Action invoke

OK, now we are ready to try out both newly created C and Go functions built in the previous sections. First, we will create an action using the wsk action create command starting with the C program:

$ wsk -i action create --docker chanwit/whisk_c whisk_c
ok: created action whisk_c

If things go correctly, wsk will tell us ok: created action. Next, we will invoke the action using the wsk action invoke command. The invoke command accepts one or more --param to pass parameters to the action. We can also pass --result to obtain the result synchronously. The result is, of course returned as JSON:

$ wsk -i action invoke --param key value --result whisk_c
"args": {
"key": "value"
"msg": "Hello from C program!"

We will try once more, this time with the Go program. First, create the action:

$ wsk -i action create --docker chanwit/whisk_go whisk_go
ok: created action whisk_go

Then, invoke the action using wsk action invoke:

$ wsk -i action invoke --param hello world --result whisk_go
"keys": [
"message": "Hello from Go",
"values": [

As we have seen, we pack actions with Docker and it basically simplifies the whole process, starting with action preparation, creation, and invocation.

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