Symbols and Numbers

$ (dollar sign), variables and, 302303

* (asterisks) indicating translations, 164

:: (double colons), axis and node tests and, 211

@ (at symbol), fields prefixed by, 85

/base class, 205

?umbDebugShowTrace=1 debug URL parameter, 186

[] (brackets)

predicates and, 211

value drop-down list in content editor and, 45

{} curly braces, values as attributes in HTML tags and, 215

~ (root operator), 74

301 (permanent) redirects, 277

404 (page not found) errors, 276277



content tree and, 45

to multiple start nodes, setting up users for, 4647

to public websites. See Members section

restricted, creating users with, 3335

restricting, importance of, 38

sections and, 33

acronyms, dictionaries and, 148


event model and, 249

package actions, 202205

add-ons. See packages

Alias value, 59


automatic creation of, 106

installation problems and, 274275

templates and, 89

valid, 100

Allowed child nodetypes' functionality, parent document types and, 64

AltTemplate, 8992

ApplicationPoolIdentity or Network Service, 270

Approved Color data type, 309310

apps. See packages

<appSettings …/>, 262

archives, needed for Classified Ads example, 280

<asp:Content> control, 87

<asp:DropDownList /> control, 235

<asp:Login /> control, 245246


master pages, nesting and inheritance with, 8688

modules and, 29

ASP.NET AJAX library, troubleshooting upgrades and, 297

asterisks (*) indicating translations, 164

at symbol (@), fields prefixed by, 85


outputting values as (HTML tags), 215

tags, 182183

AutoExpireFaq.cs (code listing), 255256

axes (XPath), 211, 212


backing up

files and databases when upgrading, 294, 295

version upgrades and, 21

backoffice. See also sections (Umbraco)

backoffice extensions, 199

backoffice UI language, changing, 147148

basics of, 3233

managing and editing scripts and, 102

/base class, 205

Beginning XSLT and XPath: Transforming XML Documents and Data (Wiley, 2009), 111, 207


Blog 4 Umbraco, 198

Blog starter kit, 24

books.xml (code listing), 210

brackets ([])

predicates and, 211

value drop-down list in content editor and, 45

Breadcrumb.xslt (code listing), 114115

build events, setting up, 301303

built-in data types, 308309

built-in document type properties, 7071

Business starter kit, 24



Cache Period option, 106

XML cache, website response and, 3536, 37

XML content tree, cached, 111

XSLT cache, 209

Cascading Style Sheets. See CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)


