

accelerometers, 9-11

acquisitions. See M&A (mergers and acquisitions)

aggregating data, privacy and, 19-20


Boeing 787 Dreamliner, 124-125, 162-163, 175

jet engine project, complexity of, 164-165

ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), accelerometers and, 9, Kindle and disruptive innovation, 124

AOL/Time Warner merger, 151

Apple Inc, iPhones, 9-10, 124

Aral, Sinan (MIT), merger integration, 155-156

Aristotle, telescope development, 5

Arizona State University, R&D (research and development) labs study, 131-135

Asimov, Isaac, three laws of robotics, 21


cohesive networks, 68

complex projects, 168

augmented cubicle project, 185-186

Augmented Social Reality, 188-189



batteries, 179

evolution of, 179

People Analytics system, moving to, 181-184

privacy and data gathering, 179-181

Sociometric Badges, 15-20

UberBadges, 15

Banana Time principle, 74

Barkley, Charles, cohesive networks, 63

baseball, moneyball method, 1

basketball teams as cohesive networks, 60-63

batteries, ID cards, 179

behaviors, influencing (Target Corporation), 2-4

benchmarks (organizational), democratization of, 189-192

betweeness centrality (social networks), 54-55

bias, gathering unbiased data, 6-7

Bidi Screen, 194-195

birth predictions as analytics, Target Corporation and, 2-4

Blackberry (RIM), assumptions in cohesive networks, 68

BoA (Bank of America) call center burn-out study, 77-87

break structure, changing, 86

demographic information, 79

deployment of, 82-83

Hawthorne effect, 81

performance metrics, 79

phases of study, 80-82

survey data, 79

Boeing 787 Dreamliner airplane, 124-125, 162-163, 175

bonobos society, 24

bonuses and commissions, organizational management, 41-44

Bosh, Chris, cohesive networks, 60-63

Brahe, Tycho, telescope development, 5-6

breaks, taking, 73-74

Banana Time principle, 74

BoA call center burn-out study, 77-87

call centers, 72-73

corporate reduction of, 59-76

ideas, exchanging, 74-75

stress, relieving, 75

value of, determining, 77-87

Brown, Hubie, cohesive networks, 62

Burleson, Win (Arizona State University), R&D lab study, 131-135

burn-out, BoA (Bank of America) call center burn-out study, 77-87

business models (organizations), future of, 200-201


call centers

BoA burn-out study, 77-87

breaks, taking, 72-73

efficiency versus productivity, 70-71

lunch, taking, 73

stress in, 72

telecommuting, 90

turnover, 72, 76-77

campuses (workplace layouts), 97-99

careers and relationships, two-body problem, 37-39

Cebrian, Manuel (MIT), corporate epidemiology study, 140-149

cell (mobile) phones

accelerometers and, 9-10

apps, creativity and, 123

Blackberry (RIM), assumptions in cohesive networks, 68

evolution of organizations (social behaviors), 35-36

iPhones (Apple Inc.), 9-10, 124

centrality (social networks), 54-55

chimpanzee society, 25

Cisco Systems

TelePresence, 194-195

video conferencing, 36-37

city-states, evolution of organizations (social behaviors), 29-30

cohesive networks, 54, 59-60, 64-65

assumptions in cohesive networks, 68

common language, developing, 66-67

Dallas Mavericks, 62-63

diversity versus, 69-70

job satisfaction, 65-66

lies in cohesive networks, 63-64

Miami Heat, 60-63

personal information, sharing, 65

stress in cohesive networks, 64-65

supportive effect of, 64-65


communication, collaborating without, 58

offshoring’s effects on, 94-95

water coolers, importance of, 57-58

workplace layouts, designing for collaboration, 96-100

co-located/distributed teams, software development, 171-174

commissions and bonuses, organizational management, 41-44

common languages, developing for cohesive networks, 66-67

communication, 59

See also cohesive networks.

