A P P E N D I X  A

Creating and
Supporting a Customer
Service Culture

The skills in 10 Steps to Successful Customer Service need to be practiced by everyone from the frontline to the executive suite. Positive interactions are essential for excellent service, and outstanding customer service skills must be practiced by all staff members to achieve successful results. That is why 10 Steps to Customer Service is geared to all levels. Everyone can improve interpersonal skills.

In addition to the contributions that each person makes, there are systematic customer-friendly procedures and processes that need to be implemented to ensure that the corporate or organizational culture supports internal and external customers. Tool A.1 includes areas to address for best customer service practices. For more examples, see the Balanced Scorecard atwww.balancedscorecard.org. This approach allows companies to view all areas of the business for synergy. Vision, mission, and core values are usually addressed first, with goals, objectives, and action plans following in each of the areas in Tool A.1.


Creating and Supporting a Customer Service Culture

  • Enough resources are provided to serve the customer, including staff, merchandise, food, and space.
  • Costs to the customer are competitive; lower costs are explored and implemented.
  • Financial rewards are given for customer satisfaction, including bonuses, trips, use of company vehicles, tickets to events, music, books, gift certificates, and special activities.
  • All staff members are empowered with a certain amount of money they can use to “recover” or do something special for customers.
  • Employees are compensated fairly with salaries and benefits.
  • The company maintains effective financial controls and stays within budget.
  • Employees recommend ways to save money and to innovate.
  • Leaders practice the courage of conviction and a profound customer focus.
  • Practices put at least as much attention on internal customers as they do on external customers.
  • Decisions are based on making a difference to the customer.
  • Customer needs and behaviors are examined, monitored, and reported in a variety of ways and methods.
  • As much attention is paid to customer satisfaction and loyalty as to financial measures.
  • Employees are hired for their passion about customers.
  • Conflicts are addressed internally and externally.
  • Company perception is addressed.
  • Employees are asked about their opinions of service on a regular basis.
  • Teams invent ways that customers can experience new and different experiences.
  • Everyone in the organization takes personal responsibility for providing an excellent customer experience.
  • Leaders act as role models.
  • Customer service triumphs are celebrated.
  • Staff members are given information about the company, how it operates, and how all processes fit together to produce results for customers.
  • All staff is equipped with the training, tools, and skills needed to create customer loyalty.
  • Research is conducted, including interviewing leading subject matter customer service experts and reviewing articles, books, white papers, and best practices by other companies.
  • Team learning is essential. Members know how to cross-function with their team and with others in the organization. Opportunities exist to cross-train in a variety of ways with different departments.
  • Supervisors, managers, directors, and executives take advantage of learning opportunities to hone skills in leading, motivating, providing recognition, and contributing to process improvement.
  • The company recruits and hires people who are committed to customer service.
  • Developing employees is a priority.
  • Strengths are emphasized.
  • Gaps in skills are addressed through training and development.
  • Coaching and mentoring take place at all levels.
  • Technology is easy for internal and external customers to use.
  • Websites, blogs, and electronic information are easy to read, easy to access, and clear.
  • Online ordering is simple.
  • There are several quick ways to reach company representatives.
  • Processes are customer focused.
  • Policies and procedures are customer friendly, such as return policies, discounts, and refunds.
  • Technology is constantly improved for internal and external customer ease and use, and for relevance.
  • Metrics measure the right things.
  • Future needs are explored regularly and are part of the planning process.
  • Employees provide input on what is necessary to optimize work and production.
  • What the company advertises, it delivers.
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