access-based positioning, 258
accountability, 141
accounting equation, 279
accounts payable, 278
accusations, 160161
action plans, 166–167
adaptive responses, 42
agency, 131–132
communication and, 87
consistency and, 25
with organizational strategy, 57–60
planning for strategic, 60–61
strategy and, 263
of your job with your strengths,
Allen, James, 273
allies, 265
Amabile, Teresa, 248–249
ambiguity, 13, 122
analogies, 81
animation in speaking, 86
annual reviews, 155
Antonakis, John, 86
apologies, 45, 47
Art of Designing Markets, The” (Roth),
assets, 279–281
capturing others’, 85
focusing, 107–111
in communication, 85
communication and, 87
cultivating, 29–32
delegation and, 146
positional, personal infl uence vs.,
avoidant mindset, 152
balance sheets, 278–284
Batista, Ed, 131132, 162
BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated
agreement), 212
Beer, Michael, 267–268
Behfar, Kristin, 203
Being the Boss (Hill & Lineback), 74
benchmarking, 271
Benson, Herbert, 111
best practices, 271
biases, 33, 79, 199–200
Blank, Steve, 273
“Blue Ocean Strategy” (Kim &
Mauborgne), 272
body language, 26, 86, 159, 170, 226
boundaries, 16, 184–185
Boyatzis, Richard, 38
Bradford, David, 264
brain, response of to stress, 112
brainstorming, 221–222
breaks, taking, 114
Brett, Jeanne, 203, 208
budgets, 205, 289–294
nancial, 291
master, 290
operating, 290–293
See also nancial tools
burnout, 115, 184, 218
business case development, 297–312
cost/benefi t analysis in, 302–304
getting buy-in and, 308–310
need and value clari cation in, 300–
risk identifi cation and mitigation in,
stakeholder perspectives in, 298–300
writing, 307–308
buy-in, 264
for business cases, 308–310
catchball for gaining, 224, 225
vision and, 264–266
capabilities, strategy development and,
capital expenditures, 303
career development, 121–136
coaching employees and, 162167
nding opportunities for, 124–130
purpose and, 122–124
cash ow statements, 284286
catchball, 224, 225
champions, 298–299
buy-in for, 264266
cultural, around emotions, 50
in emotional habits, 42–43
emotional intelligence and, 38
leadership in responding to, 10
leading, 263–268
personal power and, 69
strategies for, 261262
vision and, 264–266
waiting to introduce, 24
defi nition of, 25
establishing your, 25–27
trust based on, 23, 25
charisma, 85–86
Christensen, Clayton, 122–123, 224, 259,
261, 272, 273, 314
clutter, 110
coaching, 162–167
defi nition of, 162
delegation and, 150–151
feedback in, 156–157
how to perform, 164–167
to improve employee performance, 171
on problem solving, 16
when to provide, 163
Cohen, Allen, 264
across units, 76–78
confl ict resolution and, 208–214
making time for, 77–78
with peers for success, 74–76
skills in, 12
in teams, 194
Collis, David, 273
comfort, 110
commitment, 196–197
communication, 85101
about delegation plans, 145–149
about your boss’s expectations, 72–73
after informational interviews, 127
audience for, 88
audience interaction in, 95
body language in, 26, 170
in career strategies, 178–180
in change efforts, 267268
of competence, 28
in creating alignment, 263
direct vs. indirect, 201
editing, 89–92
employee retention and, 245
exiting conversations, 109
nding your voice in, 85–87
hearing all perspectives in, 225–227
involving all parties in, 97
to learn about organizational strategy,
making enemies into allies with,
in meetings, 96–98
in presentations, 92–96
questions in, 26
on transitions to management, 24
in virtual teams, 204–207
winning hearts and minds with, 78–82
written, 87–92
See also confl ict resolution; feedback
compassion, 184–185
compensation, 247248
demonstrating, 2729
trust and, 23–24
“Competing on Resources” (Collis &
Montgomery), 273
competition, 270
competitive strategy, 257
complacency, challenging, 267268
complexity, 10
personal infl uence vs. positional
authority and, 8–9
confi dants, 19
confi dence, 32
delegating and, 139–154
confl ict
constructive, 209–210
in creative sessions, 219–220
cross-cultural, 199–203
destructive, 210–214
nding root causes of, 210–211
intervention in, 202–203
overcoming resistance and, 266
sources of, 201–202
team norms and, 47, 198–200
in teams, 199–203
confl ict resolution, 47
productive, 208–214
in teams, 199–200
consistency, 25
delegation and, 146–147
nancial performance and, 276–277
contrasts, in communication, 86
coping mechanisms, 13, 14, 18–20
“Core Competence of the Organization,
The” (Prahalad & Hamel), 271
Corkindale, Gill, 19
cost/benefi t analysis, 302–304
cost of goods sold (COGS), 287, 292,
cover letters, 238–239
Craig, Nick, 123–124
“Creating New Market Space” (Kim &
Mauborgne), 272
creativity, 178, 217–231
brainstorming and, 221–222
catchball for, 224, 225
defi nition of, 217
mind mapping for, 222–224
negativity and, 227, 229
planning sessions for, 217–220
rules of conduct and, 219–220
setting the scene for, 218–219
techniques for overcoming resistance
and, 228
tools for, 220224
building, 23–36
competence and, 28–29
ethics/integrity and, 32–34
asking for and using, 131–132
constructive, 157
giving, 158–162
See also feedback
cross-cultural teams, 198–203. See also
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 107
