Fuzzing tools included in Kali

Luckily for us, it is not necessary for the typical penetration tester to spend months and years preparing the perfect fuzzer. The community has already provided us with an abundance of these wonderful tools, and compared to writing them, their usage is a breeze!

Bruteforce Exploit Detector (BED)

The Bruteforce Exploit Detector (BED) does exactly what the name implies. The program will allow you to send data to the target application in hopes that a crash will occur. Although this method does work in certain situations, at times more control is needed when trying to find vulnerable applications. Kali has BED preinstalled; BED provides the ability to fuzz several, often using protocols without modification:

BED 0.5 by mjm( www.codito.de ) & eric ( www.snake-basket.de )


./bed.pl -s <plugin> -t <target> -p <port> -o <timeout> [ depends on the plugin ]

<target>   = Host to check (default: localhost)
<port>     = Port to connect to (default: standard port)
<timeout>  = seconds to wait after each test (default: 2 seconds)
use "./bed.pl -s <plugin>" to obtain the parameters you need for the plugin.

 Only -s is a mandatory switch.

Besides the plugins provided by the developers of the Bruteforce Exploit Detector, you may also easily create your own plugins. Take a look at the /usr/share/doc/bed directory dummy.pm file. This skeleton provides you with a skeleton that can be modified to suit our needs. Change directory to /usr/local/share/bed/bedmod and cat a couple of the files that you see, such as ftp.pm, to get a better idea of what a fully functional plugin looks like. When you are comfortable with the format, create a new file in the bedmod folder and name it vserver.pm. The following code has been created using the dummy.pm example template. Enter this code into vserver.pm:

use Socket;
sub new{
my $this = {};
   # define everything you might need
bless $this;
return $this;

sub init
my $this = shift;

        $this->{proto} = "tcp";

if ($special_cfg{'p'} eq "") { $this->{port}='4444'; }
else { $this->{port} = $special_cfg{'p'}; }

$iaddr = inet_aton($this->{target})             || die "Unknown host: $host
$paddr = sockaddr_in($this->{port}, $iaddr)     || die "getprotobyname: $!
$proto = getprotobyname('tcp')                  || die "getprotobyname: $!
socket(SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto)    || die "socket: $!
connect(SOCKET, $paddr)                         || die "connection attempt failed: $!
send(SOCKET, "HELP", 0)         || die "HELP request failed: $!

   $this->{vrfy} = "HELP

sub getQuit{


# what to test without doing a login before

sub getLoginarray{
my $this = shift;
        @login = ("");

# which commands does this protocol know ?
sub getCommandarray {
my $this = shift;
# the XAXAX will be replaced with the buffer overflow / format string #data
# place every command in this array you want to test
   @cmdArray = (
                "SRUN XAXAX
                "GMON XAXAX
                "KSTET XAXAX
                "HTER XAXAX

# How to respond to login prompt:
sub getLogin{           # login procedure
my $this = shift;
        @login = ("HELP

# Test anything else you would like to
sub testMisc{


At first glance, this code may seem complicated. If you take a look at the highlighted code, you will see the most important aspect of our particular plugin. We instructed bed to send data to each of the inputs that were provided to us by the HELP command. The default port is set to 4444, and the login is blank because it is not required for this type of application. There is one more modification that needs to occur before we can use the vserver.pm plugin. Open up the /usr/share/bed/bed.pl file for editing and add vserver to the @plugins variable on line #14:

@plugins = ( "ftp", "smtp", "pop", "http", "irc", "imap", "pjl", "lpd", "finger", "socks4", "socks5", "vserver" );

Save the changes you made to bed.pl and exit your editor. Assuming you have already started vulnserver.exe on port 4444, let's give our new plugin a try:

# bed -s vserver -t <IP of the Server>
  BED 0.5 by mjm( www.codito.de ) & eric ( www.snake-basket.de )

  * Normal tests
   + Buffer overflow testing:
  testing: 1   XAXAX   ...........
  testing: 2   STATS XAXAX   ...........
  testing: 3   RTIME XAXAX   ...........
  testing: 4   LTIME XAXAX   ...........
  testing: 5   SRUN XAXAX   ...........
  testing: 6   TRUN XAXAX   ...........
  testing: 7   GMON XAXAX   ...........
  testing: 8   GDOG XAXAX   ...........
  testing: 9   KSTET XAXAX   ...

