

3-D format, changing, 230–234

3-D rotation settings, 224–229

32-bit API declarations, changing to 64-bit, 538

64-bit API declarations, changing 32-bit declarations to, 538


A1-style references, 127–128

About dialog, customizing, 541

AboutMrExcel() procedure, 541

above/below average cells, formatting, 383

absolute mode, 25

absolute references, 133

accelerator keys, displaying, 529

Access databases. See databases

Activate event, 187

active control, coloring, 530–532

ActiveFilters property, 289

ActiveX controls

attaching macros to, 583–584

right-click menu for, 360–362

ActiveX data objects. See ADO

Add method, 148–149, 442

Add3ColorScale() procedure, 375

AddAboveAverage method, 383

AddChart method, 203

AddControl event, 187, 195, 199

AddCrazyIcons() procedure, 382

AddGlowToTitle() procedure, 223


Add-Ins dialog, 588

characteristics of, 587–588

closing, 593

converting workbooks to, 588–590

hidden workbooks as alternative to add-ins, 593–594

installing, 591

removing, 593

security, 592

Add-Ins dialog, 588

Addition procedure, 81

AddTransfer() procedure, 480–481

AddTwoDataBars() procedure, 381

ADO (ActiveX data objects)

compared to DOA (data access objects), 477

connections, 478

cursors, 478


adding on-the-fly, 489–490

checking existence of, 488

lock type, 479

overview, 478–480


adding, 480–481

deleting, 485

retrieving, 481–483

summarizing, 485–486

updating, 483–485

recordsets, 478


adding on-the-fly, 489

checking existence of, 487–488

ADOAddField() procedure, 489–490

ADOCreateReplenish() procedure, 489

ADOWipeOutAttribute() procedure, 485

Advanced Filter

building with Excel interface, 258

case study: creating reports for each customer, 280–283

criteria ranges

case study, 268

explained, 265–266

formula-based conditions, 268–275

logical AND criteria, 267

logical OR criteria, 267

extracting unique list of values, 258–264

getting unique combinations of two or more fields, 263–264

with user interface, 259

with VBA code, 260–263

Filter in Place, 275–276, 283–285

overview, 257

xlFilterCopy with all records, 276–280

copying all columns, 277

copying a subset of columns and reordering, 278–280

AdvancedFilter method, 260

AfterUpdate event, 190, 193–197

ahtAddFilterItem API function, 546

aht_apiGetOpenFileName API function, 544–546

aht_apiGetSaveFileName API function, 544–546

AllColumnsOneCustomer() procedure, 277

AllowMultipleFilters property, 289

API declarations

32-bit versus 64-bit, 538

ahtAddFilterItem, 546

aht_apiGetOpenFileName, 544–546

aht_apiGetSaveFileName, 544–546

calling, 537

DisplaySize, 540

explained, 535–536

finding, 547

FindWindow, 541–543

GetComputerName, 538–539

GetSystemMenu, 541–542

KillTimer, 542–543

lOpen, 539

PlayWavSound, 543

SetTimer, 542–543

ShellAbout, 541

AppEvent_AfterCalculate() event, 176

AppEvent_NewWorkbook() event, 177

AppEvent_ProtectedViewWindowActivate() event, 177

AppEvent_ProtectedViewWindowBeforeClose() event, 177

AppEvent_ProtectedViewWindowDeactivate() event, 177

AppEvent_ProtectedViewWindowOpen() event, 177

AppEvent_ProtectedViewWindowResize() event, 177

AppEvent_SheetActivate() event, 177

AppEvent_SheetBeforeDoubleClick() event, 178

AppEvent_SheetBeforeRightClick() event, 178

AppEvent_SheetCalculate() event, 178

AppEvent_SheetChange() event, 178

AppEvent_SheetDeactivate() event, 178

AppEvent_SheetFollowHyperlink() event, 178

AppEvent_SheetPivotTableUpdate() event, 178

AppEvent_SheetSelectionChange() event, 178

AppEvent_WindowActivate() event, 179

AppEvent_WindowDeactivate() event, 179

AppEvent_WindowResize() event, 179

AppEvent_WorkbookActivate() event, 179

AppEvent_WorkbookAddinInstall() event, 179

AppEvent_WorkbookAddinUninstall() event, 179

AppEvent_WorkbookAfterXmlExport() event, 181

AppEvent_WorkbookAfterXmlImport() event, 181

AppEvent_WorkbookBeforeClose() event, 179

AppEvent_WorkbookBeforePrint() event, 180

AppEvent_WorkbookBeforeSave() event, 180

AppEvent_WorkbookBeforeXmlExport() event, 181

AppEvent_WorkbookBeforeXmlImport() event, 181

AppEvent_WorkbookNewSheet() event, 180

AppEvent_WorkbookOpen() event, 180

AppEvent_WorkbookPivotTableCloseConnection() event, 180

AppEvent_WorkbookPivotTableOpenConnection() event, 180

AppEvent_WorkbookRowsetComplete() event, 181

AppEvent_WorkbookSync() event, 181

application-level events, 176–181

trapping, 494–495

Application.OnTime, 399–400


macros to run every two minutes, 403–404

macros to run x minutes in the future, 401–402

scheduled procedures with ready mode, 400

verbal reminders, 402

specifying a window of time for updates, 400


checking version of, 144–145

compatibility issues

Compatibility mode, 145

explained, 144

historical stock/fund quotes, 362–363

ApplyLayout method, 203

ApplyTexture() procedure, 220

ApplyThemeColor() procedure, 220

Areas collection, 77


advantages of, 457–458

array formulas, 137–138

declaring, 453–454

defined, 453

dynamic arrays, 459–460

emptying, 456–457

filling, 455–456

multidimensional arrays, 454

names, 153–154

one-dimensional arrays, 454

passing, 460

art, SmartArt, 142–144

Assign3DPreset() procedure, 224

AssignBevel() procedure, 230

asterisks (*), 356–358

asymmetric pivot tables, named sets for, 322–323

attaching macros

to ActiveX controls, 583–584

to command buttons, 581–582

to shapes, 582–583

The Attribute “Attribute Name” on the Element “customui Ribbon” Is Not Defined in the DTD/Schema (error message), 577


filtering by color, 253

filtering by icon, 254

replacing loops with, 249–251

selecting dynamic data range with, 254–255

selecting multiple items, 252

selecting visible cells only, 255–256

selecting with Search box, 252–255

turning off drop-downs in, 285

AutoFilterCustom() procedure, 285

automation (Word)

