Create a Subset Data Table
You can produce a new data table that is a subset of all rows and columns, only highlighted rows and columns, or randomly selected rows from the active data table.
To create a subset
1. Select Tables > Subset.
Figure 6.2 The Subset Window
The Subset Window
2. Specify the content that you want to subset. Select any combination of the following:
Subset by (the levels within selected columns)
Rows (all, selected, or random)
Columns (all or selected)
In Figure 6.2, the sex column will be subset.
3. Customize your subset table further using the additional options.
4. Click OK to create the subset table.
Subset Options
Subset by
Subsets by the levels of a column. Select Subset by and then select the columns that you want to categorize for the subset.
Consider the fact that many new data tables might be created. A new data table appears for each level of the column that you specified in the Subset window.
All Rows
Creates a subset table that contains all rows from the active table.
Selected Rows
Creates a subset table that contains only the selected rows from the active table. Selected by default.
Random - sampling rate
Creates a subset table whose data is a random proportion of the active data table. Enter the proportion of the sample that you want in the text box. For example, if you want a random 50% of the data to be included in the new table, enter 0.5 in the text box.
Random - sample size
Creates a subset table whose data is a random sample of the active data table. Enter the size of the sample that you want in the text box. For example, if you want 16 random rows to be included in the new table, enter 16 into the text box.
If you select a random sample that is the entire source table, the result is a random shuffle of the rows of the data table. If you specify columns to stratify, the result is a random shuffle of each of the rows for each group. See “Stratified Subsets”.
All columns
Creates a subset table that contains all columns from the active table. Selected by default.
Selected columns
Creates a subset table that contains only the selected columns from the active table.
Keep by columns
Retains the column that you subsetted by in the output data tables.
Output table name
Specifies the name of the subset table.
Link to original data table
Links the subset table to the original table. When you change values in one table, the other table is updated.
Copy formula
Includes formulas from the original table in the output columns. Include all columns needed for the calculation of the formula. Selected by default.
Suppress formula evaluation
Prevents JMP from evaluating columns’ formulas when the new table is created. Selected by default.
Save Default Options
Saves your current settings.
Note: Save Default Options only saves the settings for Selected Rows, Selected Columns, Linked to original data table, Copy formula, and Suppress formula evaluation.
Keep dialog open
Keeps the Subset window open after you click OK.
Stratified Subsets
If you specify a sample size and add stratification columns, the sample size represents the size per stratum, rather than the size of the whole subset.
Figure 6.3 Stratified Subsets
Stratified Subsets
For stratified random samples with a specified sample size, two columns can be saved: Selection Probability and Sampling Weight. Check the corresponding check box to save these columns.
Create a Subset Data Table from a Report
These two methods produce linked subsets of a data table.
Use a Histogram
Once you have produced output that contains a histogram (by selecting Analyze > Distribution), you can use the histogram to create a new data table. The new data table contains the data in the histogram’s highlighted bars.
To create a subset, double-click a highlighted bar. Or, right-click anywhere in the histogram and select Subset from the menu. The subset table appears, as shown in Figure 6.4.
Figure 6.4 Subset Created from a Histogram
Subset Created from a Histogram
Using a Pareto Plot
Once you have produced output that contains a Pareto Plot (by selecting Analyze > Quality and Process > Pareto Plot), you can use the Pareto Plot to create a new data table. The new data table contains the data in the Pareto Plot’s highlighted bars. To create a subset, double-click a highlighted bar.
Sort Data Tables
You can sort a JMP data table by columns in either ascending or descending order. By default, columns sort in ascending order. You can either create a new table that contains the sorted values, or you can replace the original table with the sorted table.
If columns contain value labels, sorting is based on the actual data values, not the value labels. (See “Value Labels” in the “The Column Info Window” chapter.) However, the value labels are displayed in the sorted data table.
If your sorted column uses either the Value Ordering property or the List Check property, the column is sorted according to that order.
Example of Sorting Data Tables
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open
2. Select Tables > Sort.
Figure 6.5 The Sort Window
The Sort Window
3. Highlight the names of the columns that you want to sort by. For this example, select popcorn and yield.
4. Click By to add the columns to the sort list.
The columns that you add to the list establish the order of precedence for sorting. The first column in the list is the major sort field. Each variable thereafter is sorted within the previous variable in the sort list. You can drag and drop within the By list to change the sort order.
5. Customize your sort further using the additional options. For this example, highlight yield and click the descending button.Image shown here
6. Enter a name for the new sorted table in the box beside Output table name. For this example, enter sorted popcorn.
Figure 6.6 Completed Sort Window
Completed Sort Window
7. Click OK.
Figure 6.7 Sorted in Ascending and Descending Order
Sorted in Ascending and Descending Order
Sort Options
Select Columns Filter Menu
Contains options to search and filter through columns. See “Column Filter Menu” in the “Get Started” chapter.
Replace Table
Replaces the original data table with the sorted table instead of creating a new table with the sorted values. This option is not available if there are any open report windows generated from the original table.
Output table name
(Optional) Specifies the name of the sorted table.
Keep dialog open
Keeps the Sort window open after you click OK.
Adds the columns that you want to sort by. The columns that you add to the list establish the order of precedence for sorting. The first column in the list is the major sort field. Each variable thereafter is sorted within the previous variable in the sort list.
Removes any highlighted columns.
Ascending and descending buttons (Image shown here)
You can change the ascending or descending list order of the values for the grouping variables. In the By variable list, select a variable and click the appropriate ascending or descending button. The icon beside the variable changes to indicate the sorting order.