The bed.pl is definitely doing something, but we do not really get any feedback on precisely what is occurring. If you wait long enough, you will receive a notice of a crash. An example of this is shown in the following image:

Bruteforce Exploit Detector (BED)

Unfortunately, the vulnserver application is still receiving connections and thus, bed.pl will continue the brute forcing process. Also, at this point we do not know what caused the crash. When we click on Close, we are rewarded with some debugging information from the vulnserver console, but this behavior should not always be expected when working with client-modified or created applications. Often debugging will be disabled on production applications to avoid giving potential attackers too much information.


We did not code in anything that would stop the program if certain statements (such as GOODBYE) did not appear after the EXIT command was initiated. Because of this, the Bruteforce Exploit Detector did not detect that there was an issue! Challenge yourself to add this functionality to your plugin!

Let's take a look at the terminal that is providing usage feedback from stdout:

Waiting for client connections...
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x41414141 in 32-bit code (0x41414141).
Register dump:
 CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:0033 GS:003b
 EIP:41414141 ESP:00c0e4c0 EBP:41414141 EFLAGS:00210202(  R- --  I   - - - )
 EAX:00c0e470 EBX:7bc9cff4 ECX:00000000 EDX:00000065
 ESI:7ffccf10 EDI:00401848
Stack dump:
0x00c0e4c0:  41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141
0x00c0e4d0:  41414141 00000000 00000000 00000000
0x00c0e4e0:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0x00c0e4f0:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0x00c0e500:  00000000 00000000 00000000 0018ff48
0x00c0e510:  696c6156 6f432064 6e616d6d 0a3a7364
0x41414141: -- no code accessible --
Module   Address         Debug info   Name (22 modules)
PE     400000-  407000   Deferred        vulnserver
PE   62500000-62508000   Deferred        essfunc
ELF   7b800000-7b97d000   Deferred        kernel32<elf>
  -PE   7b810000-7b97d000                  kernel32
ELF   7bc00000-7bcb9000Deferredntdll<elf>
  -PE   7bc10000-7bcb9000                  ntdll
ELF   7bf00000-7bf04000   Deferred        <wine-loader>
ELF   7ed60000-7ed7f000   Deferred        libgcc_s.so.1
ELF   7ed90000-7edbd000   Deferred        ws2_32<elf>
  -PE   7eda0000-7edbd000                  ws2_32
ELF   7edbd000-7ee3f000Deferredmsvcrt<elf>
  -PE   7edd0000-7ee3f000                  msvcrt
ELF   7ef9c000-7efa8000   Deferred        libnss_files.so.2
ELF   7efa8000-7efb2000   Deferred        libnss_nis.so.2
ELF   7efb2000-7efc9000   Deferred        libnsl.so.1
ELF   7efc9000-7efef000   Deferred        libm.so.6
ELF   7eff8000-7f000000   Deferred        libnss_compat.so.2
ELF   b7593000-b7597000   Deferred        libdl.so.2
ELF   b7597000-b76f1000   Deferred        libc.so.6
ELF   b76f2000-b770b000   Deferred        libpthread.so.0
ELF   b771c000-b785c000   Deferred        libwine.so.1
ELF   b785e000-b787b000   Deferred        ld-linux.so.2
process  tidprio (all id:s are in hex)
0000000e services.exe
   00000014    0
   00000010    0
   0000000f    0
00000011 winedevice.exe
   00000018    0
   00000017    0
   00000013    0
   00000012    0
00000074 (D) Z:
   0000004d    0
   00000048    0 <==
   00000076    0
   00000075    0
0000004b explorer.exe
   0000004c    0
Send failed with error: 10054
Received a client connection from
Waiting for client connections...

It is of note that EIP has been overwritten with 41414141. This is a good indicator that an exploit of this stack overflow is likely to be possible. Also, notice that the server output indicates that connectivity requests are occurring. The server did not completely crash, only this connection. This can be used to your advantage if you need to create your own exploit later.

Now that we know there is an issue with the application, we need to get an idea of what was sent to cause the crash. Usually your fuzzer would provide this information for you, but in this case, bed.pl just keeps on chugging:

# wireshark

Wait until the Wireshark GUI has completely loaded and selected the option that captures eth0 (this will allow you to witness the traffic) from the middle of the screen.

Let's reproduce the error, but this time we will watch the packets in Wireshark as they traverse the local loopback interface. Restart the vulnserver, and then start bed.pl again using the vserver plugin. Once everything has started, click over to Wireshark and take a look at the packets that are being passed. You can right-click on any of the messages in Wireshark and select Follow TCP Stream to see the messages in an easy to read format.

If you wait until the crash occurs, you can search the stream in Wireshark that looks to be the most obvious cause of the crash. Keep in mind that we do not have any delays in the code, so the last connection made is not necessarily the connection that caused the error to occur. In this particular case, it was noted in the vulnserver console that the last connection to be made before the crash was:

Received a client connection from
Waiting for client connections...
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x41414141 at address 0x41414141 (thread 0048), starting debugger...