bookmarks, 448–449

constant values, 439–441

controlling form fields, 450–452

creating and referencing objects, 437–439

Document object, 442–443

early binding, 433–436

explained, 433

late binding, 436–437

macro recorder, 441

Range object, 444–447

Selection object, 443–444

AutoSort, 308

AutoSum button, 30–31



BeforeDragOver event, 187, 190, 193–199

BeforeDropOrPaste event, 187, 190, 193–199

BeforeUpdate event, 190, 193–197

below/above average cells, formatting, 383

bevel format, changing, 230–234


early binding, 433–436

late binding, 436–437

bins, creating for frequency charts, 236–239

blank cells

eliminating from pivot tables, 308

formatting cells that contain blanks or errors, 387

bookmarks, 448–449

BookOpen() function, 83

Bottom 5 cells, formatting, 383–384

breakpoints, 49, 55

btnClose_Click() procedure, 512

BubbleSort() procedure, 98

built-in chart types, 208–210

buttons. See also specific buttons

attaching macros to, 581–582

custom icon images, 574–575

help buttons, 505–506

Microsoft Office icons, 573–574


.Calculation options, 306–307


calculated data fields, 324–325

calculated items, 325

changing to show percentages, 305–308

elapsed time, 353–354


API declarations, 537

userforms, 186

Can’t find object or library (error message), 435–436

case of text, changing, 359–360

Case statements, 124

case studies

cleaning up recorded code, 62–64

converting Excel 2003 custom toolbar to Excel 2010, 575–577

criteria ranges, 268

custom functions, 80

data visualization, 327

entering A1 versus R1C1 references, 131

entering military time into cell, 171

filtering to top five or top 10, 319

formula-based conditions, 270

Go To Special instead of looping, 256–257

help buttons, 505–506

hidden workbook to hold macros and forms, 594

looping through directory files, 119–120

multicolumn list boxes, 532

named ranges for VLOOKUP, 156–157

page setup errors, 555

password cracking, 560

recording macros, 22–23

relative references, 26–28


A1-style references, 127–128

blank cells, eliminating from pivot tables, 308

checking for empty cells, 73–74


charts in, 341–342

listing, 337–339

resizing, 339–341

conditional formatting. See conditional formatting

entering military time into, 171

noncontiguous cells, selecting/deselecting, 347–349

progress indicators, creating, 355–356

R1C1-style references

absolute references, 133

array formulas, 137–138

case study: entering A1 versus R1C1 references, 131

explained, 127–128

formulas, 129–132

mixed references, 133

multiplication table example, 134–135

referring to entire columns/rows, 134

relative references, 132–133

remembering column numbers associated with column letters, 136

switching to, 128

returning column letter of cell address, 103

reversing contents of, 101

selected cells, highlighting, 342–344, 344–345

selecting with SpecialCells, 360

setting workbook name in, 82

summing based on interior color, 89–90

Cells(), 59

Cells property

as parameters in Range property, 69

selecting ranges with, 68–69

centering cell comments, 340–341

Change event, 190, 193–199

ChangeFormat() procedure, 446

ChangeStyle() procedure, 447

ChangeTheChartLater() procedure, 207


range size, 71–72

text case, 359–360

Chart_Activate() event, 173

Chart_BeforeDoubleClick() event, 173

Chart_BeforeRightClick() event, 173

Chart_Calculate() event, 173

Chart_Deactivate() event, 173

Chart_DragOver() event, 175

Chart_DragPlot() event, 175

chart events, 166–167, 172–175, 495–497

ChartFormat method, 203

ChartFormat object, 218

Chart Layout gallery, 211–213

Chart_MouseDown() event, 174

Chart_MouseMove() event, 174

Chart_MouseUp() event, 174

Chart_Resize() event, 174


built-in chart types, 208–210

in cell comments, 341–342

chart events, 166–167, 172–175, 495–497

trapping, 495–497

creating, 204–207

dynamic charts, creating in userforms, 244–245

embedded charts, 172

exporting as graphics, 244–245


3-D rotation settings, 224–229

bevel and 3D format, 230–234

chart elements to which formatting applies, 218–234

Format method, 218–234

glow settings, 222–223

line settings, 222

object fill, 219–222

reflection settings, 223

shadow settings, 223

soft edges, 223–224

frequency charts, 236–239

Layout tab, 213–218

layouts, 211–213

new features (Excel 2010), 139–140

Open-High-Low-Close (OHLC) charts, 235–236

overview, 203

pivot charts, 246–247

referencing, 203–207

SetElement method, 213–218

sparklines. See sparklines

specifying size and location of, 204–205

stacked area charts, 239–243

styles, 211–213

template chart types, 210–211

Win/Loss charts, 426–427

Chart_Select() event, 174–175

Chart_SeriesChange() event, 175

ChartStyle property, 213

ChartType property, 208

CheckBox control, 512–513

check boxes, 512–513

CheckDisplayRes() procedure, 540

CheckForSheet() procedure, 84


existence of names, 155–156

for open files, 539

whether workbook is open, 83

CheckUserRights() procedure, 86

class modules

creating collections in, 502–504

inserting, 493

cleaning up recorded code

case study, 62–64

tips for, 58–61

ClearAllFilters method, 289

ClearTable method, 289

Click event, 187, 190, 193–196, 200

clients, training about error handling, 557

Close method, 443


add-ins, 593

documents, 443

Excel, 401

userform windows, 200–201

code protection, 559


Areas, 77


in class modules, 502–504

in standard module, 501–502

defined, 501

explained, 35

grouping controls into, 519–521

ColName() function, 103


color scales

adding to ranges, 374–375

explained, 367

coloring active control, 530–532

filtering by, 253

RGB colors in sparklines, 421–423

summing cells based on interior color, 89–90

theme colors for sparklines, 418–421

using two colors of data bars in range, 380–382

ColorFord() procedure, 251

ColorFruitRedBold() procedure, 121–122

ColumnExists() procedure, 488

ColumnHeaders() procedure, 455


copying all columns, 277

remembering column numbers associated with column letters, 136

subset of columns, copying, 278–280

Columns property, 72

combining worksheets into workbooks, 334–335

combo boxes, 191–193

command buttons

attaching macros to, 581–582

events for, 189

CommandButton event, 191


adding to names, 150

in cells

charts in, 341–342

listing, 337–339

resizing, 339–341

compact layout, 293–294

CompactLayoutColumnHeader property, 289

CompactLayoutRowHeader property, 289

CompactRowIndent property, 290

compatibility issues

checking application version with Version property, 144–145

Compatibility mode, 145

explained, 144

Compatibility mode, 145

complex expressions, 124

ComplexIf() procedure, 124–126

computer names, retrieving, 538–539

concatenation, 97–98

conceptual filters (pivot tables), 313–316

conditional formatting

color scales

adding to ranges, 374–375

explained, 367

data bars

adding to ranges, 369–374

explained, 367

determining which cells to format, 387–388

formatting cells based on value, 385

formatting cells in top 10 or bottom 5, 383–384

formatting cells that are above/below average, 383

formatting cells that contain blanks or errors, 387

formatting cells that contain dates, 386

formatting cells that contain text, 386

formatting unique or duplicate cells, 384–385

highlighting selected cell, 342–344

icon sets

adding to ranges, 375–378

explained, 368

new features (Excel 2010), 140–141

NumberFormat property, 388–389

VBA methods and properties, 368–369

conditions (If statement), 121

configuring pivot tables, 295–296

connections (ADO), 478

constant values

defined constants, 41–45

explained, 439

retrieving with Object Browser, 440–441

retrieving with Watch window, 440

ContainsText() function, 100–101

content management system, 407–409

controls. See also userforms

active control, coloring, 530–532

ActiveX controls

attaching macros to, 583–584

right-click menu for, 360–362

adding at runtime, 523–529

adding on-the-fly, 525

CheckBox, 512–513

grouping into collections, 519–521

programming, 188

RefEdit, 515

renaming, 188

Ribbon control arguments, 569–571

Ribbon control attributes, 566

running macros from, 16–17

ScrollBar, 517–519

TabStrip, 513–515

tip text, adding to userforms, 530

ToggleButton, 517

troubleshooting, 189


Excel 2003 custom toolbar to Excel 2010, 575–577

pivot tables to values, 299–301

week numbers into dates, 96

workbooks to add-ins, 588–590

ConvertToFormulas method, 289

CopyFromRecordSet method, 481


data into worksheets, 335–336

formulas, 129–130

macros into workbooks, 363–365

ranges, 61

subset of columns, 278–280

CopyToNewFolder() procedure, 120


records, 303

unique values, 90–91

workbooks in directory, 84–85

CountMyWkbks() procedure, 85

cracking passwords, 560

CreatedStackedChart() procedure, 242–243

CreateFrequencyChart() procedure, 238–239

CreateMemo() procedure, 448–449

CreateObject() function, 438

CreateOHCLChart() procedure, 236

CreatePivot() procedure, 298–299

CreatePivotTable method, 295

CreateSummaryReportUsingPivot() procedure, 246–247, 300–301

criteria ranges

case study, 268

explained, 265–266

formula-based conditions, 268–275

logical AND criteria, 267

logical OR criteria, 267

Criteria reserved name, 155

CSV files, importing, 331–332

CurrentRegion property, 74–76

cursors, 478

custom About dialog, 541

custom functions. See UDFs (user-defined functions)