breakdowns (email-related), 102-104

collaboration without communication, 58

complex projects, 165-168, 174-175

diversity, 59-60, 69-70

email and distance, 102-104

merger integration, 155-160

People Analytics, the future of, 186-187

video conferencing, 194-196

complexity, formal dependencies and informal networks, 161-164, 168-169

Boeing 787 Dreamliner, 162-163

communication, 165-168, 174-175

computer errors, 164

computers, 161-162

coordination teams, 166

gaps, determining, 165

interactions, determining, 165

interfaces, managing, 165

jet engine project, 164-165

organizational boundaries, 165-166

software development, 169-174


building, 161-162

errors, 164

programmer job posting comparisons, 110

congruence, software development, 170-175

coordination teams (complex projects), 166

Copernicus, telescope development, 5-6

Crane, Riley (MIT), corporate epidemiology study, 140-149

creativity, 123

disruptive innovation, 123-124

hackathons, 135

incremental innovation, 124-125

lone geniuses, 135, 199-200

mobile (cell) phone apps, 123

R&D labs study, 131-135

Simpsons, The, 126-129

South Park, 125-131


augmented cubicle project, 185-186

office layouts, the future of, 197


Dallas Mavericks, cohesive networks, 62-63

Danon, Leon (Harvard School of Public Health), corporate epidemiology study, 140-149


aggregating, privacy and, 19-20

controlling, privacy and, 18-19

electronic records, flaws of, 8


accelerometers, 9-10

ID cards, 8-9

IR transceivers, 9

microphones, 10

privacy, 17-20

RFID chips, 8-9

Sociometers, 10-12, 14-15

Sociometric Badges, 15-16

transparency and, 19-20

trust and, 19-20

UberBadges, 15

unbiased data, 6-7

dating (speed), predicting outcomes, 11-12

degree (social networks), 52

democratization of organizational benchmarks, 189-192

dependencies (formal), informal networks and, 161-164, 168-169

Boeing 787 Dreamliner, 162-163

communication, 165-168, 174-175

computer errors, 164

computers, 161-162

coordination teams, 166

gaps, determining, 165

interactions, determining, 165

interfaces, managing, 165

jet engine project, 164-165

organizational boundaries, 165-166

software development, 169-174

desks, workplace layouts and, 96, 104-107

disease response strategies, corporations and, 140-149

disruptive innovation, 123-124


offshoring, 91-95

telecommuting, 89-94

workplace layouts, designing for collaboration, 96, 107-108

campuses, 97-100

communication breakdowns, 102-104

decreasing interaction, 107

distance between desks, 96

email and distance, 101-104

furniture, 104-107

probability of interaction, 101

quality of interaction, 100

separate floors, vertical distance, 96-97

Space-Organisation Relationship, The, 100

types of distances between people, 100

distributed/co-located teams, software development, 171-174

diversity, 59-60, 69-70

divisonal management style (reporting relationships), organizational management, 46-47

Dreamliner 787 airplane (Boeing), 124-125, 162-163, 175

Dunbar number, 26, 29


eBay, 28, 152-155

efficiency versus productivity, 70-71

Ehrlich, Kate (IBM) co-located/distributed teams and software development, 171-174

