
  • a
  • absorber, 302
  • absorber
    • perforate, 305
  • absorption area, 167, 184
  • acoustic insulation, 364
  • acoustic isolation, 314
  • aerospace liner, 307
  • aircraft, 361
  • aliasing, 420
  • angular frequency, 2
  • auto spectral density, 32
  • average
    • ensemble, 28
    • spacial, 169
    • time, 8
  • b
  • bending stiffness
  • Bernoulli assumption, 90
  • Bernoulli beam, 90
  • blocked force, 430
  • bulk modulus, 47
  • c
  • cavity, 128
  • coincidence frequency, 246
  • conductance, 190
  • convolution, 35, 417
  • convolution
    • two-dimensional, 70
  • convolution integral, 35
  • coordinates
    • discrete, 202
    • displacement, 77
    • generalised displacement, 145
    • modal, 26
    • spherical, 54
  • correlation coefficient
    • normalised, 31
  • coupling loss factor, 194
  • coupling loss factor
    • area junction, 243
    • from angular integration, 226
    • hybrid, 210
    • line junction, 261
    • non-resonsnant, 327
    • point junction, 228
    • resonsnant, 327
  • critical viscous damping, 2
  • cross correlation, 31
  • cross spectral density, 33
  • cylindrical shells, 406
  • d
  • damper, 1
  • damping
    • bending waves, 115
    • critical viscous, 2
    • diffuse wave field, 166
    • dispersive waves, 115
    • equivalent viscous, 13
    • fluid waves, 52
    • hysteretic, 13
    • viscous damping ratio, 2
  • damping loss
  • damping loss factor, 14
  • damping matrix, 20
  • decay rate, 5
  • decay time, 5
  • decibel, 72
  • degrees of freedom, 202
  • degrees of freedom
  • delta comb, 419
  • delta function, 36, 414
  • diffuse field reciprocity, 207
  • diffuse wave field, 160
  • diffuse wave field
  • dilation, 79
  • discrete coordinates, 202
  • double wall, 308
  • double wall
    • aircraft, 364
  • double wall resonance, 311, 313
  • dynamic energy analysis, 406
  • dynamic stiffness, 9
  • dynamic stiffness matrix, 20, 145
  • dynamically complex, 159
  • e
  • energy, 7
  • energy
    • diffuse wave field, 163
    • kinetic, 8
    • potential, 8
  • energy density, 52
  • energy flow method, 404
  • energy influence coefficient, 404
  • engineering unit, 197
  • equation of state, 45
  • ergodic, 32, 159
  • expected value, 29
  • extruded hollow profiles, 381
  • f
  • Fast Fourier transform, 422
  • finite element
    • acoustic, 142
    • acoustic 1D, 271
  • finite element method
    • acoustic, 140
  • fluid structure coupling, 204
  • force density, 45
  • Fourier analysis, 411
  • Fourier coefficients, 411
  • Fourier Series, 411
  • Fourier transform
  • Fourier Transformation, 413
  • frame, 365
  • free field radiation stiffness, 205
  • frequency limit
    • upper, SEA, 172
  • frequency response, 17, 20, 37
  • frequency response
    • modal, 26
  • fuselage, 365
  • g
  • Gauss’s theorem, 131
  • glass fiber blankets, 364
  • Green’s function
    • rectangular room, 136
    • wavenumber space, 71
  • Green’s function, 63
  • group velocity, 116
  • h
  • Hankel function, 69
  • Hankel function of second kind, 111
  • heat capacity
    • specific, 46
  • Helmholtz equation, 50
  • Helmholtz number, 198
  • hybrid method
    • work flow, 218
  • i
  • ideal gas law, 45
  • impedance, 9
  • impedance
    • mechanical, 9
  • impedance matrix, 272
  • insertion loss, 73
  • insertion loss coefficient, 334
  • intensity
    • sound, 50
  • k
  • Kirchhoff-Helmholtz integral, 65
  • l
  • Lamé constants, 85
  • level, 72
  • limp frame model, 299
  • liner, 306
  • liner
  • lumped systems, 1
  • m
  • Mach number, 361
  • mass matrix, 20
  • mass matrix
    • acoustic, 141
  • material
    • isotropic, 82
    • ortotropic, 83
  • material laws, 81
  • micro-perforate absorber, 306
  • mobility, 9
  • modal analysis
    • experimental, 401
  • modal assurance criteria, 402
  • modal density, 125, 197
