
Book Description

While this book is primarily aimed at those who are involved in Knowledge Management (KM) or have recently been appointed to deliver KM in sales and marketing environments, it is also highly relevant to those engaged in the management or delivery of sales and marketing activities. This book presents models to assist the reader to understand how knowledge can be applied and reused within the sales and marketing processes, leading to an enhanced win rate.

Topics covered provide managers and practitioners with the necessary principles, approaches and tools to be able to design their approach from scratch or to be able to compare their existing practices against world class examples. Several models and methodologies are explained which can be applied or replicated in a wide variety of industries. The book also features numerous case studies which illustrate the journey that various companies are taking as they implement KM within sales and marketing.

  • Develops a generic model for managing knowledge in sales and marketing environments
  • Provides a handbook for line managers wishing to introduce knowledge management into their sales and marketing activities
  • Written by a highly knowledgeable and well-respected practitioner in the field who is mentored by an recognised sales and marketing industry expert

Table of Contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. List of figures and table
  6. Foreword
  7. Preface
  8. Acknowledgements
  9. About the authors
  10. Chapter 1: Principles of knowledge management
    1. Introduction
    2. What is knowledge?
    3. Tacit and explicit knowledge
    4. What is knowledge management?
    5. Knowledge management models
    6. People, process, technology and governance
    7. The ‘learning before, during and after’ model
    8. The business need for knowledge management
    9. The learning curve
    10. Benchmarking
    11. Which knowledge?
    12. Approaches to knowledge management
    13. Cultural issues
  11. Chapter 2: The sales and marketing context
    1. The sales force
    2. The bid team
    3. The marketing team
    4. The interface between product development, manufacturing, marketing and sales
    5. Summary
  12. Chapter 3: Knowledge management processes in sales, bidding and marketing
    1. Peer assist
    2. Knowledge exchange
    3. Knowledge market
    4. Retrospect
    5. Mini-knowledge exchange and peer assist at team meetings
    6. After action review (AAR)
    7. Training, coaching and mentoring
    8. Interviews
    9. Knowledge asset
    10. Best practice
    11. Storytelling and case histories
  13. Chapter 4: Communities in sales and marketing
    1. Communities of practice
    2. Communities of purpose
    3. Communities of interest
  14. Chapter 5: Technology
    1. The telephone
    2. Community software
    3. Collaboration software
    4. Knowledge libraries
    5. Customer databases and product databases
  15. Chapter 6: Knowledge management roles
    1. Knowledge manager
    2. Knowledge management champion
    3. Knowledge librarian
    4. Community facilitator or leader
    5. Subject matter experts (SMEs) and knowledge owners
    6. The central knowledge management team
    7. Senior sponsor
  16. Chapter 7: Culture and governance
    1. Knowledge management, target-setting and incentives
    2. The role of the manager in setting the culture
    3. Dealing with inter-team competition
    4. Dealing with ‘not invented here’
    5. Knowledge management expectations
    6. Reinforcement
  17. Chapter 8: Case study from British Telecom: supporting a distributed sales force
    1. Introduction
    2. Understanding the users’ requirements
    3. Web 2.0 for knowledge-sharing
    4. Knowledge-sharing with the Semantic MediaWiki
    5. Delivering information in context
    6. Understanding and improving processes
    7. The users’ response
    8. Next steps
    9. Acknowledgement
  18. Chapter 9: Case study from Mars, Inc.: knowledge management in sales and marketing
    1. Introduction
    2. Toolkit
    3. Global Practice Groups
    4. Communities of practice
    5. Knowledge exchange
    6. Formal knowledge-capture
    7. Go with the flow
    8. Technology – the great enabler
    9. Summary
  19. Chapter 10: Case study from Ordnance Survey: social networking and the transfer of knowledge within supply chain management
    1. Introduction
    2. What was the problem?
    3. Silos
    4. Assumptions
    5. Methodology
    6. Demand audit
    7. Findings – 2004 audit
    8. Findings – 2006 audit
    9. Findings – 2007 audit
    10. Was the problem due to ignoring social architecture?
    11. Personal character traits
    12. Knowledge transfer
    13. Space
    14. Reward systems
    15. Power
    16. Conclusion
  20. Chapter 11: Setting up a knowledge management framework for sales, marketing and bidding
    1. Step 1: define the scope of your exercise
    2. Step 2: identify the key areas of knowledge that people need
    3. Step 3: for each knowledge area, define the source and user of the knowledge
    4. Step 4: define whether this knowledge can be transferred as tacit, explicit or both
    5. Step 5: if knowledge transfer is tacit, define the communication mechanism
    6. Step 6: if knowledge transfer is explicit, define the capture mechanism
    7. Step 7: define the organisation method
    8. Step 8: define the distribution and internalisation mechanism
    9. Step 9: define how you will measure knowledge management activity
    10. Step 10: define how you will manage the performance of knowledge management
  21. Appendix – customer buying process
  22. Index