Custom UI Editor, 572

CustomerByProductReport() procedure, 309–312


data transposition, 345–347

icon images, 574–575


creating custom objects, 497–498

Property Let/Property Get procedures, 499–501

referencing, 498–499

Ribbon to run macros

control arguments, 569–571

control attributes, 566

custom icon images, 574–575

Custom UI Editor tool, 572

customui folder, 564–565

error messages, 577–580

explained, 563–565

file structure, accessing, 571

Microsoft Office icons, 573–574

RELS file, 571–572

tab and group, 565–566

sort orders, 354–355

web pages, 406

customui folder, 564–565



creating, 427–432


creating, 412–413

creating 100’s of individual sparklines in a dashboard, 428–432

formatting, 418–421

observations about, 428

scaling, 414–418

types of sparklines, 411


getting from the Web, 391–392

publishing to web pages, 404–406

data access objects (DAO), 477

data bars

adding to ranges, 369–374

explained, 367

using two colors of data bars in range, 380–382

data transposition, customizing, 345–347

data visualizations

applying, 327

color scales, adding to ranges, 374–375

conditional formatting

determining which cells to format, 387–388

formatting cells based on value, 385

formatting cells in top 10 or bottom 5, 383–384

formatting cells that are above/below average, 383

formatting cells that contain blanks or errors, 387

formatting cells that contain dates, 386

formatting cells that contain text, 386

formatting unique or duplicate cells, 384–385

NumberFormat property, 388–389

data bars

adding to ranges, 369–374

using two colors of data bars in range, 380–382

explained, 368

icon sets

adding to ranges, 375–378

creating for subset of range, 378–380

VBA methods and properties for, 368–369

DataBar2() procedure, 372–373

DataBar3() procedure, 373

Database reserved name, 155



connections, 478

cursors, 478

lock type, 479

overview, 478–480

recordsets, 478


adding on-the-fly, 489–490

checking existence of, 488

Multidimensional Database (MDB) format, 475


adding, 480–481

deleting, 485

retrieving, 481–483

summarizing, 485–486

updating, 483–485

shared access databases, creating, 477–478

SQL Server, 490–491


adding on-the-fly, 489

checking existence of, 487–488

DataExtract() procedure, 490–491

DataSets variable, 473


converting week numbers into, 96

formatting cells that contain dates, 386

grouping to months, quarters, or years, 303–305

retrieving permanent date/time, 87

retrieving saved date/time, 86–87

DateTime() function, 87

DblClick event, 187, 190, 193–197, 200

Deactivate event, 187

Debug button, 551

Debug errors, 551–552

debugging tools

breakpoints, 49

jumping forward/backward in code, 49–50

querying variable values, 50–54

Run to Cursor, 50

stepping through code, 46–48

watches, 55


arrays, 453–454

variables, 20

defined constants, 41–45


pivot cache, 295

ranges, 444–446

Delete method, 149–150

DeleteFord() procedure, 251


names, 149–150

records, 485

selections from recorded code, 58

delimited files, opening, 467–470

delimited strings, separating, 96–97

deselecting noncontiguous cells, 347–349

Design tab, changing layout from, 325–326

Developer tab, viewing, 9–10


counting workbooks in, 84–85

listing files in, 329–331

looping through directory files, 119–120

Disable All Macros Except Digitally Signed Macros setting, 12

Disable All Macros with Notification setting, 11–12

Disable All Macros Without Notification setting, 11

disabling X button for closing userforms, 541–542

DisplayAllMember method, 289

DisplayContextTooltips property, 290

DisplayFieldCaptions property, 290

displaying R1C1-style references, 128

DisplayMemberPropertyTooltips property, 290

display-resolution information, retrieving, 540

DisplaySize API function, 540

dll (dynamic link libraries), 535

Do loops

explained, 113–115

Until clause, 115–117

While clause, 115–117

DOA (data access objects), 477

Document object

closing documents, 443

explained, 442

opening documents, 442

printing documents, 443

saving documents, 442–443


closing, 443

creating, 442

exporting to, 336–337

opening, 442

printing, 443

saving, 442–443

drilling down pivot tables, 349–350

DropButtonClick event, 190, 193

duplicate cells, formatting, 384–385

duplicates, removing from ranges, 91–92

dynamic arrays, 459–460

dynamic charts, creating in userforms, 244–245

dynamic data ranges, selecting with AutoFilter, 254–255

dynamic link libraries (dll), 535

DynamicAutoFilter() procedure, 255


early binding, 433–436

elapsed time, calculating, 353–354

Element “customui Tag Name” Is Unexpected (error message), 578

e-mail addresses, validating, 88–89

embedded chart events, trapping, 495–497

embedded charts, 172

EmpAddCollection() procedure, 504

EmpPayCollection() procedure, 501–502

empty cells, checking for, 73–74

emptying arrays, 456–457

Enable All Macros (Not Recommended: Potentially Dangerous Code Can Run) setting, 12

enable/disable macro settings, 11–12


events, 161

macros, 12

encountering errors on purpose, 556

EndKey method, 443

Enter event, 190, 193–197, 200

Err object, 554

Error event, 187, 190, 193–197, 200

error handling

debug errors inside userform code, 551–552

encountering errors on purpose, 556

Err object, 554

error messages

The Attribute “Attribute Name” on the Element “customui Ribbon” Is Not Defined in the DTD/Schema, 577

Can’t find object or library, 435–436

Element “customui Tag Name” Is Unexpected, 578

Excel Found Unreadable Content, 579

Illegal Qualified Name Character, 578

runtime error 9: Subscript Out of Range, 557

runtime error 1004: Method Range of Object Global Failed, 558–559

Wrong Number of Arguments or Invalid Property Assignment, 580

errors caused by different versions, 561

errors while developing versus errors months later, 557

explained, 549–552

formatting cells that contain blanks or errors, 387

generic error handlers, 554

ignoring errors, 554

On Error GoTo syntax, 552–554

On Error Resume Next statement, 554–555

page setup errors, 555

problems with passwords, 560–561

protecting code, 559

suppressing Excel warnings, 556

training clients, 557

error messages

The Attribute “Attribute Name” on the Element “customui Ribbon” Is Not Defined in the DTD/Schema, 577