of dictionary names, 152

of document type alias variables, 188

CategoriesDT.ascx and .ascx.cs (code listings), 236237

certification (Umbraco), 306

ChangeSourceRuby.rb (code listing), 131

Checkbox List data type, 310

Checking the templateIds in Umbraco v 4.x & v 4.5 (code listings), 93

child document types, News Article as, 168169

ClassfiedAdDetails.xslt macro, 282, 284

Classified Ads (sample application), 279289

basics of, 279280

components to configure, 280

document types, 282, 283

event hooks, 287288

knowledge necessary for, 280

libraries, 281282

macros, 284286

resulting classified listing, 288

templates, 282284

ClassifiedAd .NET user control–powered macro, 286

code. See also Umbraco UI code editor

custom code, .NET user controls and, 128129

hardcoded IDs for pages, 233

.NET code for extending Umbraco. See .NET controls

silent code, defined, 255

source controlling code, 299

CodePlex, packages and, 197, 198

collaboration packages, 199


Approved Color data type, 309310

modifying skins and, 27

commercial packages, 199200

community packages, 197198

Compatible with: attribute, 197


Classified Ads components, 280

in ClassifiedAd .NET user control–powered macro, 286

language files components, 139

Config Tree package, 129


components in Classified Ads example, 279280

data types, 319

databases at installation, 78

SMTP (simple mail transport protocol) servers, 240

TinyMCE, 317

ContactForm.ascx and .ascx.cs (code listings), 240241


accessing with XSLT, 207

content and structure, separating, 3235

content areas for templates, 75

content Properties tab, 3839

Content section, 3841

flexible content structure, 56

formatting, 176

injecting with tags, 8285

listing all with XSLT, 217219

published, XSLT for, 208209

restricting type of, 6264

retrieving, 224

tools for managing, 174176

troubleshooting upgrades and, 297

Umbraco advantages relative to, 181

unpublished, accessing, 112

various types of, 32

content, creating, 167179

best practices in content management, 167

Rich Text Editor (RTE) basics, 174179

structure, creating, 168170

templates, organizing for reuse, 171174

content editor

associating CSS classes to, 99102

value drop-down list in, 45

Content Picker data type, 310

content tree

access and, 45

basics of, 3537, 55

Content Picker data type and, 310

multiple start nodes in, 4647

sitemaps and, 167168

traversing cached XML content tree, 111

users and, 168

ContentPlaceHolders, 7475, 77, 79

context menu, on Content nodes, 4041


basics of, 131

user generated forms and, 131135

Courier, 266268

CRUD operations, 226, 258

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

creating, 9495

CSS classes, associating to content editor, 99102

CSS files, skins and, 25

markup and, 88

populating, 9598


automatic changes in, 159

available in .NET, listed, 140147

curly braces ({}), values as attributes in HTML tags and, 215

currentPage parameter, 111

currentPage variable, 220

CurrentSchemaSample.xml (code listing), 36

custom code, .NET user controls, 128129

custom data types, creating, 235239

custom forms, creating, 131134

custom tags (.NET), 181


skins, 2627

starter kits, 21

CVS, managing files and, 33


data, passing through macro parameters, 241244

data model, document types and, 56

data types, 307319. See also Rich Text Editor (RTE)

Approved Color, 309310

built-in, definition of, 308309

Checkbox List, 310

configuring, 319

Content Picker, 310

custom data types, creating, 235239

Date Picker, 311

Date Picker with Time, 311

defined, 55, 307

Dropdown control, 312

Dropdown Multiple, 311312

Image Cropper control, 312314

loosing saved data and, 238

Macro Container, 314

Media Picker, 121, 315

Member Picker, 315

purpose of, 307308

Radiobox, 315

Related Links, 315316

Richtext Editor, 316317

Simple Editor, 317

supported database data types, 308

Tags, 317318

Textbox Multiple, 318

Textstring, 318

True/False, 318

Ultimate Picker, 318

Upload, 318


backing up when upgrading, 294, 295

configuring at installation, 78, 16

installation problems and, 272273

support of, 11, 35

supported database engines, 262

synchronizing, 266

DataTables, rendering nodes as, 229


auto expiring nodes on specific dates, 255256

Date Picker data type, 311

Date Picker with Time data type, 311

grouping output by, 124128


debug URL parameter, 186

in development environments, 18

defaultMemberTypeAlias attribute, 245

deploying to production installations, 261268

Courier, 266268

databases, synchronizing, 266

packager and, 263265

planning, 261262

Developer Packages, installing skins and, 25

Developer section, 50

developer tools in repository, 199

developers, community of (Umbraco), 306307

development environments

debugging in, 18

multi-developer environments, 299

dictionaries, 148152

basics of, 148149

defined, 148

dictionary labels, new, 4445

languages, adding, 149

OutputDictionaryItems.xslt (code listing), 150

Umbraco Macro Tag for Dictionary Item (code listing), 150

uses of, 148

using, 150152

directories (virtual), installation problems and, 271

Document API

LINQ and, 256

saving nodes and, 231

document types, 5572

basics of, 55, 72, 168

changing, 38, 8992

creating, 5662, 230231

data model, 56

exporting, 6770, 257

flexible content structure, 56

importing, 68

multiple templates and, 171

needed to support Classified Ads example, 282, 283

parent document types, 6467

properties, 7072

relationship to templates, 171

restricting type of content, 6264

dollar ($ sign), variables and, 302303

downloading. See also websites for downloading

Courier, 266

packages, 197

uComponents, 307

Dropdown control, 312

drop-down menus for navigation, 184185

Dropdown Multiple data type, 311312


editing resources, 299

editors. See also Rich Text Editor (RTE)

