
Special Characters

_ALL_ variable name list 88

       in PUT statements 308-309

_CHARACTER_ variable name list 88-89

_ERROR_ automatic variable 198

       invalid data message 302-303

_FREQ_ variable in MEANS procedure 114-115

_N_ automatic variable 198-199

       invalid data message 302-303

_NAME_ variable, TRANSPOSE procedure 196-197

_NULL_ data set name 111, 288-289

_NUMERIC_ variable name list 88-89

_PAGE_ keyword in PUT statements 110-111

_TYPE_ variable, MEANS procedure 114-115

;   semicolon 2

       missing 296-297

: colon modifier 42-43

! comparison operator 67, 96

?? informat modifier 303

@ line-hold specifier 48-49, 288

       compared to @@ 49

@@ line-hold specifier 46-47

       compared to @ 49

@’character’ column pointer 48-49

@n column pointer 40-41, 288-289

*   ;  comments 3

/ line pointer 44-45, 288

/*  */ comments 3

& ampersand modifier 42-43

& comparison operator 67, 96

& macro variable prefix 202

&SYSDATE macro variable 206-207

&SYSDAY macro variable 206

&SYSNOBS macro variable 206

#n line pointer 44-45, 288

% in LIKE comparisons 96-97

% macro prefix 202

%DO statements 212-215

%ELSE statement 212-213

%END statement 212-215

%IF-%THEN statements 212-213

%LET statement 204-207

%MACRO statement 208-211

%MEND statement 208-209

%PUT statement 220

^= comparison operator 66, 96

+n column pointer 37

<= comparison operator 66, 96

< comparison operator 66-67, 96

= comparison operator 66-67, 96-97

=: comparison operator 66

=* comparison operator 96-97

> = comparison operator 66, 96

> comparison operator 66-67, 96

| comparison operator 67, 96

|| concatenation operator 63

~= comparison operator 66, 96

¬= comparison operator 82, 102

$CHARw. informat 38-39

$UPCASEw. format 106-107

$UPCASEw. informat 38-39

$w. format 106-107

$w. informat 38-39


ACROSS usage option 132, 134-135

ACROSS= option in KEYLEGEND statement 240

AFTER location in REPORT procedure 136-137

age, calculating 80-81

AGREE option in FREQ procedure 260, 262

AGREEMENTPLOT option in TTEST procedure 258

AGREEPLOT option in FREQ procedure 262

ALL keyword in TABULATE procedure 124

ALL option in TTEST procedure 258

ALPHA= option

       fitted curves 236

       MEANS procedure 254-255

       TTEST procedure 256

       VBAR or HBAR statement 226

analysis of variance 272-275

ANALYSIS usage option 132-133

AND operator 66-67, 96

annotation in graphics 240-241

ANOVA procedure 272-275

ANYALNUM function 62-63

ANYALPHA function 62-63

ANYDIGIT function 62-63

ANYDTDTEw. informat 15, 38-39, 82-83

ANYSPACE function 62-63

arithmetic operators 58-59

ARRAY statement 86-87

ASCII files 18, 30

ASCII sort order 100

assignment statements 58-59

       dates 80-81

       functions 60-63

ATTRIB statement 314

attributes, style

       PRINT procedure 156-157

       REPORT procedure 158-159

       Table of 164-165

       TABULATE procedure 160-161

autocall library, macro 209

autoexec file or process flow 14

automatic variables

       _ERROR_ 198

       _N_ 198-199

       FIRST.byvariable 198-199

       LAST.byvariable 198-199

       macro 206-207

axes, controlling in graphs 238-239

AXIS= option in REFLINE statement 238


BACKGROUND style attribute 164-165

BACKGROUNDCOLOR style attribute 164-165

BACKGROUNDIMAGE style attribute 164-165

bar charts 226-227, 262-263

BARWIDTH= option in VBAR or HBAR statement 226

batch mode 11

BCOLOR= option in TITLE statement 154-155

BEFORE location in REPORT procedure 136

BESTw. format 106-107

BETA option for distribution plots 252

BETWEEN AND operator 96

BINSTART= option in HISTOGRAM statement 228

BINWIDTH= option in HISTOGRAM statement 228-229

BMP image format 246-247

BODY= option in ODS HTML statement 146-147

BODYTITLE option in ODS RTF statement 148-149

BOLD option in TITLE statement 154-155

bolding in graphics 242-243

BON option in ANOVA procedure 272

Bonferroni t tests 272

BORDER option in INSET option 240

BOTTOMMARGIN= system option 15

Bowker’s test 264

box plots 230-231, 272-273

BOX= option in TABULATE procedure 126-127

BOXPLOT option in TTEST procedure 258

BREAK statement in REPORT procedure 136-137

BY groups, definition 98

BY statement 94

       compared to PANELBY 245

       FIRST.byvariable 198-199

       LAST.byvariable 198-199

       MERGE statement 176-179

       PRINT procedure 102-103

       SET statement 174-175

       SGPLOT procedure 245

       SORT procedure 98-101

       TRANSPOSE procedure 196-197

       UPDATE statement 188-189

BY variables

       definition 98

       FIRST. and LAST. 198-199

       sorting 98-101


calculated variables in SQL procedure 72-73


capitalization in SAS programs xiii, 3, 5

CARDS statement 30

CAT function 62-63

CATEGORY= option HBOX or VBOX statement 230-231

CATS function 62-63

CATX function 62-63

CDFPLOT statement in UNIVARIATE procedure 252

CENTER system option 15

CHAR option in REPORT procedure 140-141

character data

       converting to numeric 306-307

       definition 4

       formats 106-107

       functions 62-63

       informats 38-39

       length 314-315

       sorting 100-101

       truncation error 314-315

character-values-converted note 306-307

charts, bar 226-227

chi-square statistic with FREQ procedure 260-262

CHISQ option in FREQ procedure 260-262

CI= option in TTEST procedure 256

CLASS statement

       ANOVA procedure 272-275

       MEANS procedure 112-113

       STYLE= option in TABULATE procedure 160

       TABULATE procedure 122-129

       TTEST procedure 256

CLASSLEV statement in TABULATE procedure 160

CLI option in fitted curves 236

CLM option in fitted curves 236-237

CLM option in MEANS procedure 254-255

CLMTRANSPARENCY= option in fitted curves 236

CLOSE option

       ODS HTML statement 146-147

       ODS LISTING statement 152-153

       ODS PDF statement 150-151

       ODS RTF statement 148-149

Cochran-Armitage test 260

Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel statistics 260

Cochran’s Q test 264

coded data, custom formats 108-109

coefficient of variation

       ANOVA procedure 274-275

       MEANS procedure 254

       REG procedure 268

COLAXIS statement 244

collating sequence 100

colon informat modifier 42-43


       graph attributes 242

       PRINT procedure 156-157

       REPORT procedure 158-159

       style attributes 164-165

       style templates 145

       TABULATE procedure 160-161

COLOR style attribute 164-165

COLOR= option for graph attributes 242

COLOR= option in TITLE statement 154

COLUMN location in STYLE= option 158-159

column pointers

       @n 40-41, 288-289

       +n 37

COLUMN statement in REPORT procedure 130-139

column-style input 34-35

columns of data, definition 4

COLUMNS= option

       ODS PDF statement 150

       ODS RTF statement 148-149

       PANELBY statement 244

combining SAS data sets

       concatenating data sets 172-173

       grand total with original data 184-185

       interleaving data sets 174-175

       merging summary statistics 182-183

       one observation with many 184-185

       one-to-many match merge 178-183

       one-to-one match merge 176-177

       selecting observations during a merge 192-193

       stacking data sets 172-173

       updating a master data set 188-189

       using SQL procedure 180-181


       reading comma-delimited data 28-29, 52-53

       reading numbers containing commas 36, 38-39

       writing comma-delimited data 280-283

       writing numbers containing commas 106-107

COMMAw.d format 106-107

COMMAw.d informat 38-39

COMMAXw.d informat 38-39

Comments 3

comparison operators 66-67, 96-97

compile and execute phases 216

COMPRESS function 62-63

COMPRESS= data set option 317

COMPUTE statement in REPORT procedure 140-141

COMPUTED usage option 132, 140-141

concatenating SAS data sets 172-173


       function 62-63

       operator, || 63

conditional statements

       macro 212-213

       standard 66-71

confidence limits 254-260

       plotting 236-237

CONFIDENCE option in CORR procedure 266


       ASCII 52

       character 58

