Applications using measured values of the transport properties of concrete II: modelling the effect of gas pressure


Cementitious barriers remain the primary containment mechanism for nuclear waste disposal in the UK. This chapter reports on a major programme in which the movement of gas in a nuclear waste repository was modelled using both analytical methods and a computer model. The purpose of the model was to predict cracking. Cracks would be a significant problem because they would permit harmful species to escape without being exposed to binding sites on the cementitious matrix. The measurement of the permeability of the materials was reported in Chapter 6. Calculations are presented to show the effect of the gas pressure on cracking within the repository.

Key words

nuclear waste; gas generation; crack generation; repository; hoop stress

14.1 Introduction

The strategy adopted by many countries for the disposal of low and intermediate level radioactive wastes requires an engineered repository placed at considerable depth underground. Typically, such a repository will lie below the water table and hence will become water saturated relatively soon after the cessation of operations and closure. The majority of disposal strategies, including that adopted by the UK, require that the waste packages be surrounded by a backfilling material. The most commonly adopted types of backfilling material are based on either hydraulic cements or clay materials such as bentonite. Much of the remainder of the engineered structure of a repository may also be constructed of materials based on hydraulic cements; in particular structural concretes. The disposal strategy in the UK envisages a cement-based material for backfilling. Consequently, the properties of such cementitious materials are important both in the design of the repository and in the safety assessment.

Gas will be generated within a radioactive waste repository by several mechanisms. The principal such mechanisms are the anaerobic corrosion of steel reinforcement and containers (to generate hydrogen), the degradation of organic components in the waste (to yield carbon dioxide and methane) and the radiolysis of water (yielding hydrogen and oxygen). The majority of the gas generated will be hydrogen, methane or carbon dioxide. The local pressure within the repository will rise above the ambient hydrostatic pressure to a value determined in the steady state by the relative rates of gas generation and release due to migration out of the immediate repository structure into the geological environment. A sufficient rise in internal pressure may result in stresses large enough to damage the repository structure and hence may compromise the containment strategy. In addition, gas-driven water flow, in the form of bulk water or bubbles, has the potential to short-circuit the repository containment by carrying contaminated water direct to the geological environment without prior conditioning of the water to high pH. Thus, data for, and the understanding of, the migration of gases within potential repository construction materials are required in order that the likelihood of such an eventuality can be determined and, if required, allowed for in the repository design.

Cementitious materials may be used for three main purposes in the UK repository: structural components, backfilling of the repository vaults and the encapsulation of materials within the actual waste packages. The materials selected for study in this work were chosen to be typical of those which may be adopted for each of these three applications. The structural concretes studied were relatively conventional materials based on either sulphate resistant Portland cement (SRC) or a mixture of ordinary Portland cement (PC) and pulverised fuel ash (PFA), together with both fine and coarse limestone aggregates. The waste encapsulation material was represented by a grout based on a 1 : 9 mixture of PC and blast furnace slag (GGBS) containing no aggregate.

The cementitious backfilling material requires a high porosity both to provide a high capacity for the sorption of radionuclides and to readily condition the chemistry of the mobile water in the repository. Two materials of this type, differing in composition and compressive strength, have been studied in this work. They are referred to in this chapter as preliminary backfill grout and reference backfill grout.

14.2 Background: mechanisms of gas migration

The mechanisms of gas migration are described in Chapter 1. In this chapter, the main mechanism is advection. During the operating phase when the repository is open to the atmosphere the pressures are low, but the results in Section 8.5.5 indicate that the Knudsen effect will not be significant. After closure the pressures will increase to match the hydraulic pressure of the surrounding groundwater making Knudsen flow even less significant.

The migration of gases within the pore structure of the cementitious materials intended for use in repository construction is likely to be complicated by the presence of pore water. Under fully water-saturated conditions the pores will be effectively blocked and, for lower gas pressure gradients, the only plausible mechanism of gas migration will be the aqueous phase diffusion of gas molecules which have become dissolved in the water. It is currently not known whether the conditions within a repository will result in completely water-saturated material or whether some air will be trapped. At a sufficient excess internal pressure difference, the gas should be able expel a proportion of the pore water from the porosity of even fully-saturated material, allowing migration in what is effectively a small volume fraction of open porosity as discussed in Chapter 6.

14.3 The effects of stress generation in cementitious materials

14.3.1 Simple analytical model of crack generation

The effects of the stress generated by gas pressurisation were studied using a simple model of a spherical gas source in spherical repository. The model is illustrated schematically in Fig. 14.1. The ultimate effect of stress will be a failure of the backfill resulting in the formation of a crack. If the region of gas generation shown in Fig. 14.1 is considered to be a void then backfill failure at the void surface will occur if the tangential hoop stress exceeds the tensile strength of the backfill. Hence, in the model the crucial stress for determining the failure of the material is considered to be the tangential hoop stress at the surface of the void.

