Chapter 20

Intrusion Detection Systems for Schools*

Michael D. Brown, CPP, PCI, PSP    Founder and director, MDB Consulting Agency


This chapter discusses various types of intrusion detection systems with a focus on how technology has enhanced the level of safety and security in schools over the years. Also discussed are the types of alarm systems and ways to select the right one for your institution.


Area/space protection

False alarms

Intruder alarm

Motion sensor

Perimeter protection


Burglary is a big business. Moreover, crime figures show a staggering rate of increase in burglaries of private homes, businesses, and schools. It is no wonder then that so many property owners are giving serious consideration to electronic alarm protection. These operators/thieves are in the market to make a fast dollar, and the unwary customer who buys what seems to be a bargain too often ends up being cheated.

The concept of an alarm for a school is no different that the alarms in a corporate setting or even for the home.

Threat or Risk

The selection of a proper alarm system is not a simple matter, because the needs of each school are different, like a set of fingerprints. Some factors that determine the requirements of an individual alarm system and the questions that must be answered when selecting a system include:

 The threat or risk. What is the system to protect against?

 The type of sensors needed. What will be protected?

 What methods are available to provide the level of protection needed?

 The method of alarm signal transmission. How is the signal to be sent and who will respond?

Most of the confusion regarding intrusion detection systems is a result of the variety of methods available to provide the protection needed. The combinations of detection methods are in the thousands. An intrusion detection system may deter a would-be intruder. However, the primary function of the alarm system is to signal the presence of an intruder. An intrusion detection system can be just a portion of the overall protection needed. Some schools supplement these systems with security guards or SRO. The successful operation of any type of an alarm system depends on its proper installation and maintenance by the alarm-installing company and the proper use of the system by the customer.

Components of Alarm Systems

Sensing devices are used in the actual detection of an intruder (see Figures 20.1 and 20.2). Each has a specific purpose and can be divided into three categories: perimeter protection, area/space protection, and object/spot protection.

Figure 20.1 Typical application of the use of magnetic contacts, window foil, switch mats, motion detection, and photoelectric beam. (Courtesy of Aritech Corporation)
Figure 20.2 Sensors. (a) Ultrasonic doubler: Back-to-back ultrasonic transceivers provide virtually double the coverage of single detectors at almost the same wiring and equipment cost. With more than 50 × 25 ft of coverage, the doubler is the best value in space protection. (b) Ultrasonic sensors: Easy to install, no brackets needed. Can be mounted horizontally, vertically, or in a corner; surface, flush, or with mounting feet on a shelf. Each UL-listed sensor protects a three-dimensional volume up to 30 ft wide and high. (c) Passive infrared: For those zones where the lower-cost ultrasonic sensor is inappropriate, there is no need to buy a complete passive infrared system as both ultrasonic and passive infrared can be used in the same system. (d) Magnetic contacts, foil, glass breakage sensors: The building’s perimeter protection detectors can be wired into the system via universal interface sensor. There is no need for running a separate perimeter loop. (e) Flush-ceiling-mounted sensors: Only the two small 2-inch-diameter transducer caps are visible below the ceiling tiles. Designed for where minimum visibility is needed for aesthetic or security purposes. (f) Photoelectric beam: The universal interface sensor allows the connection of any NO or NC alarm device into the system for zoned annunciation. It can be used with photoelectric beams, switch matting, microwave motion detectors, and many other intrusion detectors. (g) Ultrasonic range expander: Adding an ultrasonic range expander can increase the coverage of an ultrasonic sensor by 50-90%, depending on where it is positioned and the surrounding environment. (Courtesy of Aritech Corporation)

Perimeter Protection

Perimeter protection is the first line in the defense to detect an intruder. The most common points equipped with sensing devices for premise perimeter protection are doors, windows, vents, skylights, or any opening to a business or home. Since over 80% of all break-ins occur through these openings, most alarm systems provide this type of protection. The major advantage of perimeter protection is its simple design. The major disadvantage is that it protects only the openings. If the burglar bursts through a wall, comes through the ventilation system, or stays behind after closing, perimeter protection is useless.

1. Door switches. These are installed on a door or window in such a way that opening the door or window causes a magnet to move a contact switch away, which activates the alarm. They can be surface mounted or recessed into the door and frame. A variety of switches are manufactured for all types of doors or windows. The switches are both wide gap type and magnetic standard type.

2. Glass break detectors. These detectors are attached to the glass and sense the breakage of the glass by shock or sound. Glass breakage sensors use microphone transducers to detect the glass breakage. A ceiling sensor over a window covers a 30° radius.

3. Wooden screens. These devices are made of wooden dowel sticks assembled in a cage-like fashion no more than 4 inches from each other. A very fine, brittle wire runs in the wooden dowels and frame. The burglar must break the doweling to gain entry and thus break the low-voltage electrical circuit, causing the alarm to sound. These devices are used primarily in commercial applications.

4. Window screens. These devices are similar to regular wire window screens in a home except that a fine, coated wire is a part of the screen. When the burglar cuts the screen to gain entry, the flow of low-voltage electricity is interrupted and sounds the alarm. These devices are used primarily in residential applications.

5. Lace and panels. The surfaces of door panels and safes are protected against entry by installing a close lace-like pattern of metallic foil or a fine brittle wire on the surface. Entry cannot be made without first breaking the foil or wire, thus activating the alarm. A panel of wood is placed over the lacing to protect it.

6. Interior sensors. They come in many shapes and sizes depending upon the application; for example, interior motion detector units and proximity and boundary penetration.

Area/Space Protection

Area/space protection devices (Table 20.1) protect the interior spaces of a school, business, or home. They protect against intrusion whether or not the perimeter protection is violated. It is particularly effective against a stay-behind intruder or a burglar who cuts through the roof or breaks through a block wall. Space protection devices are only a part of the complete alarm system.

