Appendix B 295
All right, I’ve heard enough. Youve caught my interest
about this cloud computing initiative. Murray and Jim,
I’ll have my admin set up a follow-on meeting of the
three of us, and I want a draft proposal put together along
with answers to further questions that I have that will fol-
low with the invite. Does anyone else have anything they
want to contribute to this discussion? If not, I think we
should move on this as Jim has proposed. Danny and Jim
should take some time to go over the sandboxed solution
and make sure it can do what we need before we jump in.
Yeah, I’d like to see this dashboard thing as soon as possi-
Any savings we can get in cost cutting will help—believe
Thanks, everyone. I’ll set it up and send each of you an
email to coordinate a showing after Danny and I have
had a walk-through with it.
And so it goes, all across corporate America. The point of this Appen-
dix is to show you that the same kinds of questions you would ask are the
ones the execs in the board rooms also ask. No person likes change for the
sake of change, least of all when it can have a impact on employees and
revenue streams. With nearly fifty years of combined management experi-
ence between the authors, we can assure you that this meeting only opened
the door. The proof of the pudding will be when Jim and Danny have the
sit-down and Danny sees how good or bad the proposed solution actually
is. Jim knows that Danny wont give carte blanche to a solution without
trying to get what he sees as the best he can for his team. Just corporate
politics, folks.
Jim knows that Linda walked away from the meeting feeling great
hope because he knows how backlogged her department is and how useful
this solution can be. Jim thinks this might be a good time to visit her office
later today and circle wagons. Murray is easy—if it saves money, he’ll go for
it. As long as profits go up and costs go down, he’ll be happy. After the
quarter ends, Susan will be pleased with the savings showing real numbers.
That’s shareholder value, and the board of directors likes to see such posi-
tive changes. Jim knows all of this and has held back the best part of this
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296 Cloud Computing
solution—it’s only the tip of the iceberg, and more savings can be had from
the cloud solution. He thinks to himself, “Wait till I spring VoIP on them!”
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