JMP consists of platforms that are organized by the type of statistical analysis. For example, the Distribution platform produces a univariate analysis (the distribution of a single variable) using histograms, additional graphs, and reports. You might analyze data in the Distribution platform and then choose another platform to examine the data more thoroughly.
Platforms and reports work together as follows:
1. The data table is the input for a platform. See “Data Tables”.
2. The platform analysis starts in a launch window. See “Launch Windows”.
3. The platform results appear in a report window. See “Reports”.
Figure 2.2 “Anatomy of a Typical JMP Session on Windows” shows how a platform interacts with the data table and then displays the results in a report window. Information about using platforms is available in the JMP documentation library.
Launch Windows
The launch window is your point of entry into a platform, where you specify the columns to analyze. Figure 2.2 shows the Distribution launch window.
Figure 2.11 Launch Window Features
Launch Window Features
All launch windows have in common provide the following options:
Select Columns
Lists all of the variables in your current data table. Note the following:
Right-click the modeling type icon next to a column name to change the modeling type.
Right-click the column name to create a transform column. See “Transform Columns” in the “Enter and Edit Data” chapter.
Filter and sort the columns using the options in the red triangle menu. See “Column Filter Menu”.
Cast Selected Columns into Roles
Moves selected columns into roles (such as Y, X, and so on.) You cast a column into the role of a variable (like an actor is cast into a role). See “Cast Selected Columns into Roles Buttons”.
In the Graph Builder window, click the Dialog button on the left or select Redo > Relaunch Analysis to show this panel.
The following options are available:
performs the analysis.
stops the analysis and quits the launch window.
deletes any selected variables from a role.
populates the launch window with the last analysis that you performed.
takes you to the Help for the launch window.
Cast Selected Columns into Roles Buttons
The following buttons frequently appear throughout launch windows. Buttons that are specific to certain platforms are described in the chapter for the specific platform.
Identifies a column as a response or dependent variable whose distribution is to be studied.
Identifies a column as an independent, classification, or explanatory variable that predicts the distribution of the Y variable.
Identifies the data table column whose variables assign weight (such as importance or influence) to the data.
Identifies the data table column whose values assign a frequency to each row. This option is useful when a frequency is assigned to each row in summarized data. If the value is 0 or a positive integer, then the value represents the frequencies or counts of observations for each row when there are multiple units recorded.
Image shown hereValidation
Identifies the data table column whose values assign rows to training, validation, and test sets for crossvalidation in fitting models.
For some platforms, KFold validation is available if you specify more than three levels in the Validation column.
If you click the Validation button with no columns selected in the Select Columns list, you have the option to create a Validation column. For more information about the Make Validation Column utility, see the Modeling Utilities chapter in the Predictive and Specialized Modeling book.
Identifies a column that creates a report consisting of separate analyses for each level of the variable.
Tip: You can paste a transform column into a Roles box on the launch window. For example, you might copy a transform column from a script. Right-click in the appropriate launch window Cast Selected Columns into Roles box and select Paste. This is an alternative to right-clicking the column in the Select Columns list, selecting the transform, and adding the transform column to a role.
Column Filter Menu
A Column Filter menu appears in most of the launch windows. The Column Filter menu is found by clicking the red triangle in the Select Columns panel. Use these options to sort columns, show or hide columns, or search columns.
Figure 2.12 The Column Filter Menu
The Column Filter Menu
Resets the columns to its original list.
Sort by Name
Sorts the columns in alphabetical order by name.
Modeling Type
Provides options for showing or hiding columns with specific modeling types.
Shows or hides columns whose data type is Numeric.
Shows or hides columns whose data type is Character.
Shows or hides columns whose data type is Expression.
Match case
(Only applicable to the Name options below) Makes your search case-sensitive.
Name Contains
Searches for column names containing specified text. To remove the text box, select Reset.
Name Does Not Contain
Searches for column names that do not contain specified text. To remove the text box, select Reset.
Name Starts With
Searches for column names that begin with specified text. To remove the text box, select Reset.
Name Ends With
Searches for column names that end with specified text. To remove the text box, select Reset.
Exclude Formats
Excludes columns with specific formats from the column selection list. Select from the following formats: date, time, duration, geographic, or all numeric formats.
Column Groups
Ungrouped Columns
Shows or hides columns that have not been grouped.
After you launch your analysis, the report window appears. The report window shows the output of your analysis using interactive graphs and text reports. For details, see the “JMP Reports” chapter.
Figure 2.13 Report Window Features
Report Window Features
Manage JMP Files and Open Windows
The JMP Home Window provides instant access to open window and files. Opening recently opened files, closing windows, and pinning frequently used files are a few of the options.
JMP Home Window on Windows
On Windows, the JMP Home Window appears when you open JMP.
Open recent files in the Recent Files list or pin a frequently used file.
Right-click files in the Recent Files list to perform common tasks.
Open or close active JMP windows in the Window List.