Table 20.1

Motion Sensor Survey Checklist

Environmental and Other Factors Affecting Sensor UsageEffect on Sensor
Circle OneUltrasonicsMicrowavePIRRecommendation and Notes
1. If the areas to be protected are enclosed by thin walls or contain windows, will there be movement close to the outside of this area?Yes/NoNoneMajorNoneAvoid using a microwave sensor unless it can be aimed away from thin walls, glass, etc., which can pass an amount of microwave energy
2. Will protection pattern see sun, moving headlamps, or other sources of infrared energy passing through windows?Yes/NoNoneNoneMajorAvoid using a PIR sensor unless the pattern can be positioned to avoid rapidly changing levels of infrared energy
3. Does area to be protected contain HVAC ducts?Yes/NoNoneModerateNoneDucts can channel microwave energy to other areas; if using a microwave sensor, aim it away from duct openings
4. Will two or more sensors of the same type be used to protect a common area?Yes/NoNoneNoneNoneAdjacent units must operate on different frequencies
5. Does area to be protected contain fluorescent or neon lights that are on during protection-on period?Yes/NoNoneMajorNoneMicrowave sensor, if used, must be aimed away from any fluorescent or neon light within 20 ft
6. Are incandescent lamps cycled on and off during protection-on period included in the protection pattern?Yes/NoNoneNoneMajorIf considering use of PIR sensor, make a trial installation and, if necessary, redirect protection pattern away from incandescent lamps
7. Must protection pattern be projected from a ceiling?Yes/NoNone, but only for ceiling heights up to 15 ftMajorMajorOnly ultrasonic sensors can be used on a ceiling, but height is limited to 15 ft; at greater ceiling heights, use rigid ceiling brackets to suspend sensor to maintain 15 ft limitation or, in large open areas, try a microwave sensor mounted high on a wall and aimed downward
8. Is the overall structure of flimsy construction (corrugated metal, thin plywood, etc.)?Yes/NoMinorMajorMinorDo not use a microwave sensor; if considerable structural movement can be expected, then use a rigid mounting surface for ultrasonic or PIR sensor
9. Will protection pattern include large metal objects or wall surfaces?Yes/NoMinorMajorMinor (major if metal is highly polished)Use ultrasonic sensor or use PIR sensor
10. Are any radar installations nearby?Yes/NoMinorMajor when radar is close and sensor is aimed at itMinorAvoid using a microwave sensor
11. Will protection pattern include heaters, radiators, air conditioners, or the like?Yes/NoModerateNoneMajor when rapid changes in air temperature are involvedUse ultrasonic sensor, but aim it away from sources of air turbulence (desirable to have heaters, etc., turned off during protection-on period) or use microwave sensor
12. Will area to be protected be subjected to ultrasonic noise (bells, hissing sounds)?Yes/NoModerate, can cause problems in severe casesNoneNoneTry muffling noise source and use an ultrasonic sensor, use a microwave sensor, or use PIR sensor
13. Will protection pattern include drapes, carpet, racks of clothing, or the like?Yes/NoModerate, reduction in rangeNoneMinorUse ultrasonic sensor if some reduction in range can be tolerated or use microwave sensor
14. Is the area to be protected subject to changes in temperature and humidity?Yes/NoModerateNoneMajorUse an ultrasonic sensor unless changes in temperature and humidity are severe or use a microwave sensor
15. Is there water noise from faulty valves in the area to be protected?Yes/NoModerate, can be a problemNoneNoneIf noise is substantial, try correcting faulty valves and use an ultrasonic sensor; use a microwave sensor, or use a PIR sensor
16. Will protection pattern see moving machinery, fan blades, or the like?Yes/NoMajorMajorMinorHave machinery, fans, and the like turned off during protection-on period, carefully place ultrasonic sensor, or use PIR sensor
17. Will drafts or other air movement pass through protection pattern?Yes/NoMajorNoneNone, unless rapid temperature changes are involvedIf protection pattern can be aimed away from air movement or air movement can be stopped during protection-on period, use an ultrasonic sensor, use a microwave sensor, or use a PIR sensor
18. Will protection pattern see overhead doors that can be rattled by wind?Yes/NoMajorMajorMinorIf protection pattern can be aimed away from such doors, use an ultrasonic sensor or use a PIR sensor
19. Are there hanging signs, calendar pages, or the like that can be moved by air currents during protection-on period?Yes/NoMajorMajorModerate, can be a problemUse ultrasonic sensor, but aim pattern away from objects that can move or remove such objects or use PIR sensor
20. Are adjacent railroad tracks used during protection-on period?Yes/NoMajorMinorMinorA trial installation is required if using an ultrasonic sensor
21. Can small animals (or birds) enter protection pattern?Yes/NoMajorMajorMajor (particularly rodents)Install a physical barrier to prevent intrusion by animals or birds
22. Does area to be protected contain a corrosive atmosphere?Yes/NoMajorMajorMajorNone of these sensors can be used


They should always be supplemented with perimeter protection. The major advantage of space protection devices is that they provide a highly sensitive, invisible means of detection. The major disadvantage is that improper application and installation by the alarm company can result in frequent false alarms.

The types of area/space protection include:

1. Photoelectric eyes (beams). These devices transmit a beam across a protected area. When an intruder interrupts the beam, the beam circuit is disrupted and the alarm initiated. Photoelectric devices use a pulsed infrared beam that is invisible to the naked eye. Some units have a range of over 1000 ft and can be used outdoors, although they are rarely used today.

2. Ultrasonics. They (although rarely used today) work on a low-frequency sound wave projected from the unit. The frequency is in kilohertz (23-26) and its area of coverage can be anywhere from 5 to 40 ft in length. The pattern is volumetric and cannot be aimed, although the pattern may be directed by the use of deflectors. Deflectors come in 90° or 45° angles. A doubler type uses two 45° angles back to back. Ultrasonics work on a change in frequency, called the Doppler effect. A motion detector has two transducers; the transmitter sends out a signal that is bounced back to the receiver by immobile objects in the protected area. If an intruder moves toward or away from the unit, the change in its reflected frequency signals an alarm. Ultrasonics may be found as stand-alone units or part of what is called a master system. The stand-alone units compare the reflected signal within the unit and trip the control panel by opening or closing a relay contact. Master systems work by sending the signal back to a main processing unit. The main processing unit compares the signal and trips the relay contacts of the processor. False alarms result from three types of sources:

a. Motion. Objects that move in the path of protection and air turbulence are seen as motion because of the frequency of the unit.

b. Noise. Ultrasonic noise is present when audible noises are heard; hissing (such as from high-pressure air leaking or steam radiators) or bells ringing can be a source of these noises.

c. Radio or electrical interference. Induced electrical signals or radio frequency (RF) interference from radio transmitters can cause false alarms.

Grounding and shielding are both very important in a master system. If an earth ground is required, it should be a cold water pipe. The length of the ground wire should be as short as possible and with a minimum number of bends. Potential problems include:

a. Turbulence and draft, hanging displays, moving draperies, and small pets;

b. Noise caused by air hissing, bells, and telephones; and

c. Temperature or humidity that can affect the range of the ultrasonic unit.

Carpets, furniture, and draperies may absorb some of the signal, decreasing the unit’s sensitivity. Ultrasonic energy does not penetrate most objects. The signal may be reflected off some smooth surfaces.

3. Microwave. Microwave detectors are a volumetric type of space protection and are based on a Doppler shift. They detect intruders by the use of a radiated RF electromagnetic field. The unit operates by sensing a disturbance in the generated RF field, called the Doppler effect. The frequency range is between 0.3 and 300 GHz (1 GHz = 1 billion cps). Any type of motion in the protected area creates a change in frequency, causing an alarm condition. Because the power output from the unit is relatively low, the field radiated is harmless. Microwave energy penetrates most objects and reflects off of the metal. One of the most important considerations in placement of these units is vibration. The microwave must be mounted on a firm surface: Cinder block, brick, or main support beams are ideal mounting locations. Never mount two microwave units with identical frequencies in the same room or area where the patterns may overlap. This could cause cross talk between the units, causing false alarms. Microwave units draw excessive current; so the proper gauge of wire should be used and the length of the wire run should also be taken into consideration. Current readings should be taken at the end of an installation or while troubleshooting units to ensure that the maximum current of the control panel has not been exceeded. Fluorescent lights may be a problem because the radiated ionization from the lights may be seen as motion by the detector. Potential problems include:

a. Vibrations or movement of mounting surface, mounts on a wall, and sense change in electrical current;

b. Reflection of pattern or movement of metal objects in a protected area, such as moving fan blades or movement or overhead doors;

c. Penetration of thin walls or glass if motion or large metal objects, such as trains or cars, are present;

d. Radio frequency interference (RFI), radar, or AC line transients in severe cases; and

e. A potential interference as a result of water movement in plastic or PVC storm drains if located close to the unit. Most microwave units provide a test point, where the amplifier output voltage can be read. By following the manufacturer’s recommended voltage settings the microwave can be set up properly and the unit environment examined.