Stack Columns
You can rearrange your data table by stacking two or more columns into a single new column, preserving the values from the other columns. Or, you can stack a set of columns into multiple groups. The various ways that you can stack columns are explained in “Stack Options”.
To stack columns, follow these steps:
1. Select Tables > Stack.
Figure 6.8 Stack Window
Stack Window
2. Highlight the names of the columns that you want to stack and click Stack Columns.
3. Customize your stacking further using the additional options.
4. Click OK.
Stack Options
Select Columns Filter Menu
Contains options to search and filter through columns. See “Column Filter Menu” in the “Get Started” chapter.
Multiple series stack
Stacks selected columns into two or more columns. Specify the number of columns into which you want the selected columns to be stacked by entering the number into the Number of Series box. This box appears when you check the box beside Multiple series stack.
Select the Contiguous option if the series consists of adjacent columns.
Note: The order in which you add columns to the box on the right determines the group to which they belong.
Stack by Row
Stacks columns by rows. Deselect the option to stack one column underneath another. Selected by default.
Eliminate missing rows
Eliminates missing data from the new table. If Stack by Rows is checked also, only rows with all data missing are eliminated.
Non-stacked columns
Includes or drops non-stacked columns from the new data table. Select one of these options:
Keep All
Includes all of the non-stacked columns from the original table in the new table. Selected by default.
Drop All
Omits the non-stacked columns from the new table.
Select the non-stacked columns that you want to include or drop in the new table.
Keep dialog open
Keeps the Stack window open after you click OK.
Stack Columns
Adds the columns that you want to stack.
Removes any highlighted columns.
Output table name
(Optional) Specifies the name of the new table.
Stacked Data Column
Assigns a name to the column that will contain the data for the stacked columns. The default name is Data. Leave the box empty if you do not want this column to appear in the new table.
Source Label Column
Assigns a name to the column that will contain the original table’s column names. The default name is Label. Leave the box empty if you do not want this column to appear in the new table.
Copy formula
Includes formulas from the original table in the output columns. Selected by default.
Suppress formula evaluation
Prevents JMP from evaluating columns’ formulas when the new table is created. Selected by default.
Example of Stacking into One Column
A researcher has two columns in their data table representing yield, and they want to stack the two columns into a single column. (This new single column is called Data by default.)
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Popcorn
2. Select Tables > Stack.
3. Select yield1 and yield2 and click Stack Columns.
4. Click OK.
Figure 6.9 Stacked Data Table
Stacked Data Table
The Label column represents the Source Label Column that identifies the source of the data. Its values are the column names in the original table from which the stacked values originated.
Example of Stacking into More Than One Column
Suppose that a researcher has data on blood pressure readings. The readings were taken over three days: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Three readings were taken each day, at 8am, 12pm, and 6pm.
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Blood
Each BP (blood pressure) column is delineated according to the date and time. The BP 8M column corresponds to readings that were taken at 8am on Monday. The BP 12W column corresponds to readings that were taken on 12pm on Wednesday, and so on. The researcher wants to stack all of the blood pressure columns into three columns that correspond to each day: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
2. Select Tables > Stack.
3. Select all of the BP readings and click Stack Columns.
The order of the columns reflects how the columns in the series should be grouped.
4. Select Multiple series stack.
5. Next to Number of Series, type 3.
6. Because you want to stack the columns vertically, select Contiguous.
7. Rename the Stacked Data Column from Data to BP (for blood pressure).
8. Rename the Source Label Column from Label to Day.
Figure 6.10 Completed Stack Window
Completed Stack Window
9. Click OK.
Figure 6.11 Stacked Data Table
Stacked Data Table
In the stacked data table, note the following:
The first Day column represents Monday.
The Day 2 column represents Wednesday.
The Day 3 column represents Friday.
Split Columns
You can create a new data table from the active table by splitting one column into several new columns. This column is split according to the values found in another column, referred to as the Split By column. You can also split columns according to the values of one or more grouping variables.
Note: If the split is on a categorical column that contains a missing value, the column name for the missing category is “.” for a numeric column.
To split columns, follow these steps:
1. Select Tables > Split.
Figure 6.12 Split Window
Split Window
2. Highlight the names of the column or columns that you want to split and click Split Columns.
3. Highlight a column whose values you want to use as the basis for splitting the column.
4. Click Split By.
5. Customize your splitting further using the additional options.
6. Click Split.
Split Options
Select Columns Filter Menu
Contains options to search and filter through columns. See “Column Filter Menu” in the “Get Started” chapter.
Keep All
Includes all columns in the new table.
Drop All
Includes only columns used in the split in the new table. Selected by default.
Selects which columns to keep in the new table and then select which columns to keep in the new table.
Keep dialog open
Keeps the Split window open after you click OK.
Split By
Adds the column whose values you want to use as the new column names, and as the basis for splitting the column.
Split Columns
Adds the column or columns that you want to split.
Specifies a Group variable when you want your data to be split within each group of the selected variable. Each group results in a row in the output table. You must also specify the required variables, Split By, and Split Columns.
Caution: If your grouping variable contains unequal groups, or if your grouping variable is not grouped in order (is random), then you must specify a Group variable. The Group variable ensures that your data is restructured properly.
Sort by Column Property
(Appears if a Value Ordering or Row Order Levels property is found) Sorts the order of the output columns by the Value Ordering or Row Order Levels column property. Value Ordering takes precedence over Row Order Levels.
