search Conference, 354

style of, 155

Technology of Participation, 154, 155, 158

trained, 110

Whole-Scale Change, 171

Facility costs, 10

Faenderl, Wolfgang, 518, 667

Failure, dealing with, 42

Family Advocates, 400, 401, 411, 412, 656A

Family Support Network (FSN), 401–403, 656A

Fashion retailer, 675

Faulk, Judith Orloff, 131

FDA (Food and Drug Administration), 465

Feasible plan (Dynamic Planning process), 308

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 316–318

Federation of Egalitarian Communities, 658

Feedback loops, 307, 308, 311

Feelings, 122, 564–565

Feyerherm, Ann, 638

Field testing, 160

The Fifth Discipline (Senge), 113

Financial considerations, 10–11

Financial services company, 688

First Person Plural (FPP), 297

First Security Information Technologies, Inc., 443

Fisher, Kimball, 119, 123, 125, 130

Fit, 38–40, 46–47

FITF (Fly into the Future Dialogues), 702

Five dimensions of purpose, 17–18

“Flaming,” 295

“Flash conversations,” 543

Flexibility of practitioners, 51–52

Flores, Fernando, 660

Flow, 36

Flowers, Betty Sue, 341

Fly into the Future Dialogues (FITF), 702

Focus (outward/inward), 634

Focused Conversation method, 47, 48, 150–152, 154

Focused Implementation (Participatory Strategic Planning), 152

Focus on the Present, 320

Folllett, Mary Parker, 216

Follow-up, 67, 68, 114, 120, 159, 521

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 465

Ford Motor Company, 165, 703A

Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 212

4-D Cycle (Appreciative Inquiry), 77–79, 203, 204, 377

Four Fold Way, 136

Four Quadrant framework, 383

Fox, Jonathan, 569, 571, 683

FPP (First Person Plural), 297

Franco, Bob, 524–528

Frankfurt, Germany, 513–515

Fraser Health Authority, 89–91, 95

Freedoms, for human potential, 82–83

Freire, Paulo, 112, 564

Fritz, Robert, 49–50, 386

Frontline workers, 491–493

Fry, Ron, 84, 650

FSN, see Family Support Network

Fuhrmann, Raban Daniel, 37–38

Fuller, Buckminster R., 250

Fulton, Katherine, 345

Future Centers network, 584

Future direction, 125

Future Insight Group, 331, 332

Future Search, 316–330

basics of, 318–322

conditions for success, 324–325

economic benefits of, 321–322

at FAA, 316–318

getting started with, 323

at IKEA, 316–317

Kenoli Oleari on, 49–50

principles of, 319

process of, 320–321

results of, 317

roles/responsibilities, 323–324

summary for, 24, 666–666A

sustainability of results, 327

table of uses, 322

theoretical basis/historical roots of, 326–327

uses of, 319–320, 322

and World Café, 191

Future trends:

for a better world, 633–644

emergent practices, 615–619

high-leverage ideas/actions for, 620–632

and innovation, 638

inspired organizations/enlightened communities, 610–619

key advice for, 620–621

multifront approach to, 626–628

principles for sustainability, 624–626

and responsibility as the norm, 616–619

thoughts on, 641–643

Future Workshop, see Power of Imagination Studio

Gaffin, Larry, 659

Galileo, Galilei, 288

Gambling, 2

Gandhi, 621

Gardner, Howard, 20

GB, see Green Belts

GE, see General Electric

Geffers, Stephan G., 271

Gel-Mann, Murray, 145

Gemeinsinn-Werkstatt, 26, 513–518, 667

General Electric (GE), 467, 476, 535, 536, 538, 705

Genotypical organizational design principles, 420–423

Genuine Contact Program, 23, 227–233, 668

Georgia (country), 548

Gershon, David, 528, 685

Gestalt theory, 156, 157

Gibb, Bruce, 165

Gibbons, Michele, 373

Gibbons-Carr, Michele, 673

Gibson, James J., 358

Gifts, 498, 499

Gioja, L., 149

Glass plant, 654

“Global brain bank,” 558

Global Business Network, 331–332, 343

Global Community Youth and Women’s Forums, 157

Global patterns and trends, 3–6

Global Talent Division (American Express), 524–525

Global thinking, 326

GMCR, see Green Mountain Coffee Roasters

Goals, 32, 125

Goal-setting theory, 460

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1, 513

Good, Susan, 90

Good ideas, 61

Good Neighbors, 400–401, 409, 412, 656A

Good Samaritan Law, 417

Good to Great (Collins), 122, 130, 635

Gordezky, Ray, 533, 699A

Gordon, Joanne, 85–86

Govender, Thava, 699A

Government collaboration, 669

Graphic facilitation, 558, 580, 585, 586

Graphic Gameplans, 576, 577

Graphic Guides, 387, 389

Graphic presentation software, 586

Graphic recorders, 532, 580, 585, 586

Graphics professionals, 186–187

Grassroots, 403

Grateful Bread coffeehouse, 218

Green Belts (GB), 468, 472–474

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR), 484–485

Green Party, 212

Groton Leadership Team, 239

Grounding, 52–53

Ground rules, 105

Group decisions, 106

Group energy, 7

Group Graphics Keyboard, 581, 582

Groups, 40, 198, 213, 584, 625

“Group think,” 290

Group work, 163, 165

Grove Consultants International, 582, 583

Growing edge, 526–528

Grupo Industrial Saltillo, 455

GTE/Verizon, 73

Guber, Heidi Sparkes, 489

Guerre, Don de, 248

Gues, Arie de, 344

Habermas, Jurgen, 113

Hafiz, 218

Halley, Sarah, 571

Hamilton County Ohio, 698–698A

Hardey, Paul, 618

Harper, Gordon, 161

Harris, Cheryl, 440, 654A

Hats, many, 640, 641

Haudan, James A., 599, 601–602, 675

Hauser, Markus, 50

Hayworth, Inc., 321–322

Health-care providers, 381–382, 692–692A

Heidegger, 67

Heider, Fritz, 358

Heierbacher, Sandy, 115

Helmer, Olaf, 157

Henderson, Philip, 578

Herman Miller, 331–332

Hewlett Packard, 179, 576–577

Hierarchy (flat), 421–422, 550

High-tech company, 693

Hinrichs, Gina, 201

HIV/AIDS, 451–452, 455, 538

Holding, practice of, 48

Holistic solutions, 309

Holladay, Royce, 641

Holman, Peggy, 21

Home-care services, 162–164

Homer, Ken, 192

Honesty, 121

Honey, Cheryl, 417, 656A

Hope, 175

Hopkinton, Massachusetts, 666

Horizon Moving Systems, 125, 126

Horn, Bob, 582

Horth, David Magellan, 607, 700

Hospital accreditation, 90

Hosting, art of, 187–188

Hosts, 220

HSD, see Human Systems Dynamics

H-Tech Company, 256–258

Human Development Projects (ICA), 157, 236–237

Human element, 121

Human identity, 82

Human potential, 82–83

Human Resources (HR) practices, 627–628

Human spirit, 156–157

Human Systems Dynamics (HSD), 23, 234–238, 669

Hunter Douglas, 78–79, 83

Hutson, Nancy, 239, 240

Hyatt, Marcia, 483

IA (Interaction Associates), 582

IAF (International Association of Facilitators), 158

ICA, see Institute of Cultural Affairs

ICRP, see International Conflict Resolution Program

Idealized Design, 26, 519–523, 670

Idealized Design (Ackoff, Magidson, and Addison), 520

Identity, 124

“It ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” 142

Ignorance, 65

IKEA, 316–317, 670

Images, 581, 605–606

Imagination and metopia phase, 268

Implementation, 65, 246, 312–313, 327, 624–625

Implementation and practical phase, 268–269

Implementation phase (Dynamic Planning process), 303–305, 312

Improvement, 63, 66, 68, 468, 521

Improving methods, 18, 26, 449. See also specific method, e.g.: Rapid Results

Improvisation, 56, 562, 594, 596

Inclusivity, 109, 155

In-depth training, 19

Indigenous populations, 145. See also

Aboriginal people

Individual contributions, 12

Information, 12, 247, 546, 627

Information infrastructure, 303, 304

Information Mapping, 581–582

Infrastructure, 303, 304

Innovation, 333, 638

Inspiration, 611–613

Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA), 155, 157, 696A

Insurance company, 453–454

Integrated Clarity (IC)™, 118–134

basics of, 119–127

conditions for success, 129–130

definition of, 119–121

energizing communications, 121–124

example dialogue, 126–127

framework for, 119–121

getting started with, 129

roles, responsibilities/relationships, 129

six universal organizational

needs, 120, 124–126

summary for, 22, 671–671A

sustainability of results, 131

table of uses, 128

theoretical basis for, 130–131

time frame for, 131–132

usage of, 126, 128

Integrated design principles, 180

Integrating change processes, 45–54

Integration Team (SimuReal), 278, 279

Intellectual Capital Pioneers, 188

Intelligence, 202

Intelligences (eight), 196–198

Intentions, 32, 40, 264, 612

Interaction Associates (IA), 582

Interactive activities, 209

Interdependence (positive), 82–83

Interlude, 120

Internal participants, 339

International Association of Facilitators (IAF), 158

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 320

International Conflict Resolution Program (ICRP), 53, 54

International Consultants (Thurber and Faulk), 131

International Exposition of Rural Development, 157

International Forum of Visual Practitioners, 577–578, 585

International Leader’s Assembly (Montserrat, Spain), 530–531, 533

International Playback Theatre Network (IPTN), 569

International professional association, 128

Internet, 251, 253

Interview (appreciative), 75

IntraHealth International, Inc., 227–228

Intrinsic motivation, 7–8

Introductions, 104–105

Intuition, 29, 55

Invention Masters, 30

Invention mastery, 56–57

Investment (organizational), 130

Invitation, 34, 184, 498, 499

Involvement, 33–35

Inward focus, 634

IPTN (International Playback Theatre Network), 569

Isaacs, David, 192, 706A

ISO 9000, 476

Israel, 530, 531

IT Division (Canadian Tire), 479

“I-Thou” perspective, 112

J. Robins & Sons Pty Ltd., 681

Jacobs, Robert “Jake,” 277, 687

Jacobson, Wendy, 397

James, Sylvia L., 176–177

James, William, 365

Janoff, Sandra, 20, 329, 666

Japan, 476

JazzLab, 21, 27, 593–597, 672

Jefferson, Thomas, 273

JIT manufacturing, see Just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing

Jobs, Steve, 621

John Deere Harvester Works, 201

Johnson, Gail, 501, 502

Johnson-Lenz, Peter, 556

Johnson-Lenz, Trudy, 556

Jones, Ron, 131

Joseph, Barry, 702

Journaling, 41–42

Journalists, 611–615, 617, 618

Jungk, Robert, 268, 684

Junior League, 320

Juran, Joseph M., 476

Just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing, 469, 476

K. O. Lee Company, 205

Kahn, Herman, 343

Kaleidoscope experience, 331–332

Kansas City, Kansas, 695

Kansas City, Missouri, 320

Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, xi

Kaplan, Robert, 490, 651

Kaufman, Stuart, 145

Kelley, Lynn, 380, 692A

Kellner-Rogers, Myron, 174

Kelly, Susan, 583

Kennedy, John F., 484

Kennedy, Jon, 642

Kenya, 530, 531

Kettering Foundation, 105

Kickoff sessions, 521

Kimball, Lisa, 556

Klein, Alan, 282

Klein, Donald C., 690A

Klein, Gary, 28–29

Knowledge of people, 12

Koestenbaum, Peter, 98

Kolb, David, 414, 460

Kotter, John, 524

Kretzman, Jody, 416

Kurdistan (Iraqi), 53–54

Laboratory Method of Learning, 173

Laissez-faire, 422

Lakin, Fred, 583

Land development, 300–306, 312–313, 664A

Land-use planning, 312

Langley Hospital, 91

Large group methods, 9, 10

Large Group Scenario Planning, 24, 370–374, 580, 673

Large-scale change, 622–623

Law of Two Feet, 136, 137, 140, 141

Lawrence, Paul, 548

Leaders, 6, 8, 62, 64, 325, 341, 474


Appreciative Inquiry, 81

changing paradigm of, 624

and collective action, 643

Dynamic Planning process, 309, 313

emergent, 616

Genuine Contact Program, 668

Six Sigma, 468, 474

systems, 67

Technology of Participation, 155

Leadership and the New Science (Wheatley), 145

Leadership Dojo, 23, 239–243, 674–674A

Leading Self-Directed Work Teams (Fisher), 130

Lean manufacturing, 469, 476, 477

“Learn as you go,” 479–480

Learning, 61, 130, 156, 167, 179–180, 333

Learning edge, 46–47

Learning Map Approach, 27, 598–602, 675

Learning processes, 69

Lennertz, Bill, 314

Lent, Rick, 51–52

Lessons learned, 627

Level 5 Leadership, 123

Leveraging Needs, 125–126

Levine, Stewart, 505, 641, 660

Lewin, Kurt, 68, 326, 431, 460, 637, 640, 702

Liability, 416, 417

Libra Project, 569

Liebermann, Warren, 591–592, 662

Life-Affirming Purpose, 124–125

“Lifelong Learning Organization,” 251

Lin, Nan, 415

Linnea, Ann, 682

Lippitt, Ronald, 31–37, 173, 326

Listening, 187, 595

Listening to the City (LTC), 295

Literacy, 327, 701

“Little e” engagement principles, 93, 94

Living network pattern, 180–181

“Living the methods,” 49

Lloyd, Carissa, 223

Logistics coordinator, 340

Logistics Team, 172

the long view, 335

Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, 294–295

LTC (Listening to the City), 295

Ludema, James D., 205, 650

Lukensmeyer, Carolyn J., 397, 698A

Lumpkin Family Foundation, 234

Lutz, Ruediger, 684

McCormick, Marie, 511, 665

McCormick Employee Engagement Inventory (MEEI), 507–509

McCoy, Martha L., 286

McDonald’s, 205

MacDougall, Sarah, 265

McKeown, Frank, 687

McKnight, John, 416

Madiba’s philosophy, 589

Magidson, Jason, 522

Magill, Sam, 699A

Management, 7, 64–65, 427–428. See also Change management; Leadership

Managers. See also Leaders

charrettes, 309–310

middle, 9, 64, 479, 493, 625, 630

Participative Design Workshop, 428

Search Conferences, 355

Six Sigma, 468, 473

Managing Transitions (Bridges), 131

Mandela, Nelson, 589

Mandl, Christoph, 50

Mandl, Hanna, 50

Manifestation, laws of, 505

Mapping, 38, 186–187, 383, 573–577, 581–582

Margulies, Nancy, 573, 575, 583, 585, 586, 701A

Marketing, 221

Market positioning, 126

Martin, DeAnna, 226

Master Black Belts (MBB), 472, 473


of blending methods, 45–54

definition of, 28–29

duty of, 40

as lifetime work, 19

and method selection, 28–43

the path to, 40–42

and the unanticipated, 52

of whole system change, 29–30

Matching, 38

Maturana, Humberto, 190

Maurer, Rick, 174

MBB, see Master Black Belts

Mead, Margaret, 621

MeadWestvaco, 456

Meaning (collaborative), 12

Media, 138

Mediation, 115–116

Medicine Wheel Tool, 228

MEEI, see McCormick Employee Engagement Inventory


charrette, 301, 310

face-to-face, 551

Future Search, 320

large group methods vs., 10

launch, 454

Open Space Technology, 135–136

periodic review, 327

planning, 366

public, 301, 304

sense of the, 213

with sponsors, 96

Whole-Scale Change, 164

whole system, 316–319, 326–327

“Meeting canoe,” 93–94

Meky, Saleh, 451

Membership-Control-Goals team formation model, 167

Memory, 578

Meningitis Vaccine Project, 149–150

Mercer, Steven, 642

Mergers (corporate), 128

Metalogue Conferences, 50–51

Meta-Matching-Method (MMM), 37–38

Metaphorming, 290–292

Metaplan, 583

Method Masters, 30

Method selection, 28–43

creative approach to, 37–38

and mastery, 28–43

process-oriented dimensions of, 35–36

Metopia, 268

Metropolitan Opera (New York), 520

Mexico, 183

Microcosms, 166, 174–175

Microsoft, 347–348

Middle managers, 9, 64, 479, 493, 625, 630

Middles, 257, 258

Military, U.S., 343

Millemann, M., 149

Millennium Pharmaceuticals Inc., 482

Mindscapes, 573, 583, 586

Mission Statement, 153

Mixing and matching methods, see Blend mastery (blending methods)

Miyahsiro, Marie, 132, 671A

MMM (Meta-Matching-Method), 37–38

Mobility (global), 4

Mobility, Law of, see Law of Two Feet

Momentum, 175

Money, 64, 341. See also Costs

Monitoring, 69

Monitor phase (Scenario Thinking), 336, 339

Morale, 126

Moral judgment, 113

Moreno, J. L., 564

Mota, Carlos, 183

Motivating people, 62, 122

“Motivational listeners,” 578

Motorola, 297, 467, 476, 691

MSNBC, 297

Muellert, Norbert R., 684

Multiple intelligences, 20–21, 37

Multiple perspectives, 336–337, 340–341

Murals, 576–577

Murphy, Patrice, 463, 540

Museum of Science and Technology (Tampa Bay, Florida), 706

Music, 595, 596. See also Drum Café; JazzLab

Myths (organizational), 462

Name (Consensus Workshop method), 151

Nash, Johnny, 256

National Business Aviation Association, 317

National Charrette Institute (NCI), 302–303, 312, 664A

National Discussion on Social Security Reform, 395

National Fund for Social Enterprise, 183

National Semiconductor, 584

National Training Center, U.S. Army, 647A

National Training Labs, 173

Navy, U.S., 204

NCI, see National Charrette Institute

Neal, Philip, 450, 451


individual vs. group, 40

leveraging, 125–126

organizational, 119, 120, 124–127, 132

people’s, 119, 125

requests vs., 122

source, 120, 123–125

strategies vs., 127

universal, 122, 123

Negotiation, 115–116

Netherlands, 343

Neutral party, 111–112, 115

Newcomb, Theodore M., 358

New Hampshire Power and Light, 538

New York City, 273, 294–295, 687

NGO (Nongovernmental organization), 548

Nicaragua, 686

Nongovernmental organization (NGO), 548

Nonprofits, 128

Nonviolent Communication (Rosenberg), 125, 130

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) language model, 120–123, 125, 131, 671A