       date 80-81

       hexadecimal 52

       numeric 58

CONTAINS operator 96

CONTENTS procedure 22-23

       debugging programs 313

       POSITION option 88

converting character to numeric and vice versa 306-307

COOKSD option in REG procedure 270

CORR procedure 264-267

correlations 264-265

counts, frequency 116-121, 124-125, 138-139

CREATE TABLE clause in SQL procedure 72-73, 180-181, 186-187

CROSSLIST option in FREQ procedure 118

crosstabulations 118-123

CSS option in MEANS procedure 254

CSV destination 282-283

CSV files

       reading 28-29, 52-53

       writing 280-283

CSV value in the DBMS= option

       EXPORT procedure 280

       IMPORT procedure 28

CSVALL destination 282

CUMFREQPLOT option in FREQ procedure 262

cumulative distribution function plots 252

cumulative totals

       FREQ procedure 116-119

       sum statement in DATA step 84-85


       fitted curves 236

       SERIES statement 234

custom formats, FORMAT procedure 108-109

CV option in MEANS procedure 254



       writing custom reports 110-111

       writing raw data files 288-289

data dictionary 22-23

data engines 19

Data Grid 18

DATA location in STYLE= option 156-157

data set options

       compared to statement options 190-191

       compared to system options 190-191

       COMPRESS= 317

       DROP= 190-191, 317

       FIRSTOBS= 190-191, 293

       IN= 190-193

       KEEP= 190-191, 317

       OBS= 190-191, 293

       RENAME= 190-191

data sets, SAS

       changing observations to variables 196-197

       combining a grand total with data 184-185

       combining one observation with many 184-185

       compressing 317

       concatenating 172-173

       contents of 22-23

       creating 20-21

       creating from procedure output 168-169

       definition 4

       deleting 316

       interleaving data sets 174-175

       inverting, TRANSPOSE procedure 196-197

       joining using SQL procedure 180-181

       LABEL= data set option 190-191

       merging summary statistics 182-187

       merging, one-to-many 178-183

       merging, one-to-one 176-177

       modifying a single data set 56-57

       names 5, 20-21

       options 190-195

       permanent 20-21

       printing 102-103

       reading a single data set 56-57

       saving 20-21

       saving summary statistics to 114-115, 168-169

       selecting observations during a merge 192-193

       size 5

       sorting 98-101

       stacking data sets 172-173

       subsetting IF statement 70-71

       subsetting OUTPUT statement 74-75

       subsetting using SQL procedure 72-73

       subsetting WHERE statement 70, 96-97

       subsetting WHERE= data set option 190, 194-195

       temporary versus permanent 20-21

       updating a master data set 188-189

       WORK library 20-21

       writing multiple data sets 74-75

DATA statement 6-7, 20-21

       _NULL_ data set name 110-111, 288-289

       multiple data sets 74-75

       permanent data sets 20-21

DATA step 6-9, 20-21

       built-in loop 8-9

       combining SAS data sets 172-193

       creating and modifying variables 58-59

       definition 6

       reading a single SAS data set 56-57

       reading raw data files 18-19, 30-53

       writing raw data files 288-289

       wrong results, no message 308-309

data types 4

       assignment statements 58-59

       converting, character to numeric 306-307

       converting, numeric to character 306-307

data, reading 18-21, 24-53

       column style 34-35

       comma-separated values 28-29, 52-53

       delimited data 28-29, 52-53

       Excel files 24-27

       internal 30

       messy data 42-43

       methods for getting into SAS 18-19

       missing data at end of line 51

       mixing input styles 40-41

       multiple lines of data per observation 44-45

       multiple observations per line of data 46-47, 77

       non-standard format 36-37

       part of a data file 48-49, 293

       PC files 24-25

       skipping lines of raw data 44-45, 50

       skipping over variables 34-35

       space-delimited 32-33

       variable length records 51

       variable length values 42-43

data, writing 278-283

       delimited 280-283, 288-289

       methods 278-279

       PC files 284-287

       procedure results 282-283, 286-287

       raw data 280-281, 282-283, 288-289

DATA= option 94, 190-191

DATAFILE= option in IMPORT procedure 24-25, 28-29


       SCATTER statement 232

       SERIES statement 234

       VBAR or HBAR statement 226

DATALINES statement 30

DATAROWS= statement in the IMPORT procedure 28-29

DATASTMTCHK= system option 15, 297

DATE system option 15

DATEJUL function 64-65, 82-83

dates 80-83

       automatic macro variables 206-207

       constants 80-81

       converting dates 64-65, 80-81

       definition of a SAS date 80

       formats, table of 82-83, 106-107

       functions, table of 64-65, 82-83

       informats, table of 38-39, 82-83

       Julian dates 82-83

       printing current date on output 15

       reading raw data with 15, 36-37

       setting default century 14-15, 80

DATESTYLE= system option 15

DATETIMEw. informat 38-39

DATETIMEw.d format 106-107

DATEw. format 82-83, 106-107

DATEw. informat 38-39, 82-83

DAY function 61, 64-65, 82-83

DBMS= option

       EXPORT procedure 280-281, 284-285

       IMPORT procedure 24-25, 28-29

DDMMYYw. informat 38-39, 82-83

debugging SAS programs 292-317

       INPUT reached past end of line 298-299, 301

       invalid data 301-303

       invalid option 310-311

       lost card 300-301

       macros 220-221

       missing semicolon 296-297

       missing values were generated 304-305

       option not recognized 310-311

       out of memory or disk space 316-317

       statement not valid 310-311

       truncation of character data 314-315

       values have been converted 306-307

       variable not found 312-313

       variable uninitialized 312-313

       wrong results, no message 308-309

decimal places

       printing data 104-105

       reading data 36-37

DEFINE statement in REPORT procedure 132-135, 140-141

DELETE procedure 316

DELETE statement 70-71


       data sets 316

       observations 70-73

       variables 190-191

delimited data

       reading 28-29, 32-33, 52-53

       writing 280-283


       FILE statements 288

       INFILE statements 52-53

DELIMITER= statement in IMPORT procedure 28-29

density curves 228-229

DENSITY statement in SGPLOT procedure 228-229

DESCENDING option in SORT procedure 98

descriptive statistics 112-139, 250-255

descriptor portion of data sets 5, 22-23

destinations, output

       CSV 144

       EXCEL 144

       for graphics 225, 246-247

       HTML 144-147

       LISTING 144, 152-153, 225

       OUTPUT 144

       PDF 144, 150-151

       POWERPOINT 144

       PS 144

       RTF 144-145, 148-149

       SASREPORT 144

       WORD 144

detail report 102-105, 130-131

DEVIATIONPLOT option in FREQ procedure 262

DIAGNOSTICS option in REG procedure 270-271

dictionary, data 22-23

dimensions in TABULATE procedure 122-125

dimensions of graph images 246

DISCRETE option in XAXIS or YAXIS statement 238-239

DISCRETEOFFSET= option in VBAR or HBAR statement 226

disk space, running out of 316-317

Display Manager 10-11

DISPLAY usage option 132


       data file 48-49

       SAS data set 74-75, 194-195

DLM value in the DBMS= option

       EXPORT procedure 280

       IMPORT procedure 28

DLM= option

       FILE statements 288

       INFILE statements 52-53

DLMSTR= option in INFILE statements 52

DO statement 66-67

       arrays 86-87

       iterative 78-79

       loops 78-79

       with OUTPUT statement 76

DO UNTIL statement 78-79

DO WHILE statement 78-79


       data sets 5, 22-23, 190-191

       programs 3

dollar signs

       printing data 106-107

       reading data 36, 38-39

DOLLARw.d format 106-107

DOWN= option in KEYLEGEND statement 240

DROP= data set option 190-191, 317

DSD option

       FILE statements 288

       INFILE statements 52-53

