


based on misclassification rate 6

sensitivity and specificity 7–8

area under ROC curves (AUC)

binormal curves 27–28

binormal curves, comparing 42–46, 65–66

bootstrap confidence intervals for 33–35

bootstrap-validated estimates of ROC curves 107

comparison confidence intervals 48

computing with FREQ procedure 23–24

computing with LOGISTIC procedure 22–23

computing with %ROC macro 24–25

cross-validation estimates of ROC curves 103–104

empirical curves 21–25

empirical curves, comparing 39–42, 64–65

empirical curves, ordinal markers 54–55

Lehmann family of ROC curves 70

ordinal markers 63–66

ROC curves with censored data 86–88

split-sample estimates of ROC curves 100–102

asymptotic standard error (ASE) 12


See area under ROC curves

AXIS statement 55


binary predictor 5–14

for reporting on continuous predictor 25–26

frost forecast (example) 5–6

reasons for emphasizing 95

BINOMIAL keyword (FREQ procedure) 10, 12

binormal parameters 27

binormal ROC curves 26–30, 96

area under 27–28

compared to empirical curves 29, 46–47

comparing areas of 42–46

direct estimation of 32–33

latent 57–63

latent, comparing areas under 65–66

normality 30

regression models for 49–51, 59–60, 69

standardized uptake value (SUV) 26–27

transformations to binormality 30–32

binormal ROC curves, area under

See area under ROC curves (AUC)

%BOOT1AUC macro 34, 56

bootstrap samples for confidence intervals 96

for areas under curves (AUCs) 33–35

for difference in AUCs 48

bootstrap-validated estimates of ROC curves 96, 106–107

Box-Cox power transformations 30–31, 43

%BVAL macro 107


c-index 90–91, 93

cancer examples 38, 81–82

censored data, ROC curves with 81–93

area under curves 86–88

concordance probability 88–91

monotone functions and censored data 86

%CINDEX macro 90

CLASS statement, UNIVARIATE procedure 16

“close to the ideal” 26

clustered data 75–79

comparing ROC curves 38

for ordinal predictors 63–66

Lehmann family of ROC curves 79

paired vs. unpaired data 38–39

competing models, ROC curves for 113–116

concordance probability 22

See also area under ROC curves (AUC)

ROC curves with censored data 88–91

with Cox regression models 91–93

conditioning 10

confidence intervals for sensitivity and specificity 10–12

confidence intervals from bootstrap samples 96

for areas under curves (AUCs) 33–35

for difference in AUCs 48

continuous predictor 15–35, 97–98

dichotomizing 15–18

Lehmann family of ROC curves 67–80

operating point 25–26

optimal threshold 25–26

reasons for emphasizing 95

reporting on, with binary predictor 25–26

ROC curve for 18–20

threshold 25–26

CONTRAST statement, NLMIXED procedure 44–46

CONTRAST variable, %ROC macro 39–40

covariate adjustment for ROC curves 48–49

Lehmann family 73–75

COVSANDWITCH option, PHREG procedure 76–77

Cox regression models 69, 91–93

%CPE macro 93

credit rating example 54

credit scoring 2

cross-validation estimates of ROC curves 96, 102–106

area under curves 103–104

k-fold cross-validation 96, 104–106

LOGISTIC procedure for 102–104

resubstitution estimates vs. 104


data clustering 75–79

decision trees 113

dichotomizing continuous predictors 15–18

discordant pairs

See concordance probability

double dipping 96


empirical ROC curves 20–26, 63–66

compared to binormal curves 29, 46–47

comparing areas of 39–42

for ordinal predictors 54–57, 64–65

empirical ROC curves, area under

See area under ROC curves (AUC)

