

  • Alliance of Women in Workers’ Compensation
  • Aon Risk Solutions
    • Engaging Leaders workshops
    • Women’s International Network (WIN)
  • Aptitude and intention to excel, demonstrating
  • Arendall, Carol
    • career change
    • collaboration
    • colleagues, lifelong
    • constructive feedback
    • difficult coworkers
    • diversity, embracing
    • flexible job arrangements
    • leadership
    • learning
    • mentoring
    • mistakes, recovering from
    • positive tone in the workplace
    • professional relationships, importance of
    • relocating
    • technology, embracing
    • work-life balance
    • work team, importance of members
    • working hours, expectations on
    • working outside of core job


  • Beale, Inga
  • Board gender diversity
  • Board gender diversity (continued)
    • board vetting process
    • C-level titles
    • career steps to be board ready
      • step 1: join a volunteer board
      • step 2: take advantage of board training programs
      • step 3: broaden your skill set
      • step 4: seek a board mentor
      • step 5: advertise yourself
    • Catalyst study
    • Ernst & Young study
    • Gender Diversity and Corporate Performance (Credit Suisse Research Institute report)
    • World Economic Forum 2015 report
  • Board vetting process
  • Boone, Bonnie
  • Brown, Brené
  • Buckingham, Marcus
  • Business Insurance magazine
    • Leadership Workshop
  • Bykowski, John


  • California Psychological Inventory–Executives (CPI)
  • Career change
  • Career steps to be board ready
    • step 1: join a volunteer board
    • step 2: take advantage of board training programs
    • step 3: broaden your skill set
    • step 4: seek a board mentor
    • step 5: advertise yourself
  • Catalyst study
  • Claims and Litigation Management Alliance (CLM)
  • Collaboration
  • Colleagues, lifelong
  • Combined Claims Conference (CCC)
  • Connor, Yvette
    • glass ceilings
      • game to creatively solve risk management issues
      • identifying
      • salary negotiations
      • work-life balance
  • Corporate culture, working to change
  • Courage
    • in facing and expressing truth
    • in imposing rigorous standards
    • in making decisions
    • in relying on others
    • in working outside comfort zone
  • Coworkers, difficult
  • Craver, Charles
  • Credit Suisse Research study


  • Dendy, Tom
  • Discriminatory and biased practices, building awareness of
  • Diversity, embracing
  • Doyle, Corbett


  • Emslie, Artemis
    • auditing and consulting business
    • childhood
    • college years
    • sales job with drug manufacturer
  • Ernst & Young gender diversity study


  • Feedback, constructive
  • Flexible job arrangements
  • Frase, Lindsey
    • glass ceiling
      • advocacy
      • confidence
      • demonstrating aptitude and intention to excel
      • discriminatory and biased practices, building awareness of
      • innovation
  • Fraternity


  • Gender Diversity and Corporate Performance (Credit Suisse Research Institute report)
  • Gender diversity research
  • George, Kimberly
    • personal brand, building
      • feedback
      • leadership style
      • social media
  • Glass ceiling
    • advocacy
    • confidence
    • demonstrating aptitude and intention to excel
    • discriminatory and biased practices, building awareness of
    • game to creatively solve risk management issues
    • identifying
    • innovation
    • salary negotiations
    • work-life balance
  • Gross, David
  • Grossberg, Scott


  • Haight, Dave
  • Hankey, Don


  • In Front (Shames)
  • Innovation
  • Insurance Professionals of Orange County
  • Integration
    • changes
    • choices
    • compensation


  • Johnson & Higgins (J&H)


  • Kids’ Chance of America
  • Klint, Carolina
    • work-life balance
      • control, letting go of
      • defining success
      • energy, wasting
      • support network, developing
      • Sweden’s family policy
  • Knyszewski, Jerome


  • La Sala, Christine
  • Lady Gaga
  • Lane, Linda
    • curiosity
      • facing fears and achieving greatness
      • passive gender bias
      • pursuit of perfection
  • Leadership
  • Leadership Project (McKinsey study)
    • Centered Leadership model
      • connecting
      • energizing
      • engaging
      • framing
      • meaning
  • Learning
  • Lindberg, Ingrid
    • childhood
    • fraternity
    • mansplaining
    • mentoring
    • motherhood, decision against
    • performance reviews
    • physical size
    • second-generation bias
    • strength as a weakness
    • trading agent
    • women’s networks
    • working to change corporate culture
    • workplace sexism
  • Lynch, Elsa


  • Managerial courage
    • in facing and expressing truth
    • in imposing rigorous standards
    • in making decisions
    • in relying on others
    • in working outside comfort zone
  • Mansplaining
  • Mast, Jonathan
  • McKinsey & Co. research on gender diversity
  • Mentoring
  • Mistakes, recovering from
  • The Most Magical Secret (Grossberg)
  • Murphy, Carol L.
    • ambiguity, comfort in
    • the “American Dream,”
    • assuming positive intent
    • children, help with
    • communication
    • diversity and inclusion
    • external focus
    • high expectations
    • learning to lead
    • mentors and sponsors
    • perfectionism, letting go of
    • rules, written and unwritten
    • speaking up


  • National Association of Insurance Women
  • National Retail & Restaurant Association (NRRDA)
  • North, Dave


  • Ostrom, Jesse
  • Out Front Ideas


  • Pane, Janet
    • integration
      • changes
      • choices
      • compensation
  • Performance reviews
  • Personal brand, building
  • Perspectives, diversity of
  • Pohjola, Terrie
    • board gender diversity
      • board vetting process
      • C-level titles
      • career steps to be board ready. See also Career steps to be board ready
      • Catalyst study
      • Ernst & Young study
      • Gender Diversity and Corporate Performance (Credit Suisse Research Institute report)
    • World Economic Forum 2015 report
  • Positive tone in the workplace
  • Potter, Adam
  • Professional relationships, importance of


  • Relocating
  • Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS)
  • Roberts, Ann
  • Ronning, Sheila
  • Roush, Kimberly
  • Rowling, J. K.


  • Second-generation bias
  • SECURA Insurance
  • Sedgwick
  • Senate Resolution 62 (California)
  • “7 Characteristics of Hugely Successful Female Leaders” (Knyszewski)
  • Sexism, workplace
  • Shames, Deborah
  • Siebert, Caryn
    • mentoring
      • courage
    • moving forward
    • succession planning
      • four-quadrant philosophy for
      • letters of recommendation
      • scholarship programs
  • Social media, and building personal brand
  • Succession planning
    • four-quadrant philosophy for
    • letters of recommendation
    • scholarship programs
  • Sweden’s family policy


  • Technology, embracing
  • Thrivent Trust Company
  • Transforming Healthcare for Tomorrow (LinkedIn group)


  • Vacation, taking


  • Wang, Vera
  • When I am BIG (Roush)
  • Winfrey, Oprah
  • Women in the Boardroom (membership organization)
  • Women2Boards
  • Women in leadership positions, effect on business
  • Women to Watch Awards
    • 10th anniversary
    • by year
  • Women’s International Network (WIN; Aon Risk Solutions)
  • Work Comp Analysis Group
  • Work-life balance
    • “boys club” membership
    • control, letting go of
    • defining success
    • energy, wasting
    • formulating solutions
    • support network, developing
    • women’s club
  • Work team, importance of members
  • Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI)
  • Working hours, expectations on
  • Working outside of core job
  • Workplace, positive tone in
  • Workplace sexism
  • World Economic Forum 2015 report on gender diversity
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