Obtaining activation results

Each time an action is invoked, OpenWhisk creates an activation record for it. To see the activation record, we may invoke an action without the --result parameter, for example:

$ wsk -i action invoke --param hello world whisk_go
ok: invoked /guest/whisk_go with id 6ba2c0fd6f4348b8a2c0fd6f4388b864

The ID 6ba2c0fd6f4348b8a2c0fd6f4388b864 is called an activation ID. We can now obtain the activation record using the wsk activation get command. Putting a field name after the activation ID will filter it to display only that field. The following example shows only the field response of the activation record 6ba2c0:

$ wsk -i activation get 6ba2c0fd6f4348b8a2c0fd6f4388b864 response
ok: got activation 6ba2c0fd6f4348b8a2c0fd6f4388b864, displaying field response
"status": "success",
"statusCode": 0,
"success": true,
"result": {
"keys": [
"message": "Hello from Go",
"values": [

In the activation record, the JSON result is placed under the result key. You may observe that all the data is correctly serialized to JSON and recorded there.

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