Norton, David, 490, 651

Norwegian Industrial Democracy Project, 421

NTT, 697

Nursing, 250, 261–262, 542–543

Nutrimeal Brazil, 649

Nutrimental Foods, 79

NVC language model, see Nonviolent Communication (NVC) language model

Observations, 122

Office of Finance, City and County of Denver, 78

Oleari, Kenoli, 49–50, 52–53

Olyer, Marilyn, 161

Online chat, 295

Online Environments, 542–560

conditions for success, 555

definition of, 543

e/merge 2004, 545–546

getting started with, 552–554

outcomes, 550–551

principles of, 554

roles/responsibilities/relationships, 554–555

Spirited Work, 546–547

summary for, 27, 676–676A

sustainability of results, 557

table of uses, 551–552

theoretical basis for, 556–557

three perspectives for, 543–548

usage of, 549–550

Open architecture, 100

Openness, 109, 568, 569

OpenSpace-Online real-time methodology, 23, 250–255, 679–679A

Open Space Technology (OST), 135–148

common mistakes in, 145

conditions for success with, 145

and costs, 141

definition of, 138–139

effects of, 141

and fundamental human patterns, 136–137

getting started with, 142–143

Kurdistanis and, 53, 54

Law of Two Feet, 136, 137, 140, 141

Metalogue Conferences, 50–51

misconceptions in, 147

outcomes of, 139

passion/responsibility in, 139

principles of, 135–136, 139–141

results of, 136, 146

at Rockport Company, 135–136

roles/responsibilities/relationships in, 143–145

Spirited Work experiment, 136–137

summary for, 22, 677–677A

sustainability of results, 146

table of uses for, 141–142

theoretical basis for, 145–146

Urban Aboriginal Strategy, 137–138

Urban Development Agreement, 47, 48

when not to use, 145

when to use, 139

and World Café, 191

Open Space Technology (OST) program, see Out of School Time (OST) program

Open Systems Theory, 23, 98, 244–249, 350, 351, 678–678A

“Operation Safe Havens,” 402–403

Orbseal Technology Center, 375–376

Organic growth, 526


creating a flatter, 317

critical mass of, 165

cultural assumptions of, 359, 432, 462

definition of, 18

inspired, 610–619

power shifts in, 324

redesign of entire, 429

Scenario Thinking, 332–333

stability of, 485

Strategic Forum, 384

Organizational effectiveness, 445

Organizational needs, 119, 120, 124–126, 132

Organizational power, 356

Organizational structure, 279

Organizational Workshop (OW), 256–260, 680

ORID (Objective, Reflective, Interpretive, and Decisional) levels, 150–151

Orient phase (Scenario Thinking), 337, 340

Osborn, Alex, 157

Oshry, Barry, 259–260, 680

OST, see Open Space Technology

OT (Annual International Conference of Organisation Transformation), 50

Outcomes. See also Results

Community Weaving, 403

desired, 7–8, 11, 31–33, 164

Dynamic Planning process, 308

emotional attachment to, 6

expectations for, 111

feasible, 303

Idealized Design, 521

Learning Map Approach, 599, 600

measuring, 308

Online Environments, 550–551

Open Space Technology, 139

Organization Workshop, 258

Participative Design Workshop, 419, 420, 424

Playback Theatre, 563, 570

and purpose, 33

Rapid Results, 452–453

Search Conference, 349–350

Technology of Participation methods, 154

Unique Design, 247

unknown, 109

Visual Explorer, 604–605

Whole-Scale Change, 164, 166

Whole Systems Approach, 443

Out of School Time (OST) program, 273, 687

Outside-in thinking, 335–336

Outward focus, 634

OW, see Organization Workshop

Owen, Harrison, 147, 642, 677

Ownership, 156

Ownership (Civic Engagement), 498, 499

Palus, Charles J., 607, 700

Papert, Seymour, 289

Paradigm shift, 499, 538

Parliament of the World’s Religions, 530–531

Parry, Charles, 489


Appreciative Inquiry, 81

Appreciative Inquiry Summit, 201

Collaborative Loops, 96–97

Community Summits, 367

Dialogue and Deliberation processes, 110, 112

external, 340

Future Search, 324

Idealized Design, 521

internal, 339

needs/concerns of, 112

Online Environments, 555

Open Space Technology, 143, 144

Organization Workshop, 257, 258

Participative Design Workshop, 420, 428

Power of Imagination Studio, 268, 269

Scenario Thinking, 339–340, 343

Search Conference, 355

SimuReal, 278, 279

Small Group Dialogue technique, 295

Technology of Participation, 155

Visual Explorer, 605

Whole-Scale Change, 171–172

World Café, 187

Participation, 5, 155, 515, 545, 558, 578

Participative Design Workshop (PDW), 419–435

basics of, 420–425

common mistakes in, 429, 430

conditions for success, 428–429

cost justification, 425

genotypical organizational design

principles, 421–422

getting started in, 426–437

guiding principles of, 427

and intrinsic motivation, 8

and Open Systems Theory, 244, 246

others methods vs., 433

outcomes of, 419, 420, 424

roles/responsibilities/relationships, 427–428

and Search Conferences, 353–354

summary for, 25, 681

sustainability of results, 432

table of uses, 426

theoretical/research basis, 429, 431

usage of, 424

workings of, 424–425

Participatory Strategic Planning, 153, 154, 156

Partnerships, 56, 138, 411, 412

Partnow, Susan, 659

Pascal, Blaise, 610

Pascale, R., 149

Passion, 139, 218–219

Passive adaptation, 620

“Pass the order through” activities, 209

PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health), 149

Pathfinding intelligence, 196, 197

Patterns, 581, 613

Patton, George S., Jr., 436

Pay increases, 432

PDW, see Participative Design Workshop

Pedagogy (dialogic), 112

Peer coaching, 480, 482

PeerSpirit Circle, 23, 261–266, 682

People, 33–35, 121, 139, 140, 322

People infrastructure, 303, 304

PepsiCo, 598–599

Perceptual intelligence, 196, 197

Performance, 468, 474

Performance Framework model, 626–628

Periodic cycle, 19

Perme, Catherine, 281

Persistence, 621

Persons, engaging whole, 12

Perspective, 105, 112, 335–337, 340–341

Pharmaceutical industry, 1–2, 8, 507–508, 691

Pharmacia, 239

Philadelphia Area Human Resource Planning Group, 509

Piaget, Jean, 157

Pino, Al, 443

Pires, Mark, 489

Plan, Do, Check, Act, 168, 475


change, 31–37

committees, 144–145

land-use, 312

larger groups for, 360

meetings, 366

process, 158

scenario, 371–372

strategic, 167, 345, 377–378

Planning group, 279, 280, 356

Planning methods, 17–18, 24, 299. See also specific method, e.g.: Dynamic Planning Charrettes

