List of Tables

Chapter 1. Introducing the iPhone and iPad

Table 1.1. Supported network types for Apple devices

Table 1.2. The iPhone and iPad are full of gadgets, some of them pretty standard but others more unique.

Table 1.3. The iPhone has a number of unique physical and programmatic elements that should affect any development on the platform.

Table 1.4. iPhone and iPad touches and gestures allow you to accept user input in new ways.

Chapter 2. Learning Objective-C and the iPhone OS SDK

Table 2.1. Objective-C code can look different from ANSI C; it depends on a handful of syntactic changes.

Table 2.2. Objective-C uses many typical object-oriented coding elements, but its syntax is somewhat unique.

Table 2.3. The iPhone OS supports several methods that you can use to create objects. Different methods are supported by different classes.

Table 2.4. The memory-management methods help you keep track of the memory you’re using and clean it up when you’re done.

Table 2.5. Several important methods let you respond to the lifecycle of your application or its individual objects.

Chapter 3. Using Xcode

Table 3.1. Several types of files show up in your Xcode projects.

Table 3.2. A few steps in Xcode will quickly create a brand-new object.

Chapter 4. Using Interface Builder

Table 4.1. You can link together an Interface Builder object with an instance variable in Xcode through a few simple steps.

Table 4.2. Creating a new proxy object to link to in Interface Builder takes a couple of steps.

Chapter 5. Creating basic view controllers

Table 5.1. There are a variety of view controllers, giving you considerable control over how navigation occurs in your program.

Table 5.2. When you begin connecting a view controller to other things, you can use its properties to quickly access references to those other objects.

Table 5.3. autoresizingMask properties allow you to control how your views resize.

Table 5.4. The view controller’s interfaceOrientation property tells you the current orientation of an iPhone or iPad.

Table 5.5. You can use the view controller’s event-handler methods to monitor and manipulate the creation and destruction of its views.

Table 5.6. Creating a table view controller is simple, but it involves several steps.

Table 5.7. You can modify your table cells in a variety of ways.

Table 5.8. A cell accessory gives additional information.

Chapter 6. Monitoring events and actions

Table 6.1. Additional properties and methods can tell you precisely what happened during a touch event.

Table 6.2. The encapsulating event object has a number of methods and properties that let you access its data.

Table 6.3. The UIResponder methods are the heart of capturing events.

Table 6.4. Properties in various objects allow for additional control of when events are monitored.

Table 6.5. UIControl objects recognize a number of special events.

Chapter 7. Creating advanced view controllers

Table 7.1. From your view controllers, it’s easy to customize the associated tab bar items.

Table 7.2. You can create navigation bar button items using a variety of methods to get precisely what you want.

Chapter 8. Data: actions, preferences, and files

Table 8.1. Various controls allow you to accept user input, most using simple interfaces.

Table 8.2. Notable methods for NSUserDefaults

Table 8.3. Different preference types let you create different tools on the Settings page.

Table 8.4. Ways to manipulate files using the SDK

Chapter 9. Data: advanced techniques

Table 9.1. Creating an SQLite database from the command line

Table 9.2. The most important SQLite API commands

Table 9.3. The Address Book classes, the framework they belong to, and what they do

Table 9.4. Property setters and getters are among the most important functions in the Address Book.

Chapter 10. Positioning: accelerometers, location, and the compass

Table 10.1. UIDeviceOrientation lists seven types of the device orientation.

Table 10.2. The most important methods and properties for accessing location information

Table 10.3. Properties of CLHeading used for determining the device’s heading

Chapter 11. Media: images and the camera

Table 11.1. Factory methods for creating a UIImage

Table 11.2. A few properties and methods of note for UIImageView

Table 11.3. Instance methods for drawing a UIImage

Chapter 12. Media: audio and recording

Table 12.1. Media constants

Table 12.2. Common MPMediaItem keys

Table 12.3. Common iPod control properties

Table 12.4. Playback control methods for MPMusicPlayerController

Table 12.5. Basic audio settings for AVAudioRecorder

Table 12.6. Methods to control audio recording

Table 12.7. AVAudioRecorderDelegate methods

Table 12.8. AVAudioPlayerDelegate methods

Chapter 13. Graphics: Quartz, Core Animation, and OpenGL

Table 13.1. Methods for graphical context creation

Table 13.2. A variety of simple drawing functions that allow for vector-based graphics

Table 13.3. Functions for finishing a path

Table 13.4. CGPath commands and their CGContext equivalents

Table 13.5. Specific functions allow you to draw rectangles

Table 13.6. State-related functions that help define how you draw

Table 13.7. The most important of numerous coloring functions

Table 13.8. CTM transformation functions that allow you to change how you draw

Table 13.9. Affine transformations for creating reusable transformations

Table 13.10. A selection of other ways to change state

Table 13.11. CGColorSpace, CGGradient, and CGContext functions for drawing gradients

Table 13.12. Two image functions in Quartz

Table 13.13. A variety of functions for drawing text in Quartz

Chapter 14. The web: web views and internet protocols

Table 14.1. A variety of NSURL creation methods

Table 14.2. The related NSURLRequest init methods

Table 14.3. NSURLRequest can give access to a page’s content.

Table 14.4. Methods for loading UIWebView

Table 14.5. Some sterling UIWebView options

Table 14.6. Managing UIWebViews with delegate methods

Table 14.7. Methods to get your NSXMLParser going

Table 14.8. The five most important NSXMLParser delegate methods

Table 14.9. GeoNames searches allowable with coordinate information

Table 14.10. Download sites for social protocol libraries

Chapter 15. Peer-to-peer connections using Game Kit

Table 15.1. GKPeerPickerControllerDelegate method descriptions

Table 15.2. GKSessionDelegate methods

Chapter 16. Push notification services

Table 16.1. Push data descriptions

Chapter 17. The Map Kit framework

Table 17.1. MKMapView region properties and methods for navigating the map

Table 17.2. MKMapView user interaction properties

Table 17.3. MKReverseGeocoder class methods and properties

Table 17.4. MKAnnotationView properties

Appendix A. iPhone OS class reference

Table A.1. The most important user interface classes

Table A.2. A listing of the most important Foundation classes

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