
Book Description

Knowledge Networking explains the strategic, organizational and human impact of technologies that support knowledge: the internet, groupware, collaborative technologies. It shows how they can transform organizational practices and help to improve both individual and team performances.

Based on proven experience and includes customised toolkits, cases and action plans. From pooling expertise on a sales bid via computer referencing, to improving customer service using the flexible office, the author demonstrates how potential can become practice.

Knowledge management is the big management idea currently influencing organizations, and Knowledge Networking explores the global impact of sharing knowledge and expertise. It is a highly practical text which includes customised toolkits, cases and action plans to enable individuals and teams to improve their performance.

Table of Contents

  1. Front Cover
  2. Halftitle
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright
  5. Contents
  6. Preface
  7. PART A Setting the Context: An Interdependent World 1
    1. 1 The networked knowledge economy
      1. Old certainties no longer exist
        1. The changing corporate landscape
          1. Small business is big business
          2. The demise of jobs
        2. Continual reconfiguration
        3. A paradigm shift
      2. Five megatrends
        1. Information and knowledge based
          1. New knowledge industries
        2. Networking and interdependence
          1. Nodes and links
          2. Networking – hard and soft
          3. Innovation networks
        3. Globalization
          1. Global knowledge
        4. The Internet (r)evolution
          1. Evolution of the Internet
        5. Virtualization
          1. Making a virtue of virtuality
      3. Technology – a fundamental driving force
        1. The revolution continues
          1. Sustainable trends
        2. Telecommunications
          1. The bandwidth bonanza
        3. Convergence and connectivity
          1. From computation to cognition
      4. New economy, new rules
        1. The unintelligent organization
          1. Outsourcing and downsizing
          2. Millennium myopia
          3. Fragmented knowledge
          4. Dangerous denials
      5. Dynamic environments, new responses
        1. New strategies, new structures
        2. The innovation imperative
      6. Knowledge networking
      7. Summary
      8. Points to ponder
  8. PART B Identifying Unbounded Opportunities
    1. 2 Knowledge: the strategic imperative
      1. Fad or fundamental?
        1. The momentum of knowledge
          1. Established roots
        2. Knowledge is different
          1. What is knowledge?
          2. Characteristics of knowledge
      2. The knowledge agenda
        1. Two thrusts
          1. Knowing what you know
          2. Faster and better innovation
        2. Seven levers of strategy
          1. Customer knowledge
          2. Knowledge in products and services
          3. Knowledge in people
          4. Knowledge in processes
          5. Organizational memory
          6. Knowledge in relationships
          7. Knowledge as an asset
        3. Knowledge processes
          1. Knowledge conversion
          2. Knowledge cycles
      3. The knowledge opportunity
        1. The power of combination
        2. The power of community
        3. Proven benefits
        4. The challenge ahead
      4. Summary
      5. Points to ponder
    2. 3 Technology: the knowledge enhancer
      1. Knowledge tools
        1. Knowledge repositories
        2. Data warehouses
        3. Document management
        4. Online databases
      2. Knowledge creation
      3. Knowledge discovery
        1. Data mining
        2. Text mining
        3. Visualization
      4. Information gathering
        1. Search engines
        2. Intelligent agents
        3. Customized information provision
        4. Push vs pull
      5. Knowledge development
        1. Simulation and modelling
        2. Guidance systems
        3. Case-based reasoning
      6. Collaborative technologies
        1. Group decision support systems
        2. Information persistence
        3. Videoconferencing
        4. Groupware
        5. Intranets and the Internet
        6. Five roles of collaborative technology
        7. Integration and suites
      7. The technology opportunity
        1. Collaborative knowledge work
        2. Information technology knowledge levers
        3. The human challenge
      8. Summary
      9. Points to ponder
    3. 4 Virtualization: networking knowledge globally
      1. Three dimensions of virtualization
        1. Rethinking location
        2. Time shift and reduction
        3. Flexible structures and processes
        4. Virtualization recipes
      2. Virtual products and services
        1. Knowledge enrichment
      3. Telework
      4. The virtual office
      5. The virtual corporation
      6. Virtual operations
      7. Virtual teams
      8. Virtual communities
        1. The WELL and beyond
        2. Community networks
      9. Creating the virtual opportunity
      10. Points to ponder
  9. PART C Toolkits for Tomorrow
    1. 5 The knowledge networker’s toolkit
      1. Characteristics of successful knowledge networkers
      2. Know yourself
        1. Your thinking style
