About Importing Data to JMP
You can import many file formats into JMP and save them as data tables. JMP opens many files by default. The file formats which JMP does not support by default require specific Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) drivers.
The Following File Formats Are Supported by Default:
Comma-separated (.csv)
.dat files that consist of text
ESRI shapefiles (.shp)
Flow Cytometry versions 2.0 and 3.0 (.fcs)
Hierarchical Data Format, Version 5 (.h5)
HTML (.htm, .html)
JSON (.json)
MATLAB (.m, .M)
Microsoft Excel 1997 through 2016 (.xls, .xlsx on Macintosh)
Microsoft Excel 2007 through 2016 (*.xlsx, *.xlsm on Windows)
Minitab Portable Worksheet (.mtp)
Plain text (.txt)
R (.r)
SAS transport (.xpt, .stx)
SAS versions 7 through 9 on Macintosh (.sas7bdat)
SAS versions 7 through 9 on Windows (.sas7bdat, .sas7bxat)
SPSS files (.sav)
Tab-separated (.tsv)
Teradata database (.trd)
Triple-S (.sss, .xml)
xBase data files (.dbf)
Notes on SAS Support:
On both Windows and Macintosh, you can open SAS data sets directly through the File > Open command. See “Import SAS Data Sets” for details.
Another option is connecting to a SAS server by selecting File > SAS > Browse Data. See “Open SAS Data Sets through a SAS Server” for details.
The Following Files Require ODBC Drivers:
Database (dBASE) (.ndx, .mdx) is supported with a V3+ compliant ODBC driver. .dbf files do not require an ODBC driver.
Microsoft Access Database (.mdb) is supported with a V3+ compliant ODBC driver.
See “Import Data from a Database” for details for working with databases.
Your computer’s available memory affects data import. Very large files might load slowly or not at all. Consider splitting up large files before importing them. In JMP, you can then join or concatenate the tables. For more information, see “Concatenate Data Tables” in the “Reshape Data” chapter and “Join Data Tables” in the “Reshape Data” chapter.
Note: You can open R code (.R) and SAS program files (.sas) in JMP, but the text opens in a Script window, not in a data table.
Import Microsoft Excel Files
Microsoft Excel files open in the Excel Import Wizard by default. The wizard shows a preview of the data. You can then modify the settings before importing the data. For example, you might indicate which row the data begin on and whether the worksheet contains column headers or hidden rows or columns. Microsoft Excel .xls, .xlsm, and .xlsx file formats are supported.
For information about opening a Microsoft Excel file outside the wizard, see “Import a Microsoft Excel File Directly”.
Password-protected Microsoft Excel .xlsx files cannot be opened in JMP.
Between Windows and Macintosh, the number of digits after a decimal point and the date format of imported data might differ. For example, “10/25/2012” might be formatted as “25Oct2012” on Macintosh. Columns might be imported as character columns on Macintosh but not on Windows.
Consider setting the Autosave Timeout value in the General preferences to automatically save open data tables. This autosave value also applies to other JMP document types.
Preview and Import the Microsoft Excel Data
Before you import a worksheet, open the spreadsheet in Excel and decide how you want the data to be structured in the final data table. For example, you need to know whether the worksheet includes hidden or merged cells. In the wizard, you can then exclude hidden columns or rows.
To import a Microsoft Excel file that contains several worksheets, follow these steps:
1. Open the worksheet in Microsoft Excel.
For the figures in this example, we used the Team Results.xlsx file located in the JMP Samples/Import Data folder. The file has the following characteristics:
the data begin on row 4, column 2 and end on row 9, column 5
two worksheets
the second worksheet has two sets of merged cells
no hidden rows or columns
Figure 3.2 Team Results.xlsx Worksheet
Team Results.xlsx Worksheet
2. To open an Excel file in JMP, select File > Open.
The Open Data File window appears.
3. Select the Excel file.
The worksheet opens in the Excel Import Wizard, where a preview of the data appears along with import options (Figure 3.3).
Figure 3.3 Example Initial Data Preview
Example Initial Data Preview
Note the following characteristics in the Data Preview:
Both worksheets are selected for import in the upper right corner.
The first column has been automatically been removed.
Text from the first row of the worksheet appears as the column headings. However, you want the text in row 3 of the worksheet to be used as the column headings.
The first data row is empty.
Note: JMP remembers your previous changes each time you import a worksheet, even after closing and reopening JMP. This feature is helpful when you want to reimport the same worksheet several times and experiment with options. To clear those changes when you import a different worksheet, click Restore Default Settings.
4. Type 3 for Column headers start on row
5. Type 4 for Data starts on row.
6. Select Ungrouped Team Results in the Worksheets pane.
Only this worksheet will be imported.
7. Deselect Use for all worksheets.
These settings apply only to Ungrouped Team Results.
Figure 3.4 shows your changes.
Figure 3.4 Selecting the Column Header Row
Selecting the Column Header Row
See “Individual Worksheet Settings” for details about all options.
8. Click Next to configure other import settings.
The window displays additional import settings.
9. For Data ends with row, type 9.
10. For Data ends with column, type 5.
Figure 3.5 shows your changes.
Figure 3.5 Specifying the Last Column
Specifying the Last Column
See “Additional Individual Worksheet Settings” for details about all options.
11. Click Import to convert the worksheet as you specified (Figure 3.6).
Figure 3.6 Final Data Table
Final Data Table
The following sections describe options in the Excel Import Wizard.
Individual Worksheet Settings
Worksheet contains column headers
Select if the worksheet contains rows with column headers.
Column headers start on row
Indicates which row the column headers begin on in the worksheet. Click the up arrow Image shown here until the headers begin on the correct row, or enter the row number and press Enter.
Number of rows with column headers
Indicates whether the worksheet has multiple rows as column headers. Click the up arrow Image shown here until the header rows appear correctly, or enter the number of rows and press Enter.
Data starts on row
Indicates which row the data start on in the worksheet.
Data starts on column
Indicates which column the data start on in the worksheet.
Concatenate worksheets and try to match columns
Merges all worksheets into one data table. JMP matches columns that have the same header.
Create column with worksheet name when concatenating
Adds a new Source Table column that lists the worksheet name for each imported table. This option is available after you select the preceding concatenate option.
Use for all worksheets
Applies the current import settings to all worksheets that are selected in the upper right corner.
Additional Individual Worksheet Settings
Treat multiple column header lines as hierarchies
Indicates that the worksheet contains multiple rows as column headers and you want these headers to be hierarchies. This option is only for stackable data.
Replicate data in spanned rows
Indicates cells are merged in the worksheet across rows. JMP unspan the cells and copy the cell contents into all of the resulting cells. The option is selected by default.
If you deselect Replicate data in spanned rows, JMP unspans the cells and copies the cell contents into the topmost cell. The remaining unspanned cells are left empty.
Suppress hidden rows
Prevents hidden rows from appearing in the data table.
Suppress hidden columns
Prevents hidden columns from appearing in the data table.
Suppress empty columns
Indicates whether an empty column that has a column header is imported. Deselect the option to import the column.
Data ends with row
Indicates the last row in the worksheet that contains data.
Data ends with column
Indicates the last column in the worksheet that contains data.
Advanced Options
Column Name Separator String
Indicates the separator between each word in a column heading if the headings were originally in different rows. Specify the number of rows with column headers on the first Excel Import Wizard window. Then enter a character or space in the Column Name Separator String box. The default string, a hyphen, results in a column heading such as “First-Second-Third”.
Multiple Series Stack
Divides subcategories into separate columns in a worksheet with hierarchical headings. You must also select Treat multiple column header lines as hierarchies. The main category is imported as the Label column.
Replicate headers in spanned rows
Repeats the header text in each cell for rows that are spanned in the worksheet. For example, the State column heading shown in Figure 3.7 was in a merged cell in the worksheet. On the left, the heading is replicated. Deselect the option to avoid repeating the heading as shown on the right.
Figure 3.7 Replicated Headers in a Microsoft Excel File
Replicated Headers in a Microsoft Excel File
Import cell colors
Applies the cell coloring from the worksheet to the data table. On the Mac, only primary and secondary colors can be reliably imported.
Limit column type detection
Scans a maximum of 100 rows to determine the column type. Select this option to speed up the import of large worksheets.
JMP remembers your previous changes each time you import a worksheet, even after closing and reopening JMP. This feature is very helpful when you want to reimport the same worksheet several times and experiment with options. To clear those changes when you import a different worksheet, click Restore Default Settings.
Your import settings are saved in a data table script named Source. To reimport the worksheet using the same settings, run the script. The script includes the path to the worksheet, so make sure that other users have access to that location.
To speed up the data preview in large worksheets, deselect Update settings on any change on the first wizard window. Modify the settings and then click Update now to refresh the data preview.
To view all rows in the Data Preview pane, select Show all rows. The preview might be slightly delayed depending on the size of the spreadsheet.
You can combine two worksheets from the same workbook into one data table. The column names are matched on import, so the order of the columns is irrelevant.
Importing a Microsoft Excel File with Hierarchical Headings
In an Excel worksheet, multiple header rows can have an implied hierarchy; the second header row contains data that are categories of the first header row. Figure 3.8 shows an example. In the worksheet at the top, the seasons “Winter” and “Spring” are in spanned cells above the months within those seasons. In the JMP data table, you want the seasons in one column and their corresponding months in another column.
Figure 3.8 The Original Data in Excel and Final Data in JMP
The Original Data in Excel and Final Data in JMP
To import the worksheets and maintain multiple column hierarchies, follow these steps.
1. In JMP, select File > Open.
2. In the Open Data File window, select Texas Precipitation.xlsx, located in the JMP Samples/Import Data folder, and then click Open.
The worksheet opens in the Excel Import Wizard, where a preview of the data appears along with import options.
Figure 3.9 Excel Import Wizard Preview
Excel Import Wizard Preview
Figure 3.9 shows the default settings for this worksheet:
All worksheets are selected for import.
Each season is split over several columns.
Data from the second heading row of the worksheet appear in the first row.
The empty rows at the top have been removed.
3. Under Preview Pane Refresh, make sure that Update settings on any change is selected.
This means that the Data Preview automatically refreshes when you make changes.
4. Next to Number of rows with column headers, click the up arrow once.
Notice that Data starts on row automatically updates to 3.
Figure 3.10 shows the updated settings.
Figure 3.10 Updated Settings on Page One
Updated Settings on Page One
5. Click Next.
6. Select Treat multiple column header lines as hierarchies.
Each season and month in the header rows of the worksheet will become categories in the data table.
7. Next to Data ends with row, type 6 and press Enter.
After the first three empty rows are removed from the worksheet, the data end with row 6.
Tip: Instead of you typing the end row number, JMP can calculate the row for you. In the Data Preview pane, select row 9, which is where the data ends in the spreadsheet before the first three empty rows are removed. Click the plus sign Image shown here next to Data ends with row.
Figure 3.11 shows the updated settings.
Figure 3.11 Updated Settings on Page Two
Updated Settings on Page Two
Notice that Replicate data in spanned rows is selected by default. JMP unmerges data that were merged in the worksheet and copies the cell contents as separate categories. “TX” was originally in a merged cell. In JMP, it will be copied into separate cells.
8. Click Import.
The four worksheets open as separate data tables. The data tables contain a Source script, which you can run to import the data into new data tables using the same import settings (Figure 3.12). Your import settings are also saved the next time you open the worksheet in the Excel Wizard in any JMP session.
Figure 3.12 The Final Data
The Final Data
Import a Microsoft Excel File Directly
Microsoft Excel files open in the Excel Import Wizard by default. This option is helpful when the structure of data in the worksheet is irregular. For example, you might want to exclude hidden columns or convert text in the third row to column headings.
Instead of opening spreadsheets in the Excel Import Wizard, you can select File > Open to open the file. By default, JMP detects whether the first row contains labels and converts them to column headings. You can change this setting in the General preferences. The Excel Open Method preferences are in File > Preferences > General (Windows) and JMP > Preferences > General (Macintosh). From the Use Excel Labels for Headings list, select Always or Never.
To set the Excel Open Method preference
To always open Microsoft Excel files outside the wizard, change the Excel Open Method preference. Choose to open all worksheets at once or select them from a list.
To open a Microsoft Excel file (Windows)
1. After you set the Excel Open Method as described above, select File > Open.
2. Select the Excel Files file type, select the file, or enter the URL.
3. To convert text in the first row to column headings, select Always next to Always enforce Excel Row 1 as labels.
4. To import all worksheets, click Open.
To select the worksheets that you want to open, click the Open button arrow, and then select Open Selected Worksheets. Select one or more worksheets and click OK.
To open a Microsoft Excel file (Macintosh)
1. Select File > Open and select the file.
2. (.xls only) To convert text in the first row to column headings, select Use Excel Labels as Headings.
3. (.xls only) To open specific worksheets, select Select Individual Excel Worksheets.
4. Click Open.
If you chose to open specific worksheets, select those worksheets from the list, and then click OK. You can also click Select All if you change your mind and want to import all worksheets.
