
1st and 2nd Curtain Sync modes, 175–176

8-bit vs. 14-bit images, 29

35mm equivalent focal lengths, 33


action photography, 85–102

annotated example of, 86–87

assignments on shooting, 102

composing shots in, 100–101

continuous drive mode for, 96–97

conveying motion in, 98–99

depth of field in, 92–93

direction of travel in, 88

ISO setting and, 90–91

manual focus for, 94

Servo AF mode for, 95

shutter speed and, 71, 73, 88–89, 90

speed of subject in, 88–89

subject-to-camera distance in, 89

tips for shooting, 100–101

See also motion; sports photography

Adobe Photoshop, 156

Adobe Photoshop Elements, 152

AE Lock feature, 45, 112, 127

AF Frame area, 10, 112, 113, 143

AF Frame Selector button, 11, 112, 116

AF-assist Beam, 167

AF-Point Zoom feature, 113

angles, 187

animal photography

Pets scene mode, 56

wildlife shots, 75, 77

Aperture Priority (Av) mode, 75–79

assignment on using, 83

flash sync speeds in, 170

isolating subjects using, 92–93

low-light photography and, 167

macro photography and, 75, 76, 207

portrait photography and, 108–109

setting up and shooting in, 79

situations for using, 75–79

aperture settings

action photography and, 90

depth of field and, 40, 42, 75

exposure and, 38, 39–40

f-stops and, 78

limited range of, 43

portrait photography and, 108–109

prioritizing, 75

telephoto shots and, 34

Aquarium scene mode, 57

architectural photography, 75, 78

audio recording, 45

Auto Exposure (AE) Lock feature, 45, 112, 127

Auto Exposure Bracketing (AEB) mode, 156, 206

Auto Flash mode, 169

Auto ISO setting, 9

Auto ISO Shift option, 165

Auto mode, 52, 62, 207

Auto white balance setting, 12, 136

autofocus (AF) modes, 9–11

autofocus system, 9–11, 14

Automatic shooting modes, 12, 13, 49–63

accessing, 49

assignments on using, 62–63

Auto mode, 52, 62, 207

limitations of, 61

Low Light mode, 59, 63, 162

Quick Shot mode, 60

Scene modes, 53–58

See also Creative shooting modes

Av mode. See Aperture Priority (Av) mode

A/V Out port, 46


Baake, Thomas, 24


blurring, 42, 92, 108, 109

isolating subjects from, 42

portrait, 123

back-of-camera features, 3

backup battery, 5

backup memory card, 6

battery, charging, 5

battery level indicator, 5

Beach scene mode, 56

black and white portraits, 114

blinkies, 16, 82, 137, 144


background, 42, 92, 108, 109

motion, 40, 41, 99, 102


exposure, 157, 204–206, 212

focus, 206

brightness, 146

buffer, 97

built-in flash, 168–171, 178

“bull’s eye” composition, 146


cable release, 167

camera shake, 17

Canon PowerShot G10/G11

features illustration, 2–4

firmware updates, 28

Flickr Gallery, xiv

properly holding, 17

Canon Speedlight 430EX II flash, 177

Canon web site, 28

catchlight, 117

Center-Weighted metering mode, 111

charging the battery, 5


scene mode for shooting, 56

shooting at their level, 125

clipping, 18

close-up photography

portraits and, 126

See also macro photography

clouds in photos, 139–140

Cloudy setting, 12, 136

color composition, 188, 189

color temperatures, 11–12, 141

colorcast, 141

composition, 181–194

action photo, 100–101

angles and, 187

annotated example of, 182–183

assignments on, 194

color and, 188, 189

contrast and, 190–191

creating depth through, 148

depth of field and, 184–185

framing and, 192–193

landscape, 145–148

leading lines and, 191

patterns and, 188, 189

point of view and, 187–188

portrait, 118–126

rule of thirds and, 146, 147, 192

compression, 7, 29

Continuous AF mode, 10

continuous drive mode, 96–97


i-Contrast feature and, 208–209

image composition and, 190–191

cool colors, 141

Creative shooting modes, 12, 65–83

Aperture Priority mode, 75–79

assignments on using, 83

how to use, 82

Manual mode, 79–81

Program mode, 68–70

Shutter Priority mode, 70–75

white balance and, 13

See also Automatic shooting modes

crop factor, 33

cropping images, 123, 149, 150

Custom white balance settings, 12


Day Light setting, 12, 136

deleting images, 17

depth, creating, 148

depth of field

aperture settings and, 40, 42, 75

composition and, 184–185

hyper focal distance and, 141–142, 157

landscapes and, 132, 141–142

motion and, 92–93