DTDATEw. format 106-107

DUNCAN option in ANOVA procedure 272

Duncan’s multiple range test 276

duplicate observations, eliminating 98-99

DUPOUT= option in SORT procedure 98


EBCDIC sort order 100

editor, syntax sensitive 293

ELLIPSE= option in CORR procedure 266

ELSE statement 68-69

END statement 66-67

ENDCOMP statement in REPORT procedure 140-141

engines, data 19

       Excel files 26-27

entering data in SAS data sets 18

Enterprise Guide, SAS 10

EQ comparison operator 66, 96

equations, assignment statements 58-59


       avoiding errors 292-293

       fixing errors 294-295

       INPUT reached past end of line 298-299, 301

       invalid data 302-303

       invalid option 310-311

       lost card 300-301

       missing semicolon 296-297

       missing values were generated 304-305

       option not recognized 310-311

       out of memory or disk space 316-317

       statement not valid 310-311

       truncation of character data 314-315

       values have been converted 306-307

       variable not found 312-313

       variable uninitialized 312-313

       wrong results, no message 308-309

EURDFDDw. format 82-83, 106-107

EUROXw.d format 106-107

Ew. format 106-107

EXACT option in FREQ procedure 260

EXCEL destination 144, 286-287

EXCEL engine 19

Excel files

       reading 24-27

       writing 284-287

excluding output objects 167

executing SAS programs

       methods 10-11

EXPONENTIAL option in distribution plots 252

EXPORT procedure

       delimited files 280-281

       Excel files 284-285

exporting data 278-283

       delimited files 280-283, 288-289

       methods 278-279

       PC files 284-287

       procedure results 282-283, 286-287

       raw data files 280-283, 288-289

       to other software 284


       mathematical 58-59

       using dates 80-81

       using functions 60-61

external data 30-31

EXTREME option in HBOX or VBOX statement 230


F value

       ANOVA procedure 274-275

       REG procedure 268

FILE statement

       DLM= option 288

       DSD option 288

       PRINT option 110-111

       writing raw data files 288-289

       writing reports 110-111

FILE= option

       ODS HTML statement 146-147

       ODS LISTING statement 152-153

       ODS PDF statement 150-151

       ODS RTF statement 148-149

FILLATTRS= option for graph attributes 242

FIRST.byvariable 198-199

FIRSTOBS= option

       data set option 190-191, 293

       INFILE statement 50, 293

Fisher’s exact test 264

fit plots 270-271

FITPLOT option in REG procedure 270-271

fitted curves 236-237

flat files 18, 30

FLYOVER style attribute 164-165


       graph attributes 242-243

       style attributes 164-165

       titles 154-155

FONT_FACE style attribute 164-165

FONT_SIZE style attribute 164-165

FONT_STYLE style attribute 164-165

FONT_WEIGHT style attribute 164-165

FONT= option in TITLE statement 154-155

FONTFAMILY style attribute 164-165

FONTSIZE style attribute 164-165

FONTSTYLE style attribute 164-165

FONTWEIGHT style attribute 164-165

FOOTNOTE statement 94-95, 154-155

FOREGROUND style attribute 164-165

FORMAT procedure 108-109

       grouping with 120-121

       with SGPLOT procedure 227

       with TABULATE procedure 128-129

FORMAT statement 104-105

       DATA step compared to PROC step 104

FORMAT= option in TABULATE procedure 126-127


       ATTRIB statement 314

       dates 81-83

       FORMAT statement 104-105

       grouping with 120-121

       input formats 36-39

       table of 106-107

       use 104-105

       user-defined 108-109, 120-121

formatted style input 36-37

free formatted style input 32-33

FREQ procedure 116-119, 121, 260-263

FREQPLOT option in FREQ procedure 262-263

frequency tables 116-125, 138-139, 260-261

FROM clause in SQL procedure 72-73, 180-181, 186-187


       dates 80-83

       INPUT function 307

       PUT function 307

       table of 62-65, 82-83

       use 60-61


gamma 260

GAMMA option in distribution plots 252

GE comparison operator 66, 96

generating data

       DO and OUTPUT statements 78-79

GETNAMES= statement 24, 28-29

GIF image format 246

global macro variables 202-203

global statements

       OPTIONS 14-15

       RUN 6

       TITLE and FOOTNOTE 94

GPATH= option in ODS statement 247

GRANDTOTAL location in STYLE= option 156

graphics, ODS 224-225

       ANOVA procedure 272-273

       CORR procedure 266-267

       FREQ procedure 262-263

       image formats 246

       image properties 246-247

       insets 240-241

       legends 240-241

       REG procedure 270-271

       saving graphs 246-247

       SGPANEL procedure 244-245

       SGPLOT procedure 226-237

       style attributes 242-243

       TTEST procedure 258-259

       UNIVARIATE procedure 252-253

grayscale style for graphics 225

GRID option in XAXIS or YAXIS statement 238

GROUP BY clause in SQL procedure 186-187

GROUP usage option 132, 134-135

GROUP= option

       DENSITY statement 228

       fitted curves 236

       HBOX or VBOX statement 230

       HISTOGRAM statement 228

       SCATTER statement 232-233

       SERIES statement 234

       VBAR statement 226-227

GROUPDISPLAY= option in VBAR or HBAR statement 226-227

GROUPHORIZONTAL option in FREQ procedure 262-263

grouping observations

       BY statement 94

       FREQ procedure 116-119, 121

       IF-THEN/ELSE statements 68-69

       MEANS procedure 112-113

       PUT function 120-121

       REPORT procedure 132-135

       SORT procedure 98-101

       TABULATE procedure 122-123

       trafficlighting 162-163

       user-defined format 120-121, 162-163

GT comparison operator 66, 96

GUESSINGROWS= statement in the IMPORT procedure 28-29


H0= option in TTEST procedure 256

HAVING clause in SQL procedure 218-219

HBAR statement in SGPLOT procedure 226

HBOX statement in SGPLOT procedure 230

HEADER location in STYLE= option 156-158


       changing in TABULATE output 128-129

       reading raw data 50

       specifying style for 156-161

HEIGHT= option

       ODS GRAPHICS statement 246-247

       TITLE statement 154-155

hexadecimal constants 52

HIGH keyword in FORMAT procedure 108-109


       CORR procedure 266

       TTEST procedure 258

HISTOGRAM statement

       SGPLOT procedure 228-229

       UNIVARIATE procedure 252-253

histograms 228-229, 252-253, 258, 266

HOEFFDING option in CORR procedure 264

HTML output 144-147

hypertext links, style attribute 164-165

HyperText Markup Language 144-147


ID statement

       PRINT procedure 102

       STYLE= option in PRINT procedure 156-157

       TRANSPOSE procedure 196-197

IF statement, subsetting 70-71

IF-THEN statements 66-67

IF-THEN/ELSE statements 68-69

IMAGE_DPI= option in ODS LISTING statement 247

IMAGENAME= option in ODS GRAPHICS statement 246-247


       inserting in output 164-165

       saving 246-247

IMPORT procedure 19

       delimited files 28-29

       PC files 24-25

       variable names 90-91

       WHERE= data set option 194-195

importing data

       delimited 28-29

       Excel files 26-27

       from other software 24-25

       methods 18-19

       PC files 24-25

IN operator 96

in-stream data 30

IN= data set option 190-193

indention in SAS programs 3

INDEX function 62-63

INFILE statement 30-31

       DELIMITER= option 52-53

       DLM= option 52-53

       DSD option 52-53

       examples by operating environment 30-31

       FIRSTOBS= option 50, 293

       MISSOVER option 51, 299

       OBS= option 50, 293

       TRUNCOVER option 51, 299


       ATTRIB statement 314

       colon modifier 42-43

       dates 80-83

       invalid data 302-303

       table of 38-39

       use 36-37

INNER JOIN clause in SQL procedure 180-181

input formats 36-41

INPUT function 307

INPUT reached past end of line

       message in log 298-299, 301

INPUT statement

       column style 34-35

       data with embedded blanks 34-35

       delimited data 52-53

       formatted style 36-39

       free formatted 32-33

       list style 32-33

       mixing input styles 40-41

       multiple INPUT statements 48-49, 77