Set an open data table as the current data table by selecting it from the data table list at the top.
Figure 2.14 JMP Home Window Actions
JMP Home Window Actions
JMP Home Window Buttons
On Windows, the JMP Home Window panels can contain the following buttons:
Image shown here The Open Selected button opens the selected files in the Recent Files list.
Image shown here The Sort By Name button sorts recent files alphabetically.
Image shown here The Filter button filters the types of files that appear in the Recent Files and Window List panels.
Image shown here Enlarges the font size and icon size of items in the Recent Files list.
Image shown here The Close button closes the panel.
Recent Files
On Windows, the Recent Files list provides quick access to files that you recently opened.
Keep your favorite files at the top of the list for quick access. Place your cursor over the filename and click the pin icon Image shown here. To unpin a file, click the pin iconImage shown here.
You can drag files from the Recent Files list as follows:
into the JMP Window List to open the file
into a Windows folder or on to your desktop to create a copy of the file
into applications such as Microsoft Notepad or Microsoft Word to edit the file
Right-click files to access the following options:
Open a file
Copy the location path to a file
Open a file within the folder that contains it
Sort files alphabetically by name or by most recent
Remove a file or remove files that are no longer in the same location (Alternatively, you can select files and press the DELETE key.)
(JSL scripts) Edit, run, or debug a script
(Text files) Change the import method or open as plain text
(SQL queries) Run an SQL query that you saved in Query Builder. You can also create a new query using an existing query as a template.
Run or edit a JMP application
When you open a non JMP file from the Recent Files list, JMP applies your import preferences to arrange the data. You can right-click on a text file to change the import method or to open the file in a text editing window. Your import preference is bolded in the right-click menu.
Tip: To prevent scripts from appearing in the Recent Files window, select File > Preferences > General and de-select Add files opened by scripts to the Recent Files list.
Search the Recent Files List for JMP Files
To find a recently opened file in a long list of files, enter part of the file name in the Recent Files Filter box.
The following options are provided:
Enter part of the file name in the Filter box above the list of files.
Place your cursor over the Filter box to view search tips.
As the files are filtered, the Up and Down arrow keys change the selected file. Press Enter to open the selected file, or select the file with your cursor.
If a file is selected in the Recent Files list, press Ctrl and then F to activate the Filter box.
Press Esc or click the X button to exit the filtering mode after you typed a search term.
Window List
On Windows, the Window List shows open JMP windows, such as data tables, reports, and scripts. You can open, close, rearrange, and hide JMP windows.
If you place your mouse pointer over a file in the Window List, a thumbnail appears.
To open the Window List in its own window, select View > Window List.
To display windows side-by-side, right-click the selected windows and select Arrange.
To always automatically display the Window List inside maximized windows, select File > Preferences > Windows Specific and select Dock the Window List in maximized windows.
Right-click files to access the following options:
View a window
Close a window (Alternatively, you can select files and press the DELETE key.)
Close all windows except the currently selected window (if the selected window is a report window, the dependent data table also remains open)
Move a window to the back
Hide a window from the Windows taskbar or unhide a window
Select all windows, or clear all selections
Rearrange Panels in the Home Window
To rearrange the panels in the Home Window on Windows, click and drag the title bar of the panel. Drop the title bar onto a top, bottom, left, or right arrow to position the panel. A blue box indicates where the panel will be placed. To turn the panels into tabs, drag and drop any panel into the middle of the Home Window.
To put the Home Window back into its original order, select View > Home Window Panes > Revert to Factory Layout.
If you close a panel and want to reopen it, select View > Home Window Panes and select the panel that you want to open.
Open the JMP Home Window by selecting View > Home Window or clicking the JMP Home Window Image shown here button in the lower right corner of most JMP windows. If you cannot see the JMP Home Window button, select View > Status Bars.
If you prefer to see the JMP Starter or the Window List upon start-up, you can specify that in the Preferences (Windows only). Select File > Preferences > General and select an option from the Initial JMP Window list.
JMP Home Window on Macintosh
Use the JMP Home window on Macintosh to quickly access JMP files and open windows.
Open recent files in the Recent Files list.
Press Control and select files in the Recent Files list to perform common tasks.
Open or close active JMP windows in the Window List.
Add a recent file to the Favorites list. Select the file in the Recent Files list, press Control, and select Add to Favorites. To remove the file from the list, select the favorite file, press Control, and select Remove from Favorites. You can also drag the file onto the desktop to remove it from the Favorites list.
Set an open data table as the current data table by selecting it from the Set Active Table list.
Open the log.
The two buttons in the upper left corner of the JMP Home window let you manage recent files and favorites.
Click Image shown here to show or hide the Favorites list.
Click Image shown here to remove files from the Recent Files list.
Open the JMP Home window on Macintosh by selecting Window > JMP Home (Figure 2.15). To view the window each time you open JMP, select JMP > Preferences > General > Home Window.