electronic records, flaws of, 8


communication breakdowns, 102-104

distance and (workplace layouts), 101-104

evolution of organizations (social behaviors), 35

Google’s storage and transmission of, 7-8

employee evaluations, organizational management, 41

epidemiology, corporations and disease response strategies, 140-149

ESPN campuses (workplace layouts), 98-99

evaluations (employee), organizational management, 41

evolution, social behaviors and

groups, 22-26

organizations, 29-30, 35-37

cell (mobile) phones, 35-36

city-states, 29-30

email, 35

factories, 32-35

governments, 29

IM, 36

industrial revolution, 31-32

Internet and the Web (World Wide), 35

IT systems, 35

management/labor, 32-35

mass production, 32

military, 30

modern organizations, 37-39

Roman empire, 30-31

transportation, 31-32

video conferencing, 36-37

expertise, 109-110

computer programmer job postings, 1958 to 2012 comparisons, 110

IT firm study, 115-121

skilled employees, developing versus hiring, 110

training employees, 114-115

eye gaze problem, 194-195


factories, evolution of organizations (social behaviors), 32-35

families (social behaviors), 28, 38. See also groups, organizations

formal dependencies, informal networks and, 161, 163-164, 168-169

Boeing 787 Dreamliner, 162-163

communication, 165-168, 174-175

computer errors, 164

computers, 161-162

coordination teams, 166

gaps, determining, 165

interactions, determining, 165

interfaces, managing, 165

jet engine project, 164-165

organizational boundaries, 165-166

software development, 169-174

formal/informal practices, organizational management, 39-50

functional management style (reporting relationships), 46

furniture (workplace layouts), 104-107

Future of Work, The, 27


gaps (complex projects), 165, 171-175

GE (General Electric) employee training, 114-115

global organizational benchmarks, 189-192


campuses (workplace layouts), 97-98

gmail, storage and transmission of, 7-8

Google Hangouts, 196

People Analytics team, 159-160

gorilla society, 23

governments, evolution of organizations (social behaviors), 29

Gracie Films, The Simpsons, 128

Granovetter, Mark, cohesion versus diversity, 69

groups (social behaviors), 26, 28. See also families; organizations

Dunbar number, 26

evolution of, 22-26

organizations versus, 26-27

working in groups, advantages of, 22


hackathons, 135

Harvard School of Public Health, corporate epidemiology study, 140-149

Hawthorne effect, 81

health and productivity, 137

Helander, Mary (IBM), co-located/distributed teams, software development, 171-174

Hirsch, Matt (MIT), Bidi Screen, 194-195

Honest Signals, 10-11

I, Robot, 21

IBM, software development, 171-174

ID cards, 8-9

batteries, 179

evolution of, 179

microphones and, 10

People Analytics system, moving to, 181-184

privacy and data gathering, 179-181

RFID chips, 8-9

illness and productivity, 137-149 study, 140

IM (Instant Messaging), evolution of organizations (social behaviors), 36

Immelt, Jeffrey (GE), employee training, 114

incentives, organizational management, 41, 118-121

incremental innovation, 124-125

industrial revolution, evolution of organizations (social behaviors), 31-32

informal networks, formal dependencies and, 161-164, 168-169

Boeing 787 Dreamliner, 162-163

communication, 165-168, 174-175

computer errors, 164

computers, 161-162

coordination teams, 166

gaps, determining, 165

interactions, determining, 165

interfaces, managing, 165

jet engine project, 164-165

organizational boundaries, 165-166

software development, 169-174

informal/formal practices, organizational management, 39-50

information, 7-8

aggregating, privacy and, 19-20

controlling, privacy and, 18-19

electronic records, flaws of, 8


accelerometers, 9-10

ID cards, 8-9

IR transceivers, 9

microphones, 10

privacy, 17-20

RFID chips, 8-9

Sociometers, 10-12, 14-15

Sociometric Badges, 15-16

transparency and, 19-20

trust and, 19-20

UberBadges, 15

unbiased data, 6-7

innovation, 123

disruptive innovation, 123-124

hackathons, 135

incremental innovation, 124-125

lone geniuses, 135

mobile (cell) phone apps, 123

R&D labs study, 131-135

Simpsons, The, 125-130

SPS, 125-131

integration, M&A (mergers and acquisitions), 155-160

interfaces, managing (complex projects), 165

Internet and the Web (World Wide), evolution of organizations (social behaviors), 35

iPhones (Apple Inc.), 9-10, 124

IR (infra-red) transceivers, 9-11

IT (Internet Technology) systems

evolution of organizations, 35

People Analytics, the future of, 177-178


James, LeBron, cohesive networks, 60-63

jet engine project, complexity of, 164-165

job satisfaction in cohesive networks, 65-66

Kepler, Johannes, telescope development, 5-6

Khan, Imran (JP Morgan), eBay’s attempted acquisition of Skype, 153

Kim, Taemie (MIT)