       multiple lines per observation 44-45

       multiple observations per line 46-47

       reading blanks as missing 34-35

       reading non-standard data 36-37

       reading part of a raw data file 48-49

       skipping lines of raw data 44-45

       skipping over variables 34-35

       space-delimited 32-33

INSET statement in SGPLOT procedure 240-241

INT function 60, 64-65

integer data

       data types 4

       truncating decimal places 64-65

interleaving SAS data sets 174-175

internal data 30

internet browser, creating files for 146-147

INTERVALPLOT option in TTEST procedure 258

INTO clause in SQL procedure 218-219

invalid data message in log 302-303

       lost card note 301

invalid option message in log 310-311

inverting data sets 196-197

IS NOT MISSING operator 96

ITALIC option in TITLE statement 154-155

italics, explanation of usage xiii

iterative logic 78-79, 86-87

       in macros 214-215


JITTER option in SCATTER statement 232

JMP files

       reading 19

       writing 278

joining SAS data sets 176-181

JPEG image format 246

Julian dates 82-83

JULIANw. format 82-83, 106-107

JULIANw. informat 38-39, 82-83

JUST style attribute 159, 161, 164-165


       character variables 62-63

       output 15

       style attributes 159, 161, 164-165

       titles and footnotes 154-155

JUSTIFY= option in TITLE statement 154-155


kappa statistics 260

KAPPAPLOT option in FREQ procedure 262

KEEP= data set option 190-191, 317

KENDALL option in CORR procedure 264

Kendall’s tau-b   264, 268

kernel density plot 228-229

KERNEL option in DENSITY statement 228-229

KEYLEGEND statement in SGPLOT procedure240-241


       MEANS procedure 254

       UNIVARIATE procedure 250-251

KURTOSIS option in MEANS procedure 254


LABEL option in PRINT procedure 102

LABEL statement 95

       SGPLOT procedure 227

       TABULATE procedure 128

LABEL= option

       data set option 190-191

       REFLINE statement 238-239

       XAXIS or YAXIS statement 238-239

LABELATTRS= option for graph attributes 242-243


       ATTRIB statement 314

       data set 22-23, 190-191

       value 108-109

       variable 22-23, 95

lambda 260

LAST.byvariable 198-199

LCLM option in MEANS procedure 254

LE comparison operator 66

LEFT function 62-63

LEFTMARGIN= system option 15

legends for graphs 240-241

length of a variable 23, 68-69, 314-317

LENGTH statement

       character data 68-69, 314-317

       numeric data 316-317

LENGTH= option in REPORT procedure 140-141

LIBNAME engines 19

       Excel files 26-27

LIBNAME statement 19, 21

       Excel files 26-27

library, SAS data 5, 20-21

librefs 20-21

LIKE comparison operator 96-97

LIMITSTAT= option in VBAR or HBAR statement 226

line plots 234-235

line pointers

       / 44-45, 288

       #n 44-45, 288

line-hold specifiers

       @ compared to @@ 49

       @, trailing 48-49, 288

       @@, double trailing 46-47

line, graph attributes 242-243

LINEAR option in XAXIS or YAXIS statement 238

LINEATTRS= option for graph attributes 242-243

LINESTABLE option in MEANS statement 275

LINGUISTIC sort option 100-101

links, style attributes for hypertext 164-165


       direct referencing of SAS data sets 20-21

       INFILE statement 31

       LIBNAME statement 20-21

LIST option in FREQ procedure 118

list style input 32-33

LISTING output 144, 152-153, 225, 246

lists, variable names 88-89

local macro variables 202-203

LOCATION= option in KEYLEGEND statement 240-241

locations in STYLE= option 156-159

loess curves 236-237

LOESS statement in SGPLOT procedure 236-237

LOG function 60, 64-65

LOG option in XAXIS or YAXIS statement 238

log, SAS 12-13

       errors, warnings, and notes 294-295

       writing in with PUT statements 308-309

LOG10 function 64-65

logarithmic functions 64-65

logical operators 66-67, 96-97

LOGNORMAL option in distribution plots 252


       DATA step, built-in 8-9

       DO loop 78-79, 86-87

lost card note in log 300-301

LOW keyword in FORMAT procedure 108

LT comparison operator 66, 96


MACRO system option 203

macro variables, creating

       using %LET 204-205

       using CALL SYMPUTX 216-217

       using SQL procedure 218-219

macros 202-221

       &SYSDATE macro variable 206-207

       &SYSDAY macro variable 206

       &SYSNOBS macro variable 206

       %DO loops 214-215

       %DO statements 212-213

       %ELSE statement 212-213

       %END statement 212-215

       %IF-%THEN statements 212-213

       %LET statement 204-207

       %MACRO statement 208-211

       %MEND statement 208-209

       %THEN statement 212-213

       autocall libraries 209

       automatic macro variables 206-207

       CALL SYMPUTX 216-217

       concepts 202-203

       debugging errors 220-221

       invoking 208

       iterative %DO loop 214-215

       local versus global variables 202-203

       MACRO system option 203

       macro variables, definition 202

       macro variables, listing 220

       MERROR system option 220-221

       MLOGIC system option 220-221

       MPRINT system option 220-221

       parameters 210-211

       quotation marks 203, 220

       SAS macro processor 202-203

       SERROR system option 220-221

       SYMBOLGEN system option 220-221

MARKERATTRS= option for graph attributes 242-243

MARKERS option in SERIES statement 234-235

master data set definition 188

match merging

       IN= data set option 190-193

       one-to-many match merge 178-183

       one-to-one match merge 176-177, 180-181

       summary statistics 182-185

mathematical expressions 58-59

MATRIX option in CORR procedure 266-267

MAX function 64-65

MAX keyword

       REPORT procedure 138

       TABULATE procedure 124

MAX option in MEANS procedure 112

MAXDEC= option in MEANS procedure 112-113

maximum value

       across observations 64-65

       across variables 84-85, 112-113, 198-199

       FIRST. and LAST. byvariable 198-199

       HBOX or VBOX statement 230-231

       MAX function 64-65

       MEANS procedure 112-113

       REPORT procedure 138

       RETAIN statement 84-85

       TABULATE procedure 124

       UNIVARIATE procedure 251

McNemar’s test   264

MDY function 60, 64-65, 82-83

MEAN function 61, 64-65

       missing data 305

MEAN keyword

       REPORT procedure 138-139

       TABULATE procedure 124-125

MEAN option in MEANS procedure 112

mean square

       ANOVA procedure 274-275

       REG procedure 268


       HBOX or VBOX statement 230-231

       MEAN function 61, 64-65

       MEANS procedure 112-113

       multiple comparisons 272-275

       pairwise comparisons 256-259

       REPORT procedure 138-139

       TABULATE procedure 124-125

       testing 256-259

       UNIVARIATE procedure 251

MEANS procedure 112-115, 182-185, 254-255

MEANS statement, ANOVA procedure 272-275

MEASURES option in FREQ procedure 260, 262


       HBOX or VBOX statement 230-231

       MEANS procedure 112, 254-255

       REPORT procedure 138

       TABULATE procedure 124

       UNIVARIATE procedure 250-251

MEDIAN option in MEANS procedure 112, 254-255

member, SAS data set 5

memory, running out 316-317

MERGE statement 176-183

       BY statement 176-183

       IN= data set option 190-193

       one-to-many match merge 178-183

       one-to-one match merge 176-177

       summary statistics 182-183

MERROR system option 220-221

messy raw data, reading 42-43

Microsoft Excel files

       reading 24-27

       writing 284-287

MIN function 64-65

MIN keyword

       REPORT procedure 138

       TABULATE procedure 124

MIN option in MEANS procedure 112

minimum value

       across observations 64-65

       across variables 84-85, 112-113, 198-199

       FIRST. and LAST. byvariable 198-199

       HBOX or VBOX statement 230-231

       MEANS procedure 112-113

       MIN function 64-65

       REPORT procedure 138

       RETAIN statement 84-85

       TABULATE procedure 124

       UNIVARIATE procedure 251

missing data values 5

       assignment statements 59, 304-305

       end of raw data line 51