If the column has neither property, and the data has an implied order (such as days or months), the implied order is applied.
Output table name
(Optional) Specifies the name of the new table.
Copy formula
(Appears if there is a formula in the data table) Includes formulas from the original table in the output columns.
Suppress formula evaluation
(Appears if there is a formula in the data table) Prevents JMP from evaluating columns’ formulas when the new table is created.
Examples of Splitting Columns
This section contains two examples using the Split command:
In the first example, one column is split by a second column. See “Split a Column: Basic Example”.
The second example uses a Group variable. See “Split a Column: Grouping Rows Example”.
Split a Column: Basic Example
In the data table, the data in the trial column shows that there are two trials, 1 and 2. In this example, split the yield column into two new columns: one for trial 1 and one for trial 2. Proceed as follows:
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open
2. Select Tables > Split.
3. Select the yield column and click Split Columns.
4. Select the trial column and click Split By.
5. Under Remaining columns, select Keep All.
The default is Drop All, which omits any columns that are not in the Split By, Split Columns, or Group fields. Selecting Keep All includes these columns in the new table.
6. (Optional) Type Yield column split by Trial column in the Output table name field.
7. Click OK.
A new data table is created. See Figure 6.13. Notice the following:
The yield and trial columns are gone.
The data table has two new columns, named after the unique values (1 and 2) from the original trial column.
The values from the original yield column are now split into the new columns named 1 and 2.
The columns other than trial and yield are exactly the same as they were in the original table.
8. (Optional) Rename the new columns to give them meaningful names. For example, rename 1 to yield (trial 1) and rename 2 to yield (trial 2).
Figure 6.13 New Table Created By Splitting yield Column by trial Column
New Table Created By Splitting yield Column by trial Column
Split a Column: Grouping Rows Example
The Drug sample data table contains measurements of three different drugs (a, b, and c) administered to 12 different subjects. You want to split the measurement into different columns, one for each drug type. You also want to group the measurements by subject.
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Drug
2. Select Tables > Split.
3. Select Drug Type and click Split By.
4. Select Measurement and click Split Columns.
Notice that the Subject variable contains unequal groups. Most of the subjects were given all three drugs, but subject 2 was given only one drug, and subjects 7 and 12 were given only two drugs. In this situation, to ensure that the correct measurements are associated with the correct subject, specify Subject as the Group variable.
5. Select Subject and click Group.
6. Click OK.
Figure 6.14 Drug Split by a Grouping Variable
Drug Split by a Grouping Variable
You can see that the appropriate missing values appear for subjects 2, 7, and 12.
Transpose Rows and Columns
You can create a new JMP table that is a transposed version of the active data table. The columns of the active table are the rows of the new table, and its rows are the new table’s columns.
When you transpose columns, you do the following:
Select the columns to be transposed.
Specify a “label” column, from which the new columns get their names (optional).
Specify “by” columns, which tells JMP to transpose data within groups (optional).
Note: Columns that you want to transpose must have the same data type. Also, if columns contain value labels, transposing uses the actual data values, not the value labels. (See “Value Labels” in the “The Column Info Window” chapter.)
To transpose rows and columns, follow these steps:
1. Open a data table that contains the rows and columns that you want to transpose.
2. Select Tables > Transpose.
Figure 6.15 Transpose Window
Transpose Window
3. Highlight the column name(s) you want to transpose in the Select Columns box on the left.
4. Click Transpose Columns.
5. (Optional) Customize your transposed table further using the additional options.
6. Click OK.
Transpose Options
Select Columns Filter Menu
Contains options to search and filter through columns. See “Column Filter Menu” in the “Get Started” chapter.
Transpose selected rows only
Transposes only rows that are currently highlighted in the active table.
Output table name
(Optional) Specifies the name of the subset table.
Label column name
(Applicable only if you have specified a Label column.) Specifies an alternative name for the Label column. Otherwise, the default column name is Label.
Keep dialog open
Keeps the Transpose window open after you click OK.
Transpose Columns
Adds the columns that you want to transpose.
Uses the data from a column in the original table as the column names in the new table. Follow these steps:
1. Highlight a column from the Select Columns box on the left.
2. Click Label. The column name appears in the Label box.
The default column name is Label. You can specify an alternative name for the column using the Label column name option. Only one column is created for each distinct value in the label column. Therefore, if there are duplicate values in the label column, JMP creates only one column for the duplicated value using the value from the last duplicated row.
Organizes the transposed columns into groups based on the columns that you put into the By box. Follow these steps:
1. Highlight the column name(s) in the Select Columns box whose values you want to see as a group.
2. Click By.
Table 6.1 describes the rules that apply to transposing.
Table 6.1 Rules for Transposing 
The original table has columns but no rows
The new table contains one column that lists those column names.
The original table has one column and it is assigned to Label
Its values become the column names in the transposed table.
The original table has multiple columns and contains a label column
JMP automatically inserts the label column into the Label box when the window appears. You can remove this column if you do not want it to appear.
There is no label column in the original table
The column names in the transposed table are Row 1, Row 2, …, Row n where n is the number of rows in the original table.
Examples of Transposing Rows and Columns
This section contains three examples: a simple example of transposing, an example using the Label option, and an example using a By group.
