ABCD (able, believable, connected, dependable) trust model, 64

Appreciative inquiry model, 103

Arguments’ life cycle, 92

Bargaining zone, 2

BATNA. See Best alternative to a negotiated agreement

BCG matrix. See Boston Consulting Group matrix

Best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA), 2

Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix, 91, 92

Collectivism, 31


distant communication, pitfalls of, 27–28

role of, 20–21

and values, 35–41

verbal vs. nonverbal, 21

Compete/cooperate dilemma, 65

Conflict management, 119–122

Context cultures, 21–23


agenda, 83–85

information gathering, 85–86

meeting site, 86–87

schedule, 87–94

CQ. See Cultural intelligence

Cross-cultural skills, 55

Cultural differences, United States vs. China, 32

Cultural dimensions, 31, 34

Cultural intelligence action, 58

Cultural intelligence knowledge, 58

Cultural intelligence model, 57

Cultural intelligence strategy, 58

Cultural knowledge, 55

Cultural orientations model

action, 44–45

communication, 45–46

competitiveness, 50

environment, 42–43

individualism, 48–50

power, 47–48

space, 46–47

structure, 51–52

thinking, 52–53

time, 43–44

Cultural schizophrenia, 115–116


analysis grid, 7

in context, 21–23

cultural “animals,” 16–17

cultural distance, 16

cultural intelligence (CQ), 54–59

cultural preferences, Lewis, 37

dual personality cultures, 115–116

global culture, myth of, 19

iceberg, 7–8

incompetence, 53–54

Lewis, cultural anchors, 36

orientations model, 41–53

relativity, 23–24

schizophrenia, 115–116

Deal-focused cultures, 114

Distant communication, pitfalls of, 27–28

Dual personality cultures, 115–116

Emotional intelligence (EQ), 55

Empathy dilemma, 64–65

EQ. See Emotional intelligence

Franklin, Benjamin, 71

Generalizations, 7

Global culture, myth of, 19

Global English (Globish), 6

Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE), 39

GLOBE. See Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness

Hall, personal bubbles of space, 47

Hall’s model, 22

Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, 31

Hofstede’s pyramid of human uniqueness, 30

Honesty dilemma, 62–63

House, Robert J., 39

Information, 124–126

Interculturalist, 24

International negotiating styles

attitudes, role of, 70–71

conflict management, 119–122

counterparts, 73–74, 83–106

cultural schizophrenia, 115–116

deal and after-deal, 108–109

dual personality cultures, 115–116

follow up, 110

goals, 77–81

information and trust, 124–126

measuring and taking risks, 114–115

moderating role of, 126–128

myopia, 75

negotiating tactics, 122–123

negotiation dilemmas, 62–66

negotiation process, 61–62

preparation stage, 75–77

from preparation to closing, 71–73

renegotiations, 110–111

review, 106–107

role of emotions, 66–70

silence and disturbing techniques, 128–130

steps of, 122–123

strategy, 81–83, 116–119

time, 124–126

International negotiation

action and reaction, 149

attitudes, role of, 70–71

business, 1

counterpart, 9–10

cultural competence, 54

cultural iceberg, 7–8

emotions, role of, 66–70

generalizations, 7

male-dominated world, 5–6

myths, 8

and negotiation, 6–7

price, 1–3

stereotypes, 7

talk about, 3

total cultural homogeneity/total heterogeneity, 8–9

win-win/win-lose strategies, 3–5

woman in, 10–11

International negotiators’ toolkit, Error! No page number

cultural analysis grid, 141–142

cultural compass assessment, 145–147

high- and low-context country orientation table, 143

high- and low-context culture assessment, 143–144

intelligent, 135–137

linear-active, 144

monochronic management style table, 145

multiactive, 144

polychronic management style table, 145

questionnaire, 138–141

reactive culture table, 144

roadmap, 134–135

Language barriers, 24–27

Lewin, Kurt, 24


cultural anchors, 36

cultural preferences, 37

Linear-active people, 35

Lose-lose strategy, 117–119

Masculinity, 31–32

Maslow’s hierarchy, 129

Merging culture

bias requires, 15

in context, 21–23

cultural “animals,” 16–17

cultural incompetence, 53–54

cultural intelligence (CQ), 54–59

cultural orientations model, 41–53

cultural relativity, 23–24

disagreements, 19–20

distant communication, pitfalls of, 27–28

impact of culture, 14–15

importance of respect, 18

language barriers and translators, 24–27

main cultural orientations, 29–35

myth, 19

overview, 13–14

polychronic vs. monochronic approaches, 28–29

relationship, 24

role of communication, 20–21

“saving face,” 19–20

understanding cultural distance, 16

values and communication, 35–41

verbal vs. nonverbal communication, 21

Monochronic approaches, 28–29

Multiactive people, 35–36

Myopia, 75

Myths, 8


dilemmas, 62–66

impact of culture on, 14–15

influence of effort in, 127

international negotiation and, 6–7

preparation stage, 75–77

process, 61–62

styles, 112–114

tactics, 122–123

using cultural intelligence (CQ), 54–59

zones, 104

Nonverbal communication, 6

Open attitude, 54

Pareto principle, 128

Polychronic vs. monochronic approaches, 28–29

Porter’s five forces model, 72

Power distance, 31

Quantitative approach, 2

Reactive people, 35–36

Relationship-focused cultures, 114

Renegotiations, 110–11

Schwartz’s fundamental values, 38

Self-awareness, 55

Stereotypes, 7

Strategy/opportunity dilemma, 66

SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis, 81–83

Thinking outside the box model, 69–70

Time, 124–126

Time orientation, 32

Toolkit. See International negotiators’ toolkit

Total cultural homogeneity/total heterogeneity, 8–9

Translators, 24–27

Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner’s cultural dimensions, 34

Trust, 124–126

definitions of, 65

dilemma, 63–64

Uncertainty avoidance, 32

Win-lose strategy, 3–5, 117–118

Win-win strategy, 3–5, 116–117

Zone of possible agreement (ZOPA), 2

ZOPA. See Zone of possible agreement

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