       finding number 112-113, 116-119

       IF-THEN statements 68-69

       match merge 177

       MEANS procedure 112

       reading blanks as 34-35

       REPORT procedure 132-133

       SET statement 173

       SORT procedure 98-99

       TABULATE statement 122

       UPDATE statement 188-189

MISSING option

       FREQ procedure 116, 118-119

       HBOX or VBOX statement 230

       MEANS procedure 112

       PANELBY statement 244

       REPORT procedure 132-133

       TABULATE procedure 122

       VAR or HBAR statement 226

missing semicolon 296-297

missing values generated note 59, 304-305

MISSING= system option 15, 282-283, 286-287

MISSOVER option in INFILE statements 51, 299

MISSPRINT option in FREQ procedure 116

MISSTEXT= option in TABULATE procedure 126-127

MIXED= statement in the IMPORT procedure 25

MLOGIC system option 220-221

MMDDYYw. format 82-83, 106-107

MMDDYYw. informat 38-39, 82-83

mode of a variable

       MEANS procedure 112, 254

       REPORT procedure 138

       TABULATE procedure 124

       UNIVARIATE procedure 250-251

MODEL statement

       ANOVA procedure 272-274

       REG procedure 268-269

modes of running SAS 10-11

modifying SAS data sets

       joining using SQL procedure 180-181

       MERGE statement 176-183

       SET statement 56-57, 172-173, 184-185

       UPDATE statement 188-189

MONTH function 64-65, 82-83

MPRINT system option 220-221

multiple comparisons 272-275

multiple lines per observation, reading 44-45

multiple observations per line, reading 46-47


N function 64-65

N keyword

       REPORT procedure 138-139

       TABULATE procedure 124

N option in MEANS procedure 112, 254-255

name literals 90-91

names for

       data sets 5, 20

       formats 108

       librefs 20-21

       macro variables 204

       macros 208

       variable lists 88-89

       variables 5, 90-91

NBINS= option in HISTOGRAM statement 228

NE comparison operator 66, 96

NMISS function 64-65

NMISS keyword

       REPORT procedure 138

       TABULATE procedure 124

NMISS option in MEANS procedure 112

NOBORDER option in KEYLEGEND statement 240

NOBYVAR option in TTEST procedure 256

NOCENTER system option 15

NOCOL option in FREQ procedure 118-119, 121

NOCUM option in FREQ procedure 116

NODATE system option 15

NODUPKEY option in SORT procedure 98-99

NOHEADERBORDER option in PANELBY statement 244

NOLEGCLI option in fitted curves 236

NOLEGCLM option in fitted curves 236-237

NOLEGFIT option in fitted curves 236

NOMARKERS option in fitted curves 236-237


       SCATTER statement 232

       SERIES statement 234

NONE option

       CORR procedure 266

       TTEST procedure 258

NONUMBER system option 15

NOOBS option in PRINT procedure 102

NOPERCENT option in FREQ procedure 116, 118-119, 121

NOPRINT option

       FREQ procedure 116

       MEANS procedure 114-115

normal density plot 228-229

NORMAL option

       CDFPLOT statement 252

       DENSITY statement 228-229

       HISTOGRAM statement 252-253

       UNIVARIATE procedure 250

normality test 250

NOROW option in FREQ procedure 118-119, 121

notes in SAS log 12-13, 294-295

       INPUT reached past end line 298-299, 301

       invalid data 302-303

       lost card 300-301

       missing values were generated 59, 304-305

       values have been converted 306-307

       variable uninitialized 312-313

NOVARNAME option in PANELBY statement 244-245

NUMBER system option 15

numbering observations, _N_ variable 198-199

numeric data

       commas, reading 36, 38-39

       commas, writing 106-107

       converting to character 306-307

       definition 4

       formats 106-107

       functions 64-65

       informats 38-39

       length 316-317

       reading non-standard 36-37

       reading standard 32-35

numeric values converted note 306-307

NUMERIC_COLLATION= suboption in SORT procedure 100-101


OBS location in STYLE= option 156

OBS= option

       data set option 190-191, 293

       INFILE statements 50, 293


       changing to variables 196-197

       combining single observation with many 184-185

       creating a numbering variable 198-199

       definition 4

       deleting in DATA step 70-71

       deleting using SQL procedure 72-73

       duplicate, eliminating 98-99

       grouping in procedures 120-121

       grouping with IF-THEN/ELSE 68-69

       interleaving 174-175

       joining using SQL procedure 180-181

       making several from one 76-79

       merging 176-179

       printing 102-103

       reading multiple lines per observation 44-45

       reading multiple observations per line 46-47

       sorting 98-101

       subsetting DELETE statements 70-71

       subsetting FIRSTOBS= option 190-191

       subsetting IF statement 70-71

       subsetting IN= data set option 190-193

       subsetting OBS= option 190-191

       subsetting OUTPUT statements 74-75

       subsetting using SQL procedure 72-73

       subsetting WHERE statements 70, 96-97

       subsetting WHERE= data set option 190, 194-195

       tracking with IN= data set option 190-193

       updating 188-189

OBSERVEDBYPREDICTED option in REG procedure 270

OBSHEADER location in STYLE= option 156

odds ratios 260-261

ODDSRATIOPLOT option in FREQ procedure 262

ODS 144-165, 224-247

ODS CSV statement 282-283

ODS EXCEL statement 286-287

ODS EXCLUDE statement 167

ODS Graphics 145, 224-225

       ANOVA procedure 272-273

       CORR procedure 266-267

       FREQ procedure 262-263

       image properties 246-247

       insets 240-241

       legends 240-241

       REG procedure 270-271

       saving graphs 246-247

       SGPANEL procedure 244-245

       SGPLOT procedure 226-237

       style attributes 242-243

       TTEST procedure 258-259

       UNIVARIATE procedure 252-253

ODS GRAPHICS statement 224, 246-247

ODS HTML statement 146-147

ODS LISTING statement 152-153, 225, 246

ODS NOPROCTITLE statement 146-151

ODS OUTPUT statement 168-169

ODS PDF statement 150-151

ODS RTF statement 148-149

ODS SELECT statement 167

ODS TRACE statement 166-167

ON clause in SQL procedure 180-181

OnDemand for Academics 11

one-to-many match merge 178-183

one-to-one match merge 176-177

one-way frequency table 116-117


       arithmetic 58-59

       comparison 66-67, 96-97

       logical 66-67, 96-97

option not recognized error in log 310-311


       comparison of types of options 190-191

       data set 190-195

       system 14-15

OPTIONS procedure 14

       OPTION= option 203

OPTIONS statement 14-15

       macro debugging options 220-221

OR operator 66-67, 96

ORDER usage option 132-133

ordering observations 98-101

ORIENTATION= system option 15

OS X operating environment 11

OTHER keyword FORMAT procedure 108

out of disk space message 316-317

out of memory message 316-317

OUT= option

       FREQ procedure 116

       IMPORT procedure 24-25, 28-29

       MEANS procedure 114-115

       SORT procedure 98-99

OUTFILE= option in EXPORT procedure 280-281, 284-285

outliers 230-231, 250-251


       centering 15

       changing appearance of data in 81-83, 104-109

       creating SAS data sets from 168-169

       customizing with STYLE= option 144-151

       footnotes 94-95, 154-155

       graphics 224-225

       HTML 146-147, 225

       labels 95

       LISTING 152-153, 225

       PDF 150-151, 225

       RTF 148-149, 225

       text 152-153

       titles 94-95, 154-155

       titles, removing 94-95, 146-151

Output Delivery System 144-165, 224-247

OUTPUT destination 144, 168-169

output object 145, 166-169

OUTPUT statement 9

       DATA step 74-77

       DO statement 76, 78-79

       MEANS procedure 114-115

       multiple observations from one 76-79

       writing multiple data sets 74-75

OUTPUTFMT= option in ODS GRAPHICS statement 246-247


P1 option in MEANS procedure 254

P5 option in MEANS procedure 254

P10 option in MEANS procedure 254

P25 option in MEANS procedure 254

P50 option in MEANS procedure 254

P75 option in MEANS procedure 254

P90 option in MEANS procedure 254

P95 option in MEANS procedure 254