built-in editor for XSLT manipulation, 215216

content editor, 45, 99102

Simple Editor data type, 317

Umbraco Customize Skin editor, 2627, 2930

Umbraco UI code editor, 7879


assigned tasks with, 160

sending with contact forms, 239241

error handling, installation problems and, 273276

error404 key, 276


appearing in red, setting up for, 186

with XSLT macros, 186

Event document type, 6667, 124128

event hooks

for Classified Ads example, 287288

event model and, 249254

event log (Windows), installation problems and, 275276

event model

event examples, 255256

event hooks, 249254

LINQ to Umbraco, 256258

EventOutputGroupedByMonth-4.0.x.xslt and 4.5.xslt (code listings), 124127


build events, setting up, 301303

examples of, 255256

listed, 249255

ExamDiff, 294

Examine, 188193, 198

ExamineIndex-partial.config (code listing), 189

ExamineSettings-partial.config (code listing), 190

ExcelDownload.master (code listing), 91


system exceptions when running macros, 229

System.NotSupportedException, 258

exporting document types, 6770, 257

ExportTableDataToExcel.xslt (code listing), 9192

EXSLT extensions, 111


LINQ to Umbraco, 258

Umbraco. See .NET controls

Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation. See XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation)

extensions. See also packages

to enrich macros (XSLT), 118121


False/True data type, 318

FamFamFam icon, 59


CreateFAQ.ascx and .ascx.cs (code listings), 232, 233, 242243

FAQ Node from Cache (code listing), 213

ListFaqs.ascx.cs (code listing), 257258

ListFaqs.xslt (code listing), 187188

ListLatestFaqs-40x.xslt (code listing), 220221

ListLatestFaqs.xslt (code listing), 219220


document type tabs, 58

in document types, 55, 56

file permissions, troubleshooting installation and, 270271


backing up when upgrading, 294, 295

copying when upgrading, 295, 296

installation files, 5

language files, adding and updating, 139, 149

language files components, 139

managing in source control environments, 33

missing, installation problems and, 271

folder structure, setting up, 299300

<form id=“1” runat=“server” /> tag, 229

<form runat=“server”/> tag, 128

formatting content, 176


contact forms, sending email with, 239241

custom forms, creating with Contour, 131134

user generated forms, 131135

functionality, adding, 181193

Examine, for searching content, 188193

news, events, and posts, providing latest, 187188

tags, 181184

website navigation menus, generating, 184187


macro functions, 107108

node set functions, 222

Users section, 4244



lists automatically, 187188

new versions of Rich Text Editor, 179

website navigation menus, 184187

Generic Properties tab, 65

GetDictionaryItem function, 150

GetMedia XSLT extension, 121

Google's Webmaster Tools, 168

GridView control

features of, 229

rendering nodes in, 228229

groups, member, 5152


hierarchical structure of websites, 57

hosting, installation problems when shared, 273

hostnames, multiple, 153, 154, 156159

hosts file, 157

HTML, markup and, 88



FamFamFam icon, 59

tools for content management icons, 175176

IDs, node, 266

IIS (Internet Information Services)