If you go to Wireshark and enter tcp.stream eq 41041 into the Filter menu, you will be presented with only those packets that make up the messages we are interested in. Pick one of the filtered messages, right-click on it, and take a look at the TCP stream.


Your port might be different, so search for the port number that is indicated on your machine. You can also enter frame contains "KTEST" into the Filter menu. More than likely, the penultimate packet will be the one that shows the string.

An example of this is shown in the following image:

Bruteforce Exploit Detector (BED)

It looks like the last message to be sent to vulnserver was:


We can determine that KSTET typically sends a response (KSTET SUCCESSFUL) upon successful acceptance of input by reviewing previous messages without using the filter:


We can test this input to see if we can manually replicate the error. Stop and restart the vulnserver, and manually netcat to port 4444 on the machine running the vulnserver:

# nc 4444
Welcome to Vulnerable Server! Enter HELP for help.

At this point, the application will crash and the Program Error pop up will appear once more. Click on Close in the Program Error window. Once again, we can review the output from the debugger and note that EIP (the current instruction being processed) has been overwritten by 41414141.


These are the type of repeatable errors we should be looking for when attempting to ensure the security posture of the environments being tested. Depending on the scope of the test, at this point, the business may only require the details of the potential vulnerability. If the scope allows, an exploit for the application could be created to prove that the vulnerability could lead to loss of important data, assets, or revenue.

sfuzz – Simple fuzzer

Simple fuzzer, known as sfuzz, created by Aaron Conole is a great tool if you want to start taking the fuzzing business seriously, and. sfuzz is powerful and useful to someone who is not ready to expend the time needed to properly learn how to fully use spike. Also, there are times when using a smaller, simpler tool is just more efficient.

If you are still learning about exploit development, then sfuzz makes a great stepping stone and will definitely continue to be a valuable addition to your penetration testing knowledge base throughout the years ahead; at times, it is very convenient to have tools that are quick and easy to configure!

Browse to the /usr/share/sfuzz directory and familiarize yourself with the directory structure. If sfuzz is invoked without arguments, you will be presented with the available startup switches:

[23:11:45] error: must specify an output type.
      Simple Fuzzer
By:    Aaron Conole
version: 0.7.0
url:    http://aconole.brad-x.com/programs/sfuzz.html
EMAIL:    [email protected]
Build-prefix: /usr/local
   -h    This message.
   -V    Version information.

networking / output:
   -v    Verbose output
   -q    Silent output mode (generally for CLI fuzzing)
   -X    prints the output in hex
   -b    Begin fuzzing at the test specified.
   -e    End testing on failure.
   -t    Wait time for reading the socket
   -S    Remote host
   -p    Port
   -T|-U|-O TCP|UDP|Output mode
   -R    Refrain from closing connections (ie: "leak" them)
   -f    Config File
   -L    Log file
   -n    Create a new logfile after each fuzz
   -r    Trim the tailing newline
   -D    Define a symbol and value (X=y).
   -l    Only perform literal fuzzing
   -s    Only perform sequence fuzzing

Although there are example scripts available, we will need to create our own if we would like to be able to fuzz the vulnserver application. Create the following script, named basic.verserver, in the sfuzz-sample directory:

include basic-fuzz-strings.list



In this script, we instruct sfuzz to use basic-fuzz-strings.list when performing the fuzzing activity. We then add a delay of 200 milliseconds and restrict the sequence length to 2010. This fuzzer is so simple that we then list the commands to be sent, followed by the fuzz variable, which is replaced by the application with fuzzed output. We must save the file, ensure that the vulnserver is running on port 4444, and then proceed with starting the sfuzz script:

# sfuzz -e -S <IP of vulnserver> -p 4444 -TO -f /sfuzz-sample/basic.vserver

This will start the fuzzing process and will also let you see the data that is being passed. One technique that could be used is to perform a very fast scan to see if any crashes occur, and then rerun the scan again using more refined parameters and at a slower pace. This will ensure that the exception is caught easily.

As expected, our fuzzer script was able to crash the vulnserver with the following output:

[23:58:30] attempting fuzz - 31.
[23:58:30] info: tx fuzz - (2017 bytes) - scanning for reply.
[23:58:31] read:
Welcome to Vulnerable Server! Enter HELP for help.

Once again, the test did not catch the failure and sfuzz continued to send data to the application. As previously stated, the art of fuzzing can be extremely useful, but the path to mastering it will take dedication and continual practice.

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