P99 option in MEANS procedure 254

page breaks

       ODS output 148-151

       PUT statement 110-111

PAGE option in REPORT procedure 136

PAGENO= system option 15

PAIRED statement in TTEST procedure 256-257

pairwise t test 256-259

PANELBY statement 244-245

parameter estimates 269

parameters, macro 210-211

PATH= option

       ODS HTML statement 146-147

       ODS RTF statement 148-149

PATTERN= option for graph attributes 242

PBSPLINE statement in SGPLOT procedure 236

PC files

       reading 24, 26-27

       writing 284-287

PC Files Server 284

PCTN keyword

       REPORT procedure 138

       TABULATE procedure 124

PCTSUM keyword

       REPORT procedure 138

       TABULATE procedure 124

PDF output 144, 150-151

PEARL style template 145, 150-151

Pearson coefficient 260, 264-265


       calculating in DATA step 182-183

       FREQ procedure 116-119

       REPORT procedure 138

       TABULATE procedure 124


       HBOX or VBOX statement 230-231

       MEANS procedure 254

       REPORT procedure 138

       UNIVARIATE procedure 251

PERCENTw. informat 38-39

PERCENTw.d format 106-107

permanent SAS data sets 20-21

plots 224-253, 258-259, 262-263

PLOTS= option  

       CORR procedure 266-267

       FREQ procedure 262-263

       REG procedure 270-271

       TTEST procedure 258-259

PNG image format 246


       @n column pointer 40-41, 288-289

       / line pointer 44-45, 110-111, 288

       #n line pointer 44-45, 288

       +n column pointer 36-37

       INPUT statements 36-37, 40-45

       PUT statements 110-111, 288-289

POSITION option in CONTENTS procedure 88

POSITION= option in INSET or KEYLEGEND statement 240-241

POSTIMAGE style attribute 164-165

PostScript output 144, 246

POSTTEXT style attribute 164-165

POWERPOINT destination 144

PPLOT statement in UNIVARIATE procedure 252

precedence, mathematical rules 58

predicted values in regression 268-269

PREIMAGE style attribute 164-165

PRETEXT style attribute 164-165

PRIMARY option in SORT procedure 100-101

print formats 104-109

       user-defined 108-109

PRINT option in FILE statements 110-111

PRINT procedure 102-103

       STYLE= option 156-157

printed values, changing appearance 104-105

probability plot 252-253

probability-probability plot 252

PROBPLOT statement in UNIVARIATE procedure 252-253

PROBT option in MEANS procedure 254

PROC ANOVA 272-275


       for debugging programs 313

       POSITION option 88

PROC CORR 264-267



       delimited files 280-281

       PC files 284-285


       with SGPLOT procedure 227

       with TABULATE procedure 128-129

PROC FREQ 116-119, 121, 260-263


       delimited files 28-29

       PC files 24-25

       variable names 90-91

       WHERE= data set option 194-195

PROC MEANS 112-115, 182-183, 254-255


PROC PRINT 102-103

       STYLE= option 156-157

PROC REG 268-271


       STYLE= option 158-159

PROC SGPANEL 224, 244-245

PROC SGPLOT 224, 226-243

PROC SORT 98-101


       calculated variables 72-73

       combining SAS data sets 180-181

       GROUP BY clause 186-187

       HAVING clause 218-219

       INNER JOIN clause 180-181

       INTO clause 218-219

       ON clause 180-181

       SELECT clause 72-73, 186-187

       subsetting data using 72-73

       summarizing variables 186-187, 218-219

       WHERE clause 72-73, 180-181

PROC statement 6-7, 94

       DATA= option 94

PROC step

       common statements and options 94-95

       definition 6-7



       CLASSLEV statement 160

       STYLE= option 160-161


PROC TTEST 256-259



       common statements and options 94-95

       definition 6-7

       title, removing 146-153

PROFILESPLOT option in TTEST procedure 258

PROPCASE function 62-63

PS destination 144-145

PS image format 246

PUT function 120-121, 307

PUT statement

       _ALL_ variable name list 308-309

       _PAGE_ keyword 110-111

       debugging with 308-309

       writing a raw data file 288-289

       writing in SAS log 308-309

       writing reports 110-111

PUTLOG statement 308-309


Q1 option in MEANS procedure 254

Q3 option in MEANS procedure 254

QQPLOT option  

       REG procedure 270

       TTEST procedure 258-259

QQPLOT statement in UNIVARIATE procedure 252

QTR function 64-65, 82-83

quantile-quantile plot 252, 258-259

quantiles 230-231, 250-254

question mark informat modifier, double 303

QUIT statement 7, 72-73

quotation marks

       FOOTNOTE statements 94-95

       in macros 203-204

       reading delimited data with 28-29, 52-53

       TITLE statements 94-95



       ANOVA procedure 274-275

       REG procedure 268-269

RAND function 64-65

random numbers, generating 64-65

RANGE option in MEANS procedure 112, 254

RANGE= statement in the IMPORT procedure 24

RBREAK statement in REPORT procedure 136-137

reading data 18-21, 28-53

       column style 34-35

       comma-separated values 28-29, 52-53

       delimited data 28-29, 52-53

       Excel files 26-27

       internal 30

       messy data 42-43

       methods for getting into SAS 18-19

       missing data at end of line 51

       mixing input styles 40-41

       multiple lines of data per observation 44-45

       multiple observations per line of data 46-47, 77

       non-standard format 36-37

       part of a data file 48-49, 293

       PC files 24, 26-27

       skipping lines of raw data 44-45, 50

       skipping over variables 34-35

       space-delimited 32-33

       variable length records 51

       variable length values 42-43

reading SAS data sets 20-21

       a single data set 56-57

       concatenating data sets 172-173

       interleaving data sets 174-175

       merging summary statistics 182-185

       one-to-many match merge 178-183

       one-to-one match merge 176-177, 180-181

       stacking data sets 172-173

       updating a master data set 188-189

record length of raw data files 31

REFLINE statement 238-239

REG procedure 268-271

REG statement in SGPLOT procedure 236-237

regression 268-269

       lines, plotting 236-237

relative risk measures 260

RELRISK option in FREQ procedure 260, 262

RELRISKPLOT option in FREQ procedure 262

RENAME= data set option 190-191

REPLACE option

       EXPORT procedure 280-281, 284-285

       IMPORT procedure 24-25, 28-29

REPORT procedure 130-141

       STYLE= option 158-159


       controlling style of 144-145, 156-165

       PRINT procedure 102-109

       REPORT procedure 130-141

       TABULATE procedure 122-129

       writing custom 110-111

RESET option in ODS GRAPHICS statement 246-247

RESIDUALHISTOGRAM option in REG procedure 270

RESIDUALS option in REG procedure 270

RESPONSE= option in VBAR statement 226


       centering 15

       changing appearance of data in 81-83, 104-109

       creating SAS data sets from 168-169

       customizing with STYLE= option 144-151

       footnotes 94-95, 154-155

       graphics 224-225

       HTML 146-147, 225

       labels 95

       LISTING 152-153, 225

       PDF 150-151, 225

       RTF 148-149, 225

       titles 94-95, 154-155

       titles, removing 94-95, 146-151

RETAIN statement 9, 84-85

RFPLOT option in REG procedure 270

RIGHTMARGIN= system option 15

risk ratios 260

RISKDIFFPLOT option in FREQ procedure 262

ROUND function 64-65

ROW=FLOAT option in TABULATE procedure 128-129

ROWAXIS statement 244

rows of data, definition 4

ROWS= option in PANELBY statement 244

RSTUDENTBYLEVERAGE option in REG procedure 270

RSTUDENTBYPREDICTED option in REG procedure 270


       output 144-145, 148-149

       style template 145, 148-149

RULE, invalid data message 302-303

RUN statement 6

       CALL SYMPUTX 216-217

running SAS programs, methods 10-11


SAS automatic variables

       _ERROR_ 198

       _N_ 198-199

       FIRST.byvariable 198-199

       LAST.byvariable 198-199

       macro 206-207

SAS data library 20-21

SAS data sets

       accessing 18-19

       changing observations to variables 196-197

       combining a grand total with data 184-185

       combining one observation with many 184-185

       compressing 317