hostnames and, 156, 157

IIS applications, identifying, 270

IndexPath and, 189

web roots and, 4


basics of, 99

Image Cropper control, 312314

modifying skins and, 27

OutputMediaAsImage.xslt (code listing), 214215

outputting from media library, 121124

importing document types, 68

IndexPath, IIS and, 189

inheritance, with ASP.NET master pages, 8688

Insert Macro tool, 117

Insert Umbraco page field dialog, 83

insertBefore and insertAfter attributes, 183184

<install root>/config/tinyMceConfig.config file, 317

<install root>/config/xsltExtensions.config file, 247

<install root>/umbraco/config/lang directory, 137

installation. See also upgrading existing Umbraco installations

setting up multiple sites and, 154

transferring installation, 262

installation, troubleshooting

causes of problems, 269270

database-related issues, 272273

file permissions and, 270271

missing files, 271

.NET Runtime versions and, 271

shared hosting and, 273

virtual directories and, 271


Contour, 131

Cot, 131

.NET installation, extending, 31

packages, 195197, 199

starter kits, 9, 14, 16, 2224, 197

installing Umbraco, 330

basics of, 34, 30

manual installation, 1218

Microsoft Web Platform Installer, 412

modules, finding and installing, 2930

multiple sites and, 154

skins, applying and manipulating. See skins, applying and manipulating

special environments, 1819

starter kits, 2124

upgrading, 1921

internationalization. See languages

Internet Information Services. See IIS (Internet Information Services)

