Constructed Wetlands for Stormwater Treatment from Specific (Dutch) Industrial Surfaces

Floris Boogaard1,2, Johan Blom3 and Joost van den Bulk3

1Hanze University of Applied Sciences (Hanze UAS), Zernikeplein, Groningen, The Netherlands

2Department of Water Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

3Tauw bv, Handelskade, The Netherlands

23.1 Introduction

Constructed wetlands are one type of Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) that have been used for decades. They provide stormwater conveyance and improve stormwater quality. European regulations for water quality dictate lower concentrations for an array of dissolved pollutants. The increase in the ambitions of the removal efficiency for these systems on industrial areas requires a better understanding of the characteristics of stormwater and the functioning of constructed wetlands as SUDS.

For a detailed view on the achievements of constructed wetlands for stormwater on industrial sites, knowledge on stormwater quality and characteristics is essential as described in the next paragraphs:

  • Stormwater quality
  • Industrial stormwater quality
  • Fraction of pollutants attached to particles
  • Research on suspended solids
  • Particle size distribution.

The removal efficiency of constructed wetlands is considered in paragraph 23.2.4. Special attention is given to the Dutch situation as an example, since recent monitoring on the characteristics have led to an abundance of data on the quality and characteristics of stormwater and new insights on the treatability of stormwater.

23.2 Stormwater Characteristics

23.2.1 Stormwater Quality in Urban Areas

The stormwater quality of industrial areas is highly dependent on the activities at the industrial site and measures taken to prevent emissions. Not many measurements are published since companies are cautious about generating bad publicity. Basic knowledge of stormwater quality from surfaces in commercial and residential areas can give a quick insight regarding substances and concentrations that can be found in stormwater. In paragraph 23.2.2, special attention to concentrations from industrial areas is given, but must be regarded as a rough indication since the stormwater quality is highly dependent on the specific at the industrial site.

The quality and characteristics of stormwater can strongly differ per country, location and even between and during stormwater events [1]. International data of stormwater quality from USA, Australia, and Europe is given in Table 23.1.

Table 23.1 (Inter-)national stormwater quality data from residential areas [2].

DutchaUSA NSQDbEurope/Germany ATV DatabasecWorldwided
TKNmg N/L2.
TPmg P/L0.60.30.420.35

a[3] updated Dutch STOWA database (first version 3.1.2013, updated 2018) based on data monitoring projects in the Netherlands, residential and commercial areas, with n ranging from 26 (SS) to 684 (Zn);

b[4] NSQD monitoring data collected over nearly a ten-year period from more than 200 municipalities throughout the USA. The total number of individual events included in the database is 3.770 with most in the residential category (1.069 events);

c[5] ATV database, partly based on the US EPA nationwide urban runoff programme (NURP), with n ranging from 17 (TKN) to 178 (SS);

d[6] Typical pollutant concentrations based on review of worldwide [7] and Melbourne [8] data.

To give an indication of the content of databases, a short description of the Dutch stormwater quality database is given, one of the largest databases in the world. For the Dutch situation, research monitoring data was collected over a 15-year period (the earliest measurement in the database is from 1999) from more than 60 municipalities and over 200 locations throughout the country. The total number of individual events included in the database now is 8,300. The national database of all collected stormwater monitoring data allows for a scientific analysis of the data and information and recommendations for improving the quality monitoring. Each data set has gone through a quality assurance/quality control review based on reasonableness of data, extreme values, relationships among parameters, sampling methods and a review of the analytical methods [3].

Most data on the characterization of stormwater quality (contaminants concentration, particle size distribution of suspended sediment, fraction bound to suspended solids) was found by sampling stormwater during rainfall. Most of the samples were analyzed in certified laboratories according to standard methods and standard quality control/assurance procedures.

Preferably data from well-described stormwater research sites were used for the database (peer reviewed journals). In addition the following information was entered: Aim of the research, site descriptions (state, municipality, land use components), and sampling information (date, season, sampling method, sample type) with links to the original research reports and articles.