If you chose to open specific worksheets, select those worksheets from the list, and then click OK. You can also click Select All if you change your mind and want to import all worksheets.
If you selected an .xlsx file, a preview of the data appears in the Excel Wizard. See “Preview and Import the Microsoft Excel Data” for details.
Import Data from SAS
You can connect to a SAS server and work directly with SAS data sets:
Import whole SAS data sets or portions of data sets
Make changes to imported SAS data in JMP and then export those changes as a SAS data set
Run stored processes
Submit SAS code from JMP
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Requirements
On Windows, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 7 or later must be installed on your computer to access SAS. However, JRE 7 does not need to be specified as the current version.
On Macintosh, JRE 7 or later must be installed for SAS integration.
Note: On Windows, the bitness of the JRE must match that of JMP. For example, 64-bit JMP communicates with 32-bit SAS if the 64-bit JRE is installed. 32-bit JMP communicates with 64-bit SAS if the 32-JRE is installed.
Access SAS options from the File > SAS menu:
Browse Data
Browse and import data residing on a SAS Server.
SAS Query Builder
Select and import data on a SAS server without writing SQL statements. See “Build SQL Queries in Query Builder” for details.
Export Data to SAS
Export JMP data tables to a SAS Server.
Browse SAS Folders
Browse and run SAS stored processes or open Metadata-defined data tables.
New SAS Program
Opens a script window for writing and submitting SAS code.
Submit to SAS
Sends SAS code directly from JMP to the currently active SAS server.
Open SAS Log Window
Opens a SAS log window for the active SAS server.
Open SAS Output Window
Opens a SAS output window for the active SAS server. This window shows recent SAS output.
Server Connections
Administer connections to SAS servers.
You can also find shortcuts for SAS options on the SAS page of the JMP Starter, and there is a SAS toolbar. You can save certain settings pertaining to SAS Integration on the SAS Integration page of the Preferences window (File > Preferences). For more information about setting your SAS Integration preferences, see “SAS Integration” in the “JMP Preferences” chapter.
Import SAS Data Sets
SAS data sets are saved in one of many SAS formats:
Windows supported formats are .sas7bdat and .sas7bxat.
Macintosh supports reading and writing .sas7bdat files.
Windows and Macintosh support reading and writing .xpt files
When you open a data set in JMP, the file opens as a data table. JMP uses SAS variable names as column names by default. To use variable labels in a specific file on Windows, select the option when you open the file (see step 5 below).
The following ISO date formats are supported: B8601DA, B8601DN, B8601DT, B8601DZ, B8601LZ, B8601TM, B8601TZ, E8601DA, E8601DN, E8601DT, E8601DZ, E8601LZ, E8601TM, E8601TZ. If the date format is not supported, the data is imported with the Scientific Notation format.
To open a SAS data set:
1. Select File > Open.
2. (Windows only) Select SAS Data Sets from the list next to File name as shown in Figure 3.13.
Note: SAS variable names and formats are preserved and can be saved after changes are made to the SAS data set. See “Save as a SAS Data Set” in the “Save and Share Data” chapter.
3. Select the file.
Figure 3.13 Open SAS Data Set
Open SAS Data Set
4. (Optional) Select any of the following options:
SAS variable labels
Uses the SAS variable labels (instead of variable names) as the column names in the JMP data table.
SAS variable names
Uses the SAS variable names (instead of the labels) as the column names in the JMP data table.
5. (Optional on Windows) Select any of the following options:
Apply table and column properties from SAS 9.4 extended attributes
If the SAS server supports extended attributes (SAS 9.4), includes the extended attributes when storing JMP metadata. This setting overrides the SAS 9.4 Extended Attributes preference on the SAS Integration page.
Select this filter the next time this dialog is invoked
Sets the default file type choice to the option that you select next to the File name list If selected, the default file type will be SAS Data Sets the next time you reach this window.
6. (Optional) Select any of the following for a SAS Transport (.xpt) file:
Select member
Lets you enter the name of a specific member, or table, for JMP to open. On Macintosh, select Member Tables > Specified and then enter the name.
Open all members
Opens all members, or tables, in the transport file. On Macintosh, select Member Tables > All.
Save all members
Saves the file as a JMP file as soon as you open it. The file is saved to the same directory where the SAS transport file was opened. On Macintosh, the option is Save all.
Select Columns
Tells JMP to open only certain columns from the transport file. Select the columns that you want to import from the list that appears. On Macintosh, the option is Select columns before opening.
7. Click Open.
Note: If you are importing date variables from a SAS file, JMP looks for a SAS date format and translates it to a JMP date column.
Create SAS Transport Files in SAS
JMP can open SAS transport files that were saved using the SAS XPORT engine. For example, below is sample SAS code that creates a transport file called test.
Note: misc and work are SAS libref names.
data test;
input name $ age weight;
Susan 12 72
Melanie 10 68
Jonathan 11 77
Sheila 13 67
libname misc xport 'C:/test.xpt';
proc copy in=work out=misc;
Connect to SAS
You can either connect to a SAS Metadata Server or directly to a SAS Workspace Server. Once connected to a SAS Metadata Server, you can browse through SAS servers, libraries, and data sets.
Note: SAS Server version 9.4 is the default setting in the JMP SAS Integration preferences. The earliest supported release of the SAS Metadata Server is version 9.1.3 SP4. Connections to earlier releases of the SAS Metadata Server are experimental and are not supported.
To begin, select File > SAS > Server Connections. The SAS Server Connections window shown in Figure 3.14 appears. All connections are made in this window.
Figure 3.14 SAS Server Connections
SAS Server Connections
The following sections describe how to connect to a SAS server.
Connect to a SAS Metadata Server
Note: You can be connected to only one Metadata Server at a time. If you make a second connection, your first one is disconnected.
To connect to a Metadata Server
1. Select File > SAS > Server Connections. The SAS Server Connections window shown in Figure 3.14 appears.
2. Select the version for the SAS Server. Your SAS Metadata Server administrator should have this information.
SAS Server version 9.4 is selected by default based on the JMP SAS Integration preferences.
3. Select the profile that you want to use.
If you do not have a profile set up, see “To create or modify a SAS Metadata Server profile”.
4. Click Connect.
If JMP is unable to establish a connection, an error message appears. Common reasons are invalid user names or passwords. If you need to update the information for the profile, see “To create or modify a SAS Metadata Server profile”.
5. Click Close.
Once you are connected to a SAS Metadata Server, you can connect to any SAS Workspace Servers that the Metadata Server offers.
To connect to a SAS Workspace Server (Windows only)
1. Select File > SAS > Server Connections. The SAS Server Connections window shown in Figure 3.14 appears.
2. Select the Workspace Server to connect to (Figure 3.15).
Figure 3.15 Open a Connection to a Workspace Server
Open a Connection to a Workspace Server
Note: Connect to all available libraries is selected by default based on the SAS Integration preferences. This option connects metadata-defined SAS libraries automatically across all JMP sessions. When the Workspace Server contains a large number of metadata-defined SAS libraries, consider deselecting this option to speed up your connection to the server.
3. Click Connect.
Under Open Workspace Server Connections, the Workspace Server is shown as the current active connection. See Figure 3.16.
Figure 3.16 Current Active Connection
Current Active Connection
4. Click Close.
To change the active connection
Note: The active connection is what is used to submit SAS code or handle SAS script commands.
To change the active connection, you first need to be connected to more than one server. Follow the instructions in “To connect to a SAS Workspace Server (Windows only)” to add two or more server connections.
1. In the Open Workspace Server Connections section, click the drop-down menu and select the desired server.
2. Click Set as Active.
3. Click Close.
Tip: You can change the active server at any time.
To disconnect from a SAS Workspace Server
1. In the SAS Server Connections window, select the Workspace Server to disconnect under Open Workspace Server Connections.
2. Click Disconnect.
To disconnect from a SAS Metadata Server
1. In the SAS Server Connections window, select the Metadata Server to disconnect.
2. Click Disconnect.
To create or modify a SAS Metadata Server profile
1. In the SAS Server Connections window, select the SAS Server Version.
2. Click Manage Profiles.
3. Click Add to add a new profile, or click Modify to change a profile’s settings.
The Create Profile or Modify Profile window appears. If you are adding a new profile, all fields are empty except the Authentication domain field, which contains DefaultAuth, and the Port field. If you are modifying a profile, the fields contain the current information.
Figure 3.17 Create or Modify a Metadata Server Profile
Create or Modify a Metadata Server Profile
4. Fill in the information needed to connect to a SAS Metadata Server. Your SAS Metadata Server administrator should have this information.
Profile name
Select a name for this profile. This name is shown in the list of profiles.
(Optional) You can enter a short description of this profile.
The name of the machine that hosts the Metadata Server. (Example: myserver.mycompany.com)
The port through which you should connect to the machine. (Example: 8561)
Use Integrated Windows Authentication
Select this option to use your Windows log in ID and password to access the server. When enabled, the User name and password fields are disabled. This option is disabled by default.
User name
Your user name for the Metadata Server.
Your password. This is always displayed as asterisks.
Authentication domain
The domain you, as a user, belong to.
5. Click Save.
Connect to a Remote SAS Workspace Server
You can also connect directly to a SAS Workspace Server, instead of going through a Metadata Server.
To connect to a Remote SAS Workspace Server
1. Select File > SAS > Server Connections. The SAS Server Connections window shown in Figure 3.14 appears.
2. Under Establish New Workspace Server Connection, select Connect to remote SAS server on. See Figure 3.18.
Figure 3.18 Open a Connection to a Remote SAS Server
Open a Connection to a Remote SAS Server
3. Enter the machine name and the port number. Your SAS server administrator has this information.
4. Click Connect.
5. Enter your user name and password in the window that appears.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Close in the SAS Server Connections window.
To disconnect from a Remote SAS Workspace Server
1. In the SAS Server Connections window, select the server to disconnect under Open Workspace Server Connections.
2. Click Disconnect.
Connect to a SAS Environment (Windows Only)
On Windows, you can connect to a SAS mid-tier (or SAS environment) if SAS Server version 9.3 or 9.4 is selected in JMP’s preferences and your computer or JMP has been configured correctly. (SAS Server version 9.4 is the default setting in the JMP SAS Integration preferences.)
The SAS installer should have set up your computer to find the SAS environment definition file. If not, you can enter the path to the file in the JMP preferences.
To configure your JMP preferences
1. Select File > Preferences > SAS Integration.
2. Select I want to connect to a SAS Environment and then click Configure.
3. To connect to an environment that JMP has already detected, click Automatic discovery, and then select the URL from the list if necessary.
4. To enter the path to the SAS environment definition file, click Manual configuration and enter the URL.
5. Click OK.
To connect to a SAS Environment
1. Select File > SAS > Server Connections to open the SAS Server Connections window.
2. In the Metadata Server Connection area, select Connect to a SAS Environment.
If this option is not available, either your computer or JMP is not configured to find the environment. See “To configure your JMP preferences” for details.
3. Select the name of the environment from the Environment list if necessary.
4. Click Connect.
5. Enter your user name and password if prompted.
Connect to SAS on Your Local Machine (Windows Only)
You can also connect directly to SAS on your local machine.
To connect to SAS on your computer
1. Select File > SAS > Server Connections to open the SAS Server Connections window.
2. Under Establish New Connection, select Connect to SAS on this machine.
This option is disabled if SAS is not installed on the computer.
3. Click Connect.
4. Click Close in the SAS Server Connections window.
To disconnect from SAS on your computer
1. In the SAS Server Connections window, select Local under Open Connections.
2. Click Disconnect.
Open SAS Data Sets with SAS Query Builder
SAS Query Builder is the preferred method for selecting and importing data from a SAS server. You can preview the data before importing it into a data table. You can also save the queries to modify and run later or to reference in a JSL script.
SAS Query Builder provides an alternative to opening SAS data sets with the File > SAS > Browse Data feature.
To open a SAS data set with SAS Query Builder, follow these steps:
1. Select File > SAS > SAS Query Builder.
2. In the Connect to SAS Server window, select a Metadata server or a remote server.
To connect to a Metadata server that you have already set up in JMP, select the server from the Connect to metadata-defined SAS server list.
Connect to all available libraries is selected by default based on the SAS Integration preferences. This option connects metadata-defined SAS libraries automatically across all JMP sessions. When the Workspace Server contains a large number of metadata-defined SAS libraries, consider deselecting this option to speed up your connection to the server.
To add or configure a Metadata server, click Manage Profiles and follow steps in “To create or modify a SAS Metadata Server profile”.
To connect to a remote server, enter the machine name and the port number. Your SAS Metadata Server administrator should have this information.
3. Click OK.
The SAS Query Builder window appears.
For details about using Query Builder, see “Build SQL Queries in Query Builder”.
All Query Builder queries run in the foreground.
