abnormal stock price returns, 9699

absolute performance standards, 126127


auditing versus consulting fees, 54, 55

creative accounting practices, 5153, 134136

financial reporting rules, 5354

generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), 197198

in short-term compensation plans, 125126

accounting model, 1819

agency costs, 9899

Agribrands International, 167168

Airbus, 86

Altera Corporation, 47

antitakeover devices, 183185

antitrust legislation, 7

AOL-Time Warner, 160

ArrowPoint Communications Inc., 46

Arthur Andersen, 52

Arvin Industries, 108

Associates First Capital Corporation, 163

AT&T, 160

auditing fees, 54, 55

Australia, investor protection laws and, 111112

Aventis, 197


Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, 199


financial capitalism and, 89

in Germany, 23, 188189, 191196, 205

in Japan, 23, 206207

public debt versus debt of, 101104

regulation of, 11

syndicates of, 103

base salary, 122123

Berle, Adolf, 23, 12, 14, 2931

best practices, of board of directors, 171

beta, 6265

Bethlehem Steel, 101102

Big Bang (Japan), 205207

Black-Scholes option pricing model, 128129

board of directors, 19, 2526, 54, 169186

board committees, 173174

board compensation, 174178

CEO and, 178

elections of, 181183

firm performance and, 185186

in Germany, 13, 189190

greenmail and, 183185

historical perspective on, 170172

independent directors and, 25, 171173

poison pills and, 183185

reform of, 171172

relationship with management, 170172

role of, 170

shareholder rights and, 178183

supermajority rules and, 183185

voting rights of shareholders and, 2425, 179183

Boeing, 8586, 160

book value, 7879

Boston Chicken, 53

budgets, in short-term compensation plans, 126127


call options, 128129

Calpers (California Public Employees Retirement System), 172, 185

Campbell Soup, 186

Canada, investor protection laws and, 111112

capital allocation, 26, 8182

capital asset pricing model (CAPM), 6265, 70

described, 6264

effectiveness of, 6465

carve-outs, 162164

cash dividends, see dividends

cash flows

book value and, 7879

free, 9699, 110112, 115116

incremental, 83

net income versus, 7677

Chan, Su, 80

chief executive officer (CEO), 19, 2627, 3132, 54

board chair and, 178

compensation in 2000, 142148

long-term incentive plans, 121, 128142

median pay, 121122

short-term incentive plans, 121, 123128

Cisco, 4748

CIT Group, 177

civic republicanism, 34

growth of corporation and, 67

liberalism versus, 5

civil-law countries, 111112

classes of common stock, 24, 180

class warfare, 7

Coca-Cola, 4850, 52, 98

collateral, 95

common-law countries, 111112

common stock

classes of, 24, 180

see also dividends; efficient markets; valuation

Compaq Computer Corporation, 158160

comparables, 7071


of board members, 174178

management, 21, 79, 101, 110, 117148

competitive analysis approach (CAA), 8587

Conaway, Charles, 143147

confidentiality issues, 180181

conflicts of interest

between banks and public bondholders, 103

of the board of directors, 2526, 172

corporate social responsibility and, 9, 2931

between creditors and shareholders, 27, 9396, 191193

between management and shareholders, 26, 27, 4345, 96101, 107112, 131

in MBOs, 166

ownership, 23

consensus budgets, 126

constant growth rate policy, 105106

contracts, 19

contractual shareholder model, 1416, 18

convergence, 207209

Cooper Industries, 108

corporate control market, 149168

carve-outs in, 162164

defined, 149150

divestitures in, 162164

IPOs in, 164165

in Japan, 200202

lack of, in Germany, 190191

LBOs in, 165168, 171

MBOs in, 165168

mergers and acquisitions in, 23, 155162

reasons for, 150155

spin-offs in, 162164

corporate governance

American versus German approach to, 197199

board of directors in, 19, 2526, 54, 169186

corporate executives and senior managers in, 2627

creditors in, 27

dividends and, 105116

efficient markets and, 4853

financing decisions and, 64, 89104

investment decisions and, 4851, 64, 7387

management compensation and, 21, 79, 110, 117148

nature of, 12

OECD principles of, 209213

in other countries, 13

professional managers in, 2, 34, 816

relationships with suppliers and customers, 25, 2829

voting rights and, 2425, 179183