Can’t find object or library, 435–436

Element “customui Tag Name” Is Unexpected, 578

Excel Found Unreadable Content, 579

Illegal Qualified Name Character, 578

runtime error 9: Subscript Out of Range, 557

runtime error 1004: Method Range of Object Global Failed, 558–559

Wrong Number of Arguments or Invalid Property Assignment, 580

Evaluate method, 153

events. See also specific events

application-level events, 176–181, 494–495

chart events, 172–175

CheckBox control events, 513

for combo boxes, 191–193

for command buttons, 189

embedded chart events, trapping, 495–497

enabling, 161

explained, 160

for graphics, 195–202

for labels, 189

levels of events, 159–160

for list boxes, 191–193

for MultiPage control, 198–200

for option buttons, 194–195

parameters, 160

RefEdit control events, 516

Scrollbar control events, 519

for spin buttons, 196–202

TabStrip control events, 515

for text boxes, 189

ToggleButton control events, 517

userform events, 186–187

workbook events, 161–167

worksheet events, 168–172

EveryOtherRow() procedure, 455

Excel 97-2003 Workbook file type, 18

Excel 2003 custom toolbar, converting to Excel 2010, 575–577

Excel 2007 pivot table features, 288–290

Excel 2010

file types, 18–19

pivot table features, 288

Excel Binary Workbook file type, 18

Excel Found Unreadable Content (error message), 579

Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook file type, 18

Excel Workbook file type, 18

Excel8CompatibilityMode property, 145

Execute method, 485

Exit event, 191–197, 200

exiting For...Next loop after condition is met, 111–112

ExportChart() procedure, 244


charts as graphics, 244–245

to Word document, 336–337

expressions in Case statements, 124

Extract reserved name, 155


FieldListSortAscending property, 290


adding on-the-fly, 489–490

adding to pivot tables, 296–299

calculated data fields, 324–325

checking existence of, 488

field entry in userforms, verifying, 200

form fields, controlling in Word, 450–452

multiple value fields (pivot tables), 302–303

File menu, Save As command, 589


checking for open files, 539

CSV files, importing, 331–332

file structure, accessing, 571

file types in Excel 2010, 18–19

filenames, retrieving, 201–202

listing, 329–331

looping through directory files, 119–120

paths, retrieving, 543–546

RELS file, 571–572

text files

fixed-width files, 463–467

importing files with fewer than 1,048,576 rows, 463–470

importing files with more than 1,048,576 rows, 470–473

reading and parsing, 332–333

writing, 473–474

filling arrays, 455–456

FillOutWordForm() procedure, 451–452

Filter in Place, 275–276, 283–285

FilterByFontColor() procedure, 253

FilterByIcon() procedure, 254


data into worksheets, 335–336

pivot tables

conceptual filters, 313–316

filtering to top five or top 10, 319

manual filters, 312–313

with named sets, 321–323

Search filter, 316–317

slicers, 319–321

FilterNoFontColor() procedure, 253


Advanced Filter

building with Excel interface, 258

case study: creating reports for each customer, 280–283

extracting unique list of values, 258–264

Filter in Place, 275–276

overview, 257

xlFilterCopy with all records, 276–280


filtering by color, 253

filtering by icon, 254

replacing loops with, 249–251

selecting dynamic data range with, 254–255

selecting multiple items, 252

selecting visible cells only, 255–256

selecting with Search box, 252–255

turning off drop-downs in, 285


API declarations, 547

first nonzero-length cell, 93

FindJPGFilesInAFolder() procedure, 119–120

FindWindow API function, 541–543

first nonzero-length cell, finding in range, 93

FirstNonZeroLength() function, 93

fixed-width files, opening, 463–467

flow control

complex expressions in Case statements, 124

If statement

conditions, 115, 121–124

If...Then...Else, 121

If...Then...Else...End If, 122–123

If...Then...End If, 121–122

nested If statements, 124–126

Select Case...End Select statement, 123

folders, customui, 564–565

For...Next loops

exiting early after condition is met, 111–112

explained, 107–109

nesting, 112

Step clause, 110–111

variables, 110

Format method, 218–234

Format Shape dialog, 230

Format tab. See formatting

FormatAboveAverage() procedure, 383

FormatBelowAverage() procedure, 383

FormatBetween10And20() procedure, 386

FormatBorder() method, 222

FormatBottom5Items() procedure, 383–384

FormatConditions object, 368

FormatContainsA() procedure, 386

FormatDatesLastWeek() procedure, 386

FormatDuplicate() procedure, 385

FormatLessThan15() procedure, 386

FormatLineOrBorders() procedure, 222

FormatShadow() procedure, 223

FormatSoftEdgesWithLoop() procedure, 224



3-D rotation settings, 224–229

bevel and 3D format, 230–234

chart elements to which formatting applies, 218–234

Format method, 218–234

glow settings, 222–223

line settings, 222

object fill, 219–222

reflection settings, 223

shadow settings, 223

soft edges, 223–224

conditional. See conditional formatting

ranges, 446–447


RGB colors, 421–423

sparkline elements, 423–426

theme colors, 418–421

Win/Loss charts, 426–427

FormatTop10Items() procedure, 383

FormatTop12Percent() procedure, 384

FormatUnique() procedure, 385

FormatWithPicture() procedure, 221

forms. See userforms


array formulas, 137–138

determining which cells to format, 387–388

entering once and copying down the column, 129–130

formula-based conditions, 268–275

names, 151

R1C1 formulas, 61

frequency charts, 236–239

FruitRedVegGreen() procedure, 122

FTP, 409–410

functions. See specific functions


generic error handlers, 554

GetAddress() function, 102–103

GetComputerName API function, 538–539

GetFileName() function, 546

GetObject() function, 438–439

GetSettings() procedure, 558

GetSystemMenu API function, 541–542

GetUniqueCustomers() procedure, 260

GetUnsentTransfers() procedure, 481–482

global names, 147–148

glow settings, 222–223

Go To Special dialog, 256–257

graphics. See also icons

adding on-the-fly, 526–527

events for, 195–202

exporting charts as, 244–245

SmartArt, 142–144

groups, creating for Ribbon, 565–566


HandleAnError() procedure, 553

handling errors. See error handling

hard-coding, 60–61


adding to userforms, 529–532

accelerator keys, 529

coloring active control, 530–532

control tip text, 530

help buttons, 505–506

help files, 143

installing, 37–38

selecting libraries in, 45

help topics, 39

