Chapter 4. It's Not Only about Charts

A picture is worth a thousand words; there is no way we can deny that. However, when it comes to dashboards, there is much more than only charts. Labels, images, and tables play an important role in communicating and understanding information. Besides, they can be a surprisingly effective and elegant way to display data. Throughout this chapter, we will review the following topics:

  • Labels and images
  • Straight and pivot tables
  • Visual cues

Text objects

The simplest elements are often the most effective ones and text objects are certainly not an exception. You can include them in your applications in several ways:

  • Cover pages: They give an overview of the application and often serve as a thumbnail in the Access Point
  • Images: Frequently used for aesthetic and branding purposes
  • Titles: Labels that describe the content of the tabs or groups of objects
  • KPI display: This is a simple and effective way of presenting the main figures
  • Auxiliary labels: Present relevant data, such as the units of measurement or the date of the last reload
  • Icons: If well used, they can reinforce concepts or even substitute labels
  • Shadows and frames: Visual elements that can help you create chunks of information or divide the screen into multiple sections
  • Traffic lights: Visual cues that evaluate the performance of the company
  • Popups: Labels that appear on certain conditions to guide the users through the application and remind them of the mandatory selections
  • Buttons: Objects that help the user change tabs, modify variables, show hidden objects, and do much more

For heaven's sake, text object, is there anything that you cannot do?

Text objects

More than simple labels

In this section, we will share a couple of ideas that might help you enhance your dashboards using text objects in many different ways.

Displaying KPIs

An effective and visually engaging way of presenting the main figures in a dashboard is to build a KPI belt by combining text, visual cues, and icons. This type of visualization is very flexible as you can build the structure in a horizontal or vertical manner, use the fonts and colors that best match your dashboard's style, and present virtually any kind of information (raw figures, ratios, comparisons, and so on).

Displaying KPIs

While it may look simple, creating these visualizations usually demands a keen eye, a lot of creativity, and a considerable amount of time. Nevertheless, once you focus on the data and find the best way to present it, the results tend to be stunning.

Displaying KPIs

Here are a few examples of how you can combine objects to create appealing KPI displays. As you can see, some of them are as simple as a label with a modest caption bar, while others involve mixing fonts, colors, sizes, and icons to represent an idea.

Displaying KPIs

Don't hesitate to create your own designs from the scratch. QlikView is a very flexible tool and lets you create amazing visualizations with just a couple of clicks. Just as in a Bob Ross painting, when creating a dashboard, there are no mistakes, just happy accidents. (Don't get too carried away; several happy accidents in a row might upset your stakeholders… especially project managers.)

Creating hierarchies

When we look at a dashboard, our brain automatically creates a hierarchy based on the position, color, and size of the objects that it displays. This is a preattentive behavior that allows us to pay more attention to the items that are considered more important. Therefore, you should be careful while formatting each component in order to highlight only the elements that deserve it. If you want to display a KPI, don't be afraid to use big fonts and bright colors. On the other hand, if you are building an auxiliary label, such as a timestamp of the last reload or clarification notes, it is advisable to deemphasize it using smaller fonts and lighter colors.

Selection prerequisites

We often deal with dashboards that need specific conditions to be met in order to work appropriately. For example, you might need to select only one year, have at least two products available for comparison, or assign a positive integer to a variable.

As you know, every object has a Calculation Condition that blocks it unless all the conditions are met. However, seeing a sheet full of error messages is not a pleasant view. Instead, you can create a text object that covers the rest of the interface and lets the user know which actions are required to go on:

Selection prerequisites

In order to achieve this, go to the Layout tab of the error object (that is, the one that should cover the rest until the conditions are met) and modify its Layer to ensure that it is on top of everything else (the higher layers will cover the lower ones). After that, select Show | Conditional and add a formula to define when it should be displayed:

Selection prerequisites


Using semitransparent backgrounds (General | Transparency) usually works well in this scenario.

