Chapter 6
Security in the Cloud
Chapter Overview
As discussed at the beginning of this book, cloud service providers are lever-
aging virtualization technologies combined with self-service capabilities for
computing resources via the Internet. In these service provider environ-
ments, virtual machines from multiple organizations have to be co-located
on the same physical server in order to maximize the efficiencies of virtual-
ization. Cloud service providers must learn from the managed service pro-
vider (MSP) model and ensure that their customers’ applications and data
are secure if they hope to retain their customer base and competitiveness.
Today, enterprises are looking toward cloud computing horizons to expand
their on-premises infrastructure, but most cannot afford the risk of compro-
mising the security of their applications and data. For example, IDC
recently conducted a survey
(see Figure 6.1) of 244 IT executives/CIOs
and their line-of-business (LOB) colleagues to gauge their opinions and
understand their companies’ use of IT cloud services. Security ranked first
as the greatest challenge or issue of cloud computing.
This chapter identifies current security concerns about cloud comput-
ing environments and describes the methodology for ensuring application
and data security and compliance integrity for those resources that are mov-
ing from on-premises to public cloud environments. More important, this
discussion focuses on why and how these resources should be protected in
the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Infra-
structure-as-a-Service (IaaS) environments and offers security “best prac-
tices” for service providers and enterprises that are in or are contemplating
1. http://cloudsecurity.org/2008/10/14/biggest-cloud-challenge-security, retrieved 21 Feb
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154 Cloud Computing
moving into the cloud computing space. First, let’s review the concepts of
the three major cloud computing service provider models.
is a model of software deployment in which an
application is licensed for use as a service provided to customers on demand.
On-demand licensing and use relieves the customer of the burden of equip-
ping a device with every application to be used.
Gartner predicts that 30%
of new software will be delivered via the SaaS model by 2010.
is an outgrowth of the SaaS application deliv-
ery model. With the PaaS model, all of the facilities required to support the
complete life cycle of building and delivering web applications and services
are available to developers, IT managers, and end users entirely from the
Internet, without software downloads or installation. PaaS is also some-
times known as “cloudware.” PaaS offerings include workflow facilities for
application design, application development, testing, deployment, and
hosting, as well as application services such as team collaboration, web ser-
vice integration and marshalling, database integration, security, scalability,
storage, persistence, state management, application versioning, application
Figure 6.1 Results of IDC survey ranking security challenges.
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_as_a_service.
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Chapter Overview 155
instrumentation, and developer community facilitation. These services are
provisioned as an integrated solution over the web.
is the delivery of computer infrastructure
(typically a platform virtualization environment) as a service. These “virtual
infrastructure stacks”
are an example of the everything-as-a-service trend
and share many of the common characteristics. Rather than purchasing
servers, software, data center space, or network equipment, clients buy these
resources as a fully outsourced service. The service is typically billed on a
utility computing basis, and the quantity of resources consumed (and there-
fore the cost) typically reflects the level of activity. It is an evolution of web
hosting and virtual private server offerings.
Inspired by the IT industrys move toward SaaS, in which software is
not purchased but rented as a service from providers,
is being proposed to take this concept further, to bring the service
model right to your IT infrastructure. The modern IT organization must
run itself as a separate operation and become more strategic in operational
decisions. Many organizations are in the process of transforming their IT
departments into self-sustaining cost-center operations, treating internal
users as if they were customers.
This transformation is not trivial and usually involves elements of
project portfolio management, workflow reengineering, and process
improvement. The transformation can take several years to be completed.
Many large IT organizations have adopted the Information Technology
Infrastructure Library (ITIL) framework to help with this transformation.
Organizations can harness their help desks, avoid downtime resulting
from unauthorized changes, and deliver better service to their internal
customers simply by adopting best practices for managing service
requests, changes, and IT assets. The adoption of IT-as-a-Service can help
enterprise IT functions focus on strategic alignment with business goals.
However, if efforts in this direction are poorly implemented, organiza-
tions risk further alienating their technical support staff from the rest of
the organization—turning them into order takers for the enterprise rather
than business advisers. When it is done properly, a customer-centric IT
3. http://blogs.zdnet.com/Hinchcliffe/?p=166&tag=btxcsim; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
4. http://www.cbronline.com/article_feature.asp?guid=E66B8BF0-43BB-4AB1-9475-
5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IaaS.