Playback Theatre, 561–572

conditions for success, 568–569

definition of, 562

getting started with, 567

outcomes, 563

roles/responsibilities/relationships, 568

summary for, 27, 683

sustainability of results, 570

table of uses, 566–567

theoretical basis for, 569–570

Pleasant Hill BART station, 300–302, 664A

Podcasting, 558

Poetic principle, 84

Porras, Jerry I., 119, 130

Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, 294–295

Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 283–284

Positive change, 76, 77

Positive Change Corps, 378

Positive core, 75–76

Positive principle, 84

Positive psychology, 634

Positivity, 83

Possibility (Civic Engagement), 498, 499

Posters (table-sized), 598–599

Power, 175, 324, 356

The Power of Appreciative Inquiry (Whitney and Trosten-Bloom), 84

Power of Imagination Studio, 23, 267–270, 684

Practical Vision, 156

Practical Vision (Participatory Strategic Planning), 152

Practice, 41

Practice of Empowerment, 26, 524–529, 685

Practitioners, 19, 38–40

Predictive intelligence, 196, 197

Preparation, 44, 56, 104

“Prepare the space,” 553

“Preparing to Mix and Match Methods” (Holman), 44–57

Presbyterians, 147

Prigogene, Ilya, 145

Principle of Rational Awareness (Appreciative Inquiry), 377

Priorities, 110–111

Problem solving, 76


change, 12–13, 91–93

Collaborative Loops, 91–93

Conversation Café, 220

knowing the, 46, 49

learning, 69

Study Circle, 285

trusting the, 56

“Process sigma,” 467–468

Productive work, 422

Productive Workplaces (Weisbord), 637

Profiling, 38

Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), 149

Projects (closed), 475

Project selection, 477

Project teams, 96

Psychodrama, 570

Psychology (positive), 634

Public commitment, 68, 94

Public deliberation, 113


Ancient Wisdom Council, 198

clarifying, 613

Collaborative Loops, 93

determining, 31–33

five dimensions of, 17–18

Life-Affirming Purpose, 124–125

meaningful, 12

as universal organizational need, 124–125

Putnam, Robert, 5, 415

Pyser, Steven N., 298, 642

Quakers, 213, 646, 658A

Quality, improving, 201

“Question basket,” 195, 196


Consensus Workshop method, 151–152

to consider, 631–632

and context, 184

exploring important, 184–185, 187

high-leverage, 630

for innovation, 638

Technology of Participation, 153–154

unconditionally positive, 611–613

“waterline,” 481

Quick-Hit tips, 628–631

Quick Summaries, 645–706A

Action Learning, 646

Action Review Cycle, 647–647A

Ancient Wisdom Council, 648–648A

Appreciative Inquiry (AI), 649–649A

Appreciative Inquiry Summit, 650

Balanced Scorecard, 651

charrettes, 664–664A

Civic Engagement, 652

Collaborative Loops, 653

Collaborative Work Systems, 654–654A

Community Summits, 655

Community Weaving, 656–656A

Conference Model, 657

Consensus Decision Making, 658–658A

Conversation Café, 659–659A

Cycle of Resolution, 660

Dialogue and Deliberation, 661–661A

Drum Café, 662

Dynamic Facilitation, 663

Dynamic Planning process, 664–664A

Employee Engagement Process, 665

Future Search, 666–666A

Gemeinsinn-Werkstatt, 667

Genuine Contact Program, 668

Human Systems Dynamics, 669

Idealized Design, 670

Integrated Clarity, 671–671A

JazzLab, 672

Large Group Scenario Planning, 673

Leadership Dojo, 674–674A

Learning Map Approach, 675

Online Environments, 676–676A

OpenSpace-Online real-time methodology, 679–679A

Open Space Technology, 677–677A

Open Systems Theory, 678–678A

Organization Workshop, 680

Participative Design Workshop, 681

PeerSpirit Circle, 682

Playback Theatre, 683

Power of Imagination Studio, 684

Practice of Empowerment, 685

Rapid Results, 686–686A

RealTime Strategic Change, 687

Scenario Thinking, 688–688A

Search Conference, 689

SimuReal, 690–690A

Six Sigma Approach, 691–691A

SOAR, 692–692A

Strategic Forum, 693–693A

Strategic Visioning, 694

Study Circles, 695–695A

Technology of Participation, 696–696A

Think Like a Genius® process, 697–697A

21st Century Town Meeting, 698–698A

Values Into Action, 699–699A

Visual Explorer, 700–700A

Visual Recording and Graphic

Facilitation, 701–701A

Web Lab’s Small Group Dialogues, 702

Whole-Scale Change, 703–703A

Whole Systems Approach, 704–704A

WorkOut, 705–705A

World Café, 706–706A

RACI matrices, 68

Racism, 565–566

RainbowHawk, 199, 648A

Range of views, 105

Rapid growth, 316–317

Rapid Results, 450–464

basics of, 452–455

challenges to conventional wisdom of, 460–461

common misconceptions, 463

conditions for success, 459–460

getting started in, 457

and low-hanging fruit, 462–463

other methods vs., 463

outcomes of, 452–453

roles/responsibilities/relationships, 458–459

summary for, 26, 686–686A

sustainability of results, 461–462

table of uses, 455–456

theoretical basis, 460

usage of, 452

workings of, 453–455

Rational Aim, 153–154

Rawls, John, 113

Real-Time Strategic Change (RTSC), 165, 273–277, 687

“Real Time Work Design,” 165

Reasoned argumentation, 105

Recommendations, 105–106, 155

Red Cross, 684

Redesigning, 38

“Redundancy of functions,” 421–422

“Redundancy of parts,” 421, 422

Reflection, 41–42, 94, 156

Regional organizing, 212

Regional Planning Commission (Hamiltion County, Ohio), 698–698A

Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO), 250

Registration, 544