14.1 Illustration of the spherical repository approximation used as the basis for the model of stress and crack generation in backfill.

The relationship between the tangential hoop strain at a particular radius r and the radial and tangential hoop stresses acting at that position is given by Roark and Young (1975):

tangential hoop strain=1E[(1ν)SθνSr] [14.1]

image [14.1]


Sr and Sθ are the radial and tangential hoop stresses, respectively, and ν and E are the Poisson’s ratio and Young’s modulus for the backfill material.

The tangential hoop strain at a particular radius is also equal to the ratio of the radial displacement at that point to the radius.

Analytical solutions exist for the tangential hoop stress and radial stress at a given radius for a spherical pressure vessel (Roark and Young, 1975). The repository model can be considered to be equivalent to such a situation and hence the equations for the stresses at radius r and the radial displacement of the inner surface y are:

Sr=ΔPR3(ξ3r3)r3(ξ3R3) [14.2]

image [14.2]

Sθ=ΔPR3(ξ3+2r3)2r3(ξ3R3) [14.3]

image [14.3]

y=ΔPE[(1ν)(ξ3+2R3)2(ξ3R3)+ν] [14.4]

image [14.4]


ΔP is the excess pressure in the void (compared to the hydrostatic pressure in the medium surrounding the repository) and

R and ξ are the radii of the void and the repository, respectively.

The above equations are derived for the particular case where the porosity of the repository construction material is zero.

The radial displacement of the inner surface of the repository, that is the surface of the void, can be derived from equations (14.2)(14.14) by putting the radius at which the stress is to be calculated r equal to the void radius R. It can be shown that if the outer radius ξ is more than an order of magnitude greater than the void radius. Equations (14.2)(14.14) can be further simplified by assuming that the outer radius is effectively infinite. The dimensions of a repository are likely to be of the order of tens of metres whilst the voids will be of the order of a few tens of centimetres. Hence, the assumption that the outer radius is effectively infinite is reasonable for this model of stress generation. The radial displacement of the void surface yv is then given by:

yv=ΔPR(1+ν)2E [14.5]

image [14.5]

Dividing the radial displacement of the void surface, given by equation (14.5), by the radius of the void and equating to the tangential hoop strain given in equation (14.1) produces an expression for the tangential hoop stress at the void surface:

Sθ=1(1ν)[ΔP(1+ν)2+νSr] [14.6]

image [14.6]

For the zero porosity case, the radial stress can be derived from the equations given previously. This gives a radial stress equal in magnitude to the excess pressure in the void, although negative in sign. The tangential hoop stress obtained from equation (14.6) is then equal to half the excess pressure. This is a standard result for a pressure vessel.

The effect of the porosity of the backfill material has been included into the model by modifying the value used for the radial stress:

Sr=(1ε)ΔP [14.7]

image [14.7]

where ε is the fractional porosity of the material. This approach is rather simplistic but, as discussed below, it can be shown to be a good approximation for the conditions applicable to the behaviour of a repository. Substituting the equation for the radial stress into the expression for the tangential hoop stress given in equation (14.6) gives:

Sθ=ΔP2[1+2νε(1ν)] [14.8]

image [14.8]

This expression can be used to calculate the hoop stress using appropriate parameters. The backfill is considered to fail if the calculated stress exceeds the tensile strength of the material.

14.3.2 Numerical solution for non-zero porosities

The analytical solution for the tangential hoop stress at the surface of the void is an approximation which takes limited account of the effect of the backfill porosity. The validity of this approximation was tested using a numerical approach.

The numerical model explicitly considered the inward and outward forces acting on a spherical shell within the backfill, centred on the gas-generating inclusion, with an inner radius r and an outer radius r + dr. The inward force Fi and outward force F0 are, respectively:

Fi=4πr2(εdPSr) [14.9]

image [14.9]


F0=4π(r+dr)2[2Sθdrr(Sr+dSr)] [14.10]

image [14.10]


dP is the pressure difference across the shell and

dSr is the change in radial stress across the shell.