Simple Example of Transposing
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open
2. Select Tables > Transpose.
3. Select plastic, tin, and gold and click Transpose Columns.
4. Click OK.
Figure 6.16 Simple Transposed Table
Simple Transposed Table
The original table in Figure 6.16 has two rows and three continuous columns called plastic, tin, and gold. The transposed table has a row for each of the three columns in the original table, and columns named Row 1 and Row 2 for the original table’s rows. The additional column called Label has the column names (plastic, tin, and gold) from the original table as values.
Example Using the Label Option
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open
2. Select Tables > Transpose.
3. Select plastic, tin, and gold and click Transpose Columns.
4. Select item and click Label.
5. Click OK.
Figure 6.17 Transpose with a Label
Transpose with a Label
The values from the item column in the original table are used as column labels in the transposed table.
Example Using a By Group
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Animals
2. Select Tables > Transpose.
3. Select subject and miles and click Transpose Columns.
4. Select season and click Label.
5. Select species and click By.
6. Click OK.
Figure 6.18 Transpose Using a By Group
Transpose Using a By Group
The transposed table contains values that have been transposed in groups.
Concatenate Data Tables
When you concatenate data tables in JMP, you combine rows from two or more data tables. You can create a new data table or you can append rows to the first data table. A column name might be the same in the data tables that you want to concatenate. If so, then the column in the new data table lists the values from all of the data tables in the order of concatenation. If the two original data tables have columns with different names, those columns are included in the new data table showing missing values.
To concatenate two data tables with the same column names, follow these steps:
1. Select Tables > Concatenate.
Figure 6.19 Concatenate Window
Concatenate Window
2. Highlight the names of the data tables that you would like to combine, and click Add.
You can concatenate as many data tables as you choose, and you can also add the same data tables multiple times. The number of rows in the new data tables is the sum of the number of rows in all the data tables.
3. (Optional) Click the Save and evaluate formulas choice to request that JMP include all formulas.
If you do not select this option, no formulas are included in the new data table.
Note: Columns with the same name can have different formulas. The formula from the first data table that contains a formula for that column is saved in the concatenated data table. This situation can occur when more than two tables are being concatenated and the second or third on has a formula for the column in question.
4. (Optional) Click the Create source column choice to add a column called Source Table to the new data table.
This column identifies the name of the source data table in the corresponding rows.
5. (Optional) Select the Append to first table choice to append rows to the data table listed first in the Data Tables to be Concatenated field. This option is an alternative to creating a new data table.
6. (Optional) Enter a name for the new data table in the Output table name field.
If you do not enter a name, JMP names the data table Untitled# (for example, Untitled1). The Output table name field is not available if you selected the Append to first table choice.
7. Click OK.
Example of Concatenating Data Tables
Suppose that you want to concatenate two data tables (Trial1 and Trial2) into a new data table.
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open and
2. From the table, select Tables > Concatenate.
3. In the Opened Data Table list, select Trial2 and click Add.
4. Click OK.
The data tables combine into a new concatenated table with all of the rows from the first data table followed by all of the rows from the second data table. See Figure 6.20.
Figure 6.20 Result of Concatenating Two Data Tables
Result of Concatenating Two Data Tables
Concatenated data tables always contain a column for every column name found in the original data tables. However, if the column names do not match exactly, they are not merged. For example, if the yield column was instead named yield1 and yield2, a separate column would be created for each in the concatenated data table.
When you concatenate two or more data tables containing table variables, separate columns are created for each table variable. This ensures that important distinctions are not lost when concatenating data tables.
Note: Columns are not created for table variables that begin with the name Notes.
Example of Concatenating Data Tables and Table Variables
For example, suppose that two cancer trials were conducted at two different hospitals. One of the trials’ data is in the data table, and the other trial’s data is in the data table.
To consolidate the data and the variables into one table, follow these steps:
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open
Notice that there are two distinct table variables: Dosage Amount and Location. In the concatenated table, columns are created for these two table variables.
2. From the data table, select Tables > Concatenate.
3. Select Cancer2 and click Add.
4. Click OK.
Figure 6.21 Data and Variables Concatenated
Data and Variables Concatenated
The data and the variables are concatenated. The variables appear as columns in the concatenated table. The notes from each data table are added to the new data table as table variables.
Join Data Tables
You can combine two data tables into one new table by selecting Tables > Join. For an overall description of how to join two data tables, see “To join two data tables into a new data table, follow these steps:”. Tables can be joined in three different ways:
By combining them according to row number. See “Example of Joining by Row Number”.
In a Cartesian fashion, where you form a new table consisting of all possible combinations of the rows from two original tables. See “Examples of a Cartesian Join”.
By matching the values in one or more columns that exist in both data tables, or in a single data table. See “Examples of Joining By Matching Columns”.
Note: The JMP Query Builder option in the Tables menu provides an option to query data before performing a simple join. See “Query and Join Data Tables with JMP Query Builder” in the “Reshape Data” chapter for details.
To join two data tables into a new data table, follow these steps:
1. Open the two data tables that you want to join.
2. Select Tables > Join.
In the window that appears, the names of all open tables appear below Join...with, as shown in Figure 6.22.
Figure 6.22 The Join Window
The Join Window
3. In the Join...with box, select the table to join with the active table.
4. From the Matching Specification area, select the option that specifies how to join the tables.
5. Enter the name of the new table in the text box beside Output table name.
6. (Optional) Customize the join procedure further using the additional options.
7. Click OK to create the joined data table.
Join Options
Keep dialog open
Keeps the Join window open after you click OK.
Preserve main table order
Maintains the order of the original data table in the joined table, instead of sorting by the matching columns. Selected by default.