IronPython, 129130

IronRuby, 129, 130131

isDoc attribute, 218

IUsercontrolDataEditor interface, 235


JavaScript libraries, using scripts and, 102



basics of, 196

community site and, 306

repository and, 195


labels, new dictionary labels (Users section), 4445

languages, 137149

adding, 149

available in .NET, listed, 140147

backoffice UI language, changing, 147148

cultures available in .NET, listed, 140147

default language, changing, 138

language files, adding and updating, 139

multiple sites and, 153

pre-installed language packs, listed, 138

SampleLanguageFile.xml (code listing), 139

Ultimate Picker data type and, 318

layout, styles and, 9498

LegacySchemaSample.xml (code listing), 36


ASP.NET AJAX library, troubleshooting upgrades and, 297

JavaScript libraries, using scripts, and, 102

media library, outputting images from, 121124

needed for Classified Ads example, 281282

referencing, 303304

regular expression library, 61

shipped with Umbraco, 118

XSLT extensions library, 111, 118

line numbers, turning off and on, 80

links, Related Links data type, 315

LINQ to Umbraco, 256258

ListAllContent.xslt (code listing), 217

ListAllPages-40x.xslt (code listing), 218219

ListFaqs.ascx.cs (code listing), 257258

ListFaqs.xslt (code listing), 187188

ListLatestFaqs-40x.xslt (code listing), 220221

ListLatestFaqs.xslt (code listing), 219220

ListPagesAsGridView.ascx and .ascx.cs (code listings), 229


automatically generating, 187188

Checkbox List data type, 310

listing subpages from current page (example), 225228

ListSubPagesFromCurrentPage.ascx and .ascx.cs (code listings), 227228

localization. See languages; translations

logging, installation problems and, 273276


login controls, dragging, 244245

login macro, creating, 244246

Login.ascx and .ascx.cs (code listings), 245, 246

looping, 219222


macros, 105135

automatic creation of, 106

basics of, 105

creating, 106107, 224

displaying, 110111

functionality, adding, 314

importance of, 105

login macro, creating, 244246

Macro Container, 314

macro functions, 107108

macro parameters, 108110, 241244

modules and, 29

needed to support Classified Ads example, 284286

.NET DLR, support for, 129131

.NET user controls, 128129

.NET vs. XSLT, 208

Razor-driven macros, 186

system exceptions when running, 229

user generated forms, 131135

variables in Visual Studio and, 302303

XSLT-powered macros. See XSLT-powered macros

manual installation of Umbraco, 1218

markup, defining, 7882

Master base template, creating, 7980

master document types, 65

master pages

basics of, 73

nesting and inheritance with ASP.NET master pages, 8688

structure of, 7576

MasterPage templates (skins), 2728


media tree, 168

types supported out of the box, 4749

working with XSLT and, 212215

media library, outputting images from, 121124

Media Picker data type, 121, 315

Media section, 4749

MediaOutput-4.0.x.xslt (code listing), 123124

MediaOutput-4.5.xslt (code listing), 122123

member groups, creating, 5152

Member Picker data type, 315

member types, creating, 52


defined, 42

vs. users, 42

Members section, 5052

Membership Provider model, 244, 245

menus, generating website navigation menus, 184187


consuming (.NET), 246

for managing page redirects, 277278

prefixed with umbusersguide.library:MethodName, 247

XSLT extension methods, 118121


Microsoft SQL databases, installation of Umbraco and, 11

Microsoft SQL Server CE database option, installation and, 5

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, 273, 274

Microsoft Webmatrix, 280

Microsoft Web Platform Installer

advantages of using, 4

first-time installation and, 412

limitation of using, 11

mindmap diagrams, websites creating and, 57

model, defined, 186

Modify Template Skin button, 26, 27

modifying skins, 2729

modules. See also packages

finding and installing, 2930

Muenchian Method, 128

multiple sites, 152, 153156, 171

MySQL database, installation of Umbraco and, 11


Name attribute, 243

name() function, 220


dictionaries, 152

identical sites, 155

nodes when creating document types, 59

renaming nodes, 155

Umbraco CMS Application Name, leaving blank at installation, 56

navigation, generating website navigation menus, 184187

nesting, with ASP.NET master pages, 8688


consuming methods, 246

Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR), 129131

installation, extending, 31

languages available in, listed, 140147

Membership Provider model, 244, 245

.NET macros vs. XSLT macros, 208

.NET XSLT transformation engine, 31

packages and, 201

Runtime versions, troubleshooting installation and, 271

user controls, 128129

.NET controls, 223258

data types, creating custom, 235239

email, sending with contact forms, 239241

event model. See event model

listing subpages from current page, 225228

login macro, creating, 244246

macro parameters, passing data through, 241244

macros, creating, 224

.NET, using from XSLT, 246249

.NET examples, 224

nodes, rendering in grid control, 228229

pages, creating programmatically, 230235

.NET Node object, document type properties and, 70

News Article document type, 168169

NodeDataProvider, 256, 258

NodeFactory class, 226

LINQ and, 256

XSLT and, 208


auto expiring, 255256

counting and looping, XSLT and, 219222

defined, 32, 33

document nodes defined, 218

document types, multiple templates and, 171

field nodes, 218

homepage nodes, 156

looping and, 219220

Members section, 51

node IDs, 266

node sorting, 169170

number supported, 153

published nodes in Classified Ads example, 287

renaming, 155

rendering as DataTables, 229

rendering in grid control, 228229

users for multiple start nodes access, 4647


OnInit override, 245, 197

OutputDictionaryItems.xslt (code listing), 150

OutputMediaAsImage.xslt (code listing), 214215

OutputMediaId.xslt (code listing), 213214

OutputMetaTag.master (code listing), 184




Package Actions tab, 202

Package Properties tab, 200, 201, 202

packages, 195205

basics of, 195197

commercial, 199200

community, 197198

compatibility of versions when upgrading, 294, 295296

creating, 200205

deploying to production installations and, 263265

package actions, 202205

package repository, 199

quality of, 197

page fields, special tags and, 8385

PageAge.xslt (code listing), 248249


creating programmatically, 230235

listing subpages from current page, 129130, 225228

ListPagesAsGridView.ascx and .ascx.cs (code listings), 229

moved and missing, installation problems and, 276278

page redirects, installation problems and, 277278

subpages, from changeable sources, 130

parameters, macro parameters, 108110, 241244

parent document types, 6467, 169

patch upgrades, 1920


file permissions, installation problems and, 270271

manual installation of Umbraco and, 12, 17

on per-user basis, 45, 46

Personal starter kit, 24

placeholders. See also ContentPlaceHolders populating, 8182

Plain Old CLR (common language runtime) Objects, exporting document types as, 6870