portraits and, 108, 127

telephoto setting and, 34, 157

wide-angle setting and, 157

Digital Photo Professional software, 30

digital zoom, 36–37

enabling, 36–37

turning off, 37

Diopter Adjustment Dial, 14

Display button, 15, 146

distance compression, 34

distortion, 119

drive modes, 96–97

dynamic range, 29


Eddings, Bob, 183

environmental portraits, 118–119

Evaluative metering mode, 110, 111, 200

exposure, 37–40

bracketing, 157, 204–206, 212

calculating, 38–40

factors of, 38

histograms of, 18–19

long, 71, 72, 167–168

manual, 80, 81

reciprocal, 39–40

video, 44–45

Exposure Compensation feature, 82, 110, 137–139, 144

See also Flash Exposure Compensation feature

Exposure Triangle, 38

exposure value (EV), 37–38

external flash, 177


catchlight in, 117

red-eye reduction, 173–174


Face AiAF mode, 116

Face Detection focusing, 115–116

Face Select mode, 116

FaceSelf-Timer option, 165

“fake” panoramas, 149–150

features illustration for Canon PowerShot G10/G11, 2–4

back-of-camera features, 3

front-of-camera features, 2

top-of-camera features, 4

fill flash, 117–118


Neutral Density, 144–145

Wind, 45

fireworks, 56, 166

Fireworks scene mode, 56

firmware updates, 28, 47

First Curtain Sync mode, 175–176

flare, lens, 202–203


auto vs. manual, 169

built-in, 168–171, 178

external, 177

fill, 117–118

metering, 171

red-eye reduction, 173–174

reflections from, 177

setting options for, 168–169

synchronization, 170, 171, 174–176

Flash Exposure Compensation feature, 172–173

See also Exposure Compensation feature

Flash Exposure (FE) Lock feature, 171

Flash Mode option, 169

Flash setting, 12

FlexiZone mode, 10–11, 20

Flickr Gallery, xiv

Fluorescent H setting, 12

Fluorescent setting, 12

focal lengths, 31–37

35mm equivalent, 33

middle range, 33

for portraits, 120

telephoto, 31, 34, 35

wide-angle, 31, 32

Focus Check display, 16, 94

focus modes

assignments on, 20, 102

autofocus, 9–11

Continuous AF, 10

Face Detection, 115–116

FlexiZone, 10–11

Focus-BKT, 206

manual, 14, 20, 94, 102, 143, 153, 166

Servo AF, 95

setting, 10

Single AF, 9–10


for action photography, 94–95

for landscape photography, 141–143

for low-light photography, 166–167

for portraits, 112–113, 115–116

for video recording, 44

focusing system, 9–11, 14

Foliage scene mode, 57–58

Format screen, 27

formatting memory cards, 26–28, 47

framing images, 121, 123, 126, 192–193

front-of-camera features, 2

f-stops, 39, 40, 78

See also aperture settings


Grid Lines option, 146

Griggs, Jodie, 86


handholding your camera, 17, 20, 162, 178

High Capacity (SDHC) cards, 26

high dynamic range (HDR) images, 154–157

high-key images, 139

Highlight Alert feature, 82, 137, 144


displaying, 16, 82

value of using, 18–19

Hold setting, 15

horizon line, 146, 147, 192

hyper focal distance (HFD), 141–142, 157


i-Contrast feature, 208–209

Image Erase button, 17

image formats, 29–31

JPEG, 6–7, 29

RAW, 29–30

RAW + JPEG, 31

image quality settings, 7–8

image stabilization (IS) feature, 133, 162, 164, 165


cropping, 123, 149, 150

deleting, 17

framing, 121, 123, 126, 192–193

high dynamic range, 154–157

high-key vs. low-key, 139

process of viewing, 146, 147

resolution of, 30

reviewing, 15–16

tack sharp, 141

Indoor scene mode, 56

interpolation, 36, 37

ISO setting

action photos and, 90–91

adjusting as you shoot, 91

Automatic shooting modes and, 61

exposure and, 38, 39, 40

landscape photos and, 134–135

low-light situations and, 162, 163, 165, 178

noise and, 9, 134–135

Program mode and, 68

selecting, 8–9

starting points for, 69


JPEG format, 6–8

quality settings, 7–8

RAW + JPEG option, 31

reasons for using, 29


Kids & Pets scene mode, 56


landscape photography, 129–157

annotated example of, 130–131

assignments on shooting, 157

bracketing exposures in, 157

composition in, 145–148

creating depth in, 148

depth of field in, 132, 141–142, 157

exposure compensation for, 137–139, 144

focusing for, 141–143

HDR images and, 154–157

hyper focal distance and, 141–142, 157

ISO settings for, 134–135

panoramas and, 149–154

rule of thirds in, 146, 147, 157