4. Passive infrared motion detectors. These detectors are passive sensors because they do not transmit a signal for an intruder to disturb. Rather, a source of moving infrared radiation (the intruder) is detected against the normal radiation/temperature environment of the room. Passive infrared detectors (PIRs) detect a change in the thermal energy pattern caused by a moving intruder in the field of view of the detector. The field of view of an infrared unit must terminate on an object to ensure its proper operation and stability. An infrared unit should never be set up to look out into midair. Potential problems include:

a. Turbulence and drafts are a problem if the air is blowing directly on the unit or causes a rapid change in temperature of objects in the path of protection.

b. Stray motion (i.e., drapes blowing, hanging objects or displays, small animals).

c. Changing temperatures (i.e., hotspots in machinery, sunlight) may cause false alarms. The temperature of the background infrared level may also affect the unit’s sensitivity: PIRs become less sensitive as the temperature increases.

d. Lightning or bright lights, such as halogen headlights. The infrared radiation pattern is blocked by solid objects as it is unable to penetrate most objects. The pattern of protection may also be affected by reflection off smooth surfaces.

5. Pressure mats. These mats are basically mechanical switches. Pressure mats are most frequently used as a backup system to perimeter protection. When used as traps, they can be hidden under the carpet in front of a likely target or in hallways where an intruder would travel.

6. Sound sensors. These sensors detect intrusion by picking up the noise created by a burglar during an attempt to break into a protected area. These sensors consist of a microphone and an electronic amplifier/processor. When the sound level increases beyond the limit normally encountered, the unit signals an alarm. Some units have pulse-counting and time-interval features. Other types can actually listen to the protected premises from a central monitoring station.

7. Dual-techs. Dual-technology sensors, commonly referred to as dual-techs, are a combination of two types of space-protection devices. The principle of the unit is that both sections of the detectors must be tripped at the same time to cause an alarm. A dual-tech unit could be a combination of passive/microwave or a combination of passive/ultrasonic. By using a dual-technology device, an installer can provide space protection in areas that may have presented potential false alarm problems when a single-technology unit was used. Repair people can replace units sending false signals because of environment or placement. Dual-techs are not the solution to all false alarm problems, and unless careful consideration is used in installing or replacing a device, the false alarm problems may persist. Since these contain two different types of devices, there is much more to consider. Dual-techs draw much more current than conventional detectors. Current readings are essential and additional power supplies may be necessary to provide enough operating current and standby power. Until recently, if one section of the unit stopped working or was blocked off in some way by the end user, the unit was rendered inoperable. Manufacturers are only now working on supervising the microwave section of these units. If the unit is located or adjusted so that one section of the unit is continuously in an alarm condition, the dual-technology principle is worthless.

8. Interior sensors. These sensors are generally active or passive, covert or visible, or volumetric or line applications.

False Alarms

There are three reasons for false alarms, and the secret to reducing them is to clearly identify the cause and make proactive corrections. They are:

1. Lack of proper education on how to enter and exit the complex, such as improper arming and disarming of the keypad;

2. Weather; and

3. Equipment failure (dead batteries) and installation problems.


For all practical purposes, the reason we use space protection is as a backup to the perimeter system. It is not necessary to cover every inch of the premises being protected. The best placement is as a trap in a high-traffic area or spot protection for high-value areas. The worst thing an installer can do is overextend the area being protected by an individual unit (e.g., trying to cover more than one room with a detector or trying to compensate for placement or environment by over adjusting the sensitivity). By using a little common sense and checking for all possible hazards, you can ensure a trouble-free installation. Make sure that the units have adequate power going to each head and the standby batteries are working and charging properly. Be sure to adjust for pets and brief customers and any problems they may create, such as leaving fans or machinery on, and not to open windows in the path of protection. Before leaving an installation, make sure that all units have been walk-tested and the areas in question have been masked out. One of the most important considerations in setting up a number of space protection devices is zoning. Never put more than two interior devices in one zone if at all possible. The majority of false alarms are caused by interior devices. Breaking up the interior protective circuits as much as possible gives the service person a better chance of solving a false alarm problem (even with two heads in one zone you have a 50/50 chance of finding the trouble unit). Zoning a system correctly helps with troubleshooting, makes the police department feel better about the company and the company feel better about the installer, and ensures good relations with the customer.

Object/Spot Detection for Schools

Object/spot detection is used to detect the activity or presence of an intruder at a single location. It provides direct security for objects. Such a detection method is the final stage of an in-depth system for protection. The objects most frequently protected include safes, filing cabinets, desks, art objects, models, statues, and expensive equipment. The types of object/spot protection are:

1. Capacitance/proximity detectors. The object being protected becomes an antenna, electronically linked to the alarm control. When an intruder approaches or touches the object/antenna, an electrostatic field is unbalanced and the alarm is initiated. Only metal objects can be protected in this manner.

2. Vibration detectors. These devices utilize a highly sensitive, specialized microphone called an electronic vibration detector (EVD). The EVD is attached directly to the object to be protected. It can be adjusted to detect a sledgehammer attack on a concrete wall or a delicate penetration of a glass surface. It sends an alarm only when the object is moved, whereas capacitance devices detect when the intruder is close to the protected object. Other types of vibration detectors are similar to tilt switches used in pinball machines.

Alarm Control

All sensing devices are wired into the alarm control panel that receives their signals and processes them. Some of the most severe burglary losses are caused not by a failure in equipment but simply by someone turning off the alarm system. The type of control panel needed depends on the sophistication of the overall intrusion alarm system. Some control panels provide zoning capabilities for separate annunciation of the sensing devices. Others provide the low-voltage electrical power for the sensing devices.

Included in the control panel is the backup or standby power in the event of an electrical power failure. Batteries are used for standby power. Some equipment uses rechargeable batteries; the control has a low-power charging unit (a trickle charger) and maintains the batteries in a fully charged condition.

Modern control panels use one or more microprocessors. This allows the control panel to send and receive digital information to the alarm station. An alphanumeric pad can display zone information as well as supervisory conditions. Each user can also have a unique code, allowing restriction during specified times or limiting access into certain areas. By using individual code numbers, the alarm control panel can track activity as well as transmit this information off-site.

If the alarm control panel is connected to a central monitoring station, the times that the system is turned on and off are recorded and logged. When an administrator of the school enters the building in the morning, a signal is sent. If this happens at a time prearranged with the central station, it is considered a normal opening. If it happens at any other time, the police are dispatched.

The administrator of the school or other authorized persons can enter the building during the closed times. The person entering must first call the central station company and identify himself or herself by a special coding procedure. Records are kept at the central station company for these irregular openings and closings.