Extended attributes are not imported by default. To import them, modify the JMP SAS Integration preferences. Select File > Preferences (Windows) or JMP > Preferences (Macintosh). Select SAS Integration and then select On import, apply table and column properties from extended attributes.
SAS Query Builder does not support local server connections.
Open SAS Data Sets through a SAS Server
Once you connect to a SAS Workspace Server, you can browse through the SAS libraries on that server and import data into JMP.
To browse the data sets on the SAS server, select File > SAS > Browse Data. The Browse SAS Data window appears. See Figure 3.19.
Figure 3.19 Browse SAS Data
Browse SAS Data
The window is initially populated with a list of servers the SAS Metadata Server provides (if connected). Any physical and local connections are also shown (as listed in Figure 3.18).
Select a server to see a list of libraries that server contains.
Select a library to see a list of data sets within that library.
Select a data set to see a list of columns within that data set.
When you close and reopen the Browse SAS Data window, the previously viewed library and data set appear in the window. However, at any time, you can select a different server from the SAS Server list and then select a library and data set.
Tip: If a server is unavailable, or if the connections failed, the server’s name is shown in light, italic text. Click it to try to re-establish the connection.
Browse SAS Data Information
You can select a SAS data set and see information about its contents before opening it using the Get Details, Column Details, and Data Preview options.
Data Preview
When you select a data set, the Data Preview outline shows you the first ten rows and columns in the data set. See Figure 3.20.
Figure 3.20 Data Preview
Data Preview
Data Set Details
Click Get Details in the Browse SAS Data window to see the size and last modification date for each data set in the library. This option helps you estimate whether your computer can process the entire data set.
Column Details
To see information about a particular column in the data set, select it. The Column Details outline shows you some basic information about the data column. See Figure 3.21.
Figure 3.21 Column Details
Column Details
Column name from the SAS data set.
Descriptive column label. The label can be longer than the name, and is often helpful to determine what the column name means.
Specifies whether the column has a character or numeric data type.
The length in bytes of data in the column.
Sort Order
How the column is sorted in SAS.
The format for the SAS column, such as DOLLAR. This format field also contains information about the width of formatted values and the number of decimal places.
Open a SAS Data Set in JMP
You can import SAS data sets directly into JMP.
1. From the Browse SAS Data window, select a data set.
By default, JMP specifies All rows for import.
2. Click Import.
The entire SAS data set is imported into a JMP data table. When SAS data is imported, JMP attempts to make the best match to the SAS format.
Import a Sample of a SAS Data Set
You can import a sample of a SAS data set directly into JMP.
1. From the Browse SAS Data window, select a data set.
2. Open the Import Options outline. See Figure 3.22.
Figure 3.22 Import Options
Import Options
3. If you want to import only a portion of a data set, you can do any of the following:
Select the first x number of rows only. See “To import the first x number of rows only”.
Select to auto-sample a specified file size. See “To import an auto-sample file of a specified size”.
Select a subset of the columns. See “To select a subset of columns”.
Construct a WHERE clause to filter the data. See “To import using a WHERE clause”.
Take a custom sample of the data. See “Importing a Random Sample of the Data”.
To import the first x number of rows only
1. In the Import Options section, select First x rows only and specify the number of rows to import.
2. In the Browse SAS Data window, click Import.
JMP imports the specified number of rows.
To import an auto-sample file of a specified size
1. In the Import Options section, select Auto-sample and specify the number of MB to import.
2. In the Browse SAS Data window, click Import.
JMP imports the specified number of MB.
To select a subset of columns
1. In the Import Options section, click Select Columns.
The Select Columns window appears. See Figure 3.23.
Figure 3.23 Select Columns
Select Columns
2. Select the columns that you want to import.
To select more than one column at a time, press CTRL and click each column.
3. Click Add.
4. When you have added all the columns that you want, click OK.
5. In the Browse SAS Data window, click Import.
Only the columns that you selected from the SAS data set are imported into a JMP data table.
To import using a WHERE clause
1. Click Where.
2. Use the WHERE clause editor to construct your WHERE clause.
3. Click OK to return to the Browse SAS Data window.
4. Click Import.
Only the data that matches your WHERE clause are imported into a JMP data table.
For information about constructing WHERE clauses and using the WHERE clause editor, see “Use the WHERE Clause Editor”.
Note: If you import data using both a WHERE clause and sampling, the WHERE clause is applied first, and then a sample of the filtered data is taken.
You can also write your own SQL statements.
To import using a custom SQL statement
You can also open a SAS data set using a custom SQL statement.
1. Open the Custom SQL outline under the Import Options outline. See Figure 3.22.
Figure 3.24 Custom SQL
Custom SQL
2. Enter your SQL statement in the window.
3. Click Execute Custom SQL.
Note: Your SQL is run on the selected server but is not restricted to any selected library or data set.
Importing a Random Sample of the Data
You can also import a random sample of the rows of the SAS data set.
Note: The sampling feature requires that the SAS server has the SAS/STAT product licensed and installed. If SAS/STAT is not present, sampling is disabled.
In the Sample Imported Data area of the Import Options outline, select the Custom random sample check box. By default, 5% of the rows are imported. To change the random sample import settings, click the Settings button.
Figure 3.25 Sampling Settings
Sampling Settings
In this window, you specify any of the following:
Sample Size
You can set the sample size be percentage or by number of rows. To ensure that each row is sampled only once, de-select the With replacement option. To ensure that any row can be sampled and appear more than once in the imported data, select the option.
Selecting by Column
You can select strata by moving columns into the Strata list.
Handling Multiple Row Sampling
If With replacement is selected, you can specify to either add each duplicated row as a separate row or combine all duplicated rows into one row. If the second option is selected, a column is added to the table that contains a count of how many times each row was sampled.
Setting minimum and maximum numbers of items selected
Select the option and enter a number.
Setting the random number seed
Select the option and enter a seed. Specifying the seed lets you reproduce the exact same sample multiple times.
Note: If you import data using both a WHERE clause and sampling, the WHERE clause is applied first, and then a sample of the filtered data is taken.
Import Options
There are additional options that you can use to specify how SAS data is imported into JMP.
Use labels for imported column names
When selected, this option switches the column name, which has a limited length and might be difficult to decipher, with the column label. This option is turned off by default. To use the SAS data column names as column names in JMP, deselect this box.
Add SQL table variable to imported table
When selected, this option adds SQL queries to the data table panel as a variable. This option is turned on by default. If you turn off this option, only two variables are added when you import the data table: the SAS server and the data set.
Tip: If your data is password-protected, you might want to turn this option off, because your password might be shown in the SQL.
Table Variables
After you import the JMP data table, table variables appear in the upper left panel of the data table. These variables show the SAS server, data set, and the SQL query and sampling settings if applicable. There is also a source script added that lets you re-do the import at any time.
Open Password-Protected Data Sets
JMP can open SAS version 7 or higher data sets that are password protected. The passwords are not case sensitive.
To open password-protected data sets
1. Select File > Open.
2. Select SAS Data Sets from the Files of type list.
3. Select the file.
4. Click Open.
5. Enter the password and then click OK.
When the password is incorrect, you are prompted to enter it again until you get it right.
Using SAS Extended Attributes to Import Metadata
SAS extended attributes are metadata that you define in SAS code to import information such as table scripts, labels, length, and type. You associate the extended attributes with a data set or variable and define them in name-value pairs, such as _JMP_TABLESCRIPTNAME_2="OnOpen". For more information, see the SAS documentation on extended attributes at http://sas.com/.
On export from JMP to SAS, items such as column properties and table scripts are preserved automatically. You map SAS extended attributes to JMP attributes only when importing SAS code into JMP.
Here is an example of defining extended attributes in SAS code. The attributes define a table script name and the table script itself.
/* specify two table scripts. */
/* define the table script names */
_JMP_TABLESCRIPTNAME_1="Favorite Movie By State"
_JMP_TABLESCRIPTVALUE_2="CurrentDataTable() << RunScript(""Favorite Movie By State"");"
/* define the OnOpen table script */
/* a portion of the OnOpen table script */
Current Data Table();
New Column(""max_name"",
The following example shows how to combine PROC DATASETS with extended attributes:
%LET _DS_ATTRIBUTES = attr-name=attr-value...attr-name=attr-value;
%LET _VAR_ATTRIBUTES= var-name (attr-name=attr-value...)...var-name (attr-name=attr-value...);
MODIFY AttributeReferenceTable;
See “Conventions for Mapping JMP Attributes to SAS Extended Attributes” for details about SAS extended attributes and their corresponding JMP attributes.
Two SAS Integration preferences determine whether extended attributes are imported or exported. Select On export, store table and column properties in extended attributes to export extended attributes. Select On import, apply table and column properties from extended attributes. The options are deselected by default.
To see an example of exporting extended attributes, run the following script:
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
sd = dt << Make SAS Data Step Window( SaveJMPMetadata( 1 ) );
Run Stored Processes
Stored processes are SAS DATA step code saved on the SAS server that you are connected to. You can run them from JMP and see the results of the script in JMP.
Note: Depending on the preferences that you have set for SAS, error messages are sent either to the JMP log or to a separate SAS log window.
You must be connected to a Metadata Server to view and run stored processes. If you select File > SAS > Browse SAS Folders without such a connection, you are prompted to either make a connection or cancel your action.
To select and run a stored process
1. Select File > SAS > Browse SAS Folders.
The Browse SAS Folders window appears.
2. Browse through the stored processes to find the one that you want to run.
3. Select it and click Run.
The data opens as a JMP data table.
On Windows, you can also right-click a stored process and select Copy Metadata Path. This option copies the path to the clipboard. You can then paste it into a script window to include it as a parameter for the JSL operator Meta Get Stored Process(). For more information, see the JSL Functions chapter in the JSL Syntax Reference.
Note: Static graphs might not appear in the results returned from a SAS stored process when streaming output is selected.
Stored processes send reports to HTML by default, but you can select RTF or PDF instead on the SAS Integration page of the JMP preferences. Select File > Preferences (Windows) or JMP > Preferences (Macintosh) to view the JMP preferences.
Submit SAS Code
You can submit SAS code directly from JMP to the currently active SAS server. If the submitted SAS code generates SAS Listing output, that output is automatically retrieved from the SAS server and displayed in JMP. Also, the generated SAS Log is retrieved, and, if there are any errors in the submitted code, the SAS Log is automatically displayed in the SAS Log window.
All analyses in JMP are run natively within JMP without any dependency on the SAS System. The SAS code that JMP generates is intended to enable you to perform a separate but similar analysis in the SAS System after the initial JMP analysis, or to score new observations in the SAS System using a model that was fit within JMP.
Figure 3.26 SAS Code Submission Example
SAS Code Submission Example
The following JMP platforms generate SAS code:
Standard Least Squares - PROC GLM
Stepwise - PROC GLM
Nominal and Ordinal Logistic - PROC LOGISTIC
Time Series (ARIMA and TFM) - PROC ARIMA
Neural - SAS Data Step scoring code
Partition (Decision Tree, Bootstrap Forest, Boosted Tree) - SAS Data Step scoring code
Note: Use the JSL function As SAS Expr( formula ); to turn any prediction formula into an expression that can be used in a SAS Data Step. See the JSL Functions chapter in the JSL Syntax Reference.
To run SAS code directly from JMP
1. Either open an existing SAS program using File > Open, or create a new SAS program. (Create a new SAS program by selecting File > SAS > New SAS Program and typing in the SAS code.)
2. Click the Submit to SAS icon Image shown here.
You can also right-click in the Program Editor window and select Submit to SAS. The menu item also includes the name of the active SAS server that the SAS code will be submitted to.
You can also press the F8 key (press COMMAND-Shift-R on Macintosh).
To run SAS code using a JSL script
Write and run a JSL script that uses either the SAS Submit or SAS Submit File JSL functions. For more information about writing JSL scripts that submit SAS code, see the Extending JMP chapter in the Scripting Guide.
To view the SAS Listing output
If the submitted SAS code generates SAS Listing (textual) output, that output is automatically be displayed in a SAS Output window when the job is completed. If you need to view the SAS Listing output again later in the JMP session, select File > SAS > Open SAS Output Window. The SAS Output Window retains the listing output from the previous 25 submits to the active SAS server.
To view the SAS log
If the submitted SAS code contained errors, the SAS Log window for the active SAS server is automatically opened, displaying the SAS Log for the job. However, you can view the SAS Log for the most recent 25 submits to the active server at any time by selecting File > SAS > Open SAS Log Window.
If you prefer that SAS Log information is appended to the JMP log after a submit completes:
1. Select File > Preferences (Windows) or JMP > Preferences (Macintosh).
2. Open the SAS Integration category.
3. In the Show SAS Log section, select JMP Log rather than Separate Window.
Also, in the Show SAS Log section, you can set whether the SAS Log should be displayed Always, Never, or On Error (the default).
Generate ODS Results
The SAS Output Delivery System (ODS) is a powerful mechanism for generating reports in HTML, RTF, PDF, and other formats. ODS output is generally much more attractive and customizable than plain-text SAS Listing output. You can set your submitted SAS code generate ODS results rather than SAS Listing output using Preferences.
