Getting Started with Domain-Driven Design

So what is all the fuss about? If you've already read books on this topic by Vaughn Vernon and Eric Evans, you're probably familiar with what we're about to say, as we borrow heavily from their definitions and explanations. Domain-Driven Design (DDD), is an approach that helps us succeed in understanding and building software model designs. It provides us with strategic and tactical modeling tools to aid designing high-quality software that meets our business goals.

The main goal of this book is to show you PHP code examples of the Domain-Driven Design tactical patterns. If you want to learn more about the strategic patterns and the main Domain-Driven Design, you should read Domain Driven Design Distilled by Vaughn Vernon or Domain-Driven Design Reference: Definitions and Pattern Summaries by Eric Evans.

More importantly, Domain-Driven Design is not about technology. Instead, it's about developing knowledge around business and using technology to provide value. Only once you're capable of understanding the business your company works within will you be able to participate in the software model discovery process to produce a Ubiquitous Language.

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