ESTIMATE statement, NLMIXED procedure 28, 44–46, 62

estimating equations for clustered data 75–79

Euclidean method 25

exported data, GPLOT procedure with 116–118


false negatives (FN) 6, 7–8

calculating with FREQ procedure 9

false positives (FP) 6, 7–8

calculating with FREQ procedure 9

“far from random” 26

FREQ procedure 8–14

BINOMIAL keyword 10, 12

calculating false negatives and positives 9

calculating misclassification rate 9

calculating negative and positive predictive values 9

calculating sensitivity 9–12

calculating specificity 9–10, 13

computing Somer's D and AUC 23–24

ORDER= option 14

TABLE statement 23


frost forecast (example) 5–6


generalized estimating equations 76

GPLOT procedure 116–118


hazard function 68

heteroscedastic models 51

HISTOGRAM statement, UNIVARIATE procedure 16

FRONTREF option 17

HREF= option 17

home equity loan example 110

homoscedastic models 51

HREF= option, HISTOGRAM statement 17


INMODEL= option, LOGISTIC procedure 100

intercept 27

invariance to monotone transformations 21, 22


k-fold cross-validation 96, 104–106

Kaplan-Meier estimation method 83


latent binormal ROC curves 57–63

comparing areas under 65–66

leave-one-out validation 96, 102–104

leaves (SAS Enterprise Miner) 114

Lehmann family of ROC curves 67–80

adjusting for covariates 73–75

area under curves 70

clustered data 75–79

comparing curves 79

LIFETEST procedure 83–85

TIME statement 83

liver surgery example 96–97

location-scale families 59

LOGISTIC procedure 8, 19

computing AUC 22–23

cross-validation estimates of ROC curves 102–104

INMODEL= option 100

OUTMODEL= option 100

resubstitution estimates of ROC curves 96

SCORE statement 100, 101

split-sample estimates of ROC curves 100–102

lung cancer example 81–82


magnetic resonance example 70–73

MEASURES option, TABLE statement (FREQ) 23

medical diagnostics, prediction in 2

METHOD= option, SURVEYSELECT procedure 34

misclassification rate (MR) 6–7

calculating with FREQ procedure 9

in ROC curve 19

MIXED procedure 44

regression model for binormal ROC curves 49–50

MODEL statement

OUTROC= option 19, 71, 101, 104

RL option 72

SLE option 97

SLS option 97

monotone functions 21

censored data and 86

monotone transformations, invariance to 21, 22


See misclassification rate multiple observations from individual unit 75–79

multivariable prediction models 95–107

bootstrap-validated estimates of ROC curves 96, 106–107

cross-validation estimates of ROC curves 96, 102–106

resubstitution estimates of ROC curves 96, 97–99, 102, 104

split-sample estimates of ROC curves 96, 99–102


negative predictive value (NPV) 8

calculating with FREQ procedure 9

neural networks 114–115

NLMIXED procedure 27–28

CONTRAST statement 44–46

ESTIMATE statement 28, 44–46, 62

estimating binormal ROC curves 32–33

ordinal-probit regression model 60–62

RANDOM statement 44

regression model for binormal ROC curves 49–50

nodes (SAS Enterprise Miner) 111, 114

NOPRINT option, TABLE statement (FREQ) 23

normality, in binormal models 30

NPV (negative predictive value) 8

calculating with FREQ procedure 9


observations, multiple from individual unit 75–79

observed operating points 19

OFFSET= option, AXIS statement 55

operating point

continuous predictor 25–26

observed 19

OPTIMAL option, %PLOTROC macro 26

optimal threshold, continuous predictor 25–26

optimism-adjusted estimates 106

ORDER= option, FREQ procedure 14

ordinal predictors 53–66

comparing ROC curves 63–66

empirical ROC curves for 54–57, 64–65

latent binormal ROC curves 57–63

ordinal-probit regression model 60–62

OUT= option, SURVEYSELECT procedure 34

OUTHITS= option, SURVEYSELECT procedure 34–35

OUTMODEL= option, LOGISTIC procedure 100

OUTPUT statement, PREDPROBS=X option 103, 104

OUTROC= option

MODEL statement 19, 71, 101, 104

SCORE statement (LOGISTIC) 101


paired data 38–39

comparing binormal ROC curves 42–46

comparing empirical ROC curves 39–41

PARAMETER= option, BOXCOX transformation 31

partitioning, recursive 113

percent correct statistic 6

PET scanning (example) 16–17

PHREG procedure 69–70, 72–73, 74

clustered data 75–79

COVSANDWITCH option 76–77

%PLOTROC macro 41, 100–101, 105, 116

OPTIMAL option 26

positive predictive value (PPV) 8

calculating with FREQ procedure 9


business of 1

in medical diagnostics 2

prediction models, multivariable

See multivariable prediction models


See also binary predictor