23.2.2 Industrial Stormwater Quality

Figure 23.1 shows stormwater concentrations from several industrial sites in the Netherlands. In this research, categories were separately analyzed according to national guidelines on environmental management. The categories are determined by emission of particles, odor, noise and possible risk for the surrounding area. Category 1 includes office buildings, Category 2 are areas with car showrooms, parking areas, garages. Category 3 includes industries dealing with construction and demolition waste or galvanizing. Categories 4, 5 and 6 are the most dangerous Categories with steel factories or oil refineries. Of course the data show a lot of variability within the different industries, but it was concluded that the categories could be a first indication of the stormwater quality from industrial sites. On most parameters, categories 1 and 2 are cleaner than the Category 3 and Categories 4, 5 and 6. Average concentrations of heavy metals such as nickel (Ni) and copper (Cu), and nutrients (Nkj) exceed the MAC (Maximum Acceptable Level) concentration and therefore treatment of the stormwater is advised.

Graphical illustration of stormwater quality from industrial areas.

Figure 23.1 Stormwater quality from industrial areas [4, 9].

23.2.3 Fraction of Pollutants Attached to Particles

Treatability of stormwater runoff by sedimentation depends on the degree of pollutants bound to particles. Distribution between dissolved and particle-bound pollution load can be determined by comparing the total concentration in samples with the filtered sample (0.45 µm).

Figure 23.2 shows the average values of pollutants bound to suspended solids in stormwater from roofs and roads in residential areas. The plus and minus give the range of the data values, which indicate a large variability in the ability of pollutants to bind to suspended solids. The dot gives the typical average value found throughout the world, which was taken from comparable international studies [10].

Graphical illustration of the distribution of pollutants in stormwater (90 samples from 25 locations).

Figure 23.2 Distribution of pollutants in stormwater (90 samples from 25 locations) [3].

From Figure 23.2, the pollutant behavior can be derived. Nutrients are less bound to particles than most of the heavy metals and PAH and, therefore, harder to retain than other contaminants. Within a certain pollutant group, such as metals, the individual pollutants have their own specific behavior. The average Dutch research results are similar to the average from international data [3]. Figure 23.2 also gives an indication of the maximum removal efficiency rate that can be achieved by using settlement devices. To get a detailed insight of the removal efficiency, knowledge of particle size distribution of suspended sediment in stormwater is required, in order to find out which particles can be captured by settlement facilities.

As heavy metals are bound in the order of 65% (lead up to 90%), a higher removal rate with settlement basins (removal only of suspended solids and not solved pollutants) should not be expected, but is rarely determined in the field. When an 80% removal rate is needed to achieve the WFD goal for copper, then it is unlikely that this quality standard will be achieved with sedimentation basins only since copper is bound for 65% (average) to suspended solids. Therefore, additional purification systems to filtration are needed, such as adsorption or phytoremediation of pollutants in sustainable urban drainage systems such as constructed wetlands. Information on the particle size distribution is also an important part for a detailed insight into treatability of stormwater. Particle Size Distribution

To obtain detailed information on the achievements of settlement and filtering of sustainable urban drainage systems, an examination of particle size distribution is advised. Measurements at several locations around the world were taken to determine the particle size distribution. The results are given in Figure 23.3. The particle size distribution highly varies with each different stormwater drainage location. To get a general idea; roughly half of the mass consists of particles smaller than 90 µm. These fine particles will hardly be removed by settlement facilities [11] and need filter or adsorption systems such as constructed wetlands.

Graphical illustration of particle size distributions observed around the world in stormwater.

Figure 23.3 Particle size distributions observed around the world in stormwater.

23.2.4 Removal Efficiency

The removal efficiency of constructed wetlands for stormwater derived from existing monitoring results differ from study to study, but are mostly within the ranges of international literature. Not many monitoring results of wetlands at specific industrial areas are available, but the removal efficiency is expected to be within this range as from residential and commercial surfaces.

If we compare Figure 23.4 with Figure 23.2 (distribution of pollutants in Dutch stormwater), we can see a correlation between the removal efficiency and the amount of bound particles. Nutrients are less bound to particles and have lower removal efficiency than heavy metals. The removal efficiency of constructed wetlands derived from existing monitoring results differ from study to study, but are mostly within the ranges of international literature.

Graphical illustration of expected removal efficiency on wetlands for stormwater.

Figure 23.4 Expected removal efficiency on wetlands for stormwater [12].