plug-ins. See packages

POCOs (Plain Old CLR Objects), exporting document types as, 6870

position() node, 220

Powell, Aaron, 258

predicates, defined, 211

prevalues, defined, 308

PRO tools, 199

production environments

deploying in, 197

migrating content to, 266, 267

security settings in, 19


to add to Event document type, 66

adding new, 173

built-in, 7071

creating, 6061

document types, creating and, 56

master document types, 65

media types, 4748

package properties, adding, 263264

Press Release container document type, 63

for Press Release Content Type, 60

with special features, 7172

standard document type properties, 7072

templates, 77

Users section, 4244

Properties tab (Content section), 3839

published content, XSLT for, 208209


packages, 202

websites, 155


Radiobox data type, 315

Razor, 184, 186

regular expression library, 61

Related Links data type, 315316

relational databases, support for data model and, 35


community-driven packages repository, 205

package repository, 195, 199

XSLT repository, accessing, 207208

requests, routing to correct sites, 157

resources, 305306

REST-driven data exchange, 205

Rich Text Editor (RTE)

basics of, 174179

generating new versions, 179

macros tags, adding and, 110

styles and, 99102

TinyMCE, 88

Richtext Editor data type, 316317

root master pages, creating, 77

root operator (~), 74

rte-content.css (code listing), 9798

rte-content.css files, 95

runway.css (code listing), 9697

RunwayTextpage+Sidebar.master (code listing), 172

RunwayTextpage.master (code listing), 116117


SampleLanguageFile.xml (code listing), 139


nodes, Document API and, 231

XSLT files, 115


editing, 299

using, 102

SearchFieldForTemplate.txt (code listing), 193

searching. See also SEO (search engine optimization)

content with Examine, 188193

Start menu search box, 156

SearchResults.ascx and .ascx.cs (code listings), 190193

SecondLevelNav.razor (code listing), 186

sections (Umbraco), 3853

Content section, 3841

defined, 32

Developer section, 50

Media section, 4749

Members section, 5052

Settings section, 49

Translation section, 5253

Users section. See Users section


of applications, 270

permission settings and, 17

settings, in production environments, 19

select statement, listing content and, 217218

SendMail method, 239

SEO (search engine optimization)

limiting and controlling structure and, 57

multiple URLs and, 72

NiceUrl(id) and, 38

techniques, 168

services (Umbraco), 306

SetClassifiedAdExpiration class, 287

Settings section, 49

shared hosting, installation problems and, 273

Sidebar Content field, 173, 174

silent code, defined, 255

Simple Editor data type, 317

simple mail transport protocol (SMTP) servers, configuring, 240

Simple starter kit

basics of, 2425

installation and, 9, 11


planning and, 167168

website creating and, 57

skins, applying and manipulating, 2529

basics of, 2526

customizing, 2627

modifying, 2729

skins, installation and, 11, 14, 17

SMTP (simple mail transport protocol) servers, configuring, 240

source controlling code, 299

SQL (Structured Query Language)

authentication, enabling, 272

SQL Server database backups, 295

SQL Server Express, 262, 266

starter kits

basics of, 2122

extending, 24

installing, 9, 14, 16, 2224, 197

packages and, 199

Simple starter kit, 9, 11, 2425

Starterkit Master template, 26


building with templates, 7477

content and structure, separating, 3235

creating, 168170

flexible content structure, 56

hierarchical structure of websites, 57

master pages, 7576

templates, 167

XML, viewing, 211

styles, 94102

defining, 94

editing, 299

images, 99

layout and organization and, 9498

Rich Text Editor (RTE) and, 99102

SubmitChanges method, 258


from changeable sources, 130

listing from current page, 129130, 225228

ListSubPagesFromCurrentPage.ascx and .ascx.cs (code listings), 227228 (code listing), 130