In a stable situation these forces will be equal. Equating the two forces gives:

dSr=Srr2(r+dr)21+2SθdrrεdP [14.11]

image [14.11]

The radial strain is equal to the rate of change of radial displacement with radius, that is strain is given by dy/dr. The standard definition of radial strain gives:

radial strain=1E(Sr2νSθ) [14.12]

image [14.12]

Equations (14.9)(14.14) were used to determine the radial displacement of the void surface by iterating until a constant value of radial stress was obtained. The boundary conditions imposed on the procedure were that the radial stress at the void surface was equal to the excess pressure, modified by porosity, and that at infinite radius was zero. The radial displacement was then used to calculate the tangential hoop stress.

The numerical solution was used to obtain the hoop stress at the void surface and the value compared to that obtained using the analytical approximation. It was found that the difference between the two solutions was negligible and the analytical equation, combined with a description of the pressurisation of the void given in Section 14.3.3, was adopted for subsequent calculations.

14.3.3 Pressurisation of the void

Gas is considered to be generated within the void in the material. The excess pressure produced by the gas generation will depend on the rate at which the gas can flow through the material. The volumetric flow rate within the backfill material at a radius r, denoted dV/dt, is determined by the pressure at that position Pr and the gas generation rate Q, measured at the hydrostatic pressure P:

dVdt=QPPr [14.13]

image [14.13]

The volumetric flow rate is also given by the Darcy equation (equation 1.9), provided that the value of the pressure gradient used is that at the appropriate radius. Combining equations (1.9) and (14.13) and rearranging gives an equation for the pressure gradient at radius r:

dpdr=eQPAKPr [14.14]

image [14.14]

where A is the area of the spherical shell of radius r. This expression can be integrated between the void radius R and the outer radius of the repository ξ. This gives an expression for the pressure produced in the void Pv:

Pv2P2=[1R1ζ]QePatm2πK [14.15]

image [14.15]

If it is assumed that the outer radius is effectively infinite, equation (14.15) can be simplified and rearranged to yield an equation for the difference between the pressure in the void and the hydrostatic; pressure, the excess pressure ΔP used in previous equations:

ΔP=QePatm2πKR(Pv+P) [14.16]

image [14.16]

Substituting the expression for ΔP given in equation (14.16) into equation (14.8) gives an expression for the tangential hoop stress generated at the void surface by a given void pressure Pv:

Sθ=1+2νε1νQePatm2πKR(Pv+P) [14.17]

image [14.17]

This equation is used to calculate the tangential hoop stresses in the discussion in Section 14.4.

14.4 Sensitivity to material properties and conditions

The sensitivity of the tangential hoop stress, calculated using the analytical approximation given in equation (14.17), to the material parameters required by the model was investigated. The effect of a particular parameter was assessed by fixing all remaining parameters at typical values and varying the parameter of concern over an appropriate range. The typical parameters were selected to reasonably approximate the reference backfill grout in a water-saturated condition. It is apparent from the analytical approximation that the calculated stress in this model is independent of the Young’s modulus of the material. The gas viscosity was assumed to be equal to that of argon at a value of 2.2 × 10−5 Pa s.

The tangential hoop stress at the void surface calculated from the typical values of the model parameters is 238 kPa. The compressive strength of the reference backfill grout is 6.0 MPa. If the tensile strength is assumed to be one tenth of the compressive strength, that is 600 kPa, then the tensile strength is not exceeded by the hoop stress for the typical conditions and the reference backfill grout will not crack.

14.4.1 Gas generation rate

The anticipated maximum gas generation rate is approximately one repository volume of gas per year, measured at standard temperature and pressure. The model is intended to represent the venting of gas from a single waste drum with an approximate volume of 1 m3. Hence, the typical value of the generation rate was taken to be 1 m3 per year at standard temperature and pressure. The range of generation rates was specified as 0–5 m3 per year. The variation in stress with gas generation rate is shown in Fig. 14.2. The stress is increased as the gas generation is increased.

14.2 Variation in spherical hoop stress in kPa at the void surface with (a) gas generation rate, (b) hydrostatic pressure, (c) void radius and (d) backfill permeability coefficient, calculated from the analytical solution to the stress generation model.

14.4.2 Hydrostatic pressure

The majority of current radioactive waste disposal strategies envisage the placement of a repository at a depth of up to 1000 m below ground level. This indicates a potential range of hydrostatic pressures of between 100 kPa and 10 MPa if the repository is fully saturated by the groundwater. Figure 14.2 demonstrates that the stress is inversely dependent on the hydrostatic pressure and hence the lower pressure of 100 kPa was adopted as the typical value to represent a plausible worst case. The reduction in stress with increasing hydrostatic pressure is attributed to the compressibility of the gas. As the pressure increases, the volumetric flow rate is decreased. This behaviour implies that a repository will be more susceptible to gas-generated cracking before resaturation by groundwater after closure as the effective hydrostatic pressure will be lower.