      3. Work smarter, not harder
        1. Manage the information glut
        2. Communicate effectively
        3. Develop your network
        4. Be techno-wise
        5. Manage your workspace
        6. Personal development
        7. Your intellectual capital
          1. Leveraging your intellectual capital
        8. The millennium manager
        9. The knowledge leader
      4. Check list for action
    2. 6 The knowledge team’s toolkit
      1. Knowledge teams
        1. A group is not a team
      2. High-performance teams
        1. Creating the context
        2. Teams are nodes in knowledge networks
      3. Twenty-five principles for effective teams
        1. Teams and teaming
          1. Roles and relationships
        2. Team commitment
          1. From vision to reality
          2. Team-building – where face to face matters
        3. Team processes
          1. Constructive conversations through structured dialogue
          2. Trust – the linchpin
        4. Team technologies
          1. Computer conferencing – developing knowledge
      4. Videoconferencing – enriching remote conversations
        1. Managing team knowledge
          1. Team knowledge development and innovation
          2. Team memory
      5. Sustaining high performance
      6. Knowledge communities
        1. Virtual moderation for knowledge development
        2. Sustaining communities
      7. Summary
      8. Action check list
    3. 7 Toolkit for the knowledge-based enterprise
      1. Leaders and laggards
      2. Knowledge leadership
        1. 1 Leadership
          1. A vision for value
          2. Knowledge champions
          3. Knowledge initiatives and teams
          4. Do you need a Chief Knowledge Officer?
          5. Leading from the top
      3. Creating a knowledge enriching environment
        1. 2 Culture/structure
          1. Knowledge webs – structures for knowledge innovation
          2. Space – the last frontier?
      4. Managing organizational knowledge
        1. 3 The process perspective – systematic and chaordic
        2. 4 Assessing your explicit knowledge – information resources management
          1. The knowledge inventory
          2. Innovation – the creativity conundrum
        3. 5 Tacit knowledge
          1. Expertise profiling
          2. Enriching the knowledge repository
          3. Knowledge transfer mechanisms
        4. 6 Knowledge hubs and centres
          1. Codifying – the power of taxonomy
        5. 7 Market leverage
      5. The value of knowledge
        1. 8 Assessing your measures
          1. The value proposition
          2. Measuring intellectual capital
      6. Human factors
        1. 9 Assessing your ‘soft’ infrastructure
          1. Learning organization
          2. Rewards and recognition
      7. Technology, tools and techniques
        1. 10 Technology infrastructure
          1. A viable knowledge information technology architecture
          2. Collaborative knowledge development
      8. From knowledge management to knowledge leadership
      9. Summary
      10. Agenda for action
    4. 8 The interprise toolkit
      1. Collaboration knowledges
        1. Know-why: the interprising advantage
        2. Know-what: structures and forms
        3. Know-who: selecting partners
        4. Know-how: a framework for collaboration
      2. Knowledge collaboration
        1. Innovating with customers
        2. Collaborative knowledge venturing
        3. Exploiting virtual knowledge space
      3. Organizing collaboration
        1. Strategic fit
        2. Competence matching
        3. Cultural compatibility
      4. Building the virtual organization
        1. Business networks
        2. Network analysis
        3. Collaboration contracts
      5. Implementing the infrastructure
        1. Business infrastructure
        2. Organizational infrastructure
      6. Knowledge infrastructure
        1. The technological infrastructure
      7. Sustaining success
      8. Summary
      9. Agenda for action
  10. PART D Pathways to Prosperity
    1. 9 The public policy agenda
      1. Knowledge for posterity
        1. New measures of success
      2. Foundations for the future
        1. Technological infrastructure
      3. Awareness and education
      4. Finance for innovation
        1. Legal and regulatory frameworks
      5. Knowledge society initiatives
      6. G7
        1. UK national initiatives
      7. Online trading and working
        1. Electronic commerce
      8. Teleworking
      9. Stimulating innovation
        1. Updated industrial policies
        2. European framework programmes
        3. The EU innovation programme
        4. Technopoles and incubators
        5. Business networks
      10. Actors and roles
        1. The contribution of enterprise
        2. Government roles
      11. Community initiatives
      12. Summary
    2. 10 Forward to the future
      1. Forecasting the future
        1. Flexibility
        2. Futurizing
        3. Scenario development
      2. Knowledge futures
        1. Knowledge markets
        2. Knowledge ethics and governance
        3. Knowledge scenarios
      3. Knowledge networks for knowledge
        1. Global knowledge innovation infrastructure
      4. The future is what we make of it
  11. Postscript
  12. References
  13. Index