See also continuous predictor

dichotomizing continuous 15–18

ordinal 53–66

PREDPROBS=X option, OUTPUT statement 103, 104

prevalence 7

product limit estimation method 83

proportional hazards regression 69, 79

concordance probability with 91–93

prostate cancer prognosis (example) 38


RANDOM statement, NLMIXED procedure 44

randomly breaking the ties 22

receiver operating characteristic curves

See ROC curves

recursive partitioning 113

REG procedure 32–33


Cox regression models 69, 91–93

model for binormal ROC curves 49–51, 69

ordinal model for binormal ROC curves 59–60

ordinal-probit model 60–62

proportional hazards regression 69, 79, 91–93

resubstitution estimates of ROC curves 96, 97–99, 102

cross-validation estimates vs. 104

LOGISTIC procedure for 96

split-sample estimates vs. 102

RL option, MODEL statement 72

ROC curves 1–3

See also binormal ROC curves

See also empirical ROC curves

bootstrap-validated estimates of 96, 106–107

covariate adjustment for 48–49, 73–75

cross-validation estimates of 96, 102–106

for competing models 113–116

for single continuous predictor 18–20

for single model 111–113

in SAS Enterprise Miner 109–118

Lehmann family of 67–80

misclassification rate in 19

multivariable prediction models 95–107

nomenclature for 2

resubstitution estimates of 96, 97–99, 102, 104

semi-parametric 68

smoothing 26

split-sample estimates of 96, 99–102

with censored data 81–93

ROC curves, area under

See area under ROC curves (AUC)

ROC curves, comparing 38

for ordinal predictors 63–66

Lehmann family of ROC curves 79

paired vs. unpaired data 38–39

%ROC macro 24–25, 103

comparing empirical curves 39–42, 64–65

CONTRAST variable 39–40

empirical curves with ordinal markers 56–57

ROC points 54–55

See also ordinal predictors

%ROCPLOT macro 20


SAS Enterprise Miner 109–118

GPLOT procedure with exported data 116–118

leaves 114

nodes 111, 114

ROC curves for competing models 113–116

ROC curves for single model 111–113

terminal nodes 114

SCORE statement, LOGISTIC procedure 100

OUTROC= option 101

self-prediction 96

semi-parametric ROC curves 68

sensitivity 7–8

calculating with FREQ procedure 9–12

confidence intervals for 10–12

plotting against specificity 18–19

ROC curves with censored data 82–83

single binary predictor 5–14

for reporting on continuous predictor 25–26

frost forecast (example) 5–6

reasons for emphasizing 95

single continuous predictor 15–35, 97–98

dichotomizing 15–18

Lehmann family of ROC curves 67–80

reasons for emphasizing 95

reporting on, with binary predictor 25–26

ROC curve for 18–20

single model, ROC curves for 111–113

SLE option, MODEL statement 97

slope 27

SLS option, MODEL statement 97

smoothing ROC curves 26

Somer's D statistic 23–24

specificity 7–8

calculating with FREQ procedure 9–10, 13

confidence intervals for 10–12

plotting against sensitivity 18–19

ROC curves with censored data 82–83

split-sample estimates of ROC curves 96, 99–102

area under curves 100–102

LOGISTIC procedure for 100–102

resubstitution estimates vs. 102

stratified splits 99

stepwise selection 97–98

stratified splits 99

SURVEYSELECT procedure 34–35

METHOD= option 34

OUT= option 34

OUTHITS= option 34–35

survival models 82–83

SUV (standardized uptake value) 16–17

binormal curve 26–27

dichotomizing 17

histograms 16, 17


TABLE statement, FREQ procedure 23

MEASURES option 23

NOPRINT option 23

%TDROC macro 86–88

terminal nodes (SAS Enterprise Miner) 114

threshold, continuous predictor 25–26

TIME statement, LIFETEST procedure 83

TNR (true negative rate)

See specificity

TPR (true positive rate)

See sensitivity

TRANSREG procedure 30–32, 43

trapezoidal rule 21–22

true negative rate (TNR)

See specificity

true negatives (TN) 6, 9

true positive rate (TPR)

See sensitivity

true positives (TP) 6, 9

two-sample t tests 38


U-statistics 39

UNIVARIATE procedure for SUV histograms 16

unpaired data 38–39

comparing binormal ROC curves 46

comparing empirical ROC curves 41–42


validation 96

bootstrap-validated estimates of ROC curves 96, 106–107

cross-validation estimates of ROC curves 96, 102–106

leave-one-out validation 96, 102–104

resubstitution estimates of ROC curves 96, 97–99, 102, 104

split-sample estimates of ROC curves 96, 99–102


Wald test 12, 79

weather forecasting examples 1, 5–6


%XVAL macro 104–105

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