       concatenating 172-173

       contents of 22-23

       creating 20-21

       creating from procedure output 168-169

       definition 4

       deleting 316

       descriptor 5, 22-23

       interleaving data sets 174-175

       inverting, TRANSPOSE procedure 196-197

       joining using SQL procedure 180-181

       LABEL= data set option 190-191

       library names 5

       member names 5

       merging summary statistics 182-187

       merging, one-to-many 178-183

       merging, one-to-one 176-177

       modifying a single data set 56-57

       names 5, 20-21

       options 190-195

       permanent 20-21

       printing 102-103

       reading a single data set 56-57

       SASHELP library 20, 22

       SASUSER library 20

       saving 20-21

       saving summary statistics to 114-115, 168-169

       selecting observations during a merge 192-193

       size 5

       sorting 98-101

       stacking data sets 172-173

       subsetting IF statement 70-71

       subsetting OUTPUT statement 74-75

       subsetting using SQL procedure 72-73

       subsetting WHERE statement 70, 96-97

       subsetting WHERE= data set option 190, 194-195

       temporary 20

       temporary versus permanent 20-21

       updating a master data set 188-189

       WORK library 20

       writing multiple data sets 74-75

SAS dates 80-83

       automatic macro variables 206-207

       constants 80-81

       converting dates 64-65, 80-83

       definition of a SAS date 80

       formats, table of 82-83, 106-107

       functions, table of 64-65, 82-83

       informats, table of 38-39, 82-83

       Julian dates 82-83

       printing current date on output 15

       reading raw data with 15, 36-37

       setting default century 13-14, 80

SAS Enterprise Guide 10, 18

SAS functions

       dates 80-83

       INPUT function 307

       PUT function 307

       table 62-65

       use 60-61

SAS Institute x

SAS language rules 2-3

SAS listing 144, 152-153, 225, 246

SAS log 12-13

       errors, warnings, and notes 294-295

       writing in log with PUT statements 308-309

SAS macro processor 202-203

SAS names, rules for 5

SAS OnDemand for Academics 10-11

SAS programs

       capitalization xiii, 3, 5

       comments 3

       data driven 216-219

       debugging 292-317

       definition 2

       documenting 3

       finding missing semicolons 296-297

       fixing 294-295

       indention xiii, 3

       major parts 6-7

       submitting 10-11

       testing 292-293, 295

SAS Studio 10-11

SAS University Edition 10-11

SAS windowing environment 11

SAS, modes of running 10-11

SAS/ACCESS 19, 24-25

SASDATE option in ODS RTF statement 148

SASHELP library 20, 22

SASREPORT destination 144

SASUSER library 20

saving images 246-247

saving SAS data sets 20-21

Scalable Vector Graphics image format 246

SCALE = option in HISTOGRAM statement 228-229

SCATTER option in CORR procedure 266-267

scatter plots 232-233, 266-267

SCATTER statement in SGPLOT procedure 232-233

SCHEFFE option in ANOVA procedure 272-275

Scheffe’s multiple-comparisons 276-279

scientific notation

       format for writing 106-107

       reading data with 34, 36

SELECT clause in SQL procedure 72-73, 180-181, 186-187

selecting observations

       DELETE statements 70-71

       IF statements 70-71

       IN= data set option 192-193

       INPUT statements 48-49

       OUTPUT statement 74-75

       reading raw data file 48-49

       saving memory and disk space 317

       SQL procedure 72-73

       WHERE statement 70, 96-97

       WHERE= data set option 194-195

selecting output objects 167

semicolon 2

       missing 296-297

sequential files 18, 30

series plots 234-235

SERIES statement in SGPLOT procedure 234-235

SERROR system option 220-221

SET statement

       BY statement 174-175

       combining grand total with data 184-185

       combining one observation with many 184-185

       concatenating data sets 172-173

       interleaving data sets 174-175

       modifying single data set 56-57

       multiple SET statements 184-185

       reading single data set 56-57

       stacking data sets 172-173

SGPANEL procedure 224, 244-245

SGPLOT procedure 224, 226-243

sharing data with other software 18-19

SHEET= statement in the IMPORT procedure 24

SHOWBINS option in HISTOGRAM statement 228-229

SIDES= option in TTEST procedure 256


       data sets 5, 22-23

       footnotes 154-155

       graphics images 246

       titles 154-155

       variables 5, 22-23, 68-69, 314-317

SIZE= option for graph attributes 242-243


       MEANS procedure 254

       UNIVARIATE procedure 251

SKEWNESS option in MEANS procedure 254

skipping over variables at input 34-35

Somer’s D 264

SORT procedure 98-101

SORTSEQ= option in SORT procedure 100-101

Soundex comparisons 96-97

space-delimited raw data

       reading 28-29

       writing 280-281

SPACING= option in PANELBY statement 244-245

SPANROWS option in REPORT procedure 158-159

Spearman coefficient 260, 264

SPEARMAN option in CORR procedure 264


       data file 48-49

       SAS data set 74-75, 194-195

SPSS files data engine 19

SQL procedure

       calculated variables 72-73

       combining SAS data sets 180-181

       GROUP BY clause 186-187

       HAVING clause 218-219

       INNER JOIN clause 180-181

       INTO clause 218-219

       ON clause 180-181

       SELECT clause 72-73, 186-187

       subsetting data using 72-73

       summarizing variables 186-187, 218-219

       WHERE clause 72-73, 180-181

STACKED option in FREQ procedure 262

stacking SAS data sets 172-173

standard deviation

       MEANS procedure 112-113, 254

       REPORT procedure 138

       TABULATE procedure 124

       UNIVARIATE procedure 250-251

standard error

       MEANS procedure 254

       REG procedure 269


       ODS PDF statement 150-151

       ODS RTF statement 148-149

STAT= option in VBAR statement 226

Stata files

       reading 19

       writing 278

statement not valid error in log 310-311

statement options compared to data set options 190-191


       analysis of variance 272-275

       categorical data 260-261

       correlations 264-265

       descriptive 112-139, 250-255

       multiple comparisons 272-275

       output data set, MEANS procedure 114-115

       regression 268-269

       t test 256-259, 272

STD keyword in REPORT procedure 138

STDDEV option

       MEANS procedure 112, 254

       TABULATE procedure 124

STDERR option in MEANS procedure 254

STIMERw. informat 38-39

STOP statement 7, 217

STRENGTH= suboption in SORT procedure 100-101

strings, character 4, 58-59

Stuart’s tau-c 264

student’s t 258

style attributes

       for graphics 242-243

       PRINT procedure 156-157

       REPORT procedure 158-159

       table of 164-165

       TABULATE procedure 160-161

style templates 144-145

       for graphics 225, 242-243, 247

STYLE= option

       graph attributes 242

       graphics 247

       ODS HTML statement 146-147

       ODS LISTING statement 225, 247

       ODS PDF statement 150-151

       ODS RTF statement 148-149

       PRINT procedure 156-157

       REPORT procedure 158-159

       TABULATE procedure 160-161

       trafficlighting 162-163

       user-defined formats 162-163

submitting SAS programs, methods 10-11

subsetting observations

       DELETE statements 70-71

       IF statements 70-71

       IN= data set option 192-193

       INPUT statements 48-49

       OUTPUT statement 74-75

       reading raw data file 48-49

       saving memory and disk space 317

       SQL procedure 72-73

       WHERE clause in SQL procedure 72-73

       WHERE statement 70, 96-97

       WHERE= data set option 194-195

SUBSTR function 62-63


       PRINT procedure 102-103

       REPORT procedure 136-137

SUM function 64-65, 305

SUM keyword

       REPORT procedure 138

       TABULATE procedure 124

sum of squares  

       ANOVA procedure 274-275

       MEANS procedure 254

       REG procedure 268

SUM option in MEANS procedure 112, 254