To generate ODS results from your submitted SAS code
1. Select File > Preferences (Windows) or JMP > Preferences (Macintosh).
2. Open the SAS Integration category and find the large SAS Submit Options group, as shown in Figure 3.27.
Figure 3.27 SAS Submit Options in Preferences
SAS Submit Options in Preferences
3. Select the Automatically generate ODS results option.
4. From the ODS Result Format list, select the format in which to generate the ODS results: HTML, PDF, RTF, or a JMP report.
5. (Optional) You can use other options to specify a style or style sheet to format the results or set the format for generated graphics. For more details, see “SAS Integration” in the “JMP Preferences” chapter.
Performing the previous steps causes JMP to generate additional SAS code, including an ODS statement, that is wrapped around the SAS code that you submit. The SAS code that you submit then automatically generates ODS results in the specified format. Those results are downloaded to your computer and displayed either within JMP, when possible, or in an appropriate external application.
Retrieve Generated SAS Data Sets
SAS code that you submit might generate SAS data sets. You can have them automatically imported into JMP for further analysis.
1. Select File > Preferences (Windows) or JMP > Preferences (Macintosh).
2. Open the SAS Integration category.
3. Select the Import generated SAS data sets into JMP option.
Export JMP Data Tables to SAS
You can export JMP data tables to a SAS Workspace Server.
1. Connect to the SAS Workspace Server.
2. Open the file that you want to export.
3. Select File > SAS > Export Data to SAS.
If necessary, you are connected automatically using your profile’s user name and password.
4. Select the data table that you want to export to SAS from the list of open data tables under Select Data to Export.
Figure 3.28 Export Data to SAS
Export Data to SAS
5. (Optional) To export only some of the columns in the data table, click Select Columns. See “To select columns to export” for details.
6. Select the Destination Server.
7. Select the Library.
Tip: If your libraries do not appear, see “Show Libraries in the Export Data to SAS Window”.
A list of the data sets in the library appears.
8. Enter the name as you want it to appear in the SAS library.
9. (Optional) Set the export options that you want to use. See “Export Options” for details.
10. Click Export.
To select columns to export
1. To export only some of the columns in the data table, click Select Columns.
2. In the window that appears, select the columns to export and click Add.
3. When all the columns have been added to the Selected Columns list, click OK.
Export Options
The available export options are as follows:
Ignore ‘excluded’ row state (export all rows)
Select this option to export all rows in the data table. Deselect this option to export only those rows that are not excluded. This option is on by default.
Preserve SAS variable names
This option is useful for data tables that were imported originally from SAS. When importing a SAS data set, the original SAS variable name is saved in a column property for each column. Select this option to use the SAS variable name for each column when exporting to SAS. Deselect this option to export the JMP variable names. This option is off by default.
Preserve SAS formats
This option is useful for data tables that were imported originally from SAS. When importing a SAS data set, the original SAS format and informat is saved in a column property for each column. Select this option to use the SAS format and informat for each column when exporting to SAS. Deselect this option to export the JMP formats instead. This option is on by default.
Show Libraries in the Export Data to SAS Window
If your libraries do not appear in the Export Data to SAS window, define the library in one of the following ways:
Using JSL, submit code to the SAS server. The code defines a library using a libname command.
Define an autoexec.sas file that runs a snippet of SAS code every time SAS is invoked. This creates the same librefs every time you connect to SAS. For details about autoexec.sas files, see the SAS documentation.
Libraries that are defined in metadata (such as libraries defined in the SAS Management Console under the Data Library Manager) cannot be accessed from the Export Data to SAS window.
Build SQL Queries in Query Builder
Query Builder is the preferred method for selecting and importing data from an SQL database without writing SQL statements. You can preview the data before importing it into a data table. Share your queries so that other users can customize and run the queries.
Query Builder provides an alternative to writing your own queries using the File > Database > Open Table feature. However, you can also start building a query in Query Builder and then add your own SQL statements.
SAS Query Builder is also available for querying SAS data sets on SAS servers. See “Open SAS Data Sets with SAS Query Builder” for details.
Database table names that contain the characters $# -+/%()&|;? are not supported.
The Value Ordering column property is not supported. Consider writing a script in the Post-Query Script window to sort the rows.
Connect to a SQL Database
Set up the ODBC connection through the Windows Control Panel or inside JMP.
1. Select File > Database > Query Builder to display the Select Database Connection window.
The Connections box lists data sources that you connected to in the current JMP session.
2. If the desired data source is not listed in the Connections box, click New Connection to choose a data source. The method of choosing a data source depends on your operating system and the ODBC driver. See “Connect to a Database” for details.
3. Select a table or schema from the Schemas - Tables box and click Next.
Query Builder examples are based on a table named SQBTest, which contains movie rental data.
Figure 3.29 Select the Database Schema
Select the Database Schema
Tip: To find the schema in a long list, enter the name in the search box above the schemas. You can also search for tables above the list of tables. The red triangle menu provides options for matching case and searching with regular expressions.
Select Tables from a SQL Database
After connecting to the SQL database, select the tables that you want to query. Either select a primary table or join several tables to query them all.
By default, JMP attempts to join tables based on key relationships that are assigned in the tables.
A primary key identifies a column that uniquely describes the data (for example, a customer ID number). All rows from the primary table are included in your query.
A foreign key in a secondary table matches the primary key in one of the joined tables. Only matching rows from the secondary table are included in your query.
If there are no keys, data are matched by column name, which joins the two tables. By default, only matching rows from the secondary tables are included in the query.
This example shows how to join multiple tables. However, you can also build a query using a single table. In this case, joining is not necessary.
Note: The Query Builder examples are based on a database that is not installed with JMP.
1. Select File > New > Database Query, connect to the database, and select the SQBTest schema. (See “Connect to a Database” for details.)
2. Select the schema from the Schemas - Tables list.
If you also select a table, that table will be the primary table after you click Next.
3. In the Select Tables for Query window, select g6_Customers from the Available Tables list, and then click Primary.
The Columns tab shows that CustID is the primary key. The data is indexed, which speeds up the query.
4. Select g6_Movies and g6_Rentals from the Available Tables list, and then click Secondary.
The Left Join icon Image shown here indicates that the tables were automatically joined (Figure 3.30). CustID is the primary key in g6_Customers and matches a foreign key in one of the other tables.
Tip: After you add a primary or secondary table, click Add Related Tables to add tables that have matching columns. The button is unavailable when no related tables are found or when a primary or secondary table is not selected.
Figure 3.30 shows the completed window.
Figure 3.30 Selecting Primary and Secondary Tables
Selecting Primary and Secondary Tables
Tip: To find the schema in a long list, enter the name in the search box above the schemas. You can also search for tables above the list of tables. The red triangle menu provides options for matching case and searching with regular expressions.
5. Click the Table Snapshot tab for each table to preview the data (Figure 3.31).
Figure 3.31 Table Snapshot Tab
Table Snapshot Tab
6. Below the primary and secondary tables, click Preview Join to see a preview of the table that was created from the specified joins.
The Image shown here icon next to a secondary table indicates that the table is not joined in the query. Click the Edit Join button Image shown here to specify the columns to join. If you cannot find columns to join, click the Remove button Image shown here to remove the table. See “Edit the Conditions for Joining Tables” for details.
On the Columns tab, the Key column might show multiple keys; some columns can be both primary and foreign keys. A unique key icon does not appear next to primary keys, because all primary keys are unique.
On the Columns tab, the Reference is specified for foreign keys that match primary keys in another schema. The reference is the name of the schema and column.
Click Change Data Source to query a different schema or database.
To join data from different sources (for example, a database and Microsoft Excel), use Query Builder to import the database data into a data table; import the Excel data into a data table; use JMP Query Builder in the Tables menu to query and join the tables.
When you import a table that contains a primary key, the Link ID column property is added to the column in the data table. The column property enables you to virtually join data tables. See “Virtually Join Data Tables” in the “Reshape Data” chapter.
Edit the Conditions for Joining Tables
In the Select Tables for Query red triangle menu, Auto join Database Tables is initially selected. JMP automatically joins database tables based on key relationships or matching column names.
If there are no keys, or when column names do not match, click Edit Join Image shown here to specify the columns to join.
Note: The Query Builder examples are based on a database that is not installed with JMP.
To edit the conditions for joining tables
1. Select File > New > Database Query, connect to the database, and select the SQBTest schema. (See “Connect to a Database” for details.)
2. In the Select Tables for Query window, select g1_books as the Primary table and g1_charges as the Secondary table.
The Image shown here icon next to the secondary table indicates that the table is not joined in the query.
3. Select g1_charges in the Secondary table pane and click Edit Join Image shown here.
The Edit Condition window appears.
4. In the Left Column list, select g1_books.
5. Select Book ID from the Left Column box.
6. Select ID from the Right Column box.
7. Make sure that the equal sign is selected between the two boxes.
Figure 3.32 The Edit Condition Window
The Edit Condition Window
8. Click Next.
The Edit Join window shows that non-matching rows from g1_books will be included in the data table. Rows that are only in g1_charges will be omitted.
To do a full join and import all rows, you would select Include non-matching rows from g1_charges. If only one of the non-matching options is available, the database does not support full joins.
9. Click OK.
Note: The OK button is unavailable until all of the secondary tables are joined.
To prevent tables from joining automatically
Deselect Auto join Database Tables from the Select Tables for Query red triangle menu above the primary table.
If you frequently query large databases, deselect Automatically join tables added to a query in Preferences > Query Builder to prevent memory issues.
Build the SQL Query
After selecting database tables, you either import the data or build a query. Query Builder enables you to interactively create the database query rather than write SQL expressions.
After selecting database tables (and joining them if necessary), click Build Query to open the Query Builder window. You can continue to refine the query by selecting which columns to include and specifying criteria for sampling and filtering. You can also save the query to edit and run again later.
The columns from all database tables appear in the Available Columns list. Prefixes such as t1 and t2 (also called aliases) associate each column with the corresponding database table.
To skip the Query Builder step and import all data, click Import Now instead.
Note: The JMP Query Builder in the Tables menu provides many of the same options but lets you query and join JMP data tables. See “Query and Join Data Tables with JMP Query Builder” in the “Reshape Data” chapter for details.
Select Columns from the Database Table
Suppose that you want to view movie rentals by movie genre, rating, and demographic data such as marital status and age.
Note: The Query Builder examples are based on a database that is not installed with JMP.
1. Select File > New > Database Query, connect to the database, and select the SQBTest schema. (See “Connect to a Database” for details.)
2. In the Select Tables for Query window, select g6_Customers and click Primary.
3. Select g6_Movies and g6_Rentals and click Secondary.
4. Click Build Query to show the Query Builder window.
5. In the Available Columns box, select t1.Gender, t1.Age, t1.Married, t1.KidsUnder12, t2.Rating, and t2.Genre.
6. Click Add on the Included Columns tab.
Figure 3.33 Selected Columns
Selected Columns
Tip: To find a column in a long list, enter the name in the search box below Available Columns. The red triangle menu provides options for matching case and searching with regular expressions. To hide the search box, deselect Show Search Box from the Available Columns red triangle menu.
7. Select the SQL tab below the columns to view the SQL statements for your query. This code is saved as a data table property after you run the query.
8. Click Save in the lower right corner.
Your work is saved as g6_Customers.jmpquery, which you can open later to return to this point or to run the query.
9. Click Run Query to import the data.
The data table includes the following scripts:
Run the Source script to reconnect to the database and import the data.
Run the Modify Query script to open the query in Query Builder.
Run the Update From Database script to re-import and refresh the data.
To rename a column, double-click the JMP Name in the Included Columns tab and enter a new name.
To rename an alias, right-click the table in the Select Tables for Query window and select Change Alias. Aliases are not case sensitive.
The query runs in the background unless you deselect Run queries in the background when possible from the Query Builder ODBC preferences. You can also check the progress of all ODBC queries by selecting View > Running Queries.
Note: For SAS Query Builder, all queries run in the foreground.
Deselect Update preview automatically if the preview loads too slowly. Click Update below the Query Preview tab to update the data view. Consider changing the Preview options in the JMP Query Builder preferences if you frequently work with large databases. Consider limiting the maximum number of rows that can be previewed. In the JMP Query Builder preferences, change the value of Maximum number of rows for previews.
To omit duplicate rows from the database, select Distinct rows only on the Included Columns tab.
Maintain Compatibility with JMP 12
If you add a JMP 13 feature to a query, that query will no longer load in JMP 12. If you are using JMP 13, but you need to create queries that will still run in JMP 12, select Keep this query compatible with JMP 12 in the Query Builder Preferences. After you select the option, features that create compatibility problems are hidden in Query Builder.
When you are ready to move JMP 12 queries to JMP 13, deselect this preference.
