Chapter 4
Virtualization Practicum
4.1 Chapter Overview
In this chapter, we are going to download and install the Sun VirtualBox
product. Then, we will show you how to install and configure it. Next, we
will add a virtual operating environment on top of your existing operating
system. The beauty of virtualization solutions is that you can run multiple
operating systems simultaneously on a single computer. To really understand
how powerful an ability that is, you need to see it for yourself. The following
illustration shows a draft version of this chapter being written on an Open-
Solaris virtual guest operating system running on Windows XP host.
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104 Cloud Computing
4.2 Downloading Sun xVM VirtualBox
This practicum will provide you with some guided hands-on experience and
help you gain confidence in using virtualization technologies. To begin, the
first thing to do is to
download the Sun VirtualBox product.
To do this,
you need to open a browser and go to the web site
where you will see this page:
Choose the type of download file that is most suitable to the operating
system you are using and download the product. Save the file—in Microsoft
Windows, you will be prompted to save the file from the
File Download –
Security Warning
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Downloading Sun xVM VirtualBox 105
and you will be shown a
Save As
file selection dialog to
choose where you wish to save the downloaded file. The dialog box should
look like this:
Select a location for the file to be saved to and click the
button to
continue. The download status dialog will appear:
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106 Cloud Computing
4.3 Installing Sun xVM VirtualBox
Once the download has completed, you must locate the file wherever you
saved it and execute the installer. If you are not using a Microsoft operating
system, the procedure for executing the installer will be slightly different
than what is shown here. Regardless of which non-Microsoft operating sys-
tem you may be using, launch the installer according to your specific oper-
ating systems instructions. The VirtualBox installation can be started from a
Windows environment by double-clicking on its Microsoft Installer archive
(MSI file) or by entering this command from the prompt of a command-
line interface:
msiexec /i VirtualBox.msi
The figure below shows the highlighted selection of the Sun VirtualBox
(Windows version) installer from the root of the D: drive.
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Installing Sun xVM VirtualBox 107
Using just the standard settings, VirtualBox will be installed for all
users on the local system. If this is not what you want, it is necessary to
invoke the installer from a command-line prompt as follows:
msiexec /i VirtualBox.msi ALLUSERS=2
Executing the installer in this fashion will install VirtualBox for the cur-
rent user only.
Once the installer begins executing, the first thing you will see is the
installation welcome dialog, which looks like this:
Next >
to continue on to the
End-User License Agreement
(EULA), as shown below. In order to proceed, you must accept this agree-
ment to use the product. Click the
Next >
button to continue.
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