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156 Cloud Computing
department increases productivity, drives up project success rates, and cre-
ates a higher profile for technology within the organization.
While enterprises cope with defining the details of cloud computing,
the single, unifying theme is
. Cloud computing, on-demand applica-
tions, and managed security are now perceived as part of an emerging ITaaS
paradigm. Current industry buzz seems to reinforce the message that signif-
icant investments of capital, time, and intellectual resources are indeed
being directed toward offering next-generation information and communi-
cation technology (ICT) infrastructure, which may allow enterprises to out-
source IT completely and confidently. Only time will tell if ITaaS is really
on the edge of enterprise adoption. Many in the industry believe that the
advent of developer platforms designed for the cloud will hasten this transi-
tion and, as a result, fewer enterprises will need to deploy middleware to
manage patchwork-implemented business applications, legacy or otherwise.
Infrastructure vendors are also jumping on this bandwagon. Amazon has
been a pioneer, with the release of Amazon S3 (Storage-as-a-Service). With
the maturation of virtualization technologies, the adoption of virtual infra-
structure and storage-on-demand services will accelerate along with the
SaaS model.
There are some key financial benefits in moving to an ITaaS model,
such has not having to incur capital costs; having a transparent, monthly
pricing plan; scalability; and reasonable costs of expansion. Operational
benefits of ITaaS include increased reliability because of a centralized infra-
structure, which can ensure that critical services and applications are moni-
tored continually; software flexibility, with centrally maintained products
that allow for quick rollout of new functionalities and updates; and data
security, since company data can be stored on owner-managed premises and
backed up using encryption to a secure off-site data center.
Another service that is being discussed as we are writing this book is the
concept of
Anything-as-a-Service (XaaS),
which is also a subset of cloud
computing. XaaS broadly encompasses a process of activating reusable soft-
ware components over the network. The most common and successful
example is Software-as-a-Service. The growth of “as-a-service” offerings has
been facilitated by extremely low barriers to entry (they are often accessible
for free or available as recurring charges on a personal credit card). As a
result, such offerings have been adopted by consumers and small businesses
well before pushing into the enterprise space. All “as-a-service” offerings
share a number of common attributes, including little or no capital expen-
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Chapter Overview 157
diture since the required infrastructure is owned by the service provider,
massive scalability, multitenancy, and device and location independence
allowing consumers remote access to systems using nearly any current avail-
able technology.
On the surface, it appears that XaaS is a potentially game-changing
technology that could reshape IT. However, most CIOs still depend on
internal infrastructures because they are not convinced that cloud comput-
ing is ready for prime time. Many contend that if you want real reliability,
you must write more reliable applications. Regardless of one’s view on the
readiness of cloud computing to meet corporate IT requirements, it cannot
be ignored. The concept of pay-as-you-go applications, development plat-
forms, processing power, storage, or any other cloud-enabled services has
emerged and can be expected to reshape IT over the next decade.
Other concerns plague IT executives. They fear their data wont be safe
in the hands of cloud providers and that they wont be able to manage cloud
resources effectively. They may also worry that the new technology will
threaten their own data centers and staff. Collectively, these fears tend to
hold back the cloud computing market that some perceive growing to
nearly $100 billion in the next decade.
Although there is a significant benefit to leveraging cloud computing,
security concerns have led organizations to hesitate to move critical
resources to the cloud. Corporations and individuals are often concerned
about how security and compliance integrity can be maintained in this new
environment. Even more worrying, however, may be those corporations
that are jumping into cloud computing that may be oblivious to the impli-
cations of putting critical applications and data in the cloud. This chapter
will answer the security concerns of the former and educate the latter.
Moving critical applications and sensitive data to public and shared
cloud environments is of great concern for those corporations that are mov-
ing beyond their data center’s network perimeter defense. To alleviate these
concerns, a cloud solution provider must ensure that customers will con-
tinue to have the same security and privacy controls over their applications
and services, provide evidence to customers that their organization and cus-
tomers are secure and they can meet their service-level agreements, and that
they can prove compliance to auditors.
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