hidden workbooks

as alternative to add-ins, 593–594

case study: hidden workbook to hold macros and forms, 594

Hide method, 186


hidden workbooks

as alternative to add-ins, 593–594

case study: hidden workbook to hold macros and forms, 594

names, 155

userforms, 186

HighlightFirstUnique() procedure, 385–388

highlighting selected cells, 342–345

HighlightWholeRow() procedure, 388

historical stock/fund quotes application, 362–363

HomeKey method, 443

hovering, 53

hyperlink addresses, returning, 102–103


in userforms, 522

running macros from, 584



custom icon images, 574–575

filtering by, 254

icon sets

adding to ranges, 375–378

creating for subset of range, 378–380

explained, 368

Microsoft Office icons, 573–574

If statements

conditions, 121

If...Then...Else, 121

If...Then...Else...End If, 122–123

If...Then...End If, 121–122

nesting, 124–126

ignoring errors, 554

Illegal Qualified Name Character (error message), 578

images. See graphics; icons

Immediate window, 50–53

Import10() procedure, 470

ImportAll() procedure, 470–471

ImportData function, 156–157


CSV files, 331–332

text files

files with fewer than 1,048,576 rows, 463–470

files with more than 1,048,576 rows, 470–473

IncrementRotationHorizontal property, 229

IncrementRotationVertical property, 229

IncrementRotationX property, 229

IncrementRotationY property, 229

IncrementRotationZ property, 229

InGridDropZones property, 290

Initialize event, 187

input boxes, 183–184

InputBox function, 183–184

inserting class modules, 493

InsertText() procedure, 444


add-ins, 591

help files, 37–38

Intersect method, 73

IsEmailValid() function, 88–89

ISEMPTY function, 73–74

IsWordOpen() procedure, 438


jet engine, 476

joining multiple ranges, 72–73

jumping forward/backward in code, 49–50


keyboard shortcuts, running macros with, 580–581

KeyDown event, 187, 191–197, 200

KeyPress event, 187, 191–197, 200

KeyUp event, 187, 191–200

keywords, New, 437

KillTimer API function, 542–543


Label event, 191, 194–195

labels, 189

last row, determining, 59–60

LastSaved() function, 86–87

late binding, 436–437

Layout event, 187, 195

Layout tab, 213–218

LayoutRowDefault property, 290


charts, 211–213

compact layout, 293–294

pivot table layout, 325–327

lbl_Email_Click() procedure, 522

lbl_SelectAll_Click() procedure, 520

lbl_unSelectAll_Click() procedure, 520

lbl_Website_Click() procedure, 522

learning curve for VBA, 8

levels of events, 159–160


dynamic link libraries (dll), 535

selecting in help files, 45

lighting, VBA constants for, 233–234

Line Input method, 472

line settings, 222

LineFormat object, 222

list boxes

combo boxes versus, 191–193

multicolumn list boxes, 532


cell comments, 337–339

files in directories, 329–331

lists, sorting, 354–355

Load method, 186

local names, 147–148

location of charts, specifying, 204–205

lock type (ADO), 479

logical AND criteria, 267

logical OR criteria, 267



explained, 113–115

Until clause, 115–117

While clause, 115–117

For Each, 117–119


exiting early after condition is met, 111–112

explained, 107–109

nesting, 112

Step clause, 110–111

variables, 110

Go To Special instead of looping, 256–257

looping through directory files, 119–120

replacing with AutoFilter, 249–251

While...Wend, 117

lOpen API function, 539

Lotus 1-2-3 macros, 29


macro recorder, 441

cleaning up recorded code

case study, 62–64

tips for, 58–61

examining code from, 39–46

flaws in, 7–8, 21–31

absolute mode, 25

AutoSum button, 30–31

examining code in Programming window, 23–25

recording macros case study, 22–23

relative references, 26–29

relative references case study, 26–28

tips for, 31

Macro Security icon (Developer tab), 9

macros. See also specific procedures


to ActiveX controls, 583–584

to command buttons, 581–582

to shapes, 582–583

canceling previously scheduled, 400–401

closing, 401

copying into workbooks, 363–365

holding in hidden workbooks, 594

recording, 12–14, 22–23

running, 14–17

from form controls, 16–17

from hyperlinks, 584

with keyboard shortcuts, 580–581

from Quick Access toolbar, 15–16

from Ribbon. See Ribbon


to run every two minutes, 403–404

to run x minutes in the future, 401–402

security, 10–12

Disable All Macros with Notification setting, 12

enable/disable settings, 11–12

trusted locations, 10–11

testing, 25

Macros icon (Developer tab), 9

manual filters (pivot tables), 312–313

manually creating web queries, 392–395

material types, 232

maximum values in range, returning addresses of, 101–102

MaxPoint property, 371

MDB (Multidimensional Database) format, 475

Me keyword, 186

message boxes, 184

methods. See specific methods

Microsoft Office icons, adding to buttons, 573–574

military time, entering into cells, 171

MinPoint property, 371

mixed references, 133

mixed text

retrieving numbers from, 95

sorting numeric and alpha characters, 99–100

modeless userforms, 521

Modify method, 371

modules, 21

MouseDown event, 187, 191–196, 200

MouseMove event, 187, 191, 194–196, 200

MouseUp event, 187, 191, 194–196, 200

MoveAfterTheFact() procedure, 205

MoveAndFormatSlicer() procedure, 321

MsgBox function, 184

MSubstitute() function, 94–95

multicolumn list boxes, 532

multidimensional arrays, 454

Multidimensional Database (MDB) format, 475

MultiPage control, 198–200

multiple actions in With...End With blocks, 61

multiple characters, substituting, 94–95

multiple items, selecting, 252

multiple row fields, suppressing subtotals for, 326–327

multiple value fields (pivot tables), 302–303

MultipleIf() procedure, 122

multiplication table, building with R1C1-style references, 134–135

MultiSelect property, 192–193

MyFullName() function, 82–83

MyName() function, 82


Name property, 149

named ranges, 66

named sets, 321–323

NameExists function, 155–157


adding comments about, 150

array names, 153–154

checking existence of, 155–156

computer names, retrieving, 538–539

creating, 148–149

deleting, 149–150

explained, 147

formula names, 151

global versus local names, 147–148

hiding, 155

named ranges for VLOOKUP, 156–157

number names, 152–153

reserved names, 154–155

storing values in, 152

string names, 151–152

table names, 153

workbook names, setting in cell, 82

NASDAQMacro() procedure, 416–418

navigation keys, 31


If statements, 124–126

loops, 112

NetTransfers() procedure, 486

new features (Excel 2010)