see also board of directors; governance structure; management

corporate social responsibility, 9, 2931


growth of, 68

modern, 23, 14, 2931

cost of equity capital, 6465

covenants, protective, 9596

C.R. Bard, 3843, 175

creative accounting practices, 5153, 134136

creditors, 27

bank debt versus public debt, 101104

conflicts of interest between shareholders and, 27, 9396, 191193

conflicts of interest between types of, 103

protective covenants of, 9596

credit ratings, 102103

Credit Suisse Boston, 136

Critical Path, Incorporated, 52

cross-ownership, 203

cumulative voting, 181182


financing decision and, 99100

relationships with, 2829


DaimlerChrysler, 28, 197

debt financing, 27, 98

democratic political process, 78

Denne, Karen, 177

depreciation, 7677

Derrick, James V., Jr., 177

Deutsche Bank, 126127

Deutsche Telekom, 197, 198

Digital Equipment, 160

discounted cash flow model, 5762

cash dividends and earnings in, 59

investors’ required rate of return in, 5962


of funding sources, 102

of investments, 61, 65, 156157, 164

diversity, 207209

divestitures, 162164

dividend payout ratios, 112

dividends, 105116

conflicts of interest and, 110112, 131

discounted cash flow model and, 59

free cash flows and, 110112, 115116

information asymmetry problems and, 107110

legal systems and, 111112

NPV rule and, 106107, 110111, 193

reasons for paying, 106107

share repurchases and, 113116

taxes and, 113116

dividend valuation model, 5762

cash dividends and earnings in, 59

investors’ required rate of return in, 5962

opportunity cost of capital and, 6670

Dondorf, Wolfgang, 197198

Dow Jones, 24

due diligence, 170

duty of care, 170, 190

duty of loyalty, 170

dynamic competition, 208


earnings announcements, 4647

earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), 123

earnings guidance, 135

earnings per share

dividend policy and, 109110

dividend valuation model and, 59

earnings announcements and, 4647

estimates of, 70

manipulation of, 134136

opportunity cost of capital and, 6670

economic self-determination, 4

efficient markets, 3355

civic republicanism and, 34

as class levelers, 4

liberalism and, 6

managers and, 4345, 4853

market inefficiencies and anomalies, 4548

semistrong-form, 3743

strong-form efficiency, 4345

transparency and, 5354

weak-form, 3537

Electronic Data Systems Corporation, 163


financing decisions and, 100101

see also management

Enron, 27, 52, 53, 131, 143147, 170, 177178

ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974), 181

EVA (Economic Value Added) model, 79, 136141

example of use, 137140

to set compensation, 140141

event analysis, 3843

exercise price, option, 128

exit strategy, 164165, 195196

expected future returns, 34


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 11

fiduciary responsibility, 10, 181

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), 53

financial agency theory, 1516

financial capitalism, 89

financial leverage, 90

financial market efficiency, see efficient markets financial plutocracy, 8

financing decisions, 64, 89104

bank debt versus public debt, 101104

customers and, 99100

defined, 89

employees and, 100101

example of, 9195

market evaluation of, 5051

shareholder/bondholder conflicts of interest and, 9396

shareholder/management conflicts of interest and, 96100

firm-specific investments, 85

First Bank of the United States, 2425

First Call, 70

First Virginia Banks, 122, 124125, 130, 184

Ford Motor Company, 24, 3536, 5859, 114115, 163164


investor protection laws and, 112

ownership of corporations in, 2223

free cash flow, 9699, 110112, 115116

freedom, 4, 6

Fresenius Medical Care, 197


Galbraith, John Kenneth, 1113

gaming behavior, 127128

General Electric (GE), 10, 154155

generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), 197198

General Motors (GM), 163

Genuine Parts Company, 108110, 116, 122, 125

George Mason University, 178

Georgia-Pacific Corporation, 3132, 9899, 115116, 136

Germany, 188199

bank ownership of stocks, 23, 188189, 191196, 205

corporate governance in, 13, 189190

financial performance versus the U.S., 196199

governing boards in, 13, 189190

investor protection laws and, 112

lack of corporate control market in, 190191