curiosity, 237
“Curveball: Strategies to Fool the
Competition” (Stalk & Lachenauer),
customer needs, 61
Cusumano, Michael, 273
data visuals, 81, 94–95
D’Aveni, Richard, 273
deadlines, 116, 144–145
debt-to-equity ratio, 284
decision making
biases in, 33
confl ict in, 202
confl ict resolution and, 210
emotional steadiness and, 44–45
explaining choices in, 28
identifying decision makers and, 298
leadership skills in, 12
letting others shine in, 26
matrix for, 242–243
promoting your ideas in, 78–82
reducing stress of everyday, 113–114
team guidelines on, 49, 202
in teams, 198
delegation, 139154
benefi ts of, 140
choosing the right person for, 144
coaching and, 150151
communicating about with employees,
defi ning the work in, 142–144
documenting agreements about, 149
monitoring progress and, 149–151
planning for, 141–144
purpose in, 142
reverse, avoiding, 151–152
timelines in, 144–145
when to avoid, 141–142
deliverables, 143
demands, challenging, 73
depreciation, 281, 288
DeSteno, David, 26
determination, 237
diet, 113
direction, 228
“Discovering New Points of
Differentiation” (MacMillan &
McGrath), 272
“Discovering Your Authentic Leadership”
(George et al.), 31
“Discovery-Driven Planning” (McGrath
& MacMillan), 271
disruption, 273
distractions, 107–109
divergent thinking, 220, 221–222
diversity, 194–196
confl ict and, 199200, 214
in creative sessions, 219–220
productive confl ict resolution and,
recruiting for, 236
documentation, 171, 205
downtime, protecting, 18
Drucker, Peter, 270
Duarte, Nancy, 92–93, 94–95, 223
Druskrat, Vanessa Urch, 48
Dyer, Jeffrey, 224
earnings before interest and taxes
(EBIT), 288
editing, 89–92
Egon Zehnder, 186, 236–237
email, 149
organizing, 110–111
performance check-ins via, 171
policies for virtual teams, 206
taking breaks from, 115
writing tips for, 9091, 92
emotional intelligence, 37–54
assessing your own, 52–54
components of, 39, 40–41
defi nition of, 37, 39
how to build, 38
self-awareness and, 39–43
social awareness and, 48–50
steadiness/self-control in, 43–45
avoiding escalation of, 161–162
coaching and, 162163
contagiousness of, 43
criticism and, 131132
delegation and, 148, 152
giving diffi cult feedback and, 158–162
identifying, 46
labeling, 14
managing employees’, 45–48
managing hot buttons and, 44–45
promoting positive, 113
redirecting, 75
reframing, 46–47
regulation of, 25, 40, 43–45
self-doubt, 13–14
stress and, 113
in transitioning to leadership, 1320
winning hearts and minds of others
and, 80–82
empathy, 41, 184185
managing up and, 72
“Empire Strikes Back:
Counterrevolutionary Strategies for
Industry Leaders, The” (DAveni),
employee development, 56
benefi ts of, 176–177
career strategy in, 177183
for high performers, 183–185
interviews, 179–181
performance reviews and, 167–172
prioritization of, 176–177
stretch assignments in, 182, 185–187
talent development and, 175–189
delegating to, 139–154
giving effective feedback to, 155–174
delegation (continued)
high performers, 183–185
hiring and retention of, 233–252
performance reviews of, 167172
protecting your time from, 107109
recruiting, 236244
retaining, 244–248
reverse delegation by, 151152
risk factors and, 306
self-appraisal by, 168–169
winning hearts and minds of, 78–82
empowerment, 214
enemies, making allies of, 75–76
engagement, 12
employee retention and, 248–250
hiring for, 237
in virtual teams, 206
escalation, avoiding, 161–162
“Essential Guide to Crafting a Work
Email, The” (Gavett), 90–91
ethics, 25, 32–35
evaluation, of high performers, 186
executive summaries, 307
exercise, 18–19, 113, 114
expectations, 7–8
managing up and, 71–73
for team interactions, 48–50
for team members, 56
expenses, 287
experience, job interview questions on,
experimentation, 222
extroverts, 11
eye contact, 86
facial expressions, 86
facilitation, 228
failure, learning from, 42
after meetings, 227
champions and, 299
character and, 26
coaching/employee development and,
on communication, 92
corrective, 155
criticism, 131–132
emotional intelligence and, 38, 42
giving diffi cult, 158–162
giving effective, 155–174
for high performers, 185
performance reviews, 167172
in performance reviews, 167172
positive, 155
self-awareness and, 30
for self-development, 130134
in teams, 198, 200
timing of, 156–157
Fenley, Marika, 86
Fernández-Aoz, Claudio, 186, 236–237,
Ferrazzi, Keith, 98
nancial budgets, 291
nancial leverage, 283
nancial statements, 277–290
balance sheets, 278–284
in business cases, 307–308
cash ow, 284286
income statements, 286–290
nancial structure of fi rms, 283–284
nancial tools, 275–295
basics of performance and, 276277
budgeting, 290294
nancial statements, 277–290
literacy with, 275–276
questioning data with, 277
nancing activities, 284
“Finding Your Next Core Business
(Zook), 273
ow states, 107
focus, 107–111
delegation and, 141
fonts, 95
Friedman, Stewart, 117
functional groups, 61
functions, 143
future-focus, 12
Gallo, Amy, 24–25, 213, 214, 298, 301,
304, 306, 309–310
Garner, Bryan A., 88, 89
Gavett, Gretchen, 90–91
George, Bill, 29–30, 31
“Get Your Team to Stop Fighting and
Start Working” (Gallo), 213
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