Subversion, 68

SVN, managing files and, 33

synchronizing databases, 266

syntax highlighter, 94

syntax highlighting, turning off and on, 80

system exceptions, when running macros, 229

System.NotSupportedException, 258


tables, document types and, 56


document type tabs, 58

Tabs tab, 59, 65


adding functionality and, 181184

empty, 88

macros, 110, 117

.NET custom, 181

special, 8285

tag attributes, 182183

Tags data type, 317318


adding dictionaries to, 151

AltTemplate, 8992

applying, 8588

basics of, 74

building website structure using, 74

built-in XSLT templates, using, 112116

Checking the templateIds in Umbraco v 4.x and v 4.5 (code listings), 93

creating, 7677

editing, 299

layout and structure, building and, 7476

markup and, 7882, 88

master page templates, adding macros in, 110111

master pages and, 73

Master.master (code listing), 7980

no template effect, 9293

organizing for reuse, 171174

SampleBase.htm (code listing), 75

special tags, 8285

structure, 167

styles. See styles

template required for Classified Ads example, 282284

Textpage.master (code listing), 81


existing installations upgrades, 296297

SMTP service, configuring for, 240

Windows hosts file, 157

text, modifying skins and, 27

Textbox Multiple data type, 318

Textpage template, creating, 8081

Textpage.master (code listing), 284

Textpage.Master file

populating placeholder for, 8182

special tags and, 84

Textstring data type, 318

Textstring Multiple data type, 176

time, Date Picker with Time data type, 311


basics of, 88

configuring, 317

defining styles and, 94

editing control, 174

Rich Text Editor data type and, 316317

TinyMCE v3 WYSIWYG, 179

tools. See also specific tools

developer tools in repository, 199

for editing, enabling, 178

Google's Webmaster Tools, 168

for managing content, 174176

for separation of content and layout, 32

Visual Studio tools, reasons to use, 299

Translation section, 5253


adding, 149

dictionaries and, 148

translating site names, 150

translation workflow, 159164


content tree, 3537

defined, 32


error handling and logging and, 273276

existing installations upgrades, 297

installation. See installation, troubleshooting

moved and missing web pages, 276278

problems for, understanding, 269

True/False data type, 318

TwoTierTopNav.xslt (code listing), 184185


uComponents, 198, 307

.udt extension, exporting document types and, 68

Ultimate Picker data type, 318


4.x vs. 4.5.x, 209

building blocks. See sections (Umbraco)