charts, 139–140

conditional formatting, 140–141

objects/methods, 143

pivot tables, 140

Ribbon, 139

slicers, 140

SmartArt, 142

sorting, 141–142

tables, 141

New keyword, 437

NewDocument() procedure, 442

noncontiguous cells, selecting/deselecting, 347–349

noncontiguous ranges, returning, 77

NumberFormat() procedure, 388–389

NumberFormat property, 388–389


names, 152–153

retrieving from mixed text, 95

static random numbers, generating, 103

week numbers, converting into dates, 96

NumFilesInCurDir() function, 84–85

NumUniqueValues() function, 90–91


Object Browser, 56–57, 440–441

object-oriented languages, 33–34

object variables, 117–119

objects. See also specific objects

ActiveX data objects. See ADO

bookmarks, 448–449

in collections, 35

creating and referencing

CreateObject() function, 438

GetObject() function, 438–439

New keyword, 437

custom objects

creating, 497–498

Property Let/Property Get procedures, 499–501

referencing, 498–499

explained, 34

fill, 219–222

new features (Excel 2010), 143

properties, 36, 37

returned by properties, 46

watches on, 55

ObjectThemeColor property, 219

objForm_LostFocus() procedure, 532

Offset property, 69–70, 251

OHLC (Open-High-Low-Close) charts, 235–236

OldLoop() procedure, 250

OldLoopToDelete() procedure, 250

OneColorGradient method, 221, 222

one-dimensional arrays, 454

On Error GoTo syntax, 552–554

On Error Resume Next statement, 554–555

open files, checking for, 539

Open-High-Low-Close (OHLC) charts, 235–236

Open method, 442


delimited files, 467–470

documents, 442

fixed-width files, 463–467

OpenSchema method, 487

OpenText method, 40, 42, 463


calculating elapsed time, 353–354

Page Setup, 350–353

option buttons, 194–195

optional parameters, 41

Origin parameter, 41

overlapping ranges, creating new ranges from, 73


Page Setup, 350–353, 555


event parameters, 160

explained, 35–36

optional parameters, 41

parsing text files, 332–333

PassAnArray() procedure, 460

passing arrays, 460


cracking, 560

password box protection, 356–358

problems with, 560–561

pasting ranges, 61

.Patterned method, 221

Peltier, Jon, 243

percentages, showing, 305–308

permanent date/time, retrieving, 87

Personal Macro Workbook, 13

pivot cache, 295

pivot charts, 246–247

pivot tables

building in Excel interface, 290–294

building in VBA, 294–301

adding fields to data area, 296–299

creating and configuring pivot table, 295–296

defining pivot cache, 295

calculated data fields, 324–325

calculated items, 325

changing calulations to show percentages, 305–308

changing layout of, 325–327

compact layout, 293–294

controlling sort order with AutoSort, 308

counting number of records, 303

data visualization, applying, 327

determining size of and converting pivot table to values, 299–301

drilling down, 349–350

eliminating blank cells in values area, 308

Excel 2007 new features, 288–290

Excel 2010 new features, 288

explained, 287

filtering data sets

conceptual filters, 313–316

filtering to top five or top 10, 319

manual filters, 312–313

Search filter, 316–317

slicers, 319–321

with named sets, 321–323

with ShowDetail, 325

grouping daily dates to months, quarters, or years, 303–305

limitations, 299

multiple value fields, 302–303

new features (Excel 2010), 140

replicating reports for every product, 309–312

supressing subtotals for multiple row fields, 326–327

PivotColumnAxis property, 290

PivotRowAxis property, 290

playing sounds, 543

PlayWavSound API function, 543

Pope, Andy, 243

PresetGradient method, 222

PresetTextured method, 220

Print_Area reserved name, 155

Print_Titles reserved name, 155

PrintDrillIndicators property, 290

printing documents, 443

PrintOut method, 443

Priority property, 369

private properties, 497

procedural languages, 33–34

procedures. See specific procedures

Programming window, examining macro recorder code in, 23–25

progress indicators, 355–356

Project Explorer, 20–21

properties. See also specific properties

explained, 36–37

return values, 46

Properties window, 21

Property Get procedure, 499–501

Property Let procedure, 499–501


code, 559

password boxes, 356–358

public properties, 497

publishing data to web pages, 404–406


queries, 391–395

QueryClose event, 187, 201

querying variable values, 50–54

Quick Access toolbar, 15–16

QuickFillMax() procedure, 456

QuickSort() procedure, 99–100


R1C1-style references, 61

absolute references, 133

array formulas, 137–138

case study: entering A1 versus R1C1 references, 131

explained, 127–128

formulas, 129–132

mixed references, 133

multiplication table example, 134–135

referring to entire columns/rows, 134

relative references, 132–133

remembering column numbers associated with column letters, 136

switching to, 128

random numbers, generating, 103

Range object, 65–66, 444–447

defining ranges, 444–446

formatting ranges, 446–447

Range property, 69


color scales, adding, 374–375

copying/pasting in one statement, 61

creating from overlapping ranges, 73

criteria ranges

case study, 268

explained, 265–266

formula-based conditions, 268–275

logical AND criteria, 267

data bars, adding, 369–374

defining, 444–446

first nonzero-length cell, finding, 93

formatting, 446–447

icon sets, adding, 375–378

specifying icon set, 376

specifying ranges for each icon, 377–378

joining multiple ranges, 72–73

named ranges, 66, 156–157


adding comments about, 150

creating, 148–149

deleting, 149–150

Range object, 65–66, 444–447

referencing, 59

with Offset property, 69–70

in other sheets, 67

relative to another range, 68

shortcuts, 66–67

removing duplicates from, 91–92

resizing, 71–72

returning addresses of maximum values in range, 101–102

returning noncontiguous ranges, 77


with AutoFilter, 254–255

with Cells property, 68–69

with CurrentRegion property, 74–76


syntax, 66

with Columns/Rows properties, 72

Ranges(), 59

RangeText() procedure, 444

reading text files, 332–333

files with fewer than 1,048,576 rows, 463–470

importing files with more than 1,048,576 rows, 470–473

ReadLargeFile() procedure, 472–473

Record Macro dialog box, 13

Record Macro icon (Developer tab), 9

recorded code, cleaning up, 58–64

recording macros, 12–14. See also macro recorder

recording macros, 22–23


adding to databases, 480–481

counting number of, 303

deleting, 485

retrieving from databases, 481–483

showing after Filter in Place, 276

summarizing, 485–486

updating, 483–485

recordsets, 325, 478

RefEdit control, 515


A1-style references, 127–128

case study: entering A1 versus R1C1 references, 131

R1C1-style references

absolute references, 133

array formulas, 137–138

explained, 127–128

formulas, 129–132

mixed references, 133

multiplication table example, 134–135

referring to entire columns/rows, 134

relative references, 132–133

remembering column numbers associated with column letters, 136

switching to, 128


charts, 203–207

custom objects, 498–499


CreateObject() function, 438

GetObject() function, 438–439

New keyword, 437

ranges, 59

with Offset property, 69–70

in other sheets, 67

relative to another range, 68

shortcuts, 66–67

tables, 77–78

reflection settings, 223

refreshing web queries, 392–395

relative references, 26–31

case study, 26–28

R1C1-style references, 132–133

RELS file, 571–572

RememberTheName() procedure, 206

Remove Duplicates command, 384–385

RemoveControl event, 187, 195, 200


add-ins, 593

duplicates from ranges, 91–92

renaming controls, 188

replacing loops with AutoFilter, 249–251

replicating reports for every product, 309–312


creating with Advanced Filter, 280–283