Create a Computed Column
You can create a new column from existing columns. You might calculate the mean for two columns and store the mean in a new column. Date-time values might be in the wrong format. Select the columns in the query, right-click, and select Add Computed Column to construct this new column.
Suppose that you want to calculate the maximum number of times you can watch a movie during the rental period. You are querying a database that contains the length of each movie and number of days the movie was checked out. This example shows how to create a new computed column from these data.
Note: The Query Builder examples are based on a database that is not installed with JMP.
1. Select File > New > Database Query, connect to the database, and select the SQBTest schema. (See “Connect to a Database” for details.)
2. In the Select Tables for Query window, select g6_Rentals as the Primary table and g6_Movies as the Secondary table.
3. Click Build Query to show the Query Builder window.
4. From the Available Columns red triangle menu, select Add Computed Column.
The Computed Column window appears (Figure 3.34). The window contains the JMP Formula Editor.
Figure 3.34 Computed Column Window with Formula Editor
Computed Column Window with Formula Editor
Operators and functions are provided in the list on the right side of the Formula Editor (Figure 3.34). In some instances, you might need to change the server type based on your database.
The Operators list does not provide a Concatenate (||) operator. You must type the formula in the Formula Editor box.
5. From the g6_Rentals list on the left, select Days Out and click the multiplication Image shown here button.
Figure 3.35 Computed Column
Computed Column
6. Select the blank box, type (24 * 60, and press Enter.
This formula multiplies the number of hours in a day by the number of minutes in day. Notice that when you type the first parenthesis, then second one is automatically inserted.
Figure 3.36 First Portion of the Formula
First Portion of the Formula
7. Click the outer box to select the entire equation and click the division Image shown here button.
8. Select g2_Movies from the list on the left and then select LengthMins.
Figure 3.37 Second Portion of the Formula
Second Portion of the Formula
9. Click OK.
A new column named Calc1 is created.
10. Right-click the column and select Rename Column.
11. Type MaximumTimesWatched and click OK.
12. In the Available Columns list, select MaximumTimesWatched and click Add.
13. Select t2.Name and click Add.
On the Query Preview tab, notice that Nanny McPhee can be watched 160 times while the movie is rented.
Group the Common Values
You can combine (or group) common values in a column before importing the data into JMP. To group common values, select an Aggregation function to determine how the common values are calculated.
Note: Aggregation support is based on your database. See the database documentation for more information.
Suppose that you are interested in the number of times a specific movie was rented. In this example, the count for each item number is calculated, and common movie values are grouped into single rows.
Note: The Query Builder examples are based on a database that is not installed with JMP.
1. Select File > New > Database Query, connect to the database, and select the SQBTest schema. (See “Connect to a Database” for details.)
2. In the Select Tables for Query window, select g6_Movies as the Primary table and g6_Rentals as the Secondary table.
3. Click Build Query to show the Query Builder window.
4. In the Available Columns box, select t1.Name and t2.ItemNo and click Add.
5. Select t2.ItemNo and select Count from the Aggregation list.
The Group By check box is selected for t1.Name (Figure 3.38). All instances of a specific movie name will be grouped into one row.
Figure 3.38 Grouped Columns
Grouped Columns
6. Click Run Query to import the data.
7. In the data table, right-click the Count-ItemNo column and select Sort > Descending.
Scarface was rented most frequently (Figure 3.39).
Figure 3.39 Sorted Count-ItemNo Column
Sorted Count-ItemNo Column
To clear the grouped rows, select None from the column’s Aggregation list.
The DISTINCT Aggregation functions show only rows that contain distinct values. Rows with duplicate values are omitted. These functions are useful when a database contains many duplicate values.
Import a Sample of the Data
With large databases, consider sampling the data. Sampling returns a subset of rows and decreases the query time. The database query runs, and a smaller portion of data are imported based on options that you select on the Sample tab.
Sampling methods differ based on the database vendor.
SQL Server supports block sampling by default. A block sample takes an entire page of rows (such as all rows on pages 1 and 5). If you select 1,000 rows, approximately 1,000 rows are imported.
Oracle and other databases support row sampling. If you select 5,000 rows, between 4,800 and 5,200 rows per sample are typically imported, based on how Oracle cycles through the data.
For major database vendors, JMP detects the capabilities and provides vendor-specific options when possible. Features that are unsupported by the vendor are unavailable on the Sample tab.
Suppose that you want to import a sample of the data. In this example, you select the first 5,000 rows.
Note: The Query Builder examples are based on a database that is not installed with JMP.
1. Select File > New > Database Query, connect to the database, and select the SQBTest schema. (See “Connect to a Database” for details.)
2. In the Select Tables for Query window, select g6_Rental as the Primary table and g6_Movies as the Secondary table.
3. Click Build Query to show the Query Builder window.
4. Click the Add All button on the Included Columns tab.
5. Click the Sample tab and select Sample this result set.
6. Select Random N Rows and type 5,000.
In the Sample By area, Blocks or Pages is the only option based on which type of sampling the database supports.
7. Click Run Query to import the data.
The new data table consists of approximately 5,000 rows. With block or page sampling, you might get a sample of 4,900 rows one time and 5,600 rows the next time.
To re-create the same sample set each time you run a query, set the Seed value to any positive integer up to 64,000. Suppose that you want to query movie rentals by gender. Type 1 as the Seed value and run the query. The distribution of male customers in the results is low. Type 2 as the Seed value and run the query again. Repeat this process to find the Seed value that results in a similar distribution of males and females.
To add individual columns to the Included Columns tab, right-click the column and select Include Column or click the Add button.
Select Filters to Import a Subset of the Data
Add filters to import a subset of values from the selected filters into the data table. Some filters are not available if the query is compatible with JMP 12. See “Maintain Compatibility with JMP 12” for details.
Filters for Both Continuous and Categorical Columns
Simple Comparison
Matches values using the specified operator.
Age > 14 matches ages that are greater than 14.
Matches a range of values using the specified operator.
12 ≤ Age ≤ 17 matches ages that are between 1 and 17.
Is NULL or Is Not NULL
Matches missing values.
Either NULL or not NULL matches missing values and non-missing values.
Custom Expression
Enables you to write your own SQL expression.
( ( ( t2.Gender IN ( 'F' ) ) AND ( (t2.Age >= 20) AND (t2.Age <= 50) ) ) )
matches the F Gender. It also matches Age between 20 and 50.
Filters that are Only for Categorical Columns
List Box
Displays a list box from which you select one or more columns. List Box is the default filter for categorical columns based on the Query Builder preferences.
Manual List
Enables you to enter the column names.
Check Box List
Displays a check box list.
Note: List Box, Manual List, and Check Box List include a Not in list option that enables you to retrieve rows that do not match the selected values.
Matches a string that contains or does not contain the specified value. Supports BOOLEAN operators such as AND and OR. If the number of rows cannot be determined or the query is canceled, Contains is the default filter.
Contains Comedy OR Romance matches Comedy and Romance.
Like or Not Like
Matches a string that is similar to or not similar to the specified value. Supports the % wildcard (zero or more characters) and _ wildcard (exactly one character).
Genre Like %com matches any number of characters before “com”, as in “RomCom”. To also match “Comedy”, use %com% or Contains com.
Match Column Values
Matches the specified column value. Select the table and then select the columns. The Select non-matching option enables you to filter all columns except for the selected columns. See “Import Matching Data from an Existing Data Table” for an example.
This example shows how to import data for age 30 and over customers, and movies in the RomCom and Comedy genres.
Note: The Query Builder examples are based on a database that is not installed with JMP.
1. Select File > New > Database Query, connect to the database, and select the SQBTest schema. (See “Connect to a Database” for details.)
2. In the Select Tables for Query window, select g6_Rentals from the Available Tables list, and then click Primary.
3. Select g6_Customers and G6_Movies and then click Secondary.
4. Click Build Query to show the Query Builder window.
5. In the Available Columns box, select t2.Gender, t2.Age, and t3.Genre, and then click Add on the Included Columns tab.
6. Select all columns on the Included Columns tab and click Add Selected Items to Filters Image shown here.
Filters for the columns appear in the Filters outline.
7. Set the t2.Age filter to ≥ 30.
8. From the t3.Genre red triangle menu, select Like, type %com%, and press Enter.
The % wildcards match any number of characters before and after “com”. On the Query Preview tab, notice that movies in both the RomCom and Comedy genres are shown (Figure 3.40).
Figure 3.40 Selecting Filters
Selecting Filters
9. In the Filters red triangle menu, select All Prompt on Run.
Users who run the query can customize the filters.
10. Click Run Query.
11. In the Query Prompts window, click OK to apply the preselected filters and import the data.
For most categorical columns, the filter is a Check Box List by default. For columns that contain over 1,000 levels, the Contains filter is automatically selected. You can change the number of levels in the Query Builder preferences.
The Conditional option in a filter’s red triangle menu enables you to filter data within hierarchical categories. For example, suppose that you have a State filter and a City filter. To select a state and then display only cities that are in that state, select Conditional from the City red triangle menu.
The Inverse option at the top of the Filters list enables you to select all but the specified columns for all filters. The option is unavailable for filters that select all rows.
“<Blank>” in the filter list indicates that the database contains a missing value for that column.
To create a filter for large columns of categorical data, JMP attempts to determine the number of rows in the table.
The Query Builder preference called Retrieve category levels for tables whose size cannot be determined is selected by default so that JMP automatically retrieves the levels. If you deselect the preference, the Contains fallback filter type in the Query Builder preferences is selected.
If the categorical column has more than 1 million rows, JMP does not automatically retrieve the unique category levels for the filtered column. The Query Builder preference called Maximum rows in table for which category levels will be automatically retrieved supports a minimum of -1 (no limit) and a maximum value of 1 billion rows.
The default filter for categorical columns is a list box unless the Keep this query compatible with JMP 12 Query Builder preference is selected.
Import Matching Data from an Existing Data Table
You can also select rows from an open data table that match a column in your query. Consider a database of airline data. The database includes data such as flight duration and tail number. You also have a data table that includes tail number data. Use the Match Column Values filter to import only data for matching tail numbers.
Note: The Query Builder examples are based on a database that is not installed with JMP.
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Air Traffic.jmp.
2. Select File > New > Database Query, connect to the database, and select the SQBTest schema. (See “Connect to a Database” for details.)
3. In the Select Tables for Query window, select g5_AIRLINE_ONTIMEPERF from the Available Tables list, and then click Primary.
4. Click Build Query to show the Query Builder window.
5. Click Add All on the Included Columns tab.
6. Select t1.TailNum on the Included Columns tab and click Add Selected Items to Filters Image shown here.
7. From the t1.TailNum red triangle menu in the Filters column, select Filter Type, and then select Match Column Values.
8. Select Air Traffic below Match values from table.
9. Select the Tail Number column and then select All rows (38,118) from the list.
The data view on the Query Preview tab updates to show the filtered values.
10. Click Run Query to import the data.
The data table includes only data for rows that are in the Tail Number column.
Write a Custom Expression to Import a Subset of the Data
In addition to selecting filters to subset the data, you can write custom SQL expressions if you do not want to use the filters that are provided.
Note: The Query Builder examples are based on a database that is not installed with JMP.
1. Select the columns that you want to filter (described in “Select Filters to Import a Subset of the Data”).
2. From the Filters red triangle menu, select Add Custom Expression.
3. Type the following text in the Custom Expression box:
( ( ( t2.Gender IN ( 'F' ) ) AND ( (t2.Age >= 20) AND (t2.Age <= 50) ) ) )
4. Click outside the Custom Expression box to update the Query Preview tab (Figure 3.41).
This expression matches the F Gender. It also matches Age between 20 and 50.
Figure 3.41 Writing a Custom Filter Expression
Writing a Custom Filter Expression
Sort the Selected Data
You can sort the rows in specific columns by values to control how the data appear in the data table. In this example, you sort the Married column in descending order and sort the data by age and then height.
Note: The Query Builder examples are based on a database that is not installed with JMP.
1. Select File > New > Database Query, connect to the database, and select the SQBTest schema. (See “Connect to a Database” for details.)
2. In the Select Tables for Query window, select g4_bigclass as the Primary table.
3. Click Build Query to show the Query Builder window.
4. On the Included Columns tab, click Add All.
5. Select t1.age and t1.height and click Order by the Selected Items Image shown here.
The columns appear in the Order By outline in the right column.
The columns are sorted by age first (youngest to oldest) and then height (shortest to tallest).
Figure 3.42 Selecting the Order By Columns
Selecting the Order By Columns
6. In the Order By outline, select t1.height and then click Sort the values in descending order Image shown here below the columns.
The height column is sorted from tallest to shortest.
7. Select t1.height and click Move the Selected Items Up in the List Image shown here.
The height column is sorted first. Values in the age column are sorted within each level of height. For a height of 68, age is sorted from 14 to 17.