BoA call center burn-out study, 77-87

Meeting Mediator, 183-184

Kindle (, disruptive innovation, 124

Krackhardt, David, cohesion versus diversity, 69

labor/management, evolution of organizations (social behaviors), 32-35


common languages, developing for cohesive networks, 66-67

lingua franca and organizational management, 40

layouts (workplace)

collaboration, designing for, 96, 98, 107-108

campuses, 97-98

communication breakdowns, 102-104

decreasing interaction, 107

desks, distance between, 96

email and distance, 101-104

ESPN, 98-99

furniture, 104-107

Google, 97, 98

interaction, 100-101

people, distances between, 100

separate floors, vertical distance, 96-97

Space-Organisation Relationship, The, 100

future of, 197

People Analytics, the future of, 185

lies in cohesive networks, 63-64

lingua franca, organizational management, 40

Linux development communities as organizational example, 27-28

lone geniuses, 135, 199-200

Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS),

accelerometers and, 9

lunch, taking, 73, 198-199


M&A (mergers and acquisitions), 151-152

AOL/Time Warner, 151

integration, 155-160

Skype, 152-155

Malone, Tom, organizations and social behaviors, 27

“management in a box” systems, 189-192

managing organizations

bonuses and commissions, 41-44

employee evaluations, 41

incentives, 41-44

lingua franca, 40

management/labor, evolution of organizations (social behaviors), 32-35

reporting relationships, 45-48

workflow management, 44-45

mass production, evolution of organizations (social behaviors), 32

matrixed management style (reporting relationships), organizational management, 47

MBTA (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority), communication in complex projects, 167

Meeting Mediator, 183-184

mergers. See M&A (mergers and acquisitions)