Reinforcement of new behaviors, 69

Relationships, 550, 551, 556

Reporting, 475

Representativeness, 114–115

Requests, 122

Research, education, Charrette preparation phase, 303–304

Research and theory, 639

Resolve (Consensus Workshop method), 152

“Resonant network,” 616

Resources, 11, 19–20, 62–63, 111, 341, 342

Respect, 61, 155, 156, 304


Appreciative Inquiry, 81

Collaborative Loops, 96–97

Community Weaving, 412

Dialogue and Deliberation processes, 109–110

Dynamic Planning process, 309–310

establishing clear, 68, 624

Future Search, 322–324

individual/collective, 612–613

Integrated Clarity, 129

as the norm, 616–619

Online Environments, 554–555

Open Space Technology, 139, 143–145

Participative Design Workshop, 427–428

Playback Theatre, 568

Rapid Results, 458–459

Scenario Thinking, 339–340

Six Sigma Approach, 472–473

Technology of Participation, 154–155

Visual Recording and Graphic

Facilitation, 580–581

Whole-Scale Change, 171–172

World Café, 185–186

Results, 62, 69, 202, 468, 502, 504. See also Outcomes

Return on investment (ROI), 460

Revans, Reginald, 480, 646

Review schedule, 474–475

Rewards, 64, 475

RHS&A, 461

Richmond, Barry, 693A

Rilke, Rainer Maria, 631

Risk analysis, 66

RNAO (Registered Nurses Association of Ontario), 250

Road crew workers, 663

Road map, 47, 163, 176, 276

Roadway Express, 85–86, 378, 650, 678A

Roberts, Kent, 413–414

Robin, Vicki, 221, 659

Rockport Company, 135–136

ROI (Return on investment), 460

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 419

Root, Randall C., 599, 675

“Ropes” activity, 209

Rosenberg, Marshall, 120, 125, 130, 132, 671A

Roshi, Shunryu Suzuki, 645

Roth, Sally Ann, 185

Rough, Jim, 226, 663

Royal Dutch/Shell, 335, 343, 688A

RTSC, see Real-Time Strategic Change

Safe space, 550

Saint-Exupery, Antoine de, 267

Salas, Jo, 683

Salmon-Zhu, Leslie, 583

SARS, 250

Save the Redwoods League (SRL), 386–388

SC, see Search Conference

Scale-up, 461

Scarborough, Dean, 450, 451, 462

Scearce, Diana, 345

Scenario matrix, 338

Scenario planning, 371–372

Scenario set, 338–339

Scenario Thinking, 331–334

as an iterative process, 344

basics of, 332–333

common applications of, 333

conditions for success, 340–343

decision tree for, 341–342

frequent questions in, 344

getting started in, 335–339

multiple perspectives in, 336–337, 340–341

phases of, 336–339

as process and posture, 344

roles/responsibilities/relationships, 339–340

strategic planning vs., 345

summary for, 24, 688–688A

sustainability of results, 343–344

table of uses, 334–335

theoretical basic for, 343

Schaffer, Robert H., 460, 461, 686A

Scherer, John J., 30

Schindler-Rainman, Eva, 326

Scholarship, 112–114

School for Applied Leadership, 98

School of Playback Theatre, 569

Schools, 30–31, 33, 36–37, 223, 225

Schotier, Jamie, 98

Schweitz, Rita, 699A

Scoping Possibilities, 275, 276

Scotland, 343

Scott, Caudill Rowlett, 312

The Seamless Exchange, 297

Search Conference (SC), 347–364

basics of, 348–352

city of Brandon and, 244–246

common mistakes, 357

conditions for success, 356–357

costs, 10, 352

definition of, 348–349

getting started with, 353–354

outcomes of, 349–350

process of, 351–352

roles/responsibilities/relationships, 354–356

summary for, 24, 689

sustainability of results, 359

table of uses, 352–353

theoretical/research basis for, 358–359

Marvin Weisbord on, 637

when to use, 349

workings of, 350–351, 356, 361–362

Seashore, Edie, 638

Seasons, 136

Seeing-is-believing effect, 7

“Selecting Methods: The Art of Mastery” (Cady), 28–42

Selection criteria, 474

Selection of methods, see Method


Self-awareness, 122–123, 527

Self-directed study, 19

Self-knowledge, 46, 51–54

Self-organizing of human systems, 235

Selznick, Philip, 358

Senge, Peter, 113, 415, 583, 584

September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 294–295, 395

Service business, 128

Set the Context (World Café), 184, 187

Sex education, 325

SGD, see Web Lab’s Small Group Dialogues (SGD)

Shafer, Michael, 118, 119

Shared actions, 154

Shared awareness, 154

Shared decision making, 154

Shared learning, 307, 349

Shared Network, 288–289

Shared vision, 309, 333

Sharing, 105, 127, 187, 561–564

Shaw, George Bernard, 347

Shewhart, Walter A., 475

Shirley, Gabriel, 558–559

Short-term success, 460, 463

Shuster, John, 98

Sibbet, David, 391, 576–577, 581–583, 585–587, 694, 701A

Sierra Adoption, 501–502

Siler, Todd, 292–293, 697A

Silos, 317, 335, 479

“Simple commitments,” 208–209

A Simpler Way (Wheatley), 145

Simplicity, 36, 55

Simulation, 383

Simultaneity, principle of, 83–84

SimuReal, 23, 278–282, 690–690A

Situation, knowing the, 46–48

Situation assessment, 120

“Six Freedoms” for human potential, 82–83

Six Sigma Approach, 465–478

benefits of, 11

characteristics of, 468

conditions for success, 473–475

getting started with, 471–472

phases of, 465

roles/responsibilities/relationships, 472–473

summary for, 26, 691–691A

sustainability of results, 62, 63, 476–477

table of uses, 469–471

theoretical basis for, 475–476

usage of, 468–469

WorkOut and, 538

Six universal organizational needs, 120, 124–126

Skeptics, 325

Small Group Dialogues (SGD), see

Web Lab’s Small Group Dialogues (SGD)

