

3D modelling, see Three dimensional


24–bit colour, 211


Photoshop, see Photoshop

PostScript, 37, 61, 64, 6667

Streamline, 198

Trapwise, 70

Agfa, 67

Alpha channels, 211

Ambient light, 211

Animation, 164165

Applications, see Drawing applications;

Page makeup applications; Painting

applications; Photoediting

applications; Shareware programs

Applying colour, 3643

Architecture, 98101


digital, 195208

light sources for, 79

Astrology, 173

Bézier tool, 211

Bit (colour) depth, 2526, 211

Bitmaps, 211

Bits, 211

Bizarre and macabre images, 167180

Blends, 37, 211

Boolean objects, 138140

Boolean operations, 211

Bryce, 104, 106113

bizarre images with, 175176, 177178

for digital art, 201202, 207

with Poser figures, 162164

sculpture with, 138144

textures with, 190, 193194

Bumpmapping, 106, 160, 211

Calibration, 3233, 34, 212

Cameras, 2021

Canon laser printers, 63

CCDs, 2122

CDs, see Photo CD

Cedar Software, 188189

Choke, 70

Clipart, 211

Clones, 124125, 211

CMS Wizard, 34

CMYK, 24, 211

CMYK mode, 25

CMYK model, 2627

ColorSmart, 59

Colour, 1418, 209

applying, 3643

working with, 1956

Colour blindness, 11

Colour cast, 47

Colour combination techniques, 4043

Colour correction, 211

Colour depth, 2526, 211

Colour display system, 211

Colour editing, 4452

Colour gamut, 29, 31, 76, 211

Colour laser printers, 58, 6364

see also Laser printers

Colour management, 3135, 211

Colour management systems, 3132, 34

Colour masking, 4547, 213

Colour matching systems, 2931

Colour models, 2627, 211

Colour modes, 2526, 211

Colour output, 5777

see also Printing

Colour reproduction, 2025

Colour separation, 6467, 212, 214

Colour space, 26, 212

Colour temperature, 8, 212

Colour wheel, 17

Combination techniques for colour, 4043

Commercial printing, 6477

offset process, 2325, 69, 213

Composite image, 212

Cone of vision, 12

Constable, John, 8

Construction procedures:

chessboard, 9091

city lights, 110

kicking horse, 88

King Kong, 8586

La Mode, 9293

magic bricks, 83

mountain high, 109

muscles, 91

polar scene, 111

return from space, 112

rodeo, 8990

sandstone rocks, 109

satellite, 112

schizophrenia, 92

scuba diving, 8485

for sculptures, 139, 141, 142, 143

shallow water, 110

sign painter, 8889

spook book, 86

Stonehenge, 87

volcanic island, 111

weaving, 84

web, 93

Continuous tone, 212

Convergence and perspective, 13

Corel Photo CD Lab, 35

Corel PHOTO–PAINT, 206, 208

applying colour, 38

colour combining in, 42

Corel TEXTURE, 190192


bizarre images with, 179180

colour management system, 34

for digital art, 198, 202, 203

fill options, 37

labels, 99

lenses, 4445

for portraits, 121

trapping, 7071

Corrective colour editing, 4748

Creative colour editing, 4852

Crete, 7

Cyan, 212

Dainippon, 31

Dali, Salvador, 82

Degas, Edgar, 8

DEM (Digital Elevation Module) files, 112

DEM View, 112

Designer, 36, 37, 121, 137138

Desktop printers, 2325, 5864

calibration, 33

inkjet, 5859, 6162, 212

laser, 61, 213

colour, 58, 6364

thermal wax, 59, 6263, 214

Desktop systems, 20, 31

Device profiles, 3132

DIC Colour Guide, 31

DIC palette, 31

Digital art, 195208

Digital cameras, 22

Digital colour, working with, 1956

Digital colour separation, 6667

Digital Elevation Module (DEM) files, 112

Digital palette, 2829

Digital proofs, 77

Digital sculpture, 131150

Digitising resolution, 212

Diminution and perspective, 13

Dither pattern, 24, 212

Dithering, 212

Doré, Gustave, 8

Dot gain, 7375

DPI, 212

Drawing applications, 197, 212

applying colour in, 3637

colour editing in, 4445

file size, 52

for portrait painting, 119, 120121

sculpture in, 134135

trapping in, 7071

see also CorelDRAW; Micrografx Designer

Drop shadow, 212

DuPont SpectraMaster, 30

Dye sublimation, 63

Eastman Kodak Company, 55

see also Photo CD

Edison, Thomas, 7

Editing, colour, 4452

Egyptians, 7

colours used by, 1415

figure painting by, 116, 153

science of, 182

sculptures of, 132

supernatural images by, 168

Embossing, 212

Enveloping, 212

Environment, work, 3334

Escher, Maurits Corneille, 10, 8283

Extreme 3D, 104, 106, 142

sculpture with, 149150

Extruding, 145, 212

Eyedropper tool, 45

Eyes and vision, 913

FastBits, 53

Feathering, 212

Figures, see Human figures


DEM, 112

manipulating large, 5255

Fills, 3637, 3840

Film, photographic, 21

Filters, applying, 129

FlashPix, 55

Focoltone, 29, 30

Foreshortening and perspective, 13

Four–colour process, 6566, 212

Fractal Grafics, 188189

Fractal Painter:

applying colour, 38, 39, 40

bizarre images with, 180

colour editing in, 50, 5152

for digital art, 199, 201, 203205

for portraits, 121, 124129

and pseudo 3D effects, 103

warping effects, 137

Fractal Poser, 159165

bizarre images with, 176178

figures imported from, 142

Fractals, 188190

Fractint, 188

Freehand, 36, 37, 45

for portraits, 119, 121

Gamma curves, 212

Gauguin, Paul, 155156

GDI (Graphics Device Interfaces), 6061

Gel, 212

Geographical Society, US, 112

Gouraud shaping, 212

Goya, Francisco de, 155, 156

Graphic User Interface, 10

Graphics Device Interfaces, 6061


colours used by, 15

portraits by, 116, 127

sculptures by, 132133, 153154

Grey component replacement, 7576

Greyscale images, 4950

Greyscale mode, 25

GUI (Graphic User Interface), 10

Halftone, 2324, 69, 212

Hewlett–Packard, 55, 59, 61

High resolution images, 5255

High–fidelity colour, 76

Highlights, 212


of art, 196

of figure painting, 153156

of horror, 168169

of human evolution, 152153

of light sources, 7

of portrait painting, 116119

of sculpture, 132134

HLS model, 27

Horror, history of, 168169

HSB model, 27

Hue, 1718

Human figures, 151165

bizarre images with, 176178

imported into Bryce, 142

see also Portraits

IBM Corporation, 186187, 188

Illusions, 1011

Illustrator, 121

Image mapping, 212


bizarre and macabre, 167180

composite, 212

greyscale, 4950

high resolution, 5255

photorealistic, 213

sharpen feature for, 214

Imagesetters, 212

Inkjet printers, 5859, 6162, 212

Inks, 15, 65, 7677

Intelligent Color, 59

Internet, 112, 194, 209

Web sites, 186

Kodak, 55

see also Photo CD


Fractal Designer, 189

Gradient Designer, 39

Spheroid Designer, 192193, 203

Texture Explorer, 192193, 203

L*a*b mode, 25

L*a*b model, 27

Laser printers, 61, 213

colour, 58, 6364

Lathing, 145, 146, 213

Layers, 213

Lenses, colour editing with, 4445

Leonardo da Vinci, 154155

Light, 47

artists’ sources, 79

Lightness, 1718

Line art, 213

Line screen, 213

Lines, applying colour with, 36, 3738

Linotype–Hell, 67

Live Picture, 53, 55

Macabre and bizarre images, 167180


Freehand, see Freehand

xRes, 5355

Magenta, 213

Magic Wand tool, 4546

Mandelbrot, Benoit, 188

Manet, Edouard, 155

Masking, 4547, 213

Masks, 171172

Matching systems, 2931

MetaCreations, 39, 106, 138

see also Bryce; KPT Michelangelo, 154

Micrografx Designer, 36, 37, 121, 137138

Microscopes, images from, 184187

Microscopy Today, 186

Microsoft, 55

Modigliani, Amedeo, 174

Moire patterns, 69, 213

Monet, Claude, 8

Monitors, 2223, 3233, 212

Morphing, 82

Mosaics, 127128

Nature, images from, 181194

Off–press proofs, 77

Offset printing, 2325, 69, 213

Opacity, 213

Output, see Colour output; Printing

Page description languages (PDLs), 6061

Page makeup applications, 7273

PageMaker, 66, 7273

Painter, see Fractal painter

Painting applications, 197, 213

applying colour in, 3740

colour editing in, 4547

file size, 52

for portrait painting, 119, 121

trapping in, 7172

see also Corel PHOTO–PAINT; Fractal

Painter; Photoshop; Picture Publisher,

Painting styles for portraits, 124125

Palette, 2829, 213

Pantone Hexachrome, 76

Pantone Matching System, 2930, 213

Pantone Spot Colours, 2930, 36, 213

Paper, 7677


definition of, 83

defying, 8195

PDLs, 6061

Perspective, 1213

in pseudo 3D effects, 101102

Phong shading, 213

Photo CD, 35, 213

and L*a*b colour mode, 25

bizarre images with, 174175, 179, 180

for digital art, 200201, 204, 205

microscope images on, 184

Photo CD Lab, 35

Photoediting applications:

trapping in, 7172

see also Corel PHOTO–PAINT; Fractal

Painter; Photoshop; Picture Publisher

Photographic colour separation, 6466

Photorealistic images, 213


applying colour, 37, 39

bizarre images with, 174175, 176, 179, 180

bumpmapping, 211

colour combining in, 4243

colour editing in, 46, 47, 4851

for digital art, 198, 200201, 203, 205, 207

dot gain compensation, 7375

filters, 129

plugins for, 189, 192193

portraits in, 121123

with Poser figures, 161162

sculpture in, 136

tiles in, 40

trapping in, 7172

Picasso, Pablo, 82, 133, 155

Picture Publisher, 35

applying colour, 38, 40

colour combination in, 4142

colour editing in, 4647, 48

and large files, 5253

Pipelining, 145, 147

Pixels, 211, 213

Plates, 213

Plotters, 213

PMS (Pantone Matching System), 2930, 213

Pointillism, 8, 9

Polygonal modelling, 213

Portrait (page orientation), 213

Portraits, 115129, 198199

Poser, see Fractal Poser

Posterise command, 123, 213

PostScript, 37, 61, 64, 6667

Press proofs, 77

Primary colours, 1617

Printer driver software, 5960

Printers, desktop, see Desktop printers

Printer’s marks, 6768


commercial, 6477

offset, 2325, 69, 213

desktop, 5864

see also Desktop printers Procedural textures, 190194, 213

Process colours, 3031, 213


printer driver software, 5960

shareware, 112, 188

see also Drawing applications; Page

makeup applications; Painting

applications; Photoediting applications

Proofing, 64, 77

Pseudo 3D effects, 101103

Psychology of visual perception, 911

QColor, 59

QMS, 59

Ray tracing, 213214

RayDream Studio, 104, 105

sculpture in, 145148

text preparation in, 144

Register 1, 214

Relief printing, 214

Rendering, 214

Renoir, Pierre–Auguste, 155, 156

Resolution, 197, 214

digitising, 212

high resolution images, 5255

printers, 59

of raster displays, 213

RGB mode, 25

RGB model, 26, 214

Romans, 168

colours used by, 15

portraits, 116, 127

Saturation, 1718

Scaling, 214

Scanners and scanning, 2122, 32, 214

Scharf, David, 186

Science and nature, images from, 181194

Screen printing, 214


digital, 131150

Greek, 153154

history of, 132134

Secondary colours, 17

SEM Wideband Multi–Detector Color

Synthesizer, 186

Separation, colour, 6467, 212, 214

Seurat, Georges, 8

Shades, 1718

Shareware programs, 112, 188

Sharpen (image enhancement), 214

Shear, 214

Sight, 913

Skeletons, 169170

Skinning, 145146, 214

Skulls, 169170

Smudge, 214

Software, see Programs

Solarise, 214

Spectral ranges, 29

SpectraMaster, 30

Spheroid Designer, 192193, 203

Spline based modelling, 214

Spot colours, 2930, 214

Spread, 70

Stereoscopy and vision, 12

Streamline, Adobe, 198

Studio, see RayDream Studio

Supernatural images, 168169

Surface control for portraits, 126

TekColor, 59

Tektronix, 59

Temperature, 8, 212

Terrain, 102103, 106113

Texture Explorer, 192193, 203


in Picture Publisher, 40

procedural, 190194, 213

with Texture Explorer, 192193, 203

Thermal wax printing, 59, 6263, 214

Three dimensional modelling, 101113

applications, 98, 104, 134, 150

see also Bryce; Extreme 3D; RayDream


Tints, 1718

Tonal control for portraits, 121123

Tones, 1718

Toyo Colour Finder system, 30

Transfer functions, 75

Trapping, 6973

Trapwise, Adobe, 70

Trumatch, 30

Turner, Joseph, 8

Two dimensional layouts, 98100

Undercolour removal, 7576

US Geographical Society, 112

Visual perception, psychology of, 911

Wax phase change, 63

Weaves, Painter’s, 40

Web sites, 186

see also Internet

Work environment, 3334

Xerox, 59, 63

xRes, 5355

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