scene mode for, 54, 62

sunrise/sunset times for, 139–140

tripods used for, 132–133, 141, 143

waterfall shots in, 143–145

white balance settings for, 136–137

Landscape scene mode, 54, 62

LCD display

reviewing photos in, 15–16, 20

reviewing videos in, 46

zooming in on, 94

leading lines, 191

lens, 31–37

assignment on exploring, 47

digital zoom, 36–37

mid-range setting, 33

telephoto setting, 31, 34, 35, 157

wide-angle setting, 31, 32, 157

zoom control, 34

See also focal lengths

lens flare, 202–203

light meters, 80, 81


portrait photography and, 124, 127

red-eye reduction and, 174

See also flash; low-light photography; sunlight

long exposures, 71, 72, 167–168, 178

lossless compression, 29

lossy compression, 7

Low Level Format option, 27–28

Low Light mode, 59, 63, 162

low-key images, 139

low-light photography, 159–179

annotated example of, 160–161

assignments on shooting, 178–179

Automatic mode for, 59, 63, 162

built-in flash for, 168–171

external flash for, 177

flash compensation for, 172–173

flash sync modes for, 175–176

focusing for, 166–167

image stabilization for, 162, 164, 165

ISO levels for, 162, 163, 165

long exposures for, 167–168

Night Scene mode for, 56

red-eye reduction in, 173–174

self-timer used for, 165

shutter speeds for, 170, 171

Slow Synchro feature for, 174–175

luminance histogram, 18


Macro mode, 207–208

macro photography, 207–208

annotated example of, 198–199

aperture priority mode for, 75, 76, 207

assignment on shooting, 212

Maisel, Jay, 181

Manual Flash mode, 169

manual focus (MF) mode, 14, 20, 94, 102, 143, 153, 166

Manual (M) mode, 79–81

assignment on using, 83

flash sync speeds in, 170

panoramas shot in, 152–153

setting up and shooting in, 80

situations for using, 80

megapixels (MP), 30

memory cards, 26–28

backup, 6

choosing, 26

formatting, 26–28, 47

warning on missing, 6

Messersmith, Jan, 130

metering modes, 110–111

AE Lock feature and, 112

assignment on choosing, 127

Center-Weighted, 111

Evaluative, 110, 111, 200

FE Lock feature and, 171

Spot, 110, 111, 200–202

microphone, 45

Millan, Manolo, 106

mirror reflections, 185

monochrome images, 114


assignments on shooting, 102

continuous drive mode for, 96–97

depth of field and, 92–93

example of shooting, 86–87

shutter speed and, 40, 41, 71, 73, 88–89, 90

techniques for conveying, 98–99, 102

tips for shooting, 100–101

See also action photography

motion blur, 40, 41, 99, 102

.mov files, 46

Movie mode, 43

multiple-image panoramas, 150–154

shooting properly for, 152–153

sorting your shots for, 154

Stitch Assist mode for, 151

My Colors setting, 114

My Menu function, 210–211


natural light, 127

Neutral Density filter, 144–145

Night Scene mode, 56

Night Snapshot mode, 55, 63, 170

nighttime photography. See low-light photography

“No memory card” message, 6

noise, 9, 134–135


overexposure warning, 82, 137


panning, 98, 102

panoramas, 149–154

creating “fake,” 149–150

multiple-image, 150–154

shooting properly for, 152–153

sorting your shots for, 154

Stitch Assist mode for, 151

patterns, 188, 189

Pets scene mode, 56

Photomatix Pro, 156

photos. See images

Photoshop, 156

Photoshop Elements, 152

pixel resolution, 30

Playback button, 15, 46

point of view, 187–188

portrait orientation, 121

Portrait scene mode, 53, 62, 108

portraits, 105–127

AE Lock feature for, 112

annotated example of, 106–107

Aperture Priority mode for, 108–109

assignments on shooting, 127

backgrounds for, 123

black and white, 114

composition of, 118–126

depth of field in, 108, 127

environmental, 118–119

face detection for, 115–116

fill flash for, 117–118

focal length for, 120

focusing for, 112–113, 115–116

lighting for, 124

metering modes for, 110–111, 127

scene mode for, 53, 62, 108

tips for shooting, 118–126

prefabricated effects, 61

Program (P) mode, 68–70

assignment on using, 83

flash sync speed in, 170

Safety Shift feature vs., 95

setting up and shooting in, 69–70

situations for using, 68–69


quality settings

JPEG, 7–8

video, 44

viewing, 15

Quick Shot mode, 60


RAW format, 29–30

advice for shooting in, 30

Automatic shooting modes and, 61