SUM statement in PRINT procedure 102-103

sum statements, DATA step 84-85

SUMMARIZE option in REPORT procedure 136-137

SUMMARY location in STYLE= option 158

SUMMARY procedure 115

summary statistics

       combining with data 182-187

       MEANS procedure 112-113, 254-255

       REPORT procedure 130-139

       saving in SAS data set 114-115

       TABULATE procedure 122-125

       UNIVARIATE procedure 250-251

SUMMARYPLOT option in TTEST procedure 258-259


       across observations 84-85, 102-103, 112-115, 124-129

       across variables 58-59, 64-65, 305

       combining with data 182-187

       controlling style in PRINT procedure 156

       MEANS procedure 112-115

       REPORT procedure 130-141

       SUM function 64-65, 305

       SUM keyword in TABULATE procedure 124

       SUM option in MEANS procedure 112, 254

       sum statement in DATA step 84-85

       SUM statement in PRINT procedure 102-103

       TABULATE procedure 124-129

SUMWGT option in MEANS procedure 254

SVG image format 246

SYMBOL= option for graph attributes 242-243

SYMBOLGEN system option 220-221


syntax of SAS programs 2-3

syntax-sensitive editor 10-11, 293

syntax, checking 295

system options 14-15



       compared to data set options 190-191

       DATASTMTCHK= 15, 297

       DATE/NODATE 15

       DATESTYLE= 15, 80

       LEFTMARGIN= 15

       MACRO 203

       MERROR 220-221

       MISSING= 15, 282-283, 286-287

       MLOGIC 220-221

       MPRINT 220-221


       ORIENTATION= 15

       PAGENO= 15

       RIGHTMARGIN= 15

       SERROR 220-221

       SYMBOLGEN 220-221

       TOPMARGIN= 15

       VALIDVARNAME= 5, 15, 90-91

       YEARCUTOFF= 15, 80


T option

       ANOVA procedure 272

       MEANS procedure 254

t tests

       ANOVA procedure 272

       MEANS procedure 254

       TTEST procedure 256-259

TAB value in the DBMS= option

       EXPORT procedure 280

       IMPORT procedure 28

tab-delimited data

       reading 28-29, 52-53

       writing 280-281

TABLE statement in TABULATE procedure 122-129

       STYLE= option 160-161

table templates 144-145

tables of data, definition 4

TABLES statement in FREQ procedure 116-119, 260-261

TABULATE procedure 122-129

       CLASSLEV statement 160

       STYLE= option 160-161

templates 144-145

temporary SAS data sets 20-21, 316

text files

       reading 18, 30

       writing 144, 152-153

text, adding to graphs 240-241

TEXTALIGN style attribute 164-165

THEN keyword 66-69

THICKNESS= option for graph attributes 242-243

TIFF image format 246

time data

       formats 106-107

       informats 38-39

TIME option in XAXIS or YAXIS statement 238

TIMEw. informat 38-39

TIMEw.d format 106-107

Title, removing procedure name 146-151

TITLE statement 94-95, 154-155

TODAY function 64-65, 80-83

TOPMARGIN= system option 15

TOTAL location in STYLE= option 156


       across observations 84-85, 102-103, 112-115, 124-129

       across variables 58-59, 64-65, 305

       combining with data 182-187

       controlling style in PRINT procedure 156

       MEANS procedure 112-115

       REPORT procedure 130-141

       SUM function 64-65, 305

       SUM keyword in TABULATE procedure 124

       SUM option in MEANS procedure 112, 254

       sum statement in DATA step 84-85

       SUM statement in PRINT procedure 102-103

       TABULATE procedure 124-129

tracing output objects 166-167

tracking observations IN= data set option 192-193

trafficlighting 162-163

trailing @ 48-49, 288

trailing @@ 46-47

transaction-oriented data 188-189

TRANSLATE function 62-63


       DENSITY statement 228

       HBOX or VBOX statement 230

       HISTOGRAM statement 228

       LOESS statement 236

       PBSPLINE statement 236

       REFLINE statement 238-239

       REG statement 236

       SCATTER statement 232

       SERIES statement 234

       VBAR statement 226

TRANSPOSE procedure 196-197

transposing data with OUTPUT statement 76-77

TRANWRD function 62-63

TREND option in FREQ procedure 260

TRIM function 62-63

truncation of character data 68-69, 314-315

TRUNCOVER option on INFILE statement 51, 299

TTEST procedure 256-259

TUKEY option in ANOVA procedure 272

Tukey’s studentized range test 276

two-way frequency table 118-119, 260-261

TWOWAY= option in FREQ procedure 262-263

type of variable 4, 23

TYPE= option

       DENSITY statement 228-229

       XAXIS or YAXIS statement 238-239


UCLM option in MEANS procedure 254

uninitialized variables 312-313

UNISCALE= option in PANELBY statement 244

UNIVARIATE procedure 250-253

University Edition 11


       direct referencing of SAS data sets 20-21

       INFILE statement 31

       LIBNAME statement 20-21

UPCASE function 61-63

UPDATE statement 188-189

URL style attribute 164-165

usage options in REPORT procedure 132-133

user-defined formats 108-109

       grouping with 120-121

       trafficlighting 162-163

       with TABULATE procedure 128-129

USS option in MEANS procedure 254


VALIDVARNAME= system option 5, 15, 90-91

VALUE statement FORMAT procedure 108-109

VALUEATTRS= option for graph attributes 242

VALUES= option in XAXIS or YAXIS statement 238

VAR option in MEANS procedure 254

VAR statement

       CORR procedure 264-265

       MEANS procedure 112-113, 254-255

       PRINT procedure 102-103

       STYLE= option in PRINT procedure 156-157

       STYLE= option in TABULATE procedure 160

       TABULATE procedure 124-129

       TRANSPOSE procedure 196-197

       TTEST procedure 256

       UNIVARIATE procedure 250

variable length records, reading 51

variable length values, reading 42-43

variable name lists

       _ALL_ 88-89, 308-309

       _CHARACTER_ 88-89

       _NUMERIC_ 88-89

       name prefix 88

       name ranges 88-89

       numbered ranges 88-89

variable not found error in log 312-313

variable uninitialized note in log 312-313


       arrays 86-87

       automatic 198-199

       automatic macro 206-207

       changing to observations 196-197

       creating a grouping variable 68-69

       creating in REPORT procedure 140-141

       creating with assignment statements 58-59

       definition 4

       dropping 190-191

       keeping 190-191

       labels 22-23, 95

       length 22-23, 68-69, 314-317

       lists 88-89

       means 112-113

       names 5, 90-91

       printing 102-103

       renaming 190-191

       retaining values between observations 84-85

       skipping when reading raw data 34

       type 4, 23

       uninitialized 312-313

variance with MEANS procedure 254

VBAR statement in SGPLOT procedure 226-227

VBOX statement in SGPLOT procedure230-231

vector graphics, scalable 246

Viewtable window 18


w.d format 106-107

w.d informat 38-39

warnings in SAS log 294

Web, creating files for 146-147

WEEKDATEw. format 82-83, 106-107

WEEKDAY function 64-65, 82-83

WEIBULL option in distribution plots 252

WEIGHT= option for graph attributes 242-243

WHERE clause in SQL procedure 72-73, 180-181

WHERE statement

       DATA steps 70

       procedures 96-97

WHERE= data set option 190, 194-195

WIDTH= option in ODS GRAPHICS statement 246-247

windowing environment, SAS 10-11

Windows operating environment

       direct referencing of SAS data sets 20-21

       INFILE statement 31

       LIBNAME statement 20-21

WITH statement in CORR procedure 264-265

WORD destination 144

WORDDATEw. format 82-83, 106-107

WORK library 20-21, 316

writing data 278-283

       delimited 280-283, 288-289

       methods 278-279

       PC files 278-279, 284-285

       raw data 280-283, 288-289

writing SAS data sets

       DATA step 6-7

       multiple data sets 74-75

       permanent data sets 20-21

WTKAPPAPLOT option in FREQ procedure 262


XAXIS statement in SGPLOT procedure 238-239

XLSX LIBNAME engine 26-27


YAXIS statement in SGPLOT procedure 238-239

YEAR function 64-65, 82-83

YEARCUTOFF= system option 15, 80

YRDIF function 64-65, 80-83



       direct referencing of SAS data sets 20-21

       INFILE statement 31

       LIBNAME statement 20-21

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