Figure 3.43 Result of Reordering Columns
Result of Reordering Columns
View the Query Status
On the Query Status tab, view the status of a query as it runs in the background. The query name, SQL statements, and number of processed records appear. You can stop a query at any time and view only the processed records. To view background queries from other JMP windows, select View > Running Queries. The status details are unavailable if you deselect Run queries in the background when possible from the Query Builder preferences.
Note: For SAS connections in Query Builder, all queries and query previews run in the foreground.
Write a Post-Query Script
On the Post-Query Script tab, write a JSL script that runs after you run the query. For example, you might want to import the data and then create a distribution.
Distribution( Column( :age, :gender ) );
This script is part of the Source script in the final data table.
Save and Run the Query
Save your query as a .jmpquery file to modify or run the query later. You are prompted to enter the password if the server connection string does not specify it. The .jmpquery file can also be opened and run by a JSL script.
After you build a query, click Save in the lower right corner to save the settings as a .jmpquery file. Clicking Save again overwrites the file with your latest changes. Clicking Save As saves the query in a new .jmpquery file.
Run the Query
A query file opens in Query Builder by default, where you modify the query and then run it as needed to import the data. After you are satisfied with the query, you can configure it to run when opened instead of opening in Query Builder.
When you are building the query, select Run on Open from the red triangle menu next to the Query Name box in the upper left corner.
To override the Run on Open setting, press the Control key (Windows) or Command key (Macintosh) before opening the file from the file system. On Windows, you can also right-click the query in the JMP Home Window and select Edit Query.
Using the Saved Query as a Template
You can also use the .jmpquery file as a starting point for a new query. This option prevents you from overwriting your original query if you accidentally click Save. It works the same as clicking Save As after you modify the query.
1. Right-click the .jmpquery file in the JMP Home Window’s Recent Files list.
2. Select Open as Template.
3. Modify the query and click Save to create a new .jmpquery file.
Note: The .jmpquery file contains database login information. You must have set up the database connection before running the query. See “Connect to a Database” for details.
Open the Selected Data in JMP
After you specify the columns and data to import, click Run Query to open the data in a data table. The SQL statements are saved as a table variable. The following scripts are available:
Runs the query.
Modify Query
Opens the query in Query Builder, where you can change which columns and data are imported and further customize the query.
Update From Database
Connects to the database to refresh the data and then run the query. If the data table and database table contain the same number of columns, values in the existing data table are updated when the database is refreshed.
The existing data table is also updated when only formula columns follow the last column that is refreshed.
Otherwise, the updated data appears in a new data table.
Query Builder Red Triangle Options
The Query Builder red triangle menu provides scripting and custom SQL options. The modify and run scripts are always automatically saved in the final data table.
Copy Modify Script
Copies a script to the computer’s clipboard that lets you modify the query.
Copy Run Script
Copies a script to the computer’s clipboard that lets you refresh the data and run the query.
Save Modify Script to Script Window
Saves the Modify Query script to the script window.
Save Run Script to Script Window
Saves the Update From Database script to the script window.
Convert to Custom SQL
Shows the query statements in a new script editor window. You must remove prompting filters before selecting this option.
When you save the query from the Custom SQL window, the custom SQL is saved. Interactive components that were present before you customized the query are not saved. Revert to Interactive is also unavailable on the red triangle menu.
Keep this query compatible with JMP 12
Makes subsequent changes to the query compatible with JMP 12. Features that cause compatibility issues with JMP 12 are hidden while you edit the query. After you deselect this option and make a change that is supported only in JMP 13 and later, this option is no longer available.
The JMP Query Builder preferences include the same option, which is deselected by default. When you open a query in JMP 13 that is marked as JMP 12 compatible, features that create compatibility problems are hidden regardless of how the preference is set.
Revert to Interactive
Displays the interactive query in the Query Builder window. Changes that you made on the Custom SQL tab are not saved when you revert.
Write SQL Statements in Query Builder
Query Builder enables you to interactively create SQL queries without writing SQL statements. You can also build a query in Query Builder and then add custom statements to the query.
Note: The Query Builder examples are based on a database that is not installed with JMP.
1. Select File > New > Database Query, connect to the database, and select the SQBTest schema. (See “Connect to a Database” for details.)
2. In the Select Tables for Query window, select g6_Rentals as the Primary table.
3. Select g6_Movies and g6_Customers as the Secondary tables.
4. Click Build Query to show the Query Builder window.
5. Click the Add All button on the Included Columns tab.
6. From the Query Builder red triangle menu, select Convert to Custom SQL and click OK.
The SQL that Query Builder generated appears on the Custom SQL tab.
7. Click before the semicolon and type the following SQL statement:
WHERE ( ( ( t2.Gender IN ( 'F' ) ) AND ( (t2.Age >= 20) AND (t2.Age <= 50) ) ) )
8. Click Run Query to import the data into JMP.
The data table scripts include the custom query.
Note: If you select Revert to Interactive from the red triangle menu, the changes that you made on the Custom SQL tab are not saved. If you save the custom query and reopen it, Revert to Interactive is not available.
See “Structured Query Language (SQL): A Reference” for a brief primer of SQL statements.
Import Data from a Database
You can import data from a database if you have an ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) driver for the database and then save the data back to the database.
This section describes how to connect to a database and import the data. Refer to “Build SQL Queries in Query Builder” for details about interactively building queries.
Database table names that contain the characters $# -+/%()&|;? are not supported.
Multiple connections to a datasource are not permitted.
Connect to a Database
Your operating system provides an interface for JMP to communicate with databases using ODBC data sources. Create and configure data sources with operating system software. For example, on Windows 7, use Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC); on the Macintosh, use Applications > Utilities > ODBC Manager.
After you create the data source in the operating system software, follow these steps to connect to the database in JMP.
1. Select File > Database > Open Table. The Connections box lists data sources that you have connected to in the current JMP session.
2. Click New Connection.
3. (Windows) In the Select Data Source window (Figure 3.44), click the Machine Data Source tab, select the data source, click OK, enter the user name and password, and then click OK.
(Macintosh) In the Choose DSN window, select the data source, enter the user name and password, and then click Choose DSN.
Figure 3.44 Select a Data Source (Windows)
Select a Data Source (Windows)
The new connection is shown in the Database Open Table window.
Open Data from a Database
After you connect to the ODBC database and select a table to import, the data is opened in a data table. Several table scripts are included in the data table.
Run the Source script to reconnect to the database.
Run the Update from DB script to re-import and refresh the data.
Run the Save to DB script to save the data table to the database. The existing data in the database is replaced. This script might contain the user name and password. There is a JSL-only preference called ODBC Hide Connection String that can be set to prevent including this possibly sensitive information. See the Extending JMP chapter in the Scripting Guide for more details.
To import data from a database
1. Select File > Database > Open Table.
The Database Open Table window appears (Figure 3.45).
2. If you are already connected to the database, select it in the Connections box. Follow the steps in “Connect to a Database”.
The Connections box lists data sources to which JMP is connected. The Schemas - Tables box lists schemas for those databases that support them.
Figure 3.45 Database Open Table Window
Database Open Table Window
Note: The Fetch Procedures check box is disabled if the ODBC driver does not support fetching procedures.
3. If the desired data source is not listed in the Connections box, click Connect to choose a data source. The method of choosing a data source depends on your operating system. Select a data source and click OK.
4. Select the desired data source in the Connections box. The tables list in the Tables box updates accordingly. The update might take a several seconds, depending on the number of tables and the speed of the connection to the database. If your database supports schemas, tables are loaded for the first schema in the list, and on other schemas as you click on them.
5. Control which tables are listed by choosing the options in the Include in Table List group of check boxes. Different drivers interpret these labels differently. Your options are as follows:
User Tables When clicked, displays all available user tables in the Tables list. User tables are specific to which user is logged on to the computer.
Views When clicked, displays “views” in the Tables list along with all other file types that can be opened. “Views” are virtual tables that are query result sets updated each time you open them. They are used to extract and combine information from one or more tables.
System Tables When clicked, displays all available system tables in the Tables list. System tables are tables that can be used by all users or by a system-wide service.
Synonyms When clicked, displays all available ORACLE synonyms in the Tables list.
Sampling Enter the percentage of rows that you want to appear in the list of tables. Selecting this option speeds up queries in large databases. JMP uses the sampling method supported by the database. The check box is unavailable when the database does not support sampling.
6. Select the desired table from the Tables list.
Note: If you are connected to a dBase database, select the database folder to which you would like to connect. Individual files are grayed out and cannot be selected.
7. Click Open Table to import all the data in the selected table, or click Advanced to specify a subset of the table to be imported. Some databases require that you enter the user ID and password to access the data.
You might see a short delay when opening large tables. To see the status of all active ODBC queries, select View > Running Queries.
Note: If the data were previously exported to a database in JMP and contained an Expression column, the column will be imported as a Character column. Select Cols > Column Info and change the Data Type to Expression.
Write SQL Statements to Query a Database
You can use Structured Query Language (SQL) statements to control what you import from a database. When you open a database file in JMP, you are actually sending an SQL statement to the database. By default, this statement gets all files and records in the database table. In some cases, this is too much data. When you are interested only in a subset of the table’s data, you can customize the SQL request to only request the data that you want. After you execute an SQL query, the code for the query is stored in the data table in the SQL table variable.
This section describes how to write SQL statements to retrieve data. To interactively query data without writing SQL statements, use Query Builder. You can also start creating a query in Query Builder and then add your own SQL. See “Write SQL Statements in Query Builder” for details.
1. Select File > Database > Open Table.
The Database Open Table window appears (Figure 3.45).
2. Connect to the database if necessary or select an existing database connection. Follow the steps in “Connect to a Database”.
The Connections box lists data sources to which JMP is connected. The Schemas - Tables box lists schemas for those databases that support them.
Note: The SQL Query that you run in this window operates only on the tables and procedures that are displayed in the left panes of the window. Running unrelated SQL here has no results.
3. From the Database Open Table window, click the Advanced button to open specific subsets of a table.
4. Either type in a valid SQL statement, or modify the default statement. Figure  shows a default SQL Select statement appropriate for the selected file. See “Structured Query Language (SQL): A Reference”, for a description of SQL statements that you can use.
Instead, you can add expressions by clicking the Where button and using the WHERE Clause editor to create expressions. See “Use the WHERE Clause Editor”, for details.
Figure 3.46 Reading All Variables from the Solubility Table Stored in an Excel File
Reading All Variables from the Solubility Table Stored in an Excel File
5. Click Execute SQL. A JMP data table appears with the columns that you selected. (For details, see “Use Table Variables” in the “Enter and Edit Data” chapter.)
6. To see the status of all running queries, select View > Running Queries.
Note that you can enter any valid SQL statement and click Execute SQL to execute the command. Valid SQL varies with the data source and ODBC driver.
Structured Query Language (SQL): A Reference
The following sections are a brief introduction to SQL. They give you insight to the power of queries, and they are not meant to be a comprehensive reference.
Use the SELECT Statement
The fundamental SQL statement in JMP is the SELECT statement. It tells the database which rows to fetch from the data source. When you completed the process in “Write SQL Statements to Query a Database” with the Solubility.jmp sample data table, you were actually sending the following SQL statement to your data source:
SELECT * FROM "Solubility"
The * operator is an abbreviation for “all columns.” So, this statement sends a request to the database to return all columns from the specified data table.
Rather than returning all rows, you can replace the * with specific column names from the data table. In the case of the Solubility data table example, you could select the ETHER, OCTANOL, and CHLOROFORM columns only by submitting this statement:
Note: JMP does not require you to end SQL statements with a semicolon.
JMP provides a graphical way of constructing simple SELECT statements without typing actual SQL. To select certain columns from a data source, highlight them in the list of columns.
To highlight several rows
Shift-click to select a range of column names
Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Macintosh) to select individual column names.
Note that the SQL statement changes appropriately with your selections.
Sometimes, you are interested in fetching only unique records from the data source. That is, you want to eliminate duplicate records. To enable this, use the DISTINCT keyword.
Sort Results
You can have the results sorted by one or more fields of the database. Specify the variables to sort by using the ORDER BY command.
selects all fields, with the resulting data table sorted by the LABELS variable. If you want to specify further variables to sort by, add them in a comma-separated list.
Use the WHERE Statement
With the WHERE statement, you can fetch certain rows of a data table based on conditions. For example, you might want to select all rows where the column ETHER has values greater than 1.
SELECT * FROM "Solubility" WHERE ETHER > 1
The WHERE statement is placed after the FROM statement and can use any of the following logical operators.
Table 3.1 WHERE Operators 
Equal to
!= or < >
Not equal to
Greater than
Less Than
Greater than or equal to
Less than or equal to
Logical NOT
Logical AND
Logical OR
When evaluating conditions, NOT statements are processed for the entire statement first, followed by AND statements, and then OR statements. Therefore
is equivalent to
Use the IN and BETWEEN Statements
To specify a range of values to fetch, use the IN and BETWEEN statements in conjunction with WHERE. IN statements specify a list of values and BETWEEN lets you specify a range of values. For example,
SELECT * FROM "Solubility" WHERE LABELS IN (’Methanol’, ’Ethanol’, ’Propanol’)
fetches all rows that have values of the LABELS column Methanol, Ethanol, or Propanol.
fetches all rows that have ETHER values between 0 and 2.