Tamper protection is a feature that generates an alarm signal when the system is compromised in any way. Tamper protection can be designed into any or all portions of the alarm system (control panel, sensing devices, loop wiring, alarm transmission facilities).

Alarm Transmission/Signaling

The type of alarm transmission/signaling system used in a particular application depends on the location of the business or residence, the frequency of police patrols, and the ability of the customer to afford the cost. Remember, after deterrence, the purpose of an alarm is to summon the proper authorities to stop a crime during its commission or lead to the apprehension of the intruder. It is very important that the response by proper authorities to the alarm comes in the shortest possible time. Two types of alarm signaling systems are in general use:

 Local alarm. A bell or light indicates that an attempted or successful intrusion has taken place. The success of the system relies on someone hearing or seeing the signal and calling the responsible authorities. The local alarm also notifies burglars that they have been detected. This may be advantageous in frightening off the less experienced intruder.

 Central station system. The alarm signal is transmitted over telephone lines to a specially constructed building called the central station. Here, trained operators are on duty 24 hours a day to supervise, record, and maintain alarms. On receipt of an alarm, the police are dispatched and, in some cases, the alarm company guard or runner. The record-keeping function and guard response ensure thorough documentation of any alarm signal. There are seven types of alarm transmissions to the central station. Each type of transmission has certain advantages and disadvantages that must be considered in determining the risk. Transmission of an alarm signal to the Underwriters Laboratories (UL)-listed central station is generally regarded as the most reliable method for reducing the burglary losses.

 Direct wire systems. High-risk locations (like the music or computer lab) are generally protected with a direct wire system. A single dedicated telephone line is run from the protected premises to the central station or police station, where a separate receiver supervises only that alarm. A fixed DC current is sent from the central station to the protected premises and read on a meter at the central station. The advantage of a direct wire system is that problems can be traced very quickly to a specific alarm system. This makes compromising the alarm signal by a professional burglar more difficult. The disadvantage of such a system is the higher cost of leased telephone lines. This becomes a more serious economic factor as the distance from the central station to the protected premises increases. Proper transmission of the alarm signal to the central station is essential. Problems can result on these telephone lines from shorts and broken wires. Most central stations expect these problems and are well equipped to rapidly make repairs. However, some of today’s burglars are more sophisticated. They know they can prevent the transmission of the alarm signal to the central system by shunting or jumpering out the leased telephone line. Special methods are used by the alarm company to protect against jumpering of the alarm signal. Alarm systems having this special line security are classified as AA Grade Central Station alarms by UL.

 Circuit (party line) systems. Alarm signals transmitted over circuit transmission systems can be compared to a party line where several alarm customers defray the cost of the telephone line by sharing it. With a circuit transmission system, as many as 15 alarm transmitters may send alarm signals to a single receiving panel at the central station over the same line or loop. The alarm signals at the central station are received on strips of paper. Each alarm has a distinct code to identify it from others. The advantage of a circuit-loop alarm transmission system is the lower telephone line cost. Thus, a central station can make its services available to more customers by subdividing the cost of the telephone line among different users. The disadvantage of circuit-loop alarm transmission systems is that problems on a leased telephone line are more difficult to locate than with a direct wire system.

 Multiplex systems. The multiplex system is designed to reduce leased telephone line charges while providing a higher degree of line security than circuit-loop alarms. Multiplex systems introduced data processing (computer-based techniques) to the alarm industry.

 Digital communicators. This computer-based type of alarm transmission equipment sends its signal through the regular switch line telephone network. The alarm signal transmitted is a series of coded electronic pulses that can be received only on a computer terminal at the central station.

 Telephone dialer. The dialer delivers a prerecorded verbal message to a central station, answering service, or police department when an alarm is activated. Many of the earlier tape dialers were a source of constant problems to police departments because of their lack of sophistication. Basically, they were relabeled tape recorders. It was not uncommon for the tape dialer to play most of the message before the police could answer the phone. The police knew that an alarm signal had been sent, but did not know its location. The newer, modern tape dialers have solved these problems.

 Radio signal transmission. This method takes the alarm signal from the protected premises and sends it via radio or cellular phone to either a central station or police dispatch center. Additionally, the alarm signal can be received in a police patrol car.

 Video verification. Along with standard alarm transmissions, video images are sent to the central station. This provides for a higher level of protection while helping to eliminate false alarms by allowing central station operators to see what is happening inside the protected area. With the increase of the false police dispatches, video verification is playing a major role in the battle against false alarms.

Alarms Deter Crime

False alarms waste police resources and alarm company resources. The police and alarm industry are acutely aware of this, and both have initiated efforts across the country to relieve the dilemma.

The National Crime Prevention Institute has long endorsed alarm systems as the best available crime deterrent. This education institution realizes that most criminals fear alarm systems; they much prefer to break into an unprotected building rather than risk capture by a hidden sensor.

Problem deterrence is the alarm business, a field that, in fact, extends far beyond protecting premises from burglary. The crisis prevention duties of alarm firms range from monitoring sprinkler systems and fire sensors and watching temperature levels in buildings to supervising industrial processes such as nuclear fission and the manufacturing of dangerous chemicals.

To alarm companies, deterrence is a sophisticated, specialized art. In the area of crime prevention, companies take pride in spotting potential weaknesses in a building and designing an alarm system that confounds the most intelligent criminals.

Crime prevention is the area where police need the most help. The rise in burglary and other crimes has often put police officers in a response posture.

False Alarms in Your School

The full crime prevention potential in alarm systems has yet to be realized. Relatively speaking, the number of premises not protected by alarms is greater, although those schools or buildings holding the most valuable goods are thoroughly guarded by the most sophisticated sensor systems.

Yet the main drag on the potential of alarms, as industry leaders and police are aware, remains the false alarm problem. A modern instance of the boy who cried “wolf,” false alarms erode the effectiveness of alarm systems. They are costly to alarm companies and police agencies.

It is a fact that alarm systems prevent crime. These electronic and electrical systems deter burglars, arsonists, vandals, and other criminals. They are both the most effective and most economical crime prevention tool available.

Police budgets have been reduced in most locales and frozen in others, while private investment in alarm security is growing yearly.

The National Burglary and Fire Alarm Association (NBFAA) asked its members to rank their priorities on association activities. The outstanding response asked for a comprehensive program to help member companies reduce false alarms. Moreover, while researching possible programs, the NBFAA learned that many members had already embarked on significant reduction efforts.

Some police departments initiated a written letter program from the police chief to those who have an excessive number of alarm runs. Others have the crime prevention officer make a follow-up visit to the business or residence. After the other steps have failed, many police departments are assessing false alarm fines.

By protecting such places as hospitals, office buildings, and schools, alarm systems free up police resources and enable patrol officers to spend more time in areas with high crime rates and fewer premises protected by alarm systems. Police may also dedicate more officers to apprehending criminals. In this manner, police and alarm companies work together, complementing one another and waging a mutual war on crime.