Controlling variables

Text objects are one of the few elements in QlikView that have access to the Actions tab, which opens a wide range of options for the designers. This feature lets you create more appealing buttons to make selections, activate sheets, create bookmarks, or even execute macros. Knowing this, you can use a text object not only to display, but also to modify the contents of a variable. Mixing these elements can help you create interactive controls that enhance the navigation schema and add new functionalities to your dashboards. Also, it is a great alternative to sliders and input boxes.

Controlling variables

Transparent buttons

This is a dirty trick, so use it with caution. If you create a transparent button and set it over other objects, you can create the illusion in interactivity in elements that naturally don't have it. For example, the following dashboard displays six boxes with the main metrics for each department in a company. However, all these labels and images are covered by transparent buttons. When the user clicks on them, an action is triggered, and she is sent to another tab with specific information regarding that area.

Transparent buttons


If you lose a transparent item, activate Design Grid (Ctrl + G), and select all the objects in the sheet (Ctrl + A). After this, you will surely see the frame of the elusive ruffian and be able to put it back to its place.

Creating switches

The relationship between buttons and variables can go both ways; you can create a text object that modifies the content of the variable, which—in return—changes some of its features (background image, labels, colors, and so on). The best example for this behavior is an interactive switch button:

Creating switches

You can do the following to create this feature:

  1. Create a new variable (either in the script or the Variable Overview window) called vMenu. This variable will control the switch.
  2. Create a text object. Go to the General tab and select Image under the Representation dropdown.
  3. Type the following formula in the Text box. It references two pictures depending on the content of a variable:
    Creating switches
  4. Go to the Actions tab and click on Add.
  5. Add a Set Variable action (External Action Type) and introduce the following parameters:
    Creating switches
  6. Now, every time you click on this object, vMenu will change from 1 to 0 and vice versa. As a consequence, the switch image will also adapt and make its usage more intuitive.

It is up to you to decide what the impact of pressing this button will be. For example, you can link it to the expressions in a chart so the user can choose which one to see:

Creating switches

Interactive KPI display

Time to mix and match! We've discussed how to create a KPI display and how to build an interactive button. So, why not combine them? For example, the following visualization uses the three boxes on the right not only to show the variance in Sales, Customers, and Budget, but also to control the data that is shown in the table:

Interactive KPI display

The magic behind this lies in a variable that shows or hides the tables to the left while also modifying the buttons' backgrounds. The former is achieved by restricting each chart's visibility (just as we did in the Selection prerequisites section) and the latter is done by calculating the color instead of using a fixed one. For instance, refer to the following code:

if(vMenu='Sales', RGB(245, 245, 245), white()) 
Interactive KPI display

Unconventional visualizations

Text objects excel at displaying the main figures in a dashboard, mostly due to their flexibility. You can use them to change the size, font, color, and transparency of a label or simply to add an image. This allows you to represent data in innovative ways. Take for instance the following image:

Unconventional visualizations

This is a visualization that depicts the first part of a procurement process. The icons represent each step that must be fulfilled in order to make a purchase. The numbers on top of the arrows represent the average number of days taken to finish the task, and the ones at the bottom illustrate the percentage of the submissions that survive. For example, once they have a quotation, this company spends 7.6 days on average to get the approval from the corresponding managers. Also, only 85 percent of the requests make it through (thus, 15 percent get rejected).

Even though you could display the same information in a traditional table, using this kind of representations often makes the interface easier to understand and gives the user a more pleasant experience.

Handcrafted dashboards

If you are on a creative streak, you can build an entire dashboard using mostly text objects: labels, icons, visual cues, shadows, backgrounds, buttons, and so on. Such interfaces look amazing on mobile devices and easily capture the user's attention. However, do not forget that complex visualizations require a lot of maintenance; every change that you make will require moving transparent buttons, adjusting the alignment of dozens of objects, and modifying several variables.

Handcrafted dashboards
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