Miami Heat, cohesive networks, 60-63

microphones, 10-11

Microsoft’s attempted acquisition of Skype, 155

military, evolution of organizations (social behaviors), 30

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

augmented cubicle project, 185-186

Bidi Screen, 194-195

BoA call center burn-out study, 77-87

corporate epidemiology study, 140-149

Meeting Mediator, 183-184

merger integration, 155-156

offshoring’s effects on collaboration study, 94-95

salary negotiations experiment, 12-14

Sociometers, 10-12

speed-dating, predicting outcomes, 11-12

mobile (cell) phones

apps, creativity and, 123

Blackberry (RIM), assumptions in cohesive networks, 68

evolution of organizations (social behaviors), 35-36

iPhones (Apple Inc.), 9-10, 124

mobility within organizations (social behaviors), 37-39

moneyball method, baseball and, 1

Mortensen, Mark (MIT), offshoring’s effects on collaboration, 94-95


NBA (National Basketball Association), cohesive networks, 60-63

negotiations (salary), MIT experiment, 12-14

Nielsen ratings, 129-130


cohesive networks, 59-60

assumptions, 68

benefits of, 60

common language development, 66-67

Dallas Mavericks, 62-63

diverse networks versus, 69-70

job satisfaction, 65-66

lies in cohesive networks, 63-64

Miami Heat, 60-63

sharing personal information, 65

stress in cohesive networks, 64-65

supportive effect of, 64-65

diverse networks, 59-60, 69-70

informal networks, formal dependencies and, 161-164, 168-169

Boeing 787 Dreamliner, 162-163

communication, 165-168, 174-175

computer errors, 164

computers, 161-162

coordination teams, 166

gaps, determining, 165

interactions, determining, 165

interfaces, managing, 165

jet engine project, 164-165

organizational boundaries, 165-166

software development, 169-174

social networks, organizations and, 50-55

Nirma Institute of Technology, India, 91

Nokia Corporation, disruptive innovation, 124

Nowitzki, Dirk, cohesive networks, 62-63


Oakland Athletics, moneyball method, 1

office layouts

collaboration, designing for, 96, 107-108

campuses, 97-98

communication breakdowns, 102-104

decreasing interaction, 107

desks, distance between, 96

email and distance, 101-104

ESPN, 98-99

furniture, 104-107

Google, 97, 98

interaction, 100-101

people, distances between, 100

separate floors, vertical distance, 96-97

Space-Organisation Relationship, The, 100

future of, 197

People Analytics, the future of, 185

offshoring, 91-92, 94-95. See also telecommuting

O’Leary, Michael (MIT), offshoring’s effects on collaboration, 94-95

Olguin, Daniel, BoA (Bank of America) call center burn-out study, 77-87

O’Neal, Shaquille, cohesive networks, 61

opting in/out, data gathering and privacy, 18

organizations, 26, 28, 177-178. See also families; groups

boundaries (complex projects), 165-166

business models, future of, 200-201

Dunbar number, 29

eBay merchants, 28

evolution of, 29-30, 35-37

cell (mobile) phones, 35-36

city-states, 29-30

email, 35

factories, 32-35

governments, 29

IM, 36

industrial revolution, 31-32

Internet and the Web (World Wide), 35

IT systems, 35

management/labor, 32-35

mass production, 32

military, 30

mobility within, 37-39

modern organizations, 37-39

Roman empire, 30-31

transportation, 31-32

video conferencing, 36-37

global organizational benchmarks, 189-192

groups versus, 26-27

Linux development communities, 27-28


bonuses and commissions, 41-44

employee evaluations, 41

formal/informal practices, 39-50

incentives, 41-44

lingua franca, 40

reporting relationships, 45-48

workflow management, 44-45

need for, 28-29

social networks, 50-55

virtual organizations, 90-91

WoW communities, 27


Parker, Trey (SPS), creativity, 125-130

Parkinson’s disease, accelerometers and, 9

Pentland, Sandy, Sociometers, 10-11

People Analytics team (Google), 159-160

People Analytics, the future of, 177-192

augmented cubicle project, 185-186

Augmented Social Reality, 188-189

communication tools, 186-187

global organizational benchmarks, 189-192

ID cards, 179-184

IT and, 177-178

“management in a box” systems, 189-192

Meeting Mediator, 183-184

office layouts, 185


BoA call center burn-out study, 77-87

burn-out, 76

telecommuting, 93-94

personal information, sharing in cohesive networks, 65

pharmaceutical industry, incremental innovation, 125

Pollock, Ellen (Harvard School of Public Health), corporate epidemiology study, 140-149

pregnancy predictions as analytics (Target Corporation), 2-4

priorities, defining (complex projects), 167-168

privacy and data gathering, 17-20


BoA call center burn-out study, 77-87

burn-out, 76

efficiency versus, 70-71

illness and, 137-149

lone geniuses, 199-200


R&D (research and development) labs study, creativity and, 131-135

radical innovation. See disruptive innovation

recognizing/rewarding expertise, IT firm study, 118-121

records (electronic), flaws of, 8

relationships and careers, two-body problem, 37-39

remote controls (TV), IR (infra-red transceivers as, 9

remote work. See telecommuting

reporting relationships, organizational management, 45-48

rewarding/recognizing expertise, IT firm study, 118-121

RFID (radio frequency identification) chips, 8-9

RIM (Research in Motion), cohesive networks, 68

robots, Isaac Asimov and, 21

Rocco, Elena (University of Michigan), telecommuting and team performance, 94

Roman empire, evolution of organizations (social behaviors), 30-31


Sailer, Kirsten, The Space-Organisation Relationship, 100

salary negotiations, MIT experiment, 12-14


accelerometers, 9-10

ID cards as, 8-9

IR transceivers, 9

microphones, 10

privacy and data gathering, 17-20

RFID chips, 8-9

Sociometers, 10-11, 14-15

Sociometric Badges, 15-20

transparency and data gathering, 19-20

trust and data gathering, 19-20

UberBadges, 15

separate floors, vertical distance (workplace layouts), 96-97


expertise, IT firm study, 117-118

personal information in cohesive networks, 65

Shih, Jack (SPS), creativity, 127

shopping behavior, influencing (Target Corporation), 2-4

sickness and productivity, 137-149

Simpsons, The, 126, 129

SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Recovery) model, corporate epidemiology study, 141-142