23.3 Best Management Practices of (Dutch) Wetlands at Industrial Sites

Most stormwater from industrial sites in the world will be transferred to the wastewater system treatment plant and finally directly to surface water. Wetlands can be implemented after the WWTP mostly referred to as ‘waterharmonicas’. A waterharmonica is a (natural) constructed wetland as well an ecological engineering solution for upgrading well-treated wastewater with relative low carbon loads. It is a special combination through a customized selection of constructed natural processes for: biological filtration by Daphnia, phototrophic processes in algae mats on reed stems, oxygenation during day time by water plants, introducing food chains, ecotoxicological aspects, natural and recreational values, water buffering, nutrient removal, etc. [13]. The waterharmonica can be found all over the world (Figure 23.5) with a high density in the Netherlands (total land area is only 41,543 km2).

Screenshot illustrations of mapped constructed wetlands ‘waterharmonicas’ around the world and the Netherlands.

Figure 23.5 Mapped constructed wetlands “waterharmonicas” around the world (left) and the Netherlands (right)

(source: https://www.climatescan.nl/#filter-23).

The Netherlands counts over 15 full scale waterharmonica applications for ecological upgrading of 1,000–40,000 m3/d treated wastewater, with five more currently under design (Figure 23.6). The Netherlands is mostly a “man-made country”, so not many natural wetlands are present. Therefore it has a high density of constructed wetlands without the relation to WWTP, i.e., wetlands that are used to purify water from different origins and surfaces that are expanded over the country (Figure 23.6).

Screenshot illustration of mapped constructed wetlands in the Netherlands for waste and stormwater.

Figure 23.6 Mapped constructed wetlands in The Netherlands for waste and stormwater

(source: https://www.climatescan.nl/#filter-9) [14].

In this paragraph, some unique constructed wetlands for stormwater purification at industrial sites are presented. They can be regarded as Best Management Practices (BMPs), since they stand out for being the biggest wetland, showing implementation of high removal permeable levees, or situated in the most polluted area in the Netherlands, in order to ensure the water quality of a closed water system of a park that is mainly used for recreation:

  1. Constructed wetland Amsterdam westergasfabriekterrein.
  2. Constructed wetland Oostzaan: multifunctional high removal efficient.
  3. Constructed wetland Hoogeveen, oude Diep.

Detailed information with videos, photos and research documents from these cases are available on the tool www.climatescan.nl. This tool is used for international knowledge exchange: available for all, and everybody is encouraged to add functioning SUDs as constructed wetlands to this public database [14].

23.3.1 Amsterdam Westergasfabriekterrein

In this paragraph, the horizontal wetland in Amsterdam in Westergasfabriekpark, namely, a closed water system in a park is discussed, this being one of the most polluted industrial sites of the Netherlands.

At the end of the 19th century, the Imperial Continental Gas Association (ICGA) built a gas factory complex in Amsterdam. By the time the factory shut down, the site was heavily polluted, making it difficult to find a new purpose for the area. The redevelopment of the site demanded an integral approach and much care was given to the (polluted) water system. The water system in this transformation from a “polluted no-go area” to a multifunctional park needed to be self-sufficient, in order to prevent spreading of polluted (ground-)water to the areas around it. In order to accomplish this goal, the water is stored and purified in a water system with constructed wetland. A small area is used as a bathing area, which is filled with drinking water [11]. The constructed wetland area is one of the key elements of the water system to purify the water in the park that is intensively used for recreation. The Westergasfabriek is regarded as a model for redevelopment, far beyond the Netherlands' borders (Figure 23.7).

Photo illustration of an example of horizontal wetland in Amsterdam in Westergasfabriekpark for closed system.

Figure 23.7 Example of horizontal wetland in Amsterdam in Westergasfabriekpark for closed system [11].

23.3.2 Constructed Wetland Oostzaan: Multifunctional High Removal Efficiency

In the industrial site Brombach in Oostzaan, a horizontal wetland is implemented. Unique is the end filtration step with Lava and Olivine (Mg,Fe2SiO4) before the water is discharged to the surface water. Doubt about the effluent quality from this industrial site was the main reason for the implementation of this high removal efficiency wetland (Table 23.2). The wetland is created as a multifunctional wetland to increase the value of the district for ecology and recreation, next to water storage and water quality improvement, and risk management of possible calamities at industrial sites (Figure 23.8).

Photo illustrations of an example of horizontal wetland with extra purification with Lava and Olivine.

Figure 23.8 Example of horizontal wetland with extra purification with Lava and Olivine (more photos and videos on: https://www.climatescan.nl/projects/101/detail [14]).