Update main table with data from second table
Column data from the second table change the data of the same name columns in the original table.
Note the following:
JMP does not replace data with missing values.
The output table uses the same columns as the original table. Thus, when you use Update main table with data from second table, Select Columns for joined table is not applicable.
The Update main table with data from second table option is available only when joining by row number or by matching columns.
Merge same name columns
Data from the second table replaces the data of the same name columns in the original table. Note that missing values in the first table are replaced by nonmissing values in the second.
If you are matching by column, Match Flag is selected when you select Merge same name columns. The new joined table contains a nominal column named Match Flag:
If a one (1) appears in this column, the data originated from the first (active) table.
If a two (2) appears in this column, the data originated from the second table.
If a three (3) appears in this column, the data was found in both the first and second tables.
Match flag
Omits the Match Flag column from the joined data table when you are matching by column.
Copy formula (Main Table and Second Table)
Includes formulas from the main table and/or the second table in the output columns. Selected by default.
Suppress formula evaluation (Main Table and Second Table)
Prevents JMP from evaluating columns’ formulas during the creation of the new table. Selected by default.
By Matching Columns
To join rows, select columns in both tables whose values and data types match. Follow these steps:
1. Highlight a column name from each list in the Source Columns area. The first highlighted column in the top list pairs with the first highlighted column in the bottom list, the second columns are paired, and so on. Rows join only if values and data types match for all the column pairs.
2. Click Match. The selected pair of columns appears in the Match columns box. Matching columns do not have to have the same names and do not have to be in the same relative column position in both tables.
3. (Optional) To include only the first match found, check the boxes associated with Drop multiples in both tables. Only the first match found is written to the new table. If you specify this option for one table, the first match value is joined with all matches in the other table. If you do not check the boxes associated with Drop multiples in either table, a Cartesian join is performed within each group of matching column values.
4. (Optional) To include all rows from the data table, even when there is no matching value, check the boxes associated with Include non-matches. You can specify this option for either or both data tables being joined.
By Row Number
Joins the two tables side by side.
Cartesian Join
Joins two tables using a Cartesian fashion, where it forms a new table consisting of all possible combinations of the rows from two original tables. JMP crosses the data in the first table with the data in the second to display all combinations of the values in each set.
Select Columns for joined table
Selects a subset of columns from either table for inclusion in the output table. Follow these steps:
1. In the Source Columns area, highlight the columns from each table that you want to include in the new table.
2. Click Select in the Output Columns area.
Output table name
Specifies the name of the joined table.
Examples of Joining Data Tables
The following sections provide examples using the Join command.
Example of Joining by Row Number
Joining tables by row number joins the two tables side by side. The new table has all of the columns from both tables, unless you specify to include only certain columns.
To join tables with an unequal number of rows
If the two tables that you want to join have an unequal number of rows, the new table contains values for the rows found in both tables.
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open and
Notice that the table has two rows, and the table has four rows.
2. From the table, select Tables > Join.
3. In the Join...with box, select Species2.
4. From the Matching Specification area, select By Row Number.
5. Click OK.
Figure 6.23 Joined Tables by Row Number
Joined Tables by Row Number
If one table with two rows is joined with a table with four rows, then the new table contains four rows.
To join columns with the same name
If the two tables have column names that are the same, the names of these columns in the new table appear as “column name of table name.” For example, suppose that you want to combine the eight rows from the and data tables shown in Figure 6.24 into a single table. You want to combine them so that the new table contains all of the columns from both tables.
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open
2. From the data table, select Tables > Join.
3. In the Join...with box, select Trial2.
4. From the Matching Specification menu, select By Row Number.
5. Click OK.
Figure 6.24 Original Tables and the Joined Table
Original Tables and the Joined Table
A column name can be the same in the two original tables. The output column name is then qualified by the source table name. For example, the column names in the new table appear as <variable name> of table name.
To join only specified columns
Suppose that you do not want all of the columns from the original data tables to be in the joined table. Proceed as follows:
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open and
2. From the data table, select Tables > Join.
3. In the Join...with box, select Trial2.
4. From the Matching Specification menu, select By Row Number.
5. Click Select columns for joined table to specify the subset of columns that you want to include.
6. In the Source Columns list, select popcorn and yield from the Trial1 list and select yield from the Trial2 list.
Because identical data exists in the popcorn column of both tables, you need to select only one column.
7. Click Select.
8. Click OK.
Figure 6.25 Joining Only Specified Columns
Joining Only Specified Columns
Examples of a Cartesian Join
When doing a Cartesian join, JMP joins two tables in a Cartesian fashion: the new table consists of all possible combinations of the rows from two original tables. This creates cases in the output table where there are one case for each combination of column values.
Simple Example of a Cartesian Join
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open and
2. From the table, select Tables > Join.
3. In the Join...with box, select Species2.
4. From the Matching Specification menu, select Cartesian Join.
5. Click OK.
Figure 6.26 Joining Tables Using Cartesian Join
Joining Tables Using Cartesian Join
The data in is crossed with the data in to produce the joined table, which shows all combinations of the values in each set.
Complex Example of a Cartesian Join
In this example, use the Tables > Join command twice:
The first join combines the Oil table with the table using the Cartesian option.
The second join combines the resulting table (Cartesian oil amount + batch) with the Popcorn table and produces a final table with all tables joined.