HDR images and, 156

RAW + JPEG option, 31

reasons for using, 29–30

reciprocal exposures, 39–40

Recording (Rec) indicator, 43

Red-Eye Correction feature, 174

Red-Eye Lamp, 173–174, 179


eliminating flash on glass, 177

photographing, 185, 186


image, 30

video, 44

reviewing photos, 15–16

assignment on, 20

display modes for, 15–16

histograms used in, 16, 18–19

time setting for, 15

zooming in for, 94

reviewing videos, 46

rule of thirds, 146, 147, 157, 192


Safety Shift feature, 95

Safety Zoom feature, 37

Scene modes, 53–58

Aquarium, 57

Beach, 56

Fireworks, 56

Foliage, 57–58

Indoor, 56

Kids & Pets, 56

Landscape, 54

Night Scene, 56

Night Snapshot, 55

Portrait, 53, 108

Snow, 56

Sports, 54–55

Stitch Assist, 151

Sunset, 56

Underwater, 57

SCN setting, 49

Second Curtain Sync mode, 175–176, 179

Secure Digital (SD) memory cards, 26

self-timer, 165

Servo AF mode, 95

Set button, 46


fill flash for reducing, 117–118

shady spots for softening, 122

sharpening photos, 29–30

sharpness of images, 146

shooting modes. See Automatic shooting modes; Creative shooting modes

Shutter Priority (Tv) mode, 70–75

action photos and, 71, 73, 90–91

assignment on using, 83

flash sync speeds in, 170

setting up and shooting in, 74–75

situations for using, 71–74

shutter speed

explanation of, 71

exposure and, 38, 39–40

flash synchronization and, 170, 171

handheld cameras and, 162, 178

motion and, 40, 41, 71, 73, 88–89, 90

prioritizing, 70–75

waterfall photos and, 143–144

silhouetted subjects, 80, 81

silky waterfall effect, 71, 143–145

Single AF mode, 9–10

Single Shot drive mode, 96


exposure compensation for, 138

sunrise/sunset photos of, 139–140, 202

Slow Synchro option, 169, 174–175

Snow scene mode, 56

sound recording, 45

Special Scene Mode (SCN) setting, 49

Speedlight 430EX II flash, 177

splitting the frame, 192

sports photography, 85

annotated example of, 86–87

continuous shooting mode for, 96–97

conveying motion in, 98–99

focus modes used for, 94–95

isolating subjects in, 92

scene mode for, 54–55, 62

stopping motion in, 90–91

tips for shooting, 100–101

See also action photography

Sports scene mode, 54–55, 62

Spot metering mode, 110, 111, 200–202

assignment on using, 212

setting up and shooting in, 200–201

situations for using, 200, 202

Stitch Assist mode, 151

stops. See aperture settings; f-stops


lens flare from, 202–203

portrait photography and, 122, 124, 127

sunny 16 rule, 39

sunrise/sunset photos, 56, 130–131, 139–140, 202, 212

Sunset scene mode, 56

synchronized flash, 170, 171, 174–176


tack sharp images, 141

telephoto setting, 31, 34, 35, 102, 157

Time Value (Tv) mode, 70

tonemapping process, 154

top-of-camera features, 4

trash bin, 17


focusing using, 143

HDR images and, 154

image stabilization and, 133

landscape photos and, 132–133, 141, 143

low light photos and, 167

macro photos and, 207

stability of, 132

Tungsten setting, 12, 136, 137

TV connections, 46

Tv mode. See Shutter Priority (Tv) mode


Uchiyama, Hiroyuki, 67

Underwater scene mode, 57

Underwater white balance setting, 12

updating the firmware, 28, 47


Van Leeuwen, Justin, 50

video ports, 46

video recording, 43–46

assignment on, 47

audio input setting for, 45

exposure setting for, 44–45

focusing for, 44

quality settings, 44

reviewing recorded videos, 46

starting/stopping, 43

viewfinder diopter, 14


warm colors, 141

watching recorded videos, 46

waterfall photos, 71, 143–145

web sites

Canon support, 28

Flickr Gallery, xiv

white balance settings, 11–13

assignment on using, 20

Automatic shooting modes and, 61

choices available for, 12

color temperatures and, 11–12

landscape photos and, 136–137

steps for selecting, 13

wide-angle setting, 31, 32

action photos and, 101, 102

depth of field and, 157

“fake” panoramas and, 149

portraits and, 118–119

wildlife photography, 75, 77

Wind Filter setting, 45


zoom, 31

controlling, 34

digital, 36–37

middle range, 33

safety, 37

telephoto, 31, 34, 35

wide-angle, 31, 32

Zoom lever, 34, 94

zooming the LCD display, 94

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