Use the LIKE Statement
With the LIKE statement, you can select values similar to a given string. Use % to represent a string of characters that can take on any value. For example, you might want to select chemicals out of the Solubility data that are alcohols, that is, have the OL ending. The following SQL statement accomplishes this task.
The % operator can be placed anywhere in the LIKE statement. The following example extracts all rows that have labels starting with M and ending in OL:
Use Aggregate Functions
Aggregate functions are used to fetch summaries of data rather than the data itself. Use any of the following aggregate functions in a SELECT statement.
Table 3.2 SELECT Statement Functions 
SUM( )
Sum of the column
AVG( )
Average of the column
MAX( )
Maximum of the column
MIN( )
Minimum of the column
Number of rows in the column
Some examples include:
The following statement requests the sum of the ETHER and OCTANOL columns:
This statement returns the number of rows that have ETHER values greater than one:
The following statement lets you know the average OCTANOL value for the data that are alcohols:
Note: When using aggregate functions, the column names in the resulting JMP data table are Expr1000, Expr1001, and so on. You probably want to rename them after the fetch is completed.
The GROUP BY and HAVING Commands
The GROUP BY and HAVING commands are especially useful with the aggregate functions. They enable you to execute the aggregate function multiple times based on the value of a field in the data set.
For example, you might want to count the number of records in the data table that have ETHER=0, ETHER=1, and so on, for each value of ETHER.
SELECT COUNT(ETHER) FROM "Solubility" GROUP BY (ETHER) returns a single column of data, with each entry corresponding to one level of ETHER.
SELECT COUNT(ETHER) FROM "Solubility" WHERE OCTANOL > 0 GROUP BY (ETHER) does the same thing as the above statement, but only for rows where OCTANOL > 0.
When using GROUP BY with an aggregate function of a column, include the column itself in the SELECT statement. For example,
returns a column containing the levels of ETHER in addition to the counts.
Use Subqueries
Aggregate functions are also useful for computing values to use in a WHERE statement. For example, you might want to fetch all values that have greater-than-average values of ETHER. In other words, you want to find the average value of ETHER, and then select only those records that have values greater than this average. Remember that SELECT AVG(ETHER) FROM "Solubility" fetches the average that you are interested in. So, the appropriate SQL command uses this statement in the WHERE conditional:
Save and Load SQL Queries
After constructing a query, you might want to repeat the query at a later time. You do not have to hand-type the query each time you want to use it. Instead, you can export the query to an external file. To do this, click the Export SQL button in the window shown in Figure 3.46. This brings up a window that lets you save your SQL query as a text file.
To load a saved query, click the Import SQL button in the window shown in Figure 3.46. This brings up a window that lets you navigate to your saved query. When you open the query, it is loaded into the window.
Use the WHERE Clause Editor
JMP provides help building WHERE clauses for SQL queries during ODBC import. It provides a WHERE clause editor that helps you build basic expressions using common SQL features, allowing vendor-specific functions. For example, you do not need to know whether SQL uses ‘=’ or ‘==’ for comparison, or avg() or average() for averaging.
In addition, string literals should be enclosed by single quotes (‘string’)rather than double quotes ("string").
To open the WHERE clause editor
1. Connect to a database by following the steps in “Connect to a Database”.
2. From the Database Open Table window, click the Advanced button.
3. Click the Where button.
USE the WHERE Clause Editor to add any of the following from the work panel: expressions, functions, and terms. They are applied to the highlighted red box.
1. Click the Table Name Browser to select a table. The columns in that table appear in the list.
2. Click the SQL Vendor Name Browser to select the type of SQL that you want to use: GenericSQL, Access, DB2, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, or all of the above. Perform an action by clicking a function or operator in the list and selecting an operator from the list that appears.
Note: The following SQL Server data types are not supported: Binary, Geography, and Geometry.
3. Select an empty formula element in the formula editing area by clicking it. It is selected when there is a red outline around it. All terms within the smallest nesting box relative to the place that you clicked become selected. The subsequent actions apply to those combined elements.
4. Add operators to an expression by clicking buttons on the keypad.
5. (Optional) To customize your WHERE clause, select one of the options from the red triangle menu above the keypad:
Show Boxing
Show or hide boxes around the WHERE clause terms.
Larger Font
Increase the font size of the formula.
Smaller Font
Decrease the font size of the formula.
Simply the WHERE clause statement as much as possible.
The WHERE clause editor works similarly to the Formula Editor, which is described in the “Formula Editor” chapter.
Figure 3.47 The WHERE Clause Editor
The WHERE Clause Editor
Import Text Files
You can open text files with the extensions .txt, .csv, and .tsv, and the text is converted to a data table. Files with the .dat extension that consist of text are also supported. Text files can be delimited using almost any character, or they can be fixed-width files.
Trailing whitespace is removed when you import text files into JMP.
When JMP finds an integer in the text file that is greater than 9,007,199,254,740,991, the column is considered character data. You can set the column to numeric using the Text Import Wizard window or an import script.
To adjust import settings, choose from one of the following options
Select File > Preferences > Text Data Files to change the import settings so that JMP determines the best way to structure and format the data table.
Manually select the import settings as you open the file (described in this section).
Open the file in the Script Editor, edit the content, and then import the content. This option is helpful when you need to add text delimiters or modify the text.
To import a text file
1. Select File > Open.
2. On Windows, you can set the file type to Text Files.
3. Select the text file that you want to open.
For information about the options, see Table 3.3 and Table 3.4.
Table 3.3 Opening Text Files on Windows 
Automatically Determining Data Arrangement
Manually Specifying Data Arrangement
1. Select File > Open.
2. From the list next to File name, select Text Files.
3. To use the import rules from the preferences, select Data, using Text Import preferences. (See “Text Data Files” in the “JMP Preferences” chapter.)
To have text import use its best guess to arrange the data, select the Data, using best guess option.
(Optional) Select the Select this filter the next time this dialog is invoked option to apply the filter that you chose by default.
4. Select the file that you want to open.
5. Click Open.
Tip: The JMP Home window provides a shortcut to the above steps if you recently opened the file. Right-click the file in the Recent Files list and select Import (Preferences) or Import (Best Guess). (Your import preference is bolded in the right-click menu.)
1. Select File > Open.
2. From the list next to File name, select Text Files.
3. Select Data with Preview next to Open at the bottom of the window.
4. Select the file that you want to open.
5. Click Open.
6. Complete the Text Import window. See “Text Import Wizard Options”, for details.
7. Click Import.
Tip: The JMP Home window provides a shortcut to the above steps if you recently opened the file. Right-click the file in the Recent Files list and select Import (Preview).
Table 3.4 Opening Text Files on Macintosh 
Automatically Determining Data Arrangement
Manually Specifying Data Arrangement
1. Select File > Open.
2. Select the file that you want to open.
3. From the Open As field, select Data (Best Guess) or Data (Using Preferences).
4. Click Open.
1. Select File > Open.
2. Select the file that you want to open. From the Open As field, select Data (Using Preview).
3. Click Open.
4. Complete the Text Import Wizard window. See “Text Import Wizard Options”, for details.
5. Click Import.
Note: On Windows, JMP can open text files in your computer’s default text editor. Select File > Open, and then select All Files (*.*) from the File name list. Select the text file, and then select Use default program to open. Uncheck to open as text.
For details about importing text from a Script window, see “Import Text from the Script Editor”.
Text Import Wizard Options
When you open a text file that JMP supports, JMP can show a preview of the text before opening the file as a data table. This option lets you manually arrange and format the data. For example, you can specify the end-of-line character or strip quotation marks.
JMP detects the file’s structure and shows options for importing text with either delimiters or fixed width fields. If JMP chooses the wrong file structure, click the Delimited fields or Fixed width fields radio button to import the data as the correct format. (For example, the fixed width window might appear when your file is actually delimited.)
The text import wizard options are shown in Figure 3.48 and Figure 3.49.
Figure 3.48 Text Import Wizard for Fixed Width Files
Text Import Wizard for Fixed Width Files
Figure 3.49 Text Import Wizard for Delimited Files
Text Import Wizard for Delimited Files
Select the character set used in the imported file, or let JMP detect the character set. If incorrect characters are displayed in the imported file, open the file again and select another character set.
End of Field
(Available only in the Delimited Import window) Select the check boxes beside the character that marks the end of a field. Alternatively, select the check box beside Other and enter a character if the appropriate character is not listed.
End of Line
(Available only in the Delimited Import window) Select the check boxes beside the character that marks the end of a line (row). Alternatively, select the check box beside Other and enter a character if the appropriate character is not listed. Note that when JMP finds double quotation marks, the delimiter rules change to look for an end double quotation mark. Other text delimiters, including spaces embedded within the quotes, are ignored and treated as part of the text string.
File contains column names on line
Tell JMP where to find data to use as column names. For example, if the column names in your text file are on line (row) 3, select this option and type 3 in the check box. Otherwise, JMP uses the data in the first line of the imported file as the column name in the JMP data table or takes the first line as data.
Data starts on line
Specify the number of the first line that contains data.
Number of Lines
Specify the number of lines (rows) that you want to import.
Strip enclosing quotation marks
Available only on fixed-width imports. Select this check box when you want JMP to remove quotation marks that enclose data in the text file.
Two-digit year rule
Specify how to display dates that have two-digit years. Select the 100-year range in which your dates fall. For example, if the earliest date is 2/2/79, and the year is 1979, select 1970-2069. If the earliest date is 2/2/12, and the year is 2012, select 2000-2099. If dates span centuries, you must recode the dates with four-digit years before importing the data.
Recognize apostrophe as quotation mark (not recommended)
(Available only in the Delimited Import window). Use this option only if your data comes from a nonstandard source that places apostrophes around data fields rather than quotation marks.
Use Regional Settings
Specifies whether the operating system’s regional settings are used when importing a text file. If the option is deselected (the default setting), files that use a period for a decimal point and a comma for the value separator import correctly. If the file uses a comma for a decimal point and some other value separator (and the regional settings use a comma for a decimal point), selecting this option imports the text correctly. You must specify the value separator in the Text Data Files import preferences.
When you are finished selecting the settings, click Next. The next window shows each column’s modeling type. To change the default modeling types, do one of the following:
Click on the data type icon to change the data type from numeric (Image shown here) to character (Image shown here). Clicking the icon cycles between the modeling type and exclude (Image shown here). Exclude means that the column is not imported.
To change a numeric column’s data format, select the format from the red triangle menu.
Click on the column heading to modify the text.
The top of the text import window shows a preview of the text file as it appears when imported into a JMP data file. Click the Import button to import the data.
Figure 3.50 Text Import Wizard Window with Column Options
Text Import Wizard Window with Column Options
6. When you are finished, click Import to complete the text import.
Open a Text File in a Text Editing Window
You can open a text file in a Script window, where you edit the text. Then you can import the text as a data table. This feature is helpful when you want to reformat the text before importing it as a data table. For example, you might need to insert the correct delimiters or modify the text.
Another option is opening a JMP add-in definition (.def) file as text and then editing it in a Script window.
To open a text file in a text editing window (Windows)
Files that you recently opened are listed in the JMP Home window. For most files, right-click the text file and select Open as Plain Text to open the file in a text editing window. JMP add-in definition files cannot be opened as plain text from the JMP Home window.
When you are opening the file for the first time, follow these steps:
1. Select File > Open.
2. Do one of the following:
To open a JMP add-in definition file as text, select All JMP Files or JMP Add-In Files from the list next to File name. Click the Open button arrow, and then select Open as Plain Text. The file opens in a Script window. Skip the remaining steps.
To open other text files, select Text Files from the list next to File name.
Figure 3.51 Select Text Files
Select Text Files
3. (Optional) To set the default option file type to Text Files, select the check box beside Select this filter the next time this dialog is invoked.
4. Select the file.
5. Select Plain text into Script window next to Open as.
6. Click Open.
The text appears in a Script window.
To open a text file in a text editing window (Macintosh)
1. Select File > Open.
Figure 3.52 Opening a Text Document on the Macintosh
Opening a Text Document on the Macintosh
2. Select the file.
3. Select Text from the Open As list.
4. Click Open.
The text appears in a Script window.
For details about converting the text to a data table, follow step 3 in “Import Text from the Script Editor”.
Import Text from the Script Editor
You can import text from the Script Editor as a data table. The text can be in a table format (for example, from a Microsoft Word document or Web page) or in plain text format. This feature is helpful when you want to reformat the text before importing it as a data table. For example, you might need to insert the correct delimiters or modify the text.
JMP uses the import settings in the preferences to determine how to structure and format the text. Some options include removing quotation marks around text and specifying the rows that contain column headings and data. See “Text Data Files” in the “JMP Preferences” chapter for details.