Alarm Equipment Overhaul

A California alarm station undertook a major overhaul. The effort began with a false alarm inventory, in which subscribers whose systems produced four or more false alarms per week were weeded out. Service workers then replaced—virtually reinstalled—the alarm systems for those subscribers. New sensors, new batteries, new wiring, and new soldering jobs were required in many instances. The process was costly, but it paid off in the long run. The office then had fewer service calls and an improved relationship with the local police that increased business.

Many NBFAA member companies instituted training programs for their sales, installation, and service personnel. Also, subscribers are educated on the operation of their systems three times: by salespeople, by installers, and by supervisors when they inspect newly installed systems.

One member company weeded out and entirely rebuilt its problem systems. This approach is the most feasible way for smaller firms to attack the problem. Lacking sufficient capital to initiate a comprehensive program, such companies can, nevertheless, cut down the number of false alarms by renovating the relatively few systems that cause the majority of problems.

Police chiefs and crime prevention officers working in areas troubled by false alarms should meet with the heads of the firms in their areas and discuss reduction programs like these.

Additional Resources

NBFAA members have a guide in the form of a comprehensive quality control manual outlining measures they can undertake to alleviate false alarms. To provide an idea of what is inside this False Alarm Handbook, an outline of it follows below.

To determine the false alarm rate and causes for your school:

1. Form an alarm equipment evaluation committee.

2. Institute equipment testing procedures.

3. Develop equipment training facilities.

4. Know how to plan and make alarm installations.

5. Be familiar with sensor zoning procedures.

6. Inspect installations.

7. Educate the subscriber.

8. Cooperate with local law enforcement officers.

The theory behind the handbook is evident in the section titles. Companies are encouraged to begin with a series of statistical studies, from the general false alarm rate per total alarms and systems to causes distinguishing among equipment, user, telephone line, and environmental problems. A separate study helps companies determine how much money false alarms cost them.

The results of these studies should then be reviewed by the company’s alarm equipment evaluation committee. That committee, made up of the chief engineer and plant, sales, and general managers, next decides which systems to keep, which to drop, and which to study further.

Sections 3 and 4 are self-explanatory and are aimed at eliminating equipment-related problems both through further testing and by education of all personnel on equipment operations. Note that salespeople particularly are urged to go through the training process.

The next two parts cover installation procedures. Service workers are warned about environmental hazards that can affect different sensors. Such hazards include heat, static electricity, vibration, and electromagnetic interference from radio waves. The zoning section tells companies how they may set up their installations to isolate faults in different sensors and pieces of equipment.

Under subscriber education, firms are urged to inundate their customers with training films, brochures, seminars, and whatever else it takes to teach them how to operate their alarm systems properly.

The NBFAA also developed a separate booklet to educate alarm subscribers. It incorporates a discussion of alarm system fundamentals along with procedures that customers may undertake to reduce mistakes by their employees who operate the systems.

Last, the False Alarm Handbook asks alarm companies to work closely with the local police on this problem. Here, the NBFAA endorses companywide research and forming a local private security advisory council to oversee efforts.

Both the alarm company and the police must recognize that they need each other. Like surgeons and other medical specialists who need sophisticated drugs and instruments to prevent diseases, the law enforcement community needs the alarm industry. Prevention, the reason for alarm protection, must lead the war on crime.

At the same time, the alarm industry must remove from its ranks the flimflam-selling of placebos and faulty systems. Users must be taught to care for their security.

Police should take action against such companies and customers when they aggravate the false alarm problem. If some friendly arm-twisting fails to stop such practices, then police should meet with responsible alarm firms, and together they should develop programs and, if necessary, ordinances to penalize negligent subscribers and deceitful companies.


As we enter the twenty-first century and look back, we have seen a lot of changes occur, with many changes for the better. Foil is no longer placed on glass windows and replaced by the placement of a properly placed PIR. Schools or commercial applications of PIR units come in all shapes and sizes as well as all necessary patterns for proper coverage. Smoke detectors come with remote maintenance reporting to reduce false alarms (two-wire detectors only). Keypads are now hardware, and two-way voice modules and wireless and control panels (UL listed) are in single- and multizone panels.

The growth in technology will continue as will the need for updated technology.

Appendix A Glossary for Alarm Systems1

Absorption The property of materials such as carpeting, drapes, acoustic ceilings, and so on, which causes them to soak up or deaden sound. The materials also deaden ultrasonics, so a higher than normal range setting may be required.

AC Abbreviation for alternating current.

Access control 1. Any means of limiting entry into a building or area to those who are authorized. 2. A system that does this by use of coded cards, push button sequence, fingerprint comparison, hand geometry, retinal (eye) scans, or other means.

Account A subscriber to an alarm company’s services.

Acoustic Glass Break Sensors Can be installed on walls or ceilings. Detection is best when installed on a wall opposite protected glass, since sound waves need not then reflect off an opposing wall before reaching the detector.

Active detector One that sends out or transmits energy in order to perform its detection function. Examples are ultrasonic, microwave, photoelectric beams, E-field fence detectors, and capacitance alarms.

Air turbulence Air disturbance or churning caused by a breeze or draft from a fan, furnace, air conditioner, or other source. Air turbulence in the vicinity of an ultrasonic transducer can produce false alarms.

Alarm condition The presence of a dangerous or undesired situation such as fire, intrusion, holdup, and so on, sensed and signaled by an alarm system.

Alarm line A wire or telephone line used to report an alarm condition to a remote location such as a guard station or an alarm central office.

Alarm signal An indication that some dangerous or unwanted condition is occurring, such as an intrusion, fire, holdup, and so on.

Alarm system A collection of detection devices, control unit, annunciation/reporting equipment, control station(s), wiring, phone lines, radio channels, power supply, and other associated equipment connected together to detect and report the existence of an undesirable condition such as an intrusion, a fire, an unsafe condition in an industrial manufacturing process, and so on.

Annunciator A device, typically a small horn or light, used to attract the attention of someone close-by.

Area protection 1. A detector that is sensitive over a two-dimensional space, such as a strain gauge sensor or a seismic detector. 2. A misnomer for “volumetric protection” (which is three-dimensional).

Armed The condition of an alarm system when it is on, ready to be tripped when an intrusion is detected.

Armed light A light or light-emitting diode, usually red, or other device that indicates the alarm system is armed or set.

Audible alarm An alarm that makes noise (as opposed to a silent alarm) using a bell or horn.

Audio alarm A detection device that is triggered upon detecting noises, such as the sounds of breaking and entering. See “vault alarm” and “sonic detector.”

Balanced magnetic contact See “high security” and “magnetic contact.”

Battery An assembly of two or more cells used to obtain higher voltages than that available from a single cell.

Capacitance detector A device that detects an intruder’s touching of or close approach to a protected metal object. Often used to protect safes and file cabinets. Protected objects must be metal, well insulated from the ground, and not too large. Also called safe alarm or proximity alarm. See “E-field detector.”

Casement window A type of window that hinges outward and is usually opened with a crank. It is often difficult to mount contacts on casement windows. Tamper switches are sometimes used successfully.

Central station 1. A central location where an alarm company monitors a large number of its own accounts. 2. A company that specializes in monitoring the alarm signals for many alarm companies for a fee.