Table 23.2 Characteristics of the constructed wetland in Oostzaan.

Functions of wetland and storage at industrial area OostzaanStormwater purification, water storage, recreation and ecology
Connected industrial surface to wetland area68,700 m2
Maximum storage capacity3,400 m3
Length average180 m
Lowest height bottom wetlandNAP –1,2
Surface stormwater storage and wetland1,224 m2
Storage capacity wadi634 m3
Water level in surrounding surface water system(polder)Between NAP –1,43 until –1,46 m.
Dimensions of permeable treatment levee2.5 × 5 × 1.2 m
Material of permeable treatment leveeLava and Olivine ((Mg,Fe)2SiO4)
Involved stakeholdersMunicipality Oostzaan, Water authority Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier, consulting agency Tauw

23.3.3 Constructed Wetland Hoogeveen, Oude Diep

Stormwater from an industrial area is collected and treated in the horizontal flow constructed wetland. The stormwater is treated alongside surface water from an agricultural area. The total wetland area is 60,000 m2 (Figure 23.9).

Photo illustrations of an example of one of the largest horizontal flow wetlands in Hoogeveen.

Figure 23.9 Example of one of the largest horizontal flow wetlands in Hoogeveen; top view of the wetland (left), information of this wetland (right) (http://www.climatescan.nl/page?details=91).

The residence time of the water in the filter is not exactly known, but is estimated to be around 20 days. The main goal of the filter is the treatment of storm water and sewerage overflows to reduce the pollution of the surface water “Het Oude Diep”. From 2011 to 2016 the filter was monitored. Every month samples were taken and analyzed. The results are shown in Table 23.3. Note that horizontal flow constructed wetlands can show negative removal efficiencies due to: measurement method (grab samples), emissions from top soil layer or vegetation, feces from birds or other wildlife etc.

The resulting removal efficiencies of compartments 1 and 2 are shown in Figure 23.11.

The results show that the Hoogeveen filter mainly removes metals (aluminum, cobalt, copper, iron, nickel, lead, vanadium and zinc). The removal of nitrogen and phosphorus are low to negligible, but it has to be kept in mind that the sewerage overflows are not monitored effectively. The results are in general in line with international research results on removal efficiencies. As shown in Figure 23.4, nutrients are less bound to particles and in most cases have a lower removal efficiency than heavy metals. Note that the removal efficiency of constructed wetlands derived from existing monitoring results differ from study to study, but are mostly within the ranges of internationa lliterature.

Table 23.3 Monitoring results of influent and effluent Hoogeveen 2011–2016.

ParameterUnitInfluent compartment 1Influent compartment 2Effluent compartment 1 (influent compartment 3)Effluent compartment 2 (influent compartment 3)Effluent compartment 3Effluent standard used for the design (based on MKN / MTR in 2011)

23.3.4 Cost

The average monetary cost of implementation of vertical flow drainage wetlands are usually in the order of 50–100 €/m2 field area. A large part of the costs is used for the filling of the filter (1 m3/m2) and earth movement. Surface flow wetlands usually require much lower costs of implementation. Usually the costs are 10–20 €/m2 field area. The costs of the reeds are an important variable: 15 €/field area. The construction costs of several wetlands are described in Figure 23.10.

Graphical illustration of monitored construction costs of some wetlands in the Netherlands.

Figure 23.10 Monitored construction costs of some wetlands in the Netherlands [1].

The average cost of implementation of the vertical flow wetlands was in the order of 55 €/field area, in contrast to the cost of the surface flow wetlands (15 €/field area).

23.3.5 Choosing Best Location(s) of Wetlands on Industrial Areas

Since the stormwater of industrial areas can be polluted, constructed wetlands or other purification methods are implemented as end-of-the-pipe measures at drainage outlets. Surface flow of stormwater on the surfaces of the industrial sites should also be taken into account: at times of intensive rainfall (which will become more frequent due to climate change) or calamity situations during firefighting. These polluted surface stormwater flows can potentially be an environmental disaster to soil, groundwater and or surface water. In order to map these storm water flows, a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) or quick scan can be performed to select the right location(s) for a purification method such as constructed wetlands (Figure 23.12).

Graphical illustration of the removal efficiency of the constructed wetland at Hoogeveen.

Figure 23.11 Removal efficiency of the Constructed wetland at Hoogeveen.