  • modal frequency response
  • mode count, 126
  • mode shape, 24
  • mode shape
    • plate, bending, 152
  • model overlap, 170
  • model updating, 402
  • modes
    • beam, bending, 148
    • beam, longitudinal, 147
    • cavity, 128
    • rod, 147
  • moment
  • Monte Carlo method, 174
  • n
  • natural frequency, 2
  • network
    • acoustic, 273
    • mechanical, 20
  • Newton’s law, 44
  • o
  • octave band, 319
  • oscillator
    • damped, 1
    • forced harmonic, 5
    • harmonic, 1
  • p
  • Parseval’s formula, 416
  • perforated sheet, 279
  • pipe, 119
  • pipe
    • acoustic, 275
  • piston, 66
  • plate, 101, 151
  • point source, 58
  • Poisson ratio, 76, 82
  • polar moment of area, 425
  • porous
    • equivalent fluid, 298
    • limp frame, 299
    • rigid frame, 299
  • pressure level, 72
  • probability, 28
  • probability density, 27
  • process
    • stationary, ergodic, 32
  • proportional damping matrix, 20
  • q
  • quality factor, 11
  • r
  • radiation
    • circular piston, 66
    • random displacement, 209
  • radiation efficiency, 71
  • radiation stiffness
    • 0D, 227
    • 1D, 251
    • 2D, 236
    • plate bending waves, 256
    • plate edge, 256
    • plate in-plane waves, 256
  • radius of gyration, 96
  • random process, 27
  • ray tracing, 172
  • Rayleigh integral, 65, 66
  • reactance, 9
  • receptance
    • mechanical, 9
  • reciprocity
    • fluid systems, 142
    • structural systems, 155
  • reduced mass, 315
  • reflection
    • plane acoustic waves, 59, 60
  • reflection coefficient, 60
  • reflection factor, 60
  • resistance, 9
  • response function, 9
  • reverberant field, 160
  • rigid frame model, 299
  • rod, 146
  • room, 128
  • s
  • sandwich plates, 405
  • SEA
    • fluid analogy, 196
  • SEA matrix, 194
  • SEA matrix
  • second moment of area, 425
  • semi infinite fluid, 337
  • shear modulus, 77
  • signal power, 416
  • Snell’s law, 61
  • solid angle, 161
  • sound transmission, 248
  • sound transmission
    • diffuse, 250
    • mass law, 248
    • mass law - normal incidence, 249
    • oblique, 248
  • source strength
    • harmonic, 55
  • sources
  • spectral leakage, 422
  • speed of sound, 46
  • spherical source
    • acoustic, 53
  • spring, 1
  • stiffness matrix, 20
  • stiffness matrix
    • acoustic, 141
  • strain, 76
  • strain
    • normal, 76
    • shear, 77
  • strain tensor, 79
  • stress, 76
  • stress
    • normal, 76
    • shear, 77
  • stringer, 365
  • susceptance, 190
  • system, 34
  • system
    • dynamically complex, 159
  • t
  • third-octave band, 319
  • time average, 8
  • train, 380
  • transfer matrix, 271
  • transfer matrix
    • fluid layer, 298
    • infinite layer, 296
    • plate, 297
  • transfer path analysis, 400
  • transmission
    • plane acoustic waves, 60
  • transmission coefficient, 62, 224
  • transmission coefficient
    • relation to coupling loss factor, 224
  • transmission loss, 73
  • tube, 119
  • turbofan, 361
  • turbulent boundary layer, 362
  • u
  • uncertainty, 159
  • v
  • velocity potential, 47
  • Voigt notation, 79
  • volume force density, 45
  • w
  • wave
    • bending, beam, 94
    • bending, plate, 111
    • longitudinal, 87
    • plate, in-plane, 106
    • shear, 87
    • spherical, acoustic, 56
    • transversal, 87
  • wave equation
    • acoustic, 48
    • beams, bending, 90
    • beams, longitudinal, 88
    • bending, plate, 107
    • bending, plate, cylindrical, 111
    • inhomogeneous, 62
    • membranes, 99
    • solid, 83
    • spherical, acoustic, 54
  • wave finite element method, 406
  • wavelength, 49
  • wavenumber, 49
  • wavenumber
    • komplex, 53
  • window function, 423
  • window function
    • Hanning, 423
    • rectangular, 422
  • y
  • Young’s modulus, 76
  • z
  • zero-padding, 423
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