market capitalization in, 188

ownership of corporations in, 2223

role of banks in, 188189, 191196, 205

Ghosn, Carlos, 29

Gillette, 186

Glass-Steagall Act, 11

Global Crossing, 53

globalization, 208

Goldman Sachs, 136

governance structure, 1732

in foreign corporations, 2223, 197199

institutional investors in, 21

moral development and, 2931

owners, 1923

in U.S. corporations, 1922

see also board of directors; corporate governance; management

government bonds, and risk-free nominal interest rate, 6165

government regulation, 11, 15, 83

GPC, 130

graduated voting, 2425

Gramm, Wendy, 178

Great Depression, 1011, 30

greenmail, 183185


assets in place versus opportunities for, 6570

constant growth rate policy, 105106

of corporation, 68

dividends and, 110111

Grumman, 160


Hamilton, Alexander, 2425

Hartmann, Ulrich, 104

Harvard Business School, 10

herding decisions, 8687

Hertz Corporation, 163

Hewlett-Packard Company, 158159

H.J. Heinz Company, 31, 80, 175, 176, 182

Hoechst, 197, 198

Honeywell, 154155

hostile takeovers, 154, 171, 182183, 184, 190

in Germany, 190191

in Japan, 201

House of Morgan, 8


IBP, Incorporated, 167168

incremental cash flows, 83

independent directors, 25, 171173

index funds, 157158

information asymmetry

dividends and, 107110

strong-form market efficiency and, 4345

initial public offerings (IPOs), see IPOs (initial public offerings)


control by, 9

defined, 15

information asymmetry and, 4345, 107110

strong-form market efficiency and, 4345

institutional investors, 2122, 170172, 180, 183

Intel Corporation, 47

interest rates, 51, 5965

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 9193

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 209

Investment Advisers Act of 1940, 181

Investment Company Act (1940), 11

investment decisions, 4851, 64, 7387

diversification and, 61, 65, 156157, 164

exit strategy and, 164165, 195196

market evaluation of, 4850

NPV rule in, 7487

see also valuation

investor protection laws, 15, 111112, 167, 194195

IPOs (initial public offerings), 164165

of companies with banking relationships, 102103

reasons for, 164165

underpricing of, 4546


Japan, 199207

banking crisis of 1998, 206207

banks in, 23, 206207

Big Bang, 205207

corporate governance in, 13

investor protection laws and, 112

keiretsu system, 2829, 199207

ownership of corporations in, 2223, 200

relational contracting in, 202204

selective intervention in, 201202

Johnson, Bill, 31

joint stock companies, 25


Kagermann, Henning, 102

keiretsu system, 2829, 199207

advantages of, 204205

cross-ownership of shares in, 203

disadvantages of, 205

nature of, 199204

reforms and, 205207

Kellogg, 63, 64

Kensinger, John, 80

K-Mart, 143147

Krafft Motor Company, 203204

Kraft, 164


large-company stocks, historic returns on, 61, 6465

Lay, Kenneth, 143147, 177178

LBOs (leveraged buyouts), 165168, 171

potential problems for public investors, 167168

reasons for, 166167

Lesley Fay, 52

leverage, 90

leveraged buyouts, see LBOs (leveraged buyouts)

liberalism, 56

civic republicanism versus, 5

growth of corporation and, 67

liberty, 4

limited liability company, 23

Lippman, Walter, 7

Lockheed, 160

long-term incentive plans, 121, 128142

EVA metrics for, 79, 136141

evidence about pay and performance, 141142

examples of, 130

nature of, 128130

problems with, 130136

Lucent Technologies, 143, 186


MacAvoy, Paul W., 185

Malkiel, Burton, 44


compensation of, 79, 101, 110, 117148

conflicts of interest between shareholders and, 26, 27, 4345, 96100, 107112, 131

in corporate governance, 2627

creative accounting practices and, 5153, 134136

decisions of, and stock valuation, 4851

efficient markets and, 4345, 4853

influence of institutional investors and, 2122, 170172, 180, 183

managerial capitalism and, 1113, 170171

reasons for corporate control market and, 150155

relationship with board of directors, 170172

scientific, 78, 10

separation from owners/shareholders, 2, 34, 816

shareholder wealth maximization and, 1416, 18, 28, 3132, 34, 9396, 98, 161162

trustee approach to, 911, 13, 14

see also board of directors management board, 189190

management buyouts, see MBOs (management buyouts)