Certificated alarm system An alarm system that is installed by a UL-certified alarm company and that meets certain requirements for installation, service, and extent of coverage.

Circuit breaker An electrical safety valve; a device designed to interrupt dangerously high currents. Unlike a fuse, a circuit breaker can be reset to be used again; thus, no replacements are needed. Some circuit breakers can also be used as switches.

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) An on-premises TV system used to enable a guard to “watch” one or more critical areas such as entrances, high-value areas, and so on. The TV signal is used to transmit by a coaxial cable or fiber optic cable and is usually limited to distances of a few hundred to a few thousand feet.

Closing signal A signal transmitted by an alarm system to the central station when the proprietor (user) secures and leaves the premises at the close of business. Usually done on a prearranged time schedule.

Coaxial cable A special kind of shielded cable that has one center conductor surrounded by relatively thick insulation, which in turn has a shield (usually braided wires or sometimes spirally laid wires) over it. An outer plastic jacket is usually included. Used primarily for RF work such as antenna lead-in and for CCTV cameras.

Commercial alarm An alarm installed in a commercial or business location, as opposed to a residential alarm.

Day-night switch A switch located at the subscriber’s premises used by the subscriber to signal the central station of opening and closing of the premises. Used only on direct-wire, supervised accounts (the milliamp signal method), and multiplex systems.

Dedicated line or circuit A phone line or circuit that is dedicated solely to the transmission of alarm signals. Examples are direct wire, McCulloh, multiplex, and derived channel.

Door switch See “magnetic contact.”

Doppler shift The apparent frequency shift due to motion of an intruder in ultrasonic and microwave detection.

Double-hung window A type of window popular in older construction. The lower sash (window) can be raised and the upper sash can be lowered. Two contacts are usually used to protect both sashes.

Dry cell A type of battery that is not rechargeable. Dry cells are occasionally used in alarm work, but because of the required periodic replacement, rechargeable batteries are usually favored. (Rechargeable batteries also have to be replaced periodically, but not as often as dry cells.)

Dual alarm service Protection of one premise by two separate alarm systems, usually serviced by different alarm companies. Thus protected, there is less likelihood that both systems could be successfully compromised and less chance of collusion among dishonest employees of the two alarm companies. Use is limited to high-risk applications because of the cost.

Duress switch A special type of key switch that can be turned in either of two directions or can be operated with two different keys. One direction (or key) operates the alarm systems in a normal manner. The other direction (or key) signals the central station that the owner of the protected premises is under duress (i.e., has a gun in his back). By comparison, a holdup switch is activated secretly, whereas a duress switch is activated openly, and the burglar is unaware of its duress signaling function. (The burglar thinks it is a regular control switch.)

Electronic siren An electronic device with speaker, used to simulate the sound of a motor-driven siren.

Environmental considerations Factors that must be considered in the proper application of alarm detectors to reduce false alarms, particularly with motion sensors. Such factors include rain, fog, snow, wind, hail, humidity, temperature, corrosion, moving or swaying objects, vegetation growth, animals, and many others. They depend on the type(s) of detectors that is considered and where they are to be located.

Exit-entry delay A feature of some alarm systems, particularly in residential applications, that permits locating the on/off station inside the protected premises. When exiting, the user turns the system on, which starts the exit time delay cycle (typically 30-120 seconds). He can then exit through a specific, protected door without tripping the alarm during this delay. Later, when the user returns, the system is tripped when the specific door is opened. This action starts an entry delay cycle but does not cause an immediate alarm (although a small per-alert alarm may sound as a reminder). The user then has, typically, 15-60 seconds to turn the system off. An intruder would not have a key or would not know the secret code to turn the system off; therefore, the alarm would ring or a silent signal be transmitted after the entry delay expired.

Holdup alarm A means of notifying a remote location, such as an alarm central station or police station, that a holdup is in progress. Holdup alarms are always silent and are actuated secretly; otherwise, the noise of a local alarm or the obvious pushing of an alarm button could prompt the holdup man to acts of violence. A holdup alarm should not be confused with a panic alarm or with a duress alarm.

Indicator light Any light, either incandescent or LED, which indicates the status of an alarm system, such as the “ready” light.

Infrared detector 1. Passive type is one that detects an intruder by his body heat (which is infrared energy). This type does not emit any infrared energy, it only detects it. 2. Active type is a photoelectric beam that uses infrared instead of visible light. This kind does emit infrared energy.

Intrusion alarm An arrangement of electrical and/or electronic devices designed to detect the presence of an intruder or an attempt to break into a protected location, and to provide notification by making a loud noise locally (bell, siren, etc.) or by transmitting an alarm signal to some remote monitoring location or both.

Key pad A collection of push buttons mounted on a plate, used to enter a secret code to arm and disarm alarm systems. Often resembles a touchtone phone pad. Used to replace key-operated switches. Decoding of the correct combination is done by electronics mounted behind the pad. Also called a stand-alone key pad. Compare “system pad.”

Line security The degree of protection of the alarm transmission path against compromise. Usually implies the application of additional measures to improve security. See “line supervision.”

Line supervision An arrangement where a known current, AC, DC, pulses, or a combination, is present on the line to the central station. Cutting or shorting the line will change this current, signaling an alarm. In high-security systems, complex line supervision systems are used to detect attempts to defeat the system.

Line voltage 1. 120 V AC “house power.” 2. The voltage on a telephone line used for alarm service.

Magnetic contact A magnetically operated switch, typically used on doors and windows to detect opening. The switch is mounted on the frame or fixed part while the magnet is mounted on the movable door or window. Generally much easier to use than earlier, mechanically actuated switches. Available in NO, NC, or SPST contact forms.

Mat switch A very thin, pressure-sensing switch placed under carpets (and carpet padding) to trip an alarm when an intruder steps on it. Typical size is 30 × 36 inches. Typical thickness is 3/32 to 1/8 inch. Runner mat is 30 inches wide × 25 ft long and is cut to the desired length with scissors. With one exception, all mat switches are normally open. Supervised mats have two sets of leads. For damp or wet locations, sealed type mats should be used.

Medical alert An alarm system by which an invalid, elderly, or sick person can push a button near his bedside to alert someone that a doctor, ambulance, or other medical assistance is required.

Microprocessor A computer on a microchip, the heart of all personal computers. This is now used as the heart of alarm control panels. With a microprocessor designed into a control, it is possible to obtain features that would be prohibitively expensive otherwise. Some examples are dozens of zones, information displays in English (or other language), and zone parameters (e.g., speed of response, perimeter/interior/entry-exit/instant response, etc.) assignable for each zone. Most important, these features can be changed, often without requiring a service call to the premises. First introduced by Ron Gottsegen of Radionics in 1977.

Microwave detector A device that senses the motion of an intruder (and of other things) in a protected area by a Doppler shift in the transmitted RF energy. Microwave detectors generally operate at 10.525 GHz. Older units operated at 915 MHz. Both have largely been replaced by PIR detectors, which are less susceptible to false alarms.

Money trap A special switch placed in the bottom of a cash drawer. It is activated during a holdup by pulling out the bottom bill of the stack, which has been previously inserted into a trap. To prevent a false alarm, care must be taken not to remove that bottom bill at any other time.

