
Free Internet update

As highlighted in Chapters 1 and 4, the Internet is affecting every business, publishing included. An increasing number of useful source references, as exemplified in this book are now Internet URLs (uniform resource locators). More importantly, the production cycle of a printed book, such as Knowledge Networking means that there may be more up to date and relevant material by the time it reaches you the reader.

As a special service to our readers, the author is maintaining updates and current awareness of the topics covered in this book. You can access these through the Butterworth-Heinemann knowledge management web site at:

This site will keep you abreast of developments, keep you informed of new publications in the field, and provide links to valuable knowledge management resources, such as those listed in the Knowledge Management Yearbook* and the author’s own website at:

In the spirit of knowledge networking, the author welcomes comments, updates and dialogue via email at [email protected] to form part of the evolving base of knowledge which you can access through Butterworth-Heinemann.

*Cortada, J. W. and Woods, J. A. (1999). The Knowledgement Management Yearbook 1999-2000. Butterworth-Heinemann.

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