replicating for every product, 309–312

reserved names, 154–155

Reset button, 549–550

ResetRotation method, 229

Resize event, 187

Resize property, 71–72


cell comments, 339–341

ranges, 71–72

userforms, 524

resolution, 540

RetrieveNumbers() function, 95


file paths, 543–546

filenames, 201–202

records, 481–483

return values of properties, 46

ReturnsMaxs() function, 101–102

RevenueByCustomers() procedure, 261

ReverseContents() function, 101

reversing cell contents, 101

RGB colors, 421–423


changes in Excel 2010, 139

customizing to run macros

control arguments, 569–571

control attributes, 566

custom icon images, 574–575

Custom UI Editor tool, 572

customui folder, 564–565

error messages, 577–580

explained, 563–565

file structure, accessing, 571

Microsoft Office icons, 573–574

RELS file, 571–572

tab and group, 565–566

macro buttons, creating, 14–15

rotation, 224–229

RotationX property, 228

RotationY property, 229

RotationZ property, 229

RowAxisLayout method, 289

rows, determining last row, 59–60

Rows property, 72

Run to Cursor debugging tool, 50

RunCustReport() procedure, 278–279


macros, 14–17

from form controls, 16–17

from Quick Access toolbar, 15–16

from Ribbon, 14–15

timers, 542–543

RunReportForEachCustomer() procedure, 281–283


adding controls at, 523–529


runtime error 9: Subscript Out of Range, 557

runtime error 1004: Method Range of Object Global Failed, 558–559


Save As command (File menu), 589

Save method, 442

saved date/time, retrieving, 86–87

saving documents, 442–443

sbX_Change() procedure, 245

sbY_Change() procedure, 245

scaling sparklines, 414–418



to run every two minutes, 403–404

to run x minutes in the future, 401–402

verbal reminders, 402

Scroll event, 187, 195, 200

ScrollBar control, 517–519

Search box, 252–255

Search filter (pivot tables), 316–317

searching for strings within text, 100–101


add-ins, 592

macro security

Disable All Macros with Notification setting, 12

enable/disable settings, 11–12

trusted locations, 10–11

password box protection, 356–358

Select Case...End Select statement, 123

Select...Case statement, 104

Select statements, 123

SelectCase() procedure, 123

selected cells, highlighting, 342–345


cells, 360

libraries, 45

multiple items, 252

noncontiguous cells, 347–349


with Cells property, 68–69

with CurrentRegion property, 74–76

Selection object, 443–444

SelectSentence() procedure, 445


delimited strings, 96–97

worksheets into workbooks, 333–334

SetElement method, 203, 213–218

SetPresetCamera values, 225–229

SetReportInItalics() procedure, 559

SetTimer API function, 542–543

SetValuesToTabStrip() procedure, 514

shadow settings, 223

shapes, attaching macros to, 582–583

shared access databases, creating, 477–478

sharing UDFs (user-defined functions), 81–82

sheet events (workbook level), 166–167

SheetExists() function, 83–84

sheets, verifying existence of, 83–84

ShellAbout API function, 541

Show method, 186

ShowAllData method, 276

ShowCustForm() procedure, 263

ShowDetail, 325

ShowDrillIndicators property, 290

ShowTableStyleColumnHeaders property, 290

ShowTableStyleColumnStripes property, 290

ShowTableStyleLastColumn property, 290

ShowTableStyleRowHeaders property, 290

ShowTableStyleRowStripes property, 290

SimpleFilter() procedure, 285


of charts, 204–205

of pivot tables, 299–301

slicers, 319–321

SmartArt, 142

soft edges, formatting, 223–224

SortConcat() function, 97–98

sorter() function, 99–100


AutoSort, 308

with custom sort orders, 354–355

new features (Excel 2010), 141–142

numeric and alpha characters, 99–100

with SortConcat() function, 97–98

SortUsingCustomLists property, 290

sounds, playing, 543


creating, 412–413, 428–432


RGB colors, 421–423

sparkline elements, 423–426

theme colors, 418–421

Win/Loss charts, 426–427

observations about, 428

scaling, 414–418

types of sparklines, 411

SpecialCells method, 276, 360

SpecifyExactLocation() procedure, 205

SpecifyLocation() procedure, 205

speed testing, 350–353

spin button events, 196–202

SpinDown event, 198

SpinUp event, 198

SQL Server, 490–491

stacked area charts, 239–243

standard modules, creating collections in, 501–502

StartRow parameter, 41

statements. See also loops

Case, 124


conditions, 115, 121–124

If...Then...Else, 121

If...Then...Else...End If, 122–123

If...Then...End If, 121–122

nesting, 124–126

On Error GoTo, 552–554

On Error Resume Next, 554–555

Select...Case, 104

Select Case...End Select, 123

Type..End Type, 506

state_period() function, 103

static random numbers, generating, 103

StaticRAND() function, 103

Step clause (For statement), 110–111

stepping through code, 46–48

stock quotes, historical stock/fund quotes application, 362–363

StopIfTrue property, 369

StoreDashboard() procedure, 430–431

StoreTheName() procedure, 207

storing values in names, 152

StringElement() function, 96–97


delimited strings, separating, 96–97

finding within text, 100–101

names, 151–152

Styles gallery, 212–213

Sub cbConfirm_Click() procedure, 484–485

subsets of ranges, creating icon sets for, 378–380

substituting multiple characters, 94–95

SubtotalLocation method, 289

subtotals, suppressing for multiple row fields, 326–327

SumColor() function, 89–90

summarizing records, 485–486

summing cells based on interior color, 89–90


Excel warnings, 556

subtotals for multiple row fields, 326–327

SwapElements() procedure, 100

switching to R1C1-style references, 128


tab strips, 513–515

TableExists() procedure, 487–488


adding on-the-fly, 489

checking existence of, 487–488

exporting to, 336–337

names, 153

new features (Excel 2010), 141

pivot tables. See pivot tables

referencing, 77–78

TableStyle2 property, 290


creating for Ribbon, 565–566

tab order for userforms, 530

TabStrip control, 513–515

template chart types, 210–211

Terminate event, 187


macros, 25

speed testing, 350–353


case, changing, 359–360

control tip text, 530

formatting cells that contain text, 386

mixed text, sorting numeric and alpha characters, 99–100

retrieving numbers from mixed text, 95

searching for strings within, 100–101

text boxes, 189

text files

delimited files, opening, 467–470

fixed-width files, opening, 463–467

importing, 463–473

reading and parsing, 332–333

writing, 473–474

text files

delimited files, opening, 467–470

fixed-width files, opening, 463–467


files with fewer than 1,048,576 rows, 463–470

files with more than 1,048,576 rows, 470–473

reading and parsing, 332–333

writing, 473–474

Text Import Wizard, 42, 464–467

Text to Columns Wizard, 43

TextBox event, 191, 195

TextToColumns method, 471

theme colors for sparklines, 418–421


elapsed time, calculating, 353–354

military time, entering into cells, 171

permanent date/time, retrieving, 87

saved date/time, retrieving, 86–87

timers, 542–543

ToggleButton control, 517


converting Excel 2003 custom toolbar to Excel 2010, 575–577

UserForm toolbar, 511

ToolTips, 53

Top 10 cells

filtering to, 319

formatting, 383–384

Top5Customers() procedure, 317–319

Top10Filter() procedure, 252

Top/Bottom Rules, 383–384

TrailingMinusNumbers parameter, 42, 561

training clients about error handling, 557

transparent forms, 533–534

TransposeArray() procedure, 458

transposing data, 345–347

TrapChartEvent() procedure, 497


application events, 494–495

embedded chart events, 495–497

TrickyFormatting() procedure, 380

troubleshooting. See error handling; error messages

trusted locations, 10–11

TwoColorGradient() procedure, 221

Type..End Type statement, 506

types, user-defined types (UDTs), 506–509

TypeText method, 444


UDFs (user-defined functions)