14.4.3 Fractional porosity

The data given in Table 6.2 indicates a range of fractional porosities of between about 0.1 and 0.6 for the experimental materials. The relationship between the measured values of fractional porosity and that available for gas flow is not known. The typical value was taken as 0.5, close to the values given for the backfill grouts in Table 6.2. The analytical solution demonstrates that gas-generated stress is linearly dependent on the fractional porosity of the material, assuming constant permeability. The stress increases by a factor of 0.5 as the porosity is varied between zero and unity. The effect of porosity on the stress may not be adequately modelled by the analytical approximation and the dependence of stress on porosity may not be as simple as indicated here.

14.4.4 Void radius

The model is intended to simulate the effects of gas vented from waste drums. It is expected that any vent will be of the order of the size of the drum; approximately 0–1 m in dimension. The typical value of 0.05 m was selected to represent a vent of 100 mm diameter in the drum. Figure 14.2 demonstrates that the stress generated at the surface of the void is strongly dependent on the void radius. The requirement for a void dimension is a limitation in the overall model, and Fig. 14.2 shows that the value of the void radius is crucial in determining the level of stress.

14.4.5 Poisson’s ratio

The expected value of the Poisson’s ratio for an ideal material is 0.5. The values for real materials tend to be between about 0.2 and 0.4 and hence a range of 0–0.5 was investigated. The typical value was taken to be 0.2. The stress increased by a factor of two as the Poisson’s ratio was varied between 0 and 0.5. Variation in this parameter is not of primary importance in determining the stress.

14.4.6 Permeability coefficient

As has been discussed previously, the repository is likely to become water saturated at some stage after closure and hence the gas permeability will be influenced by the presence of water. Figure 14.2 demonstrates that the stress is strongly dependent on permeability for permeability coefficients below about 10−16 m2. Table 6.5 shows that the permeability coefficients for water-saturated materials are likely to lie below this value and hence will be crucial in determining the stress. The value of the permeability coefficient used as the typical value was 10−18 m2, somewhat below the measured permeability coefficient for the reference backfill grout in the 100 % relative humidity (RH) conditioned state.

14.5 Behaviour in a repository

The comparative performance of the cementitious materials studied in this work is summarised in Fig. 14.3. As discussed above, the crucial parameters in determining the calculated level of tangential hoop stress at the void surface are the void radius and the permeability coefficient of the surrounding material. Figure 14.3 shows the calculated stress for permeability coefficients between 10−22 and l0−14 m2 for voids of 0.02, 0.1 and 0.5 m radius using the typical values for the remaining parameters. The measured ranges of the permeability coefficients for the cementitious materials are also illustrated, plotted at stress values equal to the estimated tensile strength of each material based on one tenth of the compressive strength. If the tensile strength of the material at an appropriate permeability is exceeded by the calculated stress then the material is predicted to fail by cracking at the void.

14.3 Summary of the conclusions of the stress generation model.

In Fig. 14.3, the variation in tangential hoop stress at the void surface for three different void radii is plotted against permeability coefficient. The estimated tensile strengths for the materials investigated in this work are also plotted against the range of the permeability coefficients. A material is considered to crack if the calculated stress exceeds the tensile strength, as shown by the regions labelled ‘survive’ and ‘fail’ (crack).

Figure 14.3 indicates that the two backfill grouts can adequately disperse gas and hence will not fail. In contrast, the PFA/PC concrete and the GGBS/PC grout appear to have insufficient permeability in the saturated state to prevent cracking. The simplicity of the model and the uncertainty in some of the parameters, in particular the permeability coefficients, Poisson’s ratios and tensile strengths, require that these conclusions are tentative. In particular, the possibility of the formation of high pH ‘boulders’ in the backfill surrounded by carbonated layers with low permeability has been postulated (Claisse and Unsworth, 1996).

14.6 Conclusions

A simple model of the development of cracking in cementitious materials in repositories has been developed. The model identifies the gas permeability coefficient as a crucial parameter in determining the likelihood of cracking through gas generation in voids. Initial calculations indicate that the backfill grouts studied in this work should be able to release gas at a sufficient rate to avoid cracking.

14.7 References

1. Claisse PA, Unsworth HP. The engineering of a cementitious barrier. In: Bentley SP, ed. Engineering Geology of Waste Disposal. London: Geological Society; 1996;:267–272. Engineering Geology Special Publication No.11.

2. Roark T, Young C. Formulas for Stress and Strain 5th edn New York: McGraw Hill; 1975.

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