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Oil,, and Popcorn
2. From the Oil table, select Tables > Join.
3. In the Join...with box, select Batch.
4. From the Matching Specification menu, select Cartesian Join.
5. Under Output table name, type Oil Amount and Batch.
6. Click OK.
Figure 6.27 Oil Amount and Batch Joined Table
Oil Amount and Batch Joined Table
The joined table contains all of the columns from the Oil and tables. Add the Popcorn columns, as follows:
7. From the Oil Amount and Batch table that you just created, select Tables > Join.
8. In the Join...with box, select Popcorn Type.
9. From the Matching Specification menu, select Cartesian Join.
10. Click OK.
Figure 6.28 Oil Amount and Batch Joined with Popcorn Type
Oil Amount and Batch Joined with Popcorn Type
The final table contains all of the columns from all three original tables. Keep in mind that the number of rows produced by a Cartesian join is the product of the number of rows in the original tables.
Examples of Joining By Matching Columns
When you join data tables by matching columns, JMP finds specified column values that exist in both tables. All values associated with the specified column values are combined into a new data table.
In order to join by matching columns, the columns must have the same data type (numeric, character, or row state).
You can also join a data table to itself, in order to remove duplicate values or rows from the data table.
To join tables with the same rows in a different order
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open and
The data table contains names, ages, and sexes of the students. The data table contains names, height, and weight of the students. Instead of working with two separate tables, you would like to combine the tables into one. Notice that the students’ names are not in the same order in both tables. For example, Alice is in row 7 and row 9.
2. From the data table, select Tables > Join.
3. In the Join...with box, select Students2.
Because both tables have one column (name) that contains the same values, you need to tell JMP that they are matches. JMP then examines each of the values in the name column of the first table to determine whether there was a corresponding value in the second table’s name column. For example, it detects that Alice is located in both tables. It creates a name column in the new table with Alice as a value. It then takes the age and sex of Alice from table one and puts it in the new table. Then it takes the height and weight of Alice and puts them in the new table.
4. Select By Matching Columns in the Matching Specification area.
5. From the Students1 and Students2 lists, select name.
6. Click Match.
7. You want the new table to contain only one row for each name, so select the Drop multiples boxes for both tables.
8. Click OK.
Figure 6.29 Joined Table
Joined Table
To join tables with different numbers of rows and different column names
Suppose that Sarah and Joe are performing a popcorn experiment. They are popping different types of popcorn (gourmet and plain) in different amounts of oil. They are recording the amount (yield) of popcorn that is produced. Sarah gave you the first trial data in a file named Joe gave you the second trial data in a file named You want to combine the two tables into one table.
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open and
2. From the table, select Tables > Join.
3. In the Join...with box, select Little.
You can see that three of the columns (popcorn, oil amt/oil, and batch) contain the same values in both tables. Identify these columns as matches. Also, because Sarah and Joe gave the oil and oil amt columns different names, you can tell JMP that oil amt and oil match.
4. Deselect Preserve main table order.
The joined table is sorted by matching columns, not by the order of data in,
5. Select By Matching Columns in the Matching Specification area.
6. From the Trial1 list, select popcorn, oil amt, and batch.
7. From the Little list, select popcorn, oil, and batch.
8. Click Match.
Looking at the two data tables, you can see that they have different numbers of rows. has values for eight experimental conditions, and has values for only four of those conditions. Sarah completed her experiment, but Joe only partially completed his experiment. You want the joined table to contain all of the rows in even if that row in the table contains a missing value.
9. Select the Include non-matches boxes for both tables.
In the joined table, you want only one column for popcorn, one column for oil, and one column for batch. However, you want two columns for yield: one representing the yield from, and another representing the yield from
10. Select the box beside Select columns for joined table.
11. From the Trial1 list, select all of the columns.
12. Click Select.
13. From the Little list, select yield.
14. Click Select.
Figure 6.30 Completed Join Window
Completed Join Window
15. Click OK.
Figure 6.31 and Joined and Joined
The joined table is sorted by the matching columns. Note that the yield column from the table (Yield of Little) has missing values indicating no matching values with the table.
To join a table to itself (to remove duplicate entries)
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Coffee Shop
You can see that some of the customers had the same drink on the same date. You want to consolidate these duplicate rows using Join.
2. Select Tables > Join.
3. In the Join...with box, select Coffee Shop Purchases.
4. Select By Matching Columns in the Matching Specification area.
5. From both Coffee Shop Purchases lists, select all three columns: Date, Customer, and Beverage.
6. Click Match.
7. Select the Drop multiples boxes for both tables (the Main Table and the With Table).
8. Type Coffee Shop Purchases Final for the Output table name.
9. Click OK.
Figure 6.32 Original and Joined Coffee Shop Purchases Data Tables
Original and Joined Coffee Shop Purchases Data Tables
Query and Join Data Tables with JMP Query Builder
The JMP Query Builder option in the Tables menu enables you to query data tables and save selected data into a new data table. This feature is similar to using the Join command but lets you perform queries before saving the data. For example, you can query SAT data and save only data for 2004 test scores in a data table. You can also include a prompt that lets the user run the query and choose a subset of the 2004 test scores.
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open and
2. Display
3. Select Tables > JMP Query Builder.
The current data table,, is selected as the Primary table.
4. Select in the Available Tables list and click Secondary.
5. Select next to the Secondary button and view the Columns tab. The Join column shows that two columns have the same name and were joined.
Figure 6.33 Joined Columns
Joined Columns
6. Click Build Query.
Add Columns
1. In the Available Columns list, select t1.State, t1.%Taking (2004), t2.2004 Verbal, and t2.2004 Math.
2. Click Add.
The columns are added to the Included Columns tab.