Small/medium enterprises (SMEs), 548

Snee, Ronald D., 477–478

SOAR, 24, 375–380, 692–692A

Social identity theory, 460

Social support network, 400

Social Technical Systems, 702

Societies, 195

Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA), 653

Socio-Technical Systems, 173

Sociotechnical Systems (STS) approach, 419, 421

Socrates, 219

Socratic dialogue, 599

Soderquist, Chris, 385

Sohm, Kuno, 50

Sophocles, 479

Source Needs, 120, 123–125

South Africa, 343, 589, 662

Southern Cross University, 210

Southwest Airlines, 490

the space, 526, 553

Speak Peace in a World of Conflict (Rosenberg), 130

Spector, Helen, 533, 699A

SPEEA (Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace), 653

Speed, 201, 202

Spencer, Laura, 157

Spinning flywheel metaphor, 635, 636

Spirited Work, 136–137, 546–547, 635


Appreciative Inquiry, 81

Collaborative Loops, 96

Dynamic Planning process, 306–307, 309, 313

Future Search, 323

meeting with, 96

Online Environments, 554

Open Space Technology, 143, 144

Rapid Results, 458–459

Scenario Thinking, 339

Search Conferences, 354

World Café, 184–186

“Squatting,” 312

Srivastva, Suresh, 649A, 650

SRL, see Save the Redwoods League

Stability of organizations, 485

Stacey, Mary, 483


charrette, 310

Community Summits, 367

conflicts among, 5

definition of, 34

designing for multiple, 68

Dynamic Planning process, 304, 307, 310

key, 155

late-to-the game, 311

Strategic Forum, 381–382

Technology of Participation, 155

Staley, Jim, 85

Standards (systemwide), 130

Standing Aside, 214, 215

Stanford Research Institute, 583

Star of Success systems model, 167–168

Starr, Sue, 213

State government, 696–696A

State universities, 128

Status quo, 64

Stavros, Jackie, 380, 642, 692A

Steering committee, 323–324

Steil, Gilbert, Jr., 368, 373, 655, 673

Sterling, Bruce, 331

Stewards (voluntary), 137

Stone, Christy Contardi, 602

Stone, Linda, 557

Stories, 562–566

Stovepipes, 488

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 100

Straight talk, 67

Strategic direction, 152, 333, 343

Strategic Forum, 24, 381–385, 693–693A

Strategic planning, 167, 345, 377–378

Strategic Visioning, 24, 386–392, 579, 694

Strategies, 65, 127, 624–625

Strategy dissemination, 6

Straus, David, 582

Streams, 106–108

Stress disorder, 250

Strozzi-Heckler, Richard, 242, 674

Structure, 124, 147, 420–421, 625–628

Structuring methods, 18, 25. See also specific method, e.g.: Community Weaving

STS approach, see Sociotechnical Systems (STS) approach

Studio moderation team, 268

Study circle programs, 285, 286

Study Circles, 23, 102, 283–287, 695–695A

Style, 39

Subdomains, 367

Subgroups, 546

Sudan, 319

Sullivan, Pru, 484–485

Summary matrix (for methods), 21–27. See also Quick Summaries

Supporters, 412

Support groups, 473

Supportive methods, 18, 27, 541. See also specific method, e.g.: Online Environments