Motion detector Any of several devices that detects an intruder by his motion within a protected area or protected volume. See “ultrasonic,” “microwave,” “passive IR,” “area protection,” and “volumetric protection.”

Multiplex 1. In general, any method of sending many signals over one communications channel. 2. Specifically, any method of sending alarm signals from many subscribers over one pair of wires to a monitoring location. (Technically, a McCulloh circuit does this, but the term multiplex is generally used to refer to the newer, electronic techniques using polling computers and similar methods.)

Open and closed loop A combination of an open loop and a closed loop, used on some controls. Note that, unlike the double closed loop, the open loop conductor in this system is not supervised. That is, cutting this wire will disable part of the system without causing an alarm condition.

Opening 1. Any possible point of entry for an intruder, such as windows, doors, ventilators, roof hatches, and so on. 2. Any such point that is protected by an alarm detection device. 3. See “opening signal.” 4. See “scheduled opening” and “unscheduled opening.”

Panic alarm A local bell alarm, triggered manually, usually by pushing a button (as opposed to being tripped by some kind of detection device). Usually found only in residential systems. The panic button permits the owner/subscriber to trigger the alarm manually in case of intrusion, even though the alarm system happens to be turned off at the time. A panic alarm (which is audible) should not be confused with a holdup alarm, which is always silent.

Power supply Any source of electrical energy. More specifically, power supply usually refers to an electronic device that converts AC to DC for use by alarm equipment. It may also reduce the voltage from 120 V to the voltage needed by the alarm equipment. Some power supplies have provision for connecting a standby battery. Others will accommodate a rechargeable battery and will provide the necessary charging current for that battery.

Preventive maintenance Testing and checking out alarm systems on a regularly scheduled basis to locate and repair potential problems before false alarms or system failures result. Unfortunately, preventive maintenance is usually forgotten until trouble occurs.

Reversing relay 1. A method of transmitting an alarm signal over a telephone wire by reversing the DC polarity. In the secure mode, a voltage is sent over the phone line from the protected premises to the monitoring location to provide line supervision. An alarm signal is transmitted by reversing the polarity, usually by operating a DPDT relay in the subscriber’s control. 2. The relay used to reverse the polarity.

Shunt switch A key-operated switch located outside the protected premises that allows the subscriber to bypass usually just one door to permit entry without tripping the alarm system. He will normally proceed to the control or transmitter to turn off the entire system with the on/off switch, usually using the same key. Upon closing the premises, the procedure is reversed.

Silent alarm An alarm system that does not ring a bell or give any other indication of an alarm condition at the protected premises; instead it transmits an alarm signal to an alarm central station or other monitoring location.

Siren 1. Traditionally, a motor-driven noisemaker used on police cars, fire trucks, ambulances, and so on. 2. An electronic replacement for (1) that produces a very similar sound.

Sonic detector 1. A Doppler-principle detection device much like ultrasonic except that it uses an audible frequency. Not very common. 2. A misnomer for ultrasonic.

Subscriber error A false or loss of alarm protection caused by the subscriber not following the correct procedures in the use of the alarm system.

Switch A mechanically or magnetically operated device used to open and close electrical circuits.

Tamper-proof box This term is somewhat of a misnomer because few things are “proof” against attack. The term is usually used to indicate that a control, bell, or equipment box is equipped with a tamper switch to signal an alarm when the door is opened. Tamper switches are preferably connected to a 24-hour protective circuit. Bell boxes or other boxes outside the protected area should also be equipped with a double door. Opening the outer door triggers the tamper switch, while the inner door denies the attacker immediate access to the bell or its wiring.

Transmitter 1. A device that sends an alarm signal to a remote point, such as a McCulloh transmitter. 2. The unit at the end of a photoelectric beam that sends out the light or invisible infrared energy. 3. The ultrasonic transducer that sends out the ultrasonic energy.

UL-listed alarm company An alarm company that meets the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories and is so designated by appearing on UL’s published list.

UL standard for alarms Underwriters Laboratories publishes many standards outlining the requirements that must be met by alarm equipment/alarm companies in order to obtain UL listing. The most important of these is UL 681, which outlines alarm system installation requirements. Many others cover various kinds of equipment. It is important to bear in mind that there are many UL listings for many UL standards, many of which are unrelated to security (such as electrical safety). Therefore, the term UL listed is meaningless unless the exact nature of the “list” is detailed. UL 639 outlines transient protection requirements. UL 611 outlines central station units and systems.

Ultrasonic detector A device that senses motion of an intruder (and of other things) in a protected area by a Doppler shift in the transmitted ultrasonic energy (sound is too high a frequency to be heard by humans). Rarely used anymore.

Unscheduled opening Opening of a protected premise at an unscheduled time, that is, not a scheduled opening time. For a silent alarm, supervised account subscribers notify the monitoring alarm company in advance of their standard opening (and closing) times. If the owner or authorized person wishes to enter at any other time, he has to make special arrangements with the alarm company by phone and prearranged secret code word or, preferably, by letter.

Vault alarm An alarm system used to protect a vault such as a bank vault or storage vault. This is a special type of audio alarm and usually has a test feature via the ring-back circuit, which can be actuated from the alarm central station.

Walk test A procedure of actually walking through the area protected by a motion detector to determine the actual limits of its coverage. Indication is usually provided by an LED mounted on the detection unit. This indicator should be disabled or covered when not used for walk-testing. This will prevent a would-be burglar from doing his own walk-testing during open-for-business hours to determine holes in the coverage.

Zone Large protected premises are divided into areas or zones, each having its own indicator or annunciator. This helps pinpoint the specific area of intrusion and is a great aid in narrowing down a problem when troubleshooting. Today’s control units may have 16, 30, 48, or more zones.

Zone light A light, LED, or other device used to indicate the status of each zone in a multiple-zone system. One or more indicators can be provided per zone to indicate any of the following: ready, armed, alarmed, and zoned out.

Appendix B Smoke Detectors

The following was extracted from 3/6/2002: GE Interlogix eCommunity message addresses a common question regarding smoke sensors. For information on ESL fire and safety products, visit The question and answer provided courtesy of the Moore-Wilson Signaling Report (vol. 9, no. 5), a publication of Hughes Associates, Inc. For subscription information, e-mail [email protected].

Q: I have heard a lot of controversial comments about the use of ionization-type smoke detectors versus photoelectric-type smoke detectors. Where would one specifically choose to use ionization-type smoke detectors?

A: Proper selection of a type of detector begins with an understanding of the operating principles of each type of detector.

In an ionization smoke detector, “a small amount of radioactive material is used to ionize the air between two differently charged electrodes to sense the presence of particles. Smoke particles entering the ionization volume decrease the conductance of the air by reducing ion mobility. The reduced conductance signal is processed and used to convey an alarm condition when it meets present criteria.”

In a photoelectric light-scattering detector, “a light source and photosensitive sensor are arranged so that the rays from the light source do not normally fall onto the photosensitive sensor. Then smoke particles enter the light path; some of the light is scattered reflection and refraction onto the sensor. The light signal is processed and used to convey an alarm condition when it meets preset criteria.”

