Testing Entities

It's relatively easy to test Entities, simply because they're plain old PHP classes with actions derived from the Domain concept they represent. The focus of the test should be the invariants that the Entity protects, because the behavior on the Entities will likely be modeled around those invariants.

For example, and for the sake of simplicity, suppose a Domain Model for a blog is needed. A possible one could be this:

class Post
private $title;
private $content;
private $status;
private $createdAt;
private $publishedAt;

public function __construct($aContent, $title)

$this->createdAt(new DateTimeImmutable());

private function setContent($aContent)

$this->content = $aContent;

private function setTitle($aPostTitle)

$this->title = $aPostTitle;

private function setStatus(Status $aPostStatus)

$this->status = $aPostStatus;

private function createdAt(DateTimeImmutable $aDate)

$this->createdAt = $aDate;

private function publishedAt(DateTimeImmutable $aDate)

$this->publishedAt = $aDate;

public function publish()
$this->publishedAt(new DateTimeImmutable());

public function unpublish()
$this->publishedAt = null ;

public function isPublished()
return $this->status->equalsTo(Status::published());

public function publicationDate()
return $this->publishedAt;

class Status
const PUBLISHED = 10;
const DRAFT = 20;

private $status;

public static function published()
return new self(self::PUBLISHED);

public static function draft()
return new self(self::DRAFT);

private function __construct($aStatus)
$this->status = $aStatus;

public function equalsTo(self $aStatus)
return $this->status === $aStatus->status;

In order to test this Domain Model, we must ensure the test covers all the Post invariants:

class PostTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
/** @test */
public function aNewPostIsNotPublishedByDefault()
$aPost = new Post(
'A Post Content',
'A Post Title'



/** @test */
public function aPostCanBePublishedWithAPublicationDate()
$aPost = new Post(
'A Post Content',
'A Post Title'



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