management compensation, 79, 110, 117148

example of, 118121

measuring effort and performance for, 119121

pay for performance systems, 21, 121148

managerial capitalism, 1113

board of directors and, 170171

challenges to, 13

nature of, 1113

Mannesmann, 190

marginal tax rate, 113114

market risk, 6162

market value added (MVA), 137140

market-value-to-book-value ratio, 79, 141142

Martin, John, 80

Martin Marietta, 160

Mattel, 186

MBOs (management buyouts), 165168

potential problems for public investors, 167168

reasons for, 166167

McDonnell-Douglas, 160

McGinn, Richard, 143

Means, Gardiner, 23, 12, 2931

Mendelsohn, John, 177178

mergers and acquisitions, 23, 155162

creating value with, 159161

examples of, 156159

impact of, 155156

impact on shareholder value, 161162

Miller, Merton, 9091

Millstein, Ira M., 185

minority interests, 111, 179

Mitsubishi Corporation, 199

Mitsui & Co., 199

Mitsui Mutual Life Insurance, 199

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, 199

modern corporation

nature of, 23, 14

organic version of, 2931

Modern Corporation and Private Property, The (Berle and Means), 14

Modigliani, Franco, 9091

moral development, 2931

mutual funds, 21, 4445


NASDAQ, crash of 2000, 3536, 4748, 142148

National Labor Relations Act, 11

National Recovery Administration (NRA), 1011

NCR, 160

negative covenants, 94, 9596

net income

cash flows versus, 7677

in long-term incentive plans, 120, 139

net income after taxes, 1819

net income before taxes, 123

net present value, see NPV rule

Netscape, 46

‘‘new-economy’’ companies, 4748, 131

New Industrial State, The (Galbraith), 1113

Nissan Motor, 28, 29, 207

Northeast Utilities, 70

Northrop Corporation, 160

NPV rule, 7487

competitive analysis approach (CAA), 8587

criticisms of, 8287

dividends and, 106107, 110111, 193

example of, 7578

implication for internal allocation of capital, 8182

interpreting NPV and, 7879

investor behavior predicted by, 7981

NPV defined, 74, 136137

strategic options and, 8485

NTT, 207


OECD principles, 209213

opportunity cost of capital, 6570, 74

Oracle, 198

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 209213


path dependence, 208209

pay for performance systems, 21, 121148

base salary in, 122123

EVA metrics for, 79, 136141

evidence for, 141142

long-term incentive plans in, 121, 128142

short-term compensation in, 121, 123128

in 2000, 142148

People’s Heritage Financial Group, Inc., 182183

perfect capital markets, 90, 106

Pfeiffer Vacuum, 85, 104, 197198

Philip Morris, 164

plowback ratio, 6870

poison pills, 183185

political process, democratic, 78

Porter, Michael, 171

positive covenants, 9596

Powers, William, Jr., 177178

present value, NPV rule and, 7778

price-earnings (P/E) ratio, 6871

Procter & Gamble, 4850, 186

professional managers, 2, 34

profit margins, in long-term incentive plans, 120

property ownership

civic republicanism and, 34

concentration of, 67

liberalism and, 56

unification of security ownership, 166

protective covenants, 9596

proxy fights, 151, 171, 180181

proxy voting, 26

public debt, bank debt versus, 101104

Pujo committee, 8

put options, 128


Quaker Oats Company, 8182

qualitative factors, 8384

quasi rents, 85


Ralcorp Holdings, 167

relational contracting, 202204

Renault, 207

required rate of return

in capital asset pricing model, 6265

in discounted cash flow model, 5962

residual theory of cash dividends, 107

restricted stock

compensation based on, 128136

problems with, 130136

restructuring, 96, 151153

return on assets

in long-term incentive plans, 120

in short-term compensation plans, 124

return on equity, in long-term incentive plans, 120

Rhone-Poulenc, 197

risk-adjusted required rate of return, 6470, 74

risk-free nominal interest rate (RF), 5965

risk management decisions, 5051, 64