3. Select Distinct rows only to avoid saving duplicate rows.
4. On the Query Preview tab, make sure that Update preview automatically is selected so that you can see the selected columns.
Add Filters
1. In the Included Columns list, select t2.2004 Verbal and t2.2004 Math, and then click Add Selected Items to Filter Image shown here.
The columns are added to the Filters list.
Figure 6.34 Selected Filters
Selected Filters
2. Click the red triangle next to each filter and select Prompt on Run. Accept the default prompt message.
Run the Query
1. Click Run Query.
You are prompted to indicate which math and verbal scores to save in the data table. To save all data, do not change the values in the prompt window.
2. Click OK to create the data table.
Figure 6.35 Queried Data
Queried Data
See “Build SQL Queries in Query Builder” in the “Import Your Data” chapter for more information about features that also appear in Query Builder for databases.
To join data from different sources (for example, a database and Microsoft Excel), use Query Builder to import the database data into a data table; import the Excel data into a data table; and use JMP Query Builder in the Tables menu to query and join the tables.
When you open a query, data tables in the query open as hidden files that you can open from the JMP Home Window. You can also open the hidden files from the Table panel when you build the query.
About Links to Data Tables in JMP Queries
When you query data tables, the resulting data table contains scripts for rerunning the query, updating the data, and editing the query. Data tables in these scripts have absolute paths. For example, the following portion of these scripts defines where two JMP sample data tables are stored.
JMP Tables(
["SAT" => "C:Program",
"SATByYear" => "C:Program"]
However, when you save a query as a .jmpquery file, the file contains relative paths to the original data tables if it is possible to create them. The following example shows data tables that are stored in the FuelData subfolder that is relative to the .jmpquery file.
JMP Tables( ["Cars" => "",
"Trains" => ""] )
In the .jmpquery file, if a relative path cannot be created, an absolute path is used with path variable substitutions if possible. When you run the query, you are prompted to select the data table if the table cannot be found. JMP then detects whether other missing data tables in the query are in the selected folder.
You can also use path variables to locate the data tables. For example, you might write a script that selects a data table in the $DOCUMENTS folder. Or you can define a path variable in a JSL script and then run a query from the script. See the Types of Data chapter in the Scripting Guide for details about path variables.
Virtually Join Data Tables
Virtual Join links a main data table to one or more auxiliary data tables. This feature enables the main data table to access data from the auxiliary data tables without physically joining the tables. Virtually joining tables saves memory, because the same data are not replicated in every table that references them. And updating linked data is simpler; linked data can be independently updated in the source table without being updated in the referencing table.
The Link ID and Link Reference column properties make the linking possible.
The Link ID column property marks a column in the auxiliary data table as the ID column. That is, the rows of the data table are uniquely identified by the values of the ID column. The data table that has a Link ID column property is referred to as the referenced data table.
The Link Reference column property maps a column in the main data table to the ID column in the referenced data table. The column property specifies the path name of the referenced data table. The column that has a link reference is referred to as the referencing column. The referencing column can look up the data of the auxiliary data tables through the ID column.
Figure 6.36 shows an example of virtually joined data tables. Pizza is the referenced data table because the ID column contains a Link ID column property. The ID column contains unique values that correspond to data in the referencing data table, Pizza
Figure 6.36 Virtually Joined Data Tables
Virtually Joined Data Tables
Note: The key icon in the Columns panel (in Pizza above) is blue when the columns are linked and the referenced columns appear in the Columns panel. If the key icon is gray, verify your link references in the Column Info window.
With the link column properties set up, all columns from the referenced data tables become part of your main data table. Therefore, if the main data table has a referencing column, the columns of the referenced table automatically appear in the Select Columns list of the launch window.
You can prevent columns of the referenced table from appearing in the main data table by excluding them from the referenced table. Exclude columns by right-clicking them in the Columns panel and selecting Exclude/Unexclude.
Example of Virtually Joining Data Tables
Suppose that respondents in a pizza experiment chose their favorite crust, topping, and cheese. To see which cheese the respondents preferred, follow these steps:
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Pizza and Pizza
2. First, right-click the ID column in Pizza and select Link ID.
This column contains unique values that correspond to values in Pizza For example, row one in Pizza indicates that pizza with thick crust, mozzarella cheese, and pepperoni toppings is nicknamed ThickOni. When all responses in Pizza are “ThickOni”, the subject chose pizza with these attributes.
3. In Pizza, select the three columns that begin with “Choice”.
4. Right-click and select Link Reference > Pizza
The selected columns are linked to the ID column in Pizza and appear in the main data table’s Columns list (Figure 6.36).
Note: Look at one of the column’s Link Reference properties again and notice that the Pizza data table is selected. See “Virtual Join Properties” in the “The Column Info Window” chapter for information about changing the link.
5. In Pizza, select Analyze > Distribution.
6. Scroll down to select the three Cheese columns in the referenced column groups, click Y, Columns, and click OK.
Figure 6.37 Distribution Launch Window
Distribution Launch Window
More respondents chose Mozzarella in the Choice column. In Choice1 and Choice2, the proportion of Mozzarella to Jack is nearly even.
Figure 6.38 Distribution of Pizza Responses
Distribution of Pizza Responses
See the Movie sample data table for another example of virtually joined data tables. The data are already joined with Movie and Movie, so you do not need to specify the Link Reference.
A data table can have only one Link ID column property. The Link ID column cannot have duplicate values.
