Chapter Summary 233
product and API documentation, videos, Dimdim support policies, sup-
ported platforms, and open source support links can also be found on the
support site.
8.8 Chapter Summary
This chapter provided an overview of end-user access to cloud computing.
We first talked about key trends we believe will drive collaboration further
into the cloud environment. We chose five significant entities to present you
with an overview of the types and levels of capability available in the cloud
today—things you can use now. YouTube, an online video repository, has an
amazing hold on the global audience. Collaboration suites such as Zimbra
both enhance mobility and allow you to maintain a virtual office in the
cloud. Social networking with Facebook has become very popular, especially
in academic settings. Zoho is a SaaS vendor to watch. Backed by Google,
Zoho offers something for everyone. Finally, for presentations and online
sharing, Dimdim is a good choice. With the vast amount of free, open
source software available from the cloud, is it any wonder technology is out-
pacing our ability to keep up? In the next chapter, we will discuss how the
new mobile virtualization technologies are improving our ability to interact
at all levels. Page 233 Friday, May 22, 2009 11:28 AM Page 234 Friday, May 22, 2009 11:28 AM
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