risk premium (RP), 5963

risk shifting, 94

RJR-Nabisco, 167168

Rockefeller family, 78

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1011, 30


Sakura Bank, 199

SAP, 100, 102, 103104, 197, 198

Schoenberger, Robert G., 31

Schrempp, Juergen, 197

Schroeder, Gerhard, 190

scientific management, 78, 10

Second Bank of the United States, 2425

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 11, 15, 54, 177

selective intervention, 201202

semistrong-form market efficiency, 3743

SGL Carbon, 197

shareholder rights, 178183

electing board of directors, 181183

voting rights, 2425, 179183


conflicts of interest between creditors and, 27, 9396, 191193

conflicts of interest between management and, 26, 27, 4345, 96100, 107112, 131

in governance structure of corporation, 1923

as irrelevant, 1213

maximizing wealth of, 1416, 18, 28, 3132, 34, 9396, 98, 161162

role of, 1516

separation of management from, 2, 34, 816

share repurchases, 113116

short-term incentive plans, 121, 123128

examples of, 124125

nature of, 123124

problems with, 125128

Sirena Apparel, 52

small-company stocks, historic returns on, 61, 6465

Smith, Adam, 186

Smith, Clifford W., Jr., 97

social utility, 13

sogo shosha (general trading company), 199

South Korea, investor protection laws and, 112

spin-offs, 162164

SPX, 140141

staggered boards, 182183

standard deviation, 61

Standard Oil Trust, 2

Stern Stewart & Company, 136

stock options

compensation based on, 101, 128136

problems with, 130136

repricing, 147148

strike price, option, 128129

strong-form market efficiency, 4345

Sumitomo Bank, 199

supermajority rules, 183185

supervisory board, 189190

supplier relationships, 25, 2829

Sweden, 188

synergies, 158159, 160161


taking the money and running, 9495

target company, impact of merger on, 160161


dividends and, 113116

financing decisions and, 9193

on incentive compensation, 148

tax-efficient distributions and, 115116

technical default, 96

technocracy, 1113

tender offers, 151, 153155

Thatcher, David, 52

TIAA-CREF (Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association—College Retirement Equity Fund), 21, 171172, 176, 184185

Toyota, 199, 202

transaction costs, 162

transparency, efficient markets and, 5354

Trotman, Alex, 163

trustee approach to management, 911, 13, 14

Tyco, 3843, 53, 176177


unique risk, 6162, 64

United Airlines, 156158

United Industrial Corporation, 175, 176

United Kingdom

investor protection laws and, 111112

market capitalization in, 188

ownership of corporations in, 2223

United States

financial performance of, versus Germany, 196199

market capitalization in, 188

ownership of corporations in, 1923, 173

United Technologies, 154155

Unitil Corporation, 31

universal banking, 23, 188189, 191196, 205

advantages of, 191193

disadvantages of, 193196

University of Texas, 177178

US Airways, 156158


valuation, 5771

assets in place versus growth opportunities, 6570

capital asset pricing model (CAPM), 6265, 70

comparables in, 7071

creative accounting practices and, 5153, 134136

discounted cash flow model, 5762

financing decisions and, 5051

management decisions and, 4850

option, 128129

risk management decisions and, 5051, 64

see also investment decisions

value creation, 159161

VEBA, 104, 197, 198

venture capitalists, 164165, 196

Vodafone Air Touch, 190

volatility, of stock price, 129, 131

Volkswagen, 191

voter registration, 26

voting rights, 2425, 179183

confidentiality issues and, 180181

cumulative voting, 181182

supermajority rules, 183185

votes per shareholder, 179180


Wagner Act, 11

Walsh, Frank E., Jr., 176177

weak-form market efficiency, 3537

Wellman, Brush, 130

Willamette Industries, 107, 108, 109110

William M. Mercer, Inc., 143

World Bank, 209

World War II, 11


Young, Owen, 10

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