Note: You can also import an entire web page as a data table. See “Import Data from the Internet or a Remote Computer” for details.
This section describes how to import text that you paste into the Script Editor. For details about opening a text file in the Script Editor, see “Open a Text File in a Text Editing Window”.
To import text from the Script window
1. Open a new Script window in JMP by selecting File > New > Script (Windows) or File > New > New Script (Macintosh).
2. Copy and paste the text into the Script Editor.
3. Do one of the following:
To import all text from the Script Editor, select File > Import as Data (Windows) or Edit > Import as Data (Macintosh).
To import specific text, select the text, and then select File > Import as Data (Windows) or Edit > Import as Data (Macintosh).
The text is imported into a JMP data table.
Note: To preview text that you import from the Script Editor, hold down the Shift key before you select File > Import as Data.
Import Data from the Internet or a Remote Computer
Import data from the Internet, FTP sites, or other computers by selecting File > Internet Open. A file path can start with http, ftp, or file; a drive letter; or, the path to a network drive (relative or absolute).
Using Internet Open, you can import data from the Internet or a remote computer and save it as a data table, web page, or text. You can also open a SAS stored process report using this option.
Suppose that you want to import data in a table on a web page and save it as a data table. The web page lists countries by population.
1. Select File > Internet Open.
3. Click OK.
4. Keep Open as set to Data, and click OK again.
JMP finds several tables on the specified page.
5. Click Rank country (or dependent territory)... and click OK.
6. Click OK again.
JMP opens a data table that contains the information from the web page table.
You can open a remote file as one of the following formats:
Opens the file as a data table.
Web page
Opens the web page in the JMP browser (Windows) or the default browser (Macintosh).
From the File menu on Windows, you can then choose to save the file or import the data as a data table. Select this option to import data that is generated by web page scripts and server-side requests.
Opens the file in the script editor. If you imported an HTML file, the HTML tags of a web page are displayed.
When you open a file from an FTP server, an FTP login window appears. For an anonymous account, click OK. For an authenticated login, enter your user ID and password. The file then opens as you specified.
Note: Some anonymous FTP servers require a user ID. If the data table does not open, try typing either ‘ftp’ or ‘anonymous’ in the User ID text box. Leave the Password text box empty and click OK.
JMP waits 60 seconds before stopping the import due to an error. You can change the Internet Time Out setting on the General preferences page.
If the table that you are importing contains images, the images are first imported as text. To display the images in your data table, run the automatically generated table script named Load pictures. A new expression column that contains the images is added to the data table.
Running the Source script in a data table enables you to re-import and refresh the data.
To open a SAS stored process report as a data table (Windows only)
1. Select File > Internet Open and select the file.
The file opens in the JMP browser.
2. In the JMP browser, select File > Import Table as Data Table.
A window appears that lists the tables found in the web page.
3. Select the table or tables that you want to import.
4. Click OK.
Each table is opened as a new data table.
See “Run Stored Processes” for more information about stored process reports.
Import SPSS Files
JMP opens SPSS files as data tables and maintains several SPSS features:
General numeric and character data with minimal formatting are supported.
SPSS date, datetime, and time formats are supported.
By default, labels are converted to column headings. When you select this option, and the data contains no labels, the columns are named Column 1, Column 2, and so on.
You also have the option of selecting the conversion method for column headings when opening an SPSS file. The method that you select then overrides the preferences.
To change the default conversion method, select File > Preferences (or JMP > Preferences on Macintosh). On the General page, deselect Use SPSS labels for column names during import. Variable names are then imported automatically as column headings.
The value labels that you defined in the SPSS file are saved as Value Labels column properties. The value label then appears in each data table cell instead of the original value. For details about Value Label properties, see “Value Labels” in the “The Column Info Window” chapter.
SPSS can assign certain values in a variable to be treated as missing for analyses. For example, the value 64 could be regarded as missing for a Height variable. Then, the calculation of the distribution of height would ignore values of 64. When you import SPSS into JMP, these values are included in the Missing Value Codes column property for the appropriate variable.
Missing value ranges of up to 20 numbers are supported. If the range begins with a negative number, the numbers count down to the maximum value (for example, -10 through -5). If the range begins with a positive number, the numbers count up from the minimum value (for example, 1 through 12).
Custom currency formats selected in an SPSS file are not maintained on import. In addition, JMP does not read SPSS data that contains double-byte characters, such as non-Unicode Japanese characters.
Note: As with importing other files, you might experience a delay when opening and saving large SPSS files.
To open an SPSS file (Windows)
1. Select File > Open.
2. From the list next to File name, select SPSS Data Files (*.sav).
3. Select the SPSS file.
4. (Optional) To specify the column headings, select one of the following Set JMP column names from options:
SPSS Labels creates column headings from SPSS labels.
SPSS Variable Names creates column headings from variable names.
5. Click Open.
JMP opens the file as a data table.
To open an SPSS file (Macintosh)
1. Select File > Open.
2. Select the SPSS file.
3. (Optional) To specify the column headings, do one of the following
Deselect Use SPSS Labels as Headings to convert variable names to column headings.
Select Use SPSS Labels as Headings to convert labels to column headings.
4. Click Open.
JMP opens the file as a data table.
Import Triple-S Survey Data
Triple-S (SSS) is a specification for survey data. The survey data is stored in a pair of files: .xml or .sss, and a .csv, .dat, or .asc file. The .xml or .sss file defines the variables and describes the survey. The accompanying .csv, .dat, or .asc file contains the data gathered from each respondent.
Variable labels are converted to column headings by default. To convert variable names to column headings, deselect Use Triple-S Labels as Headings in the JMP General preferences.
To import a Triple-S file, follow these steps:
1. Place the pair of Triple-S files in the same folder and use the same root name for both files.
2. Select File > Open.
3. On Windows, select Triple-S Survey Files from the File name list.
4. Select the SPSS file.
5. (Optional on Windows) To override the Triple-S column heading preference, select Variable Labels or Variable Names next to Set JMP column names from:.
6. Click Open.
JMP opens the file as a data table.
Import HDF5 Data
Hierarchical Data Format, Version 5 (HDF5) is a portable file format for storing data. An HDF5 file consists of groups and datasets. When you import the file, JMP opens a group to present the names of the inner datasets. For example, if the file contains data for a group of musical recordings with songs and artists tables, JMP prompts you to open either “songs” or “artists”. If the file does not contain a group, JMP prompts you to open a single table.
JMP handles only tables with numeric (integer, float, double) and string types, and compound files with three or fewer dimensions that contain only simple types. If a data set does not appear in the import window, the file is most likely unsupported.
You can import up to 1,000,000 columns and an unbounded number of rows.
Note: Only ASCII characters are supported in HDF5 files. Non-ASCII characters such as French and Chinese characters are not supported.
To import an HDF5 file, follow these steps:
1. Select File > Open.
2. On Windows, make sure that All JMP Files or HDF5 Data File is selected from the File name list.
3. Select the HDF5 file.
A list of groups or datasets in the file appears.
4. Select the data set that you want to import and click Import.
The data are opened as data tables.
Import JSON Files
A JSON file consists of name and value pairs that are imported as column headings and data. In the following example, the first name in each string is appended to “Grocery Store Purchases” and turned into column headings, as in “Grocery Store Purchases.Item”. “avocado” is the value in the first cell of the table. The next column is named “Grocery Store Purchases.Category”, and “Produce” is the value in the first cell of the second column.
{"Grocery Store Purchases":[
{"Item":"avocado", "Category":"Produce"},
{"Item":"bread", "Category":"Bakery"},
{"Item":"chocolate", "Category":"candy"}
To open a JSON file in JMP, select File > Open, select the file, and then click Open. On Windows, make sure that JSON Data File is selected in the Filename list on the Open Data File window.
The JSON file does not contain date, time, currency, geographic, percent, and scientific information to determine the column format. After you import the file into JMP, right-click the numeric column, select Column Properties, and change the Format.
The available memory on your computer determines the maximum number of columns rows that can be imported. The limit also depends on the other programs that are running at the time of import.
Member names in name-value pairs are case insensitive.
For nested items, JMP repeats the outer item for each row.
The file cannot have an empty array element. The name must be quoted before the colon in the name-value pair.
The locale is ignored when you export data to JSON format. The JSON standard accepts decimal numbers with decimal points.
Import Data from MATLAB
JMP provides a scripting interface to MATLAB. See the Extending JMP chapter in the Scripting Guide and the Functions chapter in the JSL Syntax Reference.
Import Data from R
JMP provides a scripting interface to R. See the Extending JMP chapter in the Scripting Guide and the Functions chapter in the JSL Syntax Reference for details.
Import Data Using the Excel Add-In
The add-in for Excel provides new capabilities to JMP and Excel users on Windows:
Transfer selected cells in Excel to JMP data tables. See “Transfer Excel Data to a JMP Data Table”.
Use the JMP Profiler with calculation models in Excel workbooks. The profiler tool is designed to bring the power of the JMP profiler to models residing in Excel worksheets. You do not have to recreate your Excel models in JMP, verify that they are correct, and maintain the model in both JMP and Excel. For more information, see the Excel Profiler chapter in the Profilers book.
Note: During the JMP installation, select the Excel Add-In. This installs the add-in for your version of Microsoft Excel.
Microsoft Excel 2007, Microsoft Excel 2010, Microsoft Excel 2013, and Microsoft 2016 are supported.
Transfer Excel Data to a JMP Data Table
You can use the JMP Add In for Excel to transfer a worksheet from Excel to the following JMP destinations:
a data table
Graph Builder
Distribution platform
Fit Y by X platform
Fit Model platform
Time Series platform
Control Chart platform
You can also create models for profiling in JMP. See the Excel Profiler chapter in the Profilers book.
To transfer data from Excel to a JMP data table and platform
1. In your Excel worksheet, show the JMP add-in on the ribbon.
2. Click the Preferences button.
3. Accept the default Data Table Name (File name_Worksheet name) or type a name.
4. Select Use the first rows as column names if the first row in the worksheet contains column headers.
5. If you selected to use the first rows a column headers, type the number of rows used.
6. Select Transfer Hidden Rows if the worksheet contains hidden rows to be included in the JMP data table.
7. Select Transfer Hidden Columns if the worksheet contains hidden columns to be included in the JMP data table.
8. Click OK to save your preferences.
9. Select the cells to transfer into JMP, including any cells that you want to use as column names.
If you are using cells as column names, they need to be the first rows in your selection.
If only one cell (or no cell) is selected, the entire Excel worksheet is transferred to JMP.
10. Select the JMP destination from the toolbar:
Data Table
Graph Builder
Distribution platform
Fit Y by X platform
Fit Model platform
Time Series platform
Control Chart platform
JMP opens, and the selected data is placed in a new JMP data table and the selected launch window appears.
Note: Empty cells are imported as missing data, and dates, numbers, and strings are recognized correctly.
Note: Your JMP windows might be hidden behind your Excel window, especially if you maximize Excel.
For more information about using the various JMP platforms refer to the proper book.
About the JMP Add-In for Excel
The JMP add-in commands are in two groups:
Transfer to JMP
Set preferences for transferring data from Excel to JMP.
Data Table
Transfer the selected data in your Excel file to a JMP data table.
Graph Builder
Transfer the selected data in your Excel file to a JMP data table and launch the Graph Builder platform.
Transfer the selected data in your Excel file to a JMP data table and launch the Distribution platform.
Fit Y By X
Transfer the selected data in your Excel file to a JMP data table and launch the Fit Y by X platform.
Fit Model
Transfer the selected data in your Excel file to a JMP data table and launch the Fit Model platform.
Time Series
Transfer the selected data in your Excel file to a JMP data table and launch the Time Series platform.
Control Chart
Transfer the selected data in your Excel file to a JMP data table and launch the Control Chart platform.
Profile in JMP
Create/Edit Model
Set up preferences for using the JMP profiler with Excel data.
Run Model
Run the JMP profiler.
Uninstall the Excel Add-In
To uninstall the Excel Add-in, double-click the JMP installer, click Modify, and deselect Excel Add-In.
Create New Data Tables
To create a new data table by entering data manually, follow these steps:
1. Select File > New > Data Table. This shows an empty data table with no rows and one numeric column, labeled Column 1.
2. Move the cursor onto a cell.
3. Click in the cell. The cursor appears as a line in the cell, as shown in Figure 3.53.
Figure 3.53 A New Data Table
A New Data Table
4. Enter a value.
There are several ways to fill a table with values:
Create new rows and columns and type or paste data into the data grid. (See “Enter Data” in the “Enter and Edit Data” chapter.)
Construct a formula to calculate column values. (See “Create a Formula” in the “Formula Editor” chapter.)
Import data from another application. (See “About Importing Data to JMP”.)
Copy values from another application and paste them into the table.
Use a measuring instrument to read external measures. See the Extending JMP chapter in the Scripting Guide for details about data feeds.
Drag columns from one table to another.
See the “Enter and Edit Data” chapter for details about how to format, edit, and work with data tables.
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