Figure 2.15 Example of the JMP Home Window (Macintosh)
Example of the JMP Home Window (Macintosh)
Tip: The Status bar area shows the path for the currently selected file. You can click on a folder to open the folder to view its contents.
Recent Files
On Macintosh, the Recent Files list provides quick access to files that you recently opened.
You can drag files from the Recent Files list, as follows:
into the Window List to open the file
into the Favorites list to save the file as a favorite
Press the Control key and select a file to access other options. For example, you can run or debug a JSL script by holding down the Control key and selecting Run Script or Debug Script.
Tip: To prevent scripts from appearing in the Recent Files window, select File > Preferences > General and de-select Add files opened by scripts to the Recent Files list.
Window List
On Macintosh, the Window List shows open JMP windows, such as data tables, reports, and scripts.
Press the Control key and click to close a window.
If the selected window is a parent to one or more children, a window appears, prompting you to Hide Data Table, Cancel, or Close All windows. Select Close All to close the parent and all its children windows.
Search for Recently Opened Files on Windows
Recently opened files are listed in the Home Window. You can also search for recently opened files from any JMP window.
Select File > Quick Open or press Alt, Shift, and then O to open the Filter box and enter your search term. This option also lets you view the path of the file. Press Esc or click the X button to close the window after you type a search term.
Close Multiple Files
On Windows, close several files at once from the JMP Home Window. Select the files in the Window List, right-click, and select Close. To leave a single file opened and close the rest, select the single file and then select Close All But This.
On Macintosh, select File > Close Multiple and then select the files that you want to close.
Display and Arrange Open Windows
In JMP, typically you have several windows open at once (for example, data tables, reports, and the JMP Home Window). JMP provides several ways to arrange and display these open windows.
On Windows:
Press the Control and Tab keys to switch between windows.
Use the Reveal feature (F9 or Window > Reveal). See “Using the Reveal Feature”.
Use the options in the Window menu. Note that Arrange options are also available using the Arrange Menu Image shown here option in the bottom right corner of most windows. If you cannot see Arrange Menu, JMP Home Window, and View Associated Data buttons, select View > Status Bars.
Tip: From the Arrange Menu option on Windows, you can merge open windows by selecting Combine Windows. See “Example of Combining Windows to Create a Dashboard” in the “Extend JMP” chapter for details.
To display the JMP Home Window, click the JMP Home Window Image shown here button in the lower right corner of most windows, or hold down Control and press 1.
To show the data table for a report, click View Associated Data Image shown here button in the bottom right corner of the report.
To open an associated report when you are viewing a data table, double-click the thumbnail preview of the report in the bottom pane. To enlarge the preview, place your cursor over the thumbnail. See Figure 2.16.
Figure 2.16 Thumbnail Previews of Open Reports
Thumbnail Previews of Open Reports
On Macintosh:
Use the options in the Window menu.
Use the Expose feature (F9 or F3).
Preview JMP Files
For some JMP file types, you can use Windows Explorer or the Macintosh Finder to view a portion of the selected file. Windows supports a preview of JMP data tables, journals, and scripts. Macintosh supports a preview of data tables and scripts.
To preview a JMP file
1. In Windows Explorer or the Macintosh Finder, select the file that you want to preview.
2. In Windows Explorer, select the Show the preview pane Image shown here button in the upper right corner. Support in e-mail programs varies.
In the Macintosh Finder, select the file and press the spacebar, or select the Quick Look option on the context menu or File menu. In Mail, select the Quick Look Attachment option on the context menu or File menu.
The preview pane shows a portion of the selected file.
Figure 2.17 Data Table Preview Pane (Windows)
Data Table Preview Pane (Windows)
Using the Reveal Feature
On Windows, press F9 to use the Reveal feature. The Reveal feature shows a top-level window with thumbnails of all open JMP windows.
Click on a window to activate it.
Press the spacebar to turn on Preview mode, where a full-sized view of the thumbnail under the cursor appears in the center of the screen.
By default, the windows are ordered to match the original ordering on the screen in a top-down, left-to-right order. Press S to sort the thumbnails by name.
To exit the Reveal feature, press F9, Esc, or Alt and Tab and then select another application.
JMP Starter Window
The JMP Starter window is a good place to begin if you are not familiar with JMP or data analysis. Options are categorized and described, and you launch them by clicking a button. The JMP Starter window covers many of the options found in the Analyze, Graph, Tables, and File menus.
To open the JMP Starter window, select View (Window on the Macintosh) > JMP Starter.
To display the JMP Starter automatically when you open JMP on Windows, select File > Preferences > General, and then select JMP Starter from the Initial JMP Window list. On Macintosh, select this option on the JMP > Preferences > General page.
Figure 2.18 shows the JMP Starter window for Windows. The Macintosh JMP Starter window is identical.
Figure 2.18 The JMP Starter Window (Windows)
The JMP Starter Window (Windows)
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