Support network, 41

Sustainability, 59–69

adaptability of, 60

afterthought and, 65

Appreciative Inquiry, 85–86

Appreciative Inquiry Summit, 202

charrettes, 313

checklist for, 65–69

Collaborative Loops, 99

Community Weaving, 416

Dialogue and Deliberation processes, 114

Dynamic Planning process, 312–313

early design for, 59, 65, 66

elusiveness of, 63–65

evidence of sustainable change, 60–63

Future Search, 327

Gemeinsinn-Werkstatt, 514–515

high-leverage principles for, 624–626

increasing, 7

Integrated Clarity, 131

Online Environments, 557

Open Space Technology, 146

Participative Design Workshop, 432

perceived value of activities, 64

Playback Theatre, 570

Rapid Results, 461–462

Search Conferences, 359

six factors that work against, 63–65

Six Sigma Approach, 62, 63, 476–477

Technology of Participation, 158–159

Visual Recording and Graphic Facilitation, 583–584

Whole-Scale Change, 174–175

World Café, 188–191

Sustaining intelligence, 196, 197

Symbolic models, 288–292

Synergy, 595

Synthesize phase (Scenario Thinking), 337–338, 340

System, type of, 18

Talking Objects, 220

Target, 469

“Task environment,” 350

Tate, Brian, 596–597, 672

Tavistock Institute, 173

Taylor, Frederick W., 475

Team learning, 480, 482


Advisory team, 81

charrette, 310

Core, 81, 171–172, 340

“deep slice,” 424

Design, 184–186, 278

Dispersed Organizing, 544

dynamics, 325

e-commerce, 700

Event Planning, 167, 172

high-performance, 629

Integration, 278, 279

Logistics, 172

project, 96

Rapid Results and, 453–454, 459

studio moderation, 268

Teamwork, 155

Technical Conference, 208

Technology, 4, 125, 547–548, 552, 635

Technology of Participation (ToP), 149–161

Action Planning Method, 153

background of, 157–158

conditions for success in, 155–157

Consensus Workshop method, 151–154

content-neutral facilitators, 159–160

definition of, 150

Focused Conversation method, 150–152

getting started in, 153–154

Meningitis Vaccine Project, 149–150

Participatory Strategic Planning, 152, 153

roles/responsibilities/relationships, 154–155

success of, 160

summary for, 22, 696–696A

sustainability of results, 158–159

table of uses for, 152–153

Tekell, Jeremy, 440

Telecommunications industry, 288–289

Tendercare, 378

“Ten stone” method, 195, 196

Terminology, usage of, 14

Test-driving, 279, 280, 690

Textron Fastening Systems, 378

Theatre, 268. See also Playback Theatre

Theatre of the oppressed (TO), 570

A Theory of Justice (Rawls), 113

Thinking, 326, 335–336, 578. See also Scenario Thinking

Think Like a Genius® (TLG) process, 23, 288–293, 697–697A

Thorsrud, Einar, 431

3M Company, 320

Three Questions for Planning Change, 31–37

Thurber, Marshall, 119, 131


for the charrette, 311

Dialogue and Deliberation, 111

Dynamic Planning process, 313

and emergence, 615

Future Search, 328

global trends in, 5

lack of, 64

Online Environments, 557

and practitioner selection, 39–40

and process selection, 17–18

and project implementation, 312–313

Scenario Thinking, 341

taking needed, 35, 55

Time Out of Time (TOOT), 256–257

“Tip jar” button, 618

Tips, Quick-Hit, 628–631

TLG process, see Think Like a Genius® (TLG) process

TO (Theatre of the oppressed), 570

Tolchinsky, Paul, 165, 177

Tomkins, Sylvan S., 359

TOOT, see Time Out of Time

ToP, see Technology of Participation

Top management, 65, 427–428

Tops, 257, 258

Torbert, Bill, 189, 190

Total Quality Management (TQM), 469, 476, 477, 583

Town, gambling in, 2

TQM, see Total Quality Management

Tracking, 69, 475

Traditions, 221

Trained facilitators, 110

Training, 19, 130, 158, 411, 474, 579

Transformation, 137, 527

Transparency, 67, 109, 307, 544, 550

Trends, see Future trends

Triple Bottom Line frameworks, 383

Trist, Eric, 99, 173, 316, 326, 358, 431, 689, 702

Trosten-Bloom, Amanda, 82–84

Truman, Harry S., 244

Trust, 568–569, 632

Tufte, Edward, 582

Turner, Jon, 440

21st Century Literacy, 24, 701

21st Century Town Meeting, 24, 393–398, 698–698A

Tyson, Chuck, 165

UAS, see Urban Aboriginal Strategy

UD, see Unique Designs

Uncertainty, 342

Underlying Contradictions, 152, 156


Unions (labor), 426

Unique Designs (UD), 244, 246–248

United Religions Initiative, 79

United Way of Rhode Island (UWRI), 365–366, 655

United Way of Wyandotte County, 695

Unity (group), 156

“Unity Through Partnership,” 320

Universal needs, 122, 123, 132

University of South Florida, 131, 671

Upward pushback principle, 62

Urban Aboriginal Strategy (UAS), 137–138

Urban Design Associates, 312

Urban Development Agreement case, 47–48

Urgency, sense of, 341

U.S. Cellular, 205

U.S. Town Meeting campaign, 157

Utah Education Association, 378

UWRI, see United Way of Rhode Island

Vaccine, 149–150

Vaill, Peter, 603

Valenza, Christine, 533

Values, 38–41, 64, 313, 325

Values Into Action (VIA), 26, 530–534, 699–699A

Values Statement, 153

VCT, see Voluntary counseling and testing services

Veazie, Bob, 179–180, 190

Veldhoen, Rhonda, 91

Verio, 697

Verizon, 606

VIA, see Values Into Action

Violent intergroup conflict case, 53–54

Virtual work, 584

Visibility, 94

Vision, 526

Visionary leadership, 82

Vision Conference, 208

Vision crafting, 527

Visioning, 333, 527

Vision of success, 341

Vision Statement, 153

Visual Explorer, 27, 603–607, 619, 700–700A

Visual Recording and Graphic Facilitation, 573–587

conditions for success, 581

definition of, 577–578

getting started with, 580

roles/responsibilities/relationships, 580–581

summary for, 27, 701–701A

sustainability of results, 583–584

table of uses, 579–580

theoretical basis, 581–583

usage of, 577–578

Vodcasting, 558

Voluntary counseling and testing services (VCT), 451, 455

Voss, Nan, 699A

Wack, Pierre, 335, 343, 344, 688A

Walden Improvement Association, 664A

Walk-thrus, 207–209

Wal-Mart, 468

Walton, Marylyn, 332

“Warmware,” 545

Washington, D.C., 393

Washington State Department of Corrections (DOC), 319

Washington State Public Health Nursing Directors (PHND), 542–543

“Waterline” questions, 481

Waterloo, Iowa, 102, 661

Watkins, Jane, 650

Watlington, Mal, 368, 655

Weather forecast (fictional), 267–268

Web-based database, 404

Web-based discussion groups, 543

Webber, Alan, 179

Weber, Josef, 50

Web Lab, 556

Web Lab’s Small Group Dialogues (SGD), 23, 294–298, 702

Weinman-Barcus, Sydney, 440

Weisbord, Marvin, 20, 51–52, 326, 329, 637, 643, 666

Weiss, Marc N., 297

Welch, Jack, 69, 465, 467, 705

Werner Lambert, 239

West Africa, 145

Wheatley, Meg, 98, 145, 174, 179, 190, 414, 586

Whidbey Institute, 136–137, 635

White, Nancy, 559

White, Tom, 73, 74

Whitney, Diana, 82–84, 87, 650

WHO (World Health Organization), 149

Wholeness, 216

Whole-Scale Change, 162–178

background on, 165

change road map for, 176

conditions for success, 173

Covenant Homecare, 162–164

getting started with, 170

guiding principles of, 170

outcomes of, 164, 166

roles/responsibilities/relationships, 171–172

seven models guiding, 167

steps of, 167

summary for, 22, 703–703A

sustainability of results, 174–175

table of uses, 169–170

theoretical basis for, 173–174

when/where to use, 165–166

workings of, 166–169

Whole-System Inquiry, 79–80

Whole systems, 12, 29–30, 457

Whole Systems Approach (WSA), 441–447

advances in, 635

Community Weaving as, 409

definition/purpose of, 442

Future Search and, 316–319, 326–327

outcomes of, 443

phases of transformation, 446

process of, 445–446

Search Conference and, 637

skills for, 51

summary for, 25, 704–704A

table of uses, 446–447

usage of, 443

Wiess, Martin, 702

Wikis, 558

Wilber, Ken, 383, 415

“Wild cards,” 34

Wilkinson, Richard, 150

Williams, Birgitt, 232, 668

Williams, Ward, 668

WindEagle, 199, 648A

Winning Through Participation (Spencer), 157

Wisdom, 12

“Wisdom Council,” 223, 226. See also Ancient Wisdom Council

Witzel, Jay, 441, 442

Wnek, Andrew, 479

Workers, 123, 491–493, 663

Work groups, 146

Work/life balance, 5

WorkOut, 26, 454, 456, 535–540, 705–705A

Work sessions, 308

Workshops, 91–93, 97, 98, 279, 343, 474, 579

Work style, 39

World Bank, 451

World Business Academy, 648

World Café, 179–194

conditions for success, 187–188

and conversational process, 191

definition of, 180–181

getting started with, 184–185

mechanisms of, 181–183

as metaphor, 182–183

in Mexico, 183

roles/responsibilities, 185–186

success of, 190

summary for, 22, 706–706A

sustainability of results, 189–191

table of uses, 183

theoretical basis for, 188

and Urban Development Agreement, 47, 48

workability of, 191

World Health Organization (WHO), 149

World Trade Center, 395

World Vision, 205

Worley, Christopher, 638

Wozniak, Steve, 621

WSA, see Whole Systems Approach

Wurman, Saul, 582

Wyeth Distribution Centers, 665

Xerox Business Services, 573

Yellow Corporation, 678A

Young, Arthur M., 581

“Zeigarnik Effect,” 35

Zero defects, 467

Zurich/Eagle Star, 456

Zurich Financial Services, 538, 705

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