The appendix further explains that photoelectric light-scattering detectors respond more to visible particles, larger than 1 μ in size, produced by most smoldering fires. They respond somewhat less to the smaller particles typically produced by flaming fires. They also respond less to fires yielding black or darker smoke, such as fires involving plastics and rubber tires.

Ionization detectors tend to exhibit somewhat opposite characteristics. In a fire yielding “invisible” particles of a size less than 1 μ, an ionization detector will more likely respond than will a photoelectric light-scattering detector. Particles of this size tend to more readily result from flaming fires. Fuel in flaming fires burns “cleaner,” producing smaller particles.

Thus, the answer to whether you should use one type of detector over another lies in understanding the burning characteristics of the particular fuel. An ionization-type smoke detector will likely detect a fire that produces flaming combustion more quickly, and a photoelectric-type detector will likely detect a low-energy fire that produces larger particles during combustion more quickly.

Finally, keep in mind that both types of smoke detectors successfully pass the same battery of tests at the nationally recognized testing laboratories. For example, UL-listed ionization smoke detectors and UL-listed photoelectric smoke detectors pass the same tests under UL 268, Standard for Safety for Smoke Detectors for Fire Protection Signaling Systems.

Appendix C Alarm Certificate Services Glossary of Terms Certificate Types2

The Fire Alarm System Certificate Types are:

Central Station (NFPA 71 or 72)—Central Station Fire Alarm System Certificate

Local (NFPA 72)—Local Fire Alarm System Certificate

Auxiliary (NFPA 72)—Auxiliary Fire Alarm System Certificate

Remote Station (NFPA 72)—Remote Station Fire Alarm System Certificate

Proprietary (NFPA 72)—Proprietary Fire Alarm System Certificate

The Burglar Alarm System Certificate Types are:

Central Station—Central Station Burglar Alarm System Certificate

Mercantile—Mercantile Burglar Alarm System Certificate

Bank—Bank Burglar Alarm System Certificate

Proprietary—Proprietary Burglar Alarm System Certificate

Residential—Residential Burglar Alarm System Certificate

National Industrial Security—National Industrial Security System Certificate


Alarm Service Company The listed company responsible for maintaining the alarm system under UL’s Certificate Service programs.

Alarm System A fire alarm signaling system that is considered to be the combination of interrelated signal-initiating devices, signal-transmitting devices, signal-notification devices, and control equipment and interconnecting wiring installed for a particular application.

Category Control Number (CNN) An alphanumeric system used by UL to designate and identify the individual grouping of products that have common functional and/or design features to facilitate the application of uniform requirements as the basis of UL listing, Classification, Recognition, or Certificate Service.

Coverage A term that identifies the extent of coverage provided by automatic fire detectors.

Total Coverage Detectors are installed in all areas, rooms, and spaces, as defined in NFPA 72 (National Fire Alarm Code).

Selected Area Coverage Same as total coverage but only for specified area(s) of the protected property.

Partial Coverage Deviations from total or selected coverage. Number of devices and their locations are specified.

File Number Alarm service company’s file number. A number assigned by UL to identify a file for a listee within a specific product category.

Protected Property The alarm user, business, residence, location, and/or area protected by the alarm system.

Runner A person other than the required number of operators on duty at a central, supervising, or runner stations (or otherwise in contact with these stations) available for prompt dispatching, when necessary, to the protected premises.

Service Center Number A number, code, or distinctive identification, assigned either by the listee or UL, which when used in association with a client’s file number uniquely defines a central station, service center, satellite station, monitoring station, or other service location of the listee.

Standard Criteria used by UL as the primary basis for determining the eligibility of a product to use the UL’s Listing, Classification, or Recognition Mark and other markings or certificates that may be required.


UL 681—Installation and Classification of Burglar and Holdup-Alarm Systems

UL 827—Central Station Alarm Services

UL 1023—Household Burglar Alarm System Units

UL 1076—Proprietary Burglar Alarm Units and Systems

UL 1641—Installation and Classification of Residential Burglar Alarm Systems

UL 1981—Central Station Automation Systems

UL 2050—National Industrial Security Systems for the protection of Classified Materials

NFPA 71—Standard for the Installation, Maintenance, and Use of Signaling Systems for Central Station Service

NFPA 72—Standard for the Installation, Maintenance, and Use of Protective Signaling Systems. (1990)

Appendix D Fire Classifications

A fire is very dangerous, but it can be even more so if the wrong equipment is used in fighting it. Because of this, a fire classification system has been established that has made it easy to match the correct fire extinguisher to the correct type of fire.

Fires are divided into five types. It is important to use the correct fire extinguisher in combating the blaze. The five classifications include:

CLASS A: This fire is distinguishable by the fact that it leaves an ash. Some of the materials that burn in a Class A fire are wood, cloth, leaves, or rubbish (e.g., this is the class of fire that people have in their fireplaces).

CLASS B: This fire is ignited by flammable liquids. Examples are gasoline, oil, or lighter fluid (e.g., a charcoal grill is started by class B fires).

CLASS C: These are electrical fires. They are common in fuse boxes.

CLASS D: Metals that are flammable cause class D fires. Examples are sodium, magnesium, or potassium.

CLASS K: In recent years, studies have found that some cooking oils produce too much heat to be controlled and extinguished by traditional Class B extinguishing agents. Class K fires and extinguishers deal with cooking oil fires.

Use of Fire Extinguishers

When combating a fire, the extinguisher used must be the same class as the fire. If a Class A extinguisher is used to put out a class C fire, it could cause an explosion if the electrical current is still flowing. The following is an explanation of the contents and purposes of each type of extinguisher.

Class A Extinguishers will put out fires in ordinary combustibles, such as wood and paper. The numerical rating for this class of fire extinguisher refers to the amount of water the fire extinguisher holds and the amount of fire it will extinguish.

Class B Extinguishers should be used on fires involving flammable liquids, such as grease, gasoline, oil, and so forth. The numerical rating for this class of fire extinguisher states the approximate number of square feet of a flammable liquid fire that a nonexpert can expect to extinguish.

Class C Extinguishers are suitable for use on electrically energized fires. This class of fire extinguishers does not have a numerical rating. The presence of the letter “C” indicates that the extinguishing agent is nonconductive.

Class D Extinguishers are designed for use on flammable metals and are often specific for the type of metal in question. There is no picture designator for Class D extinguishers. These extinguishers generally have no rating and there is no multipurpose rating for use on other types of fires.

Class K extinguishers are suitable for cooking oil fires. Studies have found that some cooking oils produce too much heat to be controlled and extinguished by traditional Class B extinguishing agents. Class K extinguishers are polished stainless steel cylinders, and these wet chemical extinguishers are the best restaurant kitchen appliance hand-portable fire extinguishers you can purchase.

* Originally from McKinnon S. Intrusion Detection Systems. The Handbook of Loss Prevention and Crime Prevention. Boston, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2012. Updated by the author, Elsevier, 2013.

1 H. William Trimmer, Understanding and Servicing Alarm Systems, 3rd ed. (Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999).

2 This material was originally complied by Lawrence J. Fennelly, Mike Rolf, and James Culley.

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