BookOpen(), 83

case study, 80

ColName(), 103

ContainsText(), 100–101

creating, 79–81

DateTime(), 87

FirstNonZeroLength(), 93

GetAddress(), 102–103

IsEmailValid(), 88–89

LastSaved(), 86–87

MSubstitute(), 94–95

MyFullName(), 82–83

MyName(), 82

NumFilesInCurDir(), 84–85

NumUniqueValues(), 90–91

RetrieveNumbers(), 95

ReturnsMaxs(), 101–102

ReverseContents(), 101

sharing, 81–82

SheetExists(), 83–84

SortConcat(), 97–98

sorter(), 99–100

state_period(), 103

StaticRAND(), 103

StringElement(), 96–97

SumColor(), 89–90

UniqueValues(), 91–92

Weekday(), 96

WinUserName(), 85–86

UDTs (user-defined types), 506–509

Union method, 72–73

unique cells, formatting, 384–385

Unique Records Only, 283–285

unique values

counting, 90–91

extracting with Advanced Filter, 258–264

getting unique combinations of two or more fields, 263–264

with user interface, 259

with VBA code, 260–263

UniqueCustomerProduct() procedure, 263–264

UniqueCustomerRedux() procedure, 261

UniqueProductsOneCustomer() procedure, 266

UniqueValues() function, 91–92

Unload method, 186

Until clause (Do loops), 115–117


records, 483–485

web queries, 395

Use Relative Reference icon (Developer tab), 9

UseBookmarks() procedure, 448

UseGetObject() procedure, 438

user-defined functions. See UDFs

user-defined types (UDTs), 506–509

UserForm toolbar, 511

UserForm_Initialize() procedure, 527–528

UserForm_QueryClose() procedure, 532

userforms, 183–202

calling, 186

command buttons, 189


adding at runtime, 523–529

adding on-the-fly, 525

CheckBox, 512–513

grouping into collections, 519–521

programming, 188

RefEdit, 515

ScrollBar, 517–519

TabStrip, 513–515

ToggleButton, 517

troubleshooting, 189

creating, 184–185

Debug errors inside userform code, 551–552

disabling X button for closing userforms, 541–542

dynamic charts, creating, 244–245

field entry, verifying, 200

filenames, retrieving, 201–202

help, adding, 529–532

accelerator keys, 529

coloring active control, 530–532

control tip text, 530

hiding, 186

hyperlinks in, 522


adding on-the-fly, 526–527

graphics events, 195–202

input boxes, 183–184

labels, 189

list boxes, 191–193

message boxes, 184

modeless userforms, 521

MultiPage control, 198–200

option buttons, 194–195

resizing on-the-fly, 524

spin buttons, 196–202

tab order, 530

text boxes, 189

transparent forms, 533–534

UserForm toolbar, 511

viewing code, 186

windows, closing, 200–201

USERID function, 85–86

UserIDs, retrieving, 85–86


validating e-mail addresses, 88–89


constant values

explained, 439

retrieving with Object Browser, 440–441

retrieving with Watch window, 440

converting pivot tables to, 299–301

duplicates, removing from ranges, 91–92

formatting cells based on, 385

maximum values in range, returning addresses of, 101–102

storing in names, 152

unique values

counting, 90–91

extracting with Advanced Filter, 258–264


DataSets, 473

hard-coding versus, 60–61

in For statements, 110

object variables, 117–119

querying values of, 50–54

requiring declaration, 20

wdApp, 435

wdDoc, 435

VB Editor, 19–21

converting files to add-ins, 590–591

debugging tools

breakpoints, 49

jumping forward/backward in code, 49–50

querying variable values, 50–54

Run to Cursor, 50

stepping through code, 46–48

watches, 55

Object Browser, 56–57

Programming window, 23–25

Project Explorer, 20–21

Properties window, 21

settings, 19–20

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

advantages of, 8–9

learning curve, 8

syntax, 34–37

VBA Extensibility, 363–365

verbal reminders, scheduling, 402

verifying field entry, 200

Version property, 144–145

versions, errors caused by different versions, 561


Developer tab, 9–10

Project Explorer, 20

Properties window, 21

userform code, 186

visible cells, selecting with AutoFilter, 255–256

Visual Basic for Applications. See VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

Visual Basic icon (Developer tab), 9

visualizations. See data visualizations

VLOOKUP function, 156–157


warnings, suppressing, 556

Watch window, 440


querying variable values with, 53–54

setting breakpoints, 55

wdApp variable, 435

wdDoc variable, 435

web pages

creating custom, 406

publishing data to, 404–406

web queries, 391–392

building, 396–399

creating manually and refreshing with VBA, 392–395

scraping, 399

updating, 395

week numbers, converting into dates, 96

Weekday() function, 96

While clause (Do loops), 115–117

While...Wend loops, 117

Window API declarations

Windows API declarations

32-bit versus 64-bit, 538

ahtAddFilterItem, 546

aht_apiGetOpenFileName, 544–546

aht_apiGetSaveFileName, 544–546

calling, 537

DisplaySize, 540

explained, 535–536

finding, 547

FindWindow, 541–543

GetComputerName, 538–539

GetSystemMenu, 541–542

KillTimer, 542–543

lOpen, 539

PlayWavSound, 543

SetTimer, 542–543

ShellAbout, 541

windows for userforms, closing, 200–201

Win/Loss charts, 426–427

WinUserName() function, 85–86

With...End With blocks, 61

wizards, Text Import Wizard, 464–467

Word automation

bookmarks, 448–449

constant values

explained, 439

retrieving with Watch window, 440

controlling form fields, 450–452

creating and referencing objects

CreateObject() function, 438

GetObject() function, 438–439

New keyword, 437

Document object

closing documents, 443

creating documents, 442

explained, 442

opening documents, 442

printing documents, 443

saving documents, 442–443

early binding, 433–436

explained, 433

late binding, 436–437

macro recorder, 441

Range object, 444–447

defining ranges, 444–446

formatting ranges, 446–447

Selection object, 443–444

Word documents, exporting to, 336–337

WordEarlyBinding() procedure, 435

WordLateBinding() procedure, 437

Workbook_Activate() event, 161

Workbook_AddInInstall() event, 165

Workbook_AddInUninstall event, 165

Workbook_AfterXmlExport() event, 166

Workbook_AfterXmlImport() event, 166

Workbook_BeforeClose() event, 163–164

Workbook_BeforePrint() event, 163, 494

Workbook_BeforeSave() event, 162

Workbook_BeforeXmlExport() event, 166

Workbook_BeforeXmlImport() event, 166

Workbook_Deactivate() event, 161

Workbook_NewSheet() event, 164

Workbook_Open() event, 161

Workbook_Open() procedure, 594

Workbook_PivotTableCloseConnection() event, 165

Workbook_PivotTableOpenConnection() event, 165

Workbook_RowsetComplete() event, 165

Workbook_SheetActivate() event, 166

Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick() event, 167

Workbook_SheetBeforeRightClick() event, 167

Workbook_SheetCalculate() event, 167

Workbook_SheetChange () event, 167

Workbook_SheetDeactivate() event, 167

Workbook_SheetFollowHyperlink() event, 167

Workbook_SheetPivotTableUpdate() event, 167

Workbook_SheetSelectionChange() event, 167

Workbook_Sync() event, 165

Workbook_WindowActivate() event, 165

Workbook_WindowDeactivate() event, 165

Workbook_WindowResize() event, 164


checking whether open, 83

combining worksheets into, 334–335

converting to add-ins, 588–590

copying macros into, 363–365

counting number of workbooks in directory, 84–85


Workbook_Activate(), 161

Workbook_AddInInstall(), 165

Workbook_AddInUninstall, 165

Workbook_AfterXmlExport(), 166

Workbook_AfterXmlImport(), 166

Workbook_BeforeClose(), 163–164

Workbook_BeforePrint(), 163

Workbook_BeforeSave(), 162

Workbook_BeforeXmlExport(), 166

Workbook_BeforeXmlImport(), 166

Workbook_Deactivate(), 161

Workbook_NewSheet(), 164

Workbook_Open(), 161

Workbook_PivotTableCloseConnection(), 165

Workbook_PivotTableOpenConnection(), 165

Workbook_RowsetComplete(), 165

Workbook_Sync(), 165

Workbook_WindowActivate(), 165

Workbook_WindowDeactivate(), 165

Workbook_WindowResize(), 164

hidden workbooks

as alternative to add-ins, 593–594

case study: hidden workbook to hold macros and forms, 594

permanent date/time, retrieving, 87

saved date/time, retrieving, 86–87

separating worksheets into, 333–334

Workbooks object, 40

Worksheet_Activate() event, 168

Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick() event, 168

Worksheet_BeforeRightClick() event, 169

Worksheet_BeforeRightClick() procedure, 160

Worksheet_Calculate() event, 169

Worksheet_Change() event, 170

Worksheet_Change() procedure, 161

Worksheet_Deactivate() event, 168

Worksheet_FollowHyperlink() event, 171

Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate() event, 172

Worksheet_SelectionChange() event, 170


combining into workbooks, 334–335

events, 168–172

filtering/copying data into, 335–336

referencing ranges in other sheets, 67

Select...Case statements on, 104

separating into workbooks, 333–334

WriteFile() procedure, 474

WriteHTML() procedure, 554

writing text files, 473–474

Wrong Number of Arguments or Invalid Property Assignment (error message), 580


X button, disabling, 541–542

xlApp_NewWorkbook() procedure, 495

XLFilterInPlace constant, 275

.xls file type, 18

.xlsb file type, 18

.xlsm file type, 18

.xlsx file type, 18

Zoom event, 187, 195, 200

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