skilled employees, developing versus hiring, 110, 115-121

Skype, 152-155, 194-195

social behaviors

Augmented Social Reality, 188-189

Dunbar number, 26, 29

evolution of, 22-26

families, 28

groups, 22, 26-27

lunch, taking, cultural changes in, 198-199

mingling, cultural changes in, 198-199

organizations, 35-37

cell (mobile) phones, 35-36

city-states, 29-30

eBay merchants, 28

email, 35

evolution of, 29-37

factories, 32-35

governments, 29

groups versus, 26-27

IM, 36

industrial revolution, 31-32

Internet and the Web (World Wide), 35

IT systems, 35

Linux development communities, 27-28

management/labor, 32-35

managing, 39-48

mass production, 32

military, 30

mobility within, 37-39

modern organizations, 37-39

need for, 28-29

Roman empire, 30-31

social networks, 50-55

transportation, 31-32

video conferencing, 36-37

WoW communities, 27

social networks, organizations and, 50-55

social sciences

data gathering, 6-7, 19-20

measuring tools

accelerometers, 9-10

ID cards, 8-9

IR transceivers, 9

microphones, 10

need for, 4-5

RFID chips, 8-9

Sociometers, 10-12, 14-15

Sociometric Badges, 15-20

UberBadges, 15

privacy, 17-20

Sociometers, 10-12, 14-15

Sociometric Badges, 15-20

socioscopes, 4-5

accelerometers, 9-10

ID cards, 8-9

IR transceivers, 9

microphones, 10

RFID chips, 8-9

UberBadges, 15

software development, dependencies and congruence, 169-174

Sosa, Manuel (INSEAD), jet engine project, 164-165

South Park, 125-130

Space-Organisation Relationship, The, 100

speed-dating, predicting outcomes (Sociometers), 11-12

Speltz, Alex (MIT), augmented cubicle project, 185-186

Spoelstra, Erik, cohesive networks, 62

SPS (South Park Studios), South Park, 125-131

Stofega, Will (IDC), eBay’s attempted acquisition of Skype, 153

Stone, Matt (SPS), creativity, 125-130

Strength of Weak Ties, The, 69


BoA call center burn-out study, 77-87

breaks, taking, 75

call centers, 72

cohesive networks, 64-65

Hawthorne effect, 81

quality of work and, 76


Target Corporation, influencing shopping behavior, 2-4

Taylorism, division of labor and, 32-33

teams, reporting relationships, 47-48

telecommuting, 89-90, 92-93, 193-194. See also offshoring

call centers, 90

expansion of, 90

performance, 93-94

principle of, 92

virtual organizations, 90-91

TelePresence (Cisco Systems), 194-195

telescopes, development of, 4-6

Three Laws of Robotics (Asimov, Isaac), 21

Time Warner/AOL merger, 151

TPS (Toyota Production System), division of labor and, 34-35

training employees, IT firm study, 114-121

transparency, data gathering and, 19-20

transportation, evolution of organizations (social behaviors), 31-32

Tripathi, Pia (Arizona State University), R&D lab study, 131-135

trust, data gathering and, 19-20

turnover, call centers and, 72, 76-77

TV remote controls, IR (infra-red)

transceivers as, 9

two-body problem (careers and relationships), 37-39


UberBadges, 15

unbiased data, gathering, 6-7

University of Michigan, telecommuting and team performance, 94

University of New South Wales, call centers and tenure study, 76

U.S. (United States), illness and productivity, 139-140

video conferencing

Bidi Screen, 194-195

evolution of organizations, 36-37

eye gaze problem, 194-195

future of, 194

Google Hangouts, 196

TelePresence (Cisco Systems), 194-195

time differences, 196

virtual organizations, 90-91

Vocera Communication, ID cards with microphones, 10


Wade, Dwayne, cohesive networks, 60-63

Wallace, Catriona (University of New South Wales), call centers and tenure study, 76

water coolers, importance of, 57-58, 70-71

Web (World Wide) and the Internet, evolution of organizations (social behaviors), 35

Whitman, Meg (eBay), eBay’s attempted acquisition of Skype, 152-153

workflow management, 44-45

workplace layouts

collaboration, designing for, 96, 107-108

campuses, 97-98

communication breakdowns, 102-104

decreasing interaction, 107

desks, distance between, 96

email and distance, 101-104

ESPN, 98-99

furniture, 104-107

Google, 97-98

interaction, 100-101

people, distances between, 100

separate floors, vertical distance, 96-97

Space-Organisation Relationship, The, 100

future of, 197

People Analytics, the future of, 185

WoW (World of Warcraft) communities, 27

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