Photo illustrations of a fire at Moerdijk (the Netherlands) leading to environmental disaster and a surface model at an industrial site to calculate the outflow of water during intensive rainfall or emission during calamities to locate the best locations for constructed wetlands.

Figure 23.12 Top: fire at Moerdijk (the Netherlands) leading to enviromental disaster. Bottom: surface model at industrial site to calculate the outlfow of water during intensive rainfall or emission during calamities to locate the best locations for constructed wetlands.

Most quick scans such as CLOUDS (Calamity Levels Of Urban Drainage systems) are based on only the following readily available data [15]:

  • Accurate DEM (Digital Elevation Model) with four points per square meter and a vertical accuracy of several centimeters; this provides an insight in the surface elevation.
  • GIS-map with houses, streets and waterways.

The resulting maps show the expected water depths for cloudbursts and the main stream lines of the above groundwater flow during intensive rainfalls or firefighting.

23.4 Innovation in Monitoring Wetlands

Most efficiency studies on wetlands look at inputs and outputs of the water quantity and quality as the main parameter for determining the removal efficiency or hydraulic capacity of wetlands. Two short examples are given in this paragraph as innovating monitoring methods on wetlands.

23.4.1 Innovative Determination of Long-Term Hydraulic Capacity of Wetlands

The hydraulic capacity and clogging of wetlands in the long-term are hardly monitored. A new innovating monitoring method to determine the hydraulic capacity of wetlands is full-scale testing. In such a test, a small constructed wetland or bioswales is filled with a certain amount of water, where the detention time is measured. A review of horizontal wetlands and wet bioswales that have been functioning in the Netherlands for more than 10 years showed that the hydraulic discharge and infiltration capacity can still be sufficient without maintenance (Figure 23.13). Most of the small horizontal wetlands and wet bioswales will treat the water within 1 day, emptying the storage capacity for a new stormwater event. In some cases, the construction is altered to induce the detention time when higher removal efficiency was needed.

Photo illustrations of full-scale testing of horizontal constructed wetland in Purmerend.

Figure 23.13 Full-scale testing of horizontal constructed wetland in Purmerend [2]. Reproduced with permission.

23.4.2 Innovating Monitoring of Removal Efficiency and Eco-Scan

When the removal efficiency needs to be improved, more knowledge-based systems are needed. In order to gain a better understanding of spatial issues in constructed wetlands (e.g., thickness of deposits and water quality parameters), an innovative monitoring tool can be applied to determine the water quality and, in addition, the ecological state of the wetlands. The tool is a semi-autonomous underwater drone (Figure 23.14). The drone is equipped with sensors for pressure (depth), temperature, conductivity, nitrate, ammonium, dissolved oxygen and turbidity. In addition to the data from the sensors, the drone can also collect video images, which are used for eco-scans. The ecoscans show detailed information on the development of organisms and vegetation in time from which positive and negative developments may be derived in order to optimize the constructed wetland. The 3D detailed information of water quality, instead of a single grab sample, shows an in-depth investigation of the wetland and possible improvement areas in the wetland.

Photo illustrations of aqua drones used for water quality and ecoscans as applied in Hoogeveen wetland.

Figure 23.14 Aqua drones used for water quality and ecoscans as applied in Hoogeveen wetland [16]. Reproduced with permission.

The underwater drone proved to be a cost-effective tool and gave a quick insight into the spatial variation of selected performance parameters. As a side effect, the drone provides video footage of the underwater ecology and biodiversity. These drones can be navigated to areas within the constructed wetland that are usually omitted in monitoring, thus extending the knowledge on the wetland.

23.5 Conclusions and Recommendations

23.5.1 Conclusions

Regarding the characteristics of stormwater quality and aims for removal efficiency for achieving water quality goals in Europe, purification methods based on only settling as the primarily treatment process, will not be able to achieve the required removal efficiencies. An additional stormwater treatment step with filtration or adsorption will be necessary such as that provided by constructed wetlands. The removal efficiency of constructed wetlands derived from existing monitoring results differs from study to study, but is mostly within the ranges of the international literature. Nearly all the results come from input–output studies.

The average monetary cost of implementation of vertical drainage wetlands were in the order of 55 €/field area in contrast to the cost of the horizontal wetlands (15 €/field area).