A data table can have multiple referencing columns. The columns can reference different or the same data tables.
A referenced data table can have a referencing column (a column that references another data table).
If the Link Reference column property is removed from the column, or the referenced data table is closed, the corresponding referenced columns are removed from the main data table.
The data types of the linked columns must match.
The Expression and Row State data types do not support the Link Reference or Link ID column properties.
When the main data table is saved, the referenced columns are not saved. The data tables are relinked when you open them.
When a referenced data table is renamed, the corresponding Link Reference column property is automatically updated.
Referenced columns are not included when you select Copy Table Script from the Table panel red triangle menu.
In addition to right-clicking a column to add the Link ID and Link Reference column properties, you can add the properties through the Column Info window. See “Virtual Join Properties” in the “The Column Info Window” chapter for details.
To share the data with another user, you might want to merge the data so that the data tables are permanently joined. This option is helpful because you provide one data table, not the main and auxiliary data tables. To merge the joined columns into the table that has a link reference, select Merge Referenced Data from the red triangle menu in the data table’s left pane. The data are replicated from the auxiliary data table to the main data table. When you save the data table, the actual data are also saved.
Update Data Tables
If you have two data tables and would like to update your original table with data from a new table, select Tables > Update. The Update command is a special case of Join in place. It is a Join with the Update option checked, and it does not result in a new table.
Before you update a table, make sure that the name of the column containing the values that you want to replace is the same as the name of the column containing the data that you want to replace it with.
To replace values in the active table with those found in another open table
1. Click on the original table that you want to update (this is the table whose values you want to replace) to make it the active table.
2. Select Tables > Update.
Figure 6.39 Updating a Table
Updating a Table
3. Highlight the new table containing the data that you want to transfer to the original table.
4. (Optional) If you do not want JMP to replace the values in the original table with any missing values found in the new table, select the box next to Ignore missing. The original table retains its original values if they correspond to missing values in the new table.
5. If the two tables have one or more columns whose values uniquely describe each row, JMP uses those columns as the match column values. That is, JMP updates the rows whose match column values coincide. JMP uses these columns to preserve the sorted order of the data. If your tables do not have matching column values, you can incorporate the updated values according to their row order by continuing here. To proceed with tables containing matching column values, see “To update a table using matching columns”.
6. From the Add Columns from Update table area, select an option. Using these options, you can add columns (that do not exist) from the new table into the original table.
Choose All to add all columns from the new table into the original table.
Choose Selected to add only columns that you have selected from the new table into the original table.
Choose None if you do not want to add any non-existent columns from the new table into the original table.
7. Click OK.
To update a table using matching columns
1. Follow the first three steps outlined in the previous section, “To replace values in the active table with those found in another open table”.
2. Select Match columns.
Figure 6.40 This Window Appears When You Click Match Columns
This Window Appears When You Click Match Columns
3. Highlight the two column names (in the respective tables) that you want to match.
4. Click Match.
5. (Optional) Repeat to match more columns.
6. Click OK.
Note: Columns that have different names from the columns in the table that you are updating (and that have not been assigned matches) are appended as separate columns. To avoid this problem, select the None option in the Add Columns from Update table area.
Example of Updating a Data Table
Suppose a researcher has a data table containing height measurements for students. The researcher receives an updated table that contains more recent measurements of the students’ heights. The researcher wants to avoid scrolling through the data tables to find the students whose height has changed, and copying and pasting the new values. Using the Update command, the researcher can quickly update the original data table with the new height values.
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Big and New
The Big table contains the original data, and the New table contains the updated data.
2. From the Big table, select Tables > Update.
3. In the Update...with data from box, select New Heights.
4. Select Match columns.
5. In the Big Class and New Heights lists, select name.
6. Click Match.
This tells JMP to use name as the match column value, since it is the column whose values uniquely describe each row.
7. Click OK.
Figure 6.41 The Updated Big Table
The Updated Big Table
You can see that the height values in the updated table no longer match the values in the original table. The values have been updated to use the newer values from the New table.
Anonymize Data
The Anonymize Data feature enables you to create a new data table in which certain unique identifiers have been removed.
Data are updated as follows:
Column headings, character data, and value labels are modified.
Data in nominal columns are modified.
Modified data in ordinal columns appear in the same order as in the original data table.
Data in continuous columns are not modified.
Column names in column properties are modified.
Note: Table scripts and some table variables cannot be anonymized. If your data table contains content that cannot be anonymized, a warning message appears in the log.
“Notes” column properties are removed. Other column properties are modified based on changes in the data table. For example, Value Ordering properties are renamed. Formulas except for prediction formulas are updated. Some column properties might no longer have the desired affect on the column.
To rename data, do one of the following:
To rename data in specific columns, select the columns and then select Tables > Anonymize.
To rename data in the entire data table, select Tables > Anonymize.
The data appear in a new data table.
DISCLAIMER: The Anonymize Data utility is provided merely to assist Users in removing certain unique identifiers from a data table as described above. The Anonymize Data utility might not remove all sensitive or personally identifiable information from a data table. Users should not rely exclusively on the Anonymize Data utility to remove such information where complete anonymization, pseudo-anonymization, or de-identification of data is desired or required by law or policy (such as where data are or might be disclosed to other parties). SAS does not represent, and specifically disclaims, that use of the Anonymize Data utility will by itself result in the User’s compliance with any national, state, local or international laws, regulations, or policies that pertain to the privacy, de-identification, or anonymization of sensitive or personally identifiable information.
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