training and certifications, 306

transferring installation, 262

Umbraco Customize Skin editor

customizing skins and, 2627

installing modules and, 2930

Umbraco Installation Wizard, 7, 13, 19, 272

Umbraco Macro Tag for Dictionary Item (code listing), 150

Umbraco PRO, 199, 306

Umbraco TV, 306

Umbraco UI code editor, 7879

Umbraco Upgrade Wizard, 20, 21

umbraco.BusinessLogic.ApplicationBase class, 255

umbraco.BusinessLogic.Log class, 288

umbracoDefaultUILanguage appSettings key, 138

umbraco.editorControls.userControlGrapper interface, 235

umbracoHideTopLevelNodeFromPath, 154

umbracoInternalRedirectId method, 278

<umbraco:item /> tag, 151, 256

<umbraco:item …/> tag, 284

umbracoLog table, 255, 274275

umbracoRedirect method, 277

umbracoSettings.config file, 155

umbusersguide.library:MethodName, methods prefixed with, 247

UmbUsersGuide.Samples project, 225

uninstalling packages, 196, 197198

unpublished content, accessing, 112

upgrade wizard, 295

upgrading existing Umbraco installations, 293297

early versions, 36

files, copying, 296

files and database, backing up, 295

package compatibility, 294, 295296

steps, 293295

testing and troubleshooting, 296297

upgrading first-time Umbraco installations, 1921

Upload data type, 319

URLs, Setting to use domain prefixes (code listing), 156

UserControlWrapper, 129


content tree and, 168

creating, 9, 14, 16, 3335

defined, 42

vs. members, 42

for multiple start nodes access, 4647

permissions, content tree and, 45

readability of content and, 168

with restricted access, creating, 3335

translation users, adding, 160

user types (Users section), 44

Users section, 4247

functions and properties, 4244

new dictionary labels, 4445

user types, 44

users for multiple start nodes access, 4647


validation, regular expression library and, 61


Alias value, 59

creating document types and, 59

Database data type values, changing, 238

outputting as attributes in HTML tags, 215

value drop-down list in content editor, 45

version upgrades, 21

view engines, 184

virtual directories, installation problems and, 271

Visual Studio

debugging in development environments and, 19

features for Classified Ads example, 280

.NET and, 224

project accompanying this book, 225

solution for Classified Ads example, 280, 281

Visual Studio environment, setting up, 299304

build events, 301303

folder structure, 299300

libraries, referencing, 303304

reasons for using Visual Studio toolsets, 266

Visualize XSLT tool, 215

VisualSourceSafe, managing files and, 33


Web Platform Installer, 3, 412, 271

web roots, installing and running from, 34

Web.config (partial), code listing, 138

web.config file, 129, 138

Webmaster Tools (Google), 168

Webmatrix, 280


multiple, 152, 153156

website navigation menus, generating, 184187

websites, for downloading

Classified Ads (sample application), 279

Config Tree package, 129

ExamDiff, 294

Examine, 198

latest version of Umbraco, 3, 294

Microsoft Web Platform Installer, 4

Microsoft Webmatrix, 280

.NET code examples, 224225

packages, 197

PRO tools, 199

sample application, 279

source and installation archive, 305

Subversion, 68

uComponents, 198

from Umbraco CodePlex home, 3

Visual Studio, 224

websites, for further information

umbracoLog table support, 274

backup documentation, 19

certification, 306

community of developers, 269, 306307

community-driven packages repository, 205

cultures, .NET and, 137

DLR languages, 129

extending LINQ, 258

extending Umbraco, 223

Google's Webmaster Tools, 168

installing in various scenarios, 19

Karma, 196

lists, outputting autogenerated, 188

load balancing, 262

Muenchian Method, 128

package compatibility, 295

SQL Server database backups, 295

TinyMCE, 317

training and certification, 306

Umbraco Community Forum, 269

Umbraco community projects, 47

Umbraco PRO, 306

Umbraco TV, 306

upgrade issues, 297

W3W specification, 112

XSL, 112

Williams, Ian, 207

Windows event logs, installation problems and, 275276


Umbraco Installation Wizard, 7, 13, 19, 272

Umbraco Upgrade Wizard, 20, 21, 295

workflow, translation, 159164

WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor, 316317


XCOPY commands, 301

XHTML, markup and, 88


XML cache, website response and, 3536, 37

XML schema in versions of Umbraco, 209

XPath (XML Path Language)

basics of, 210212

traversing cached XML content tree with, 111

XPath axis, 211

XPathNodeIterator method, 249

XSL, XSLT and, 111

XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation), 207222

basics of, 111112, 207208

built-in editor for XSLT manipulation, 215216

counting, looping and conditional statements and, 219222

dictionaries and, 150, 151

images, outputting from media library, 121124

installation problems and, 276

listing all content, 217219

macros, creating, 106

macros for Classified Ads example, 284285

media, working with, 212215

modules and, 29

.NET, using from, via XSLT extensions, 246249

.NET XSLT transformation engine, 31

output, grouping by date, 124128

packages and, 201

for published content, 208209

XPath basics, 210212

XSLT Extension Library, 111

XSLT extensions, 31

xsltExtensions.config (code listing), 247

XsltExtensions.cs (code listing), 246247

XSLT-powered macros, 111128

built-in XSLT templates, using, 112116

creating, 116117

errors with, 186

XSLT extensions, 118121

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