The hydraulic capacity and removal efficiency are in most cases not monitored because of the lack of budget. Cost-effective innovative monitoring can be acquired. Two examples are regarded in this chapter. Aquatic drones can be a cost-effective solution providing spatial variation of quality and video footage of biodiversity. The hydraulic capacity of small-scale constructed wetlands and bioswales can be monitored by full-scale testing. In the research it was found that there was a wide variation of the infiltration capacities, mostly leading to a detention time of less than 2 days.

Photo illustrations of inaccessible wetland in the UK with warning signs and augmented reality as an interactive communication tools to show the pros and cons of constructed wetlands.

Figure 23.15 Unaccessible wetland in UK with warning signs (left). Augmented reality as an interactive communication tools to show the pros and cons of constructed wetlands and get more engagement from stakeholders (right) [14]. Reproduced with permission.

23.5.2 Recommendations

  • In most cases the constructed wetlands were shown or perceived to be effective. Long-term performance, however, remains an issue. New guidelines should be set up for the design, implementation and maintenance for Dutch wetlands.
  • DEM models are advised that show the main stream lines of the above groundwater flow during intensive rainfalls or firefighting in order to choose wisely the location(s) of new constructed wetlands.
  • Good examples of BMPs are needed for international knowledge exchange (see BMPs of constructed wetlands on industrial areas in this chapter).
  • Use of interactive communication tools is recommended to show the benefits (and not highlighting only the risks) of constructed wetlands and to obtain more engagement from stakeholders (Figure 23.15).
  • Data and videos from constructed wetlands are available in an online tool (www.climatescan.nl). This tool is available for all, and everybody is encouraged to add functioning SUDs to this public database.


  1. 1 Boogaard FC, Lemmen G. Facts about the quality of stormwater. In Dutch: De feiten over de kwaliteit van afstromend regenwater), STOWA, 2007.
  2. 2 Boogaard FC. Stormwater characteristics and new testing methods for certain sustainable urban drainage systems in The Netherlands. Delft, 2015.
  3. 3 Boogaard F, van de Ven F, Langeveld J, van de Giesen N. Selection of SUDS based on storm water quality characteristics. Challenges. 2014; 5(1):112–122.
  4. 4 Pitt R. National Stormwater Quality Database (NSQD). Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alabama: Tuscaloosa, AL, USA, 2004.
  5. 5 Fuchs S, Brombach H, Wei BG. New Database on urban runoff pollution. 5th International Conference Sustainable Techniques and Strategies in Urban Water Management, Lyon, France, 6–10 June 2004, pp. 145–152.
  6. 6 Bratieres K, Fletcher TD, Deletic A, Zinger Y. Nutrient and sediment removal by storm water biofilters: A large-scale design optimisation study. Water Res. 2008; 42:3930–3940.
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  8. 8 Stone M, Marsalek J. Trace metal composition and speciation in street sediment. Water Air Soil Pollut. 1996; 87:149–168.
  9. 9 Boogaard F, van der Hulst W. Characteristics of stormwater on industrial areas. In Dutch: omgaan met hemelwater bij bedrijfs-en bedrijventerreinen, rapportnummer 2004-23, ISBN 90.5773.257.2, Stowa, Utrecht, 2004.
  10. 10 Walker D, Passfield F, Phillips S, Botting J, Pitrans H. Stormwater sediment properties and land use in Tea Tree Gully, South Australia. 17th AWWA Federal Convention, Melbourne, 1997.
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  14. 14 Boogaard F, Tipping J, Muthanna T, Duffy A, Bendall B, Kluck J. Available at https://www.climatescan.nl/uploads/projects/2111/files/231/icud2017%20websbased%20climatescan%20Boogaard%20Bendal%20Muthanna%20Duffy%20Kluck%20Tipping.pdf.Web-based international knowledge exchange tool on urban resilience and climate proofing cities: climatescan. 14th IWA/IAHR international conference on urban drainage (ICUD), (10-15) September 2017 Prague.
  15. 15 Kluck J, Boogaard FC, Goedbloed D, Claassen M. Storm water flooding Amsterdam, from a quick scan analyses to an action plan. International water week, Amsterdam, 2015.
  16. 16 de Lima RLP, Boogaard FC, de Graaf RE. Innovative dynamic water quality and ecology monitoring to assess about floating urbanization environmental impacts and opportunities. International water week, Amsterdam, 2015.
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