Appendix 2: Notation and abbreviations


A area (m2)

a regression parameter

b, β1 and β2 constants for the Klinkenberg equation

B, B1 and B2 Tafel constants

c concentration (mol/m3)

C concentration (kg/m3)

CI concentration of ions per unit volume of liquid (kg/m3)

Cs total concentration per unit volume of the solid (kg/m3)

Cti thickness of cell i (m)

D diffusion coefficient (m2/s)

Da apparent or effective diffusion coefficient (m2/s)

Di intrinsic diffusion coefficient (m2/s)

DD dry density (mass/bulk volume) (kg/m3)

E electric field (V/m)

e viscosity (Pa s)

e0 electronic charge (C)

E Young’s modulus (Pa)

E0 rest potential (V)

F flux (kg/m2/s)

Fa Faraday constant = 9.65 × 104 C/mol

Fv volumetric flux (m3/s)

Fi inwards force (N)

F0 outwards force (N)

g gravitational constant = 9.81 (m/s2)

h head of water (m)

I Current (A)

Ia, Ic anode and cathode current (A)

Ia0, Ic0 anode and cathode exchange current (A)

Icorr corrosion current (A)

ISA initial surface absorption (m3/m2/s)

ISA10 ISA value at 10 min (m3/m2/s).

J flux (mol/m2/s)

K intrinsic permeability (m2)

KB Boltzmann constant (J/K)

k coefficient of permeability (m/s)

Kg gas intrinsic permeability of concrete (m2)

KI water intrinsic permeability of concrete (m2)

Kv vapour intrinsic permeability for the vapour (m2)

K intrinsic permeability at infinite pressure (m2)

L length (mm)

M mass (kg)

m atomic/molecular mass (kg)

n number of mols

n regression parameter

P pressure (Pa)

Patm atmospheric pressure (Pa)

Pi initial vacuum (Pa)

Pm mean pressure (Pa)

P10, P20 initial low and high pressures (Pa)

Pv pressure in void (Pa)

Pr pressure at radius r (Pa)

Q gas generation rate or volumetric flow (m3/s)

Q charge (C)

R gas constant = 8.31 (J/mol/K)

R resistance (Ω)

R void radius (m)

RH relative humidity

r radius of the pores (m)

s surface tension (N/m)

S sorptivity (m s−0.5)

SG specific gravity (mass/net volume) (kg/m3)

Sr radial hoop stress (Pa)

Sθ tangential hoop stress (Pa)

T temperature (K)

t time (s)

ti transference number for ion i

ui mobility of species i in the pore fluid (m2/s/V)

V coefficient of variation

V volume (m3)

VF Darcy velocity for the fluid (m/s)

V % coefficient of variation %

V0 volume of drilled hole (m3)

V ratio of the reservoir volumes (V1/V2)

WF ratio of the water vapour volume to the volume of the same mass of water as a liquid

x distance (m)

X distance across permeation block (m)

Xs radius of hemisphere (m)

x0 radius of drilled hole (m)

x1 separation of drilled holes (m)

y displacement (m)

z valence of an ion

α capacity factor

β 2KsαA2/re

γ 6π/x20

γν radial displacement of the void surface (m)

γ surface tension of the mercury (N/m)

δ (8π/Ks)/re

ε permittivity (C2/N/m2)

ε porosity

κ inverse Debye length (m−1)

ν Poisson’s ratio

ρ density (kg/m3)

ρ electrical resistivity (Ωm)

σ electrical conductivity (Ωm)−1

λ mean free path (m)

ɸ voltage (V)

ɸa0, ɸc0 anode and cathode exchange voltage (V)

ɸp membrane potential (V)

φ contact angle of the mercury with the pore surface

ξ outer radius of repository (m)


ANN artificial neural network

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

CAT cover concrete absorption test

CC curing condition

CKD cement kiln dust

DD dry density (mass/total volume)

GAV gas accessible volume

GGBS ground granulated blastfurnace slag

HDPE high density polyethylene

Hg mercury (intrusion)

HP high pressure (test)

ICP inductive coupled plasma

ISA or ISAT initial surface absorption (test)

LVDT linear voltage displacement transducer

LWC low water concrete

M molar (concentration mol/litre)

N normal (concentration mol/litre)

MIP mercury intrusion porosimeter

NS not significant

NTBUILD Norwegian standard for building

PC (or OPC) Portland cement

PFA pulverised fuel ash

ppm parts per million

RH relative humidity

SCE saturated calomel electrode

SF silica fume

SG specific gravity (mass/net volume)

SRC sulphate resisting cement

SV sample volume

w/b water to binder ratio

w/c water to cement ratio

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